Results for 'Vivek Rajan'

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  1. Delusions as Forensically Disturbing Perceptual Inferences.Jakob Hohwy & Vivek Rajan - 2011 - Neuroethics 5 (1):5-11.
    Bortolotti’s Delusions and Other Irrational Beliefs defends the view that delusions are beliefs on a continuum with other beliefs. A different view is that delusions are more like illusions, that is, they arise from faulty perception. This view, which is not targeted by the book, makes it easier to explain why delusions are so alien and disabling but needs to appeal to forensic aspects of functioning.
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  2. In Defence of Modest Doxasticism about Delusions.Lisa Bortolotti - 2012 - Neuroethics 5 (1):39-53.
    Here I reply to the main points raised by the commentators on the arguments put forward in my Delusions and Other Irrational Beliefs (OUP, 2009). My response is aimed at defending a modest doxastic account of clinical delusions, and is articulated in three sections. First, I consider the view that delusions are inbetween perceptual and doxastic states, defended by Jacob Hohwy and Vivek Rajan, and the view that delusions are failed attempts at believing or not-quitebeliefs, proposed by Eric (...)
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    Voluntary Governance Mechanisms in Global Supply Chains: Beyond CSR to a Stakeholder Utility Perspective.Vivek Soundararajan & Jill A. Brown - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 134 (1):83-102.
    Poor working conditions remain a serious problem in supplier facilities in developing countries. While previous research has explored this from the developed buyers’ side, we examine this phenomenon from the perspective of developing countries’ suppliers and subcontractors. Utilizing qualitative data from a major knitwear exporting cluster in India and a stakeholder management lens, we develop a framework that shows how the assumptions of conventional, buyer-driven voluntary governance break down in the dilution of buyer power and in the web of factors (...)
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    Can Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives Improve Global Supply Chains? Improving Deliberative Capacity with a Stakeholder Orientation.Vivek Soundararajan, Jill A. Brown & Andrew C. Wicks - 2019 - Business Ethics Quarterly 29 (3):385-412.
    ABSTRACT:Global multi-stakeholder initiatives are important instruments that have the potential to improve the social and environmental sustainability of global supply chains. However, they often fail to comprehensively address the needs and interests of various supply-chain participants. While voluntary in nature, MSIs have most often been implemented through coercive approaches, resulting in friction among their participants and in systemic problems with decoupling. Additionally, in those cases in which deliberation was constrained between and amongst participants, collaborative approaches have often failed to materialize. (...)
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    Landscape of Machine Implemented Ethics.Vivek Nallur - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (5):2381-2399.
    This paper surveys the state-of-the-art in machine ethics, that is, considerations of how to implement ethical behaviour in robots, unmanned autonomous vehicles, or software systems. The emphasis is on covering the breadth of ethical theories being considered by implementors, as well as the implementation techniques being used. There is no consensus on which ethical theory is best suited for any particular domain, nor is there any agreement on which technique is best placed to implement a particular theory. Another unresolved problem (...)
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  6. The Duty of Knowing Oneself as One Appears: A Response to Kant’s Problem of Moral Self-Knowledge.Vivek Kumar Radhakrishnan - 2019 - Problemos 96.
    A challenge to Kant’s less known duty of self-knowledge comes from his own firm view that it is impossible to know oneself. This paper resolves this problem by considering the duty of self-knowledge as involving the pursuit of knowledge of oneself as one appears in the empirical world. First, I argue that, although Kant places severe restrictions on the possibility of knowing oneself as one is, he admits the possibility of knowing oneself as one appears using methods from empirical anthropology. (...)
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    Taking Stock of Engineering Epistemology: Multidisciplinary Perspectives.Vivek Kant & Eric Kerr - 2019 - Philosophy and Technology 32 (4):685-726.
    How engineers know, and act on that knowledge, has a profound impact on society. Consequently, the analysis of engineering knowledge is one of the central challenges for the philosophy of engineering. In this article, we present a thematic multidisciplinary conceptual survey of engineering epistemology and identify key areas of research that are still to be comprehensively investigated. Themes are organized based on a survey of engineering epistemology including research from history, sociology, philosophy, design theory, and engineering itself. Five major interrelated (...)
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    Translational Control under Stress: Reshaping the Translatome.Vivek M. Advani & Pavel Ivanov - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (5):1900009.
