Results for 'Tal Makovski'

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  1.  3
    Emotional stimuli boost incidental learning through predictive processing.Meital Friedman-Oskar, Tomer Sahar, Tal Makovski & Hadas Okon-Singer - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
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    Leibniz et leibnizianismes.Jan Makovský (ed.) - 2019 - Prague: publié par Filosofický časopis et Filosofia, nakladatelství Filosofického ústavu AV ČR.
  3. From data to phenomena and back again: computer-simulated signatures.Eran Tal - 2011 - Synthese 182 (1):117-129.
    This paper draws attention to an increasingly common method of using computer simulations to establish evidential standards in physics. By simulating an actual detection procedure on a computer, physicists produce patterns of data (‘signatures’) that are expected to be observed if a sought-after phenomenon is present. Claims to detect the phenomenon are evaluated by comparing such simulated signatures with actual data. Here I provide a justification for this practice by showing how computer simulations establish the reliability of detection procedures. I (...)
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    The Role of Education Redefined: 18th century British and French educational thought and the rise of the Baconian conception of the study of nature.Tal Gilead - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (10):1020-1034.
    The idea that science teaching in schools should prepare the ground for society's future technical and scientific progress has played an important role in shaping modern education. This idea, however, was not always present. In this article, I examine how this idea first emerged in educational thought. Early in the 17th century, Francis Bacon asserted that the study of nature should serve to improve living conditions for all members of society. Although influential, Bacon's idea was not easily assimilated by educational (...)
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  5. How Accurate Is the Standard Second?Eran Tal - 2011 - Philosophy of Science 78 (5):1082-1096.
    Contrary to the claim that measurement standards are absolutely accurate by definition, I argue that unit definitions do not completely fix the referents of unit terms. Instead, idealized models play a crucial semantic role in coordinating the theoretical definition of a unit with its multiple concrete realizations. The accuracy of realizations is evaluated by comparing them to each other in light of their respective models. The epistemic credentials of this method are examined and illustrated through an analysis of the contemporary (...)
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    The veracity of Torah: essays in Jewish spirituality.Tal Sessler - 2020 - Boca Raton: Universal Publishers.
    Seven decades ago, the Jewish people underwent genocide in Europe. This apocalyptic event, was followed almost immediately by astonishing Jewish political and theological resurrection and renewal. This unique book ponders the tumultuous vicissitudes of the modern Jewish condition. Part memoir, part scholarship, and part theological conjectures, the book posits that to be a modern Jew entails constantly oscillating between seemingly disparate and contradictory polarities such as logos and revelation, worldliness and eternity, tradition and modernity, continuity and change. To be a (...)
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  7. Old and New Problems in Philosophy of Measurement.Eran Tal - 2013 - Philosophy Compass 8 (12):1159-1173.
    The philosophy of measurement studies the conceptual, ontological, epistemic, and technological conditions that make measurement possible and reliable. A new wave of philosophical scholarship has emerged in the last decade that emphasizes the material and historical dimensions of measurement and the relationships between measurement and theoretical modeling. This essay surveys these developments and contrasts them with earlier work on the semantics of quantity terms and the representational character of measurement. The conclusions highlight four characteristics of the emerging research program in (...)
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  8. Is Evidence of Evidence Evidence?Eyal Tal & Juan Comesaña - 2017 - Noûs 51 (1):95-112.
    We examine whether the "evidence of evidence is evidence" principle is true. We distinguish several different versions of the principle and evaluate recent attacks on some of those versions. We argue that, whatever the merits of those attacks, they leave the more important rendition of the principle untouched. That version is, however, also subject to new kinds of counterexamples. We end by suggesting how to formulate a better version of the principle that takes into account those new counterexamples.
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    Understanding visual consciousness in autism spectrum disorders.Tal Yatziv & Hilla Jacobson - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  10. Making Time: A Study in the Epistemology of Measurement.Eran Tal - 2016 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 67 (1):297-335.
