Results for 'Shanna Davis'

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  1.  38
    Does legally mandated consent to psychotherapy ensure ethical appropriateness?: The colorado experience.Mitchell M. Handelsman, Amos Martinez, Sarah Geisendorfer, Leslie Jordan, Laura Wagner, Pamela Daniel & Shanna Davis - 1995 - Ethics and Behavior 5 (2):119 – 129.
    We analyzed a sample of 356 forms containing information that Colorado law legally requires both licensed and unlicensed therapists to disclose to clients. The majority of forms contained the legally mandated information; fewer forms contained ethically desirable information. The average readability grade level was 15.74, corresponding to upper-level college, and 63.9% of the forms reached the highest (most difficult) readability grade of 17 +. Therapists are obeying the law, but do not appear to be taking advantage of the opportunity to (...)
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  2. United States District Court Eastern District of Michigan Southern Division.Jennifer Gratz - unknown
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  3. Computability & unsolvability.Martin Davis - 1958 - New York: Dover Publications.
    Classic text considersgeneral theory of computability, computable functions, operations on computable functions, Turing machines self-applied, unsolvable decision problems, applications of general theory, mathematical logic, Kleene hierarchy, computable functionals, classification of unsolvable decision problems and more.
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  4. The Undecidable: Basic Papers on Undecidable Propositions, Unsolvable Problems and Computable Functions.Martin Davis (ed.) - 1965 - Hewlett, NY, USA: Dover Publication.
    "A valuable collection both for original source material as well as historical formulations of current problems."-- The Review of Metaphysics "Much more than a mere collection of papers . . . a valuable addition to the literature."-- Mathematics of Computation An anthology of fundamental papers on undecidability and unsolvability by major figures in the field, this classic reference opens with Godel's landmark 1931 paper demonstrating that systems of logic cannot admit proofs of all true assertions of arithmetic. Subsequent papers by (...)
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    Numerical competence in animals: Definitional issues, current evidence, and a new research agenda.Hank Davis & Rachelle Pérusse - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (4):561-579.
  6.  53
    Representing and Intervening: Introductory Topics in the Philosophy of Natural Science.Davis Baird - 1988 - Noûs 22 (2):299-307.
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  7. The least harm principle may require that humans consume a diet containing large herbivores, not a vegan diet.Steven L. Davis - 2003 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 16 (4):387-394.
    Based on his theory of animalrights, Regan concludes that humans are morallyobligated to consume a vegetarian or vegandiet. When it was pointed out to him that evena vegan diet results in the loss of manyanimals of the field, he said that while thatmay be true, we are still obligated to consumea vegetarian/vegan diet because in total itwould cause the least harm to animals (LeastHarm Principle, or LHP) as compared to currentagriculture. But is that conclusion valid? Isit possible that some other (...)
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  8. Developing Attention and Decreasing Affective Bias: Towards a Cross-Cultural Cognitive Science of Mindfulness.Jake H. Davis & Evan Thompson - 2015 - In Kirk W. Brown John D. Creswell and Richard M. Ryan, Handbook of Mindfulness: Theory and Research,. Guilford Press.
  9. Implicature.Wayne Davis - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  10. That's interesting!: Towards a phenomenology of sociology and a sociology of phenomenology.Murray S. Davis - 1971 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 1 (2):309-344.
  11. A causal theory of intending.Wayne A. Davis - 1984 - American Philosophical Quarterly 21 (1):43-54.
    My goal is to define intending. I defend the view that believing and desiring something are necessary for intending it. They are not sufficient, however, for some things we both expect and want (e.g., the sun to rise tomorrow) are unintendable. Restricting the objects of intention to our own future actions is unwarranted and unhelpful. Rather, the belief involved in intending must be based on the desire in a certain way. En route, I argue that expected but unwanted consequences are (...)
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  12. Functionalism and absent qualia.Lawrence H. Davis - 1982 - Philosophical Studies 41 (March):231-49.
  13. Thinking like an engineer: The place of a code of ethics in the practice of a profession.Michael Davis - 1991 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 20 (2):150-167.
  14. A theory of happiness.Wayne A. Davis - 1981 - American Philosophical Quarterly 18 (2):111-20.
  15. (1 other version)Meaning, Expression, and Thought.Wayne A. Davis - 2005 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 71 (3):744-747.
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  16.  86
    Abortion and Infanticide.Nancy Davis - 1985 - Philosophical Review 94 (3):436.
  17.  38
    Probabilistic Causality.Wayne A. Davis & Ellery Eells - 1993 - Philosophical Review 102 (3):410.
