Results for 'Straightforward maximization'

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  1. Prisoner’s Dilemma in Maximization constrained: the rationality of cooperation.S. S. - manuscript
    David Gauthier in his article, Maximization constrained: the rationality of cooperation, tries to defend of the joint strategy in situations which no outcome is both equilibrium and optimal. Prisoner’s Dilemma is the most familiar example of these situations. He first starts with some quotes by Hobbes in Leviathan; Hobbes, in chapter 15 discusses an objection by someone is called Foole, and then will reject his view. In response to Foole, Hobbes presents two strategies (i.e. joint and individual) and two (...)
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    Compliance: Maximization Constrained.David Gauthier - 1986 - In David P. Gauthier (ed.), Morals by agreement. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Justice requires that one act on a fair optimizing strategy when one can—that is, a strategy that will yield an outcome that satisfies the standards set by minimax relative concession and optimality. We now address the problem raised by Hobbes's Foole—be it ever so rational to agree to minimax relative concession, is compliance with it rational, as opposed to directly maximizing one's own utility? We distinguish a straightforward maximizer, who is disposed always to maximize his own utility, from a (...)
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  3. Maxims and thick ethical concepts.A. W. Moore - 2006 - Ratio 19 (2):129–147.
    I begin with Kant's notion of a maxim and consider the role which this notion plays in Kant's formulations of the fundamental categorical imperative. This raises the question of what a maxim is, and why there is not the same requirement for resolutions of other kinds to be universalizable. Drawing on Bernard Williams' notion of a thick ethical concept, I proffer an answer to this question which is intended neither in a spirit of simple exegesis nor as a straightforward (...)
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    The Limits of Maximization.Eric Wiland - 2010 - Polish Journal of Philosophy 4 (1):99-116.
    A nagging problem for the consequentialist is the fact that a person who chooses the action-option that seems to her to maximize good consequences all toooften does not produce consequences as good as she would have produced had she thought about her decision in some other fashion. In response, indirect consequentialists typically recommend that one take advantage of whatever benefits the employment of a nonconsequentialist decision procedure may provide. But I argue here that the consequentialist cannot straightforwardly appropriate the decision (...)
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    AI and the Law: Can Legal Systems Help Us Maximize Paperclips while Minimizing Deaths?Mihailis E. Diamantis, Rebekah Cochran & Miranda Dam - 2023 - In Gregory Robson & Jonathan Y. Tsou (eds.), Technology Ethics: A Philosophical Introduction and Readings. New York, NY, USA: Routledge.
    This Chapter provides a short undergraduate introduction to ethical and philosophical complexities surrounding the law’s attempt (or lack thereof) to regulate artificial intelligence. -/- Swedish philosopher Nick Bostrom proposed a simple thought experiment known as the paperclip maximizer. What would happen if a machine (the “PCM”) were given the sole goal of manufacturing as many paperclips as possible? It might learn how to transact money, source metal, or even build factories. The machine might also eventually realize that humans pose a (...)
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    Rationality and Ethics.Peter A. French - 1996 - ProtoSociology 8:210-222.
    The "Why be moral?" problem has been one of the more persistent problems of ethics. The problem is typically posed as a conflict between what is straightforwardly maximal for a person to do in specific circumstances and what is recommended by the principles or rules of ethics, usually what is communally optimal, in those circumstances. Typically ethicists try to convince us that both collectively and individually we will be better off in the long run if we each adopt cooperative strategies (...)
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    No Place to Hide: Campbell's and Danielson's Solutions to Gauthier's Coherence Problem.Paul Viminitz - 1996 - Dialogue 35 (2):235-240.
    In Morals by Agreement, David Gauthier convinced many of us—including Peter Danielson, author of Artificial Morality, the latest successor to MA—that morality can best be understood as a set of intramental, strategic responses to patterns of otherwise dilemmatic, game-theory-reducible interactivity. More particularly, Gauthier and Danielson are of a mind that: characteristic of our interactive circumstances are the Prisoner's Dilemma and its cognates; these are circumstances in which our pre-moral, straightforward maximizing disposition fares considerably worse than “constrained maximization” —the (...)
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    A Multi-stage Game Model Of Morals By Agreement.Joseph Heath - 1996 - Dialogue 35 (3):529-552.
