Results for 'welfare discourse'

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  1.  61
    Social Welfare Discourses and Scholars’ Ethical-Political Dilemmas in the Crisis of Neoliberalism.Francesco Laruffa - 2019 - Ethics and Social Welfare 13 (4):323-339.
    Discourse is central in promoting – or hindering – social change. This paper discusses the ethical-political dilemmas that academics face in developing progressive discourses on social welfare in the hegemonic crisis of neoliberalism. A central dilemma concerns the (implicit or explicit) target of their discourse. Speaking to elites reproduces dominant values and interests, reinforcing central elements of neoliberalism such as economisation and de-politicisation. Moreover, this approach remains technocratic (i.e. academics act as experts), thereby failing to address citizens’ (...)
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    Death, Disability, and Dogma.Jennifer Clegg & Richard Lansdall-Welfare - 2003 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 10 (1):67-79.
    Mourning exists at the nexus between individual experience, professional discourses, research, and culture, making it a complex issue for health services that has shown vibrant change in recent years. By contrast, bereavement discourse in intellectual disability is suffused by dogmatic assertions about correct intervention: we describe four vignettes to illustrate bereavement issues in intellectual disability. Suggestions concerning issues and management are made, but the article focuses primarily on the conceptual issues that underpin clinical intervention. The analysis shows how challenges (...)
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    Discourse on the idea of sustainability: with policy implications for health and welfare reform.Ming-Jui Yeh - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 23 (2):155-163.
    Sustainability has become a major goal of domestic and international development. This essay analyzes the transitions of normative ideas embedded in the notion of sustainability by reviewing the discourses in the representative reports and literature from different periods. Three sets of ideas are proposed: inter- and intra-generational equity, stability of public systems, and a sense of solidarity, which confirms the scope of community and functions as a precondition for the previous two ideas. This essay uses the case of a health (...)
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    The human rights discourse between liberty and welfare: a dialogue with Jacques Maritain and Amartya Sen.Jiji Philip - 2017 - Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos.
    Given the fact that the prevalent political debates about the status and significance of liberty and welfare are almost polarised, this book defends both of them as essential to human dignity and well being. Amartya Sen's capability approach is the result of his constructive criticism of John Rawls' political liberalism. Though Jacques Maritain is often regarded as the forerunner of Rawls, he has not yet been discussed in relation to Sen's capability approach. Despite Maritain's pioneering contributions to human rights (...)
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    Common Cause? Policymaking Discourse and the Prison/welfare Trade-Off.Josh Guetzkow - 2020 - Politics and Society 48 (3):321-356.
    This article advances our understanding of the well-documented trade-off between welfare and prisons by analyzing US congressional hearings on welfare and criminal justice policies in two periods: the “Great Society” of 1961–67 and the “neoliberal” era of 1981–96. Comparing policymakers’ conceptions about the causes of poverty and crime, about poor and criminal populations, and about the proper role of government, the findings show that conceptions across policy domains are similar in each period and have changed in similar ways (...)
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  6. The emergence of the idea of ‘the welfare state’ in British political discourse.David Garland - 2022 - History of the Human Sciences 35 (1):132-157.
    This article traces the emergence of the term welfare state in British political discourse and describes competing efforts to define its meaning. It presents a genealogy of the concept's emergence and its subsequent integration into various political scripts, tracing the struggles that sought to name, define, and narrate what welfare state would be taken to mean. It shows that the concept emerged only after the core programmes to which it referred had already been enacted into law and (...)
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    Welfare.Guy Fletcher - 2022 - Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics.
    Welfare is the measure of how well someone’s life is going for them (either at one time or over a whole life). This concept is crucial throughout practical philosophy, appearing in debates in ethics, political philosophy, philosophy of law, and beyond. -/- Philosophical discussions of welfare have centered around the extent to which welfare is purely a matter of the quality of one’s experience, the extent to which it is a matter of getting what one desires or, (...)
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    Axiology of the welfare state in philosophical discourse.E. Titova - 2015 - Journal of Philosophical Researchжурнал Философских Исследований 1 (4):3-3.
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    Normativity, prudence and welfare.Michael Ridge - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (5):1213-1235.