    Adequate reprogramming of cellular metabolism in response to stresses or suboptimal growth conditions involves a myriad of coordinated changes that serve to promote cell survival. As protein synthesis is an energetically expensive process, its regulation under stress is of critical importance. Reprogramming of messenger RNA (mRNA) translation involves well‐understood stress‐activated kinases that target components of translation initiation machinery, resulting in the robust inhibition of general translation and promotion of the translation of stress‐responsive proteins. Translational arrest of mRNAs also results in (...)
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    Belief revision controlled by meta-abduction.Vivek Bharathan & John R. Josephson - 2006 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 14 (2):271-285.
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    “Mir”acles in hox gene regulation.Vivek S. Chopra & Rakesh K. Mishra - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (5):445-448.
    Micro RNAs (miRNAs) have been shown to control many cellular processes including developmental timing in different organisms. The prediction that miRNAs are involved in regulating hox genes of flies and mouse is quite a recent idea and is supported by the finding that mir‐196 represses Hoxb8 gene expression. The non‐coding regions that encode these miRNAs are also conserved across species in the same way as other mechanisms that regulate expression of hox genes. On the contrary, until now no homeotic phenotype, (...)
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  11. Detours: Theory, Narrative, and the Inventions of Postcolonial Identity.Vivek Dhareshwar - 1989 - Dissertation, University of California, Santa Cruz
    The framing problematic of this dissertation is the political and epistemological relationship between metropolitan theory and post-colonial narrative. By providing multiple determinations to that problematic, I seek to situate the inventions of post-colonial identity. Using "detour" both as a privileged figure of contemporary theory and as the lived socio-historical experience of post-colonials, I examine the theoretical and political consequences using the former to translate the latter. Placing my own discourse at the limits of theory, I show that the predicament in (...)
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    What is Interdisciplinary? How is it Different from Multidisciplinary?Rajan Gurukkal - 2018 - Tattva - Journal of Philosophy 10 (2):15-29.
    Discipline based approach to knowledge and specialization goes back to the classical Graeco-Roman times. It was Isaac Newton’s Principia, which represented academic perfection of Renaissance inquiry, criticism, creativity and theorization. Principia set the epochal model of knowledge and led to the making of the Age of Enlightenment and the Age of Reason. August Comte heralded an era of Positivism in academic research and prepared the ground for the making of disciplines. As new knowledge accrued over centuries, specialization got diversified at (...)
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    Beyond the Crisis of the European Sciences.R. Sundara Rajan - 1998
  14. One World in Two Perspectives.R. Rajan - 1978 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 5 (2):235.
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  15. Philosophy as Geo-Philia: Towards the Recovery of the Idea of the Earth.R. Sundara Rajan - 1995 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 22:353-372.
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    Studies in phenomenology, hermeneutics, and deconstruction.R. Sundara Rajan - 1991 - New Delhi: Allied Publishers.
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    Practical aspects of using Hertzian ring crack initiation to measure surface flaw densities in glasses: influence of humidity, friction and searched areas.Rajan Tandon, Bhasker Paliwal & Cory Gibson - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (21):2847-2863.
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  18. What Is Living and What Is Dead in the Marxist Theory of History.Vivek Chibber - 2011 - Historical Materialism 19 (2):60-91.
    During the 1980s and 1990s, the debate on the Marxist theory of history centred largely around the work of Robert Brenner’s property-relations-centred construal of it, and G.A. Cohen’s attempt to revive the classical, determinist argument. This article examines two influential arguments by Erik Wright and his colleagues, and by Alan Carling, which acknowledge important weaknesses in Cohen’s work, but which also try to construct a more plausible version of his theory. I show that the attempts to rescue Cohen are largely (...)
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    The humanization of transcendental philosophy: studies on Husserl, Heidegger, and Merleau-Ponty.R. Sundara Rajan - 1997 - New Delhi: Tulika.
    This is a collection of three studies of both retrospective and prospective significance for the author s preoccupation with the philosophical problems arising out of the transcendentalist orientation. The aim of the present work is to focus on the notion of the paradoxical alliance of unity and difference of the transcendentalist ego and the human subject. To think this notion through in terms of its implications and consequences and to rethink the nature and method of philosophy, its relation to language (...)
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    Deconstruction and the remainders of phenomenology: Sartre, Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard.Tilottama Rajan - 2002 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    This book disentangles two terms that were conflated in the initial Anglo-American appropriation of French theory: deconstruction and poststructuralism. Focusing on Sartre, Derrida, Foucault, and Baudrillard (but also considering Levinas, Blanchot, de Man, and others), it traces the turn from a deconstruction inflected by phenomenology to a poststructuralism formed by the rejection of models based on consciousness in favor of ones based on language and structure. The book provides a wide-ranging and complex genealogy of French theory from the 1940s onward, (...)
