Results for 'Mateusz Choinski'

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  1.  23
    Working Memory in Aphasia: The Role of Temporal Information Processing.Mateusz Choinski, Elzbieta Szelag, Tomasz Wolak & Aneta Szymaszek - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Aphasia is an acquired impairment of language functions resulting from a brain lesion. It is usually accompanied by deficits in non-linguistic cognitive processes. This study aimed to investigate in patients with aphasia the complex interrelationships between selected cognitive functions: auditory speech comprehension, working memory, and temporal information processing in the millisecond time range. Thirty right-handed subjects aged from 27 to 82 years suffering from post-stroke aphasia participated in the study. Verbal working memory and spatial working memory were assessed with: a (...)
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    A Contribution to the Archaeology of “Affect Sciences”.Mateusz Falkowski - 2024 - Civitas 31:121-138.
    In my paper I undertake an attempt at an archaeological analysis of the increasing interest in emotions and affects in the humanities. Simultaneously, it is to some extent an attempt to continue Foucault's reflection from The Order of Things. In doing so, I reconstruct (a) previous ways – both philosophical and literary (starting from the seventeenth century) – of defining the relationship between “reason” and “heart” and (b) the origins, transformations and disintegration of the subject of desire. “Affectology” itself turns (...)
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  3. Psychoanaliza a polityka: stawka podmiotu.Mateusz Burzyk - 2013 - Diametros 35:1-20.
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    Relations Between Singapore and the People’s Republic of China in the Light of Donald Trump’s New Southeast Asia Policy.Mateusz Chatys - 2019 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 23 (1):133-148.
    The aim of the article is to analyze the relationship between Singapore and the People’s Republic of China in the light of the current policy of the President of the United States Donald Trump. The point of reference for the presented analysis is the foreign policy of the former President Barack Obama, based on the strategy known as “pivot to Asia” – the strategic turnabout of the United States to the Asia-Pacific region. One of its main objectives was the signing (...)
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  5. Czy potrzebna nam teoria fundamentalna? Refleksje na temat teorii świadomości Davida Chalmersa.Mateusz Hohol - 2011 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 49.
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    Tableau Systems for Epistemic Positional Logics.Mateusz Klonowski, Krzysztof Aleksander Krawczyk & Bożena Pięta - 2021 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 50 (2):177-204.
    The goal of the article is twofold. The first one is to provide logics based on positional semantics which will be suitable for the analysis of epistemic modalities such as ‘agent... knows/beliefs that...’. The second one is to define tableau systemsfor such logics. Firstly, we present the minimal positional logic MR. Then, we change the notion of formulas and semantics in order to consider iterations of the operator of realization and “free” classical formulas. After that, we move on to weaker (...)
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  7. Polsko-francuska konferencja na zamku w Reszlu.Mateusz Kwaterko - 1999 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 31 (3):225-226.
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  8. Istotność laborystycznej teorii wartości.Mateusz Machaj - 2010 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia.
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    Disobedience of Judges as a Problem of Legal Philosophy and Comparative Constitutionalism: A Polish Case.Mateusz Pilich - 2021 - Res Publica 27 (4):593-617.
    The article takes up the difficult problem of the so-called disobedience of judges against the background of the experiences of the Polish departure from constitutional democracy in 2015–2020. The special role and responsibility of a judge in the state imposes restrictions on her freedom of opinion in the public sphere. Openly manifesting opposition to government policy, which in the case of an ordinary citizen is only the implementation of human rights and freedoms, may be described as controversial and contrary to (...)
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    Saula Smilansky’ego kłopoty z moralnością modlitwy prośby. Kilka uwag krytycznych.Mateusz Przanowski - 2016 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 64 (1):49-59.
    W niniejszym tekście próbuję krytycznie przeanalizować artykuł Saula Smilansky’ego o modlitwie prośby z punktu widzenia filozofii i teologii tomistycznej. Najbardziej kontrowersyjne wydają mi się następujące elementy: 1. Odmowa zastosowania zasady podwójnego skutku do jednego z opisanych w artykule przypadków. Uważam, że ta odmowa jest zakorzeniona w wątpliwym rozumieniu prawa do obrony samego siebie; 2. Niedocenienie roli sprawiedliwej kary w rządach Opatrzności; 3. Nieznajomość albo niechęć do wprowadzenia pojęcia „dopustu Bożego”; 4. Nie do końca trafne psychologiczne spostrzeżenia dotyczące ludzki modlących się (...)