    Most discussions of discourse about welfare and discourse about prudence are a “package deal” when it comes to their normativity—either both or neither are normative. In this paper I argue against this conventional “package deal” assumption. I argue that discourse about welfare is not normative in one useful sense of that term, but that prudential discourse is normative. My argument draws in part on ideas from Derek Parfit’s account of personal identity. I then offer (...)
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    ‘Social Skills’: Following a Travelling Concept from American Academic Discourse to Contemporary Danish Welfare Institutions.Annick Prieur, Sune Qvotrup Jensen, Julie Laursen & Oline Pedersen - 2016 - Minerva 54 (4):423-443.
    The article traces the origin and development of the concept of social skills in first and foremost American academic discourse. As soon as the concept of social skills was coined, the concern for people lacking such skills started and has been on the increase ever since. After the analysis of the academic history of the concept follows an examination of the implementation of a range of assessment instruments and training programmes related to social skills in contemporary Danish welfare (...)
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    Social Entitlements in Habermas’s Discourse Theory of Law: Welfare State Regulations as Legitimizing Institutions.Stefan Späth - 2022 - Ratio Juris 35 (3):273-289.
    In Habermas’s discourse theory of law, the guarantee of citizens’ private and public autonomy is a prerequisite of legitimate law. This includes social entitlements. They provide the living conditions necessary for equal opportunities in the use of private and public freedoms. A proceduralist paradigm of the welfare state ensures private and public autonomy in shaping social rights. This makes welfare state regulations a legitimizing institution. This legal theoretical approach is outlined and defended against objections. The focus falls (...)
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    Confucian Discourse and Chu Hsi's Ascendancy.Hoyt Cleveland Tillman - 1992 - University of Hawaii Press.
    "A major transformation in thought took place during the Southern Sung (1127-1279). A new version of Confucian teaching, Tao-hsueh Confucianism (what modern scholars sometimes refer to as Neo-Confucianism), became state orthodoxy, a privileged status which it retained until the twentieth century." "Existing studies of the new Confucianism generally depict a single line of development to and from Chu Hsi (1130-1200), the greatest theoretician of the tradition. In this study of unprecedented scope, however, Hoyt Cleveland Tillman offers an integrated intellectual history (...)
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  13. Child (Bio)Welfare and Beyond : Intersecting Injustices in Childhoods and Swedish Child Welfare.Zlatana Knezevic - 2020 - Dissertation, Mälardalen University
    The current thesis discusses how tools for analysing power are developed predominately for adults, and thus remain underdeveloped in terms of understanding injustices related to age, ethnicity/race and gender in childhoods. The overall aim of this dissertation is to inscribe a discourse of intersecting social injustices as relevant for childhoods and child welfare, and by interlinking postcolonial, feminist, and critical childhood studies. The dissertation is set empirically within the policy and practice of Swedish child welfare, here exemplified (...)
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    Welfare restrictions and ‘benefit tourists’: Representations and evaluations of EU migrants in the UK.Deanna Demetriou - 2018 - Communications 43 (3):379-401.
    This article investigates online representations and evaluations of EU migrants, focusing on the notion of ‘benefit tourism’ and discursive strategies used in the (de)legitimization of new welfare restrictions in the UK. Through the examination of online newspapers and corresponding public comment threads, this article adopts theoretical and methodological premises from Critical Discourse Studies (CDS), drawing upon the Discourse-Historical Approach (DHA) to provide both a politically motivated as well as reflexive account. Although new participatory structures allow for resistance (...)
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  15.  23
    Neoliberalism, welfare policy, and feminist theories of social justice: Feminist Theory Special Issue: `Feminist Theory and Welfare'.Anna Marie Smith - 2008 - Feminist Theory 9 (2):131-144.
    An overview of the feminist theory literature on welfare policy and politics is presented. This introductory essay places a particular emphasis on the works that fall within the political sociology and normative political philosophy genres. In a lengthy digression, the article offers a tribute to the work of Iris Marion Young. It examines the centrality of her thinking about distribution, cultural marginalization, the welfare state bureaucracy, transnational responsibility and solidarity, and the pitfalls of maternalist discourse for this (...)
