Results for 'Yves-David Hugot'

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  1.  7
    L’intégration de l’analyse des systèmes-monde à la philosophie marxiste : vers un renouveau de la philosophie de l’histoire?Yves David Hugot - 2021 - Actuel Marx 70 (2):183-198.
    Le matérialisme historique standard, évolutionniste et progressiste, faisant se succéder les modes de production envisagés à l’échelle de sociétés, simple inversion de l’hégélianisme, est aujourd’hui totalement abandonné, discrédité qu’il est par l’échec des pays du socialisme réel. Cependant, deux philosophes marxistes, Jacques Bidet et Kojin Karatani, ont récemment cherché à reconstruire des philosophies de l’histoire sur une base marxiste en puisant dans les travaux issus de l’analyse des systèmes-monde, qui avaient produit des histoires mondiales du capitalisme critiques de l’eurocentrisme et (...)
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    Où et quand le capitalisme est-il né? Conceptualisations et jeux d'échelle chez Robert Brenner, Immanuel Wallerstein et André Gunder Frank.Yves-David Hugot - 2013 - Actuel Marx 53 (1):76.
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    Expression diacritique et sémiogenèse.Visetti Yves-Marie Piotrowski David - 2015 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 3 (1):63-112.
    This paper deals with the problem of semiogenesis in the light of Saussure’s and Merleau-Ponty’s approaches. Semiogenesis here stands for the emergence of differentiated moments of expression taking form in the semiotic flow through various boundaries and polarities, therefore going far beyond the usual lexico-grammatical picture. Grounded on the Generalized Diacritical Turn of the Merleau-pontian phenomenology, we suggest to set up a critical examination, as well as a few proposals, of : the gestural approach of speech, the negativity of the (...)
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    Subjectivités computationnelles.David M. Berry, Yves Citton & Anthony Masure - 2015 - Multitudes 59 (2):196-205.
    Nous commençons à mesurer l’importance culturelle du numérique comme nouvelle idée unificatrice d’une université totalement redimensionnée. Au-delà d’une simple question de littéracie informatique ou informationnelle, les humanités numériques nous offrent l’occasion de développer une approche critique de l’écriture numérique conçue comme une forme d’alphabétisation et de littérature, de façon à développer une culture numérique partagée comme une nouvelle forme de Bildung. Tandis que les technologies numériques produisent de nouvelles formes de subjectivités computationnelles, les humanités numériques peuvent nous aider à aller (...)
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  5. Approche de la corrosion d'analogues archéologiques ferreux par spectroscopie Raman et méthodes électrochimiques'.E. Pons, S. Joiret, A. Hugot-Le-Goff, D. David & C. Lemaître - 2003 - Techne 18:94-100.
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    Phénoménologie et linguistique : un entrelacs.Antonino Bondí, David Piotrowski & Yves-Marie Visetti - 2016 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 4 (2):267-308.
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    Book notes. [REVIEW]John Magney, Yves Chauvel, Adam Moore, Norman Levitt, David Pollard & Kai Jakobs - 2001 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 14 (2):129-145.
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    David Farrell Krell, Intimations of Mortality. Time, Truth, and Finitude in Heidegger's Thinking of Being.Jean-Yves Lacoste - 1987 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 85 (68):555-557.
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    Thirst for Intention? Grasping a Glass Is a Thirst-Controlled Action.Patrice Revol, Sarah Collette, Zoe Boulot, Alexandre Foncelle, Chiharu Niki, David Thura, Akila Imai, Sophie Jacquin-Courtois, Michel Cabanac, François Osiurak & Yves Rossetti - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The road to universal logic: festschrift for the 50th birthday of Jean-Yves Béziau.Jean-Yves Béziau, Arnold Koslow & Arthur Buchsbaum (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Birkhäuser.
    The first volume presents a collection of papers in honor of the fiftieth birthday of Jean-Yves Béziau. These 25 papers have been written by internationally distinguished logicians, mathematicians, computer scientists, linguists and philosophers, including Arnon Avron, John Corcoran, Wilfrid Hodges, Laurence Horn, Lloyd Humbertsone, Dale Jacquette, David Makinson, Stephen Read, and Jan Woleński. It is a state-of-the-art source of cutting-edge studies in the new interdisciplinary field of universal logic. The papers touch upon a wide range of topics including (...)
