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Allan Janik [54]Allan S. Janik [4]Allan Stanley Janik [1]
  1.  74
    An Introduction to Reasoning.Stephen Toulmin, Richard D. Rieke & Allan Janik - 1979 - New York and London: Macmillan.
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    Wittgenstein's Vienna.Allan Janik - 1973 - Chicago: I.R. Dee. Edited by Stephen Toulmin.
    This is a remarkable book about a man (perhaps the most important and original philosopher of our age), a society (the corrupt Austro-Hungarian Empire on the eve of dissolution), and a city (Vienna, with its fin-de siecle gaiety and corrosive melancholy). The central figure in this study of a crumbling society that gave birth to the modern world is Wittgenstein, the brilliant and gifted young thinker. With others, including Freud, Viktor Adler, and Arnold Schoenberg, he forged his ideas in a (...)
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    Wittgenstein's Vienna Revisited.Allan Janik - 2018 - Routledge.
    Fin de siecle Vienna was once memorably described by Karl Kraus as a "proving ground for the destruction of the world." In the decades leading to the World War that brought down the Austro-Hungarian empire, the city was at once an operetta dream world masking social and political problems and tension, as well as a center for the far-reaching explorations and innovations in music, art, science, and philosophy that would help to define modernity. One of the most powerful critiques of (...)
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    50 Years After Wittgenstein’s Vienna. On Wittgenstein, Toulmin and Philosophy. Tomasz Zarębski in Conversation With Allan Janik.Tomasz Zarębski & Allan Janik - forthcoming - Nordic Wittgenstein Review.
    In this interview, Tomasz Zarębski speaks with Allan Janik, co-author of _Wittgenstein’s Vienna_ (1973, with Stephen Toulmin), on the occasion of the 50 th anniversary of the publication of this pathbreaking book. The conversation concerns the circumstances, motivations and reasons for his undertaking the work on the book, as well as its reception and place in Wittgenstein scholarship. A large part of the discussion refers to his perspective of Wittgenstein, Toulmin’s philosophical writings, and Janik’s own vision of philosophy. The interview (...)
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    Essays on Wittgenstein and Weininger.Allan Janik - 1985 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Distributed in the U.S.A. by Humanities Press.
    PREFACE A volume of essays on Wittgenstein, arguably this century's greatest philosopher, certainly would require no apology. However, one which combines ...
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    Briefe an Ludwig Wittgenstein aus den Jahren 1914-1920.Gottlob Frege, Allan Janik & Christian Paul Berger - 1989 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 33 (1):5-33.
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    Briefe an Ludwig Wittgenstein aus den Jahren 1914-1920.Gottlob Frege, Allan Janik & Christian Paul Berger - 1989 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 33 (1):5-33.
  8.  62
    Wittgenstein.Allan Janik - 1980 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 18 (1):108-110.
  9.  32
    Notes on the Origins of Fleck’s Concept of “Denkstil”.Allan Janik - 2006 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 12:179-188.
  10. Essays on Wittgenstein and Weininger.Allan Janik - 1986 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 48 (4):661-661.
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  11. Schopenhauer and the Early Wittgenstein.Allan S. Janik - 1966 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 15:76-95.
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  12. Wittgenstein, Loos, and critical modernism: style and idea in architecture and philosophy.Allan Janik - 2017 - In Zumhagen-Yekplé Karen & LeMahieu Michael, Wittgenstein and Modernism. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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    The Murder of Professor Schlick: The Rise and Fall of the Vienna Circle.Allan Janik - 2023 - Common Knowledge 29 (1):103-104.
    It is not unusual to speculate on the contrary-to-fact implications of political assassinations. Lincoln's is the classic case in point, but we need only think of Julius Caesar, Gandhi, or John Kennedy, if we require further examples. One totally neglected case in this context is that of Moritz Schlick. One of the remote consequences of his murder, on June 22, 1936, which was most definitely a political assassination, is that today's academic world may well have been an entirely different one (...)
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    On Rereading Snow.Allan Janik - 2023 - Common Knowledge 29 (3):396-397.