  18. Abortion and self-defense.Nancy Davis - 1984 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 13 (3):175-207.
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  19.  37
    What are W and M awarenesses of?Lawrence H. Davis - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (2):318-319.
  20.  81
    Self-consciousness in chimps and pigeons.Lawrence H. Davis - 1989 - Philosophical Psychology 2 (3):249-59.
    Chimpanzee behaviour with mirrors makes it plausible that they can recognise themselves as themselves in mirrors, and so have a 'self-concept'. I defend this claim, and argue that roughly similar behaviour in pigeons, as reported, does not in fact make it equally plausible that they also have this mental capacity. But for all that it is genuine, chimpanzee self-consciousness may differ significantly from ours. I describe one possibility I believe consistent with the data, even if not very plausible: that the (...)
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  21.  35
    Intentions, awareness, and awareness thereof.Lawrence H. Davis - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (4):566-567.
  22. (1 other version)The two senses of desire.Wayne A. Davis - 1984 - Philosophical Studies 45 (2):181-195.
    It has often been said that 'desire' is ambiguous. I do not believe the case for this has been made thoroughly enough, however. The claim typically occurs in the course of defending controversial philosophical theses, such as that intention entails desire, where it tends to look ad hoc. There is need, therefore, for a thorough and single-minded exploration of the ambiguity. I believe the results will be more profound than might be suspected.
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  23.  33
    Failure to transfer or train a numerical discrimination using sequential visual stimuli in rats.Hank Davis & Melody Albert - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (6):472-474.
  24.  79
    Disembodied brains.Lawrence H. Davis - 1974 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 52 (2):121-132.
  25.  27
    Simultaneous numerical discriminations by rats.Hank Davis & Sheree Anne Bradford - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (2):113-116.
  26. 'The Scope for Wisdom’: Early Buddhism on Reasons and Persons.Jake H. Davis - 2017 - In Shyam Ranganathan, The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Indian Ethics. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
  27. Conflict of interest in the professions.Michael Davis & Andrew Stark (eds.) - 2001 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Conflicts of interest pose special problems for the professions. Even the appearance of a conflict of interest can undermine essential trust between professional and public. This volume is a comprehensive and accessible guide to the ramifications and problems associated with important issue. It contains fifteen new essays by noted scholars and covers topics in law, medicine, journalism, engineering, financial services, and others.
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    The Elgar companion to economics and philosophy.John Bryan Davis & Alain Marciano (eds.) - 2004 - Northhampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
    Read this excellent collection of informative papers in the field to stimulate your ow the field and readers interested in the nature of the discipline of ...
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  29. Reasons and psychological causes.Wayne A. Davis - 2005 - Philosophical Studies 122 (1):51 - 101.
    The causal theory of reasons holds that acting for a reason entails that the agents action was caused by his or her beliefs and desires. While Donald Davidson (1963) and others effectively silenced the first objections to the theory, a new round has emerged. The most important recent attack is presented by Jonathan Dancy in Practical Reality (2000) and subsequent work. This paper will defend the causal theory against Dancy and others, including Schueler (1995), Stoutland (1999, 2001), and Ginet (2002).Dancy (...)
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  30. Knowledge claims and context: belief.Wayne A. Davis - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (2):399-432.
    The use of ‘S knows p’ varies from context to context. The contextualist theories of Cohen, Lewis, and DeRose explain this variation in terms of semantic hypotheses: ‘S knows p’ is indexical in meaning, referring to features of the ascriber’s context like salience, interests, and stakes. The linguistic evidence against contextualism is extensive. I maintain that the contextual variation of knowledge claims results from pragmatic factors. One is variable strictness (Davis, Philos Stud, 132(3):395–438, 2007). In addition to its strict (...)
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  31.  78
    The credentials of brain-based learning.Andrew Davis - 2004 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 38 (1):21–36.
    This paper discusses the current fashion for brain-based learning, in which value-laden claims about learning are grounded in neurophysiology. It argues that brain science cannot have the ‘authority’ about learning that some seek to give it. It goes on to discuss whether the claim that brain science is relevant to learning involves a category mistake. The heart of the paper tries to show how the contribution of brain science to our grasp of the nature of learning is limited in principle. (...)
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  32. How to make the punishment fit the crime.Michael Davis - 1982 - Ethics 93 (4):726-752.