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    A recurrent 16p12.1 microdeletion supports a two-hit model for severe developmental delay.Santhosh Girirajan, Jill A. Rosenfeld, Gregory M. Cooper, Francesca Antonacci, Priscillia Siswara, Andy Itsara, Laura Vives, Tom Walsh, Shane E. McCarthy, Carl Baker, Heather C. Mefford, Jeffrey M. Kidd, Sharon R. Browning, Brian L. Browning, Diane E. Dickel, Deborah L. Levy, Blake C. Ballif, Kathryn Platky, Darren M. Farber, Gordon C. Gowans, Jessica J. Wetherbee, Alexander Asamoah, David D. Weaver, Paul R. Mark, Jennifer Dickerson, Bhuwan P. Garg, Sara A. Ellingwood, Rosemarie Smith, Valerie C. Banks, Wendy Smith, Marie T. McDonald, Joe J. Hoo, Beatrice N. French, Cindy Hudson, John P. Johnson, Jillian R. Ozmore, John B. Moeschler, Urvashi Surti, Luis F. Escobar, Dima El-Khechen, Jerome L. Gorski, Jennifer Kussmann, Bonnie Salbert, Yves Lacassie, Alisha Biser, Donna M. McDonald-McGinn, Elaine H. Zackai, Matthew A. Deardorff, Tamim H. Shaikh, Eric Haan, Kathryn L. Friend, Marco Fichera, Corrado Romano, Jozef Gécz, Lynn E. DeLisi, Jonathan Sebat, Mary-Claire King, Lisa G. Shaffer & Eic - unknown
    We report the identification of a recurrent, 520-kb 16p12.1 microdeletion associated with childhood developmental delay. The microdeletion was detected in 20 of 11,873 cases compared with 2 of 8,540 controls and replicated in a second series of 22 of 9,254 cases compared with 6 of 6,299 controls. Most deletions were inherited, with carrier parents likely to manifest neuropsychiatric phenotypes compared to non-carrier parents. Probands were more likely to carry an additional large copy-number variant when compared to matched controls. The clinical (...)
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    La questione del male in Yves Labbé.Davide Marzo - 2016 - Milano: Glossa.
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  13.  53
    David Goodstein. On Fact and Fraud: Cautionary Tales from the Front Lines of Science. 168 pp., illus., index. Princeton, N.J./Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2010. $22.95. [REVIEW]Yves Gingras - 2011 - Isis 102 (1):142-143.
  14.  80
    Le retour de la méritocratie: la théorie de la justice sociale de David Miller.Pierre-Yves Bonin - 2002 - Dialogue 41 (4):741-.
    David Miller est un intellectuel de gauche britannique bien connu pour ses nombreuses et importantes publications en philosophie politique et son dernier ouvrage, Principles of Social Justice, était attendu avec impatienceDans cet ouvrage, Miller propose des principes généraux de justice sociale devant guider l’organisation des principales institutions de la société ainsi qu’une justification élaborée de ces principes. C’est ce qu’on peut appeler, à l’instar de Miller, une théorie de la justice sociale. La théorie est ambitieuse, traite des principaux aspects (...)
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  15. Formal Approaches to the Ontological Argument.Ricardo Silvestre & Jean-Yves Beziau - 2018 - Journal of Applied Logics 5 (7):1433-1440.
    This paper introduces the special issue on Formal Approaches to the Ontological Argument of the Journal of Applied Logics (College Publications). The issue contains the following articles: Formal Approaches to the Ontological Argument, by Ricardo Sousa Silvestre and Jean-Yves Béziau; A Brief Critical Introduction to the Ontological Argument and its Formalization: Anselm, Gaunilo, Descartes, Leibniz and Kant, by Ricardo Sousa Silvestre; A Mechanically Assisted Examination of Begging the Question in Anselm’s Ontological Argument, by John Rushby; A Tractarian Resolution to (...)
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    Félix Schwarz, Cathédrales, symboles et lumières. Photographies de David Bordes. Paris, Éditions Nouvel Angle, 2009, 177 p.Félix Schwarz, Cathédrales, symboles et lumières. Photographies de David Bordes. Paris, Éditions Nouvel Angle, 2009, 177 p. [REVIEW]Yves Laberge - 2014 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 70 (2):396-398.
