Results for 'Richard Lansdall-Welfare'

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  1.  31
    Living With Contested Knowledge and Partial Authority.Jennifer Clegg & Richard Lansdall-Welfare - 2003 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 10 (1):99-102.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 10.1 (2003) 99-102 [Access article in PDF] Living with Contested Knowledge and Partial Jennifer Clegg and Richard Lansdall-Welfare THESE CAREFUL AND CONSTRUCTIVE comments bring grist to our mill. Before responding to them, we observe first that they offer no substantive challenge to our thesis: ambiguities associated with meaning in the disabled life make it more likely that professional service providers will make (...)
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    Death, Disability, and Dogma.Jennifer Clegg & Richard Lansdall-Welfare - 2003 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 10 (1):67-79.
    Mourning exists at the nexus between individual experience, professional discourses, research, and culture, making it a complex issue for health services that has shown vibrant change in recent years. By contrast, bereavement discourse in intellectual disability is suffused by dogmatic assertions about correct intervention: we describe four vignettes to illustrate bereavement issues in intellectual disability. Suggestions concerning issues and management are made, but the article focuses primarily on the conceptual issues that underpin clinical intervention. The analysis shows how challenges to (...)
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    Death, Disability, and Dialogue.Gerald Casenave - 2003 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 10 (1):87-89.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 10.1 (2003) 87-89 [Access article in PDF] Death, Disability, and Dialogue Gerald Casenave IN THEIR INSIGHTFUL and constructive review, "Death, Disability, and Dogma," Jennifer Clegg and Richard Lansdall-Welfare manage to create the very dialogue that they argue is lacking. Their contention is that the lack of dialogue between different realms of discourse has led to rigid service response by caregivers that attempt (...)
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    The Ambiguities of "Meaning": A Commentary.Hans S. Reinders - 2003 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 10 (1):91-97.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 10.1 (2003) 91-97 [Access article in PDF] The Ambiguities of "Meaning":A Commentary Hans S. Reinders "Death, Disability, and Dogma" by Jennifer Clegg and Richard Lansdall Welfare (2003) is a rich paper that presents an unexpected but interesting mixture of observations and perspectives on mourning, grief and bereavement in the lives of people with intellectual disabilities.In a number of ways, the notion of (...)
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  5. Equality of opportunity for welfare defended and recanted.Richard J. Arneson - 1999 - Journal of Political Philosophy 7 (4):488–497.
    Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen’s interesting criticisms of the ideal of equality of opportunity for welfare provide a welcome occasion for rethinking the requirements of egalitarian distributive justice.1 In the essay he criticizes I had proposed that insofar as we think distributive justice requires equality of any sort, we should conceive of distributive equality as equal opportunity provision. Roughly put, my suggestion was that equality of opportunity for welfare obtains among a group of people when all would have the same expected (...)
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  6. (1 other version)A Green Revolution? Idealism, Liberalism and the Welfare State.Richard Bellamy - 1984 - Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 10:34-9.
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    Solidarity, Society and the Welfare State in the United Kingdom.Richard E. Ashcroft - 2000 - Health Care Analysis 8 (4):377-394.
    Political argument and institutions in the UnitedKingdom have frequently been represented as the products of ablend of nationalistic conservatism, liberal individualism andsocialism, in which consensus has been prized over ideology. This situation changed, as the standard story has it, with therise of Thatcherism in the late 1970s, and again with the arrivalof Tony Blair's ``New Labour'' pragmatism in the late 1990s. Solidarity as an element of political discourse makes itsappearance in the UK late in the day. It has been most (...)
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  8. The End of Welfare As We Know It?Richard J. Arneson - 2002 - Social Theory and Practice 28 (2):315-336.
    A notable achievement of T.M. Scanlon's What We Owe to Each Other is its sustained critique of welfarist consequentialism. Consequentialism is the doctrine that one morally ought always to do an act, of the alternatives, that brings about a state of affairs that is no less good than any other one could bring about. Welfarism is the view that what makes a state of affairs better or worse is some increasing function of the welfare for persons realized in it. (...)
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    Welfare Economic Dogmas: A Reply to Sagoff.Richard Cookson - 1996 - Environmental Values 5 (1):59-74.