    If there is one aspect of David Gauthier's program for a contractualist morality that has been most sceptically received, it is his view that instrumentally rational agents would choose to adopt a disposition that would in turn constrain their future choices. Instead of remaining “straightforward maximizers” caught in a suboptimal state of nature, they would become “constrained maximizers” who could avoid prisoner's dilemmas by engaging in conditional co-operation. Apart from the fact that Gauthier's entirely prescriptive orientation leads him to (...)
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  9. The Newxin puzzle.Chrisoula Andreou - 2008 - Philosophical Studies 139 (3):415-422.
    A variety of thought experiments suggest that, if the standard picture of practical rationality is correct, then practical rationality is sometimes an obstacle to practical success. For some, this in turn suggests that there is something wrong with the standard picture. In particular, it has been argued that we should revise the standard picture so that practical rationality and practical success emerge as more closely connected than the current picture allows. In this paper, I construct a choice situation—which I refer (...)
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  10. Second Thoughts about My Favourite Theory.Johan E. Gustafsson - 2022 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 103 (3):448-470.
    A straightforward way to handle moral uncertainty is simply to follow the moral theory in which you have most credence. This approach is known as My Favourite Theory. In this paper, I argue that, in some cases, My Favourite Theory prescribes choices that are, sequentially, worse in expected moral value than the opposite choices according to each moral theory you have any credence in. In addition this, problem generalizes to other approaches that avoid intertheoretic comparisons of value, such as (...)
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  11. A New Theory of Serendipity: Nature, Emergence and Mechanism.Quan-Hoang Vuong (ed.) - 2022 - Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter.
    When you type the word “serendipity” in a word-processor application such as Microsoft Word, the autocorrection engine suggests you choose other words like “luck” or “fate”. This correcting act turns out to be incorrect. However, it points to the reality that serendipity is not a familiar English word and can be misunderstood easily. Serendipity is a very much scientific concept as it has been found useful in numerous scientific discoveries, pharmaceutical innovations, and numerous humankind’s technical and technological advances. Therefore, there (...)
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  12.  25
    Hybrid completeness.P. Blackburn & M. Tzakova - 1998 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 6 (4):625-650.
    In this paper we discuss two hybrid languages, ℒ and ℒ, and provide them with complete axiomatizations. Both languages combine features of modal and classical logic. Like modal languages, they contain modal operators and have a Kripke semantics. Unlike modal languages, in these systems it is possible to 'label' states by using A and ↓ to bind special state variables.This paper explores the consequences of hybridization for completeness. As we shall show, the challenge is to blend the modal idea of (...)
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    Rejecting Supererogationism.Christian Tarsney - 2018 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 100 (2):599-623.
    Even if I think it very likely that some morally good act is supererogatory rather than obligatory, I may nonetheless be rationally required to perform that act. This claim follows from an apparently straightforward dominance argument, which parallels Jacob Ross's argument for 'rejecting' moral nihilism. These arguments face analogous pairs of objections that illustrate general challenges for dominance reasoning under normative uncertainty, but (I argue) these objections can be largely overcome. This has practical consequences for the ethics of philanthropy (...)
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    Side Constraint Morality.Michael Neumann - 1982 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 12 (1):131 - 143.
    The Bible does not in general tell us to maximize or minimize anything. The Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount do n·ot, for example, tell us to maximize the glory of God. Instead they say, do this, don't do that, where ‘this’ and ‘that’ are replaceable by the name for such categories of action as stealing, committing adultery, and loving thy neighbour.Until recently, at least, non-maximizing moralists have appeared irrational when confronted with such questions as: what if stealing (...)
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    Guidance for Medical Ethicists to Enhance Social Cooperation to Mitigate the Pandemic.Kevin Powell & Christopher Meyers - 2021 - HEC Forum 33 (1):73-90.
    The Covid-19 pandemic has presented major challenges to society, exposing preexisting ethical weaknesses in the modern social fabric’s ability to respond. Distrust in government and a lessened authority of science to determine facts have both been exacerbated by the polarization and disinformation enhanced by social media. These have impaired society’s willingness to comply with and persevere with social distancing, which has been the most powerful initial response to mitigate the pandemic. These preexisting weaknesses also threaten the future acceptance of vaccination (...)
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    Descartes's Moral Theory (review).Martin Harvey - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (4):677-678.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Descartes’s Moral Theory by John MarshallMartin HarveyJohn Marshall. Descartes’s Moral Theory. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1998. Pp. xi + 177. Cloth, $35.00.In this concise, well-wrought and provocative work, John Marshall sets two primary goals for himself: 1) to show that Descartes, contrary to the received view, does provide us with the foundational elements of a full fledged ethical theory, and 2) to prove, again contrary to standard interpreters, (...)
