Results for 'Tomasz Mickiewicz'

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  1.  35
    To Pay or Not to Pay? Business Owners’ Tax Morale: Testing a Neo-Institutional Framework in a Transition Environment.Tomasz Mickiewicz, Anna Rebmann & Arnis Sauka - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (1):75-93.
    In order to understand how the environment influences business owner/managers’ attitudes towards tax morale, we build a theoretical model based on a neo-institutionalist framework. Our model combines three complementary perspectives on institutions—normative, cultural–cognitive and regulatory–instrumental. This enables a broader understanding of factors that influence business owner–managers’ attitudes towards tax evasion. We test the resulting hypotheses using regression analysis on survey data on business owner/managers in Latvia—a transition country, which has undergone massive institutional changes since it was part of the Soviet (...)
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  2. Gra o reforme.Tomasz Mickiewicz - 1988 - Res Publica (Misc) 2 (2):112-114.
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  3. Against a minimalist reading of bell's theorem: Lessons from fine.Thomas Müller & Tomasz Placek - 2001 - Synthese 128 (3):343 - 379.
    Since the validity of Bell's inequalities implies the existence of joint probabilities for non-commuting observables, there is no universal consensus as to what the violation of these inequalities signifies. While the majority view is that the violation teaches us an important lesson about the possibility of explanations, if not about metaphysical issues, there is also a minimalist position claiming that the violation is to be expected from simple facts about probability theory. This minimalist position is backed by theorems due to (...)
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  4. Defining Determinism.Thomas Müller & Tomasz Placek - 2018 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 69 (1):215-252.
    The article puts forward a branching-style framework for the analysis of determinism and indeterminism of scientific theories, starting from the core idea that an indeterministic system is one whose present allows for more than one alternative possible future. We describe how a definition of determinism stated in terms of branching models supplements and improves current treatments of determinism of theories of physics. In these treatments, we identify three main approaches: one based on the study of equations, one based on mappings (...)
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    Filozofia jako mądrość bycia: profesorowi Krzysztofowi Kaszyńskiemu w darze z okazji 70. urodzin.Krzysztof Kaszyński, Stefan Konstańczak & Tomasz Turowski (eds.) - 2009 - Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski.
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    Coalition structure generation: A survey.Talal Rahwan, Tomasz P. Michalak, Michael Wooldridge & Nicholas R. Jennings - 2015 - Artificial Intelligence 229 (C):139-174.
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    A Modular Bisimulation Characterisation for Fragments of Hybrid Logic.Guillermo Badia, Daniel Găină, Alexander Knapp, Tomasz Kowalski & Martin Wirsing - forthcoming - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic:1-24.
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    An Assessment of Contemporary Polish Ontology.Bartłomiej Skowron, Tomasz Bigaj, Arkadiusz Chrudzimski, Michał Głowala, Zbigniew Król, Marek Kuś, Józef Lubacz & Rafał Urbaniak - 2019 - In Contemporary Polish Ontology. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 271-294.
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    Working Memory in Aphasia: The Role of Temporal Information Processing.Mateusz Choinski, Elzbieta Szelag, Tomasz Wolak & Aneta Szymaszek - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Aphasia is an acquired impairment of language functions resulting from a brain lesion. It is usually accompanied by deficits in non-linguistic cognitive processes. This study aimed to investigate in patients with aphasia the complex interrelationships between selected cognitive functions: auditory speech comprehension, working memory, and temporal information processing in the millisecond time range. Thirty right-handed subjects aged from 27 to 82 years suffering from post-stroke aphasia participated in the study. Verbal working memory and spatial working memory were assessed with: a (...)
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    The Multi-Criteria Negotiation Analysis Based on the Membership Function.Ewa Roszkowska & Tomasz Wachowicz - 2014 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 37 (1):195-217.
    In this paper we propose a multi-criteria model based on the fuzzy preferences approach which can be implemented in the prenegotiation phase to evaluate the negotiations packages. The applicability of some multi-criteria ranking methods were discussed for building a scoring function for negotiation packages. The first one is Simple Additive Weighting technique which determines the sum of the partial satisfactions from each negotiation issue and aggregate them using the issue weights. The other one is Distance Based Methods, with its extension (...)