    This article develops a model-based account of the standardization of physical measurement, taking the contemporary standardization of time as its central case study. To standardize the measurement of a quantity, I argue, is to legislate the mode of application of a quantity concept to a collection of exemplary artefacts. Legislation involves an iterative exchange between top-down adjustments to theoretical and statistical models regulating the application of a concept, and bottom-up adjustments to material artefacts in light of remaining gaps. The model-based (...)
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    The effect of object–valence relations on automatic evaluation.Tal Moran & Yoav Bar-Anan - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (4):743-752.
  12. Making Time: A Study in the Epistemology of Measurement.E. Tal - 2014 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (1):axu037.
    This article develops a model-based account of the standardization of physical measurement, taking the contemporary standardization of time as its central case-study. To standardize the measurement of a quantity, I argue, is to legislate the mode of application of a quantity-concept to a collection of exemplary artefacts. Legislation involves an iterative exchange between top-down adjustments to theoretical and statistical models regulating the application of a concept, and bottom-up adjustments to material artefacts in light of remaining gaps. The model-based account clarifies (...)
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  13. Taehak kungmin yulli.Tal-sun Yi - 1974 - Edited by Kang, Pu-pʻil & [From Old Catalog].
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    The generalizability crisis.Tal Yarkoni - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e1.
    Most theories and hypotheses in psychology are verbal in nature, yet their evaluation overwhelmingly relies on inferential statistical procedures. The validity of the move from qualitative to quantitative analysis depends on the verbal and statistical expressions of a hypothesis being closely aligned – that is, that the two must refer to roughly the same set of hypothetical observations. Here, I argue that many applications of statistical inference in psychology fail to meet this basic condition. Focusing on the most widely used (...)
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    Trialistic panqualityism.Tal Hendel - manuscript
    Panqualityism is a form of panpsychism that distinguishes between conscious subjects (i.e., minds) and phenomenal qualities. Like panpsychism, it holds that the universe's physical ultimates are phenomenally qualitied. Unlike panpsychism, however, it argues that these phenomenally qualitied ultimates are not microsubjects and are therefore not experienced. By rejecting the idea that phenomenally qualitied ultimates are microsubjects, panqualityism escapes the subject combination problem. However, this creates a new challenge: explaining how conscious macrosubjects arise from non-experiential microqualities. Here I address this challenge (...)
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    Rousseau, happiness, and the economic approach to education.Tal Gilead - 2012 - Educational Theory 62 (3):267-285.
    Since the 1960s, the influence of economic thought on education has been steadily increasing. Taking Jean-Jacques Rousseau's educational thought as a point of departure, Tal Gilead critically inquires into the philosophical foundations of what can be termed the economic approach to education. Gilead's focus in this essay is on happiness and the role that education should play in promoting it. The first two parts of the essay provide an introduction to Rousseau's conception of happiness, followed by an examination of the (...)
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  17. The Epistemology of Measurement: A Model-based Account.Eran Tal - 2012 - Dissertation, University of Toronto
    This work develops an epistemology of measurement, that is, an account of the conditions under which measurement and standardization methods produce knowledge as well as the nature, scope, and limits of this knowledge. I focus on three questions: (i) how is it possible to tell whether an instrument measures the quantity it is intended to? (ii) what do claims to measurement accuracy amount to, and how might such claims be justified? (iii) when is disagreement among instruments a sign of error, (...)
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  18. Calibration: Modelling the measurement process.Eran Tal - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 65:33-45.
  19.  53
    Education and the Logic of Economic Progress.Tal Gilead - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 46 (1):113-131.
    Over the last few decades, the idea that education should function to promote economic progress has played a major role in shaping educational policy. So far, however, philosophers of education have shown relatively little interest in analysing this notion and its implications. The present article critically examines, from a philosophical perspective, the link between education and the currently prevailing understanding of economic progress, which is grounded in human capital theory. A number of familiar philosophical objections to the idea that economic (...)
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  20. Measurement in Science.Eran Tal - 2015 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    The Impact of Gene–Environment Interaction and Correlation on the Interpretation of Heritability.Omri Tal - 2011 - Acta Biotheoretica 60 (3):225-237.