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    B. R. Ambedkar on the Practice of Public Conscience: A Critical Reappraisal.Vivek Kumar Yadav, Shomik Dasgupta & Bharath Kumar - 2023 - Journal of Human Values 29 (1):24-32.
    This article discusses the importance of ‘public conscience’ in B. R. Ambedkar’s political thought. Ambedkar consistently defended public conscience as a democratic value in his writings and speeches. Public conscience referred to collective responsibility, social justice and the public deliberation of what constitutes the social good. Ambedkar consistently expressed the unequivocal belief that public conscience would bring about a moral transformation in Indian society through a collective ethical stance against all forms of social oppression. He conceptualized public conscience as a (...)
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    "Introduction: Beyond Biopolitics – The Space and General Economy of Esposito’s Work", in Roberto Esposito: New Directions in Biophilosophy, eds. Tilottama Rajan and Antonio Calcagno (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2021).Tilottama Rajan & Antonio Calcagno - 2021 - In Tilottama Rajan & Antonio Calcagno (eds.), _Roberto Esposito: New Directions in Biophilosophy_, eds. Tilottama Rajan and Antonio Calcagno. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 1-23.
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    Roberto Esposito: New Directions in Biophilosophy, eds. Tilottama Rajan and Antonio Calcagno.Tilottama Rajan & Antonio Calcagno (eds.) - 2021 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
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    Complexities in Caregiving: Comforts, Cultures, Countries, Conversations, and Contracts.Rajan Dewar & Shenbagam Dewar - 2017 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 28 (1):70-73.
    Providing medical care and planning for a procedure such as amputation may have different cultural contexts, based on patients’ country, comfort, and contract with their physician. These contexts may create complexities for physicians as they interact with patients and caregiving relatives. Issues such as the personal choices of a caregiving relative may appear to unduly influence the decisions behind complex healthcare choices. We consider several possible scenarios in the background of the complex case presented in “Family Loyalty as a Cultural (...)
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    A New Proposal Combining Quantum Mechanics and the Special Theory of Relativity.Rajan Dogra - 2002 - Apeiron 9 (2):20.
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    History and Theory of Knowledge Production: An Introductory Outline.Rajan Gurukkal - 2019 - Oxford University Press India.
    This book seeks to provide an introductory outline of the history and theory of knowledge production, notwithstanding the vastness of the subject. It is a brief history of intellectual formation or history of ideas. One can see it as a textbook of historical epistemology, which in spatio-temporal terms historicises knowledge production and contextualises methodological development. It addresses the historical process of the social constitution of knowledge, that is, the social history of the making of knowledge.
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    The Hindu-Aryan theory on evolution and involution.Rajan Iyengar & Tirumangalum Chrishna - 1908 - London,: Funk & Wagnalls company.
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    Variation of cerebrospinal fluid in specific regions regulates focality in transcranial direct current stimulation.Rajan Kashyap, Sagarika Bhattacharjee, Rose Dawn Bharath, Ganesan Venkatasubramanian, Kaviraja Udupa, Shahid Bashir, Kenichi Oishi, John E. Desmond, S. H. Annabel Chen & Cuntai Guan - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:952602.
    BackgroundConventionally, transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) aims to focalize the current reaching the target region-of-interest (ROI). The focality can be quantified by the dose-target-determination-index (DTDI). Despite having a uniform tDCS setup, some individuals receive focal stimulation (high DTDI) while others show reduced focality (“non-focal”). The volume of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), gray matter (GM), and white matter (WM) underlying each ROI govern the tDCS current distribution inside the brain, thereby regulating focality.AimTo determine the regional volume parameters that differentiate the focal and (...)
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    Research on data mining method of network security situation awareness based on cloud computing.Rajan Miglani, Abdullah M. Baqasah, Roobaea Alroobaea, Guodong Zhao & Ying Zhou - 2022 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 31 (1):520-531.
    Due to the complexity and versatility of network security alarm data, a cloud-based network security data extraction method is proposed to address the inability to effectively understand the network security situation. The information properties of the situation are generated by creating a set of spatial characteristics classification of network security knowledge, which is then used to analyze and optimize the processing of hybrid network security situation information using cloud computing technology and co-filtering technology. Knowledge and information about the security situation (...)
