Results for ' French Caribbean'

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  1.  23
    Islands are worthwhile subjects for postcolonial study, and yet cultural imperialism has had different impacts in island settings where there was no indigenous population. Postcolonialism has affected territories that are not postcolonial in that they remain, often voluntarily, in a formal, but also problematic and deeply ambiguous, dependent relationship with an overseas.French Caribbean - 2011 - In Godfrey Baldacchino (ed.), Island songs: a global repertoire. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press. pp. 37.
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  2. French Caribbean : Adieu foulard, adieu madras : a sonic study in (post)colonialism.Yoko Oryu & Godfrey Baldacchino - 2011 - In Godfrey Baldacchino (ed.), Island songs: a global repertoire. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press.
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  3. French Caribbean : Adieu foulard, adieu madras : a sonic study in (post)colonialism.Yoko Oryu & Godfrey Baldacchino - 2011 - In Godfrey Baldacchino (ed.), Island songs: a global repertoire. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press.
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    Individual strategies and state strategies: the shaping of French Caribbean emigration by gender relations.Stéphanie Condon - 2020 - Clio 51:119-141.
    Les recherches ayant permis de sortir de l’invisibilité l’histoire de la migration antillaise mettent généralement l’accent sur sa place parmi les « migrations de travail » dans la France des années 1950-1970, sur le rôle de l’État dans l’expatriation des migrants, puis des discriminations subies. Relativement absente de la littérature est une vision des stratégies des individus, stratégies façonnées par les motifs du départ des Antilles puis par les attentes et les projets de vie à plus long terme. S’appuyant sur (...)
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    The experience of a primary-school teacher from the French Caribbean on arrival in metropolitan France. [REVIEW]Fabien Deshayes & Axel Pohn-Weidinger - 2019 - Clio 50:179-188.
    Les deux documents présentés sont issus respectivement du dossier de carrière d’une institutrice guadeloupéenne (1957-1962) et de la correspondance privée de celle-ci avec son mari (1961-1962). Tous deux éclairent le racisme auquel ont pu faire face les femmes qui ont migré des DOM-TOM vers la métropole dans les années 1950-1960 au sein de deux espaces sociaux différents : le travail en contact avec un public et les relations familiales au sein des couples mixtes. Notre commentaire met en lumière la complexité (...)
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    La Discorde antillaise: Contemporary Debates in Caribbean Criticism J. Michael Dash,The Other America: Caribbean Literature in a New World Context, xii + 197 pp. Kathleen M. Balutansky and Marie-Agnès Sourieau ,Caribbean Creolization. Reflections on the Cultural Dynamics of Language, Literature, and Identity, viii + 192 pp. Amaryll Chanady,Entre inclusion et exclusion: La Symbolisation de l'autre dans les Amériques, 385 pp. Chris Bongie,Islands and Exiles. The Creole Identities of Post/Colonial Literature, vi + 543 pp. H. Adlai Murdoch,Creole Identity in the French Caribbean Novel, xi + 290 pp. [REVIEW]Martin Munro - 2001 - Paragraph 24 (3):117-127.
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    Imaginary, a Caribbean Battle Song.Noémie Auzas - 2011 - Iris 32:169-177.
    Within the Caribbean literature, the imaginary—a very often defined notion—is presented in a new light by the fictional and theoretic thought of Patrick Chamoiseau. The imaginary dimension can’t remain something abstract and essential full of invariants. Chamoiseau is mistrustful of the mythical imaginary, however he doesn’t put an end to it but he opens a literary space where everything has to be created. In Chamoiseau’s works, the imaginary dimension is of the highest importance in an ideological battle-field where the (...)
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    Women and gender in the historiographies of societies with slaves (the French and British Caribbean, seventeenth to mid-nineteenth centuries).Cécile Vidal - 2019 - Clio 50:189-210.