    The presence of gene–environment statistical interaction and correlation in biological development has led both practitioners and philosophers of science to question the legitimacy of heritability estimates. The paper offers a novel approach to assess the impact of GxE and rGE on the way genetic and environmental causation can be partitioned. A probabilistic framework is developed, based on a quantitative genetic model that incorporates GxE and rGE, offering a rigorous way of interpreting heritability estimates. Specifically, given an estimate of heritability and (...)
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  22. The Trouble with Algorithmic Decisions: An Analytic Road Map to Examine Efficiency and Fairness in Automated and Opaque Decision Making.Tal Zarsky - 2016 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 41 (1):118-132.
    We are currently witnessing a sharp rise in the use of algorithmic decision-making tools. In these instances, a new wave of policy concerns is set forth. This article strives to map out these issues, separating the wheat from the chaff. It aims to provide policy makers and scholars with a comprehensive framework for approaching these thorny issues in their various capacities. To achieve this objective, this article focuses its attention on a general analytical framework, which will be applied to a (...)
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  23.  36
    Uncertainty and Expectation in Sentence Processing: Evidence From Subcategorization Distributions.Tal Linzen & T. Florian Jaeger - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (6):1382-1411.
    There is now considerable evidence that human sentence processing is expectation based: As people read a sentence, they use their statistical experience with their language to generate predictions about upcoming syntactic structure. This study examines how sentence processing is affected by readers' uncertainty about those expectations. In a self-paced reading study, we use lexical subcategorization distributions to factorially manipulate both the strength of expectations and the uncertainty about them. We compare two types of uncertainty: uncertainty about the verb's complement, reflecting (...)
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    Emotion Regulation through Movement: Unique Sets of Movement Characteristics are Associated with and Enhance Basic Emotions.Tal Shafir, Rachelle P. Tsachor & Kathleen B. Welch - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Relations between type of army service, incidental emotions and risk perceptions.Sharon Garyn-Tal & Shosh Shahrabani - 2020 - Mind and Society 19 (1):61-76.
    Military service in general and combat service in particular can be physically and psychologically stressful. Previous studies have focused on risk propensity and risky behavior among soldiers. Yet knowledge is still lacking regarding the impact of type of army service on soldiers’ risk perceptions. The current study examines how type of army service and negative incidental emotions affect risk perceptions. Results of a survey conducted among 153 combat and non-combat Israeli soldiers indicate that respondents serving in combat units on average (...)
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  26.  21
    Teachers of the People: Political Education in Rousseau, Hegel, Tocqueville, and Mill.Tal Gilead - 2018 - Educational Theory 68 (3):373-378.
  27.  23
    Educational Policymaking and the Methodology of Positive Economics: A Theoretical Critique.Tal Gilead - 2014 - Educational Theory 64 (4):349-368.
    By critically interrogating the methodological foundations of orthodox economic theory, Tal Gilead challenges the growing conviction in educational policymaking quarters that, being more scientific than other forms of educational investigation, inquiries grounded in orthodox economics should provide the basis for educational policymaking. He argues that the main methodological problem with accepting orthodox economic theory as a guide to educational policymaking is not, as commonly claimed, its alleged reliance on a materialistic and egoistic conception of human nature, but rather its embracement (...)
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  28. Attitudes towards euthanasia and assisted suicide: A comparison between psychiatrists and other physicians.Tal Bergman Levy, Shlomi Azar, Ronen Huberfeld, Andrew M. Siegel & Rael D. Strous - 2012 - Bioethics 27 (7):402-408.
    Euthanasia and physician assisted-suicide are terms used to describe the process in which a doctor of a sick or disabled individual engages in an activity which directly or indirectly leads to their death. This behavior is engaged by the healthcare provider based on their humanistic desire to end suffering and pain. The psychiatrist's involvement may be requested in several distinct situations including evaluation of patient capacity when an appeal for euthanasia is requested on grounds of terminal somatic illness or when (...)
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  29. Two Myths of Representational Measurement.Eran Tal - 2021 - Perspectives on Science 29 (6):701-741.
    Axiomatic measurement theories are commonly interpreted as claiming that, in order to quantify an empirical domain, the qualitative structure of data about that domain must be mapped to a numerical structure. Such mapping is supposed to be established independently, i.e., without presupposing that the domain can be quantified. This interpretation is based on two myths: that it is possible to independently infer the qualitative structure of objects from empirical data, and that the adequacy of numerical representations can only be justified (...)
