Results for 'Werner Krause'

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  1. Die klassische bürgerliche politische Ökonomie als theoretische Quelle des historischen Materialismus.Werner Krause & Marie-Luise Römer - 1982 - In Wolfgang Förster (ed.), Bürgerliche Revolution Und Sozialtheorie: Studien Zur Vorgeschichte Des Historischen Materialismus (I). Berlin: Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR Zentralinstitut für Philosophie. Schriften zur Philosophie und ihrer Geschichte.
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    Entdeckenverdecken: eine Nomadologie der Neunziger.Horst Gerhard Haberl, Werner Krause & Peter Strasser (eds.) - 1991 - Graz: Droschl.
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  3. Identity in physics: a historical, philosophical, and formal analysis.Steven French & Décio Krause - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Decio Krause.
    Steven French and Decio Krause examine the metaphysical foundations of quantum physics. They draw together historical, logical, and philosophical perspectives on the fundamental nature of quantum particles and offer new insights on a range of important issues. Focusing on the concepts of identity and individuality, the authors explore two alternative metaphysical views; according to one, quantum particles are no different from books, tables, and people in this respect; according to the other, they most certainly are. Each view comes with (...)
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  4. The Theology of the Early Greek Philosophers.Werner Jaeger - 1949 - Mind 58 (229):94-100.
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    Pleroma: —Reading in Hegel.Werner Hamacher - 1998 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    Since Hegel, philosophy cannot stop thinking its end. The violent transformations which Hegel's philosophy has uncovered and caused in the structure of philosophical terms and in the terms under which philosophy is possible is Hamacher's topic. Starting from Hegel's commentaries on biblical scripture, Hamacher traces the genealogy and unfolding of Hegel's thought into his mature works--the Phenomenology of Spirit, the Encyclopedia, the Philosophy of History--focusing throughout on the limits and borders, the limitations and extremities of its conceptual and textual movements. (...)
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    The Embodied Philosopher: Living in Pursuit of Boundary Questions.Konrad Werner - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    The book is the first formulation of a meta-philosophical scheme rooted in the embodied cognition paradigm. The latter views subjects capable of cognition and experience as living, embodied creatures coupled with their environments. On the other hand, the emergence of experimental philosophy has given rise to a new context in which philosophers have begun to search for a more thorough definition of philosophical competence. The time is ripe for these two trends to join their efforts. Therefore, the book discusses what (...)
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  7. Bericht über die Fonds der Kant Gesellschaft.Werner Leo - 1920 - Kant Studien 25:78.
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    Verantwortung.Micha H. Werner - 2013 - In Armin Grunwald (ed.), Handbuch Technikethik. Stuttgart: Metzler. pp. 44-48.
    In der Technikethik spielt das Konzept der Verantwortung eine zentrale Rolle. ›Verantwortung‹ ist ein Basiskonzept, das, ähnlich wie die Konzepte ›Pflicht‹ oder ›Schuld‹, in vielfältigen Kontexten gebraucht wird. Dennoch lassen sich einige allgemeine Aussagen über seine Bedeutung treffen. Gerade Autoren, die im Bereich der Technik- und Wissenschaftsethik aktiv sind, haben sich nachdrücklich um eine Klärung des allgemeinen Verantwortungsbegriffs und seiner verschiedenen Aspekte und Gebrauchsweisen bemüht.
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  9. Getting a Moral Thing Into a Thought: Metasemantics for Non-Naturalists.Preston J. Werner - 2010 - In Russ Shafer-Landau (ed.), Oxford Studies in Metaethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 140-169.
    Non-naturalism is the view that normative properties are response-independent, irreducible to natural properties, and causally inefficacious. An underexplored question for non-naturalism concerns the metasemantics of normative terms. Ideally, the non-naturalist could remain ecumenical, but it appears they cannot. Call this challenge the metasemantic challenge. This chapter suggests that non-naturalists endorse an epistemic account of reference determination of the sort recently defended by Imogen Dickie, with some modifications. An important implication of this account is that, if correct, a fully fleshed out (...)
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    The proceedings of the plenary session on predictability in science: accuracy and limitations: 3-6 November 2006.Werner Arber, N. Cabibbo & Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo (eds.) - 2008 - Vatican City: Pontifical Academy of Sciences.
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  11. Zur Geschichte des Sprichworts Uber den Geschmack lässt sich nicht streiten.Werner Strube - 1985 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 30 (1):158-185.
