Results for 'Steve Sisgold'

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  1.  6
    Whole body intelligence: get out of your head and into your body to achieve greater wisdom, confidence, and success.Steve Sisgold - 2015 - NewYork, NY: Rodale.
    Most self-improvement programs train people to identify and solve problems by grappling with them endlessly, often to no avail. Executive coach Steve Sisgold, however, knows that the body--not the mind--is the most reliable and effective pathway to realizing your innermost desires and achieving success. His unique, body-centric approach will show you how to get out of your head and take charge of every area of your life with increased awareness, clarity, and confidence. Whole Body Intelligence teaches you how (...)
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    Concern-induced negative affect is associated with the occurrence and content of mind-wandering.David Stawarczyk, Steve Majerus & Arnaud D’Argembeau - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (2):442-448.
    Previous research has shown that the content and frequency of mind-wandering episodes—the occurrence of thoughts that are both stimulus-independent and task-unrelated—are closely related to an individual’s future-related concerns. Whether this relationship is shaped by the affective changes that are usually associated with future-related concerns still remains unclear, however. In this study, we induced the anticipation of a negatively valenced event and examined whether the ensuing affective changes were related to the occurrence and content of mind-wandering during an unrelated attentional task. (...)
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    The Transformational Change Challenge of Memes: The Case of Marriage Equality in the United States.Paul S. Gray, Steve Waddell & Sandra Waddock - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (8):1667-1697.
    This article explores the role of changing memes in large systems change toward marriage equality—popularly referred to as same-sex marriage—in the United States. Using an abbreviated case history of the transformation, the article particularly explores the shifting memes or core units of culture, in this case, word phrases associated with marriage equality over time, influencing the social change process. Using both the case history and the empirical work on memes, the article identifies nine lessons to support others tackling large systems (...)
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    The metaphysical standing of the human: A future for the history of the human sciences.Steve Fuller - 2019 - History of the Human Sciences 32 (1):23-40.
    I reconstruct my own journey into the history of the human sciences, which I show to have been a process of discovering the metaphysical standing of the human. I begin with Alexandre Koyré’s encounter with Edmund Husserl in the 1930s, which I use to throw light on the legacy of Kant’s ‘anthropological’ understanding of the human, which dominated and limited 19th-century science. As I show, those who broke from Kant’s strictures and set the stage for the 20th-century revolutions in science (...)
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    The Knowledge Book: Key Concepts in Philosophy, Science and Culture.Steve Fuller - 2007 - Routledge.
    "The Knowledge Book" is a unique interdisciplinary reference work for students and researchers concerned with the nature of knowledge. It is the first work of its kind to be organized on the assumption that whatever else knowledge might be, it is intrinsically social. The book consists of 42 alphabetically arranged entries on key concepts at the intersection of philosophy and sociology - what used to be called "sociology of knowledge" but is now increasingly called "social epistemology". The entries include concepts (...)
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    Moral judgment as information processing: an integrative review.Steve Guglielmo - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  7. Machine Consciousness.Robert Clowes, Steve Torrance & Ron Chrisley - 2007 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 14 (7):7-14.
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    Voevodsky’s Univalence Axiom in Homotopy Type Theory.Steve Awodey, Alvaro Pelayo & Michael A. Warren - unknown
    In this short note we give a glimpse of homotopy type theory, a new field of mathematics at the intersection of algebraic topology and mathematical logic, and we explain Vladimir Voevodsky’s univalent interpretation of it. This interpretation has given rise to the univalent foundations program, which is the topic of the current special year at the Institute for Advanced Study.
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    Darwin Meets Socrates.Steve Stewart-Williams - 2004 - Philosophy Now 45:26-29.
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    Do Executive Departures to Signal the End of a Scandal Create or Reduce Uncertainty? An Examination of Market Reaction in Stock Option Backdating Scandal Events.Steve Gove & Jay J. Janney - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (6):1209-1233.