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  17. Human reasons.Simon Blackburn - unknown
    In this paper I contemplate two phenomena that have impressed theorists concerned with the domain of reasons and of normativity. One is the much-discussed ‘externality’ of reasons. Reasons are just there, anyway. They exist whether or not agents take any notice of them. They do not only exist in the light of contingent desires or mere inclinations. They are ‘external’ not ‘internal’. They bear on us, even when through ignorance or wickedness we take no notice of them. They thus very (...)
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    Are There Counterexamples to Standard Views about Institutional Legitimacy, Obligation, and What Institutions We Should Aim For?Mark Budolfson - 2014 - Philosophy and Law 14 (1).
    A standard view in legal and political theory is that, to a first approximation, (1) we should aim to bring about the most legitimate institutions possible to solve the problems that should be solved at the level of politics, and (2) individual people are required to follow the directives of legitimate institutions, at least insofar as those institutions have the authority to issue those directives, and insofar as other considerations are nearly equal.1 On this standard view, the philosophical analysis of (...)
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    More on random utility models with bounded ambiguity.Charles F. Manski - 2018 - Theory and Decision 84 (2):205-213.
    Econometric analysis of discrete choice has made considerable use of random utility models to interpret observed choice behavior. Much empirical research concerns choice problems in which persons act with partial knowledge of the utilities of the feasible actions. Economists use random expected utility models to analyze such choice problems. A common practice is to specify fully the expectations that persons hold, in which case choice analysis reduces to inference on preferences alone. However, the expectations assumptions made in empirical research rarely (...)
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  20. Embedding And Interpolation For Some Paralogics. The Propositional Case.Diderik Batens, Kristof De Clercq & Natasha Kurtonina - 1999 - Reports on Mathematical Logic:29-44.
    We consider the very weak paracomplete and paraconsistent logics that are obtained by a straightforward weakening of Classical Logic, as well as some of their maximal extensions that are a fragment of Classical Logic. We prove that these logics may be faithfully embedded in Classical Logic, and that the interpolation theorem obtains for them.
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    Leibniz’s Logic and the “Cube of Opposition”.Wolfgang Lenzen - 2016 - Logica Universalis 10 (2-3):171-189.
    After giving a short summary of the traditional theory of the syllogism, it is shown how the square of opposition reappears in the much more powerful concept logic of Leibniz. Within Leibniz’s algebra of concepts, the categorical forms are formalized straightforwardly by means of the relation of concept-containment plus the operator of concept-negation as ‘S contains P’ and ‘S contains Not-P’, ‘S doesn’t contain P’ and ‘S doesn’t contain Not-P’, respectively. Next we consider Leibniz’s version of the so-called Quantification of (...)
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    Gauthier on Rights and Economic Rent.Eric Mack - 1992 - Social Philosophy and Policy 9 (1):171.
    David Gauthier's Morals by Agreement is an impressive — indeed, daunting — exercise in contractarian moral and political philosophy. The primary purpose of his treatise is to explicate practical rationality as constrained maximization and morality as compliance with these constraints. Gauthier offers an account of which constraints on straightforward utility maximization each rational individual will be prepared to accept and comply with on the condition that other individuals also will accept and comply with them as well as (...)
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    Syntactic Nuts: Hard Cases, Syntactic Theory, and Language Acquisition.Peter W. Culicover - 1999 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This book investigates the architecture of the language faculty by considering what the properties of language reveal about the mental abilities and processes involved in language acquisition. The language faculty, the author argues, must be able not only to accommodate what is general, exceptionless, and universal in language, but must also be capable of dealing with what is irregular, exceptional, and idiosyncratic. In Syntactic Nuts Peter Culicover shows that this is true not only of the lexicon, but for syntax. Marginal (...)
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  24. Rational decision-making in resource-bounded agents.John Pollock - manuscript
    The objective of this paper is to construct an implementable theory of rational decision-making for cognitive agents subject to realistic resource constraints. It is argued that decision-making should select actions indirectly by selecting plans that prescribe them. It is also argued that although expected values provide the tool for evaluating plans, plans cannot be compared straightforwardly in terms of their expected values, and the objective of a realistic agent cannot be to find optimal plans. The theory of Locally Global planning (...)