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    Czy trzeba być ateistą, aby być sekularystą?Piotr Sękowski & Tomasz Sieczkowski - 2019 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 24:157-175.
    Artykuł traktuje o relacjach ateizmu i sekularyzmu. Podstawowym problemem rozważanym w tekście jest pytanie o to, czy trzeba być ateistą, żeby być sekularystą. Pojęcia sekularyzmu i ateizmu przedstawiamy na tle historycznym, a następnie analizujemy w taki sposób, by uzyskać możliwie pełną odpowiedź na nasze pytanie. Analizie poddane zostały teoretyczne możliwości kształtowania relacji religii i państwa, a także konsekwencje, jakie wypływają z poszczególnych form kształtowania tych relacji. Sądzimy, że o ile rozumieć ateizm jako niewiarę w Boga/bogów, a sekularyzm jako nieużywanie teologicznych (...)
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  12. Szkice o godności człowieka.Marek Piechowiak & Tomasz Turowski (eds.) - 2012 - Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego.
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    Św. Tomasz z Akwinu: dysputy problemowe o prawdzie = S. Thomae Aquinatis: Quaestiones disputatae de veritate.Tomasz Z. Akwinu - 1999 - Lublin: Red. Wydawnictw Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego. Edited by Aleksander Białek & Andrzej Maryniarczyk.
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    50 Years After Wittgenstein’s Vienna. On Wittgenstein, Toulmin and Philosophy. Tomasz Zarębski in Conversation With Allan Janik.Tomasz Zarębski & Allan Janik - forthcoming - Nordic Wittgenstein Review.
    In this interview, Tomasz Zarębski speaks with Allan Janik, co-author of _Wittgenstein’s Vienna_ (1973, with Stephen Toulmin), on the occasion of the 50 th anniversary of the publication of this pathbreaking book. The conversation concerns the circumstances, motivations and reasons for his undertaking the work on the book, as well as its reception and place in Wittgenstein scholarship. A large part of the discussion refers to his perspective of Wittgenstein, Toulmin’s philosophical writings, and Janik’s own vision of philosophy. The (...)
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  15. Zasady psychologii według św. Tomasza z Akwinu.Tomasz Pawlikowski - 2007 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 52.
    Św. Tomasz nie napisał nigdy własnego traktatu, w którym wykładałby zasady uprawiania psychologii, podobnie jak nie napisał takiego traktatu odnośnie do innych nauk filozoficznych. Wyjątkiem pozostaje teologia. Pierwsza kwestia, I części Sumy Teologii i piąta oraz szósta kwestia Komentarza do Boecjańskiego dziełka O Trójcy Świętej stanowi bowiem takie traktaty metodologiczne, gdzie Akwinata wyłożył ewidentnie własne poglądy. W przypadku psychologii pozostawił jednak dwie lekcje otwierające Komentarz do Arystotelesowego Traktatu o duszy, w których choć dość literalnie omawia tekst Stagiryty, to formułuje (...)
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  16. Tomasz Mróz, Wincenty Lutosławski 1863-1954. Jestem obywatelem utopii.Tomasz Skrzyński - 2009 - Ruch Filozoficzny 66 (2).
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    Bóg i świat w poezji Bolesława Leśmiana.Tomasz Cieślak - 1998 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 1:25-53.
    The article is a tentative analysis of the construction of reality created in Bolesław Leśmian’s lyric poetry; an attempt to specify its most important elements, the relationships between them and the main mechanisms which control the poetical world of the author of Łąka [The Meadow). The discussion centres on the motifs of existence and non-existence, death and nothingness, time and space, as well as the creation of Leśmian’s characters, especially God, who is presented in a variety of images (from the (...)
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    Sexual Emancipation and Seyla Benhabib’s Deliberative Approach to Conflicts in Culture.Tomasz Jarymowicz - 2010 - Dialogue and Universalism 20 (5-6):51-58.
    Seyla Benhabib in her book The Rights of Others focuses on the tension between the universal claims of human rights and the localized democratic regimes which are based on the rule of majority. In Benhabib’s opinion the tension between these two is constitutive of existing democratic states and can be resolved only provisionally through democratic deliberations. The article looks to the theory of deliberative democracy for a way of conceptualizing sexual minorities politics which would appeal to human rights and their (...)
