Results for 'Stephan Weil'

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  1.  11
    (1 other version)Zum Geleit – Ein Fest für Hannover.Stephan Weil - 2010 - In Peter Nickl & Georgios Terizakis (eds.), Die Seele: Metapher Oder Wirklichkeit?: Philosophische Ergründungen. Texte Zum Ersten Festival der Philosophie in Hannover 2008. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 7-8.
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    Erfahrung als Dialog.Stephan Grätzel - 2019 - In Richard Schaeffler, Christoph Böhr & Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz (eds.), Gott denken: zur Philosophie von Religion: Richard Schaeffler zu Ehren. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. pp. 195-202.
    Menschen können heute in der für sie gewohnten Weise leben, weil Hunderte und Tausende von Generationen Erfahrungen über die Natur gesammelt und weitergegeben haben. Wir wissen, was wir essen und trinken können und was nicht, wie wir uns kleiden, wie wir wohnen und wie wir uns verhalten. Wir haben dieses Wissen übernommen und weiter gestaltet. Menschen können in einer bedrohlichen bis feindlichen, aber wiederum auch sie ernährenden und schützenden Welt überleben, weil sie die überkommenen Erfahrungen und das Wissen (...)
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  3. A Simpler Puzzle of Ground.Stephan Krämer - 2013 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 2 (2):85-89.
    Metaphysical grounding is standardly taken to be irreflexive: nothing grounds itself. Kit Fine has presented some puzzles that appear to contradict this principle. I construct a particularly simple variant of those puzzles that is independent of several of the assumptions required by Fine, instead employing quantification into sentence position. Various possible responses to Fine's puzzles thus turn out to apply only in a restricted range of cases.
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    Explanation, Prediction, and Confirmation.Stephan Hartmann, Marcel Weber, Wenceslao Gonzalez, Dennis Dieks & Thomas Uebe (eds.) - 2011 - Berlin: Springer.
    This volume, the second in the Springer series Philosophy of Science in a European Perspective, contains selected papers from the workshops organised by the ESF Research Networking Programme PSE (The Philosophy of Science in a European Perspective) in 2009. Five general topics are addressed: 1. Formal Methods in the Philosophy of Science; 2. Philosophy of the Natural and Life Sciences; 3. Philosophy of the Cultural and Social Sciences; 4. Philosophy of the Physical Sciences; 5. History of the Philosophy of Science. (...)
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    A Taxonomy of Environmentally Scaffolded Affectivity.Sabrina Coninx & Achim Stephan - 2021 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 54 (1):38-64.
    In this paper, we argue that the concept of environmental scaffolding can contribute to a better understanding of our affective life and the complex manners in which it is shaped by environmental entities. In particular, the concept of environmental scaffolding offers a more comprehensive and less controversial framework than the notions of embeddedness and extendedness. We contribute to the literature on situated affectivity by embracing and systematizing the diversity of affective scaffolding. In doing so, we introduce several distinctions that provide (...)
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  6. Future-Directed Counterfactuals, Practical Reasoning, and the Open Future.Stephan Torre - forthcoming - Disputatio.
    One stark difference between the past and the future lies in our ability to shape the future in a way in which we are unable to shape the past. This paper investigates what kind of beliefs about the future serve as premises in our reasoning about how to act. If we think about belief in terms of agents representing the world, we cannot lose sight of the fact that agents are part of, and shape, the same world they represent. Beliefs (...)
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  7. The World as a Process: Simulations in the Natural and Social Sciences.Stephan Hartmann - 1996 - In Rainer Hegselmann et al (ed.), Modelling and Simulation in the Social Sciences from the Philosophy of Science Point of View.
    Simulation techniques, especially those implemented on a computer, are frequently employed in natural as well as in social sciences with considerable success. There is mounting evidence that the "model-building era" (J. Niehans) that dominated the theoretical activities of the sciences for a long time is about to be succeeded or at least lastingly supplemented by the "simulation era". But what exactly are models? What is a simulation and what is the difference and the relation between a model and a simulation? (...)