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    On reading plato mimetically.Hayden W. Ausland - 1997 - American Journal of Philology 118 (3):371-416.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:On Reading Plato MimeticallyHayden W. Ausland(Timon Sillographus fr. 52W)Plato comes to mind first as a philosopher, but we should not forget that he bequeathed his philosophical understanding to posterity mainly in the form of his literary works. How best to appreciate these has traditionally been a matter of some disagreement, although one problem has lately come to the fore: What limitations inhere in subjecting the dialogues' philosophical component to (...)
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    (1 other version)Science, Ethics and Observation.James Lenman - 2013 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 72:261-274.
    This paper examines the idea that ethics might be understood as a domain of straightforwardly empirical inquiry with reference to two of its defenders. Sam Harris has recently urged that ethics is simply the scientific study of welfare and how best to maximize it. That is of course to presuppose the truth of utilitarianism, something Harris considers too obvious to be sensibly contested. Richard Boyd's more nuanced and thoughtful position takes the truth of the ethical theory he favours to be (...)
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    Games and Kinds.Cailin O’Connor - 2019 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 70 (3):719-745.
    In response to those who argue for ‘property cluster’ views of natural kinds, I use evolutionary models of similarity-maximizing games to assess the claim that linguistic terms appropriately track sets of objects that cluster in property spaces. As I show, there are two sorts of ways this can fail to happen. First, evolved terms that do respect property structure in some senses can be conventional nonetheless. Second, and more crucially, because the function of linguistic terms is to facilitate successful action (...)
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    The Evolution of Evaluators.Daniel C. Dennett - 2001 - In Ugo Pagano & Antonio Nicita (eds.), The Evolution of Economic Diversity. Routledge. pp. 66-81.
    We have values and aspirations. What of other animals? Are their "values" different from ours? Animals manifestly prefer having plenty of food to starvation, and comfort to pain, and they will work hard to obtain a mate. But beyond these "creature comforts," they seem to be largely indifferent to the prospects and anxieties that make up human life. A suitable coverall term for human aspiration would be the pursuit of happiness, bearing in mind that happiness is many different things to (...)
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  29. The Long and Winding Road.Peter Simons - 2021 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 98 (1):75-89.
    Following its welcome revival in the late twentieth century, metaphysics in the analytic tradition has succumbed to decadence, with an astonishing variety of outlandish and extreme positions or “metaphysical follies” being taken seriously. This has caused an inevitable backlash among more scientifically-minded philosophers and incurred the scorn of scientists. Much of the reason for this is the blithe ignoring of empirical science by armchair metaphysicians. The roles of empirical knowledge in good, scientific metaphysics are however unclear. In virtue of its (...)
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    Quantification and its Discontents.Henry Laycock - 2006 - In Words without objects: semantics, ontology, and logic for non-singularity. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The chapter focuses on quantification as it figures in standard versions of the predicate calculus. These versions are straightforwardly reductive in that non-singular sentences must be re-cast into singular form if they are to receive representation. However, various non-singular sentences, including certain kinds of plural sentences, are refractory to representation in this form. Essentially singular forms of quantifier-expression must be distinguished from non-singular forms to lay the basis for sui generis non-singular forms of quantification, appropriate to both plural nouns and (...)
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  31. Friendship without partiality?Troy Jollimore - 2000 - Ratio 13 (1):69–82.
    Consequentialism involves a kind of strong impartiality which seems incompatible with the sort of partiality manifested in friendships. Consequentialists such as Kagan respond that friendship does not, in fact, require partiality. Against this, I argue that friendship cannot exist without expressions of personal feeling, and that such expressions necessarily involve a kind of partiality. Because her every action is determined by the goal of maximizing the impersonal good, a consequentialist cannot use her actions (including actions of speech) to express her (...)
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  32. The Assurance of Faith.Nicholas Wolterstorff - 1990 - Faith and Philosophy 7 (4):396-417.
    In this paper I discuss an issue concerning how faith ought to be held. Traditionally there have been those who contended that faith should be held with full certainty, with great firmness. John Calvin is an example. John Locke offered both epistemological and pragmatic considerations in favor of the view that faith should be held with distinctly less than maximal firmness. He proposed a Principle of Proportionality. I assess the tenability of Locke’s proposal-while also suggesting that Calvin’s position is different (...)
