Results for 'Y. Ban'

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  1. La profundidad de las explicaciones causales en las ciencias naturales y las ciencias sociales.Fernanda Samaniego Bañuelos - 2012 - In González de Luna, M. Eduardo, Mauricio Ávila Barba & Óscar Wingartz Plata, Problemas filosóficos interdisciplinarios de la ciencia, la tecnología y la sociedad. Santiago de Querétaro, Qro., México: Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Facultad de Filosofía.
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    Boekbesprekingen.W. Beuken, L. Dequeker, Martin Parmentier, Th C. de Kruijf, P. C. Beentjes, Karin Lelyveld, Liobaklooster Egmond, H. van Cranenburgh, Marc Schneiders, P. Smulders, B. W. J. M. Banning, Peter Nissen, R. Boudens, F. J. Theunis, J. Y. H. Jacobs, Peter Raedts, Eugène Honée, J. -J. Suurmond, A. H. C. van Eijk, R. G. W. Huysmans, Marc Rotsaert, Cor Traets & G. Rouwhorst - 1987 - Bijdragen 48 (2):206-227.
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    The Potential of Artificial Intelligence for Achieving Healthy and Sustainable Societies.B. Sirmacek, S. Gupta, F. Mallor, H. Azizpour, Y. Ban, H. Eivazi, H. Fang, F. Golzar, I. Leite, G. I. Melsion, K. Smith, F. Fuso Nerini & R. Vinuesa - 2023 - In Francesca Mazzi & Luciano Floridi, The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence for the Sustainable Development Goals. Springer Verlag. pp. 65-96.
    In this chapter we extend earlier work (Vinuesa et al., Nat Commun 11, 2020) on the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) proposed by the United Nations (UN) for the 2030 Agenda. The present contribution focuses on three SDGs related to healthy and sustainable societies, i.e., SDG 3 (on good health), SDG 11 (on sustainable cities), and SDG 13 (on climate action). This chapter extends the previous study within those three goals and goes (...)
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    Xuetong Li. Weng Wenhao nian pu [The Chronicle of Dr. Weng Wenhao]. . 430 pp., bibl., index. Jinan: Shandong jiao yu chu ban she [Shandong Education Press], 2005. π¯16. [REVIEW]Grace Y. Shen - 2008 - Isis 99 (4):874-875.
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    Abortion & Artificial Wombs.J. Y. Lee & Andrea Bidoli - 2021 - Philosophy Now 144:26-27.
    Abortion is the deliberate termination of a pregnancy. In current practice, this involves the death of the foetus. Consequently, the debate on whether those experiencing an unwanted pregnancy have the right to abortion is usually dichotomized as a matter of pro-choice versus pro-life. Pro-choice advocates maintain that abortion is acceptable under various circumstances. The idea that we ought to respect pregnant people’s rights to choose what to do with their bodies – respect for bodily autonomy – is cited as a (...)
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    Situación actual y perspectivas turísticas de los baños termales de La Collpa, Huaral.María Alejandra Rojas Rieckhof - 2018 - Cultura 32:211-224.
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    One Ḥadīth, Sixty Deductions (Wajh): Ibn al-Qāṣṣ and his Fawāʾid Ḥadīth Abī ʿUmayr.Suat Koca - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (2):787-811.
    Ibn al-Qāṣṣ (d. 335/946), one of the representatives of the Shāfiʿī school of law in the 4th/10th century, compiled a short treatise of extraordinary nature: Fawāʾid Ḥadīth Abī ʿUmeyr. In this work, he deduces sixty different wajhs (verdicts, comments) from a ḥadīth reporting the Prophet’s interest and affection to a child known as Abū ʿUmayr and his family during a visit he paid after Abū ʿUmayr’s birdie died by jokingly telling him in rhyme, “yā Abā ʿUmayr, mā faʿala al-nughayr” (O (...)
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    Le soldat impossible: essai.Robert Redeker - 2014 - Paris: Pierre-Guillaume de Roux.