    Malgré la paucité des sources, les historiographies sur les femmes et le genre dans les sociétés avec esclavage des Caraïbes anglaise et française ne cessent de prendre de l’importance depuis les années 1970, même si les recherches sur les Antilles françaises sont beaucoup moins prolifiques que celles sur les British West Indies. Après avoir présenté le champ des études caribéanistes, l’article analyse les travaux relatifs aux femmes esclaves, qui ont longtemps prédominé, puis ceux concernant les femmes libres de couleur et (...)
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    Caribbean Confederations as Relationalities.Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel - 2024 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 32 (1):27-48.
    In this essay, I connect my work on Archipelago studies with Édouard Glissant’s notions of relationality and Caribbean confederations to formulate what I denominate as the erotics of archipelagic thinking. My main goal is to share my process of thinking with and through Glissant’s work to focus on a series of theoretical gestures that have allowed me to propose modes of reading literary depictions of Caribbean con/federations that go beyond the binary opposition between colonialism and nationalism. I am (...)
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    Caribbean and African Appropriations of "The Tempest".Rob Nixon - 1987 - Critical Inquiry 13 (3):557-578.
    The era from the late fifties to the early seventies was marked in Africa and the Caribbean by a rush of newly articulated anticolonial sentiment that was associated with the burgeoning of both international back consciousness and more localized nationalist movements. Between 1957 and 1973 the vast majority of African and the larger Caribbean colonies won their independence; the same period witnessed the Cuban and Algerian revolutions, the latter phase of the Kenyan “Mau Mau” revolt, the Katanga crisis (...)
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  11.  23
    The Crisis of Caribbean Sociology and a Sociology of Crisis.Paget Henry - 2023 - CLR James Journal 29 (1):137-163.
    In this paper, I argue that macro-theorizing in the field of Caribbean sociology is going through a crisis of transition from the third to the fourth major period in its 100-year-old process of historical development. It is a transition from a period in which the houses of earlier Caribbean macro-theorizing in the social sciences, such as creole theory, cultural pluralism and dependency theory, were blown from the center and displaced by the simultaneous arrival of two re-colonizing intellectual hurricanes (...)
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  12.  15
    Émigrés: French Words That Turned English.David Bellos - 2022 - Common Knowledge 28 (3):459-460.
    Etymologies are often entertaining, but it is not always obvious what they mean. Take the case of Old Frankish *sal, meaning a single-roomed dwelling. The word was taken over by speakers of Vulgar Latin as sala, and by 1100 CE it had become a word of Anglo-Norman French, since in The Song of Roland it crops up as sale, meaning the living area of a castle. Some time later, it wandered into Italian. Renaissance architects wanted to make a new (...)
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  13.  37
    “They Themselves Contribute to Their Misery by Their Sloth”: The Justification of Slavery in Eighteenth-Century French Travel Narratives.Jeffer B. Daykin - 2006 - The European Legacy 11 (6):623-632.
    In 1677, France took the slave trading island of Gorée located off the coast of Senegal from the Dutch and, less than a decade later, drafted Le Code Noir to formally provide regulations for slave owning practices. This document—created in response to the rapid expansion of the slave economy in French Caribbean possessions made possible by France's position in West Africa—marked the beginning of French involvement in the slave trade. The comparison of French travel narratives written (...)
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  14. The Head of the Crafty Serpent: Missionary Grammars and Bilingual Dictionaries in African and Caribbean Countries.Servanne Woodward - 1990 - Diogenes 38 (152):50-72.
    A comparison of African grammars written in French, and bilingual Franco-African or Franco-Caribbean dictionaries, allows us to discern a common myth concerning “family” ties between French and African Languages.Missionaries consider two means of conversion: by the introduction of the God-Word to his children, which predetermines the foreign society to be encountered; the other demands an ethno- graphic study (to discover the meaning of language) in oral societies (African, Caribbean) to whom an alphabetical language is superimposed (with (...)
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  15.  27
    African Indigo in the French Atlantic: Michel Adanson’s Encounter with Senegal.Mary Terrall - 2023 - Isis 114 (1):2-24.
