Results for 'Ugo Edu'

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  1.  38
    Keeping an Eye on Power in Maintaining Racial Oppression and Race-Based Violence.Katrina Karkazis, Laura Mamo & Ugo Edu - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (4):25-27.
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    Eliminativism in ancient philosophy: Greek and Buddhist philosophers on material objects.Ugo Zilioli - 2024 - London; New York; Dublin: Bloomsbury Academic.
    A comparative investigation in the metaphysics of material objects and persons in ancient philosophy, this book provides radically new insights into key themes and areas of ancient thought by drawing on Greek and Buddhist philosophies. Ugo Zilioli explicates the neglected tradition of philosophers who in different ways made material objects either redundant or ontologically dispensable in the ancient world. At the same time, while eliminating objects from the material apparatus of the world, some of those philosophers conceived of selves and (...)
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    Ugo Spirito: Ho Trovato Dio.Ugo Spirito & Antonio Russo (eds.) - 1989 - Fondazione Ugo Spirito.
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  4. Anthology of the works of Ugo Spirito.Ugo Spirito - 2022 - Boston: Brill. Translated by Anthony G. Costantini & Alicia Moran.
    The Anthology of the Works of Ugo Spirito captures the trajectory of Ugo Spirito's complex body of thought that spanned more than fifty years, from 1921 to 1977.
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  5. Materiali per un glossario.Ugo Locatelli - 2010 - In Ugo Locatelli & Paolo Barbaro, Atlante areale: geografia dello sguardo oltre la realtà apparente = Areal atlas: a geography of looking beyond outward reality. Milano: Mimesis.
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    Et in academia ego.Ugo Nespolo - 2019 - Rivista di Estetica 72:159-166.
    Sono certo sarebbe stato più prudente iniziare e concludere questa mia lectio prestando fede – e mettendo in pratica – quanto scrive Ludwig Wittgenstein nel 1932 in Pensieri diversi, quando dice: «In arte è difficile dire qualcosa che sia altrettanto buono del non dire niente». Ma tant’è: nelle cose del mondo, quando non si può negare una certa vanità, ci si inerpica spesso per sentieri difficili e impervi. M’incammino quindi, con qualche titubanza, nel tentativo di indicare il mio modo di (...)
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    The Cyrenaics.Ugo Zilioli - 2012 - Bristol, CT: Acumen Publishing.
    The Cyrenaic school of philosophy (named after its founder Aristippus’ native city of Cyrene in North Africa) flourished in the fifth and fourth centuries BCE. Ugo Zilioli’s book provides the first book-length introduction to the school in English. The book begins by introducing the main figures of the Cyrenaic school beginning with Aristippus and by setting them into their historical context. Once the reader is familiar with those figures and with the genealogy of the school, the book offers an overview (...)
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    Cognitive engagement in emotional text reading: concurrent recordings of eye movements and head motion.Ugo Ballenghein, Olga Megalakaki & Thierry Baccino - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (7):1448-1460.
    ABSTRACTThe present study examined the effects of emotions on eye movements, head motion, and iPad motion during reading. Thirty-one participants read neutral, emotionally negative texts and emotio...
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    Lo stato moderno e la costituzione.Ugo Menegazzi - 1945 - Milano,: Edizioni Allegranza.
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  10. on Umberto Eco's The Prague Cemetery.Ugo Volli & Gloria Origgi - 2011 - Iris. European Journal of Philosophy and Public Debate 3 (5):173-180.
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    Protagoras and the Challenge of Relativism: Plato's Subtlest Enemy.Ugo Zilioli - 2007 - Ashgate.
    Protagoras was an important Greek thinker of the fifth century BC, the most famous of the so called Sophists, though most of what we know of him and his thought comes to us mainly through the dialogues of his strenuous opponent Plato. In this book, Ugo Zilioli offers a sustained and philosophically sophisticated examination of what is, in philosophical terms, the most interesting feature of Protagoras' thought for modern readers: his role as the first Western thinker to argue for relativism. (...)
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    The Laws of Robots: Crimes, Contracts, and Torts.Ugo Pagallo - 2013 - Dordrecht: Imprint: Springer.
    This book explores how the design, construction, and use of robotics technology may affect today's legal systems and, more particularly, matters of responsibility and agency in criminal law, contractual obligations, and torts. By distinguishing between the behaviour of robots as tools of human interaction, and robots as proper agents in the legal arena, jurists will have to address a new generation of "hard cases." General disagreement may concern immunity in criminal law (e.g., the employment of robot soldiers in battle), personal (...)
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  13.  8
    Religions in antiquity.Ugo Bianchi - 2014 - Milano: Vita e pensiero. Edited by Lorenzo Bianchi.