    This study examines events at the conclusion of the 2006 stock option backdating scandal: the departures of C-level executives from firms implicated in backdating. The authors ask whether removing executives brings closure to the scandal, or if executive turnover creates greater uncertainty. Using a sample of 236 executive departures, the authors find that although overall market reaction to executive departures is negative, those departures involving a firm’s CEO or CFO ameliorate the market reaction. The authors also find that market reaction (...)
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    Topos Semantics for Higher-Order Modal Logic.Steve Awodey, Kohei Kishida & Hans-Cristoph Kotzsch - 2014 - Logique Et Analyse 228:591-636.
    We define the notion of a model of higher-order modal logic in an arbitrary elementary topos E. In contrast to the well-known interpretation of higher-order logic, the type of propositions is not interpreted by the subobject classifier ΩE, but rather by a suitable complete Heyting algebra H. The canonical map relating H and ΩE both serves to interpret equality and provides a modal operator on H in the form of a comonad. Examples of such structures arise from surjective geometric morphisms (...)
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  12.  28
    Can an Evolutionist Believe in God?Steve Stewart-Williams - 2004 - Philosophy Now 47:19-21.
  13. For the Beauty of the Earth. A Christian Vision for Creation Care.Steve Bouma-Prediger - 2001
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    Choice and Religion: A Critique of Rational Choice Theory.Steve Bruce - 1999 - Oxford University Press UK.
    People of the western world now have unprecedented freedom to choose their religion. In this book, the world's leading sociologist of religion argues that the liberty and freedom to choose religion corrodes faith and that religion remains most vital when it is part of ethnic and national identity.
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  15. Torture Porn: Popular Horror after Saw.Steve Jones - 2013 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Torture Porn is a term that has generated a great deal of controversy during the last decade, critics utilizing the term to dismiss contemporary popular horror cinema as obscene and morally depraved. Arguing primarily in defense of torture-themed horror films, this book seeks to offer a critical overview and examination of the Torture Porn phenomenon, discussing the generic contexts in which it is situated, scrutinizing press responses to the sub-genre, and offering narrative analyses of the sub-genre’s central films; including the (...)
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    Safety and tolerability of theta burst stimulation vs. single and paired pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation: a comparative study of 165 pediatric subjects.Yaejee H. Hong, Steve W. Wu, Ernest V. Pedapati, Paul S. Horn, David A. Huddleston, Cameron S. Laue & Donald L. Gilbert - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  17.  1
    Editer, Traduire, Interpreter: Essais De Methodologie Philosophique.Philipp Rosemann & Steve G. Lofts - 1997 - Peeters Pub & Booksellers.
    Ce livre contient les actes d'un seminaire de recherche qui fut organise au sein de l'Institut superieur de philosophie a Louvain-la-Neuve en 1996. Centre sur des problemes de methodologie souleves par l'edition, la traduction et l'interpretation des textes anciens et medievaux, ce seminaire poursuivit le but de mettre en relief les presuppositions philosophiques qui sous-tendent toute decision methodologique. Ainsi Philipp W. Rosemann essaie de montrer dans sa contribution que le neo-medievisme actuel ne peut etre compris que dans le contexte du (...)
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  18. Porn of the Dead: Necrophilia, Feminism, and Gendering the Undead.Steve Jones - 2011 - In Christopher M. Moreman & Cory James Rushton (eds.), Zombies Are Us: Essays on the Humanity of the Walking Dead. McFarland. pp. 40-60.
    Erotic Nights of the Living Dead (1980) may have featured both animated corpses and hardcore sex scenes, but only recently have Re-Penetrator (2004) and Porn of the Dead (2006) managed to fully eroticise the living dead, allowing these creatures to engage in intercourse. In doing so, the usually a-subjective zombie is allotted a key facet of identity - sexuality. This development within the sub-genre needs accounting for outside of the contexts of porn studies, where it has only been briefly touched (...)