    The French botanist Michel Adanson spent five years in precolonial Senegal in the 1750s, under the auspices of the Compagnie des Indes. This essay follows the archival traces of Adanson’s engagement with African indigo, including experiments conducted in an ad hoc “laboratory” near the French fort of Saint Louis. A reconstruction of these experiments exposes the multifarious connections to and from the island garden-laboratory, mediated by materials and different kinds of indigo knowledge, including that of local Wolof informants. (...)
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    The French Atlantic Triangle: Literature and Culture of the Slave Trade (review).Stephen Auerbach - 2009 - Intertexts 13 (1):59-61.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The French Atlantic Triangle: Literature and Culture of the Slave TradeStephen Auerbach (bio)Christopher L. Miller. The French Atlantic Triangle: Literature and Culture of the Slave Trade. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 2008. xvi + 571 pp.Over the last decade scholars have shown a new interest in reconstructing the history of the French slave trade and slaveholding Atlantic. A scholarly consensus is slowly emerging around the notion (...)
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    René Ménil’s Aesthetic Marxism and the Caribbean Philosophical Tradition.Paget Henry - 2021 - CLR James Journal 27 (1-2):143-168.
    This paper is an attempt to introduce the thought of the Martinican philosopher, René Ménil to the English-speaking world. It suggests that his philosophy can best be characterized as an aesthetic Marxism, which moved through three crucial phases: (1) a surrealist/French communist phase; (2) a Black poeticist/French communist phase; and (3) a critical poeticist/Martinican communist phase. The passage through these three phases was marked by an increasing and more fixed centering of the aesthetic that created very real tensions (...)
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  18.  11
    La dynamique de la lutte sociale aux Antilles.P. Pierrevcharles - 2010 - Actuel Marx 47 (1):54 - 62.
    The dynamic of social struggle in the French Caribbean What are the dynamics and the context, who are the agents of the major social movements which marked the spring of 2009 in the French Caribbean ? What is the link between the struggle against exploitation and the struggle against the permanence of the region’s colonial structures ? What differences are to be identified, in this respect, between Guadeloupe, Martinique and Guyana ?. These are the principal questions (...)
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  19.  32
    Community in Post-earthquake Writing from Haiti.Martin Munro - 2014 - Paragraph 37 (2):193-204.
    This article develops Celia Britton's insights into community in French Caribbean writing in two ways. First, it considers Jacques Roumain's Gouverneurs de la rosée and its image of community in the broader context of modern and contemporary Haitian fiction; and second it discusses representations of community in two Haitian works written after the earthquake of 2010, an event that literally destroyed many communities and has forced Haitian authors to rethink relationships between different groups in Haiti and between human (...)
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  20.  39
    La France contemporaine face au défi de la créolisation.Nathalie Etoke - 2017 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 25 (2):26-35.
    Inspired by Jane Gordon's book, Creolizing Political Theory: Reading Rousseau through Fanon, this article examines the paradoxes of Creolization within the French context. How do post-colonial French identities of Maghrebi, Sub-Saharan African or Caribbean descent Creolize French society? Instead of being an opportunity that must be seized by the Nation, why is creolization perceived as an imminent threat to the Republic? How can one think of Creolizing politics in the former colonial power? How does Creolization compel (...)
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  21.  15
    Literature, Geography, and the Postmodern Poetics of Place.Eric Prieto - 2012 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Eric Prieto is a professor of French and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He is the author of Listening In: Music, Mind, and the Modernist Narrative, and numerous essays on music-and-literature, literary spatiality, Caribbean literature, and literary theory.
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  22.  9
    Rootedness: the ramifications of a metaphor.Christy Wampole - 2016 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Roots are good to think with indeed most of us use them as a metaphor every day. A root can signify the hiddenness of our beginnings, or, in its bifurcating structure, the various possibilities in the life of an individual or a collective. This book looks at rootedness as a metaphor for the genealogical origins of people and their attachment to place and how this metaphor transformed so rapidly in twentieth-century Europe. Christy Wampole s case study is France, with its (...)