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    Ethical Perceptions in the Retail Buyer-seller Dyad: Do They Differ?Rajan Nataraajan, Wen-Yeh Huang & Alan J. Dubinsky - 2006 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 25 (1):19-38.
    Extensive empirical work has examined ethical perceptions of different occupational groups in marketing. Additionally, researchers have explored ethical apperceptions of industrial customers and retail consumers. Minimal effort, though, has been directed at investigating differences in ethical perceptions between buyers and sellers, notwithstanding considerable theoretical arguments for doing so. This paper reports the results of a study that focused on differences between retail customers’ and retail salespeople’s perceptions of questionable buying and selling behaviors. Findings indicate that the two groups differ in (...)
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    Kantian Moral Motivation: An Affectivist Interpretation.Vivek Kumar Radhakrishnan - 2020 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 37 (2):225-241.
    Kant’s theory of moral action faces a serious difficulty concerning motivation: how do commands of pure practical reason solely move human agents to perform moral actions? In his response, Kant claims that human agents perform moral actions out of a feeling of respect for the moral law. However, attempts to accommodate a feeling of respect into Kant’s rigorously rationalist ethical theory have led to two diverging strands of interpretation in the secondary literature: intellectualism and affectivism. Against this context, this paper (...)
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  32. Medical is medical if and only if it is practiced on Axioms of Bioethics.M. Jothi Rajan, Arockiam Thaddeus & S. Vincent - 2010 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 20 (3):77-78.
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    Towards a Critique of Cultural Reason.R. Sundara Rajan - 1987 - Delhi: Oxford University Press. Edited by R. Sundara Rajan.
    This Volume Seeks To Develop A Kantian Perspective On The Theory Of Culture, Based On The Notion Of The Regulative Judgement And The Idea Of An Examplar In Kants Critique Of Judgement.
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  34. 7. The Disfiguration of Enlightenment: War, Trauma, and the Historical Novel in Godwin’s Mandeville.Tilottama Rajan - 2011 - In Victoria Myers & Robert Maniquis (eds.), Godwinian Moments: From the Enlightenment to Romanticism. University of Toronto Press. pp. 172-193.
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    Human rights and COVID-19 triage: a comment on the Bath protocol.Vivek Bhatt, Sabine Michalowski, Aaron Wyllie, Margot Kuylen & Wayne Martin - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (7):464-466.
    In their discussion paper of November 2020, Cooket alpresent a draft protocol for navigating circumstances in which emergency services are overwhelmed. Their paper suggests that COVID-related triage decisions should be based on clinical assessment, patient and family consultation, and a range of ethical considerations. In this response, we note that the protocol exhibits an ambiguity that is likely to result in irresolvable dilemmas when put into practice. This ambiguity is exemplified in the paper’s prime ethical imperative (to ‘save more lives (...)
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  36. Feeling and Moral Motivation in Kant: A Response to the Frierson-Grenberg Debate.Vivek Radhakrishnan - 2023 - Con-Textos Kantianos 17:111-123.
    In this paper, I aim to resolve the Frierson-Grenberg debate on the nature of Kant’s account of moral motivation that took place in the third issue of Con-textos Kantianos. In their respective interpretations, Frierson and Grenberg fail to accommodate the a priori status of moral feeling when incorporating it into Kant’s moral motivational structure. In response, I provide a novel transcendental interpretation – one that takes the a priori moral feeling both as an incentive of morality and as that which (...)
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    Kinship, Property, and Authority: European Territorial Consolidation Reconsidered.Vivek Swaroop Sharma - 2015 - Politics and Society 43 (2):151-180.
    This article is a step towards a rethinking of the emergence of the modern state in Europe. Traditionally, war has been viewed as the central mechanism of state formation. This approach claims that war caused the emergence of the modern state in two significant ways: 1) by consolidating the politically fragmented world of the middle ages through conquest; and 2) through the pressure of competition in a Darwinian international system, which forced the polities of Europe to create the bureaucratic structures (...)
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    History of Pandemics in Southeast Asia: A Return of National Anxieties?Vivek Neelakantan - 2023 - Isis 114 (S1):419-446.
    Between 1983 and 2006 there were two distinct sorts of historical writings on Southeast Asian medical history, with quite different emphases. Some historians focused on the history of medicine in national contexts—a practice that resulted in the neglect of larger socioeconomic factors such as migration—that affected the trajectory of pandemics. At the same time, pursuing a different line of thinking, another group of historians focused on the history of specific diseases from a demographic perspective. These two approaches led to very (...)
