Results for 'Shilli Theory'

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  1.  16
    An Analysis of Yu Hyeong-won’s Shilli Theory: Is the Emphasis on Shilli a Conversion to ‘Juri’ Thinking? 신혜연 - 2022 - THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN PHILOSOPHY IN KOREA 57:39-68.
    The Neo-Confucian writings of Bangye Yu Hyeong-won, the pioneer of Shilhak, did not remain, and he himself confessed his conversion from a ‘Qi centered view’ to 'Shilli theory', resulting in a variety of interpretations, making the whole aspect of his Neo-Confucian philosophy difficult to figure out. From that time on, as interpreted in his conversion from ‘anti Zhuzi Studies’ to ‘Zhuzi Studies’, he has been recognized as a Juri-theorist with a Li-centered thinking. Nevertheless, many scholars who paid attention (...)
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    Det er i nåtid vi snakker om kommunisering.Théorie Communiste - 2014 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 31 (3-4):245-261.
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    Anthropological Training and the Quest for Immortality.John L. Wengle Theory - 1984 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 12 (3):223-244.
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  4. 14 Howard H. Kendler.General Sr Theory - 1968 - In T. Dixon & Deryck Horton, Verbal Behavior and General Behavior Theory. Prentice-Hall.
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  5. Roger J. Sullivan.Classical Moral Theories - 2001 - In William Sweet, The bases of ethics. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press. pp. 23.
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    Atomic theory and the description of nature.Niels Bohr - 1934 - Woodbridge, Conn.: Ox Bow Press.
    Introductory survey -- Atomic theory and mechanics -- The quantum postulate and the recent development of atomic theory -- The quantum of action and the description of nature -- The atomic theory and the fundamental principles underlying the description of nature.
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    Classification Theory: Proceedings of the U.S.-Israel Workshop on Model Theory in Mathematical Logic Held in Chicago, Dec. 15-19, 1985.J. T. Baldwin & U. Workshop on Model Theory in Mathematical Logic - 1987 - Springer.
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    Prospect Theory: For Risk and Ambiguity.Peter P. Wakker - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    Prospect Theory: For Risk and Ambiguity, provides a comprehensive and accessible textbook treatment of the way decisions are made both when we have the statistical probabilities associated with uncertain future events and when we lack them. The book presents models, primarily prospect theory, that are both tractable and psychologically realistic. A method of presentation is chosen that makes the empirical meaning of each theoretical model completely transparent. Prospect theory has many applications in a wide variety of disciplines. (...)
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  9. A Theory of Sense-Data.Andrew Y. Lee - forthcoming - Analytic Philosophy.
    I develop and defend a sense-datum theory of perception. My theory follows the spirit of classic sense-datum theories: I argue that what it is to have a perceptual experience is to be acquainted with some sense-data, where sense-data are private particulars that have all the properties they appear to have, that are common to both perception and hallucination, that constitute the phenomenal characters of perceptual experiences, and that are analogous to pictures inside one’s head. But my theory (...)
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    Economic Theory and Cognitive Science: Microexplanation.Don Ross - 2007 - Bradford.
    In this study, Don Ross explores the relationship of economics to other branches of behavioral science, asking, in the course of his analysis, under what interpretation economics is a sound empirical science. The book explores the relationships between economic theory and the theoretical foundations of related disciplines that are relevant to the day-to-day work of economics -- the cognitive and behavioral sciences. It asks whether the increasingly sophisticated techniques of microeconomic analysis have revealed any deep empirical regularities -- whether (...)
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  11. Wolfgang Vogt, Moses Mendelssohns Beschreibung der Wirklichkeit menschlichen Erkennens.(Epistemata. Würzburger wissenschaftliche Schriften. Reihe Philosophie 394) Königs-hausen & Neumann 2005. 250 S., E 34, 80. [REVIEW]Theorie Moses Mendelssohns - 1983 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 57 (S 64):166.
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  12. The theory of judgment aggregation: an introductory review.Christian List - 2012 - Synthese 187 (1):179-207.