  17.  15
    Demichel-Basnier Sarah. 2019. Sociologie des voix artificielles. Préface de David Le Breton. Grenoble: Presses universitaires de Grenoble (“Handicap vieillissement société”). [REVIEW]Jean-Yves Barreyre - 2021 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 15-3 (15-3):2723-275.
    La voix est une médiation qui permet d’entrer en relation avec l’autre, mais elle participe aussi de la reconnaissance de l’individu en tant qu’être humain partageant une même culture et comme un sujet singulier (p. 255). Le travail de Sarah Demichel-Basnier porte sur l’usage des voix artificielles suite à une laryngectomie totale, c’est à dire une ablation du larynx et des cordes vocales qui laisse un trou définitif au niveau de la gorge (trachéostome) afin que l’individu puisse respirer. On...
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    Secundum doctores: essays in medieval learned law in honour of Harry Dondorp.Hylkje de Jong, Wolfgang Ernst, Jan Hallebeek, D. J. Ibbetson, Yves Mausen, E. J. H. Schrage & Andreas Thier (eds.) - 2023 - Amsterdam: VU Uitgeverij / VU University Press.
    The present volume, a tribute to Harry Dondorp, contains contributions to the symposium held on the occasion of his farewell at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Written by four eminent scholars in the field of legal history, the contributions are related to his areas of interest: delictual liability, Romano-canonical procedure and comparative law texts. The contributors are Wolfgang Ernst, David Ibbetson, Yves Mausen and Andreas Thier. The introductory words are by Eltjo Schrage, Jan Hallebeek and Hylkje de Jong.
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  19. Self and Salvation: Being Transformed, by David F. Ford. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. 298 pp. pb. ISBN 0-521-42616-2. [REVIEW]Jean-Yves Lacoste - 2002 - Studies in Christian Ethics 15 (1):151-152.
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    Negotiating Rapture: The Power of Art to Transform Lives.Richard Francis, Homi K. Bhabha, Yve Alain Bois & Museum of Contemporary Art - 1996
    Bhabha, Georges Didi-Huberman, David Morgan and Lee Siegel, as well as a series of focused contributions by Yve-Alain Bois, Wendy Doniger, Kenneth Frampton, Martin E. Marty, John Hallmark Neff, Annemarie Schimmel, and Helen Tworkov consider how rapture resonate's both in a cultural context and within the experience of a single human being.
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    La Epistemología de Thomas Hobbes: Conocimiento Antepredicativo, Teoría del Lenguaje y Conocimiento Predicativo.David Jiménez Castaño - 2018 - Revista de Filosofía 43 (1):49-66.
    In this article we’ll analyze Hobbes’s theory of knowledge. Following Yves Charles Zarka, we’ll divide his epistemology in two: the antepredicative and the predicative knowledge. The main difference between them is that the second uses the benefits of language to create science, so we’ll have to describe Hobbes’s theory of language too. We’ll also explain the method of science: some kind of compositive-resolutive method but with a linguistic basis.
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  22. Bahm, Archie J.(1995) epistemology (albuquerque: World books). Bloom Irene (trs)(1995) knowledge painfully acquired (columbia university press). Bracken, Joseph A.(1995) 77a; divine matrix (new York: Orbis books). Bronkhorst, Johannes & ramseier, Yves (1994) word index to the prasastapadabhasya (delhi: Motilal banarsidass). [REVIEW]Kisor Kumar Chakrabarti, David E. Cooper, Harold Coward, Thomas Dean, Malcolm David Eckel, James W. Hesig, John Maraldo, Richard King, Ljvia Kohn & Michael P. Levtne - 1996 - Asian Philosophy 6 (2):171.
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  23.  39
    David A. Pailin. A Gentle Touch: from a theology of handicap to a theology of being human. London. SPCK 1992 x+ 192. Robert L. Fastiggi. The Natural Theology of Yves de Paris. Atlanta Ga. Scholars Press. 1992. Pp 281. $19.95 Pbk. Merold Westphal. Hegel, Freedom and Modernity New York. State University Press of New York. 1992. Pp xviii+ 295. Paul Davies. The Mind of God: the scientific basis for a rational world. New York. Simon and Schuster. Pp 245. Hiroshi Obayashi ed. Death and Afterlife. New York ... [REVIEW]Peter Byrne - 1992 - Religious Studies 28 (4):583-584.
