Results for 'Takeshi Okuda'

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  1.  52
    Immersive Virtual Reality Reminiscence Reduces Anxiety in the Oldest-Old Without Causing Serious Side Effects: A Single-Center, Pilot, and Randomized Crossover Study.Kazuyuki Niki, Megumi Yahara, Michiya Inagaki, Nana Takahashi, Akira Watanabe, Takeshi Okuda, Mikiko Ueda, Daisuke Iwai, Kosuke Sato & Toshinori Ito - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Background: Dementia is one the major problems of aging societies, and, novel and effective non-drug therapies are required as interventions in the oldest-old to prevent cognitive decline.Objective: This study aims to examine the efficacy and safety of reminiscence using immersive virtual reality focusing on anxiety that often appears with cognitive decline. The secondary objective is to reveal the preference for VR image types for reminiscence: live-action or computer graphics.Methods: This was a pilot, open-label, and randomized crossover study which was conducted (...)
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  2.  32
    Paradox of choice and sharing personal information.Takeshi Ebina & Keita Kinjo - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (1):121-132.
    The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between a firm’s strategy and consumers’ decisions in the presence of the paradox of choice and sharing personal information. The paradox of choice implies that having too many choices does not necessarily ensure happiness and sometimes having less is more. A new model is constructed introducing a factor of information sharing into the model of a previous study that embedded the paradox of choice only (Kinjo and Ebina in AI Soc (...)
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  3.  47
    Consumer confusion from price competition and excessive product attributes under the curse of dimensionality.Takeshi Ebina & Keita Kinjo - 2019 - AI and Society 34 (3):615-624.
    The purpose of our study is to investigate the effects of the number of products, product attributes, and prices on consumer confusion, conduct a numerical analysis to check the robustness of the results, and present an example of the cell phone market in Japan. Following an ideal point model and embedding the number of products and product attributes, we clarify how these factors affect consumer confusion and purchase probability. We show that as the number of product attributes increases, the choice (...)
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  4. Presentism and the Triviality Objection.Takeshi Sakon - 2015 - Philosophia 43 (4):1089-1109.
    Presentism is usually understood as the thesis that only the present exists whereas the rival theory of eternalism is usually understood as the thesis that past, present, and future things are all equally real. The significance of this debate has been threatened by the so-called triviality objection, which allegedly shows that the presentist thesis is either trivially true or obviously false: Presentism is trivially true if it is read as saying that everything that exists now is present, and it is (...)
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  5. Asian Philosophical Texts Vol. 1.Takeshi Morisato & Roman Pașca (eds.) - 2019 - Mimesis International.
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    実体主義の新たな視点.Takeshi Akiba - 2021 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 53 (2):295-316.
    This is a review essay on Daisuke Kachi’s recent book, Agents: Contemporary Substance Ontology (sic. Shunjusha, 2018). The book develops and partially defends an ontology that takes the category of substance as the most fundamental one. The author provides in it a new perspective on substance, which consists in characterizing substances as bearers of what he calls “substance modalities” (of which there are four kinds, that stem from the factors of essence, power, past persistence, and future persistence respectively). The first (...)
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  7.  11
    Shiome no yochō: nikki 2013-4--2015-3.Takeshi Hara - 2015 - Tōkyō-to Bunkyō-ku: Misuzu Shobō.
    本書は、2013年4月1日から2015年3月31日までの2年間、『みすず』誌に連載された「日記」を一書にしたものである。大学人としての仕事や作家として執筆に追われながら、政治学者として世の動向を分析し 、皇室の動きを観察し、鉄道旅行をする。日常から時代を解読する試み。.
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  8. Maruyama Masao to no taiwa.Takeshi Ishida - 2005 - Tōkyō: Misuzu Shobō.
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    The Problem of Mental Causation and Shoemaker's Metaphysics of Properties( Causation and the Metaphysics of Properties (1)).Takeshi Kanasugi - 2009 - Journal of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 37 (1):39-48.
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  10.  29
    Joint-Attention-Robots Aiming at Recursive Understanding of Intentions.Takeshi Konno & Masayoshi Shibata - 2011 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 44 (2):2_29-2_45.
  11. Material cycle and sustainable economy.Takeshi Murota - 1998 - In Roger Keil, Political ecology: global and local. New York: Routledge. pp. 120.
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  12. Fa xue tong lun.Yoshindo Okuda - 2012 - [Beijing: Beijing zhong xian tuo fang ke ji fa zhan you xian gong si. Edited by Bi Lu & Bingyan Huang.
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  13.  56
    Light From the East. Robert Cornell Armstrong.H. Okuda - 1916 - International Journal of Ethics 26 (2):300-302.