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  33. The Hypothetical Intentionalist's Dilemma: A Reply to Levinson: Articles.Robert Stecker & Stephen Davies - 2010 - British Journal of Aesthetics 50 (3):307-312.
    In a recent essay, Jerrold Levinson defends his version of hypothetical intentionalism, which is a theory of literary interpretation, from two criticisms. The first, argued by Stephen Davies, is that it is equivalent to the value-maximizing view. The second, argued by Robert Stecker, is that there are straightforward counterexamples to HI. We will argue that Levinson does not successfully fend off either criticism, and further, that in the process of attempting to do so, creates another dilemma for his view.
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  34. Wittgenstein on Varieties of the Absurd in the Music of Interwar Austria.Eran Guter - 2022 - In Károly Kókai (ed.), Zeit der Unkultur: Ludwig Wittgenstein im Österreich der Zwischenkriegszeit. Wien: NoPress. pp. 185-202.
    In this essay I take the opportunity to recast some insights from my extensive study over the last decade of Wittgenstein’s remarks on music into a coherent and concise portrayal of Wittgenstein’s philosophical underpinning and upshots pertaining to his perception of the modern music scene in interwar Austria. The gist of the present essay is to show that, for better or for worse, Wittgenstein’s personal taste in music was powered by philosophical reasoning, which was organic to his philosophical development, and (...)
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  35. Qualitative Axioms of Uncertainty as a Foundation for Probability and Decision-Making.Patrick Suppes - 2016 - Minds and Machines 26 (2):185-202.
    Although the concept of uncertainty is as old as Epicurus’s writings, and an excellent quantitative theory, with entropy as the measure of uncertainty having been developed in recent times, there has been little exploration of the qualitative theory. The purpose of the present paper is to give a qualitative axiomatization of uncertainty, in the spirit of the many studies of qualitative comparative probability. The qualitative axioms are fundamentally about the uncertainty of a partition of the probability space of events. Of (...)
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  36. Hume e as bases científicas da tese de que não há acaso no mundo.Silvio Seno Chibeni - 2012 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 16 (2):229-254.
    Both in the Treatise of Human Nature and in the Enquiry concerning Human Understanding, Hume defends that “there is no chance in the world”, and that “what the vulgar call chance is nothing but a secret and conceal’d cause”. This view plays a crucial role in Hume’s influential analysis of free will and moral responsibility. It functions also as a central presupposition in his discussion of miracles. However, Hume himself argued convincingly that the “maxim of causality”, according to which “whatever (...)
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    A Derivation of Consequentialism.David Cummiskey - 1996 - In Kantian Consequentialism. New York, US: Oup Usa.
    This chapter argues that consequentialism provides a natural and straightforward interpretation of the formula of the end‐in‐itself. We treat rational nature as an end, and not a mere means, by promoting, first, the conditions necessary for the flourishing of rational nature and, second, the conditions necessary for the realization of the permissible ends of others. Although it is commonplace to assume that deontological constraints treat humanity as an end‐in‐itself, in fact, Kant provides no argument at all for agent‐centered or (...)
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    The 'Popperian Programme' and mathematics.Eduard Glas - 2001 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 32 (1):119-137.
    Lakatos's Proofs and Refutations is usually understood as an attempt to apply Popper's methodology of science to mathematics. This view has been challenged because despite appearances the methodology expounded in it deviates considerably from what would have been a straightforward application of Popperian maxims. I take a closer look at the Popperian roots of Lakatos's philosophy of mathematics, considered not as an application but as an extension of Popper's critical programme, and focus especially on the core ideas of this (...)
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    Lord Jim and the Consequences of Kantian Autonomy.Joanne Wood - 1987 - Philosophy and Literature 11 (1):57-74.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Joanne Wood LORDJIM AND THE CONSEQUENCES OF KANTIAN AUTONOMY Autonomy IS the fundamental principle of Kantian ethics. This is so because his moral system is based on the crucial idea that nothing in the world can be called "good without qualification except a good will."1 Thus a good will is good in and of itself, without regard to any possible end. For such a will, morality is categorical, for (...)
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    A syntactic framework with probabilistic beliefs and conditionals for the analysis of strategic form games.Thorsten Clausing - 2002 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 11 (3):335-348.