    This article examines Sagoff's criticisms of 'Four Dogmas of Environmental Economies' and argues that none of them are fatal. Many of the criticisms appear to rest on general misunderstandings about welfare economics. One misunderstanding is that transaction costs are theoretically indistinguishable from regular production costs. The theoretical distinction is that transaction costs vary under alternative policies and institutions whereas production costs are fixed by tastes, technology and endowments. Another misunderstanding is that market failure concerns only Pareto efficiency. Market failure (...)
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  10. Liberalism, distributive subjectivism, and equal opportunity for welfare.Richard J. Arneson - 1990 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 19 (2):158-194.
  11.  44
    4. Capitalism, "Property-Owning Democracy," and the Welfare State.Richard Krouse & Michael Mcpherson - 1988 - In Amy Gutmann, Democracy and the Welfare State. Princeton University Press. pp. 79-106.
  12. (1 other version)Equality and equal opportunity for welfare.Richard J. Arneson - 1989 - Philosophical Studies 56 (1):77 - 93.
  13. Welfare should be the currency of justice.Richard J. Arneson - 2000 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 30 (4):497-524.
    Some theories of justice hold that individuals placed in fortunate circumstances through no merit or choice of their own are morally obligated to aid individuals placed in unfortunate circumstances through no fault or choice of their own. In these theories what are usually regarded as obligations of benevolence are reinterpreted as strict obligations of justice. A closely related view is that the institutions of a society should be arranged in a way that gives priority to helping people placed in unfortunate (...)
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    Competing Conceptions of Animal Welfare and Their Ethical Implications for the Treatment of Non-Human Animals.Richard P. Haynes - 2011 - Acta Biotheoretica 59 (2):105-120.
    Animal welfare has been conceptualized in such a way that the use of animals in science and for food seems justified. I argue that those who have done this have appropriated the concept of animal welfare, claiming to give a scientific account that is more objective than the sentimental account given by animal liberationists. This strategy seems to play a major role in supporting merely limited reform in the use of animals and seems to support the assumption that (...)
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    Moral intensity and willingness to pay concerning farm animal welfare issues and the implications for agricultural policy.Richard Bennett, J. Anderson & Ralph Blaney - 2002 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 15 (2):187-202.
    An experimental survey was undertakento explore the links between thecharacteristics of a moral issue, the degree ofmoral intensity/moral imperative associatedwith the issue, and people'sstated willingness to pay for policy toaddress the issue. Two farm animal welfareissues were chosen for comparison and thecontingent valuation method was used to elicitpeople's wtp. The findings of the surveysuggest that increases in moral characteristicsdo appear to result in an increase in moralintensity and the degree of moral imperativeassociated with an issue. Moreover, there was apositive link (...)
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  16. Do regulators of animal welfare need to develop a theory of psychological well-being?Richard P. Haynes - 2001 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 14 (2):231-240.
    The quest for a ``theory of nonhuman minds'''' to assessclaims about the moral status of animals is misguided. Misframedquestions about animal minds facilitate the appropriation ofanimal welfare by the animal user industry. When misframed, thesequestions shift the burden of proof unreasonably to animalwelfare regulators. An illustrative instance of misframing can befound in the US National Research Council''s 1998 publication thatreports professional efforts to define the psychologicalwell-being of nonhuman primates, a condition that the US 1985animal welfare act requires users (...)
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  17. A defense of equal opportunity for welfare.Richard J. Arneson - 1991 - Philosophical Studies 62 (2):187 - 195.
  18.  10
    Skepticism and Freedom: A Modern Case for Classical Liberalism.Richard A. Epstein - 2004 - University of Chicago Press.
    With this book, Richard A. Epstein provides a spirited and systematic defense of classical liberalism against the critiques mounted against it over the past thirty years. One of the most distinguished and provocative legal scholars writing today, Epstein here explains his controversial ideas in what will quickly come to be considered one of his cornerstone works. He begins by laying out his own vision of the key principles of classical liberalism: respect for the autonomy of the individual, a strong (...)
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  19. What neuroscience can (and cannot) contribute to metaethics.Richard Joyce - manuscript
    Suppose there are two people having a moral disagreement about, say, abortion. They argue in a familiar way about whether fetuses have rights, whether a woman’s right to autonomy over her body overrides the fetus’s welfare, and so on. But then suppose one of the people says “Oh, it’s all just a matter of opinion; there’s no objective fact about whether fetuses have rights. When we say that something is morally forbidden, all we’re really doing is expressing our disapproval (...)