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    On Takahiro Isashiki’s Metaphysics of Temporal Modality.Takeshi Sakon - 2011 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 44 (1):59-74.
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  15.  9
    Puraton to seiji.Takeshi Sasaki - 1984 - Tōkyō: Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai.
  16. Benshōhō ronrigaku josetsu.Takeshi Shinozaki - 1957 - 32 i.: E..
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  17. Ronrigaku nyūmon.Takeshi Shinozaki - 1953
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  18. A comparison of bushi-do & chivalry, 1914.Takeshi Takagi - 1984 - Osaka, Japan: TM International Academy.
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  19. Nihonjin no shizenkan.Takeshi Umehara - 1989 - [Tokyo]: Kagaku Gijutsu Seisaku Kenkyūjo Dai 2 Chōsa Kenkyū Gurūpu.
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  20.  17
    A Critique of Hiroshi Kaneko, Dummett ni Tadoritsuku made: Hanjitsuzairon toha Nani ka.Takeshi Yamada - 2016 - Journal of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 43 (1-2):37-48.
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  21. Nihonjin no shintaikan no rekishi.Takeshi Yåoråo - 1996 - Kyōto-shi: Hōzōkan.
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  22.  18
    Things and Reality: A Problem for Husserl’s Theory of Constitution.Takeshi Akiba - 2019 - In Shigeru Taguchi & Nicolas de Warren, New Phenomenological Studies in Japan. Springer Verlag. pp. 29-44.
    In Ideas II and other works, Edmund Husserl gives a constitutional analysis of material reality. His basic thought on this matter is that a material thing is constituted when it is shown to causally depend on its surrounding circumstances. In this essay, I will first try to show that this appeal to causal dependence involves an important problem, namely, the circularity or regress problem. I then consider how this problem can be solved from both theoretical and exegetical standpoints. As a (...)
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  23.  65
    Collaborative Discovery in a Scientific Domain.Takeshi Okada & Herbert A. Simon - 1997 - Cognitive Science 21 (2):109-146.
    This study compares Pairs of subjects with Single subjects in a task of discovering scientific laws with the aid of experiments. Subjects solved a molecular genetics task in a computer micro‐world (Dunbar, 1993). Pairs were more successful in discovery than Singles and participated more actively in explanatory activities (i.e., entertaining hypotheses and considering alternative ideas and justifications). Explanatory activities were effective for discovery only when the subjects also conducted crucial experiments. Explanatory activities were facilitated when paired subjects made requests of (...)
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  24.  33
    Glass formability and the Al–Au system.Takeshi Egami, Madhusudan Ojha, Donald M. Nicholson, Dmitri V. Louzguine-Luzgin, Na Chen & Akihisa Inoue - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (6):655-665.
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  25.  10
    Kage no jiryoku.Takeshi Hara - 2012 - Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Genki Shobō.
    Shōwashi e no renketsu -- Higashi Ajia kara no me -- Tennō to iu jiba -- Watashi no kaikōki -- Jikokuhyō katate ni ekisoba o.
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  26.  38
    Ecology of technology: A perspective.Takeshi Hayashi - 1993 - AI and Society 7 (2):109-116.
  27.  37
    Mari Miura, Welfare through Work: Conservative Ideas, Partisan Dynamics, and Social Protection in Japan, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2012.Takeshi Hieda - 2014 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 15 (3):518-520.
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    Paradoxes of Self-Deception and the Multiple Aspects of the Self-Concept.Takeshi Kanasugi - 2012 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 45 (2):47-63.
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  29. Iryō no rinri.Takeshi Kawakami - 1970 - Edited by Tomoe Yamashiro.
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  30. Seimei no tame no kagaku.Takeshi Kawakami - 1973
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  31. Chūgoku kindai shisō kenkyū.Takeshi Kobayashi - 2019 - Kyōto-shi: Hōyū Shoten.
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  32.  9
    Maruyama Masao jinsei no taiwa.Takeshi Nakano - 2010 - Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū.
    死後十余年を経ても、いまだに熱烈な支持層を誇る政治思想史の巨人・丸山眞男。半世紀にわたって師事した著者ならではの視点で、一代の碩学の真の姿や意外な側面を浮き彫りに。また折に触れ示された言葉の数々を初め て明らかにする。.
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    The Passage of Time : A Presentist Approach.Takeshi Sakon - 2013 - Journal of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 40 (2):57-78.
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  34. Future Generations: Challenge and Response.Takeshi Sasaki - 1999 - In Tʻae-chʻang Kim & James Allen Dator, Co-creating a public philosophy for future generations. Westport, Conn.: Praeger. pp. 27.