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    On a Three-Valued Logic with Blamey’s Interjunction for the Formal Description of Atomic Transactions.Mateusz M. Radzki - 2020 - Axiomathes 30 (2):177-191.
    The article demonstrates that to describe the property of atomicity of transactions in database systems, we need a three-valued logic with propositional connective characterized in the same way as Blamey’s interjunction. However, the article explains that since Blamey’s partial logic with interjunction is a logic without tautologies, it does not satisfy some salient conditions of being a logic of atomic transactions. The article introduces a logic of the considered kind, and provides an example of the formal exposition of the case (...)
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  12.  10
    Illusions in painting: an attempt at philosophical interpretation.Mateusz Salwa - 2013 - New York: Peter Lang Edition. Edited by Katarzyna Krzyżagórska-Pisarek & Mateusz Salwa.
    This book aims to present trompe-l'oeil painting as an ambigous aesthetic ideal offered by early modern theory of art. It embodies the idea of an image identical to what it represents. It is interpreted in terms of perceptual and aesthetic illusion, mimesis, diegesis, play, irony and scientific illustration.
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    Podmiot ucieleśniony w zaprojektowanym środowisku. Analiza wykorzystania koncepcji afordancji w architekturze.Mateusz Tofilski & Filip Stawski - 2021 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 11 (1).
    The subject embodied in the designed environment. Analysis of the use of the affordance concept in architecture: James Gibson’s ecological psychology is considered as one of the research subtraditions within embodied cognition. Gibson emphasizes the nature of the agent-environment interaction through the development of the theory of affordances. According to this idea, affordances are relational properties of the environment that enable a specific action for the agent. Currently this concept is being applied in many different contexts. This paper considers the (...)
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  14. Wyka i Tischner.Mateusz Werner - 2008 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 4 (4):301-302.
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  15. Rogera Penrose'a kwantowanie umysłu.Mateusz Hohol - 2009 - Filozofia Nauki 17 (3):67.
    The modeling of the human mind based on quantum effects has been gaining considerable interest due to the intriguing possibility of applying non-local interactions in the studies of consciousness. Inasmuch as the majority of the pertinent studies are restricted to the exclusive analysis of mental phenomena, the quantum model of mind proposed by Roger Penrose constitutes a part of a much larger scheme of the ultimate unification of physics. Penrose's efforts to find the 'missing science of consciousness' presuppose the non-algorithmic (...)
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    Interpretacja humanistyczna a teoretyczna rekonstrukcja kultury.Mateusz Bonecki - 2011 - Filo-Sofija 11 (12 (2011/1)):189-211.
    Author: Bonecki Mateusz Title: HUMANISTIC INTERPRETATION AND THEORETICAL RECONSTRUCTION OF CULTURE (Interpretacja humanistyczna a teoretyczna rekonstrukcja kultury) Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2011, vol:.12, number: 2011/1, pages: 189-211 Keywords: CULTURE, SOCIO-REGULATORY THEORY OF CULTURE, KMITA, INTERPRETATION, HUMANITIES, FUNCTIONALISM, CULTURAL STUDIES, KULTURWISSENSCHAFTEN Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail: www:In this paper the author presents crucial aspects of Jerzy Kmita’s socio-regulatory conception of culture in order to define it as a theoretical background of “humanistic (...)
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  17. Fundamentalne teorie empiryczne w ujęciu Wittgensteina.Mateusz Adamek - 2008 - Ruch Filozoficzny 65 (4).
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    Idea słowiańska i muzyka.Mateusz Andrzejewski - 2010 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 16:261-276.