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  16.  49
    Fake news? A critical analysis of the ‘Welfare Cheats, Cheat Us All’ campaign in Ireland.Eoin Devereux & Martin J. Power - 2019 - Critical Discourse Studies 16 (3):347-362.
    ABSTRACTUsing qualitative content analysis, informed by a Critical Discourse Analysis approach, this article examines the production, content and reception of print and online media discourses concerning the 2017 ‘Welfare Cheats, Cheat Us All’ campaign in the Republic of Ireland. Our article is situated in the context of recent debates concerning the media’s role in articulating ‘disgust’ discourses focused on ‘welfare fraud’, poverty and unemployment. Central to these processes is the social construction of those who are deemed to (...)
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  17.  14
    Social quality and welfare system sustainability.Alan Walker - 2011 - International Journal of Social Quality 1 (1):5-18.
    This article examines the extent to which the concept of social quality could contribute to a transformation in the debates about the welfare sustainability in Asia and Europe. The article starts by outlining the concept of social quality: its constitutional, conditional and normative components and the origins of its development as a European conceptual framework. Then a bridge is created between Europe and Asia by looking briefly at the similarities and differences between social quality and human security, a concept (...)
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  18.  17
    The European national welfare states and the dissolution of the EU.Penda Altaras - 2018 - Filozofija I Društvo 29 (2):275-290.
    This paper examines the causes of prominent radical political options and behaviors that are already visible on a daily basis in the European Union. In public discourse there is a simplified belief that the primarily responsibility for this lies with the immigrants and fear caused by terrorist attacks carried out in Europe or the old European latent nationalism. Although these elements undoubtedly contribute to the development of radicalism, the author argues that the key sources for this issue should be (...)
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  19.  21
    “The Emperor's new clothes”: discourse analysis on how the patient is constructed in the new Swedish Patient Act.Elisabeth Dahlborg Lyckhage, Sandra Pennbrant & Åse Boman - 2017 - Nursing Inquiry 24 (2):e12162.
    The Swedish welfare debate increasingly focuses on market liberal notions and its healthcare perspective aims for more patient‐centered care. This article examines the new Swedish Patient Act describing and analyzing how the patient is constructed in government documents. This study takes a Foucauldian discourse analysis approach following Willig's analysis guide. The act contains an entitlement discourse for patients and a requirement discourse for healthcare personnel. These two discourses are governed by a values‐based healthcare discourse. Neo‐liberal (...)
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  20.  85
    Moral Steaks? Ethical Discourses of In Vitro Meat in Academia and Australia.Tasmin Dilworth & Andrew McGregor - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (1):85-107.
    The profile and possibilities of in vitro meat are rapidly expanding, creating new ethical conundrums about how to approach this nascent biotechnology. The outcomes of these ethical debates will shape the future viability of this technology and its acceptability for potential consumers. In this paper we focus on how in vitro meat is being ethically constructed in academic literatures and contrast this with discourses evident in the mainstream print media. The academic literature is analysed to identify a typology of ethical (...)
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  21.  26
    The Ranking Argument – Challenging Favourable Comparative Rhetoric about Animal Welfare Law.Christian Rodriguez Perez, Nico Dario Müller, Kirsten Persson & David M. Shaw - 2023 - Leoh - Journal of Animal Law, Ethics and One Health 1.
    This article captures and critiques a recurring and prominent political argument against animal welfare improvements in Switzerland which we term the “ranking argument”. This states that Swiss animal welfare law ranks among the strictest in the world, therefore no improvements are called for. This argument was advanced three times by Swiss government authorities in 2022 alone, but also in a case dating back to 1984, to advise the electorate on popular initiatives aiming at animal welfare improvements. We (...)
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  22.  37
    Centering marginalized voices: a discourse analytic study of the Black Lives Matter movement on Twitter.Mark Nartey - 2022 - Critical Discourse Studies 19 (5):523-538.
    Recent studies on non-dominant or minority groups have begun to look at how their members reconstruct resistance, sculpt a positive identity for themselves and engage in solidarity formation for group empowerment. The present study contributes to this growing scholarship by examining the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement’s use of Twitter to promote an emancipatory agenda for Black communities/people. Based on the tweets produced by the BLM movement, I analyze various discursive mechanisms utilized by the movement to resist institutional oppression and (...)