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  19. Organizacja pola zmysłowego w przeżyciu intuicyjnym.Tomasz Strzembosz - 1946 - Kwartalnik Filozoficzny 16 (1):25-56.
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  20. Normatywność, internalizm, wyjaśnianie działania.Tomasz Żuradzki - 2010 - Ruch Filozoficzny 67 (4):661-670.
  21.  52
    Griefbots, Deadbots, Postmortem Avatars: on Responsible Applications of Generative AI in the Digital Afterlife Industry.Tomasz Hollanek & Katarzyna Nowaczyk-Basińska - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (2):1-22.
    To analyze potential negative consequences of adopting generative AI solutions in the digital afterlife industry (DAI), in this paper we present three speculative design scenarios for AI-enabled simulation of the deceased. We highlight the perspectives of the data donor, data recipient, and service interactant – terms we employ to denote those whose data is used to create ‘deadbots,’ those in possession of the donor’s data after their death, and those who are meant to interact with the end product. We draw (...)
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  22.  25
    Reviews and Interviews.Tomasz Fisiak, Wit Pietrzak, Antoni Górny, Krzysztof Majer, Bill Gaston, Uilleam Blacker & Joanna Kosmalska - 2016 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 6:293-319.
    Timeless Radcliffe: A Review of Ann Radcliffe, Romanticism and the Gothic - Tomasz Fisiak Yeats’s Genres and Tensions: A Review of Charles I. Armstrong’s Reframing Yeats: Genre, Allusion and History - Wit Pietrzak Review of Anna Pochmara’s The Making of the New Negro: Black Authorship, Masculinity, and Sexuality in the Harlem Renaissance - Antoni Górny “Artful Exaggeration” - Krzysztof Majer Interviews Bill Gaston Transcultural Theatre in the UK - Uilleam Blacker Talks to Joanna Kosmalska.
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    Proposal and comparison of network anomaly detection based on long-memory statistical models.Tomasz Andrysiak, Łukasz Saganowski, Michał Choraś & Rafał Kozik - 2016 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 24 (6):944-956.
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    An event algebra for causal counterfactuals.Tomasz Wysocki - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (12):3533-3565.
    “If the tower is any taller than 320 ms, it may collapse,” Eiffel thinks out loud. Although understanding this counterfactual poses no trouble, the most successful interventionist semantics struggle to model it because the antecedent can come about in infinitely many ways. My aim is to provide a semantics that will make modeling such counterfactuals easy for philosophers, computer scientists, and cognitive scientists who work on causation and causal reasoning. I first propose three desiderata that will guide my theory: it (...)
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    (1 other version)Mózgi w naczyniu.Tomasz Albiński - forthcoming - Filozofia.
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  26. Sposoby pojmowania filozofii społecznej w Polsce po 1989 roku.Tomasz Czakon - 2010 - Archeus. Studia Z Bioetyki I Antropologii Filozoficznej 11:107-121.
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  27. Libros de la nación polaca desde el principio del mundo hasta el martirio de la nación polaca.Adam Mickiewicz - 1960 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 7:201-208.
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  28. Iluzja wspólnego świata. \"Gazeta Wyborcza\" wobec Kościoła.Tomasz Woźniak - 2002 - Colloquia Communia 72 (1):260-282.
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    On Logic of Strictly-Deontic Modalities. A Semantic and Tableau Approach.Tomasz Jarmużek & Mateusz Klonowski - 2020 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 29 (3):335–380.
    Standard deontic logic (SDL) is defined on the basis of possible world semantics and is a logic of alethic-deontic modalities rather than deontic modalities alone. The interpretation of the concepts of obligation and permission comes down exclusively to the logical value that a sentence adopts for the accessible deontic alternatives. Here, we set forth a different approach, this being a logic which additionally takes into consideration whether sentences stand in relation to the normative system or to the system of values (...)
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  30.  42
    AI transparency: a matter of reconciling design with critique.Tomasz Hollanek - forthcoming - AI and Society.
