Results for 'R. Boudens'

932 found
  1.  19
    Tyrrell's „beati excommunicati”.R. Boudens - 1973 - Bijdragen 34 (3):293-305.
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    Boekbesprekingen.W. Beuken, L. Dequeker, Martin Parmentier, Th C. de Kruijf, P. C. Beentjes, Karin Lelyveld, Liobaklooster Egmond, H. van Cranenburgh, Marc Schneiders, P. Smulders, B. W. J. M. Banning, Peter Nissen, R. Boudens, F. J. Theunis, J. Y. H. Jacobs, Peter Raedts, Eugène Honée, J. -J. Suurmond, A. H. C. van Eijk, R. G. W. Huysmans, Marc Rotsaert, Cor Traets & G. Rouwhorst - 1987 - Bijdragen 48 (2):206-227.
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  3. Chronological Table in Joseph Needham's The Teacher of Nations.R. Fitzgibbon Young - 1943 - Philosophical Review 52:526.
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    On Translating Utopia.R. W. Zandvoort - 1967 - Moreana 4 (Number 15-4 (3):137-140.
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  5. The Tragi-Comic Professional: Basic Considerations for Ethical Reflective-Generative Practice, by Paul Dokecki.R. Zaner - 1997 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 28 (2):288-289.
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    Kıbrıs'taki Geleneksel Çocuk Oyunlarının Kübik Öğretim Programı Temelinde Okul Öncesi Eğitim ve Bili.Sarem Özdemi̇r - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 11):1217-1217.
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    Sosyo Bilimsel Esaslar Çerçevesinde Sosyo Bilimsel Konuları Tartışmak Tutumları Nasıl Etkiler? Nükle.Nevin Özdemi̇r - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 2):1197-1197.
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    A note on the monotonicity of reducible quantifiers.R. Zuber - 2010 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 19 (1):123-128.
    We provide necessary and sufficient conditions determining how monotonicity of some classes of reducible quantifiers depends on the monotonicity of simpler quantifiers of iterations to which they are equivalent.
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    Leo Tolstoy and Russian Religious Philosophy.R. M. Zwahlen & A. S. Tsygankov - 2018 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 22 (1):85-92.
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  10. La problématique du surnaturel dans L'Action et dans la Lettre de 1896.R. Virgoulay - 1998 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 86 (4):491-573.
    Comment l'intention apologétique de Blondel dans L’Action est-elle compatible avec le caractère philosophique de l’œuvre ? Comment éviter le soupçon de préjugé, de pétition de principes ? R. Virgoulay montre comment le projet mis en œuvre dans L’Action et défini dans la Lettre de 1896, ouvrait la philosophie à l'examen du problème religieux par la détermination a priori de la notion de surnaturel. Après avoir exposé « la méthode de L’Action » pour faire passer d'une conviction subjective, d'un témoignage vécu, (...)
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    Yi Ŭr-ho chŏnsŏ.Ŭr-ho Yi - 2000 - Sŏul-si: Yemun Sŏwŏn.
    1. Tasan ŭi kyŏnghak kwa yŏkhak -- 2. Tasanhak chʻongnon -- 3. Tasanhak kwa mongmin simsŏ -- 4. Sirhak sasang kwa Han sasang -- 5.Kaesin yuhak ŭro pon Hanʼguk chʻŏrhaksa -- 6. Kugyŏk Tasan sasŏ -- 7. Sasang uĭhak kwa saengmyŏng ŭihangnon -- 8. Hanʼguk munhwa ŭi insik, kugyŏkkanyangnok -- 9. Chamnok, susangnok, purok.
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  12. The Sphota Doctrine of Bhartrhari.R. Pathiraj - 1995 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 22 (1):67-74.
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  13. WEB Du Bois: Reflections on democracy.R. D. Sumpter - 2001 - Journal of Thought 36 (2):25-32.
  14.  11
    A method of detecting an observer bias.R. M. Tennent - 1958 - Philosophical Magazine 3 (31):776-779.
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  15.  30
    Operationism in psychology.R. H. Waters & L. A. Pennington - 1938 - Psychological Review 45 (5):414-423.
  16.  42
    Pierre Boyangé: Études sur la religion romaine. Pp. xii+440; 5 plates. Rome: École française dc Rome , 1972. Paper.R. M. Ogilvie - 1975 - The Classical Review 25 (1):157-157.
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    Pharmacy ethics.R. Rowson - 1993 - Journal of Medical Ethics 19 (4):240-240.
  18.  73
    Swinburne on Confirmability.R. I. Sikora - 1975 - Analysis 35 (6):195 -.
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    Foreword.R. Silber - 1974 - In Immanuel Kant, On the old saw: that may be right in theory but it won't work in practice. Philadelphia,: University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 9-12.
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  20. Décision morale et rapport moyens-fin.R. Simon - 1980 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 68 (2-3):453.
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  21. From Dialogue to Dialectic: Socrates, Kant, Hegel & Marx.R. P. Singh - 2000 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 27 (3):259-274.
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  22. Warszawska szkoła historii idei. Między historią a teraźniejszością.R. Sitek - 2001 - Ruch Filozoficzny 1 (1).
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  23. Ecological or socialist humanism.R. Steigerwald - 1984 - Filosoficky Casopis 32 (1):31-44.