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    Ontology after Carnap.Stephan Blatti & Sandra Lapointe - 2016 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 71 (1):166-169.
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  9. .Stephan Zimmermann - unknown
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  10. Effective Field Theories, Reductionism and Scientific Explanation.Stephan Hartmann - 2001 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 32 (2):267-304.
    Effective field theories have been a very popular tool in quantum physics for almost two decades. And there are good reasons for this. I will argue that effective field theories share many of the advantages of both fundamental theories and phenomenological models, while avoiding their respective shortcomings. They are, for example, flexible enough to cover a wide range of phenomena, and concrete enough to provide a detailed story of the specific mechanisms at work at a given energy scale. So will (...)
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  11. Consensual Decision-Making Among Epistemic Peers.Stephan Hartmann, Carlo Martini & Jan Sprenger - 2009 - Episteme 6 (2):110-129.
    This paper focuses on the question of how to resolve disagreement and uses the Lehrer-Wagner model as a formal tool for investigating consensual decision-making. The main result consists in a general definition of when agents treat each other as epistemic peers (Kelly 2005; Elga 2007), and a theorem vindicating the “equal weight view” to resolve disagreement among epistemic peers. We apply our findings to an analysis of the impact of social network structures on group deliberation processes, and we demonstrate their (...)
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  12. Gravity and Grace.Simone Weil - 1953 - Philosophy 28 (106):276-278.
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  13. Difference-making grounds.Stephan Krämer & Stefan Roski - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (5):1191-1215.
    We define a notion of difference-making for partial grounds of a fact in rough analogy to existing notions of difference-making for causes of an event. Using orthodox assumptions about ground, we show that it induces a non-trivial division with examples of partial grounds on both sides. We then demonstrate the theoretical fruitfulness of the notion by applying it to the analysis of a certain kind of putative counter-example to the transitivity of ground recently described by Jonathan Schaffer. First, we show (...)
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    Organisation theory and the ethics of participation.Stephan Cludts - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 21 (2-3):157 - 171.
    An ethical evaluation of employee participation to decision-making has to be based, obviously, on a theory about ethics, but also on an understanding of the role and the impact of participation in the organisation. This paper aims at sketching different organisational paradigms, and analysing their normative prescriptions w.r.t. participation. It will appear that the recognition of the social nature of man and the acknowledgement of the existence of differentiated goals could enhance the positive outcomes of participation. Next, we will examine (...)
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  15. A New Garber-Style Solution to the Problem of Old Evidence.Stephan Hartmann & Branden Fitelson - 2015 - Philosophy of Science 82 (4):712-717.
    In this discussion note, we explain how to relax some of the standard assumptions made in Garber-style solutions to the Problem of Old Evidence. The result is a more general and explanatory Bayesian approach.
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    A New Account of Replication in the Experimental Life Sciences.Stephan Guttinger - 2019 - Philosophy of Science 86 (3):453-471.
    The life sciences are said to be in the midst of a replication crisis because a majority of published results are irreproducible, and scientists rarely replicate existing data. Here I argue that point 2 of this assessment is flawed because there is a hitherto unidentified form of replication in the experimental life sciences, which I call ‘microreplications’. Using a case study from biochemistry, I illustrate how MRs depend on a key element of experimentation, namely, experimental controls. I end by reflecting (...)
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  17. Voting, deliberation and truth.Stephan Hartmann & Soroush Rafiee Rad - 2016 - Synthese 195 (3):1-21.
    There are various ways to reach a group decision on a factual yes–no question. One way is to vote and decide what the majority votes for. This procedure receives some epistemological support from the Condorcet Jury Theorem. Alternatively, the group members may prefer to deliberate and will eventually reach a decision that everybody endorses—a consensus. While the latter procedure has the advantage that it makes everybody happy, it has the disadvantage that it is difficult to implement, especially for larger groups. (...)