    Idea słowiańska” jest terminem ogólnym, odnoszącym się do wielu politycznych, historiozoficznych i kulturowych wątków, dla których inspiracją było językowe i kulturowe pokrewieństwo między narodami słowiańskimi. Takie ruchy jak słowianofilstwo i panslawizm miały na celu kulturalne i polityczne zjednoczenie Słowian. Idea ta wywarła silny wpływ na muzykę krajów środkowej i wschodniej Europy w XIX i XX wieku. Pod jej wpływem powstała znaczna liczba utworów muzycznych. Można utwory te podzielić na kilka grup. W jednych „słowiańskość” podkreślana była poprzez tytuł. Kompozytorzy używali również (...)
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    (1 other version)Jerzy Kmita–interpretacja humanistyczna i społeczno-regulacyjna koncepcja kultury.Mateusz Bonecki - forthcoming - Filozofia.
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    Sensemaking– wiedza i kultura organizacji w świetle humanistyki zintegrowanej.Mateusz Bonecki - 2012 - Filo-Sofija 12 (18).
    SENSEMAKING. ORGANIZATIONAL KNOWLEDGE AND CULTURE IN THE LIGHT OF INTEGRATED HUMANITIES Definitions of organizational culture usually focus on shared symbols, rituals, behavioral patterns, or even propositional assumptions concerning reality. Such phenomena represent heterogeneous collection of objects, events, and processes. Instead, the paradigm of integrated humanities defines organizational culture in terms of beliefs which provide both practical instructions for agents and shared interpretative schemes which guide the understanding of the environment. In this context, the process of “sensemaking” is understood as a (...)
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  21. Kilka uwag o miejscu Heideggera w duchu Derridy.Mateusz Falkowski - 2002 - Principia.
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    Medytacje filozoficzne.Mateusz Falkowski & Anton Marczyński (eds.) - 2015 - Warsaw: Barbara Skarga Foundation for Thinking.
    -/- Medytacje filozoficzne, Fundacja na Rzecz Myślenia im. Barbary Skargi, Warszawa 2015. -/- Publikacja współfinansowana przez Muzeum Łazienki Królewskie w Warszawie. -/- Zbiór tekstów powstałych na podstawie wykładów, które zostały wygłoszone w ramach cyklu "Medytacje filozoficzne w Łazienkach" w latach 2013-2015. -/- -/- Spis treści: -/- Cezary Wodziński, Premedytacja Krzysztof Pomian, O wyjątkowości człowieka Zygmunt Bauman, O miłości i nienawiści… Tropami Barbary Skargi Tadeusz Sławek, Ciemne liturgie. Język, historia i gest błogosławieństwa Lech Witkowski, Rozprawa z autorytetem: w strone autorytu przejścia (...)
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  23. Niezbędnik teoretyka i praktyka sztucznej inteligencji [recenzja].Mateusz Hohol - 2012 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce (50).
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  24. Teoria względności Einsteina na tle rozważań metodologicznych Leona Chwistka.Mateusz Hohol & Paweł Polak - 2011 - Filozofia Nauki 19 (3):107--125.
    Leon Chwistek (1884-1944) was a Professor of Mathematical Logic at the Lviv University, but also philosopher, theoretician of modern art and avant-garde painter. The present article deals with the reception of Albert Einstein’s special theory of relativity (SR) according to Leon Chwistek. Firstly, Chwistek’s life and philosophical views are presented. Particular attention is paid to the following issues: the theory of the multiplicity of realities, the problem of idealism in the context of philosophy of mathematics and philosophy of science, and (...)
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  25. Umysł: system sprzeczny, ale nie trywialny.Mateusz Hohol - 2010 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 47.
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    Słowo wstępne: Polityczność panteizmu – w poszukiwaniu innej historii myśli politycznej.Mateusz Janik - 2022 - Civitas. Studia Z Filozofii Polityki 29:7-9.
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  27. Zarodki, komórki macierzyste i natura ludzka.Mateusz Klinowski - 2009 - Diametros 19:58-65.
  28. Wiedza jako Prawdziwe Uzasadnione Przekonanie. Czy twierdzy tej wciąż warto bronić?Mateusz W. Oleksy - 2005 - Diametros 6:19-48.
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  29. Wprowadzenie do metafizyki analitycznej.Mateusz Pencuła - 2013 - Filozofia Nauki 21 (2).