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  24.  26
    How stealth combustion losses lower plant efficiency (vol 149, pg 62, 2005).R. F. Storm - 2005 - In Alan F. Blackwell & David MacKay, Power. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 149--3.
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  25.  25
    City and Cosmos: the Medieval World in Urban Form. By Keith D. Lilley.R. N. Swanson - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (3):470-471.
  26.  25
    The Trial of the Templars. Second Edition. By Malcolm Barber.R. N. Swanson - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (3):490-490.
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    The Written World: Past and Place in the Work of Orderic Vitalis. By Amanda Jane Hingst.R. N. Swanson - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (3):474-475.
  28. Arguments for the Existence of God IN Key Themes in Philosophy.R. G. Swinburne - 1989 - In [no title]. Cambridge University Press.
    In an inductive argument data increase the probability of a hypothesis insofar as the hypothesis makes probable the data, the data are otherwise not likely to occur, and the hypothesis is simple. The Cosmological argument from the existence of the universe, the Teleological argument from its conformity to natural law, and other arguments from more detailed features of the universe each increase the probability that there is a God. I thus summarize in simple form the main points of my book (...)
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  29. Fram till frihet.Torsten Tegnér - 1968 - [Solna,: Seelig].
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  30. Relativité du vrai, relativisme de l'intelligible.R. Thom - 1992 - Epistemologia 15 (1):3-20.
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  31. Reinstatements and eleborative inferences during the reading of narratives.R. Thurlow - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (6):480-480.
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  32. Rolston III, H.-genes, genesis and God.R. Trigg - 2000 - Philosophical Books 41 (3):220-221.
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  33. El imperialismo de la mirada.R. Valencia - 2007 - Escritos 15 (35):372-407.
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  34. Vagueness and the principle of the excluded middle.R. R. Verma - 1970 - Mind 79 (1):67.
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  35. Le Vocabulaire Magique De Jean Bodin: Dans La Démonomanie Des Sorciers.R. Wagner - 1948 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 10:95-123.
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    Fixed-ratio responding with human subjects.R. Frank Wallace & David W. Mulder - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 1 (5):359-362.
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    Blindsight - a nonproblem.R. A. Weale - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (3):464.
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    Compton profiles of Teflon and paraffin.R. J. Weiss & J. L. Illinger - 1973 - Philosophical Magazine 27 (4):989-991.
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    In and out of School.R. White & D. Brockington - 1979 - British Journal of Educational Studies 27 (2):167-168.
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    Adiabatic shear of titanium and polymethylmethacrylate.R. E. Winter - 1975 - Philosophical Magazine 31 (4):765-773.
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  41.  13
    An Islamist View, From The Reforms To The Abolishment Of Medresahs: The Law Of Unification Of Education And Its Practices In Sebilürreşad.Emin Özdemi̇r - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8:201-215.
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  42. Samorealizat︠s︡ii︠a︡ cheloveka: vvedenie v chelovekoznanie.R. A. Zobov - 2001 - S.-Peterburg: Izd-vo S.Peterburgskogo universiteta. Edited by V. N. Kelasʹev.
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    First-Order Modal Logic: Frame Definability and a Lindström Theorem.R. Zoghifard & M. Pourmahdian - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (4):699-720.
    We generalize two well-known model-theoretic characterization theorems from propositional modal logic to first-order modal logic. We first study FML-definable frames and give a version of the Goldblatt–Thomason theorem for this logic. The advantage of this result, compared with the original Goldblatt–Thomason theorem, is that it does not need the condition of ultrafilter reflection and uses only closure under bounded morphic images, generated subframes and disjoint unions. We then investigate Lindström type theorems for first-order modal logic. We show that FML has (...)
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    Realisme en antirealisme.R. Vergauwen - 1991 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 53 (4):631 - 663.
    In this article the contemporary debate between realism and anti-realism in analytical philosophy is analysed and discussed. It is claimed that the nature of the reference relation which holds between language and the world is central in this discussion which has both logical, semantical, and epistemological aspects. In a first part A. Tarski's (semantic) theory of thru th is explained and it is shown how, amongst several theories of truth, Tarski's may be called a realist one. However, a Tarski-style semantics (...)
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  45. La genesi storica del rapporto fra scienza e industria.R. Viale - 2008 - Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine 1:24-38.
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    M. Almagisti, Qualità della democrazia. Capitale sociale, partiti e culture politiche in Italia.R. Vignati - 2007 - Polis 21 (2):325-326.
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  47. Obshchestvennyi︠a︡ uchenīi︠a︡ i istoricheskīi︠a︡ teorīi.R. Vipper - 1900
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  48. To Find a Daisy in December: Impressions of Ernst von Glasersfeld and an Interview with Him about Constructivism and Education.R. Voß - 2007 - Constructivist Foundations 2 (2-3):85-89.
    Excerpt: Ernst von Glasersfeld has succeeded in finding a viable fit between the man and the scientist and in embodying a Haltung (attitude) that represents constructivism. He was prepared to get involved with a "different way of thinking" and to deal with a matter that is often "demanding and uncomfortable" for those affected. Ernst von Glasersfeld, in an interview with me on questions of constructivism and school.
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    Another look at counterfactuals.R. S. Walters - 1963 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 41 (1):67 – 75.
    The author answers the criticisms of mackie and pinkerton concerning his earlier account of counterfactuals. (staff).
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  50. My Marxist Outlook.R. S. Wang - 1997 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 29 (1).
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