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    The History of Scientific Expert Testimony in the English Courtroom.Tal Golan - 1999 - Science in Context 12 (1):7-32.
    The ArgumentThis paper provides a historical perspective to one of the liveliest debates in common law courts today — the one over scientific expert testimony. Arguing against the current tendency to present the problem of expert testimony as a late twentieth-century predicament which threatens to spin out of control, the paper shows that the phenomena of conflicting scientific testimonies have been perennial for at least two centuries, and intensely debated in both the legal and the scientific communities for at least (...)
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    Kant on Reality, Cause, and Force: From the Early Modern Tradition to the Critical Philosophy.Tal Glezer - 2017 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Kant's category of reality is an often overlooked element of his Critique of Pure Reason. Tal Glezer shows that it nevertheless belongs at the core of Kant's mature critical philosophy: it captures an issue that motivated his critical turn, shaped his theory of causation, and established the role of his philosophy of science. Glezer's study traces the roots of Kant's category of reality to early modern debates over the intelligibility of substantial forms, fueled by the tension between the idea of (...)
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    Plato's “democratic man” and the implausibility of preference utilitarianism.Tal Scriven - 1988 - Theory and Decision 24 (1):43-55.
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    Utility, Autonomy and Drug Regulation.Tal Scriven - 1984 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 2 (2):27-42.
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    Utilitarianism, Conscience and Animals.Tal Scriven - 1988 - Between the Species 4 (4):4.
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    Individuating quantities.Eran Tal - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (4):853-878.
    When discrepancies are discovered between the outcomes of different measurement procedures, two sorts of explanation are open to scientists. Either some of the outcomes are inaccurate or the procedures are not measuring the same quantity. I argue that, due to the possibility of systematic error, the choice between and is underdetermined in principle by any possible evidence. Consequently, foundationalist criteria of quantity individuation are either empty or circular. I propose a coherentist, model-based account of measurement that avoids the underdetermination problem, (...)
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    Supranational Implementation.Tal Levy - 2016 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 26 (1):60-90.
    Power-sharing agreements, despite their disappointing history, are still the prevailing tool used for diffusing intrastate conflicts in Africa. One element that requires additional analysis is the role of third-parties in power-sharing negotiations. An analysis of the role of France in power-sharing negotiations in Chad, Mali, Central African Republic, Rwanda, and the Ivory Coast, suggests a biased approach that harmed the outcomes and sustainability of those negotiations. A better approach is to increase the power of third-parties like the African Union (AU). (...)
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    Principles of Samaritan Halachah.Abraham Tal, Iain Ruairidh Mac Mhanainn Bóid & Iain Ruairidh Mac Mhanainn Boid - 1992 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 112 (3):531.
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  38. A Dilemma for Higher-Level Suspension.Eyal Tal - 2022 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 8 (4):685-699.
    Is it ever rational to suspend judgment about whether a particular doxastic attitude of ours is rational? An agent who suspends about whether her attitude is rational has serious doubts that it is. These doubts place a special burden on the agent, namely, to justify maintaining her chosen attitude over others. A dilemma arises. Providing justification for maintaining the chosen attitude would commit the agent to considering the attitude rational—contrary to her suspension on the matter. Alternatively, in the absence of (...)
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  39. Why Would a Monarchist Vilify the Rich? Marx and Engels on Balzac.Tal Meir Giladi - 2024 - Naharaim.
    Engels explained his admiration for Balzac by pointing to an apparent discrepancy between Balzac’s literature and his politics. Despite his sympathies for the French nobility, Balzac’s realism “compelled” him to portray this class in unflattering terms. In this article, I challenge Engels’s reading, arguing that Marx’s scattered remarks on Balzac take us in a different direction. Specifically, I argue that in his remark on Balzac’s The Peasants Marx pinpointed the author’s preoccupation with the spread of bourgeois ideology into the nobility. (...)
