Results for 'behavioral anatta'

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  1.  13
    Psychology of Anatta from the Perspective of Buddhist Philosophy and Basic Psychology. 윤희조 - 2019 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 95:189-211.
    본고는 무아의 심리학의 가능성과 무아의 심리치료적 함의를 불교철학적 관점과 서구의 기초심리학적 관점에서 기술하고자 한다. 불교철학적 관점에서 무아는 오온무아, 제법무아, 연기무아로 볼 수 있다. 오온의 비실체성은 제법의 비실체성으로 나아가고, 이는 상호의존적 관계성과 운동성으로 나아간다.BR 기초심리학적 관점에서 무아는 인지적 무아, 정서적 무아, 행동적 무아, 성격적 무아로 볼 수 있다. 실체적 사고, 이분법적 사고, 분별적 사고, 희론적 사고, 당위적 사고, 나 중심사고는 인지적 무아에 반대된다. 정서적 무아는 비실체적 정서, 비집착적 정서를 말한다. 행동적 무아는 즉비의 논리에 기반한 행동이고, 자비희의 행동으로 귀결된다. 성격적 무아는 성인의 (...)
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  2. Applying Modern Management.Behaviorally Oriented Inpatient Unit - 1930 - Philosophy 5 (1).
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  3. Altruism, religion, and health 411.Informal Sources of Helping Behaviors - 2007 - In Stephen Garrard Post (ed.), Altruism and Health: Perspectives From Empirical Research. Oup Usa.
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  4. Individuation of Cross-Cutting Causal Systems in Cognitive Science and Behavioral Ecology.Beate Krickel & Marie I. Kaiser - 2024 - In Federica Russo & Phyllis Illari (eds.), The Routledge handbook of causality and causal methods. New York, NY: Routledge.
    For many causal endeavors, such as measuring, predicting, and explaining, individuating causal systems plays a crucial role. In this chapter, we focus on the individuation of a specific type of causal systems, what we call cross-cutting systems. These are systems that lack natural boundaries and that are not restricted to the spatiotemporal region of the individuals to which they belong. Based on examples taken from cognitive science and behavioral ecology, we explore how scientists individuate such cross-cutting causal systems.
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    On confusing 'measure'with 'measurement'in the methodology of behavioral science.Mario Bunge - 1973 - In The methodological unity of science. Boston,: Reidel. pp. 105--122.
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    Recognition memory of neutral words can be impaired by task-irrelevant emotional encoding contexts: behavioral and electrophysiological evidence.Qin Zhang, Xuan Liu, Wei An, Yang Yang & Yinan Wang - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:123638.
    Previous studies on the effects of emotional context on memory for centrally presented neutral items have obtained inconsistent results. And in most of those studies subjects were asked to either make a connection between the item and the context at study or retrieve both the item and the context. When no response for the contexts is required, how emotional contexts influence memory for neutral items is still unclear. Thus, the present study attempted to investigate the influences of four types of (...)
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  7.  14
    In-Depth Research on the Behavioral Impact of Violence-Oriented Cartoons among Children.Dr Sonia Riyat, Hemal Thakker, Aseem Aneja, Adarsha Harinaiha, Shobhit Goyal, Dr Yashesh Zaveri & Abhinav Mishra - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:683-693.
    One significant experience in children's early life is watching cartoons. This activity has a significant impact on a variety of variables, including kids' behavioral and cognitive development. This study focuses on school-age children, namely those in the 4–13 age range. This study focuses on the effects of the Violence-Oriented Cartoons channel on children's entire development, including language, motor, social learning, social cognitive, and moral development. 500 samples from various ages of children’s Group A and Group B were gathered for (...)
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    Getting Real on Rationality—Behavioral Science, Nudging, and Public Policy.Andreas T. Schmidt - 2019 - Ethics 129 (4):511-543.
    The nudge approach seeks to improve people’s decisions through small changes in their choice environments. Nudge policies often work through psychological mechanisms that deviate from traditional notions of rationality. Because of that, some critics object that nudging treats people as irrational. Such treatment might be disrespectful in itself and might crowd out more empowering policies. I defend nudging against these objections. By defending a nonstandard, ecological model of rationality, I argue that nudging not only is compatible with rational agency but (...)