    In the late 2010s, various international committees, expert groups, and national strategy boards have voiced the demand to ‘open’ the algorithmic black box, to audit, expound, and demystify artificial intelligence. The opening of the algorithmic black box, however, cannot be seen only as an engineering challenge. In this article, I argue that only the sort of transparency that arises from critique—a method of theoretical examination that, by revealing pre-existing power structures, aims to challenge them—can help us produce technological systems that (...)
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  31.  36
    How to Justify the Symmetrization Postulate in Quantum Mechanics.Tomasz Bigaj - 2022 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 53 (3):239-257.
    The aim of this paper is to reconstruct and correct one argument in support of the symmetrization postulate in quantum mechanics. I identify the central premise of the argument as a thesis specifying a particular ontic property of quantum superpositions. The precise form of this thesis depends on some underlying assumptions of a metaphysical character. I compare the exchange degeneracy argument with alternative formal arguments for the symmetrization postulate, and I discuss the role and meaning of labels in the symmetric/antisymmetric (...)
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    Etyczne aspekty koncepcji odosobnienia Mistrza Eckharta.Adriana Mickiewicz - 2024 - Ruch Filozoficzny 79 (3):27-47.
    Artykuł omawia kategorię odosobnienia (Gelassenheit, Abgeschiedenheit) Mistrza Eckharta jako propozycję etyczną. W pierwszej części artykułu autorka omawia kwestie metodologiczne oraz translatorskie. Następnie przedstawiony zostaje kontekst teologii apofatycznej, w którym Eckhart wprowadza pojęcie odosobnienia. Trzecia i czwarta część została poświęcona ideałowi ubóstwa oraz teorii cnoty. Autorka pokazuje w jaki sposób pojęcie odosobnienia może być odczytywane jako przede wszystkim postulat z zakresu filozofii moralnej.
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  33. Intuitions are never used as evidence in ethics.Tomasz Herok - 2023 - Synthese 201 (2):1-35.
    One can often hear that intuitions are standardly “appealed to”, “relied on”, “accounted for”, or “used as evidence” in ethics. How should we interpret these claims? I argue that the typical understanding is what Bernard Molyneux calls “descriptive evidentialism”: the idea that intuition-states are treated as evidence of their propositional contents in the context of justification. I then argue that descriptive evidentialism is false- on any account of what intuitions are. That said, I admit that ethicists frequently rely on intuitions (...)
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  34.  15
    The promise of a new cultural periodization: Realism, Modernism, Postmodernism.Tomasz Gaczoł - 2019 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 13 (4):55-69.
    The promise of a new cultural periodization:Realism, Modernism, PostmodernismThis article discusses the problem of a possibility of finding a comprehensive narrative encompassing the entire course of history and forming an interpretive framework for cultural studies. The author presents Fredric Jameson’s original concept of the history of aesthetic forms: realism, modernism, postmodernism and argues that if offers a promising interpretative framework for Polish studies.
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  35.  22
    Konstruktywistyczny szacunek do nauki. O podejściu Richarda Rorty’ego i Bruno Latoura.Tomasz Szymon Markiewka - 2020 - Diametros 17 (63):56-68.
    Celem artykułu jest odpowiedź na pytanie: jak można być konstruktywistą, a jednocześnie traktować naukę jako jedno z najważniejszych osiągnięć współczesnych społeczeństw? Jako że konstruktywizm jest bogatym nurtem, mającym wiele odmian, autor skupia się tylko na jego dwóch przedstawicielach – Richardzie Rortym i Bruno Latourze. Stara się dowieść, że z połączenia wybranych aspektów ich stanowisk można zbudować spójną odpowiedź na zadane pytanie. Choć Rorty i Latour odrzucają realistyczną wizję nauki, to jednocześnie przekonują, że nauka jest skutecznym sposobem na radzenie sobie ze (...)
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  36. La sociobiologie et le social-darwinisme. Contribution à la discussion concernant les fondements philosophiques de la sociobiologie de EO Wilson.E. Mickiewicz-Olczyk - 1989 - Studia Filozoficzne 283:137-152.
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  37. Literatura słowiańska wykładana w Kolegium Francuskim- fragmenty.Adam Mickiewicz - 2007 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 1:168-186.
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  38.  19
    Oda do młodośd / Ode to Youth.Adam Mickiewicz - 1996 - Dialogue and Universalism 6 (5):20-23.