    When I first read Snow, I was deeply conscious, page by page, of its enormously dense character. It was clear from the outset that this novel was much more than the account of a Westernized Turkish journalist's failed attempt to cover a suicide wave among young girls in the provincial Turkish city of Kars. Almost from the start, the multidimensional narrative about Turkish youth weaved together all sorts of strains of political, religious, and social conflicts in a drama about coming (...)
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  15. Wittgenstein, an austrian enigma.Allan Janik - 1981 - In János Kristóf Nyíri, Austrian philosophy: studies and texts. München: Philosophia-Verlag.
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  16. Wittgenstein and Weininger.Allan Janik - 1978 - In Elisabeth Leinfellner, Wittgenstein and his impact on contemporary thought: proceedings of the Second International Wittgenstein Symposium, 29th August to 4th September 1977, Kirchberg/Wechsel (Austria) ; editors, Elisabeth Leinfellner... [et al.]. Hingham, Mass.: D. Reidel Pub. Co.. pp. 2--25.
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  17. Wie hat Schopenhauer Wittgenstein beinflußt?Allan S. Janik - 1992 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch 73:69-78.
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  18. Paul Engelmann's Role In Wittgenstein's Philosophical Development.Allan Janik - 2000 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 58 (1):279-295.
    It was Paul Engelmann who stimulated Wittgenstein to consider art as the avenue of access to what is higher, the "mystical" in the Tractatus. Unlike the course of their personal friendship, it is not easy to reconstruct the nature of their philosophical confrontation with one another. In the light of their correspondence, Wittgenstein's notebooks and the bit we know from biographers, Wittgenstein's development in the period immediately before he met Engelmann is sketched, discussing the influence of Hertz and Weininger, and (...)
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  19. Over Wittgenstein gesproken.Frans Boenders, Allan Janik, Brian McGuinness, Franz Parak, Elisabeth Anscombe & Anthony Kenny - 1979 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 41 (3):523-523.
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  20. Friedrich August von Hayek's draft biography of Ludwig Wittgenstein: the text and its history.Christian E. Erbacher, Allan Janik & Friedrich A. von Hayek (eds.) - 2019 - Paderborn: Mentis.
    Every student of the twentieth century has heard both of the great Viennese economist Friedrich von Hayek and of the equally great philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein. But what isn't well known is that the two were distant cousins and that, shortly after Wittgenstein's death in 1951, Hayek set out to write a biography of his cousin. The project was derailed by Wittgenstein family members, who felt it was to soon to publish such a work - especially one like Hayek's, so candid (...)
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    Art, artisanat et méthode philosophique selon wittgenstein.Allan Janik - 2003 - Rue Descartes 39 (1):18-27.
  22. Art, Craftsmanship and Philosophical Method According to Wittgenstein.Allan Janik - 2003 - Rue Descartes. Revue Coll㨠Ge International de Philosophie 39:18-27.
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  23. Afgoderij na de dood van God. Sceptische reflecties van een filosoof.Allan Janik - 1998 - Nexus 21.
    Janik beschrijft in zijn filosofische essay aan de hand van een aantal filosofische posities zijn visie op het thema afgoderij en de rol die religie speelt in een seculiere wereld.
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  24. Benjamin Franklin aan een jongeman.Allan Janik - 2003 - Nexus 37.
    'Omdat oudere vrouwen meer ervaring hebben, zijn ze verstandiger en beoefenen ze meer discretie bij het opzetten van een intrige om verdenking te voorkomen. De omgang met hen is derhalve veiliger voor je reputatie.'.
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  25. De ethiek van de stilte na de dood van God.Allan Janik - 2011 - Nexus 59.
    De stilte in Mahlers symfonieën en de stilte die Wittgenstein bepleit zijn eenzelfde stilte; ze zijn beide een reactie op Nietzsches notie van de dood van God en de crisis van de wetenschap. Deze stilte is een moment van puur luisteren. Het is een moment van catharsis en een uiting van persoonlijke of stilzwijgende gedachten die niet objectief, dat wil zeggen in wetenschappelijke proposities, kan worden gerepliceerd. Catharsis drukt geen kennis uit, maar een direct, ongemedieerd weten dat we zijn.