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  20. Cost-Benefit Analysis.Richard Layard & Stephen Glaister (eds.) - 1994 - Cambridge University Press.
    Should India build a new steel mill, or London an urban motorway? Should higher education expand, or water supplies be improved? These are typical questions about which cost-benefit analysis has something to say. It is the main tool that economics provides for analysing problems of social choice. It also provides a useful vehicle for understanding the practical value of welfare economics. This new book of readings covers all the main problems that arise in a typical cost-benefit exercise. It is (...)
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    (1 other version)A theory of the good and the right.Richard B. Brandt - 1979 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    What system of morals should rational people select as the best for society? Using a contemporary psychological theory of action and of motivation, Richard Brandt's Oxford lectures argue that the purpose of living should be to strive for the greatest good for the largest number of people. Brandt's discussions range from the concept of welfare to conflict between utilitarian moral codes and the dictates of self-interest. Copyright © Libri GmbH. All rights reserved.
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    Introduction to Maguire Center Conference on The Welfare of the College Student-Athlete.Richard Mason - 2001 - Professional Ethics, a Multidisciplinary Journal 9 (2):4-10.
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    The Problem of Forfeiture in the Welfare State.Richard A. Epstein - 1997 - Social Philosophy and Policy 14 (2):256-284.
    Political theory has a good deal to say both for and against the establishment of the modern welfare state. As one might expect, most of that discussion is directed toward the expanded set of basic rights that the state confers on its members. In its most canonical form, the welfare state represents a switch in vision from the regime of negative rights in the nineteenth century to the regime of positive rights so much in vogue today. Negative rights—an (...)
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  24. The logic of liberal equality.Richard Krouse - 1988 - In J. Donald Moon, Responsibility, rights, and welfare: the theory of the welfare state. Boulder: Westview Press. pp. 133.
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  25.  36
    Primate cognition: evidence for the ethical treatment of primates.Richard W. Byrne - 1999 - In Francine L. Dolins, Attitudes to animals: views in animal welfare. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 114--125.
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    Sterilization & the Welfare of the Retarded.Richard Sherlock - 1980 - Hastings Center Report 10 (3):4-19.
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    Harsanyi vs. Sen: Does social welfare weigh subjective preferences?Richard Nunan - 1981 - Journal of Philosophy 78 (10):586-600.
  28. Economics.Richard Bennett & Paul Thompson - 2018 - In Michael C. Appleby, Anna Olsson & Francisco Galindo, Animal welfare. Boston, MA: CABI.
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    Taxes, growth, equity, and welfare.Richard Vedder - 2006 - Social Philosophy and Policy 23 (2):53-72.
    The scholarly literature suggests high or increased tax burdens tend to reduce economic growth, lowering incomes. Some argue, however, that low taxes and high economic growth can have adverse income distribution consequences or can lead to utility-reducing under-consumption of needed public goods. Evidence is presented questioning those assertions. People seek happiness by moving, and tend to migrate to low tax areas. Moreover, there is little evidence that governmental expansion leads to truly greater equality. Appropriately measured, income equality is actually far (...)
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    Global Ethics for Social Work: Problems and Possibilities—Papers from the Ethics & Social Welfare Symposium, Durban, July 2008.Sarah Banks, Richard Hugman, Lynne Healy, Vivienne Bozalek & Joan Orme - 2008 - Ethics and Social Welfare 2 (3):276-290.
    This piece comprises short presentations given by contributors to a symposium organized by the journal Ethics & Social Welfare on the theme of global ethics for social work. The contributors offer their reflections on the extent to which universally accepted international statements of ethical principles in social work are possible or useful, engaging with debates about cultural diversity, relativism and the relevance of human rights in non-Western countries.
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    Balancing Interests in Healthcare: What Happens When Commercial Interests Outweigh Patient Welfare and a Brief Overview of the Swinging Pendulum of Informed Consent in Singapore.Bernadette Richards - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (1):15-20.
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    Collective Choice and Social Welfare: Considerations for Indigenous Australians.Susan Green & Richard Hugman - 2018 - Ethics and Social Welfare 12 (4):400-406.