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  23.  27
    Towards a Citizens’ Welfare State.Ruth Lister - 2001 - Theory, Culture and Society 18 (2-3):91-111.
    Notions of recognition and difference do not inform the mainstream debate about welfare reform, which is, instead, dominated by a dichotomous discourse of active modernization vs passive ‘welfare dependency’. The article challenges this dichotomy within the context of New Labour’s welfare reform agenda in the UK. It argues, first, that welfare reform should treat improvements in social security benefits not as promoting ‘passive’ welfare but as complementary to labour market activation policies. Second, it redefines (...)
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  24.  25
    Gender blindness: On health and welfare technology, AI and gender equality in community care.Susanne Frennert - 2021 - Nursing Inquiry 28 (4):e12419.
    Digital health and welfare technologies and artificial intelligence are proposed to revolutionise healthcare systems around the world by enabling new models of care. Digital health and welfare technologies enable remote monitoring and treatments, and artificial intelligence is proposed as a means of prediction instead of reaction to individuals’ health and as an enabler of proactive care and rehabilitation. The digital transformation not only affects hospital and primary care but also how the community meets older people's needs. Community care (...)
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  25.  7
    Ethnographic Discourse of the Other: Conceptual and Methodological Issues.Panchanan Mohanty, Ramesh C. Malik & Eswarappa Kasi (eds.) - 2008 - Cambridge Scholars Press.
    This book primarily tries to bring out the analogy between the conceptual and methodological discourses on the theme of the other. The term 'Other' here refers to the oppressed sections of the society. It may be dalits, women, indigenous or ethnic communities. Since we are living in a multicultural and multilingual society, we should share our views with others on a platform where issues of the marginalized people are addressed by different scholars following different methods and techniques. Though there are (...)
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  26.  24
    Media discourse in China and Japan on the COVID-19 pandemic: comparative analysis of the first three months.Gulsan Ara Parvin, Md Habibur Rahman, S. M. Reazul Ahsan, Md Anwarul Abedin & Mrittika Basu - 2022 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 20 (2):308-328.
    Purpose This study aims to analyze how English-language versions of e-newspapers in the first two countries affected, China and Japan, which are non-English-speaking countries and have different socio-economic and political settings, have highlighted Coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic news and informed the global community. Design/methodology/approach A text-mining approach was used to explore experts’ thoughts as published by the two leading English-language newspapers in China and Japan from January to March 2020. This study analyzes the Opinion section, which mainly comprises editorial and (...)
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  27.  69
    Artificial Intelligence, Automation, and Social Welfare: Some Ethical and Historical Perspectives on Technological Overstatement and Hyperbole.Jo Ann Oravec - 2019 - Ethics and Social Welfare 13 (1):18-32.
    The potential societal impacts of automation using intelligent control and communications technologies have emerged as topics in a number of recent writings and public policy initiatives. Many of these expressions have referenced the writings and research efforts of Herbert Simon (1961), Norbert Wiener (1948), and contemporaries from their early technological and social vantage points concerning the future of technology and society. Constructed entities labeled as “thinking machines” (such as IBM’s Watson as well as intelligent chatbot and robotic systems) have also (...)
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  28.  20
    Importance and Feasibility of Animal Welfare Measures from a Consumer Perspective in Germany.Heinke Heise, Sirkka Schukat & Carolin Winkel - 2020 - Food Ethics 5 (1-2).
    The subject animal welfare is increasingly in the public discourse. Consumers and policymakers are increasingly demanding products that are produced under increased animal welfare standards. The profession of the farmer involuntarily gets into disrepute. Many consumers want fundamental changes in pig farming, but are not aware of the consequences of implementation. In this representative study, consumers (n = 1101) were asked about their assessment of 33 animal welfare measures with regard to their importance and the feasibility (...)
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  29.  88
    Solidarity, Society and the Welfare State in the United Kingdom.Richard E. Ashcroft - 2000 - Health Care Analysis 8 (4):377-394.
