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Sharon R. Krause [37]Sharon Krause [9]Sharon Ruth Krause [1]
  1.  53
    Civil Passions: Moral Sentiment and Democratic Deliberation.Sharon R. Krause - 2008 - Princeton University Press.
    In this book Sharon Krause argues that moral and political deliberation must incorporate passions, even as she insists on the value of impartiality.
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  2. Beyond non-domination.Sharon R. Krause - 2013 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 39 (2):187-208.
    The concept of non-domination is an important contribution to the study of freedom but it does not comprehend the whole of freedom. Insofar as domination requires a conscious capacity for control on the part of the dominant party, it fails to capture important threats to individual freedom that permeate many contemporary liberal democracies today. Much of the racism, sexism and other cultural biases that currently constrain the life-chances of members of subordinate groups in the USA are largely unconscious and unintentional, (...)
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    Environmental Domination.Sharon R. Krause - 2020 - Political Theory 48 (4):443-468.
    In their vulnerability to arbitrary, exploitative uses of human power, many of Earth’s nonhuman parts are subject to environmental domination. People too are subject to environmental domination in ways that include but also extend beyond the special environmental burdens borne by those who are poor and marginalized. Despite the substantial inequalities that exist among us as human beings, we are all captured and exploited by the eco-damaging collective practices that constitute modern life for everyone today. Understanding the complex, interacting dynamics (...)
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    Bodies in Action: Corporeal Agency and Democratic Politics.Sharon R. Krause - 2011 - Political Theory 39 (3):299-324.
    A better appreciation of the material, distributed quality of human agency can illuminate subtle dynamics of domination and oppression and reveal resources for potentially liberatory political action. Materialist accounts of agency nevertheless pose challenges to the notion of personal responsibility that is so crucial to political obligation and democratic citizenship. To guard against this danger, we need to sustain the close connection between agency and a sense of selfhood that is individuated, reflexive, and responsive to norms. Yet we should acknowledge (...)
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    Politics beyond Persons.Sharon R. Krause - 2017 - Political Theory:009059171665151.
  6.  47
    Political respect for nature.Sharon R. Krause - 2021 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 47 (2):241-266.
    Political respect for nature is an important part of cultivating a more emancipatory and ecologically sustainable politics. As a political principle, it can supplement respect for persons with institutional mechanisms that formally constrain how human power may be exercised over non-human beings and things and that require us to use our power in ways that are attentive to nature’s well-being along with our own. Moreover, when internalized by citizens as part of their shared political ethos and public culture, respect for (...)
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  7. (1 other version)Democratic Renewal and the Spirit of Democracy.Corrado Fumagalli, Federica Liveriero, Enrico Biale, Steven Klein, Sharon Krause & Sofia Näsström - 2023 - Contemporary Political Theory (forthcoming):1-23.
    Taking seriously the task of sustaining the democratic project requires debunking pessimism, thinking critically about what constitutes the distinctive character of democracy, and taking a future-oriented perspective on democratic transformations.
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  8. History and the human soul in Montesquieu.Sharon Krause - 2003 - History of Political Thought 24 (2):235-261.
    Montesquieu's The Spirit of the Laws (1748) illuminates the many factors that affect human behaviour and hence constrain the capacity for self-guided action, but his work also contains a defence of this capacity in his treatment of the soul. Yet Montesquieu also thought it important to establish reliable limits on human action so as to protect political liberty, and he looked to the constitutional traditions of particular peoples for standards of right that would provide effective checks on individuals and political (...)
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  9. Hume and the (False) Luster of Justice.Sharon R. Krause - 2004 - Political Theory 32 (5):628-655.
    The close connection between norms and motives that is characteristic of Hume’s moral theory threatens to break down when it comes to the political matter of justice. Here a gap arises between the moral approval of justice, which is based on its utility, and the desires that motivate just action, which utility cannot fully explain. Therefore the obligation to justice may seem to be motivationally unsupported. This difficulty is compounded by the fact that, for Hume, no obligation can arise unless (...)
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  10. Political agency and the actual.Sharon R. Krause - 2008 - In Daniel Callcut, Reading Bernard Williams. New York: Routledge.
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    Acknowledgments.Sharon R. Krause - 2008 - In Civil Passions: Moral Sentiment and Democratic Deliberation. Princeton University Press.