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    Safeguards in a world of ambient intelligence; David Wright, Serge gutwirth, Michael friedewald, Elena vildjiounaite, Yves punic (eds).Neelke Doorn - 2009 - Science and Engineering Ethics 15 (1):125-127.
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    The Road to Universal Logic: Festschrift for 50th Birthday of Jean-Yves Béziau, Volume I.Arnold Koslow & Arthur Buchsbaum (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Springer.
    This is the first volume of a collection of papers in honor of the fiftieth birthday of Jean-Yves Béziau. These 25 papers have been written by internationally distinguished logicians, mathematicians, computer scientists, linguists and philosophers, including Arnon Avron, John Corcoran, Wilfrid Hodges, Laurence Horn, Lloyd Humbertsone, Dale Jacquette, David Makinson, Stephen Read, and Jan Woleński. It is a state-of-the-art source of cutting-edge studies in the new interdisciplinary field of universal logic. The papers touch upon a wide range of (...)
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    The Achievement of David Novak: A Catholic–Jewish Dialogue ed. by Matthew Levering and Tom Angier (review).Christopher Kaczor - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (1):299-302.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Achievement of David Novak: A Catholic–Jewish Dialogue ed. by Matthew Levering and Tom AngierChristopher KaczorThe Achievement of David Novak: A Catholic–Jewish Dialogue, edited by Matthew Levering and Tom Angier (Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2021), 360 pp.The Achievement of David Novak: A Catholic–Jewish Dialogue, edited by Matthew Levering and Tom Angier, brings together twelve essays on various aspects of Novak's thought along with a response to (...)
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  27. (1 other version)Causality and Chance in Modern Physics.David Bohm - 1957 - London: Routledge.
    In this classic, David Bohm was the first to offer us his causal interpretation of the quantum theory. _Causality and Chance in Modern Physics_ continues to make possible further insight into the meaning of the quantum theory and to suggest ways of extending the theory into new directions.
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  28.  42
    Out of Error: Further Essays on Critical Rationalism.David W. Miller - 2006 - Ashgate Publishing.
    David Miller is the foremost exponent of the purist critical rationalist doctrine and here presents his mature views, discussing the role that logic and argument play in the growth of knowledge, criticizing the common understanding of argument as an instrument of justification, persuasion or discovery and instead advocating the critical rationalist view that only criticism matters. Miller patiently and thoroughly undoes the damage done by those writers who attack critical rationalism by invoking the sterile mythology of induction and justification (...)
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  29. Correspondence and disquotation: an essay on the nature of truth.Marian Alexander David - 1994 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    They reject the correspondence theory, insist truth is anemic, and advance an "anti-theory" of truth that is essentially a collection of platitudes: "Snow is white" is true if and only if snow is white; "Grass is green" is true if and only if grass is green. According to disquotationalists, the only profound insight about truth is that it lacks profundity. David contrasts the correspondence theory with disquotationalism and then develops the latter position in rich detail - more than has (...)
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    Essays And Treatises On Several Subjects.David Hume - 2002 - Thoemmes.
    David Hume (1711-76) is the grand intellectual figure of the Scottish Enlightenment. Ironically, what is now considered his magnum opus, the ill-received three-volume A Treatise of Human Nature (1739-40), was rejected by Hume himself by 1751. Subsequently, when Hume first compiled his Essays and Treatises on Several Subjects two years later, he excluded the Treatise and considered this new collection of essays to be his complete philosophical writings. Hume revised the Essays and Treatises some ten times in various editions, (...)
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    Science and Selection: Essays on Biological Evolution and the Philosophy of Science.David L. Hull - 2000 - Cambridge University Press.
    One way to understand science is as a selection process. David Hull, one of the dominant figures in contemporary philosophy of science, sets out in this 2001 volume a general analysis of this selection process that applies equally to biological evolution, the reaction of the immune system to antigens, operant learning, and social and conceptual change in science. Hull aims to distinguish between those characteristics that are contingent features of selection and those that are essential. Science and Selection brings (...)
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  32. What animal rights? A critical reading of Thomas Regan.Jean-Yves Goffi - 1998 - In Georges Chapouthier & Jean-Claude Nouët (eds.), The universal declaration of animal rights: comments and intentions. Paris: Ligue Française des Droits de l'Animal.