    This paper provides an introductory review of the theory of judgment aggregation. It introduces the paradoxes of majority voting that originally motivated the field, explains several key results on the impossibility of propositionwise judgment aggregation, presents a pedagogical proof of one of those results, discusses escape routes from the impossibility and relates judgment aggregation to some other salient aggregation problems, such as preference aggregation, abstract aggregation and probability aggregation. The present illustrative rather than exhaustive review is intended to give (...)
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    Decision Theory and Rationality.José Luis Bermúdez - 2009 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Decision Theory and Rationality offers a challenging new interpretation of a key theoretical tool in the human and social sciences. This accessible book argues, contrary to orthodoxy in politics, economics, and management science, that decision theory cannot provide a theory of rationality.
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    Theory of Language: The Representational Function of Language.Karl Bühler - 1990 - John Benjamins.
    Karl Buhler (1879-1963) was one of the leading theoreticians of language of the twentieth century. This is an English translation of Buhler's theory that begins with a survey on 'Buhler's legacy' for modern linguistics (Werner Abraham), followed by the Theory of Language, and finally with a special 'Postscript: Twenty-five Years Later!'.
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  15. (2 other versions)An Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge.Noah Marcelino Lemos - 2007 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Epistemology or the theory of knowledge is one of the cornerstones of analytic philosophy, and this book provides a clear and accessible introduction to the subject. It discusses some of the main theories of justification, including foundationalism, coherentism, reliabilism, and virtue epistemology. Other topics include the Gettier problem, internalism and externalism, skepticism, the problem of epistemic circularity, the problem of the criterion, a priori knowledge, and naturalized epistemology. Intended primarily for students taking a first class in epistemology, this lucid (...)
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    Philoophical Consequences of Quantum Theory.James T. Cushing & Ernan McMullin (eds.) - 1989 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    From the beginning, the implications of quantum theory for our most general understanding of the world have been a matter of intense debate. Einstein argues that the theory had to be regarded as fundamentally incomplete. Its inability, for example, to predict the exact time of decay of a single radioactive atom had to be due to a failure of the theory and not due to a permanent inability on our part or a fundamental indeterminism in nature itself. (...)
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  17. Scientific Theory and Possibility.Sam Baron, Baptiste Le Bihan & James Read - 2025 - Erkenntnis 1:1-17.
    It is plausible that the models of scientific theories correspond to possibilities. But how do we know which models of which scientific theories so correspond? This paper provides a novel proposal for guiding belief about possibilities via scientific theories. The proposal draws on the notion of an effective theory: a theory that applies very well to a particular, restricted domain. We argue that it is the models of effective theories that we should believe correspond, at least in part, (...)
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  18. Gestalt theory: An essay in philosophy.Barry Smith - 1988 - In Foundations of Gestalt Theory. Philosophia. pp. 11-81.
    The Austrian philosopher Christian von Ehrenfels published his essay "On 'Gestalt Qualities'" in 1890. The essay initiated a current of thought which enjoyed a powerful position in the philosophy and psychology of the first half of this century and has more recently enjoyed a minor resurgence of interest in the area of cognitive science, above all in criticisms of the so-called 'strong programme' in artificial intelligence. The theory of Gestalt is of course associated most specifically with psychologists of the (...)
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  19. Factive theory of mind.Jonathan Phillips & Aaron Norby - 2021 - Mind and Language 36 (1):3-26.
    Research on theory of mind has primarily focused on demonstrating and understanding the ability to represent others' non‐factive mental states, for example, others' beliefs in the false‐belief task. This requirement confuses the ability to represent a particular kind of non‐factive content (e.g., a false belief) with the more general capacity to represent others' understanding of the world even when it differs from one's own. We provide a way of correcting this. We first offer a simple and theoretically motivated account (...)
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  20. Ranking Theory and Conditional Reasoning.Niels Skovgaard-Olsen - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (4):848-880.
    Ranking theory is a formal epistemology that has been developed in over 600 pages in Spohn's recent book The Laws of Belief, which aims to provide a normative account of the dynamics of beliefs that presents an alternative to current probabilistic approaches. It has long been received in the AI community, but it has not yet found application in experimental psychology. The purpose of this paper is to derive clear, quantitative predictions by exploiting a parallel between ranking theory (...)