  35. Taiheiki to bushidō.Takeshi Takagi - 1940 - Tokyo: Hanbaijo, Naikaku Insatsukyoku Hakkōka.
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  36. La philosophie japonaise des enfers, coll. « Philosophie ».Takeshi Umehara - 1991 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 181 (3):360-365.
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  37.  8
    Nakae Tōju.Takeshi Watanabe - 1974
  38.  50
    Wine, Rice, or Both?Takeshi Watanabe - 2009 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 36 (2):259-278.
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  39.  13
    Hyōden Sei Gyūkei: Chōsen no Kōshibyō to jugakusha.Takeshi Yagi - 2022 - Kyōto-shi: Rinsen Shoten.
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    Landscape and the human being.Takeshi Yamagishi - 1992 - Human Studies 15 (1):95 - 115.
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    Heidegger and buddhism.Takeshi Umehara - 1970 - Philosophy East and West 20 (3):271-281.
  42. Why Should the Truthmaker Principle Be Restricted?Takeshi Akiba - 2011 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 44 (2):115-134.
    According to the “truthmaker maximalism”, every true contingent proposition is made true by something in the world, called its truthmaker. Although at first sight the maximalism seems to be a natural position, it has serious difficulties, especially concerning negative truths. In view of this, many truthmaker theorists adopt some non-maximalist position. It is not clear, however, whether these non-maximalists are justified, since existing reasons to justify the non-maximalism are not good enough. In this paper, then, I shall propose a new (...)
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  43.  30
    “This” and “Such” in the Receptacle Passage of Plato’s Timaeus.Takeshi Nakamura - 2022 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 104 (2):239-265.
    One short passage on what is called the Receptacle in Plato’s Timaeus has been the subject of much controversy since Cherniss presented an alternative reading of it in 1954. In this paper, I criticize an influential argument presented by Zeyl for a traditional reading, and propose a new interpretation which adopts the alternative reading on important sentences of the passage, but is not accompanied by the defects of Cherniss’ interpretation.
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  44.  21
    Tanabe Hajime and the Concept of Species: Approaching Nature as a Missing Shade in the Logic of Species.Takeshi Morisato - 2020 - In Andrea Altobrando & Pierfrancesco Biasetti, Natural Born Monads: On the Metaphysics of Organisms and Human Individuals. De Gruyter. pp. 213-242.
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    Mediation.Stone Richard Morisato Takeshi - 2019 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 7 (2):7-16.
    Is there anything that is given immediately? This question seems to be of crucial importance for Phenomenology, a field perhaps known most principally for its attempt to return directly to the “things themselves.” The seeming simplicity of the idea is appealing: after all, where better for us to start in any philosophical investigation than with things as they appear to us in their most pure or “immediate” state? When put in its historical context as well, Husserl’s phenomenological project could even (...)
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  46.  10
    A functionalist account of truth-grounding: refining Lynch’s view.Takeshi Akiba - 2025 - Synthese 205 (2):1-21.
    This paper aims to improve on Michael Lynch’s functionalist account of truth-grounding. According to Lynch, truth is grounded in another (non-generic) alethic property when the latter has all the conceptually essential features of truth. However, this view faces a problem raised by Marian David (“Lynch’s Functionalist Theory of Truth”) and Crispin Wright (“A Plurality of Pluralisms”), which is that some conceptually essential features of truth are not possessed by the properties usually taken to ground it (such as correspondence and superwarrant), (...)
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  47.  73
    Objection to Simons’ Nuclear Theory.Takeshi Akiba - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 17:7-13.
    A number of philosophers today endorse the view that material substances (e.g., cats, stones, atoms) can be analyzed as bundles of “particular properties” or “tropes”. Among several developments, the theory that Peter Simons proposed is seen as the most successful one. Simons’ theory seems to owe its high reputation to mainly two advantages which he claims for his theory: the capacity for avoiding infinite regress, and the explanatory adequacy for the phenomenon of change. In this paper, however, I try to (...)
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  48. (1 other version)Modularity and hierarchy: A theory of consciousness based on the fractal neural network.Takeshi Ieshima & Akifumi Tokosumi - 2002 - In Kunio Yasue, Mari Jibu & Tarcisio Della Senta, No Matter, Never Mind: Proceedings of Toward a Science of Consciousness: Fundamental Approaches (Tokyo '99). John Benjamins. pp. 349-355.
  49.  18
    Westernism and western ‘isms’ in modern Japan.Takeshi Ishida - 1981 - History of European Ideas 1 (4):293-306.
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  50.  14
    Error repair and knowledge acquisition via case-based reasoning.Takeshi Kohno, Susumu Hamada, Dai Araki, Shoichi Kojima & Toshikazu Tanaka - 1997 - Artificial Intelligence 91 (1):85-101.
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