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  12. Durch die vernunft aufgeklärter glaube? : Glaube und Vernunft im liberalen Christentum.Werner Zager - 2017 - In Glaube und Vernunft in den Weltreligionen. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
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    Wissenschaft, Begriff und Sprache.Werner Zawade - 1968 - [Baden-Baden,: Fachverlag.
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    Die phänomenologische Ästhetik.Werner Ziegenfuss - 1928 - Berlin,: A. Collignon.
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  15. Versuch uber das Wesen der Gesellschaft.Werner Ziegenfuss - 1937 - Philosophical Review 46:103.
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    Bodies in Action: Corporeal Agency and Democratic Politics.Sharon R. Krause - 2011 - Political Theory 39 (3):299-324.
    A better appreciation of the material, distributed quality of human agency can illuminate subtle dynamics of domination and oppression and reveal resources for potentially liberatory political action. Materialist accounts of agency nevertheless pose challenges to the notion of personal responsibility that is so crucial to political obligation and democratic citizenship. To guard against this danger, we need to sustain the close connection between agency and a sense of selfhood that is individuated, reflexive, and responsive to norms. Yet we should acknowledge (...)
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  17. Einführung in die Erkenntnis- und Wissenschaftstheorie.Werner Leinfellner - 1967 - Synthese 17 (1):109-111.
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    Pathos, Affekt, Gefühl: Die Emotionen in den Künsten.Bernhard Stumpfhaus & Klaus Herding (eds.) - 2004 - Walter de Gruyter.
    In bisher einzigartiger Weise fasst dieser Band über die Grenzen der Disziplinen hinweg, aber auch Theorie und Praxis übergreifend die aktuelle Debatte zu den Emotionen in den Künsten zusammen. Die Aufsätze ermöglichen Fachleuten und interessierten Laien einen profunden Einblick in die Frage, was unter Affekt und Gefühl verstanden werden kann und wie Emotionen in den Künsten wirksam werden. Mit Beiträgen u. a. von den Architekten Peter Eisenman und Daniel Libeskind, dem Dichter und Büchner-Preisträger Thomas Kling, dem Komponisten Dieter Schnebel, den (...)
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  19. Why Non-individuality? A Discussion on Individuality, Identity, and Cardinality in the Quantum Context.Jonas Rafael Becker Arenhart & Décio Krause - 2012 - Erkenntnis (1):1-18.
    Recently, in the debate about the ontology of quantum mechanics some authors have defended the view that quantum particles are individuals in a primitive sense, so that individuality should be preferred over non-individuality (the alternative option). Primitive individuality involves two main claims: (1) every item is identical with itself and (2) it is distinct from every other item. Non-relativistic quantum mechanics is said to provide positive evidence for that position, since in every situation comprising multiple particles there is a well-defined (...)
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  20. Struktur und Aufbau wissenschaftlicher Theorien.Werner Leinfellner - 1965 - Wien, Würzburg: Physica-Verlag.
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    Entwicklung des deutschen Staatsgedankens bei Friedrich Nietzsche.Werner Lemke - 1941 - Leipzig,: F. Meiner.
  22. Aussage und Deutung in der Pädagogik.Werner Linke - 1966 - Heidelberg,: Quelle und Meyer.
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  23. Transpersonaler Idealismus: Menschen ohne Wahrheitsbasis.Werner Loh - 1992 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 3 (2):152-155.
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  24. The physics and metaphysics of identity and individuality: Steven French and Décio Krause: Identity in physics: A historical, philosophical, and formal analysis. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2006, 440 pp, £68.00 HB.Don Howard, Bas C. van Fraassen, Otávio Bueno, Elena Castellani, Laura Crosilla, Steven French & Décio Krause - 2010 - Metascience 20 (2):225-251.
    The physics and metaphysics of identity and individuality Content Type Journal Article DOI 10.1007/s11016-010-9463-7 Authors Don Howard, Department of Philosophy and Graduate Program in History and Philosophy of Science, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556, USA Bas C. van Fraassen, Philosophy Department, San Francisco State University, 1600 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94132, USA Otávio Bueno, Department of Philosophy, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL 33124, USA Elena Castellani, Department of Philosophy, University of Florence, Via Bolognese 52, 50139 (...)
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  25. Remarks on individuation, quantum objects and logic'.D. Krause - forthcoming - Logique Et Analyse.
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    Abortion.Richard Werner - 1974 - Social Theory and Practice 3 (2):201-222.
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    Das Ringen ums Seyn: Heideggers Denken zwischen Fundamentalontologie und transzendentaler Kritik.Werner Moskopp - 2014 - Berlin: Lit.