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  9.  32
    Behavioral Political Economy and Democratic Theory: Fortifying Democracy for the Digital Age.Petr Špecián - 2022 - Londýn, Velká Británie: Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy.
    Drawing on current debates at the frontiers of economics, psychology, and political philosophy, this book explores the challenges that arise for liberal democracies from a confrontation between modern technologies and the bounds of human rationality. With the ongoing transition of democracy's underlying information economy into the digital space, threats of disinformation and runaway political polarization have been gaining prominence. Employing the economic approach informed by behavioral sciences' findings, the book's chief concern is how these challenges can be addressed while (...)
  10.  22
    Physiological and Behavioral Factors in Musicians’ Performance Tempo.Shannon E. Wright & Caroline Palmer - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  11. Iconicity in the lab: a review of behavioral, developmental, and neuroimaging research into sound-symbolism.Gwilym Lockwood & Mark Dingemanse - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:1-14.
    This review covers experimental approaches to sound-symbolism—from infants to adults, and from Sapir’s foundational studies to twenty-first century product naming. It synthesizes recent behavioral, developmental, and neuroimaging work into a systematic overview of the cross-modal correspondences that underpin iconic links between form and meaning. It also identifies open questions and opportunities, showing how the future course of experimental iconicity research can benefit from an integrated interdisciplinary perspective. Combining insights from psychology and neuroscience with evidence from natural languages provides us (...)
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  12.  97
    Gender Difference in Psychological, Cognitive, and Behavioral Patterns Among University Students During COVID-19: A Machine Learning Approach.Yijun Zhao, Yi Ding, Yangqian Shen & Wei Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The COVID-19 pandemic affects all population segments and is especially detrimental to university students because social interaction is critical for a rewarding campus life and valuable learning experiences. In particular, with the suspension of in-person activities and the adoption of virtual teaching modalities, university students face drastic changes in their physical activities, academic careers, and mental health. Our study applies a machine learning approach to explore the gender differences among U.S. university students in response to the global pandemic. Leveraging a (...)
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  13. What basic emotions really are: modularity, motivation, and behavioral variability.Isaac Wiegman - 2021 - Biology and Philosophy 36 (5):1-28.
    While there is ongoing debate about the existence of basic emotions and about their status as natural kinds, these debates usually carry on under the assumption that basic emotions are modular and therefore cannot account for behavioral variability in emotional situations. Moreover, both sides of the debate have assumed that these putative features of basic emotions distinguish them as products of evolution rather than products of culture and experience. I argue that these assumptions are unwarranted, that there is empirical (...)
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  14.  19
    Testing the Process Dissociation Procedure by Behavioral and Neuroimaging Data: The Establishment of the Mutually Exclusive Theory and the Improved PDP.Jianxin Zhang, Xiangpeng Wang, Jianping Huang, Antao Chen & Dianzhi Liu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The process dissociation procedure (PDP) of implicit sequence learning states that the correct inclusion-task response contains the incorrect exclusion-task response. However, there has been no research to test the hypothesis. The current study used a single variable (Stimulus Onset Asynchrony SOA: 850 ms vs. 1350 ms) between-subjects design, with pre-task resting-state fMRI, to test and improve the classical PDP to the mutually exclusive theory (MET). (1) Behavioral data and neuroimaging data demonstrated that the classical PDP has not been validated. (...)
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  15.  15
    Internet Addiction and Emotional and Behavioral Maladjustment in Mainland Chinese Adolescents: Cross-Lagged Panel Analyses.Xiaoqin Zhu, Daniel T. L. Shek & Carman K. M. Chu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Adolescence is a developmental stage when adolescents are vulnerable to addictive behaviors, such as Internet addiction, which refers to pathological use of the Internet. Although there are views proposing that the links between IA and adolescent problem behavior may be bidirectional in nature, few studies have examined the reciprocal relationships between IA and other maladjustment indicators, and even fewer studies have simultaneously employed both emotional and behavioral maladjustment indicators in a single study. To address the above research gaps, the (...)
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  16.  34
    Operant conditioning and behavioral neuroscience.Michael L. Woodruff - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (4):652.