  33. Egalitarianism and the undeserving poor.Richard J. Arneson - 1997 - Journal of Political Philosophy 5 (4):327–350.
    Recently in the U.S. a near-consensus has formed around the idea that it would be desirable to "end welfare as we know it," in the words of President Bill Clinton.1 In this context, the term "welfare" does not refer to the entire panoply of welfare state provision including government sponsored old age pensions, government provided medical care for the elderly, unemployment benefits for workers who have lost their jobs without being fired for cause, or aid to the (...)
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  34. Animal Minds and Human Morals: The Origins of the Western Debate.Richard Sorabji - 1993 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    Sorabji surveys a vast range of Greek philosophical texts and considers how classical discussions of animals' capacities intersect with central questions, not only in ethics but in the definition of human rationality as well.
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    Book ReviewsStephen Darwall,. Welfare and Rational Care.Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2002. Pp. xiv+135. $24.95. [REVIEW]Richard J. Arneson - 2004 - Ethics 114 (4):815-819.
  36. On justifying an account of moral goodness to each individual: contractualism, utilitarianism, and prioritarianism.Richard Pettigrew - manuscript
    Many welfarists wish to assign to each possible state of the world a numerical value that measures something like its moral goodness. How are we to determine this quantity? This paper proposes a contractualist approach: a legitimate measure of moral goodness is one that could be justified to each member of the population in question. How do we justify a measure of moral goodness to each individual? Each individual recognises the measure of moral goodness must be a compromise between the (...)
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  37. Legal Formalism, Legal Realism, and the Interpretation of Statutes and the Constitution.Richard Posner - 1986 - Case Western Reserve Law Review 37 (2):179–217.
    A current focus of legal debate is the proper role of the courts in the interpretation of statutes and the Constitution. Are judges to look solely to the naked language of an enactment, then logically deduce its application in simple syllogistic fashion, as legal formalists had purported to do? Or may the inquiry into meaning be informed by perhaps unbridled and unaccountable judicial notions of public policy, using legal realism to best promote the general welfare? Judge Posner considers the (...)
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  38. GLOBALISATION AND THE CRISIS.Richard Sťahel - 2013 - In Klement Mitterpach & Richard Sťahel, Philosophica 12: Towards a Political Philosophy. UKF. pp. 45-56.
    Current globalization has its predecessor in the global market of the 19th century. In that time, the main sign of globalization was de socialization of the economy. That globalization ended during World War I as a result of applying the liberal ideology of de socialization to an economy. An attempt to rebuild the global market after World War I led to the global economic crisis (1929 1932), which in Germany allowed Nazis to take over and finally led to World War (...)
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    Review of L. Nordenfelt, Animal and Human Health and Welfare: A Comparative Philosophical Analysis. [REVIEW]Richard P. Haynes - 2008 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 21 (4):91-97.
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    Poverty and welfare in Scotland 1890–1948 Ian Levitt, Edinburgh Educational and Society Series (Columbia UP for University of Edinburgh Press, 1990, vi + 241 pp., $17.00 P.B. [REVIEW]Richard J. Smith - 1992 - History of European Ideas 14 (2):307-309.
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    Politics, Neutrality, and the Good.Richard Kraut - 1999 - Social Philosophy and Policy 16 (1):315.
    A large number of prominent philosophers have in recent years advocated the thesis that the modern nation-state should adopt a stance of neutrality toward questions about the nature of the human good. The government, according to this way of thinking, has two proper goals, neither of which require it to make assumptions about what the constituents of a flourishing life are. First, the state must protect people against the invasion of their rights and uphold those principles of justice without which (...)
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  42.  13
    Violence and harm in the animal industrial complex: human-animal entanglements.Gwen Hunnicutt, Richard Twine & Kenneth Mentor (eds.) - 2025 - New York: Routledge.
    This book grapples with multispecies violent exploitations embedded in corridors of power within the Animal-Industrial Complex (A-IC). The A-IC is a useful framework for understanding how exploitative human-animal relations are central to capitalist relations and profit accumulation. 'A-IC-related-violence' - killing animals for economic gain - has a ripple effect which results in profound consequences for humans as well. This collection of international scholarship explores topics as varied as how A-IC-related-violence is reproduced and sustained through rapidly changing discursive strategies, ideological architecture, (...)