    "Das Ringen ums Seyn" entwickelt eine Destruktion der Schriften Martin Heideggers von "Das Ende der Philosophie und die Aufgabe des Denkens" bis zu "Sein und Zeit". Dabei wird zunächst untersucht, ob die Annahme einer Kehre in diesem Denkprozess berechtigt ist. Im zweiten Teil wird vor diesem Hintergrund das "Denken des Selben" als zentrales Besinnungsmoment herausgestellt, um Rückschlüsse auf den Umgang Heideggers mit den Topoi Existenz, Eigentlichkeit und Apperzeption ziehen zu können.
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    Governance and Business-Society Relations in Areas of Limited Statehood: An Introduction.Hans Krause Hansen, Tanja Börzel & Sameer Azizi - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (7):1551-1572.
    In this introductory article we explore the relationship between statehood and governance, examining in more detail how non-state actors like MNCs, international NGOs, and indigenous authorities, often under conditions of extreme economic scarcity, ethnic diversity, social inequality and violence, take part in the making of rules and the provision of collective goods. Conceptually, we focus on the literature on Areas of Limited Statehood and discuss its usefulness in exploring how business-society relations are governed in the global South, and beyond. Building (...)
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  29. Quasiset theories for microobjects: a comparison.Dalla Chiara, D. Krause & R. Giuntini - 1998 - In Elena Castellani (ed.), Interpreting Bodies: Classical and Quantum Objects in Modern Physics. Princeton University Press. pp. 142--52.
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  30. (1 other version)Denken des Einen - Studien zur neuplatonischen Philosophie und ihrer Wirkungsgeschichte.Werner Beierwaltes - 1986 - Mitteilungen Und Forschungsbeiträge der Cusanus-Gesellschaft 17:269-272.
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    Begriffsforschung im Interdisziplinären Kontext. Neuansätze einer Methode. Erster Teil1.Werner Kogge - 2021 - Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte 63 (1):105-134.
    Conceptual research is interdisciplinary in two regards. On the one hand, various disciplines have developed various approaches to conceptual research. These range from conceptual analysis and conceptual history in philosophy, Begriffsgeschichte in historical and literary studies to term-related semantics in linguistics and conceptual research in psychoanalysis. On the other hand, concepts play a key role in any cooperation within interdisciplinary research projects. If they remain undiscussed and unmediated between the participating disciplines, they tend to impede productive cooperation. This contribution provides (...)
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    8. unverfügbarkeit in der synthese.Werner Kogge & Michael Richter - 2013 - In Gabriele Gramelsberger, Werner Kogge & Peter Bexte (eds.), Synthesis: Zur Konjunktur Eines Philosophischen Begriffs in Wissenschaft Und Technik. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 121-146.
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    Die „Magie des Extrems“ in philosophischen Neuorientierungen. Nietzsches neue extreme Problemstellungen und -lösungen und das alte Beispiel des Sokrates.Werner Stegmaier - 2021 - Nietzsche Studien 50 (1):1-24.
    The later Nietzsche developed the “magic of the extreme” as a special strategy in order to make his philosophical reorientations successful. He needed this strategy not only to be heard at all; also the problems he faced called for it. The article first gives an overview of the most important problems Nietzsche coped with and the extreme solutions he offered. Then, we show how, according to Nietzsche, even Socrates, who stands for the beginning of the European Enlightenment, used the “magic” (...)
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    Querying the Medieval. Texts and the History of Practices in South Asia. Ronald Inden, Jonathan Walters, Daud Ali.Karel Werner - 2002 - Buddhist Studies Review 19 (1):73-75.
    Querying the Medieval. Texts and the History of Practices in South Asia. Ronald Inden, Jonathan Walters, Daud Ali. Oxford University Press, New York 2000. 235 pp. £32.50. ISBN 0-19-512430-8.
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    Studies in Mahayana G. C. Pande.Karel Werner - 1997 - Buddhist Studies Review 14 (1):92-96.
    Studies in Mahayana G. C. Pande., Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies, Sarnath, Varanasi 1993. xii, 179 pp. No price given. ISBN 81-900149-7-8, 81-900149-8-6.
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    The Awakening of the West. The Encounter of Buddhism and Western Culture: 543 BCE - 1992. Stephen Batchelor.Karel Werner - 1996 - Buddhist Studies Review 13 (1):103-105.