  17.  16
    Self-portrayed honesty and behavioral dishonesty.Gideon Yaniv, Yossef Tobol & Erez Siniver - 2020 - Ethics and Behavior 30 (8):617-627.
    ABSTRACT A common conclusion of lab dishonesty studies is that subjects cheat to a very modest extent even when they cannot get caught. The modest level of cheating is attributed to subjects’ moral feelings which restrict their cheating to a level that enables them to retain their self-image as honest individuals. The present paper questions this claim, reporting the results of two experiments which uncover a discrepancy between self-portrayed honesty and actual dishonest behavior. The experiments reveal, first, that self-portrayed honesty (...)
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  18.  22
    Morphological and behavioral effects of perinatal exposure to aspartame on rat pups.Raz Yirmiya, Edward D. Levin, Clinton D. Chapman & John Garcia - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (2):153-156.
  19.  17
    Evaluation and preference in behavioral development.Paul Thomas Young - 1968 - Psychological Review 75 (3):222-241.
  20. Developmental Level of Moral Judgment Influences Behavioral Patterns during Moral Decision-making.Hyemin Han, Kelsie J. Dawson, Stephen J. Thoma & Andrea L. Glenn - forthcoming - Journal of Experimental Education.
    We developed and tested a behavioral version of the Defining Issues Test-1 revised (DIT-1r), which is a measure of the development of moral judgment. We conducted a behavioral experiment using the behavioral Defining Issues Test (bDIT) to examine the relationship between participants’ moral developmental status, moral competence, and reaction time when making moral judgments. We found that when the judgments were made based on the preferred moral schema, the reaction time for moral judgments was significantly moderated by (...)
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  21.  28
    The Ethical Dimension of Equity Incentives: A Behavioral Agency Examination of Executive Compensation and Pension Funding.Geoffrey P. Martin, Robert M. Wiseman & Luis R. Gomez-Mejia - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (3):595-610.
    We draw on the behavioral agency model to explore the ethical consequences of CEO equity incentives. We argue that CEOs are more concerned with funding pension plans when they have more to gain from their stock options yet will increasingly underfund employee pension funds as their current option wealth increases. Our findings reveal that both effects hold when the CEO has greater power (also occupying board chair) over firm decision making. Our study suggests that there is an ethical dimension (...)
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  22.  35
    Neural and behavioral assessments of sensory quantity.Gerald S. Wasserman - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (1):192-193.
  23.  68
    The Epistemic Relevance of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.Chloe Bamboulis & Lisa Bortolotti - 2022 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 29 (2):91-93.
    Ratnayake's interesting paper challenges two claims, that cognitive distortions in depression involve epistemic issues; and that cognitive behavioral therapy can rectify those epistemic issues. We are going to discuss both claims here and offer some reasons not to underestimate the epistemic relevance of CBT. First, there may be epistemic issues underlying cognitive distortions in depression that CBT can effectively address, including blind acceptance of negative automatic thoughts and insensitivity to evidence. But, even if CBT were primarily in the business (...)
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  24.  55
    Towards the unity of the human behavioral sciences.Herbert Gintis - 2004 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 3 (1):37-57.
    Despite their distinct objects of study, the human behavioral sciences all include models of individual human behavior. Unity in the behavioral sciences requires that there be a common underlying model of individual human behavior, specialized and enriched to meet the particular needs of each discipline. Such unity does not exist, and cannot be easily attained, since the various disciplines have incompatible models and disparate research methodologies. Yet recent theoretical and empirical developments have created the conditions for unity in (...)
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  25.  87
    An Evidence-Based Study of the Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences.Edouard Machery & Kara Cohen - 2012 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 63 (1):177-226.
    The disagreement between philosophers about the scientific worth of the evolutionary behavioral sciences (evolutionary psychology, human behavioral ecology, etc.) is in part due to the fact that critics and advocates of these sciences characterize them very differently. In this article, by analyzing quantitatively the citations made in the articles published in Evolution & Human Behavior between January 2000 and December 2002, we provide some evidence that undermines the characterization of the evolutionary behavioral sciences put forward by their (...)