    Questo primo volume degli "Scritti di Ugo Bianchi" - "Religions in Antiquity" - raccoglie contributi relativi a temi e problemi del cristianesimo antico. Con esso si realizza un progetto, formulato in anni lontani (1983) dallo stesso autore, che contemplava varie sezioni di cui l'ultima - "Christiana" comprendeva i saggi che costituiscono la prima metà del volume; a questi ne sono stati aggiunti altri, sulle medesime tematiche, che risalgono ad anni successivi. Precede i saggi un contributo di carattere metodologico ("Tipologia storica (...)
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  14.  19
    The transcendence of the face.Ugo Volli - 2021 - Sign Systems Studies 49 (3-4):279-297.
    This paper starts with an examination of the terms use d to designate the face in different languages, in particular in Italian, comparing these with the definitions provided by some authoritative dictionaries as well as with their etymology. This exploration yields some remarkable results: firstly, it appears that the face is indeed a term that has a material meaning, but at the same time it is a social object; secondly, the importance of the communicative function emerges, which makes the face (...)
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  15.  15
    Constraint relaxation may be perfect.Ugo Montanari & Francesca Rossi - 1991 - Artificial Intelligence 48 (2):143-170.
  16.  33
    Atomism in Philosophy: A History from Antiquity to the Present.Ugo Zilioli (ed.) - 2020 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    The nature of matter and the idea of indivisible parts has fascinated philosophers, historians, scientists and physicists from antiquity to the present day. This collection covers the richness of its history, starting with how the Ancient Greeks came to assume the existence of atoms and concluding with contemporary metaphysical debates about structure, time and reality. Focusing on important moments in the history of human thought when the debate about atomism was particularly flourishing and transformative for the scientific and philosophical spirit (...)
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    Dell'origine e dell'ufficio della letteratura.Ugo Foscolo - 2000 - Formello (RM) [i.e. Roma]: Edizioni SEAM. Edited by Biagio Loré & Michele Loré.
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    Equilibria analysis in social dilemma games with Skinnerian agents.Ugo Merlone, Daren R. Sandbank & Ferenc Szidarovszky - 2013 - Mind and Society 12 (2):219-233.
    Different disciplines have analyzed binary choices to model collective behavior in human systems. Several situations in which social dilemma arise can be modeled as N-person prisoner’s dilemma games including homeland security, public goods, international political economy among others. The purpose of this study is to develop an analytical solution to the N-person prisoner’s dilemma game when boundedly rational agents interact in a population. Previous studies in the literature consider the case in which cooperators and defectors have the same learning factors. (...)
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    Algo-Rhythms and the Beat of the Legal Drum.Ugo Pagallo - 2018 - Philosophy and Technology 31 (4):507-524.
    The paper focuses on concerns and legal challenges brought on by the use of algorithms. A particular class of algorithms that augment or replace analysis and decision-making by humans, i.e. data analytics and machine learning, is under scrutiny. Taking into account Balkin’s work on “the laws of an algorithmic society”, attention is drawn to obligations of transparency, matters of due process, and accountability. This US-centric analysis on drawbacks and loopholes of current legal systems is complemented with the analysis of norms (...)
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    Corporate Governance and Sustainability Performance: Analysis of Triple Bottom Line Performance.Nazim Hussain, Ugo Rigoni & René P. Orij - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 149 (2):411-432.
    The study empirically investigates the relationship between corporate governance and the triple bottom line sustainability performance through the lens of agency theory and stakeholder theory. We claim, in fact, that no single theory fully accounts for all the hypothesised relationships. We measure sustainability performance through manual content analysis on sustainability reports of the US-based companies. The study extends the existing literature by investigating the impact of selected corporate governance mechanisms on each dimension of sustainability performance, as defined by the GRI (...)
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  21.  26
    False Conscience: Sustainability and Smart Evolution—Between Law and Power.Ugo Mattei - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (5):1557-1567.
    The contribution describes the legal phenomenon as a playing field characterized by a progressive regression of the law, understood as a sovereign will from top to bottom, both in the vision of formalist legal positivisms in continental Europe and in realist terms, in the United States. Soft law represents the main strategy to subordinate the law to the interests of the economy, elasticizing environmental law, making it favorable to the market, reducing ecology to the simplistic metric of CO2 emissions. The (...)
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  22.  9
    Ricerche sull'atomismo del Seicento: atti del Convegno di studio di Santa Margherita Ligure (14-16 ottobre 1976).Ugo Baldini (ed.) - 1977 - Firenze: La nuova Italia.
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    Schopenhauer.Ugo Batini - 2020 - Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf.
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    Agustín sobre la concupiscencia.Ugo Bianchi - 1991 - Augustinus 36 (141-144):39-51.
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    Le origini dello gnosticismo.Ugo Bianchi - 1992 - Augustinianum 32 (2):205-216.
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  26. Filosofia senza maestro.Ugo Borsetti - 1968 - Genova,: SAGEP.
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    Problemi filosofici.Ugo Camera - 1931 - Roma: [Soc. tip. A. Manuzio].
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  28. Introduzione alla semantica.Ugo Castagnotto - 1971 - Torino,: G. Giappichelli.