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  40. Decision making models of helping behavior: Process and contents.Yoram Bar-Tal & Daniel Bar-Tal - 1991 - In William M. Kurtines & Jacob L. Gewirtz, Handbook of moral behavior and development. Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum. pp. 2--1.
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    The Impacts of Lasting Occupation: Lessons From Israeli Society.Daniel Bar-Tal & Izhak Schnell (eds.) - 2012 - Oup Usa.
    The Impacts of Lasting Occupation examines the effects that Israel's decades-long occupation of Palestinian territories have had on Israeli society. The consequences of occupation are evident in all aspects of Israeli life, including its political, social, legal, economic, cultural, and psychological spheres.
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    What can we learn from Fiedler's contingency model?Yoram Bar-tal - 1989 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 19 (1):79–96.
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  43. Cognitive neuroscience 2.0: building a cumulative science of human brain function.Tor D. Wager Tal Yarkoni, Russell A. Poldrack, David C. Van Essen - 2010 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 14 (11):489.
  44. Is higher-order evidence evidence?Eyal Tal - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (10):3157-3175.
    Suppose we learn that we have a poor track record in forming beliefs rationally, or that a brilliant colleague thinks that we believe P irrationally. Does such input require us to revise those beliefs whose rationality is in question? When we gain information suggesting that our beliefs are irrational, we are in one of two general cases. In the first case we made no error, and our beliefs are rational. In that case the input to the contrary is misleading. In (...)
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  45. The Impact of Information Structure on the Emergence of Differential Object Marking: An Experimental Study.Shira Tal, Kenny Smith, Jennifer Culbertson, Eitan Grossman & Inbal Arnon - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (3):e13119.
    Cognitive Science, Volume 46, Issue 3, March 2022.
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    ERISA: No Preemption of State's HMO Law Requiring Independent Physician Review.Tal Sapeika - 2000 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 28 (4):407-409.
  47.  10
    Leibowitz and Levinas: between Judaism and universalism.Tal Sessler - 2022 - Boston: Academic Studies Press. Edited by Eylon Levy.
    Yeshayahu Leibowitz and Emmanuel Levinas were amongst the two leading Jewish thinkers to have emerged in the second half of the twentieth century. This book puts in dialogue these two titanic figures, particularly within the framework of their respective critiques of political theology, European totalitarianism, as well as their doctrinal approaches to the Zionist enterprise. This work constitutes a lens through which to reappraise some of the chief questions of contemporary Jewish identity, including the Holocaust, the State of Israel, Diaspora (...)
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  48. From heritability to probability.Omri Tal - 2009 - Biology and Philosophy 24 (1):81-105.
    Can a heritability value tell us something about the weight of genetic versus environmental causes that have acted in the development of a particular individual? Two possible questions arise. Q1: what portion of the phenotype of X is due to its genes and what portion to its environment? Q2: what portion of X’s phenotypic deviation from the mean is a result of its genetic deviation and what portion a result of its environmental deviation? An answer to Q1 provides the full (...)
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    The Grey Zones of Violence in Political Resistance.Tal Correm - 2020 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 67 (165):10-36.
    This article addresses the ambivalent role of violence in liberation struggles by staging a mutually enriching dialogue between Hannah Arendt and Frantz Fanon. It challenges the binary distinction between justifiable resistance that allows for only short-term, instrumental use of violence, and unwarranted resistance where violence is intrinsically justified as a creative, organic life-force of the oppressed. Instead, it discusses the constitutive role of violence as a condition of possibility of politics – highlighting the impossibility of separating the bloody moments of (...)
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    Engaging Diverse Men: An Intersectional Analysis of Men’s Pathways to Antiviolence Activism.Tal Peretz - 2017 - Gender and Society 31 (4):526-548.
    Despite the demonstrated utility of intersectionality, research on men allied with women’s rights movements has largely focused on white, heterosexual, middle-class, young men. This study illustrates the importance of attending to men’s intersecting identities by evaluating the applicability of existing knowledge about men’s engagement pathways to the predominantly African American members of a Muslim men’s anti–domestic violence group and a gay/queer men’s gender justice group. Findings from a year-long qualitative study highlight how these men’s experiences differ from those in the (...)
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