Results for 'Serbo-Croatian'

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  1.  31
    Supervenience (in Serbo-Croatian).Boran Bercic - 1988 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 25:507-519.
    The concept of supervenience is highly important in the philosophy of psychology as a tool to elucidate the relationship between mind and body. it is a widely accepted view that mental properties (states, events) are supervenient over the physical; there is no mental difference without a physical difference. the aim of this paper is to explain what supervenience is, its significance and application in various fields of philosophy, to examine several definitions of supervenience, and finally, to define its four basic (...)
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    Understanding Temporal Expressions (in Serbo-Croatian).Nenad Miscevic - 1985 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 12:19-32.
    The features of temporal discourse are investigated through an analysis of temporal indexicals ("now," "then") and their analogues (tenses). temporal indexicals offer an interesting view on the behavior of indexicals in general. they form a system, which is characterized not only by considerable complexity in the mechanisms of reference, but also by an intricate web of relations between "temporal perspectives" commonly associated with their use. it is argued that the complexity of perspectival relations is, nevertheless, coped with successfully in communication, (...)
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    Plural Conjuncts and Syncretism Facilitate Gender Agreement in Serbo-Croatian:Experimental Evidence.Ivana Mitić & Boban Arsenijević - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:437618.
    The literature on agreement in South Slavic generalizes that conjunct agreement in gender is only possible when all conjuncts are plural (e.g., Bošković, 2009 ). Marušič et al. (2015) and Arsenijević and Mitić (2016a, b ) attest a significant level of patterns contradicting this claim in elicited production experiments. They weaken the earlier generalization to a facilitating role of plural number for conjunct agreement in gender. However, the stimuli in the two respective experiments involve syncretism between the members of conjunction. (...)
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    Surviving Turkish Elements in Serbo-Croatian.John Dyneley Prince - 1931 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 51 (3):241-261.
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    Understanding the Living? (in Serbo-Croatian).Jens Peter Brune - 2003 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 91:1039-1057.
    In der Rekonstruktion zentraler Gedanken beschranke ich mich auf die Philosophie des Organischen. Zunachst fuhre ich in Jonas' Stufenfolge des organischen Lebens und die "hochste" Stufe--d.i. seine Bestimmung des Menschen--ein und erganze diese Bestimmung; sodann rekapituliere ich seine Lesart der Stufen des Organischen uber die Stufe des einfachen Organismus bis zum hochentwickelten Tier unter Einbeziehung von moglichen naturwissenschaftlichen Einwanden. Endlich erortere ich Jonas' phanomenologisches Verstehen der Evolution "vom Hochsten aus" und konfrontiere es mit einer evolutionstheoretischen "Erklarung von unten" am Beispiel (...)
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    The Madness of Philosophy: On Enthusiasm and Irony in Plato (in Serbo-Croatian).Andrina Tonkli-Komel - 2003 - Prolegomena 2 (2):167-180.
    Plato's definition of philosophy as a mania (in Phaedrus) in the first place distances philosophy from prudence of the so-called common sense and places it between the enthusiastic madness of poets and clairvoyants on the one hand, and ironic concealment on the other, which in this very madness prove to be parts of the same question: How can that which is unhidden be revealed in the hidden? Erotic enthusiasm of philosophy is a special sort of madness. It is the paradoxical (...)
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  7.  17
    State and Self-Consciousness (in Serbo-Croatian).Wolfgang Wieland - 1990 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 37:935-946.
    Mit der Einsicht in die Bezogenheit der Frage nach der Wahrheit uber die Wirklichkeit auf die Frage nach dem Masstab des richtigen Handelns tritt die antike Philosophie in ihre klassische Peride ein. Die das richtige Handeln betreffende Frage impliziert ein weiteres Problem, namlich in welcher Weise sich der denkende und haldende Mensch auf sich selbst zuruckbeziehen kann. Denn derartige Fragen erschopen sich nicht darin, bestimmte Gegenstande zu intendieren. Sie beziehen sich immer auf den Fragenden zuruck. Fur das Handeln selbst ist (...)
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  8.  17
    For the Renaissance of Marxism (in Serbo-Croatian).Cvetka Toth - 1987 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 22:771-784.