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    The Ethical Dilemma of Research and Development Openness Versus Secrecy.Steve McMillan, Ronald Duska, Robert Hamilton & Debra Casey - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 65 (3):279-285.
    In previous research, we have argued that private companies should be more open with their scientific research findings. However, our research assumed, somewhat naively perhaps, that public institutions were quite open. Recent findings have suggested otherwise, and in this paper we explore the dilemma faced by industry, universities, and society in attempting to balance the needs of openness (to rapidly advance the body of knowledge), with secrecy (to protect the economic returns to a new innovation).
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  20. Torture Born: Representing Pregnancy and Abortion in Contemporary Survival-Horror.Steve Jones - 2015 - Sexuality and Culture 19 (3):426-443.
    In proportion to the increased emphasis placed on abortion in partisan political debate since the early 2000s, there has been a noticeable upsurge in cultural representations of abortion. This article charts ways in which that increase manifests in contemporary survival-horror. This article contends that numerous contemporary survival-horror films foreground pregnancy. These representations of pregnancy reify the pressures that moralistic, partisan political campaigning places on individuals who consider terminating a pregnancy. These films contribute to public discourse by engaging with abortion as (...)
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  21. Horrorporn/Pornhorror: The Problematic Communities and Contexts of Extreme Online Imagery.Steve Jones - 2010 - In Feona Attwood (ed.), Making Sense of Online Pornography. Peter Lang. pp. 123-137.
    This chapter explores the tentative line between erotic spectacle and horror; a judgement that is problematic given that is based on an axis of moral or ideological normality. The contexts of viewing impact on the status of ‘obscene’ images, both in terms of the communities that view them and their motivation for viewing; for sexual arousal, out of morbid curiosity or malevolence, or perhaps all three simultaneously. The reception of an obscene image is largely based upon the issue of viewer (...)
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  22. The Lexicon of Offense: The Meanings of Torture, Porn, and ‘Torture Porn”.Steve Jones - 2012 - In Feona Attwood, Ian Hunter, Vincent Campbell & Sharon Lockyear (eds.), Controversial Images: Media Representations on the Edge. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 186-200.
    Torture porn has been vilified on grounds that are at best unconvincing and at worst incoherent. The subgenre’s remonstrators too often ignore the content of the films themselves, and fail to make sufficiently detailed connections between the subgenre and the cultural sphere. Reactions to torture porn rarely consider what values the films apparently contravene, and why, if the films are offensive, they are simultaneously so popular. The central derisive mechanism in operation is the ill-conceived combination of ‘torture’ and ‘porn’ itself. (...)
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    Descriptive Complexity in Cantor Series.Dylan Airey, Steve Jackson & Bill Mance - 2022 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (3):1023-1045.
    A Cantor series expansion for a real number x with respect to a basic sequence $Q=(q_1,q_2,\dots )$, where $q_i \geq 2$, is a generalization of the base b expansion to an infinite sequence of bases. Ki and Linton in 1994 showed that for ordinary base b expansions the set of normal numbers is a $\boldsymbol {\Pi }^0_3$ -complete set, establishing the exact complexity of this set. In the case of Cantor series there are three natural notions of normality: normality, ratio (...)
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    Beyond cortex: The evolution of the human brain.Rowena Chin, Steve W. C. Chang & Avram J. Holmes - 2023 - Psychological Review 130 (2):285-307.
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    Supercompactness within the Projective Hierarchy.Howard Becker & Steve Jackson - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (2):658-672.
    We show that all the projective ordinals $\delta^1_n$ are supercompact through their supremum $\aleph_{\varepsilon 0}$, and a ways beyond.