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    Index.Sharon R. Krause - 2008 - In Civil Passions: Moral Sentiment and Democratic Deliberation. Princeton University Press. pp. 257-262.
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    Laws, passion, and the attractions of right action in Montesquieu.Sharon R. Krause - 2006 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 32 (2):211-230.
    This article examines Montesquieu's concept of natural law and treatment of legal customs in conjunction with his theory of moral psychology. It explores his effort to entwine the rational procedural quality of laws with the substantive principles that sustain them. Montesquieu grounds natural law in the desires of the human being as ‘a feeling creature’, thus establishing the normative force of desire and making right action attractive by engaging the passions rather than subordinating them to reason. As a result, natural (...)
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    Desiring Justice: Motivation and Justification in Rawls and Habermas.Sharon Krause - 2005 - Contemporary Political Theory 4 (4):363-385.
    In seeking to neutralize affectivity and in requiring us to act for the right without reference to the conceptions of the good that normally attract our allegiance, some critics say, contemporary cognitivist theories of justice undercut human agency and leave justice hanging. This paper explores the merits of that charge by engaging the work of John Rawls and Jürgen Habermas. Rawls does offer an account of the sense of justice that can meet the motivational challenge, albeit not without compromising the (...)
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    The Cambridge companion to Montesquieu.Keegan Callanan & Sharon R. Krause (eds.) - 2021 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    The Companion to Montesquieu provides a first port-of-call for readers new to the study of Montesquieu, even as it makes major contributions to the specialist literature. The volume will attract scholars of multiple disciplines and readers interested in concepts like liberty, cosmopolitanism, sovereignty, and slavery treated in the thematic chapters.
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  16.  20
    Bibliography.Sharon R. Krause - 2008 - In Civil Passions: Moral Sentiment and Democratic Deliberation. Princeton University Press. pp. 245-256.
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  17.  58
    Brains, Citizens, and Democracy's New Nobility.Sharon R. Krause - 2006 - Theory and Event 9 (1).
  18.  28
    Contents.Sharon R. Krause - 2008 - In Civil Passions: Moral Sentiment and Democratic Deliberation. Princeton University Press.
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    Chapter four. Affective judgment in democratic politics.Sharon R. Krause - 2008 - In Civil Passions: Moral Sentiment and Democratic Deliberation. Princeton University Press. pp. 111-141.
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    Citizenship for a New World.Sharon R. Krause - 2018 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 44 (2):131-134.
    This paper highlights contributions of A Democratic Bearing, especially its conceptualization of domination and the demos, and argues that the liberal limitation of power is an important supplement to deliberative democracy in sustaining the ‘democratic bearing’ model of citizenship that the book calls for.
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    Chapter five. Public deliberation and the feeling of impartiality.Sharon R. Krause - 2008 - In Civil Passions: Moral Sentiment and Democratic Deliberation. Princeton University Press. pp. 142-174.
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    Chapter one. Justice and passion in Rawls and Habermas.Sharon R. Krause - 2008 - In Civil Passions: Moral Sentiment and Democratic Deliberation. Princeton University Press. pp. 27-47.
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    Chapter six. The affective authority of law.Sharon R. Krause - 2008 - In Civil Passions: Moral Sentiment and Democratic Deliberation. Princeton University Press. pp. 175-199.
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  24.  18
    CONCLUSION. Toward a New Politics of Passion: Civil Passions and the Promise of Justice.Sharon R. Krause - 2008 - In Civil Passions: Moral Sentiment and Democratic Deliberation. Princeton University Press. pp. 200-204.
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    Chapter three. Moral sentiment and the politics of judgment in Hume.Sharon R. Krause - 2008 - In Civil Passions: Moral Sentiment and Democratic Deliberation. Princeton University Press. pp. 77-110.
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    Chapter two. Recent alternatives to rationalism.Sharon R. Krause - 2008 - In Civil Passions: Moral Sentiment and Democratic Deliberation. Princeton University Press. pp. 48-76.