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  26.  16
    Theory of behavioral power functions.J. E. Staddon - 1978 - Psychological Review 85 (4):305-320.
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  27. On the Epistemic Roles of the Individualized Niche Concept in Ecology, Behavioral and Evolutionary Biology.Marie I. Kaiser & Katie H. Morrow - forthcoming - Philosophy of Science.
    We characterize four fruitful and underappreciated epistemic roles played by the concept of an individualized niche in contemporary biology, utilizing results of a qualitative empirical study conducted within an interdisciplinary biological research center. We argue that the individualized niche concept (1) shapes the research agenda of the center, (2) facilitates explaining core phenomena related to inter-individual differences, (3) helps with managing individual-level causal complexity, and (4) promotes integrating local knowledge from ecology, evolutionary biology, behavioral biology and other biological fields. (...)
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    Conceptions of prenatal development: Behavioral embryology.Gilbert Gottlieb - 1976 - Psychological Review 83 (3):215-234.
  29. The moderating effect of individuals' perceptions of ethical work climate on ethical judgments and behavioral intentions.Tim Barnett & Cheryl Vaicys - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 27 (4):351 - 362.
    Dimensions of the ethical work climate, as conceptualized by Victor and Cullen (1988), are potentially important influences on individual ethical decision-making in the organizational context. The present study examined the direct and indirect effects of individuals' perceptions of work climate on their ethical judgments and behavioral intentions regarding an ethical dilemma. A national sample of marketers was surveyed in a scenario-based research study. The results indicated that, although perceived climate dimensions did not have a direct effect on behavioral (...)
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  30. An experimental examination of the effects of individual and situational factors on unethical behavioral intentions in the workplace.Gwen E. Jones & Michael J. Kavanagh - 1996 - Journal of Business Ethics 15 (5):511 - 523.
    Using a 2×2×2 experimental design, the effects of situational and individual variables on individuals' intentions to act unethically were investigated. Specifically examined were three situational variables: (1) quality of the work experience (good versus poor), (2) peer influences (unethical versus ethical), and (3) managerial influences (unethical versus ethical), and three individual variables: (4) locus of control, (5) Machiavellianism, and (6) gender, on individuals' behavioral intentions in an ethically ambiguous dilemma in an work setting. Experiment 1 revealed main effects for (...)
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    Do Islanders Have a More Reactive Behavioral Immune System? Social Cognitions and Preferred Interpersonal Distances During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Ivana Hromatko, Andrea Grus & Gabrijela Kolđeraj - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Insular populations have traditionally drawn a lot of attention from epidemiologists as they provide important insights regarding transmission of infectious diseases and propagation of epidemics. There are numerous historical instances where isolated populations showed high morbidity once a new virus entered the population. Building upon that and recent findings that the activation of the behavioral immune system depends both upon one’s vulnerability and environmental context, we predicted that, during the COVID-19 pandemic, place of residence explains a significant proportion of (...)
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  32.  60
    Testing a Model of Behavioral Intentions in the Republic of Macedonia: Differences Between the Private and the Public Sectors.Elisaveta Gjorgji Sardžoska & Thomas Li-Ping Tang - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (4):495-517.
    In this study, we developed a model of unethical behavior intentions, collected data from managers of the private (n = 208) and the public (n = 307) sectors in the Republic of Macedonia, and tested our model across these two sectors. Results suggested that for both sectors, unethical behavior intentions were not related to the love of money and corporate ethical values, whereas irritation was negatively related to life satisfaction. Moreover, corporate ethical values were related to life satisfaction for the (...)
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  33. To give and to give not: The behavioral ecology of human food transfers.Michael Gurven - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (4):543-559.
    The transfer of food among group members is a ubiquitous feature of small-scale forager and forager-agricultural populations. The uniqueness of pervasive sharing among humans, especially among unrelated individuals, has led researchers to evaluate numerous hypotheses about the adaptive functions and patterns of sharing in different ecologies. This article attempts to organize available cross-cultural evidence pertaining to several contentious evolutionary models: kin selection, reciprocal altruism, tolerated scrounging, and costly signaling. Debates about the relevance of these models focus primarily on the extent (...)