    The book Metaphysics by Tomasz Bigaj is intended to be an introduction to the basic issues of analytical metaphysics designed for non-philosophers. It fulfills its purpose to a large extent: the issues are competently presented in a clear and accessible way, even when referring to a very complex subjects. The unquestionable advantage of the book is also the fact that it indicates a strong relation between philosophical problems and those of other scientific disciplines, mainly physics and mathematics. It makes Bigaj’s (...)
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  30. Logic and its Application in the Light of Ludwig Wittgenstein's Early Philosophy. Logical Notation and Natural Language.Mateusz Marek Radzki - 2010 - Filozofia Nauki 18 (1):35 - +.
  31. Kiedy malowidło staje się obrazem?Mateusz Salwa - forthcoming - Estetyka I Krytyka 15 (15/16):181-189.
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  32. Metafizyczny manieryzm.Mateusz Salwa - 2004 - Sztuka I Filozofia (Art and Philosophy) 24:254.
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  33. The Space of Art History. Mieke Bal\'s preposterousness'.Mateusz Salwa - 2009 - Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur les Arts 11:159-174.
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    (1 other version)Znaczenie estetyki przyrody dla etyki środowiskowej.Mateusz Salwa - 2018 - Etyka 56:29-50.
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    Say it with Images: Drawing on Jerome Frank’s Ideas on Judicial Decision Making.Mateusz Stępień - 2019 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 32 (2):321-334.
    This paper aims to shed light on the putative functions of placing images in judicial opinions from the judges’ perspective. Thus far, commentators have overlooked the functions that images play for judges when used in judicial opinions and consequently have failed to provide a thorough understanding of the process. To help fill this gap, Jerome Frank’s ideas on judging will be presented. The argument goes that using images in judicial opinions can be interpreted as a way to enable the decision-making (...)
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  36. \"Wykład profesora Mmaa\" Stefana Themersona a humanizm.Mateusz Strużek - 2008 - Estetyka I Krytyka 1 (1):215-226.
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    Model Theory and Proof Theory of the Global Reflection Principle.Mateusz Zbigniew Łełyk - 2023 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (2):738-779.
    The current paper studies the formal properties of the Global Reflection Principle, to wit the assertion “All theorems of$\mathrm {Th}$are true,” where$\mathrm {Th}$is a theory in the language of arithmetic and the truth predicate satisfies the usual Tarskian inductive conditions for formulae in the language of arithmetic. We fix the gap in Kotlarski’s proof from [15], showing that the Global Reflection Principle for Peano Arithmetic is provable in the theory of compositional truth with bounded induction only ($\mathrm {CT}_0$). Furthermore, we (...)
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    Models of weak theories of truth.Mateusz Łełyk & Bartosz Wcisło - 2017 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 56 (5):453-474.
    In the following paper we propose a model-theoretical way of comparing the “strength” of various truth theories which are conservative over $$ PA $$. Let $${\mathfrak {Th}}$$ denote the class of models of $$ PA $$ which admit an expansion to a model of theory $${ Th}$$. We show (combining some well known results and original ideas) that $$\begin{aligned} {{\mathfrak {PA}}}\supset {\mathfrak {TB}}\supset {{\mathfrak {RS}}}\supset {\mathfrak {UTB}}\supseteq \mathfrak {CT^-}, \end{aligned}$$ where $${\mathfrak {PA}}$$ denotes simply the class of all models of (...)
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  39.  45
    Foundations of geometric cognition.Mateusz Hohol - 2019 - London-New York: Routledge.
    The cognitive foundations of geometry have puzzled academics for a long time, and even today are mostly unknown to many scholars, including mathematical cognition researchers. -/- Foundations of Geometric Cognition shows that basic geometric skills are deeply hardwired in the visuospatial cognitive capacities of our brains, namely spatial navigation and object recognition. These capacities, shared with non-human animals and appearing in early stages of the human ontogeny, cannot, however, fully explain a uniquely human form of geometric cognition. In the book, (...)
  40. Pomiędzy stylema a etosem, czyli co stoi za plecami ogólności i spójności?Mateusz Bonecki - 2005 - Fenomenologia 3:155-159.