    Mourir pour la France, faire la guerre, tomber au champ d'honneur... Les jeunes générations y songent-elles encore? Il est vrai que la désacralisation de la chose militaire, propagée par l'hédonisme-pacifisme triomphant, a eu raison de cette aspiration traditionnelle. Le 14juillet des dernières décennies n'est-il pas devenu une fête pour la fête parmi tant d'autres, où les défilés militaires s'exposent au regard comme un spectacle de foire? L'Ecole a, elle-même, renoncé à exalter les vertus de la nation et de la patrie (...)
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    Le pasteur Oberlin.Johann Friedrich Oberlin & Loïc Chalmel - 1999 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France. Edited by Loïc Chalmel.
    Le nom de Jean-Frédéric Oberlin, pasteur et pédagogue, citoyen des lumières, reste indissociablement lié à celui du Ban de la Roche, modeste vallée vosgienne, au cœur de laquelle il exerça son ministère pendant quelque soixante années. Au confluent des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles, il y développe, loin des cercles intellectuels des capitales européennes, un projet socio-éducatif global sans précédent, bâti dans le quotidien d'une action pastorale fondée sur les principes intangibles d'exigence morale et d'amour du prochain. Considéré comme un précurseur (...)
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  10. og Punameki, RL.Y. Engeström & R. Mittinen - 1999 - In Yrjö Engeström, Reijo Miettinen & Raija-Leena Punamäki-Gitai, Perspectives on activity theory. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  11. Inside mystical heads: shared and personal constructs.Y. O. Karst & J. W. Groutt - 1977 - In Donald Bannister, New perspectives in personal construct theory. New York: Academic Press. pp. 125--150.
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  12. Long-lasting detection facilitation induced by Gabor flankers.Y. Tanaka & D. Sagi - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 53-54.
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    Abortion and Reproduction in Ireland: Shame, Nation-building and the Affective Politics of Place.Clara Fischer - 2019 - Feminist Review 122 (2):32-48.
    In 2018, Irish citizens voted overwhelmingly to repeal the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution to allow for the introduction of a more liberal abortion law. In this article, I develop a retrospective reading of the stubborn persistence of the denial of reproductive rights to women in Ireland over the decades. I argue that the ban’s severity and longevity is rooted in deep-seated, affective attachments that formed part of processes of postcolonial nation-building and relied on shame and the construction of the (...)
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  14. What Is Virtue Ethics All about?Gregory Velazco Y. Trianosky - 1990 - American Philosophical Quarterly 27 (4):335 - 344.
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  15. (2 other versions)Tác động của yếu tố xã hội đến phản ứng của nhà đầu tư chứng khoán cá nhân trong khủng hoảng: bằng chứng từ Trung Quốc và Việt Nam.Nguyễn Phương Tri, Nguyễn Văn Quý, Giang Hoàng & Nguyễn Minh Hoàng - 2024 - Tạp Chí Kinh Tế Và Dự Báo 864 (1):55-63.
    Cảm xúc là yếu tố cơ bản thúc đẩy con người đưa ra quyết định và xử lý thông tin. Sợ hãi là một trong những cảm xúc phổ biến nhất ảnh hưởng đến hành vi của nhà đầu tư cá nhân trên thị trường chứng khoán. Mặc dù nhiều nghiên cứu đã được thực hiện để khám phá tác động của nỗi sợ hãi đối với hiệu quả đầu tư và hành vi giao dịch của nhà đầu tư cá (...)
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  16. Motor representations and the perception of space: perceptual judgments of the boundary of action space.Y. Delevoye-Turrell, A. Bartolo & Y. Coello - 2010 - In Nivedita Gangopadhyay, Michael Madary & Finn Spicer, Perception, action, and consciousness: sensorimotor dynamics and two visual systems. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 217--242.
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  17. Defining knowledge in terms of belief: The modal logic perspective.Joseph Y. Halpern, Dov Samet & Ella Segev - 2009 - Review of Symbolic Logic 2 (3):469-487.
    The question of whether knowledge is definable in terms of belief, which has played an important role in epistemology for the last 50 years, is studied here in the framework of epistemic and doxastic logics. Three notions of definability are considered: explicit definability, implicit definability, and reducibility, where explicit definability is equivalent to the combination of implicit definability and reducibility. It is shown that if knowledge satisfies any set of axioms contained in S5, then it cannot be explicitly defined in (...)
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    Toward a Confucian Family-Oriented Health Care System for the Future of China.Y. Cao, X. Chen & R. Fan - 2011 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 36 (5):452-465.