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    Breached Horizons: The Philosophy of Jean-Luc Marion, eds. Rachel Bath, Kathryn Lawson, Steven G. Lofts, Antonio Calcagno.Antonio Calcagno, Steve G. Lofts, Rachel Bath & Kathryn Lawson (eds.) - 2017 - New York; London: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This volume offers a comprehensive guide to the extensive corpus of Jean-Luc Marion’s ideas, including a discussion of contemporary French phenomenology and critical appraisal of Marion’s ideas by leading scholars in the field. The contributors apply Marion’s thought to various fields of study, including theology, art, literature and psychology.
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  27. Chapter 1. Reading Kant in Herder’s Lecture Notes.Steve Naragon - 2015 - In Robert R. Clewis (ed.), Reading Kant's Lectures. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 37-62.
  28. A View to a Kill: Perspectives on Faux-Snuff and Self.Steve Jones - 2016 - In Neil Jackson, Shaun Kimber, Johnny Walker & Thomas Joseph Watson (eds.), Snuff: Real Death and Screen Media. Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 277-294.
    Scholarly debate over faux-snuff’s content has predominantly focused on realism and affect. This paper seeks to offer an alternative interpretation, examining what faux-snuff’s form reveals about self. Faux-snuff is typically presented from a first-person perspective (killer-cam), and as such is foundationally invested in the killer’s experiences as they record their murder spree. First then, I propose that the simulated-snuff form reifies self-experience in numerous ways. Faux-snuff’s characteristic formal attributes capture the self’s limited, fractured qualities, for example. Second, I contend that (...)
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  29. No Pain, No Gain: Strategic Repulsion and The Human Centipede.Steve Jones - 2013 - Cine-Excess E-Journal 1 (1).
    Tom Six’s The Human Centipede (First Sequence) (2009) and The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence) (2011) are based on a disturbing premise: people are abducted and stitched together mouth-to-anus. The consequent combinations of faeces and bloodshed, torture and degradation have been roundly vilified by the critical press. Additionally, the sequel was officially banned or heavily censored in numerous countries. This article argues that these reactive forms of suppression fail to engage with the films themselves, or the concepts (such as disgust (...)
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  30. Gender Monstrosity: Deadgirl and the Sexual Politics of Zombie-Rape.Steve Jones - 2012 - Feminist Media Studies 13 (4):525-539.
    Deadgirl (2008) is based around a group of male teens discovering and claiming ownership of a bound female zombie, using her as a sex slave. This narrative premise raises numerous tensions that are particularly amplified by using a zombie as the film's central victim. The Deadgirl is sexually passive yet monstrous, reifying the horrors associated with the female body in patriarchal discourses. She is objectified on the basis of her gender, and this has led many reviewers to dismiss the film (...)
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  31. Ontology alignment: Experiences with medical terminologies.A. Gangemi, D. Pisanelli & G. Steve - 1998 - In Nicola Guarino (ed.), Formal Ontology in Information Systems. IOS Press.
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  32. Torture Pornopticon: (In)security Cameras, Self-Governance and Autonomy.Steve Jones - 2015 - In Linnie Blake & Xavier Aldana Reyes (eds.), Digital Horror: Haunted Technologies, Network Panic and the Found Footage Phenomenon. I.B. Tauris. pp. 29-41.
    ‘Torture porn’ films centre on themes of abduction, imprisonment and suffering. Within the subgenre, protagonists are typically placed under relentless surveillance by their captors. CCTV features in more than 45 contemporary torture-themed films (including Captivity, Hunger, and Torture Room). Security cameras signify a bridging point between the captors’ ability to observe and to control their prey. Founded on power-imbalance, torture porn’s prison-spaces are panoptical. Despite failing to encapsulate contemporary surveillance’s complexities (see Haggerty, 2011), the panopticon remains a dominant paradigm within (...)
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  33. A Meta-model of Access Control in a Fibred Security Language.Steve Barker, Guido Boella, Dov M. Gabbay & Valerio Genovese - 2009 - Studia Logica 92 (3):437-477.