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    Memory for serial order.Stephan Lewandowsky & Bennet B. Murdock - 1989 - Psychological Review 96 (1):25-57.
  19. A new argument for animalism.Stephan Blatti - 2012 - Analysis 72 (4):685-690.
    The view known as animalism asserts that we are human animals—that each of us is an instance of the Homo sapiens species. The standard argument for this view is known as the thinking animal argument . But this argument has recently come under attack. So, here, a new argument for animalism is introduced. The animal ancestors argument illustrates how the case for animalism can be seen to piggyback on the credibility of evolutionary theory. Two objections are then considered and answered.
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    Preemption in Singular Causation Judgments: A Computational Model.Simon Stephan & Michael R. Waldmann - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 10 (1):242-257.
    The authors challenge the reigning “causal power framework” as an explanation for whether a particular outcome was actually caused by a specific potential cause. They test a new measure of causal attribution in two experiments by embedding the measure within the Structure Induction model of Singular Causation (SISC, Stephan & Waldmann, 2016).
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    The Stakeholders as Investors.Stephan Cludts - 1999 - Business Ethics Quarterly 9 (4):673-676.
    In a recent contribution to this journal, Etzioni (1998) has introduced a “communitarian note on stakeholder theory” based on a principle of fairness. While we do not challenge the principle of fairness itself, we claim that when this principle is applied only to those who invest in the corporation, it cannot serve as the ground for an ethical stakeholder theory. A focus on low-skilled workers as astakeholder group will help us to illustrate this claim.
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    Mapping discrete and dimensional emotions onto the brain: controversies and consensus.Stephan Hamann - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (9):458-466.
  23. Everything, and then some.Stephan Krämer - 2017 - Mind 126 (502):499-528.
    On its intended interpretation, logical, mathematical and metaphysical discourse sometimes seems to involve absolutely unrestricted quantification. Yet our standard semantic theories do not allow for interpretations of a language as expressing absolute generality. A prominent strategy for defending absolute generality, influentially proposed by Timothy Williamson in his paper ‘Everything’, avails itself of a hierarchy of quantifiers of ever increasing orders to develop non-standard semantic theories that do provide for such interpretations. However, as emphasized by Øystein Linnebo and Agustín Rayo, there (...)
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  24.  14
    In sozialontologischer Absicht: Kants Weltbegriff des Menschen und seine Zuschärfung bei Heidegger.Stephan Zimmermann - 2018 - In Christian Krijnen & Stephan Zimmermann (eds.), Sozialontologie in der Perspektive des Deutschen Idealismus: Ansätze, Rezeptionen, Probleme. De Gruyter. pp. 41-74.
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  25. (1 other version)Animalism.Stephan Blatti - 2006 - In A. C. Grayling, Andrew Pyle & Naomi Goulder (eds.), The Continuum encyclopedia of British philosophy. Bristol: Thoemmes Continuum.
    This entry sketches the theory of personal identity that has come to be known as animalism. Animalism’s hallmark claim is that each of us is identical with a human animal. Moreover, animalists typically claim that we could not exist except as animals, and that the (biological) conditions of our persistence derive from our status as animals. Prominent advocates of this view include Michael Ayers, Eric Olson, Paul Snowdon, Peter van Inwagen, and David Wiggins.
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    Decidability and incompleteness results for first-order temporal logics of linear time.Stephan Merz - 1992 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 2 (2):139-156.
    ABSTRACT The question of axiomatizability of first-order temporal logics is studied w.r.t. different semantics and several restrictions on the language. The validity problem for logics admitting flexible interpretations of the predicate symbols or allowing at least binary predicate symbols is shown to be ?1 1-complete. In contrast, it is decidable for temporal logics with rigid monadic predicate symbols but without function symbols and identity.