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    W pułapce przeciwieństw: ideologie tożsamości.Mateusz Borowski - 2012 - Warszawa: Instytut teatralny im. Zbigniewa Raszewskiego. Edited by Małgorzata Sugiera.
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    Selected Behaviors and Addiction Risk Among Users of Urban Multimedia Games.Mateusz Grajek, Łukasz Olszewski, Karolina Krupa-Kotara, Agnieszka Białek-Dratwa & Krzysztof Sas-Nowosielski - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    IntroductionThe rapid development of technology has led to the transfer of entertainment to the virtual world. Many games and multimedia applications use the so-called augmented reality. With the development of a new technological branch, a new health problem has emerged, which is infoholic addiction, attracting people with the specific functionality that is cyberspace and the virtual world.ObjectiveThe study aimed to assess health behaviors and the risk of addiction among users of urban multimedia games. Research methodology. The study was conducted among (...)
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    Argumenty z autorytetu a krytyczne myślenie. W nawiązaniu do „Logiki i argumentacji” Andrzeja Kisielewicza.Mateusz Kotowski - 2018 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 13 (3):77-93.
    Arguments from authority and critical thinking. Side notes toLogic and Argumentation by Andrzej KisielewiczThe article focuses on the role of arguments from authority — or, more precisely, arguments from expert opinion – in rational argumentation and reasoning, in the contemporary context of specialisation of the sciences on the one hand, and the abundance of information on the other. The pretext for this is provided by Andrzej Kisielewicz’s new book: Logika i argumentacja. Praktyczny kurs krytycznego myślenia Logic and Argumentation. A Practical (...)
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  44. Bezsenność Oświeconych. Rok 2440 L.-S. Merciera.Mateusz Kwaterko - 2000 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 33 (1):21-37.
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  45. Model uncertainty: When modeling risk leads to a pretense of knowledge.Mateusz Machaj - 2024 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 76:151-175.
    The main purpose of the paper is to develop a concept of _model uncertainty_ as opposed to the existing and well-established concept of model risk. Up to date the broad literature on probability not only developed complete probability systems, but also correctly noticed limitations of probability calculus. Despite the acknowledgement of such probability restrictions, drawbacks of modeling are often related to model risk. We present an argument here to distinguish a feature limiting models even further: model uncertainty. The tenets of (...)
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    The Chronology of the Instructiones of St. Angela of Foligno.Mateusz Stróżyński - 2018 - Franciscan Studies 76 (1):159-206.
    Angela of Foligno was certainly born in the middle of the 13th century, in a rich family. Most scholars accept, at least to a certain extent, a more exact chronology of her life, proposed by Martin-Jean Ferré.1 According to him, Angela, born in 1248, experienced a conversion in 1285 and lost her entire family – husband, children, and mother – in a few subsequent years. In this time she also sold all of her possessions. At the beginning of 1291 she (...)
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  47. W ciele czy poza ciałem? Relacja kontemplacji do zmysłów w filozofii Plotyna.Mateusz Stróżyński - 2014 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 9 (1).
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    Być, czyli być możliwym - przyczynek do interpretacji wczesnej filozofii Martina Heideggera.Mateusz Waśko - 2021 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 65:295-312.
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    Das Sein i l’être – Heidegger i Sartre, dwie fenomenologie, dwa pytania o rzeczywistość.Mateusz Waśko - 2024 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 72 (4):155-175.
    Celem niniejszego tekstu jest eksplikacja głównych ontologicznych założeń leżących u podstaw fenomenologii Martina Heideggera i Jeana-Paula Sartre’a. W pierwszej części zostało nakreślone pojmowanie fenomenu w horyzoncie pytania o Heideggerowskie Sein i Sartre’owskie être. Z kolei część druga umieszcza w tym samym horyzoncie zagadnienia istoty i szeroko ujmowanej zrozumiałości. W toku analiz w projekcie francuskiego filozofa została wyodrębniona sfera fenomenalna i metafizyczna, które następnie są zestawione z poziomem ontycznym i ontologicznym, obszarami, które wyłaniają się w myśli niemieckiego fenomenologa dzięki wypracowaniu różnicy (...)
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  50. Dzieci Kronosa.Mateusz Werner - 2008 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 3 (3):258-262.
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