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  21. Theory Choice and Social Choice: Okasha versus Sen.Jacob Stegenga - 2015 - Mind 124 (493):263-277.
    A platitude that took hold with Kuhn is that there can be several equally good ways of balancing theoretical virtues for theory choice. Okasha recently modelled theory choice using technical apparatus from the domain of social choice: famously, Arrow showed that no method of social choice can jointly satisfy four desiderata, and each of the desiderata in social choice has an analogue in theory choice. Okasha suggested that one can avoid the Arrow analogue for theory choice (...)
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    The theory of planned behavior as a model of academic dishonesty in engineering and humanities undergraduates.Trevor S. Harding, Matthew J. Mayhew, Cynthia J. Finelli & Donald D. Carpenter - 2007 - Ethics and Behavior 17 (3):255 – 279.
    This study examines the use of a modified form of the theory of planned behavior in understanding the decisions of undergraduate students in engineering and humanities to engage in cheating. We surveyed 527 randomly selected students from three academic institutions. Results supported the use of the model in predicting ethical decision-making regarding cheating. In particular, the model demonstrated how certain variables (gender, discipline, high school cheating, education level, international student status, participation in Greek organizations or other clubs) and moral (...)
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    A Theory of Argument.Mark Vorobej - 2006 - Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
    A Theory of Argument is an advanced textbook intended for students in philosophy, communications studies and linguistics who have completed at least one course in argumentation theory, information logic, critical thinking or formal logic. Containing nearly 400 exercises, Mark Vorobej develops a novel approach to argument interpretation and evaluation. One of the key themes of the book is that we cannot succeed in distinguishing good argument from bad arguments until we learn to listen carefully to others. Part I (...)
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  24. Ruiping Fan.Moral Theories vsMoral Perspectives: - 2002 - In Julia Lai Po-Wah Tao, Cross-cultural perspectives on the (im) possibility of global bioethics. Boston: Kluwer Academic.
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    Probability Theory and Probability Logic.Peter Roeper & Hugues Leblanc - 1999 - University of Toronto Press.
    As a survey of many technical results in probability theory and probability logic, this monograph by two widely respected scholars offers a valuable compendium of the principal aspects of the formal study of probability. Hugues Leblanc and Peter Roeper explore probability functions appropriate for propositional, quantificational, intuitionistic, and infinitary logic and investigate the connections among probability functions, semantics, and logical consequence. They offer a systematic justification of constraints for various types of probability functions, in particular, an exhaustive account of (...)
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  26. A Theory of Democratic Social Change and the Role of Disempowerment: Reconceptualization of the American Founding Documents .Angelina Inesia-Forde - 2023 - Asian Journal of Basic Science and Research 5 (3):50-72.
    Existing social disparities in the United States are inconsistent with Lincoln’s promise of democracy; therefore, there is a need for a critical conceptualization of the first principles that undergird American democracy and the genesis of democratic social change in America. This study aimed to construct a grounded theory that provides an understanding of the process of American democratic social change. The result was the construction of two frameworks: the demoralization process that triggers social change, and a formal grounded (...) that could explain democratic social change endeavors across different domains and levels of analysis. This democratic social change grounded theory answers the research question: How do the principles of the American founding documents provide an understanding of the process of American democratic social change? (shrink)
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  27. Value Theory.Francesco Orsi - 2015 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    What is it for a car, a piece of art or a person to be good, bad or better than another? In this first book-length introduction to value theory, Francesco Orsi explores the nature of evaluative concepts used in everyday thinking and speech and in contemporary philosophical discourse. The various dimensions, structures and connections that value concepts express are interrogated with clarity and incision. -/- Orsi provides a systematic survey of both classic texts including Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Moore and (...)
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  28.  24
    Theory Choice as Niche Construction: The Feedback Loop between Scientific Theories and Epistemic Values.Matteo De Benedetto & Michele Luchetti - 2024 - Philosophy of Science 91 (3):741-758.