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  27. Argument and Analysis: a Selection of Papers Contributed to the Sections of the 4th International Congress of the Society for An.Stephan Hartmann & Luc Bovens (eds.) - 2001
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    Commentary on: “There is no such thing as environmental ethics” (p.A. Vesilind).Stephan L. Chorover - 1996 - Science and Engineering Ethics 2 (3):319-324.
    Vesilind, P.A. There Is No Such Thing As Environmental Ethics.Science and Engineering Ethics 2:307–318.The author is a neuropsychologist with interests in history and polities of science, the social and ethical implications of psychosurgery, mental testing, sociobiology and other aspects of psychotechnology.
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    Annotating the Lord Peter Wimsey Stories.Stephan P. Clarke - 1984 - The Chesterton Review 10 (2):232-232.
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  30. Zur theorie des literarischen Kanons.Stephan Mussil - 2002 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 47 (1):73-94.
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  31. Jenseits von Sein und Zeit.Stephan Strasser - 1979 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 33 (3):464-468.
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    Wittgenstein: on human nature.Peter Michael Stephan Hacker - 1998 - London: Phoenix.
    This essential introduction to the philosopher and his thought, combines passages from Wittgenstein with detailed interpretation. Hacker leads us into a world of philosophical investigation in which "to smell a rat is ever so much easier than to trap it". Wittgenstein defined humans as language-using creatures. The role of philosophy is to ask questions which reveal the limits and nature of language. Taking the expression, description and observation of pain as examples, Hacker explores the ingenuity with which Wittgenstein identified the (...)
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    Enactive Emotion and Impaired Agency in Depression.A. Stephan - 2013 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 20 (7-8):7-8.
    We propose an action-oriented understanding of emotion. Emotions are modifications of a basic form of goal-oriented striving characteristic of human life. They are appetitive orientations: pursuits of the good, avoidances of the bad. Thus, emotions are not truly distinct from, let alone opposed to, actions -- as erroneously suggested by the classical understanding of emotions as 'passions'. In the present paper, we will outline and defend this broadly enactive approach and motivate its main claims. Our proposal gains plausibility from a (...)
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  34. Mou zongsan, Hegel, and Kant: The Quest for confucian modernity.Stephan Schmidt - 2011 - Philosophy East and West 61 (2):260-302.
    Many historians of philosophy, with all their intended praise, let the philosophers speak mere nonsense. They do not guess the purpose of the philosophers.… They cannot see beyond what the philosophers actually said, to what they really meant to say.Mou Zongsan (1909–1995) is one of the key figures of contemporary New Confucianism (當代新儒家) who to this day remains largely unknown and grossly understudied in the West.1 This neglect by the Western academy contrasts sharply with the ever-growing output of literature by (...)
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    Analyzing Theories in the Frame Model.Stephan Kornmesser & Gerhard Schurz - 2020 - Erkenntnis 85 (6):1313-1346.
    The frame model was developed in cognitive psychology and imported into the philosophy of science in order to provide representations of scientific concepts and conceptual taxonomies. The aim of this article is to show that beside the representation of scientific concepts the frame model is an efficient instrument to represent and analyze scientific theories. That is, we aim to establish the frame model as a representation tool for the structure of theories within the philosophy of science. For this, we will (...)
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  36. Punishment and Proportionality: The Estoppel Approach.Stephan Kinsella - 1996 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 12 (1):51-73.
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  37. La pesanteur et lu gr'ce.Simone Weil & Gustave Thibon - 1950 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 140:388-389.
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    The experience of freedom in decisions – Questioning philosophical beliefs in favor of psychological determinants.Stephan Lau, Anette Hiemisch & Roy F. Baumeister - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 33 (C):30-46.
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    Subjective Experience, Heterophenomenology, or Neuroimaging? A Perspective on the Meaning and Application of Mental Disorder Terms, in Particular Major Depressive Disorder.Stephan Schleim - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Logic and Conceptual Change.Stephan Körner - 1973 - In Glenn Pearce & Patrick Maynard (eds.), Conceptual change. Boston,: D. Reidel. pp. 123--136.