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    Paris lectures.A. Mickiewicz - 2000 - Dialogue and Universalism 10:35-44.
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  40. Socjobiologia a socjaldarwinizm (Przyczynek do dyskusji nad filozoficznymi podstawami socjobiologii E. O. Wilsona).Elżbieta Mickiewicz-Olczyk - 1989 - Studia Filozoficzne 283 (6).
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  41. The Flesh in Pain: A Conversation with John D. Caputo.Adriana Mickiewicz - 2025 - Ruch Filozoficzny 80 (3):41-56.
    This article critically examines John D. Caputo’s early ethical project, primarily as described in his work Against Ethics. The central theme of flesh in pain is crucial to his ethical approach. This paper highlights the positive aspects of his work while addressing its potential flaws.
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    Dissecting weak discernibility of quanta.Tomasz Bigaj - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 50:43-53.
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    Lay Evaluation of Financial Experts: The Action Advice Effect and Confirmation Bias.Tomasz Zaleskiewicz, Agata Gasiorowska, Katarzyna Stasiuk, Renata Maksymiuk & Yoram Bar-Tal - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:215307.
    The goal of this experimental project was to investigate lay peoples’ perceptions of epistemic authority (EA) in the field of finance. EA is defined as the extent to which a source of information is treated as evidence for judgments independently of its objective expertise and based on subjective beliefs. Previous research suggested that EA evaluations are biased and that lay people tend to ascribe higher EA to experts who advise action (in the case of medical experts) or confirm clients’ expectations (...)
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    Dziecko – przedmiot metafizyczny. Od historii do genetyki.Tomasz Sahaj - 2002 - Etyka 35.
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    Heidegger's Hammer: Ontology, Aesthetics, and the Instrumental in Education.Tomasz Szkudlarek - 2022 - Educational Theory 72 (3):303-318.
    In the context of the ongoing debate on the ontology of education, where instrumentally defined functions and aims are seen as external to what education is and the focus is on defining “the educational,” Tomasz Szkudlarek explores a reverse route in an attempt to see, first, what is “the instrumental” before asking how it operates in education. He assumes that instrumentality may be an ontological phenomenon if we adopt a relational ontology where “things” are always and essentially related to (...)
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  46. Summa Teologii, kwestia I (z komentarzem Mikołaja Olszewskiego).Tomasz Z. Akwinu - 1995 - Principia.
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  47. (1 other version)How to (properly) strengthen Bell's theorem using counterfactuals.Tomasz Bigaj - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 41 (1):58-66.
    Bell’s theorem in its standard version demonstrates that the joint assumptions of the hidden-variable hypothesis and the principle of local causation lead to a conflict with quantum-mechanical predictions. In his latest counterfactual strengthening of Bell’s theorem, Stapp attempts to prove that the locality assumption itself contradicts the quantum-mechanical predictions in the Hardy case. His method relies on constructing a complex, non-truth functional formula which consists of statements about measurements and outcomes in some region R, and whose truth value depends on (...)
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  48. Jakościowe teorie czasoprzestrzeni.Tomasz Bigaj - 1995 - Filozofia Nauki 4.
    This is an attempt to formulate (along the line of H. Field's nominalization program) purely qualitative versions of two theories of space time: Galilean and Minkowskian theories. The starting point is to present qualitative theory for affine geometry, which is based only on one primitive predicate: „between”. Then it is shown that with the help of this predicate whole mathematical structure of affine geometry can be reconstructed as a simple definitional extension. As a next step it is shown in details (...)
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  49. Kilka uwag w sprawie nezbędności matematyki w nauce.Tomasz Bigaj - 1994 - Filozofia Nauki 3.
    This is an attempt to defend Field's nominalistic program from the criticism raised by K. Wójtowicz in his article. The author argues for the following theses: (a) that Wójtowicz uses the notion of „mathematical theory” broader than Field does it; (b) that he misinterprets the conception of the „abstract counterparts” of nominalistic statements; (c) and that his general evaluation of Field's program is based on too high methodological standards which he applies to the possible nominalistic versions of empirical theories. The (...)
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  50. Sposób pracy jako kategoria teorii materializmu historycznego.Tomasz Bochat - 1987 - Studia Filozoficzne 259 (6).
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