  1. For whose benefit? Fear and loathing in the welfare state.Arianna Bove - 2014 - Journal of Political Marketing 13 (1-2):108-126.
    This article contributes to the debate on the relationship between marketing and propaganda through an analysis of social marketing as a mode of governing in permanent campaigning. The working hypothesis is that social marketing operations are agitational rather than propagandistic. The conceptual approach stems from a comparison of propaganda and marketing with Fordist and post-Fordist modes of production and governance. The research into the role of agitation involves an empirical study of the UK government campaign against benefit fraud, the most (...)
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  2. Let’s change: a critical study of the aims and practices of a local exchange trading scheme.Arianna Bove - 2017 - International Journal of Community Currency Research 21 (2):65-83.
    The paper presents the findings of ethnographic research and a survey of a Local Exchange Trading Scheme in North-East London and asks the question of whether the scheme delivers on the aims and objectives of its members. The research found that whilst its members express a strong politically motivated desire for an alternative to the prevailing economic system, the LETS scheme falls short of delivering on those ambitions. The findings raise the question of whether there is anything intrinsic to this (...)
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  3. La scoperta di Marx/The Discovery of Marx.Pier Paolo Pasolini, Arianna Bove & Michael Hardt - 2009 - Diacritics 39 (4):131-133.
    Written in 1949, La Scoperta di Marx was first published in 1958 in Pier Paolo Pasolini, L'usignolo della Chiesa Cattolica (Editore Longanesi). It is published here, along the first English translation of the poem, with the permission of Garzanti Libri.
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    Resistance and Exodus.Arianna Bove - 2021-06-22 - Journal for Cultural Research 25 (3).
    Resistance is a puzzle for politics. Its presence is perceived as the sign of a healthy political culture, yet the controversies it raises cannot always be resolved without changing the fabric of the political community. In this, some see it as a fundamental danger, a risk within democracy. Resistance is thought of as a problem to solve, a matter to handle, an irritant to quell, a brake on progress and development. Yet there exists a strong current in political theory, and (...)
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    Politics without Romance? The pursuit of consent in democracy.Arianna Bove - 2020 - History of European Ideas 46 (3):325-340.
    Democratic governance is under increasing scrutiny as a result of waning trust in political institutions, and a widening gap between public aspirations and government performance. The purpose of this paper is to address what is currently diagnosed as a democratic deficit by calling into question the notion of consent, procedures advocated in its pursuit, and its relationship with democracy. To this purpose, the paper reviews seminal works that have investigated the nexus of democracy and consent over time: The Calculus of (...)
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  6. Mapping Precariousness.Arianna Bove, Emiliana Armano & Annalisa Murgia (eds.) - 2017 - London: Routledge.
    The condition of precariousness not only provides insights into a segment of the world of work or of a particular subject group, but is also a privileged standpoint for an overview of the condition of the social on a global scale. Because precariousness is multidimensional and polysemantic, it traverses contemporary society and multiple contexts, from industrial to class, gender, family relations as well as political participation, citizenship and migration. This book maps the differences and similarities in the ways precariousness and (...)
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  7. ctrl+alt+del. [REVIEW]Arianna Bove - 2018 - Triple C- Communication, Capitalism and Critique 16:311-314.
    A review of Enda Brophy's study of call centre work in global capitalism. Language put to work. Published in 2018.
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  8. Tous Ensemble. [REVIEW]Arianna Bove - 2018 - Organization 26:974–977.
    This is a review of the latest in the Empire/Multitude series by Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri: Assembly. Published in 2018.
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