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  34.  43
    Buddhist Anattā, Dependent Arising, and the Problem of Free Will.Jessica Wahman - 2022 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 36 (4):457-475.
    The article analyzes recent Western interpretations of the Theravāda Buddhist position on free will in order to reveal how differences in worldview and methodology impact claims about agency—exposing assumptions about the meaning of will, cause, and self—and how commonalities across traditions enable us to discover what may be at stake, more generally, in the philosophical problem of free will. Embedded in different ontologies and expressed by disparate means are similar intuitions about consciousness, coercion, and the transformative power of wisdom as (...)
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  35.  13
    A Study on the Philosophical Characteristics of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies of the Third Wave. 이기흥 - 2016 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 75:97-131.
    최근 심리치료 혹은 마음치유의 현장에서 이전과는 다른 새로운 마음치유술 및 이론이 대두하고 있다. 일명 ‘인지행동치료 제3 흐름’이라는 이름 하에 진행되고 있는 현상이 바로 그것이다. 현상적으로 보면, 인지행동치료 제3 흐름은 동서양 마음치유술 및 사상의 만남이라고 할 수 있다. 본고는 이 인지행동치료 제3 흐름의 철학사상적 정체성을 밝히는 시도이다. 이를 위해 필자는 우선 인지행동치료 제3 흐름을 그에 선행하는 제1, 제2 흐름과의 상관관계 속에서 간단하게 묘사한다. 그리고 나서 그것들의 배후에 깔려 있는 철학사상적 기반에 대해 논하고 그리고 이러한 시각의 배후에서 그것들을 서로 대조한다. 동서양 마음치유술 (...)
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    Effects of a Peer-Tutorial Reading Racetrack on Word Fluency of Secondary Students With Learning Disabilities and Emotional Behavioral Disorders.Anne Barwasser, Karolina Urton & Matthias Grünke - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Reading difficulties that are not addressed at the primary level continue to exist at the secondary level with serious consequences. Thus, it is important to provide struggling students with specific reading support. In particular, many students with learning disabilities and emotional behavioral disorders demonstrate reading obstacles and are at risk for motivation loss. A multiple baseline design was used to evaluate the effects of a motivational reading racetrack as peer-tutoring on the word reading skills of secondary students with LD (...)
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  37.  16
    Principal Components Analysis Using Data Collected From Healthy Individuals on Two Robotic Assessment Platforms Yields Similar Behavioral Patterns.Michael D. Wood, Leif E. R. Simmatis, Jill A. Jacobson, Sean P. Dukelow, J. Gordon Boyd & Stephen H. Scott - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    BackgroundKinarm Standard Tests is a suite of upper limb tasks to assess sensory, motor, and cognitive functions, which produces granular performance data that reflect spatial and temporal aspects of behavior. We have previously used principal component analysis to reduce the dimensionality of multivariate data using the Kinarm End-Point Lab. Here, we performed PCA using data from the Kinarm Exoskeleton Lab, and determined agreement of PCA results across EP and EXO platforms in healthy participants. We additionally examined whether further dimensionality reduction (...)
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    Mindfulness and Leadership: Communication as a Behavioral Correlate of Leader Mindfulness and Its Effect on Follower Satisfaction.Johannes F. W. Arendt, Armin Pircher Verdorfer & Katharina G. Kugler - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    In recent years, the construct of mindfulness has gained growing attention in psychological research. However, little is known about the effects of mindfulness on interpersonal interactions and social relationships at work. Addressing this gap, the purpose of this study was to investigate the role of mindfulness in leader-follower-relationships. Building on prior research, we hypothesize that leaders’ mindfulness is reflected in a specific communication style (“mindfulness in communication”), which is positively related to followers’ satisfaction with their leaders. We used nested survey (...)
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    Anattā: A reply to Richard Taylor.Tyson Anderson - 1975 - Philosophy East and West 25 (2):187-193.
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    Behavioral genetics and development: Historical and conceptual causes of controversy.Paul Griffiths & James Tabery - 2008 - New Ideas in Psychology 26 (3):332-352.