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  26. De neef van Rameau. De dialoog als Gesamtkunstwerk voor Verlichting.Allan Janik - 1994 - Nexus 9.
    Plato was de eerste filosoof die de verlichting der mensheid op rationele basis trachtte te stoelen. Diderot werkte Plato's ideeën uit in zijn filosofische dialoog De neef van Rameau, waarin hij op ironische wijze de tegenstrijdigheden in de denkwereld van zijn tijd in de richting van de verlichting tracht om te buigen.
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  27. De rol van de humaniora in een technologisch tijdperk.Allan Janik - 1996 - Nexus 15.
    De snelheid van het moderne leven en de vluchtigheid van beeld en tekst op het scherm brengen ons steeds verder af van alles wat naar reflectie en diepgang tendeert. Geen aspect van het leven blijft onaangetast door de imago-industrie. De strategie van de leugen, de valse vergetelheid en de ontkenning van de dood kunnen alleen door reflectie op het culturele verleden bestreden worden.
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    Essays in the unknown Wittgenstein.Allan Janik - 1986 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 24 (4):573-574.
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    Heidegger.Allan Janik - 1981 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 19 (3):403-404.
  30.  49
    Heinrich hertz: Classical Physicist, Modern Philosopher. Davis Baird, R. I. G. Hughes, Alfred Nordmann.Allan Janik - 2000 - Isis 91 (1):166-167.
  31. Het lot van de waarheid.Allan Janik - 2009 - Nexus 53.
    Een bezoek aan Sint-Petersburg vlak na het einde van de Sovjetunie doet filosoof Allan Janik inzien hoezeer het postmodernisme, met zijn credo van 'alles is toegestaan', leidt tot nihilisme en tot een marginalisering van de filosofie zelf. De Russische filosofen die hij er ontmoet, bewegen zich in een werkelijk postmoderne maatschappij, een chaotisch machtsvacuüm waar niets vanzelfsprekend is. Juist daar blijkt dat een relativistisch-postmoderne houding weliswaar terecht de 'Grote Verhalen' ondermijnt, maar dat ze wegkijkt van de werkelijke problemen. Zo plaatst (...)
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    Närvarons dimension: essäer om Wittgenstein och språkets gränser.Allan Janik & Stig Nystrand - 1995
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  33. Nadenken over falen.Allan Janik - 1999 - Nexus 25.
    Janik beschouwt het falen als problematiek in een op succes gerichte wereld, waarin mislukking iets is geworden waarvoor men zich moet verontschuldigen. Hij gaat in op de soorten van falen die er zijn en de verschillende betekenissen die de term kan hebben, om inzicht te scheppen in de complexiteit van het begrip.
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    Obituary.Allan Janik - 2011 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 15:351-357.
    Stephen Edelston Toulmin, philosopher and historian of science, pioneer in the logical analysis of substantive argumentation, was educated in physics and philosophy at Cambridge, where he studied with Paul Dirac, John Wisdom and Ludwig Wittgenstein. Cambridge, Issac Newton’s university, remained his philosophical home: he always was very critical of the way that philosophy was done at The Other Place, as Oxford is known there. The only philosopher whom he really revered there was John Austin – although it is necessary hastily (...)
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    Professional Ethics ‘Applies’ Nothing.Allan Janik - 1994 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 2:197-203.
    My problem is how should we approach the concrete moral problems that arise in medicine, law, management or engineering in a pluralistic society — in what follows I shall concentrate upon medicine, but my concern is basically with the whole spectrum presented by the term “professional ethics”. My thesis is that we shall not be in a position to discuss the moral problems of professionals until we get clear about “where ethics comes from” as one concerned scholar put it1 — (...)
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    Philosophy in the twentieth century,.Allan Janik - 1987 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 25 (2):314-316.
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    Philosophical Sources of Wittgenstein's Ethics.Allan Janik - 1980 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1980 (44):131-144.
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    Self-deception, naturalism, and certainty: Prolegomena to a critical hermeneutics.Allan Janik - 1988 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 31 (3):295 – 305.