    In this paper, I develop a syntactic framework for the analysis ofstrategic form games that is based on a straightforward combination ofstandard systems of doxastic, probabilistic and conditionalpropositional logic. In particular, for the probabilistic part I makeuse of the axiomatization provided in Fagin and Halpern (1994). The use ofconditionals allows to represent a strategic form game by a logicalformula in a very natural way. Also expected utility maximization can benaturally captured. I use this framework to prove a version (...)
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    Democratic Speech in Divided Times.Maxime Lepoutre - 2021 - OUP: Oxford University Press.
    In an ideal democracy, people from all walks of life would come together to talk meaningfully and respectfully about politics. But we do not live in an ideal democracy. In contemporary democracies, which are marked by deep social divisions, different groups for the most part avoid talking to each other. And when they do talk to each other, their speech often seems to be little more than a vehicle for rage, hatred, and deception. -/- Democratic Speech in Divided Times argues (...)
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    Democratic speech in divided times: An introduction.Maxime Lepoutre - 2023 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 22 (3):290-293.
    This is the introduction to the symposium on Maxime Lepoutre, Democratic Speech in Divided Times (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021). The symposium contains articles by Paul Billingham, Rachel Fraser, and Michael Hannon, and a response by the author.
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    Manon Garcia, La conversation des sexes. Philosophie du consentement. Paris, Climats, 2021, 309 p.Maxime Tremblay - 2022 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 78 (1):191-194.
  44. Rage inside the machine: Defending the place of anger in democratic speech.Maxime Lepoutre - 2018 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 17 (4):398-426.
    According to an influential objection, which Martha Nussbaum has powerfully restated, expressing anger in democratic public discourse is counterproductive from the standpoint of justice. To resist this challenge, this article articulates a crucial yet underappreciated sense in which angry discourse is epistemically productive. Drawing on recent developments in the philosophy of emotion, which emphasize the distinctive phenomenology of emotion, I argue that conveying anger to one’s listeners is epistemically valuable in two respects: first, it can direct listeners’ attention to elusive (...)
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  45. Henri germond: Le pasteur dans la cité I Maxime chasta1ng: Une digression philosophique de saint Augustin: La communauté Des esprits voyageurs 11 étuDes critiques. [REVIEW]Maxime Chasta1ng - 1953 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 3.
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    Mirror Neurons and the Evolution of Brain and Language.Maxim I. Stamenov & Vittorio Gallese (eds.) - 2002 - John Benjamins.
    Selected contributions to the symposium on "Mirror neurons and the evolution of brain and language" held on July 5-8, 2000 in Delmenhorst, Germany.
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    Taming the Emotional Dog: Moral Intuition and Ethically-Oriented Leader Development.Maxim Egorov, Armin Pircher Verdorfer & Claudia Peus - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (3):817-834.
    Traditional approaches describe ethical decision-making of leaders as driven by conscious deliberation and analysis. Accordingly, existing approaches of ethically-oriented leader development usually focus on the promotion of deliberative ethical decision-making, based on normative knowledge and moral reasoning. Yet, a continually growing body of research indicates that a considerable part of moral functions involved in ethical decision-making is automatic and intuitive. In this article, we discuss the implications of this moral intuition approach for the domain of ethically-oriented leader development. Specifically, we (...)
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    Mobilizing Falsehoods.Maxime Lepoutre - 2024 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 52 (2):106-146.
    Philosophy &Public Affairs, Volume 52, Issue 2, Page 106-146, Spring 2024.
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    The image of the enemy in the international mass-media discourse of modern propaganda.Maxim Dvoinenko & Mikhail Besedin - forthcoming - Sotsium I Vlast.
    Introduction. Political propaganda is an integral part of the modern sphere of communication, within which political actors broadcast their interpretation of reality and influence the public masses. The image of the enemy explains in the most accessible way who “WE” are and what is important for a particular actor, as well as - who “THEY” are and what they are dangerous of. At the same time, there is no unity in interpreting the concept of “enemy” in political discourse. Representations of (...)
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  50.  42
    Canonical Quantization of a Massive Weyl Field.Maxim Dvornikov - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (11):1469-1479.
    We construct a consistent theory of a quantum massive Weyl field. We start with the formulation of the classical field theory approach for the description of massive Weyl fields. It is demonstrated that the standard Lagrange formalism cannot be applied for the studies of massive first-quantized Weyl spinors. Nevertheless we show that the classical field theory description of massive Weyl fields can be implemented in frames of the Hamilton formalism or using the extended Lagrange formalism. Then we carry out a (...)
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