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  27.  12
    Eco-emancipation: an earthly politics of freedom.Sharon R. Krause - 2023 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    The case for an eco-emancipatory politics to release the Earth from human domination and free us all from lives that are both exploitative and exploited Human domination of nature shapes every aspect of our lives today, even as it remains virtually invisible to us. Because human beings are a part of nature, the human domination of nature circles back to confine and exploit people as well—and not only the poor and marginalized but also the privileged and affluent, even in the (...)
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  28. Frenzy, gloom, and the spirit of liberty in Hume.Sharon Krause - 2008 - In Harvey Claflin Mansfield, Sharon R. Krause & Mary Ann McGrail, The Arts of Rule: Essays in Honor of Harvey Mansfield. Lexington Books.
  29.  11
    Introduction.Sharon Krause & Mary Ann McGrail - 2008 - In Harvey Claflin Mansfield, Sharon R. Krause & Mary Ann McGrail, The Arts of Rule: Essays in Honor of Harvey Mansfield. Lexington Books. pp. 1-26.
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  30. Liberal honor.Sharon R. Krause - 2016 - In Laurie Johnson & Dan Demetriou, Honor in the Modern World: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Lanham: Lexington.
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    (1 other version)Lady Liberty’s allure.Sharon Krause - 2000 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 26 (1):1-24.
    Conceiving political agency in terms of an interaction between the categories that Simone de Beauvoir called ‘immanence’ and ‘transcendence’ illuminates the role that attachments and desires play in supporting commitments to abstract principles of political right, and so clarifies the structure and sources of political agency. Communitarians and feminist theorists have shown in recent years that attachments to particular others can support a strong sense of individual efficacy. This analysis goes beyond those prior studies by showing the importance for political (...)
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    Montesquieu and Cicero.Sharon R. Krause & David Fott - 2002 - Political Theory 30 (5):702-737.
  33.  11
    Notes.Sharon R. Krause - 2008 - In Civil Passions: Moral Sentiment and Democratic Deliberation. Princeton University Press. pp. 205-244.
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    Partial Justice.Sharon Krause - 2001 - Political Theory 29 (3):315-336.
  35. Political sovereignty in Montesquieu.Sharon R. Krause - 2021 - In Keegan Callanan & Sharon R. Krause, The Cambridge companion to Montesquieu. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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  36.  9
    (1 other version)The Arts of Rule: Essays in Honor of Harvey C. Mansfield.Sharon R. Krause & Mary Ann McGrail (eds.) - 2009 - Lexington Books.
    The arts of rule cover the exercise of power by princes and popular sovereigns, but they range beyond the domain of government itself, extending to civil associations, political parties, and religious institutions. Making full use of political philosophy from a range of backgrounds, this festschrift for Harvey Mansfield recognizes that although the arts of rule are comprehensive, the best government is a limited one.
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  37. The depths of freedom: comments on Adriana Alfaro Altamirano’s The Belief In Intuition.Sharon R. Krause - 2024 - History of European Ideas 50 (8):1485-1487.
    The Belief in Intuition offers a fascinating and highly original exploration of the self in relation to freedom and authority. Juxtaposing Bergson and Scheler with figures ranging from Kant and Nie...
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    The Arts of Rule: Essays in Honor of Harvey C. Mansfield.Adam Schulman, Joseph Reisert, Kathryn Sensen, Eric S. Petrie, Alan Levine, Diana J. Schaub, David S. Fott, Travis D. Smith, Ioannis D. Evrigenis, James Read, Janet Dougherty, Andrew Sabl, Sharon Krause, Steven Lenzner, Ben Berger, Russell Muirhead & Mark Blitz (eds.) - 2009 - Lexington Books.
    The arts of rule cover the exercise of power by princes and popular sovereigns, but they range beyond the domain of government itself, extending to civil associations, political parties, and religious institutions. Making full use of political philosophy from a range of backgrounds, this festschrift for Harvey Mansfield recognizes that although the arts of rule are comprehensive, the best government is a limited one.
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  39.  58
    Review Essay: Beyond Capitalism? [REVIEW]Sharon R. Krause - 2010 - Political Theory 38 (6):884-890.
  40.  44
    The Honor Code: How Moral Revolutions Happen, Kwame Anthony Appiah , 264 pp., $25.95 cloth, $15.95 paper. [REVIEW]Sharon R. Krause - 2011 - Ethics and International Affairs 25 (4):475-477.
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