    We focus on a neglected aspect of scientific theory choice: how the selection of theories affects epistemic values. Building on Kuhn, we provide a general characterization of the feedback-loop dynamic between theories and values in theory choice as analogous to the relationship between organisms and the environment in niche construction. We argue that understanding theory choice as niche construction can explain how certain values acquire more weight and a specific application over time, and how resistance to scientific (...)
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  29.  17
    Quantum Theory and Free Will: How Mental Intentions Translate into Bodily Actions.Henry P. Stapp - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book explains, in simple but accurate terms, how orthodox quantum mechanics works. The author, a distinguished theoretical physicist, shows how this theory, realistically interpreted, assigns an important role to our conscious free choices. Stapp claims that mainstream biology and neuroscience, despite nearly a century of quantum physics, still stick essentially to failed classical precepts in which mental intentions have no effect upon our bodily actions. He shows how quantum mechanics provides a rational basis for a better understanding of (...)
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  30.  9
    Critical Theory and Radical Psychoanalysis: Rethinking the Marcuse-Fromm Debate.Michael J. Thompson - forthcoming - Theory, Culture and Society.
    I explore the ways that the debate between Herbert Marcuse and Erich Fromm relates to the possibility of informing both a critical psychoanalysis as well as how psychoanalysis can fit into critical social theory. I argue that Fromm’s emphasis on the social nature of the mind and the self is a more attractive template that Marcuse’s more anachronistic reading of Freud and his metapsychology. Fromm grants centrality to the issue of praxis as central to the nature of critique, both (...)
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  31. Theory-laden experimentation.Samuel Schindler - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 44 (1):89-101.
    The thesis of theory-ladenness of observations, in its various guises, is widely considered as either ill-conceived or harmless to the rationality of science. The latter view rests partly on the work of the proponents of New Experimentalism who have argued, among other things, that experimental practices are efficient in guarding against any epistemological threat posed by theory-ladenness. In this paper I show that one can generate a thesis of theory-ladenness for experimental practices from an influential New Experimentalist (...)
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  32. Theory of mind and the unobservability of other minds.Vivian Bohl & Nivedita Gangopadhyay - 2014 - Philosophical Explorations 17 (2):203-222.
    The theory of mind (ToM) framework has been criticised by emerging alternative accounts. Each alternative begins with the accusation that ToM's validity as a research paradigm rests on the assumption of the ‘unobservability’ of other minds. We argue that the critics' discussion of the unobservability assumption (UA) targets a straw man. We discuss metaphysical, phenomenological, epistemological, and psychological readings of UA and demonstrate that it is not the case that ToM assumes the metaphysical, phenomenological, or epistemological claims. However, ToM (...)
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    Toward a computational theory of social groups: A finite set of cognitive primitives for representing any and all social groups in the context of conflict.David Pietraszewski - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e97.
    We don't yet have adequate theories of what the human mind is representing when it represents a social group. Worse still, many people think we do. This mistaken belief is a consequence of the state of play: Until now, researchers have relied on their own intuitions to link up the conceptsocial groupon the one hand and the results of particular studies or models on the other. While necessary, this reliance on intuition has been purchased at a considerable cost. When looked (...)
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  34. The Theory of Logical Types.Irving Marmer Copi - 1971 - London: Routledge.
    This reissue, first published in 1971, provides a brief historical account of the Theory of Logical Types; and describes the problems that gave rise to it, its various different formulations, the difficulties connected with each, and the criticisms that have been directed against it. Professor Copi seeks to make the subject accessible to the non-specialist and yet provide a sufficiently rigorous exposition for the serious student to see exactly what the theory is and how it works.
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    Category theory in consciousness science: going beyond the correlational project.Robert Prentner - 2024 - Synthese 204 (2):1-20.
    We discuss the potential of applying category theory to the study of consciousness. We first review a recent proposal from the neurosciences of consciousness to illustrate the “correlational project”, using the integrated information theory of consciousness as an example. We then discuss some technical preliminaries related to categories and in particular to the notion of a functor, which carries the bulk of conceptual weight in many current discussions. We then look at possible payoffs of this project—getting to grips (...)