    Recently implemented Chinese health insurance schemes have failed to achieve a Chinese health care system that is family-oriented, family-based, family-friendly, or even financially sustainable. With this diagnosis in hand, the authors argue that a financially and morally sustainable Chinese health care system should have as its core family health savings accounts supplemented by appropriate health insurance plans. This essay’s arguments are set in the context of Confucian moral commitments that still shape the background culture of contemporary China.
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  19. The social psychology of distributive justice.Kjell Y. Törnblom - 1992 - In Klaus R. Scherer, Justice: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. pp. 177--236.
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  20. Panum area testing in human fovea.Y. Loginovich, A. Bulatov & A. Bertulis - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 90-90.
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    Acceptance and devaluation: Nahmanides' attitude towards science.Y. Tzvi Langermann - 1992 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 1 (2):223-245.
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    Negative Dialectics.Y. Sherratt - 1998 - International Philosophical Quarterly 38 (1):55-66.
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  23. 'Ought' Implies 'Can': a Bridge from Fact to Norm (Part 2)?Knut Erik Tranøy - 1975 - Ratio (Misc.) 17 (2):147-175.
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  24. ‘Ought’ implies ‘can’: a bridge form fact to norm? Part 1.Knut Erik Tranøy - 1972 - Ratio (Misc.) 14:116-130.
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  25. Simultaneous water quality survey with satellite observation in Lake Shinji (Part. 1).Y. Sakuno, K. Takayasu, T. Matsunaga, M. Nakamura & H. Kunii - 1996 - Laguna 3:57-72.
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    Naturalismo, autoorganización.Y. Un Mundo Secular - 2005 - In Tobies Grimaltos & Julián Pacho, La naturalización de la filosofía: problemas y límites. Valencia: Editorial Pre-Textos.
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  27. Ban Nobutomo zenshū.Nobutomo Ban - 1907 - Tōkyō: Kokusho Kankōkai.
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  28. The truth fairy and the indirect epistemic consequentialist.Daniel Y. Elstein & C. S. I. Jenkins - 2020 - In Peter Graham & Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen, Epistemic Entitlement. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
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  29. 'Uber die fortschritte Des metaphysics', notes on a posthumous work by Kant.Y. Yamashita - 1991 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 98 (2):267-289.
  30. Compresión y expansión en Atonement (novela y filme).Raquel Gutiérrez Estúpiñan [Y.] Alan Paul Vergara Vallejo - 2021 - In Raquel Gutiérrez Estupiñán, Jaime Villarreal & Miguel Sáenz, Encuadres del discurso cinematográfico. Monterrey, Nuevo León, México: Editorial Universitaria de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León.
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  31. JY Lettvin on grandmother cells.J. Y. Lettvin - 1995 - In Michael S. Gazzaniga, The Cognitive Neurosciences. MIT Press. pp. 434--435.
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  32. The matching hypothesis-factors influencing dating preferences.F. Y. Wong, D. R. McCreary, C. C. Bowden & S. M. Jenner - 1991 - In Stephen Everson, Psychology: Companions to Ancient Thought, Vol. 2. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 27-31.
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    Nurse Drug Diversion and Nursing Leader's Responsibilities.Hazel Y. Tanga - 2011 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 13 (1):13-16.
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  34. Dans la perspective d'une sagesse chrétienne intégrale.Y. Floucat - 1989 - Revue Thomiste 89 (2):218-245.
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  35. De la physique à l'épistémologie B. d'Espagnat et I. Prigogine.Y. Gauthier - 1984 - Logique Et Analyse 27 (7):327.
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  36. El tema de nuestro tiempo.José Ortega Y. Gasset - 1934 - Madrid: [Impr. de G. Sáez].
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    Islamic Viewpoints on Opportunistic Sex Selection of IVF Embryos upon doing Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Preventing Genetic Diseases.Sayyed Mohamed Muhsin, Shaima Zohair Arab & Alexis Heng Boon Chin - 2023 - Asian Bioethics Review 16 (2):223-232.