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    La phénoménalité de dieu: neuf études.Jean-Yves Lacoste - 2008 - Paris: Cerf.
    Entre philosophie et théologie, pouvons-nous croire à l'existence d'une limite? C'est ce que ce livre tente de nier. Dieu n'apparaît pas ou n'" apparaît " pas comme apparaît ou " apparaît " un cube, une œuvre d'art, un nombre ou un autre homme. Dieu diffère - jusqu'au point d'être le non-autre. La différence toutefois n'introduit nulle césure dans le champ de la connaissance. Elle nous rend simplement, ce qui n'est pas peu, attentifs à la pluralité des modes d'apparaître. Et s'enquérir (...)
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    The False Prison Volume Two.David Pears - 1988 - Oxford, GB: Clarendon Press.
    This is the second of David Pears's acclaimed two‐volume work on the development of Wittgenstein's philosophy, covering the Philosophical Investigations and other writings from 1929 onwards. Though more selective in its coverage than the first volume (it deals mainly with Wittgenstein's philosophy of psychology and the ego, the possibility of a private language and rule‐following), the book reveals with great clarity the style, method, and content of Wittgenstein's later thought. While this volume is independently comprehensible, Pears remains largely within (...)
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    Children, Family and the State.David Archard - 2003 - Routledge.
    This title was first published in 2003. This book critically examines the moral and political status of the child by a consideration of three interrelated questions: What rights if any does the child have? What rights over and duties in respect of a child do parents have? What rights over and duties in respect of a child does the state have? David Archard adopts three areas for particular discussion on the practical implications of the general theoretical issues: education, child (...)
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    Plebeian Politics.Yves Winter - 2012 - Political Theory 40 (6):736-766.
    In his Florentine Histories, Machiavelli offers an ambivalent portrayal of the revolt of the textile workers in late fourteenth-century Florence, known as the tumult of the Ciompi. On the face of it, Machiavelli's depiction of the insurgent workers is not exactly flattering. Yet this picture is undermined by a firebrand speech, which Machiavelli invents and attributes to an unnamed leader of the plebeian revolt. I interpret this speech as a radical and egalitarian vector of thought opened up by Machiavelli's text. (...)
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    Ethics and the Rule of Law.David Lyons - 1983 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    An introduction to the philosophy of law, which offers a modern and critical appraisal of all the main issues and problems. This has become a very active area in the last ten years, and one on which philosophers, legal practitioners and theorists and social scientists have tended to converge. The more abstract questions about the nature of law and its relationship to social norms and moral standards are now seen to be directly relevant to more practical and indeed pressing questions (...)
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    Moral vision: seeing the world with love and justice.David Matzko McCarthy - 2018 - Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
    In this new textbook two Catholic ethicists with extensive teaching experience present a moral theology based on vision. David Matzko McCarthy and James M. Donohue draw widely from the Western philosophical tradition while integrating biblical and theological themes in order to explore such fundamental questions as What is good? The fourteen chapters in Moral Vision are short and thematic. Substantive study questions engage with primary texts and encourage students to apply theory to everyday life and common human experiences. The (...)
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    Deliberation and the first person.David Owens - 2011 - In Anthony Hatzimoysis (ed.), Self-Knowledge. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 261-277.
    Philosophers like Shoemaker and Burge argue that only self-conscious creatures can exercise rational control over their mental lives. In particular they urge that reflective rationality requires possession of the I-concept, the first person concept. These philosophers maintain that rational creatures like ourselves can exercise reflective control over belief as well as action. I agree that we have this sort of control over our actions and that practical freedom presupposes self-consciousness. But I deny that anything like this is true of belief.
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    Continuants: Their Activity, Their Being, and Their Identity.David Wiggins - 2016 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    For this volume David Wiggins has selected and revised eleven of his essays in an area of metaphysics where his work has been particularly influential, and he has added a substantial introduction and one new unpublished essay. Among the subjects treated are substance, identity, persistence, persons, sortals, and artefacts.
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  41. Código, lenguaje como.Pierre-Yves Raccah - 2011 - In Luis Vega and Paula Olmos (ed.), Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. [Madrid]: Editorial Trotta. pp. 96--99.