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  23. The European Conscience and the Black Slave Trade: An Ambiguous Protest.Yves Bénot - 1997 - Diogenes 45 (179):93-109.
    At the turn of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, change was fast and furious: the exploration of coastal Africa by the Portuguese, the exploration of the West Indies by the Spanish, the extermination of the island Indians, the importation of black slaves to the Iberian peninsula, then the expansion of the slave trade to the American colonies - in short, the much-heralded inauguration of European colonization overseas, with all of its attendant horrors. All of this is adequately known, it seems; (...)
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  24.  24
    Shifting the geography of reason: gender, science and religion.Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino & Clevis Headley (eds.) - 2007 - Newcastle, U.K.: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    MARINA PAOLA BANCHETTI-ROBINO is Associate Professor and Chair of the Philosophy Department at Florida Atlantic University. Her areas of research include phenomenology, philosophy of language, philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, and zoosemiotics. Her publications have appeared in such journals as Synthese, Husserl Studies, Idealistic Studies, Philosophy East and West, and The Review of Metaphysics. She has also contributed essays to The Role of Pragmatics in Contemporary Philosophy (1997), Feminist Phenomenology (2000), and Islamic Philosophy and Occidental Phenomenology on the Perennial (...)
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  25.  26
    Haïti, le français en héritage.Jean-Marie Theodat - 2004 - Hermes 40:308.
    La langue française se trouve dans une situation ambiguë en Haïti. Isolée par rapport au créole, concurrencée par la montée en puissance de l'anglais, elle fait montre cependant d'une étonnante vitalité caractérisée par la créativité des écrivains haïtiens et l'originalité de leur production par rapport à tout modèle. On assiste depuis une vingtaine d'années à un double mouvement de promotion du créole comme langue officielle et de culture, tandis que le français, longtemps apanage d'une mince élite descend également dans la (...)
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  26.  11
    Fanon’s Dialectic of Experience.Ato Sekyi-Otu - 1996 - Harvard University Press.
    With the flowering of postcolonialism, we return to Frantz Fanon, a leading theorist of the struggle against colonialism. In this thorough reinterpretation of Fanon's texts, Ato Sekyi-Otu ensures that we return to him fully aware of the unsuspected formal complexity and substantive richness of his work. A Caribbean psychiatrist trained in France after World War II and an eloquent observer of the effects of French colonialism on its subjects from Algeria to Indochina, Fanon was a controversial figure--advocating national (...)
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  27. Review Essay: Suzanne Césaire, The Great Camouflage: Writings of Dissent (1941-1945).Chike Jeffers - 2013 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 21 (1):183-192.
    Review of a recently published collection of the complete writings of Suzanne C ésaire, arguing that it is an important moment for the emerging field of Afro-Caribbean philosophy.
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    Simone de Beauvoir and the Colonial Experience: Freedom, Violence, and Identity.Nathalie Nya - 2019 - Lexington Books.
    Simone de Beauvoir and the Colonial Experience presents a gendered and female perspective of French colonialism between 1946 and 1962. Beauvoir’s colonial reflections can help us to better gauge how women—White, Asian, Arab, Caribbean, Latina, mixed race, and Black—decipher the crimes and injustices of French colonialism.
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    Maryse Condé and the Space of Literature.Eva Sansavior - 2012 - Legenda.
    The Guadeloupean writer and critic Maryse Condé has for the last twenty-five years divided her time between her native Guadeloupe and the United States. If the author's work has attracted much critical attention in the United States, it is her fictional works that have been the focus of this attention, with these predominantly read in the light of political themes such as identity and resistance. In these intelligent and sensitive readings, Eva Sansavior argues in favour of adopting a broader thematic (...)
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  30.  7
    Le poids de la différence.Christine Chivallon - 2004 - Hermes 40:216.