    The issue of representing access control requirements continues to demand significant attention. The focus of researchers has traditionally been on developing particular access control models and policy specification languages for particular applications. However, this approach has resulted in an unnecessary surfeit of models and languages. In contrast, we describe a general access control model and a logic-based specification language from which both existing and novel access control models may be derived as particular cases and from which several approaches can be (...)
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  34. ‘Implied…or implode?’: The Simpsons' Carnivalesque Treehouse of Horror Specials.Steve Jones - 2010 - Animation 18.
    Since 1990, The Simpsons’ annual “Treehouse of Horror” episodes have constituted a production sub-context within the series, having their own conventions and historical trajectory. These specials incorporate horror plots and devices, as well as general references to science fiction, into the series’ base in situation comedy. The Halloween specials disrupt the series usual family-oriented sitcom structure, dissolving the ideological balances that stabilise that society. By depicting the Family and community in extreme circumstances, in seeing the horror of ‘how things could (...)
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  35. Ontology integration: Experiences with medical terminologies.Aldo Gangemi, Domenico Pisanelli & Geri Steve - 1998 - In Nicola Guarino (ed.), Formal Ontology in Information Systems. IOS Press. pp. 46--98.
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  36. Mindful violence? The Rambo Series’ Shifting Aesthetic of Aggression.Steve Jones - 2012 - New Review of Film and Television Studies 10 (4).
    Rambo (2008) marked the return of Sylvester Stallone's iconic action hero. What is most striking about the fourth film (as the response from reviewers testifies), is its graphic violence. My intention here is to critically engage with Rambo (2008) as rewriting the series' established aesthetic of violence. My overarching aim is to highlight how the popular press has sought to read the 2008 version of Rambo according to the discursive narratives surrounding Stallone's 1980s action films. The negative response to Rambo, (...)
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  37. Pretty, Dead: Sociosexuality, Rationality and the Transition into Zom-Being.Steve Jones - 2014 - In Steve Jones & Shaka McGlotten (eds.), Zombies and Sexuality: Essays on Desire and the Living Dead. McFarland. pp. 180-198.
    The undead have been evoked in philosophical hypotheses regarding consciousness, but such discussions often come across as abstract academic exercises, inapplicable to personal experience. Movie zombies illuminate these somewhat opaque philosophical debates via storytelling devices – narrative, characterization, dialogue and so forth – which approach experience and consciousness in an instinctively accessible manner. This chapter focuses on a particular strand of the subgenre: transition narratives, in which human protagonists gradually turn into zombies. Transition stories typically centralize social relationships; affiliations and (...)
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    Tragic Beauty in Whitehead and Japanese Aesthetics.Steve Odin - 2016 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book examines Whitehead’s process aesthetics focusing on two categories, the penumbral beauty of darkness and the tragic beauty of perishability, while establishing parallels with the Japanese sense of evanescent beauty. It clarifies how both traditions develop a religio-aesthetic vision of tragic beauty and its reconciliation in the supreme ecstasy of peace.
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  39. in the Classroom John Harrison.Sued God & Steve Meyers - 2004 - In Patrick E. Murphy (ed.), Business ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. pp. 49--105.
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  40. Influences of attitude toward science, achievement motivation, and science self concept on achievement in science: A longitudinal study.J. Steve Oliver & Ronald D. Simpson - 1988 - Science Education 72 (2):143-155.
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    Machinations: Computational Studies of Logic, Language, and Cognition.Richard Spencer-Smith, Steve Torrance & Stephen B. Torrance - 1992 - Intellect Books.
    This volume brings together a collection of papers covering a wide range of topics in computer and cognitive science. Topics included are: the foundational relevance of logic to computer science, with particular reference to tense logic, constructive logic, and Horn clause logic; logic as the theoretical underpinnings of the engineering discipline of expert systems; a discussion of the evolution of computational linguistics into functionally distinct task levels; and current issues in the implementation of speech act theory.