    Political argument and institutions in the UnitedKingdom have frequently been represented as the products of ablend of nationalistic conservatism, liberal individualism andsocialism, in which consensus has been prized over ideology. This situation changed, as the standard story has it, with therise of Thatcherism in the late 1970s, and again with the arrivalof Tony Blair's ``New Labour'' pragmatism in the late 1990s. Solidarity as an element of political discourse makes itsappearance in the UK late in the day. It has been (...)
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    Citizens’ data afterlives: Practices of dataset inclusion in machine learning for public welfare.Helene Friis Ratner & Nanna Bonde Thylstrup - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-11.
    Public sector adoption of AI techniques in welfare systems recasts historic national data as resource for machine learning. In this paper, we examine how the use of register data for development of predictive models produces new ‘afterlives’ for citizen data. First, we document a Danish research project’s practical efforts to develop an algorithmic decision-support model for social workers to classify children’s risk of maltreatment. Second, we outline the tensions emerging from project members’ negotiations about which datasets to include. Third, (...)
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    Making men into dads: Fatherhood, the state, and welfare reform.Laura S. Abrams & Laura Curran - 2000 - Gender and Society 14 (5):662-678.
    Recent revisions in child support and paternity establishment legislation enacted under the 1996 welfare reform act, the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, significantly alter the American welfare state's relationship to men's fathering. Through a critical review of prior research and social service literature, the authors argue that PRWORA actively constructs fatherhood not only through state policies that maintain males as “breadwinners” but also through state-sponsored social service programs that seek to influence men's identities as fathers. PRWORA's (...)
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  32.  15
    Redescribing fossil-fuel investments: how hegemony challengers ‘invert’ arguments in the Norwegian public discourse on climate risk.Tine S. Handeland & Liv Sunnercrantz - 2025 - Critical Discourse Studies 22 (1):37-52.
    This article introduces the concept of inversion as a rhetorical-political strategy used to redescribe climate concerns from being sacrificed in favour of profitability to seeing that profitability necessitates climate concerns. Drawing on discourse theory and rhetorical analysis, the article analyses discursive struggles in the dominant discourse of fossil-fuel growth in Norway, from 2013 to 2019. By inverting the image of fossil-fuel dependency from growth and success to loss and stagnation in the Norwegian public discourse on fossil fuels (...)
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  33. Amoral, im/moral and dis/loyal: Children’s moral status in child welfare.Zlatana Knezevic - 2017 - Childhood 4 (24):470-484.
    This article is a discursive examination of children’s status as knowledgeable moral agents within the Swedish child welfare system and in the widely used assessment framework BBIC. Departing from Fricker’s concept of epistemic injustice, three discursive positions of children’s moral status are identified: amoral, im/moral and dis/loyal. The findings show the undoubtedly moral child as largely missing and children’s agency as diminished, deviant or rendered ambiguous. Epistemic injustice applies particularly to disadvantaged children with difficult experiences who run the risk (...)
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    The Duty to Be Transparent When Supporting Laws in Public Discourse.Gregory Robson - 2023 - Social Theory and Practice 49 (2):337-362.
    Political liberals on the left (e.g., Rawls) and right (e.g., Nozick) have long been concerned with the moral justification of coercive legal structures. I argue that anyone who publicly advocates a new coercive law is under a moral duty to those whom the law might negatively affect. The duty is to say that the law would be impactful and why its impacts (e.g., its coerciveness and welfare effects) are worth having all-things-considered. This is a defeasible duty of transparency and (...)
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    Discourse Ethics: A Pedagogical Policy for Promoting Democratic Virtues.Gertrud Nunner-Winkler - 2023 - Educational Theory 73 (2):273-291.
    The guidelines followed by many educational boards recommend behavioristic practices for dealing with student discipline; however, Lawrence Kohlberg's idea of organizing schools as “just communities” suggests a more promising approach. It translates to the school context the core principle of Habermas's discourse ethics: those norms to which all concerned agree are valid. In such democratically organized schools, students engage in less violence and take greater responsibility for safeguarding each other's welfare. Public debates about rules and handling transgressions generate (...)
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  36.  13
    Dangerous Dependencies: The Intersection of Welfare Reform and Domestic Violence.Nancy A. Myers, Andrew S. London & Ellen K. Scott - 2002 - Gender and Society 16 (6):878-897.