    The Awakening of the West. The Encounter of Buddhism and Western Culture: 543 BCE - 1992. Stephen Batchelor. Aquarian, London 1994. xvi, 416 pp. £12.99.
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    Zivot v okamziku (Life in an Instant). Bohumil Houser. Illustrations by Michaela Paskova.Karel Werner - 1994 - Buddhist Studies Review 11 (1):101-104.
    Zivot v okamziku. Bohumil Houser. Illustrations by Michaela Paskova. Svitani, Prague 1992. 78 pp.
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  38. Österreichische Philosophie zwischen Aufklärung und Restauration.Werner Sauer - 1986 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 40 (3):435-439.
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    Social theory now.Claudio E. Benzecry, Monika Krause & Isaac Reed (eds.) - 2017 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    The landscape of social theory has changed significantly over the three decades since the publication of Anthony Giddens and Jonathan Turner’s seminal Social Theory Today. Sociologists in the twenty-first century desperately need a new agenda centered around central questions of social theory. In Social Theory Now, Claudio E. Benzecry, Monika Krause, and Isaac Ariail Reed set a new course for sociologists, bringing together contributions from the most distinctive sociological traditions in an ambitious survey of where social theory is today (...)
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    Introdução aos fundamentos axiomáticos da ciência.Décio Krause - 2002 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 6 (2):315-319.
    Review of the KRAUSE, Décio "Introdução aos Fundamentos Axiomáticos da Ciência" São Paulo EPU, 2002.
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    Numerical operations, transparency illusions and the datafication of governance.Hans Krause Hansen - 2015 - European Journal of Social Theory 18 (2):203-220.
    Building on conceptual insights from the history and sociology of numbers, media and surveillance studies, and theories of governance and risk, this article analyzes the forms of transparency produced by the use of numbers in social life. It examines what it is about numbers that often makes their ‘truth claims’ so powerful, investigates the role that numerical operations play in the production of retrospective, real-time and anticipatory forms of transparency in contemporary politics and economic transactions, and discusses some of the (...)
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    (1 other version)Das dialogische Prinzip Martin Bubers und das erzieherische Verhältnis.Werner Faber - 1962 - Ratingen bei Düsseldorf,: A. Henn.
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    A obra de Newton C.A. Da Costa em Logica.Decio Krause - 1992 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 7 (1-3):347-386.
    In this paper we present an overview of Professor Newton C. A. da Costa’s work in logic, emphasizing the main results obtained by him in the several areas of his research activity. The text furnish a detailed bibliographic reference of his works, which are listed in the last section.
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    Bedeutung und Bedeutsamkeit: Interpretation von Musik in musikpädagogischer Dimensionierung.Martina Krause - 2008 - New York: Georg Olms.
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    Do `classical' space and time confer identity to quantum particles?Décio Krause - unknown
    Non-relativistic quantum mechanics is grounded on ‘classical’ space and time. The mathematical description of these con- cepts entails that any two spatially separated objects are necessarily dif- ferent, which implies that they are discernible — we say that the space is T2, or "Hausdorff". But quantum systems, in the most interesting cases, some- times need to be taken as indiscernible, so that there is no way to tell which system is which, and this holds even in the case of fermions. (...)
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    Den revolutionære Sartre: omkring Jean-Paul Sartres venstresocialisme.Esbern Krause-Jensen - 1979 - [København]: [Rhodos].
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    Das Wirtschaftsleben der Völker.Fritz Krause - 1924 - Breslau,: F. Hirt.
  48. Frenzy, gloom, and the spirit of liberty in Hume.Sharon Krause - 2008 - In Harvey Claflin Mansfield, Sharon R. Krause & Mary Ann McGrail (eds.), The Arts of Rule: Essays in Honor of Harvey Mansfield. Lexington Books.
  49. (1 other version)Geschichte der Philosophie im Überblick.Wilhelm Krause - 1954 - Wien,: Österreichischer Bundesverlag für Unterricht, Wissenschaft und Kunst.
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    Modernity and conquest. The awakening of fundamental rights and international law in Francisco de Vitoria.Juan Ignacio Arias Krause - 2019 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 8 (15):15-40.
    In the international sphere, sovereignty and fundamental rights are often at odds, giving these rights little space for action and, in general, only after crisis has led to tragedy, and tragedy to disgrace. International Law, on the other hand, consistently succumbs to forms of domination and power, and its scope of action is often limited to certain codifications which are frequently suspended by political exception. Sixteenth century Dominican theologian, Francisco de Vitoria, established the principles for a Law of the people, (...)
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