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  29.  41
    Social Behavior and Religious Consciousness among Shin Buddhist Practitioners.Ugo Dessi - 2010 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 37 (2):335-366.
  30.  17
    Composing the Μικρομεγάλη Ἰλιάς: Macro- and microstructure of a Byzantine Homeric poem.Ugo Mondini - 2021 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 114 (1):325-354.
    The Μικρομεγάλη Ἰλιάς, the first work written by John Tzetzes, consists of 1.676 hexameters and numerous scholia. It narrates the events of the Trojan war from the conception of Paris to the fall of the city. This paper analyses the poem and its structure. In his later Exegesis to the Iliad, Tzetzes states that the Μικρομεγάλη Ἰλιάς allows to “learn thoroughly, in every detail” the history of the war. Following this evidence, the macro- and the microstructure of the poem are (...)
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  31.  7
    Il diritto soggettivo.Ugo Natoli - 1943 - Milano,: Giuffrè.
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    Per non morire d'arte.Ugo Nespolo - 2021 - Torino: Giulio Einaudi editore.
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  33. Corso di pedagogia.Ugo Redanò - 1959 - Roma,: Libreria editrice E., de Santis.
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    Ideale del dialogo o ideale della scienza?Ugo Spirito - 1966 - Edizioni Dell'ateneo.
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    Homélies copto-arabes pour la Semaine Sainte.Ugo Zanetti - 1983 - Augustinianum 23 (3):517-522.
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  36. L'elenchos e la natura della verità : Davidson su Gademer e il Filebo.Ugo Zilioli - 2010 - In Christopher Gill & François Renaud, Hermeneutic philosophy and Plato: Gadamer's response to the Philebus. Sankt Augustin: Academia.
  37. Un relativismo robusto. Genealogia e forza di un’idea.Ugo Zilioli - 2007 - Discipline Filosofiche 17 (2).
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  38. When Morals Ain’t Enough: Robots, Ethics, and the Rules of the Law.Ugo Pagallo - 2017 - Minds and Machines 27 (4):625-638.
    No single moral theory can instruct us as to whether and to what extent we are confronted with legal loopholes, e.g. whether or not new legal rules should be added to the system in the criminal law field. This question on the primary rules of the law appears crucial for today’s debate on roboethics and still, goes beyond the expertise of robo-ethicists. On the other hand, attention should be drawn to the secondary rules of the law: The unpredictability of robotic (...)
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    Taste and meaning.Ugo Volli - 2016 - Semiotica 2016 (211):231-246.
    Journal Name: Semiotica Issue: Ahead of print.
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  40. Hegels Aufklärung und Foucaults »Analytik der Endlichkeit« als Schwelle zur Moderne.Ugo Balzaretti - 2013 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 19 (1):325-332.
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  41. L'azione voluntaria nei sistemi di welfare.Ugo Ascoli - 1992 - Polis 6.
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  42.  29
    Cogito et histoire du sujet : quelques remarques sur la biopolitique et la psychanalyse.Ugo Balzaretti - 2019 - Astérion 21 (21).
    The presentation delivered by Georges Canguilhem in 1956 at the Philosophical College of Jean Wahl, “What is psychology?”, was praised by Jacques Lacan as a defense of psychoanalysis against the hegemonic claims of psychology. Is psychoanalysis, however, whose own birth is after all included in the genealogy sketched by Canguilhem, really safe from his criticism of psychology? The following contribution takes up the question of the constitutive instrumentalism of psychology mainly with view to three aspects: the relationship between science and (...)
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  43.  15
    Cardano negli archivi dell'Inquisizione e dell'Indice: Note su una ricerca.Ugo Baldini - 1998 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 4.
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    Admirable et cavalier : le XVII siècle de Philippe Sollers.Ugo Dionne - 2001 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 20:19.
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    Niccolò Machiavelli: la fenomenologia del potere.Ugo Dotti - 1979 - Milano: Feltrinelli.
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    Heuristically guided search and chromosome matching.Ugo Montanari - 1970 - Artificial Intelligence 1 (3-4):227-245.
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  47. La solidarità umana come precetto morale e come norma giuridica.Ugo Nicolini - 1948 - Humanitas 3:270-278.
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  48. Necessita del trascendentale.Ugo Perone - 2007 - Giornale di Metafisica 29 (1):35-52.
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    Política como interpretación.Ugo Perone - 1996 - Isegoría 13:151-156.
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    (1 other version)The Risks of The Present.Ugo Perone - 2010 - Symposium 14 (2):19-34.
    The following remarks try to trace a scenario of twentieth-century philosophy, which in my opinion shows a new interest in the issue of time. Many have underscored that nineteenth-century philosophy replaces the paradigm of Nature with that of History as an historical a priori in Foucault’s sense, that is, as the horizon within which the problems are to be located and solved. The issue of identifying the dominant nineteenth-century paradigm—further complicated by thedeclining resort to the great narratives of this “short (...)
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