    Cet article aborde la question du modèle républicain français et de sa difficulté à composer avec la diversité culturelle. L'analyse développe l'idée selon laquelle ce n'est pas la diversité en tant que telle qui pose problème à la mise en oeuvre d'un espace public commun, mais le fait que cette diversité répercute des trajectoires historiques douloureuses et conflictuelles que la République elle-même a pu contribuer à produire. Les exemples puisés dans les sociétés antillaises fondées sur l'esclavage illustrent cette tendance du (...)
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    Trois politiques d'intégration dans l'espace francophone.Nobutaka Miura - 2004 - Hermes 40:325.
    Les trois modèles d'intégration politique au sein de l'espace francophone sont analysés d'un point de vue japonais. Le premier est « le modèle républicain » de tolérance ou le modèle français de « nation citoyenne ». Le second est le modèle nord-américain de « multiculturalisme » respectueux de la différence et de l'Autre. Et le troisième est le modèle antillais d'identité créole, identité multiple et composite forgée par un processus ininterrompu de rencontres et de métissages culturels. Ces modèles sont confrontés (...)
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  32.  64
    Between Stephen Lloyd and Esteban Yo-eed: Locating Jamaica Through Cuba.Faith Smith - 2012 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 20 (1):22-38.
    In their oft-cited manifesto, the Martinican Creolists exhort Caribbean people to forego their continuing allegiances to the “mythical shores” of various old worlds, and to affirm instead the “alluvial Creoleness” that binds (or that ought to bind) them to each other, and to other communities across the globe with a similar plantation history: “Neither Europeans, nor Africans, nor Asians, we proclaim ourselves Creoles; “[the Creole language] is the initial means of communication of our deep self, or our collective unconscious, (...)
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    Contrapunteo Deleuze-Guattari / benítez Rojo: Diferencia Y repetición de la isla en la geofilosofía Del caribe.Amalia Boyer Hernández - 2020 - Universitas Philosophica 37 (74):231-251.
    In this paper I shall address the connections between Deleuze and Guattari’s philosophy and Caribbean thought. However, I will only focus on Antonio Benítez Rojo’s essay The Repeating Island, since I have found in it the presence—or expression—of some key deleuzian and deleuzo-guattarian concepts. I will use the deleuzian concept of repetition to defend this stance, as well as to argue that one may find some of the most interesting readings of Deleuze’s texts in the work of Caribbean (...)
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  34.  13
    Fanon: Imperative of the Now.Grant Farred - 2013 - Duke University Press.
    This collection of essays marks the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of Frantz Fanon’s classic study of anticolonial struggle, _The Wretched of the Earth_. Scholars explore the relevance of Fanon’s work for current modes of psychoanalysis, postcolonial theory, and political thought. One contributor reposes a classic question of postcolonial scholarship: what does it mean for a colonial Caribbean man to practice a Continental intellectual tradition? Others identify Fanon’s experiences working at a mental institution in colonial French Algeria as (...)
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    Working, Writing and the Antillean Postcolony: Patrick Chamoiseau and Gisèle Pineau.Lorna Milne - 2014 - Paragraph 37 (2):205-220.
    Patrick Chamoiseau's Un Dimanche au cachot and Gisèle Pineau's Folie, aller simple refer to the authors’ professions to explore the tensions besetting Caribbean territories that belong integrally to the French Republic, yet are culturally distinct from the Hexagon. While both writers use a version of ‘staged marginality’ to raise questions about the ‘imagined community’ of the Republic, each adopts a different political approach and writing strategy. Chamoiseau appears still to struggle with binary colonial anxieties in relation to France, (...)
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  36.  55
    The Commemoration of Slavery in France and the Emergence of a Black Political Consciousness.Jean-Yves Camus - 2006 - The European Legacy 11 (6):647-655.
    The abolition of slavery after the Revolution of 1789 has always been hailed by the French secular State as proof of the progressivist nature of the Republic. Nevertheless, there has never been any attempt to seriously confront the French involvement in the trade of slaves, which lasted for two centuries. France, a colonial power until the 1960s, which still retains several overseas possessions with an Afro-Caribbean population, has a large resident black population in the mainland which feels (...)