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  36.  21
    A Theory of Discrimination Law.Tarunabh Khaitan - 2014 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This book provides a general theory of discrimination law as practised in liberal democratic jurisdictions. Rejecting accounts that place the value of equality at the heart of the law, it argues that discrimination law protects individual autonomy. Applying the theory, the book tackles the central legal problems in applying discrimination laws.
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  37.  52
    Number Theory and Infinity Without Mathematics.Uri Nodelman & Edward N. Zalta - 2024 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 53 (5):1161-1197.
    We address the following questions in this paper: (1) Which set or number existence axioms are needed to prove the theorems of ‘ordinary’ mathematics? (2) How should Frege’s theory of numbers be adapted so that it works in a modal setting, so that the fact that equivalence classes of equinumerous properties vary from world to world won’t give rise to different numbers at different worlds? (3) Can one reconstruct Frege’s theory of numbers in a non-modal setting without mathematical (...)
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  38. Spinoza's theory of knowledge.George Henry Radcliffe Parkinson - 1954 - Brookfield, Vt.: Distributed in the United States by Ashgate.
    Professor Parkinson's book on Spinoza's theory of knowledge makes a serious attempt to consider this theme in isolation. The author argues that an understanding of this particular theory is a prerequisite to any understanding of Spinoza's theory of ethics or his metaphysical views. The text also discusses Spinoza's interests, especially the influence of science on the development of his thought, and ultimately provides a critical account of the philosopher's methodology, theory of truth, and theory of (...)
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    Economic Theory in Retrospect.Mark Blaug - 1997 - Cambridge University Press.
    This is a history of economic thought from Adam Smith to John Maynard Keynes - but it is a history with a difference. Firstly, it is a history of economic theory, not of economic doctrines, that is, it is consistently focused on theoretical analysis, undiluted by entertaining historical digressions or biological colouring. Secondly, it includes detailed Reader's Guides to nine of the major texts of economics, namely the works of Smith, Ricardo, Mill, Marx, Marshall, Wickstead, Wicksell, Walras and Keynes, (...)
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  40. Decision theory presupposes free will.Christian List - manuscript
    This paper argues that decision theory presupposes free will. Although decision theorists seldom acknowledge this, the way decision theory represents, explains, or rationalizes choice behaviour acquires its intended interpretation only under the assumption that decision-makers are agents capable of making free choices between alternative possibilities. Without that assumption, both normative and descriptive decision theory, including the revealed-preference paradigm, would have to be reinterpreted in implausible ways. The hypothesis that decision-makers have free will is therefore explanatorily indispensable for (...)
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  41. The Theory of Externalities, Public Goods, and Club Goods.Richard Cornes & Todd Sandler - 1996 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book presents a theoretical treatment of externalities, public goods, and club goods. The new edition updates and expands the discussion of externalities and their implications, coverage of asymmetric information, underlying game-theoretic formulations, and intuitive and graphical presentations. Aimed at well-prepared undergraduates and graduate students making a serious foray into this branch of economics, the analysis should also interest professional economists wishing to survey recent advances in the field. No other single source for the range of materials explored is currently (...)
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  42. Quantum Theory from Probability Conservation.Mehran Shaghaghi - manuscript
    The standard formalism of quantum theory is derived by analyzing the behavior of single-variable physical systems. These systems, which have a minimal information capacity of only one piece of information, exhibit indeterministic behavior under independent measurements but can be described probabilistically for dependent measurements. By enforcing the principle of probability conservation in the transformations of outcome probabilities across various measurement scenarios, we derive the core components of standard quantum theory, including the Born rule, the Hilbert space structure, and (...)
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  43. European academy of legal theory.Académie Européenne, Europese Akademie, du Droit de Théorie & Voor Rechstheorie - 1999 - Ratio Juris 12 (1):122-130.
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    Technology Theory and Deliberative Democracy.Patrick W. Hamlett - 2003 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 28 (1):112-140.