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    Empathetic AI for ethics-in-the-small.Vivek Nallur & Graham Finlay - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (2):973-974.
  40.  6
    The Primacy of the political.R. Sundara Rajan - 1991 - New Delhi: Indian Council of Philosophical Research in association with Oxford University Press. Edited by R. Sundara Rajan.
    The core of the work is a lengthy hermeneutically-oriented discussion of political judgment, which projects the notion of political competence as a language mediated capacity of human subjects to recognize the common good by way of discourse. This discursive conception of the political which is mediated on the one hand by a relationship to the moral and on the other to the conception which can be contrasted with the modern paradigm of politics as the episteme of power relations. The earlier (...)
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    Automobility, liberalism, and the ethics of driving.Sudhir Chella Rajan - 2007 - Environmental Ethics 29 (1):77-90.
    Automobility, or the myriad institutions that foster car culture, has rarely if ever been put under the lens of liberal political theory, even though driving is one of the most common and widely accepted features of daily life in modern societies. When its implied promise of guaranteeing both freedom and equality is examined more closely, however, it appears that the ethical implications of driving may be darker than initially supposed. Automobility may indeed be in violation of both the Kantian categorical (...)
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    Intersections: Nineteenth-Century Philosophy and Contemporary Theory.Tilottama Rajan & David L. Clark (eds.) - 1995 - State University of New York Press.
    This is a study of the relationship between postmodernism and post-enlightenment German thought reading the contemporary theoretical scene through its nineteenth-century counterpart and examining the intersections.
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  43. Early View on Positionalist and Non-Positionalist Forms of Being.Sahana Rajan - manuscript
    This is a draft of a paper that explores the nature of belief in structure of human consciousness. Are beliefs necessarily embedded in a position? It also aims at exploring the relation between positions and authentic mode of being.
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  44. Framing the Predicament of Indian Thought: Gandhi, the Gita, and Ethical Action.Vivek Dhareshwar - 2012 - Asian Philosophy 22 (3):257-274.
    Although there is such a thing as Indian thought, it seems to play no role in the way social sciences and philosophy are practiced in India or elsewhere. The problem is not only that we no longer employ terms such as atman, avidya, dharma to reflect on our experience; the terms that we do indeed use—sovereignty, secularism, rights, civil society and political society, corruption—seem to insulate our experience from our reflection. This paper will outline Gandhi’s framing of our predicament in (...)
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  45. Brain as a Complex System and the Emergence of Mind.Sahana Rajan - 2017 - Dissertation,
    The relationship between brain and mind has been extensively explored through the developments within neuroscience over the last decade. However, the ontological status of mind has remained fairly problematic due to the inability to explain all features of the mind through the brain. This inability has been considered largely due to partial knowledge of the brain. It is claimed that once we gain complete knowledge of the brain, all features of the mind would be explained adequately. However, a challenge to (...)
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    Building a Developmental State: The Korean Case Reconsidered.Vivek Chibber - 1999 - Politics and Society 27 (3):309-346.
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    The Different Facets of Injustice.Vivek Chibber & Roberto Veneziani - 2021 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 14 (2).
    In her recent work, Nancy Folbre undertakes an ambitious effort: constructing an intersectional political economy that aims to identify the common mechanisms and logic underpinning the many wrongs that characterise capitalism. In this paper, we focus on what we deem the three fundamental theoretical pillars of her approach. First, she challenges the oppression/exploitation distinction within Marxian political economy and proposes a broader definition of exploitation that can take manifold forms. Second, she questions the Marxian concept of class, and emphasises the (...)
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    To SIR with Polycomb: linking silencing mechanisms.Vivek S. Chopra & Rakesh K. Mishra - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (2):119-121.
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  49. Kant's Theory of Moral Motivation.Vivek K. Radhakrishnan - 2022 - Dissertation, Manipal Academy of Higher Education
    The main objective of my dissertation is twofold: (i) to investigate how the problem of moral motivation occurs in Kant’s texts, and (ii) to examine how Kant’s account of moral feeling serves as an appropriate solution to it. First, I argue that the problem of moral motivation occurs in Kant’s texts as a skeptical problem concerning the motivational efficacy of practical reason. My view that this problem is integral to Kant’s main ethical project goes against a scholarly trend that dismisses (...)
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  50. Aspects of the Problems of Reference.R. Rajan - 1990 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 17 (4):379.
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