    It has been argued that we cannot trust the agent to be able to give a true account of his own actions. And that, where self?deception is involved, hermeneutics can do little more than participate in it. Only a rigorous science of the mind can take us towards the truth in these matters. The aim of this paper is to sketch a hermeneutics that can deal with self?deception. It examines the relation between what the agent does and his own account (...)
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  39. Schonbergs Wenen. Het kritisch modernisme van een Weens componist.Allan Janik - 1995 - Nexus 12.
    Schönberg liet zijn pogingen om Igisch te componeren vergezeld gaan met kritische en analytische geschriften. Hij wilde, net als vele andere kritische intellectuelen van zijn tijd, een authentieke Weense muziekcultuur ontwikkelen, die zich tegen de heersende esthetische smaak keerde. Zijn hekel aan populaire muziek was eerder gegrond op morele dan op esthetische overwegingen. Mooie muziek leidt tot dagdromen en niet tot nadenken, vond hij. Zijn werk eist een aktieve deelname van de luisteraar, die de idee achter de muziek moet trachten (...)
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  40. The Age of Insight: The Quest to Understand the Unconscious in Art, Mind, and Brain from 1900 to the Present. By Eric B. Kandel.Allan Janik - 2016 - In Christian Damböck, Influences on the Aufbau. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Theorie der Geowissenschaft. Wolf von Engelhardt, Jorg Zimmermann.Allan Janik - 1985 - Isis 76 (4):615-616.
  42.  26
    The Dichtung of Analytic Philosophy: Wittgenstein’s Legacy from Frege and Its Consequences.Allan Janik - 2018 - In Gisela Bengtsson, Simo Säätelä & Alois Pichler, New Essays on Frege: Between Science and Literature. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. pp. 143-157.
    Wittgenstein’s attitude to writing philosophy is an important part of his complex legacy from Frege. Even the frequently misconstrued phrase, “Philosophie dürfte man eigentlich nur dichten”, is part of that legacy. How should we actually render that sentence in English? How is the idea that Dichtung is a necessary aspect of philosophical method rooted in thoughts that ultimately find their way back to Frege? Where do we find Dichtung in the so-called private language argument? How is Wittgenstein’s view of the (...)
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    The Mismeasure of Man. Stephen Jay Gould.Allan Janik - 1983 - Ethics 94 (1):153-155.
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    The transformation of positivism: Alexius meinong and european thought, 1880-1920.Allan Janik - 1983 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 21 (1):121-122.
  45.  5
    Wittgenstein and His Times.Allan Janik - 1986 - International Studies in Philosophy 18 (1):100-101.
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    Weininger and the two Wittgensteins.Allan Janik - 2004 - In David G. Stern & Béla Szabados, Wittgenstein Reads Weininger. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 62.
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  47. Wittgenstein, ethiek en het zwijgen van de muzen.Allan Janik - 2008 - Nexus 50.
    ‘Tijdens een van hun eerste ontmoetingen in 1911 wist Wittgenstein Bertrand Russell verstomd te doen staan door te weigeren toe te geven dat er geen neushoorn in de kamer was, en zulks ondanks het feit dat Russell er geen kon vinden toen hij ernaar had gezocht.’.
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  48. Wittgenstein, Ficker and Der Brenner.Allan Janik & S. Toulmin - 1979 - In C. Grant Luckhardt, Wittgenstein, sources and perspectives. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. pp. 161--189.
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    WITTGENSTEIN IN VIENNA.: A biographical excursion throught the city and its history.Allan S. Janik & Hans Veigl - 1998 - Springer Verlag.
    "Wittgenstein in Vienna" documents Wittgenstein's life in the city: the places he, his family and those with whom he was in contact, lived, worked, entertained and socialized. The book will be a source of enrichment to the cultural tourist in Vienna. Its authors are authorities on Wittgenstein's philosophy especially in relation to Viennese culture and popular culture, in particular the world of the coffee house and cabaret.
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    Robert Musil and the Crisis of European Culture 1880-1942 (review).Allan Janik - 1981 - Philosophy and Literature 5 (2):240-241.
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