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    Kierkegaard as Religious Thinker.David Jay Gouwens - 1996 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Using Kierkegaard's later religious writings as well as his earlier philosophical works, David Gouwens explores this philosopher's religious and theological thought, focusing on human nature, Christ, and Christian discipleship. He helps the reader approach Kierkegaard as someone who both analysed religion and sought to evoke religious dispositions in his readers. Gouwens discusses Kierkegaard's main concerns as a religious and, specifically, Christian thinker, and his treatment of religion using the dialectic of 'becoming Christian', and counters the interpretation of his religious (...)
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    Human Life in the Balance.David C. Thomasma & John B. Cobb - 1990 - Westminster John Knox Press.
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    Children.David Archard - 2003 - In Hugh LaFollette (ed.), The Oxford Hndbk of Practical Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press UK.
    Whether children have rights is a debate that in recent years has spilled over into all areas of public life. It has never been more topical than now as the assumed rights of parents over their children is challenged on an almost daily basis. David Archard offers the first serious and sustained philosophical examination of children and their rights. Archard reviews arguments for and against according children rights. He concludes that every child has at least the right to the (...)
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    A companion to John of Salisbury.Christophe Grellard (ed.) - 2014 - Boston: Brill.
    This book is the first collective study of this major figure in the intellectual and political life of 12th-century Europe to appear for thirty years. Based on the latest research, thirteen contributions by leading experts in the field provide an overview of John of Salisbury’s place in the political debates that marked the reign of Henry II in England as well as of his place in the history of the Church. They also offer a detailed introduction to his philosophical works (...)
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    Hume’s Science of Human Nature: Scientific Realism, Reason, and Substantial Explanation.David Landy - 2017 - New York, USA: Routledge.
    Hume’s Science of Human Nature is an investigation of the philosophical commitments underlying Hume's methodology in pursuing what he calls ‘the science of human nature’. It argues that Hume understands scientific explanation as aiming at explaining the inductively-established universal regularities discovered in experience via an appeal to the nature of the substance underlying manifest phenomena. For years, scholars have taken Hume to employ a deliberately shallow and demonstrably untenable notion of scientific explanation. By contrast, Hume’s Science of Human Nature sets (...)
  47.  7
    Social Welfare and Individual Responsibility.David Schmidtz & Robert E. Goodin - 1998 - Cambridge University Press.
    The issue of social welfare and individual responsibility has become a topic of international public debate in recent years as politicians around the world now question the legitimacy of state-funded welfare systems. David Schmidtz and Robert Goodin debate the ethical merits of individual versus collective responsibility for welfare. David Schmidtz argues that social welfare policy should prepare people for responsible adulthood rather than try to make that unnecessary. Robert Goodin argues against the individualization of welfare policy and expounds (...)
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    Legislature by Lot.John Gastil & Erik Olin Wright (eds.) - 2019 - Verso Books.
    Democracy means rule by the people, but in practice even the most robust democracies delegate most rule making to a political class The gap between the public and its representatives might seem unbridgeable in the modern world, but Legislature by Lot examines an inspiring solution: a legislature chosen through “sortition”—the random selection of lay citizens. It’s a concept that has come to the attention of democratic reformers across the globe. Proposals for such bodies are being debated in Australia, Belgium, Iceland, (...)
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    Philosophy at the limit.David Wood - 1990 - Boston: Unwin Hyman.
    The structure and style of philosophy has evolved in response to philosophy's confrontation with its own limits. Are these limits real or are they just phantoms haunting the philosophical project? How do philosophy and philosophers attempt to overcome these limits, or at least come to terms with them? In "Philosophy at the Limit" David Wood pursues this theme in modern philosophers from Hegel to Derrida including Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, Heidegger and Gadamer. He focuses on questions of philosophical style, problems with (...)
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  50.  26
    Animal Oppression and Human Violence: Domesecration, Capitalism, and Global Conflict.David Nibert - 2013 - Columbia University Press.
    Jared Diamond and other leading scholars have argued that the domestication of animals for food, labor, and tools of war has advanced the development of human society. But by comparing practices of animal exploitation for food and resources in different societies over time, David A. Nibert reaches a strikingly different conclusion. He finds in the domestication of animals, which he renames "domesecration," a perversion of human ethics, the development of large-scale acts of violence, disastrous patterns of destruction, and growth-curbing (...)
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