    Traditional, quantitative behavioral geneticists and developmental psychobiologists such as Gilbert Gottlieb have long debated what it would take to create a truly developmental behavioral genetics. These disputes have proven so intractable that disputants have repeatedly suggested that the problem rests on their opponents' conceptual confusion; whilst others have argued that the intractability results from the non-scientific, political motivations of their opponents. The authors provide a different explanation of the intractability of these debates. They show that the disputants have (...)
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    Olfactory LOVER: behavioral and neural correlates of autobiographical odor memory.Maria Larsson, Johan Willander, Kristina Karlsson & Artin Arshamian - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    The Inclusive Behavioral Immune System.Keren Shakhar - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Habit and Identity: Behavioral, Cognitive, Affective, and Motivational Facets of an Integrated Self.Bas Verplanken & Jie Sui - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The Experiment Factory: Standardizing Behavioral Experiments.Vanessa V. Sochat, Ian W. Eisenberg, A. Zeynep Enkavi, Jamie Li, Patrick G. Bissett & Russell A. Poldrack - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Revisiting the Effect of Family Involvement on Corporate Social Responsibility: A Behavioral Agency Perspective.Victor Cui, Shujun Ding, Mingzhi Liu & Zhenyu Wu - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 152 (1):291-309.
    This paper sheds light on the incongruent findings concerning the relationship between family involvement and firms’ corporate social responsibility. While prior studies have mainly taken the perspective of families’ socioemotional wealth preservation, we approach this relationship from the perspective of behavioral agency theory, highlighting the important role played by CEOs’ family memberships. Specifically, we posit that family firms are more likely to invest in CSR when their CEOs are members of the controlling families. Furthermore, we examine how family firms (...)
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    Work Group Climate and Behavioral Responses to Psychological Contract Breach.Yimo Shen, John M. Schaubroeck, Lei Zhao & Lei Wu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:413940.
    Drawing on theories of social exchange and social information processing, we examined whether the influence of psychological contract breach on in-role performance and organization-directed citizenship behavior (OCBO) depends work group climate levels, specifically procedural justice climate and power distance climate. The findings supported our hypothesis that psychological contract breach exhibits a stronger influence on in-role performance and OCBO among members of units with favorable procedural justice climates. Support for a hypothesized moderating role of power distance climate was less conclusive. We (...)
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  47. Measuring Moral Reasoning using Moral Dilemmas: Evaluating Reliability, Validity, and Differential Item Functioning of the Behavioral Defining Issues Test (bDIT).Youn-Jeng Choi, Hyemin Han, Kelsie J. Dawson, Stephen J. Thoma & Andrea L. Glenn - 2019 - European Journal of Developmental Psychology 16 (5):622-631.
    We evaluated the reliability, validity, and differential item functioning (DIF) of a shorter version of the Defining Issues Test-1 (DIT-1), the behavioral DIT (bDIT), measuring the development of moral reasoning. 353 college students (81 males, 271 females, 1 not reported; age M = 18.64 years, SD = 1.20 years) who were taking introductory psychology classes at a public University in a suburb area in the Southern United States participated in the present study. First, we examined the reliability of the (...)
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    Behavioral Economics and Public Health.Christina A. Roberto & Ichirō Kawachi (eds.) - 2015 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Behavioral economics has potential to offer novel solutions to some of today's most pressing public health problems: How do we persuade people to eat healthy and lose weight? How can health professionals communicate health risks in a way that is heeded? How can food labeling be modified to inform healthy food choices? Behavioral Economics and Public Health is the first book to apply the groundbreaking insights of behavioral economics to the persisting problems of health behaviors and behavior (...)
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  49. Model organisms and behavioral genetics: A rejoinder.Kenneth F. Schaffner - 1998 - Philosophy of Science 65 (2):276-288.
    In this rejoinder to the three preceding comments, I provide some additional philosophical warrant for the biomedical sciences' focus on model organisms. I then relate the inquiries on model systems to the concept of 'deep homology', and indicate that the issues that appear to divide my commentators and myself are in part empirical ones. I cite recent work on model organisms, and especially C. elegans that supports my views. Finally, I briefly readdress some of the issues raised by Developmental Systems (...)
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  50. How to Measure Behavioral Spillovers: A Methodological Review and Checklist.Matteo M. Galizzi & Lorraine Whitmarsh - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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