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    The Legacy of the Enlightenment.James Schmidt - 2002 - Philosophy and Literature 26 (2):432-442.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 26.2 (2002) 432-442 [Access article in PDF] The Legacy of the Enlightenment James Schmidt What's Left of Enlightenment? A Postmodern Question, edited by Keith Michael Baker and Peter Hanns Reill; ix & 203 pp. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, $45.00 cloth, $19.95 paper. Postmodernism and the Enlightenment: New Perspectives in Eighteenth-Century French Intellectual History, edited by Daniel Gordon; vi & 227 pp. New York: Routledge, (...)
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    Créolité: Affirmation identitaire et dialogue interculturel.Olivier Pulvar - 2004 - Hermes 40:71.
    L'actualité sociolinguistique des Départements français de la Caraïbe et de l'Océan indien illustre les contradictions internes qui agitent les sociétés créoles. Elle souligne également la difficulté que rencontrent ces territoires pour envisager leurs rapports entre eux. L'action de l'État destinée à valoriser les langues et cultures régionales dans la République, a relancé le débat public sur la question linguistique dans les aires créolophones françaises. L'existence d'un ou plusieurs créoles, les modalités de son écriture, les critères de sa généralisation dans le (...)
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    How to be Primitive: Tropiques, Surrealism and Ethnography.Celia Britton - 2009 - Paragraph 32 (2):168-181.
    The review Tropiques, founded in Martinique by Aimé Césaire and colleagues in 1941, was heavily influenced by French surrealism, both for its emphasis on political liberation and its investment in primitivism and the revalorization of non-European cultures. But Tropiques's attitude to primitivism was far more ambivalent and contradictory than is usually assumed. While the editors and contributors sometimes do indeed claim to have, as Martinican intellectuals, a close identificatory connection to primitivist sensibility, elsewhere their attitude to such supposed examples (...)
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    Dénètem Touam Bona, Fugitive, where are you running?Paolo Israel - 2024 - Kronos 50 (1):1-3.
    D. Touam Bona, Fugitive, Where are you Running?, L. Hengehold (trans) (Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, 2023), 230 pp., ISBN: 978-1509551842 Fugitive, Where are you Running? is a collection of essays, most of which were previously published in French, by writer, philosopher and curator Dénètem Touam Bona. The author's inclination to straddle geographic and conceptual lines is reflected in the scope, exuberance and poetic verve of the volume. The first three chapters ('Return of the Maroni', 'The Art of the Fugue', (...)
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    The Case for Incomprehension.Neal Allar - 2015 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 23 (1):43-58.
    I argue that Glissant conceived of opacity first and foremost in his poetry and in his readings of earlier writers, from Mallarmé to Saint-John Perse to William Faulkner, whose moments of complication or incomprehensibility he found productive. By examining the literary valence of this concept of Caribbean philosophy, I claim that opacity not only protects the subject from the invasive grasp of colonial thought but also, more affirmatively, invites the reader to join the poet on equal footing in the (...)
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    A Forgotten Revolutionary Solidarity.Yue Qiu - 2023 - CLR James Journal 29 (1):165-194.
    Though a few scholars have discussed the transnational engagement of Caribbean thinkers with China, hitherto unknown is the imaginative alliance Left-wing Chinese writers crafted with the Caribbean via their works on the Haitian Revolution. This paper explores writings by four Chinese Marxists—Li Chunhui, Wang Chunliang, Lu Guojun, and Mao Xianglin—who engaged with Caribbean intellectuals, like Eric Williams, and used the history of the first anti-colonial revolution to rethink China’s own decolonial experiment. During the Maoist era, these thinkers (...)
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    From Antillanité to the Archipelagic.H. Adlai Murdoch - 2024 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 32 (1):4-26.
    The pervasive patterns of neocolonialism long at work in the Francophone Caribbean, whereby the islands have been overseas departments of France for over seventy-five years, operate through a strategic metropolitan praxis of prohibition and exclusion that has long undermined a functional framework that enables and valorizes local sociocultural self-affirmation. While France has effectively sought to efface Guadeloupean and Martinican discourses of nationalism by integrating them into an overarching metropolitan framework of domination of the Other and the disavowal of difference, (...)