  41. Death's Distinctive Harm.Stephan Blatti - 2012 - American Philosophical Quarterly 49 (4):317-30.
    Despite widespread support for the claim that death can harm the one who dies, debate continues over how to rescue this harm thesis (HT) from Epicurus’s challenge. Disagreements focus on two of the three issues that any defense of HT must resolve: the subject of death’s harm and the timing of its injury. About the nature of death’s harm, however, a consensus has emerged around the view that death harms a subject (when it does) by depriving her of the goods (...)
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    The Philosophy of Mathematics: An Introduction.Stephan Körner - 1962 - Harper & Row.
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    Fostering Children’s Connection to Nature Through Authentic Situations: The Case of Saving Salamanders at School.Stephan Barthel, Sophie Belton, Christopher M. Raymond & Matteo Giusti - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:302887.
    The aim of this paper is to explore how children learn to form new relationships with nature. It draws on a longitudinal case study of children participating in a stewardship project involving the conservation of salamanders during the school day in Stockholm, Sweden. The qualitative method includes two waves of data collection: when a group of 10-year-old children participated in the project (2015) and two years after they participated (2017). We conducted 49 interviews with children as well as using participant (...)
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    Experiencing social connection: A qualitative study of mothers of nonspeaking autistic children.Vikram Jaswal, Janette Dinishak, Christine Stephan & Nameera Akhtar - 2020 - PLoS ONE 11 (15):online.
    Autistic children do not consistently show conventional signs of social engagement, which some have interpreted to mean that they are not interested in connecting with other people. If someone does not act like they are interested in connecting with you, it may make it difficult to feel connected to them. And yet, some parents report feeling strongly connected to their autistic children. We conducted phenomenological interviews with 13 mothers to understand how they experienced connection with their 5- to 14-year-old nonspeaking (...)
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    Communication and cooperation in living beings and artificial agents.Achim Stephan, Manuela Lenzen, Josep Call & Matthias Uhl - 2008 - In Ipke Wachsmuth, Manuela Lenzen & Günther Knoblich (eds.), Embodied Communication in Humans and Machines. Oxford University Press.
  46. Lectures on Philosophy.Simone Weil & Hugh Price - 1980 - Philosophy 55 (211):133-135.
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  47. A Philosophical History of the Concept.Stephan Schmid & Hamid Taieb (eds.) - forthcoming - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  48. Deep Brain Stimulation and Mental Disorders: What If the Latter Aren’t Things in the Brain at All?Stephan Schleim - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 16 (1):12-14.
    At the beginning of the century, there was still debate as to whether neuroethics should be a separate discipline or part of bioethics or medical ethics. One argument in favor of the independence o...
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    ‘I Obey the Rule Blindly’. Wittgenstein’s Contribution to the Ontological Conceptualization of the Social.Stephan Zimmermann - 2023 - In Jenny Pelletier & Christian Rode (eds.), The Reality of the Social World: Medieval, Early Modern, and Contemporary Perspectives on Social Ontology. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 197-217.
    The state of recent as well as older research on social ontology suggests a paradigmatic approach according to which it is our consciousness that must provide the framework for conceptualizing the social in one way or another. I argue, however, that Wittgenstein’s treatment of rule-following opens up a new horizon for the ontology of the social. The fact that the rules of our language are social in nature, and that we need not be aware of them in order to follow (...)
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    Reflexion und freies Spiel: Kants »Schlüssel zur Kritik des Geschmacks«.Stephan Zimmermann - 2014 - Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte 56:31-56.
    As the »key to the critique of taste« in §9 of his Critique of Judgement Kant offers the well-known doctrine of a »free play of the cognitive faculties«. What exactly this play consists in is still much discussed in the literature. Kant describes it as a state of harmony between imagination and understanding, for which the reflecting judgement, which mediates between the two, is responsible. This paper turns against the popular interpretation that considers »free play« as an exceptional state of (...)
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