    Using longitudinal, ethnographic data, the authors examine how the pursuit of self-sufficiency in the context of welfare reform may unintentionally encourage some women to develop alternative dangerous dependencies on abusive or potentially abusive men. In this article, the authors document how women ended up relying on men who have been abusive to them either for instrumental assistance or for more direct financial assistance as they struggled to move from welfare to work. The authors also document how some extremely (...)
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    Health and Welfare in Animals and Humans.Lennart Nordenfelt - 2011 - Acta Biotheoretica 59 (2):139-152.
    This paper contains a brief comparative analysis of some philosophical and scientific discourses on human and animal health and welfare, focusing mainly on the welfare of sentient animals. The paper sets forth two kinds of proposals for the analysis of animal welfare which do not appear in the contemporary philosophical discussion of human welfare, viz. the coping theory of welfare and the theory of welfare in terms of natural behaviour. These proposals are scrutinized in (...)
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    Contemporary Technology Discourse and the Legitimation of Capitalism.Eran Fisher - 2010 - European Journal of Social Theory 13 (2):229-252.
    At the center of contemporary discourse on technology — or the digital discourse — is the assertion that network technology ushers in a new phase of capitalism which is more democratic, participatory, and de-alienating for individuals. Rather than viewing this discourse as a transparent description of the new realities of techno-capitalism and judging its claims as true (as the hegemonic view sees it) or false (a view expressed by few critical voices), this article offers a new framework (...)
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    AI for the public. How public interest theory shifts the discourse on AI.Theresa Züger & Hadi Asghari - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (2):815-828.
    AI for social good is a thriving research topic and a frequently declared goal of AI strategies and regulation. This article investigates the requirements necessary in order for AI to actually serve a public interest, and hence be socially good. The authors propose shifting the focus of the discourse towards democratic governance processes when developing and deploying AI systems. The article draws from the rich history of public interest theory in political philosophy and law, and develops a framework for (...)
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    Works of Love, Discourses, and Other Writings.M. Jamie Ferreira - 2008-10-17 - In Steven Nadler (ed.), Kierkegaard. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 122–147.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Upbuilding Discourses in Various Spirits Works Of Love: Some Christian Deliberations in the Form of Discourses Christian Discourses The Crisis and a Crisis in the Life of an Actress The Point of View for My Work as an Author Three Godly Discourses further reading.
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  41. Avoiding unnecessary suffering: Towards a moral minimum standard for humans' responsibility for animal welfare.Thomas Köllen & Doris Schneeberger - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility (4):1-11.
    Animals are an important part of our social, economic and corporate world. Their wellbeing is significantly affected by the ways in which humans treat them. However, animals have long remained (and, indeed, continue to remain) effectively invisible in the business ethics and corporate responsibility discourse. This article argues in favor of the moral necessity of according animal welfare a higher priority in business. In line with most streams in both recent and traditional animal ethics, this article derives the (...)
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    The Prescription Drug Pricing Moment: Using Public Health Analysis to Clarify the Fair Competition Debate on Prescription Drug Pricing and Consumer Welfare.Ann Marie Marciarille - 2017 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 45 (s1):45-49.
    Fair competition law and public health law talk past each other when discussing pharmaceutical pricing and distribution. The former cannot agree on the relevant definition of consumer welfare. The latter does not fully comprehend the highly complex but inherently collective nature of pharmaceutical drug acquisition in the United States. This essay proposes to inject public health discourse into this debate to enrich it, focus it, and render it more accessible to those who must live by its outcome.
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  43. For whose benefit? Fear and loathing in the welfare state.Arianna Bove - 2014 - Journal of Political Marketing 13 (1-2):108-126.
    This article contributes to the debate on the relationship between marketing and propaganda through an analysis of social marketing as a mode of governing in permanent campaigning. The working hypothesis is that social marketing operations are agitational rather than propagandistic. The conceptual approach stems from a comparison of propaganda and marketing with Fordist and post-Fordist modes of production and governance. The research into the role of agitation involves an empirical study of the UK government campaign against benefit fraud, the most (...)
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    Discourse on the Foundations of Solidarity in the Social Encyclicals of John Paul II.Uzochukwu Jude Njoku - 2007 - Ethical Perspectives 14 (1):79-97.