    This article examines the debate about the normative relevance of social constructivism, arguing that the criticisms of Winner, Radder, and others are fundamentally accurate. The article argues that a combination of Radder's notion of nonlocal values and Martin's concern for deliberative interventions may offer a theoretical exit from the normative irrelevance that marks constructivism. The article goes on to suggest that theoretical and praxeological developments in two other literatures, participatory public policy analysis and deliberative democracy, may provide fruitful initiatives for (...)
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    A Theory of Case-Based Decisions.Itzhak Gilboa & David Schmeidler - 2001 - Cambridge University Press.
    Gilboa and Schmeidler provide a paradigm for modelling decision making under uncertainty. Unlike the classical theory of expected utility maximization, case-based decision theory does not assume that decision makers know the possible 'states of the world' or the outcomes, let alone the decision matrix attaching outcomes to act-state pairs. Case-based decision theory suggests that people make decisions by analogies to past cases: they tend to choose acts that performed well in the past in similar situations, and to (...)
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    Facet theory and the mapping sentence: evolving philosophy, use and application.Paul Hackett - 2014 - New York, NY: Palgrave Pivot.
    How do we think about the worlds we live in? The formation of categories of events and objects seems to be a fundamental orientation procedure. Facet theory and its main tool, the mapping sentence, deal with categories of behavior and experience, their interrelationship, and their unification as our worldviews. In this book Hackett reviews philosophical writing along with neuroscientific research and information form other disciplines to provide a context for facet theory and the qualitative developments in this approach. (...)
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    Varieties of Cognition-Arousal Theory.Rainer Reisenzein - 2017 - Emotion Review 9 (1):17-26.
    Three main versions of cognition-arousal theory are distinguished depending on how they interpret the theory’s basic postulate, that an emotion is a function of cognition and arousal: objectivist causal theories, attributional theories, and fusion theories. The objectivist causal and attributional theories each comprise a causal-functional and a part-whole version, and the fusion theory subsumes in particular a categorization and a perceptual integration version. In addition, the attributional version of cognition-arousal theory can be reinterpreted as a (...) of emotion self-ascription. Although arousal may in fact not be necessary for emotions, a modified cognition-feeling theory that replaces arousal with intrinsically affective feelings, seems still viable. Arguments are presented why the objectivist causal-functional version of this theory should be preferred. (shrink)
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  48. Agency Theory, Reasoning and Culture at Enron: In Search of a Solution.Brian W. Kulik - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 59 (4):347-360.
    Applying evidence from recently available public information on Enron, I defined Enron’s culture as one rooted in agency theory by asserting that Enron’s members were predominantly agency-reasoning individuals. I then identified conditions present at Enron’s collapse: a strong agency culture with collectively non-compliant norms, a munificent rare-failure environment, and new hires with little business ethics training. Turning to four possible antidotes (selection, objectivist integrity, integrity capacity, and stewardship reasoning) to an agency culture under these conditions, I argued that the (...)
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    The theory theory of metalinguistic disputes.Erich Rast - 2022 - Mind and Language 37 (4):586-604.
    According to the theory theory of metalinguistic disputes, disagreements in metalinguistic disputes are based on diverging underlying theories, opinions, or world views. An adequate description of metalinguistic disagreement needs to consider the compatibility and topics of such theories. Although topic continuity can be spelled out in terms of measurement operations, it is argued that even metalinguistic disputes about a term used in different, mutually compatible theories can be substantive because the dispute is indirectly about the virtues of the (...)
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    HISTORICAL THEORY OF REFERENCE AND THE CRITERIA OF IDENTITY: The Clash of Kripke's and Linnebo's Theories of Reference.Tolgahan Toy - 2024 - Manuscrito 47 (2):2024-0011.
    In his development of an ontology for mathematics in line with Fregean abstractionism, Øystein Linnebo proposes criteria of identity as a mechanism for reference. This proposed mechanism appears to conflict with Saul Kripke's historical theory of names. However, Linnebo, distinguishing between semantic and metasemantic domains, asserts that no real conflict exists; while Kripke's theory is semantic, his is metasemantic. This paper posits a counter-argument, contending that Linnebo's account, contrary to his claim, indeed conflicts with Kripke's historical theory (...)
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