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  43. The Cambridge History of Twentieth-Century Political Thought.Terence Ball & Richard Bellamy (eds.) - 2003 - Cambridge University Press.
    This major work of academic reference provides a comprehensive overview of the development of political thought from the late nineteenth to the end of the twentieth century. Written by a distinguished team of international contributors, this Cambridge History, first published in 2003, covers the rise of the welfare state and subsequent reactions to it, the fascist and communist critiques of and attempted alternatives to liberal democracy, the novel forms of political organisation occasioned by the rise of a mass electorate (...)
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    Essays in Critical Social Theory: Toward a Marxist Critique of Liberal Ideology.Richard Lichtman - 1993 - Peter Lang Incorporated, International Academic Publishers.
    In this collection of essays, Richard Lichtman critically analyzes and applies Marx's theory of ideology to a range of philosophical, social, political and cultural issues. Tracing the changes in Marx's theory from an early «camera obscura» view to a later «constituitive» position, Lichtman shows how the mature theory can be used to understand the function of liberal political theory, equal protection and reverse discrimination, social theory, and finally, in a concluding essay, the nature of contemporary welfare capitalism and (...)
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  45. Reaching a consensus.Richard Bradley - unknown
    This paper explores some aspects of the relation between different ways of achieving a consensus on the judgemental values of a group of indviduals; in particular, aggregation and deliberation. We argue firstly that the framing of an aggregation problem itself generates information that individuals are rationally obliged to take into account. And secondly that outputs of the deliberative process that this initiates is in tension with constraints on consensual values typically imposed by aggregation theory, at least when deliberation is modelled (...)
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    The Role of Moral Judgments Within Expectancy-Value-Based Attitude-Behavior Models.Richard Shepherd & Paul Sparks - 2002 - Ethics and Behavior 12 (4):299-321.
    Rational choice models are characterized by the image of the self-interested Homo economicus. The role of moral concerns, which may involve a concern for others' welfare in people's judgments and choices, questions the descriptive validity of such models. Increasing evidence of a role for perceived moral obligation within the expectancy-value-based theory of reasoned action and the theory of planned behavior indicates the importance of moral-normative influences in social behavior. In 2 studies, the influence of moral judgments on attitudes toward (...)
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  47.  17
    Realization and Recognition Under the Internal Revenue Code.Richard A. Epstein - 2022 - Social Philosophy and Policy 39 (1):11-32.
    Over its entire life, the Internal Revenue Code (like other tax systems) has never tried to tax economic income as such, because of the administrative and liquidity problems that arise from taxing any combination of values consumed and from appreciation (or depreciation) of capital stocks. Instead, the common practice limits tax occasions to a realization of income from sale or other disposition of property. Even then, if the proceeds of the transaction are not cash or marketable securities, as with many (...)
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    Liberalism and the problem of poverty.Richard Ashcraft - 1992 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 6 (4):493-516.
    From the seventeenth to the mid?nineteenth centuries, the language of natural law and natural rights structured the commitment of liberalism to the development of both a market society and democratic political institutions. The existence of widespread poverty was seen, at various times, as a problem to be resolved either by an expanding commercial/capitalistic society or through democratic political reform. As Thomas Home shows in Property Rights and Poverty, liberalism as apolitical theory has, from its origins, been deeply committed to (at (...)
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  49. Do Multiculturalism policies erode the welfare state? An empirical analysis.Keith Banting, Richard Johnston, Will Kymlicka & Stuart Soroka - 2006 - In Keith Banting & Will Kymlicka, Multiculturalism and the Welfare State: Recognition and Redistribution in Contemporary Democracies. Oxford University Press.
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    Human Diversity and the Nature of Well-Being: Reflections on Sumner’s Methodology.Richard Kraut - 2013 - Res Philosophica 90 (3):307-322.
    In Welfare, Happiness, and Ethics, L. W. Sumner argues that theories of well-being must not pick out some kinds of human lives as richer in prudential valuethan others. I argue that we should reject this methodological stricture, but should embrace his insight that many kinds of lives are good for people to live. I also reject his claim that a theory of well-being would fail if it took the form of a list of things that are good for us. (...)
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