  33. Indicative and subjunctive conditionals.Wayne A. Davis - 1979 - Philosophical Review 88 (4):544-564.
    The idea that english has more than one declarative "mood" has been dismissed as superstitious by empirically-minded grammarians of english for centuries--with such spectacular unsuccess, however, that the indicative/subjunctive dichotomy stands today as a cornerstone for philosophical and logical speculation about "conditionals." let me be next into the breach. i shall urge that there is no grammatical basis for any such distinction. and as for the particular adjudications of mood logicians and philosophers actually propose, there is neither rhyme nor reason (...)
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  34. Is mathematical insight algorithmic?Martin Davis - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (4):659-660.
  35. (3 other versions)Implicature: Intention, Convention, and Principle in the Failure of Gricean Theory.Wayne A. Davis - 2000 - Mind 109 (435):573-579.
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  36. Pleasure and happiness.Wayne Davis - 1981 - Philosophical Studies 39 (3):305 - 317.
  37. Speaker meaning.Wayne Davis - 1992 - Linguistics and Philosophy 15 (3):223 - 253.
  38.  41
    An alternate formulation of Kripke's theory of truth.Lawrence Davis - 1979 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 8 (1):289 - 296.
  39. Expression of emotion.Wayne A. Davis - 1988 - American Philosophical Quarterly 25 (4):279-291.
  40.  26
    Reinforcement of leverholding by avoidance of shock.Hank Davis & Jo-Ann Burton - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 8 (1):61-64.
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  41.  34
    Transcranial stimulation of the developing brain: a plea for extreme caution.Nick J. Davis - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  42. Imaginary Cases in Ethics.Michael Davis - 2012 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 26 (1):1-17.
    By “case,” I mean a proxy for some state of affairs, event, sequence of events, or other fact. A case may be as short as a phrase (“a promise to your dying grandfather”) or (in principle, at least) longer than War and Peace. A case may consist of words (as in the typical philosophical example) or have a more dramatic form, such as a movie, stage performance, or computer simulation. Imaginary cases plainly have an important role in contemporary ethics, especially (...)
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    A causal theory of enjoyment.Wayne A. Davis - 1982 - Mind 91 (April):240-256.
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  44.  88
    On apologies.Paul Davis - 2002 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 19 (2):169–173.
    There is a morally questionable laxity in our practices of apologising. A genuine apology involves substantially more than regret about offence caused by one’s behaviour. I argue that it is in fact possible to unpack a normative paradigm (or essence) underlying the practice of apologising. This essence involves doxastic, affective, and dispositional elements, related at the moral phenomenological level. The Consummate apologiser believes that he has transgressed because of identifiable moral saliences of his conduct, feels reproachful towards himself as a (...)
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  45.  46
    Introduction.Dena S. Davis & Suzanne Holland - 2001 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 11 (3):219-220.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 11.3 (2001) 219-220 [Access article in PDF] Introduction In the last couple of decades,commodification has become almost a buzz-word in bioethics. As we become technically more adept at detaching elements of human bodies and making use of them for others, it seems as if more and more things-from motherhood to gametes to kidneys to our very DNA-can be borrowed, rented, bought, and sold. Other (...)
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  46. Individuation of actions.Lawrence H. Davis - 1970 - Journal of Philosophy 67 (15):520-530.
  47. Indexicals and 'de se'attitudes.Wayne Davis - 2013 - In Neil Feit & Alessandro Capone, Attitudes De Se: Linguistics, Epistemology, Metaphysics. CSLI Publications. pp. 29--58.
  48. Embodied practices: feminist perspectives on the body.Kathy Davis (ed.) - 1997 - Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
    This book focuses on the significance of the body in contemporary feminist scholarship. Whether the body is treated as biological bedrock or subversive metaphor, it is implicated in the cultural and historical construction of sexual difference as well as asymmetrical power relations. The contributors to this volume examine the role of the body as socially shaped and historically colonized territory and as the focus of individual womenÆs struggles for autonomy and self-determination. They also analyze its centrality to the feminist critique (...)
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  49. How subtle is Gödel's theorem? More on Roger Penrose.Martin Davis - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (3):611-612.
  50. Precedent autonomy and subsequent consent.John K. Davis - 2004 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 7 (3):267-291.
    Honoring a living will typically involves treating an incompetent patient in accord with preferences she once had, but whose objects she can no longer understand. How do we respect her precedent autonomy by giving her what she used to want? There is a similar problem with subsequent consent: How can we justify interfering with someone''s autonomy on the grounds that she will later consent to the interference, if she refuses now?Both problems arise on the assumption that, to respect someone''s autonomy, (...)
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