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  44. Fanon and the Decolonization of Philosophy.Elizabeth Anne Hoppe & Tracey Nicholls (eds.) - 2010 - Lexington (Rowman & Littlefield).
    Fanon and the Decolonization of Philosophy explores the range of ways in which Frantz Fanon's decolonization theory can reveal new answers to perennial philosophical questions and new paths to social justice. The aim is to show not just that Fanon's thought remains philosophically relevant, but that it is relevant to an even wider range of philosophical issues than has previously been realized. The essays in this book are written by both renowned Fanon scholars and new scholars who are emerging as (...)
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    Wollstonecraft in Jamaica: the international reception of A Vindication of the Rights of Men in the Kingston Daily Advertiser in 1791.Eileen Hunt Botting - 2021 - History of European Ideas 47 (8):1304-1314.
    Re-reading Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Men (1790) in the context of the international politics after the start of the French Revolution in 1789 and before the rise of the Haitian Revolution in 1791 leads to three discoveries in the history of European ideas. First, her reply to Edmund Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France was advertised, discussed, and rumoured to be the work of a woman in London papers days earlier in November 1790 than (...)
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    The haitian migratory system in the guianas: beyond borders.Handerson Joseph - 2020 - Dialogos 24 (2):198-258.
    The Guianas are an important migratory field in the Caribbean migratory system, whereby goods, objects, currencies, and populations circulate for different reasons: geographical, cultural proximity, climatic, geopolitical and socioeconomic factors. From the 1960s and 1970s, Haitian migration increased in the Guianas. Five decades later, after the January 2010 earthquake, the migratory spaces were intensified in the region, Brazil became part of them as a country of residence and transit to reach French Guiana and Suriname. In 2013, the routes (...)
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  47.  16
    Hegel’s master-slave dialectic and the Haiti revolt (1791–1804): Transatlantic print chronicles of race in an age of colonial market exchange. [REVIEW]Jonathan Bowman - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    This work contributes to recent transdisciplinary efforts to view the Haitian slave revolt (1791–1804) as the historical inspiration for Hegel’s master-slave dialectic. Reconstructions offered by contemporary postcolonial scholars argue that the Haitian revolt was chronicled in Minerva as Hegel raced to finish his Phenomenology. Benhabib recently recognized the Hegel-Haiti thesis as entailing the sort of inclusive dialogical learning process necessary to validate subaltern experiences. The thesis has also drawn its share of sceptical scrutiny as Badiou claims that it risks forcing (...)
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    Pierre Bourdieu in Hispanic Literature and Culture.Sánchez Prado & M. Ignacio (eds.) - 2018 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    Pierre Bourdieu in Hispanic Literature and Culture is a collective reflection on the value of French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu's work for the study of Spanish and Latin American literature and culture. The authors deploy Bourdieu's concepts in the study of Modernismo, avant-garde Mexico, contemporary Puerto Rican literature, Hispanism, Latin American cultural production, and more. Each essay is also a contribution to the study of the politics and economics of culture in Spain and Latin America. The book, as a whole, (...)
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    Lire l'altérité culturelle dans les textes antillais.Virginie Turcotte - 2010 - Montréal: Université du Québec à Montréal, Centre de recherche Figura sur le texte et l'imaginaire.
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    At the Core of Creolization: The Work of the African or the Africanization of Insular America.Hanétha Vété-Congolo - 2012 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 20 (1):39-74.
    The Caribbean, as it is known today, is arguably the very last world born in the history of humanity with practices and physiological and spiritual characteristics that singularize its peoples and presents novel and original ways of being. The latter has always intrigued, bewildered and raised an ontological issue within and without its geographical boundaries. Is it a pale replica of Europe or a worthless extension of Africa? The question arises due to the particular history that started with conflicts (...)
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