    In recent years, preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) of IVF embryos have gained much traction in clinical assisted reproduction for preventing various genetic defects, including Down syndrome. However, such genetic tests inevitably reveal the sex of IVF embryos by identifying the sex (X and Y) chromosomes. In many countries with less stringent IVF regulations, information on the sex of embryos that are tested to be genetically normal is readily shared with patients. This would thus present Muslim patients with unintended opportunities for (...)
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  38. Conspiracy Theories and Religion: Reframing Conspiracy Theories as Bliks.Glenn Y. Bezalel - 2019 - Episteme:1-19.
    Conspiracy theories have largely been framed by the academy as a stigmatised form of knowledge. Yet recent scholarship has included calls to take conspiracy theories more seriously as an area of study with a desire to judge them on their own merits rather than an a priori dismissal of them as a class of explanation. This paper argues that the debates within the philosophy of religion, long overlooked by scholars of conspiracy theories, can help sow the seeds for re-examining our (...)
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    A hypothesis concerning a relationship between pleasantness and unpleasantness.Y. Sagawa, H. Sawai & N. Sakai - 2002 - In Kunio Yasue, Mari Jibu & Tarcisio Della Senta, No Matter, Never Mind: Proceedings of Toward a Science of Consciousness: Fundamental Approaches (Tokyo '99). John Benjamins. pp. 33--325.
  40. Estimation of turbidity and chlorophyll-a concentration in Lakes Shinji and Nakaumi using multi-date ASTER data.Y. Sakuno, M. Yamamoto, T. Yoshida, T. Matsunaga, T. Kozu, T. Shimomai & K. Takayasu - 2004 - Laguna 11:147-153.
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  41. Elledge.Y. Sanches - 1995 - Stopped for Repairs Bioessays 17:545.
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    Education for tragedy.Y. H. Krikorian - 1972 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 7 (4):250-261.
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    Teleology and Causality.Y. H. Krikorian - 1949 - Review of Metaphysics 2 (8):35 - 46.
    All these activities of living beings, and the functioning of their organs, and the functioning of instruments demand a teleological explanation. Why do human beings toil? Why do living beings try to maintain the activities of the organism? What are the functions of specific organs or instruments? Intelligible answers can be given in teleological terms. Of course, one could ask many questions about these situations that would not require the teleological explanation; for example, questions concerning the mechanical structure of living (...)
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  44. Jorge velázquez Delgado (2011), antimaquiavelismo.Y. Razón & Estado Ensayos - 2013 - Signos Filosóficos 15 (29):225-229.
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    Buddhistische und Shamanistische Elemente im Säkularisierungsprozeß des Modernen Japan.Ingeborg Y. Wendt - 1971 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 23 (4):319-338.
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    Teaching Medical Law in Medical Education.Rebecca S. Y. Wong & Usharani Balasingam - 2013 - Journal of Academic Ethics 11 (2):121-138.
    Although the teaching of medical ethics and law in medical education is an old story that has been told many times in medical literature, recent studies show that medical students and physicians lack confidence when faced with ethical dilemmas and medico-legal issues. The adverse events rates and medical lawsuits are on the rise whereas many medical errors are mostly due to negligence or malpractices which are preventable. While it is true that many medical schools teach their students medical law and (...)
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    Shusterman, Richard, The Adventures of the Man in Gold: Paths between Art and Life. Photographs by Yann Toma: Paris: Éditions Hermann, 2016, 127 pages.Ellen Y. Zhang - 2020 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 19 (2):321-326.
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    Quality in Postgraduate Education.O. Zuber-Skerritt & Y. Ryan - 1996 - British Journal of Educational Studies 44 (1):126-126.
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    Towards a New Mysticism: Teilhard de Chardin and Eastern Religions.John Y. Fenton - 1982 - Philosophy East and West 32 (4):466-467.
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    Єдиний шлях порятунку людства від тотального колапсу - ноотехнології та ноонауки.K. V. Korsak & Y. K. Korsak - 2018 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 74:28-38.
    The urgency of the research topic lies in the author's search for the elimination of environmental and other threats to the existence of mankind. The population of Homo Sapiens increases quantitatively, intensify the rate of degradation of the natural environment and accelerates the movement to the total Collapse. Scientists in the world create only "appeals" and “warnings” of danger, but even the UN decision and three environmental forums 1992, 2002 and 2012 do not indicate real means of salvation. The purpose (...)
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