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  42. (3 other versions)A View to a Kill: Perspectives on Faux-Snuff and Self.Steve Jones - 2016 - In Neil Jackson, Shaun Kimber, Johnny Walker & Thomas Joseph Watson (eds.), Snuff: Real Death and Screen Media. Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 277-292.
    Scholarly debate over faux-snuff’s content has predominantly focused on realism and affect. This paper seeks to offer an alternative interpretation, examining what faux-snuff’s form reveals about self. Faux-snuff is typically presented from a first-person perspective (killer-cam), and as such is foundationally invested in the killer’s experiences as they record their murder spree. First then, I propose that the simulated-snuff form reifies self-experience in numerous ways. Faux-snuff’s characteristic formal attributes capture the self’s limited, fractured qualities, for example. Second, I contend that (...)
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  43.  13
    Christianity and Western Thought.Colin Brown, Steve Wilkens & Alan G. Padgett - 1990 - InterVarsity Press.
    From Socrates and the Sophists to Kant, from Augustine to Aquinas and the Reformers, Colin Brown traces the turbulent, often tension-filled, always fascinating story of the thinkers, ideas and movements that have shaped our intellectual landscape. Is philosophy the "handmaiden of faith" or "the doctrine of demons"? Does it clarify the faith or undermine the very heart of Christian belief?Brown writes, "This book is about the changes in preconceptions, world views and paradigms that have affected the ways in which people (...)
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    Instabilities in Nature and Art.Malcolm E. Brown & Steve Hubbard - 2013 - Philosophy Now 94:27-29.
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    Ethical Problems in Competitive Bidding.J. Steve Davis - 1988 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 7 (2):3-25.
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    What's the buzz? Undercover marketing and the corruption of friendship.Jeanette Kennett & Steve Matthews - 2008 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 25 (1):2–18.
    Undercover marketing targets potential customers by concealing the commercial nature of an apparently social transaction. In a typical case an individual approaches a marketing target apparently to provide some information or advice about a product in a way that makes it seem like they are a fellow consumer. In another kind of case, a friend displays a product to you, and encourages its purchase, but fails to disclose their association with the marketing firm. We focus on this second type of (...)
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  47. Informed Consent and Clinical Accountability: The Ethics of Auditing and Reporting Surgeon Performance.Yujin Nagasawa & Steve Clarke Justin Oakley (eds.) - 2007 - Cambridge University Press.
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    Relating Topos Theory and Set Theory Via Categories of Classes.Steve Awodey, Alex Simpson & Thomas Streicher - unknown
    We investigate a certain system of intuitionistic set theory from three points of view: an elementary set theory with bounded separation, a topos with distinguished inclusions, and a category of classes with a system of small maps. The three presentations are shown to be equivalent in a strong sense.
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    The English past tense: Analogy redux.Steve Chandler - 2010 - Cognitive Linguistics 21 (3):371-417.
    The debate over how best to characterize inflectional morphology has been couched largely in terms of the “dual-mechanism” approach described in Pinker (Words and rules: the ingredients of language, Basic Books, 1999) versus “single-mechanism” connectionist approaches derived from Rumelhart and McClelland (On learning past tenses of English verbs, MIT, 1986). There are, however, other single-mechanism approaches. The exemplar-based or analogical models of Daelemans et al. (TimBL: Tilburg Memory-Based Learner, version 4.3 reference guide, ILK, 2002) and Skousen (Analogical modeling of language, (...)
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    (1 other version)Between the Psyche and the Social: Psychoanalytic Social Theory.Steve Edwin (ed.) - 2001 - Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Between the Psyche and the Social is the first collection that specifically features the field of psychoanalytic social theory emerging in and between psychoanalysis, feminism, postcolonial studies, and queer theory, and across the disciplines of philosophy, literary, film, and cultural studies. This collection of essays takes the psychoanalytic study of social oppression in some new directions by engaging—indeed, stirring up—unconscious fantasies and ethical tensions at the heart of social subjectivity.
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