    This essay elucidates the theological and philosophical backgrounds of the ethics of solidarity in the thoughts of Pope John Paul II and expounds the basic hermeneutical conditions for its reappraisal in social ethics and contemporary debates. While it does not principally concern itself with defining solidarity , the question of its meaning is not completely ignored.This paper contributes to a better historico-critical understanding of the thoughts of John Paul II and an evaluation of his input to the development of Catholic (...)
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    Clients’ downgrading reports about other people in welfare encounters: Matter out of place?Janne Solberg - 2018 - Discourse Studies 20 (6):792-808.
    In welfare encounters, clients may from time to time report about other peoples’ doings in ways that are heard as more or less downgrading. This article examines how these reports are brought off in Norwegian vocational rehabilitation encounters, and especially, how the professional party aligns. Do such practices represent what Levinson calls ‘allowable contributions’ in the vocational rehabilitation meeting or are they treated as matter out of place? The analysis of five data extracts suggests that it is very important (...)
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    Ethnic minority patients in healthcare from a Scandinavian welfare perspective: The case of Denmark.Nina Halberg, Trine S. Larsen & Mari Holen - 2022 - Nursing Inquiry 29 (1).
    The Scandinavian welfare states are known for their universal access to healthcare; however, health inequalities affecting ethnic minority patients are prevalent. Ethnic minority patients' encounters with healthcare systems are often portrayed as part of a system that represents objectivity and neutrality. However, the Danish healthcare sector is a political apparatus that is affected by policies and conceptualisations. Health policies towards ethnic minorities are analysed using Bacchi's policy analysis, to show how implicit problem representations are translated from political and societal (...)
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    Marriage for all ?! A corpus-assisted discourse analysis of the marriage equality debate in Germany.Ursula Kania - 2019 - Critical Discourse Studies 17 (2):138-155.
    ABSTRACTThis study is situated within corpus-assisted discourse analysis. Corpora and discourse studies: Integrating discourse and corpora. London: Palgrave Macmillan.) and provides a critical discussion of key topics and stances in the marriage equality debate in Germany. The ways in which the German print media covered the debate are explored through two corpora which include relevant texts from three German newspapers and two magazines from two key periods ; in 2001, Germany introduced ‘civil unions’ but it was only (...)
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  48. De/gendering violence and racialising blame in Swedish child welfare: what has childhood got to do with it?Zlatana Knezevic, Maria Eriksson & Mia Heikkilä - 2021 - Journal of Gender-Based Violence 5 (2): 199-214(16).
    This article is a critical interrogation of how gender and power figure in Swedish child welfare policy and the discourses on violence in intimate relationships vis-à-vis children exposed to violence. Drawing on feminist violence research, critical childhood studies, and intersectional perspectives, we identify a differentiation with racialised undertones in the understanding of violence as a social problem when related to children’s exposure. While predominately gender-neutral discourses of social heredity and epidemiology run through the material for the seemingly ‘universal’ child, (...)
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    Adapt or Die? Resilience Discourse and the Shifting Contours of Humanitarian Morality.Malay Firoz - 2022 - Co-herencia 19 (36):95-129.
    The epistemic terrain of humanitarian morality hasundergone a profound paradigmatic transformationin recent years. The turn towards “resilience” as a structuring principle in aid programmes has produced new modes of governance that challenge what I call the moral exceptionalism of humanitarianism’s mandate. This article traces the trajectory of moralism in humanitarian studies, exploring how the productive tension between contrapuntal readings of humanitarianism as moral intent or biopolitical care is transcended by the resilience paradigm’s ontological vision of an intrinsically fragileand vulnerable world. (...)
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    Taking Responsibility for Cloning: Discourses of Care and Knowledge in Biotechnological Approaches to Nonhuman Life.Jessica L. W. Carey - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (3):589-599.
    This article examines the practice of animal cloning in relation to discourses of care and responsibility, in particular a common cultural interpretation of care theorized by Michel Foucault. This interpretation figures care as a “pastoral” relation premised in essential differences between carers and objects of care, and its interspecies implications are increasingly drawing the attention of theorists in animal studies. This article argues that, perhaps despite appearances, animal welfare in the form of pastoral care and abstract conceptualizations of animals (...)
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