    Der ungarische philosoph gyorgy lukacs war zu beginn dieses jahrhunderts mit seinem prozess der aneignung des marxismus wegbereitrter in eine der bedeutendsten und produktivsten perioden der renaissance des marxismus. aus seinem marxistischen lebenswerk tritt auch sein versuch der vermittlung von einheit der theorie und praxis im marxistischen denken klar zutage. der artikel weist nachdrucklich auf diese dimension seines denkens im kontext seiner vermittlung der klassenbewusstseins. (edited).
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    Philosophy of Law--Its Notion and Problems (in Serbo-Croatian).Vladimir Kubes - 1986 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 19:1083-1093.
    Philosophy of law is philosophy about law. common critical ontology examines the structure of the world which is hierarchical and is composed of four fundamental levels; the anorganic being, the organic being, the psychical being and the spiritual being, where we meet the personal, objective and the objectified spirit. the new critical ontology is science in the strictest sense of the word and consequently goes out from the total experience. critical legal ontology examines the essence of law and states where (...)
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  10.  14
    The Theses on the Identity of Marxism (in Serbo-Croatian).Hotimir Burger - 1987 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 22:877-882.
    In den thesen wird von der identitat des marxismus als von der grundlage seiner kennbarkeit in der gegenwartigen sozialtheorie, philosophie und der sozialen wirklichkeit diskutiert. in gegensatz zu den stellungnahmen in den heutigen diskussionen von der krise des marxismus wird hier ein krisencharakter des marxismus selbst festgestellt, den man schon in werk von marx finden kann der aber erst recht im marxismus erscheint. darunter wird ein nichteindeutiges verhaltnis zwischen einigen theoretischen und praktischen aspekten dieser konzeption verstanden. dieser charakter wird durch (...)
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  11.  31
    Theology of Liberation and Marxism (in Serbo-Croatian).Marko Orsolic - 1990 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 34:57-64.
    In this paper the author discusses some problems concerning the relationship between contemporary tendencies in Marxism and theology of liberation.
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  12.  22
    Middle Way in the Philosophy of Punishment (in Serbo-Croatian).Igor Primorac - 1987 - Filozofska Istrazivanja:261-282.
    The paper is a critical examination of the main attempts at a reconciliation of the two theories of legal punishment: the utilitarian and the retributive. four middle-of-the-road theories of punishment are discussed with hart's theory offering a genuine synthesis of two approaches (negative retribution and positive retribution). (edited).
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  13. Is There Room for a Non-Platonic A Priori Epistemology in the Philosophy of Mathematics? (in Serbo-Croatian).Mirko Jakic - 1992 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 46:739-753.
    Wenn die fuhrende "paradigmatische" Philosophie Voraussetzungen wie die der Spaltung der Wirklichkeit in sich schliesst und wenn diese Philosophie empirisch die absolut leere -- ohne jede Moglichkeit der wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung --ist, so ist auch die Behauptung der Unmoglichkeit des Irrefuhrens und der Uberflussigkeit solcher Philosophie sinnvoll. Wenn aber auch die bedeutendste Kritik dieses paradigmatischen Rahmens eine Schwache zeigt, ist auf das Bedurfnis einer "Verweigerung" zu schliessen. Darum bedarf es einer Redefinition des Begriffs des aprioristischen Wissens. "A priori" bezeichnet in diesem (...)
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  14.  15
    Sliding of the Release-Horizon in Indian Philosophy (in serbo-croatian).Rada Ivekovic - 1987 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 22:997-1004.
    Various theories of liberation and release in Indian philosophies have often been understood as proclaiming a fixed threshold of ultimate freedom,to be attained by some yoga-technique. The author argues that there is no such thing either within Buddhism or within Brahmanism:the goal to be reached for is perpetually shifting, even beyond the unspeakable of the mystic. She compares the teaching about "kośa" to Foucault's understanding (especially in Deleuze's interpretation) of the relationship within-without,inside-outside:the relative subjectivation is but an "inner" pocket of (...)
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  15. Đuro Tošić, Trebinjska oblast u srednjem vijeku [District of Trebinje in the Middle Ages]. In Serbo-Croatian with an English summary.(Monographs, 30.) Belgrade: Historical Institute, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 1998. Paper. Pp. 306; black-and-white figures and facsimiles, tables, maps, and 1 graph. [REVIEW]John V. A. Fine - 2001 - Speculum 76 (2):538-539.
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    The Philosophy of Movies (in Serbo-Croatian). [REVIEW]Rada Iveković - 1986 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 18:933-938.
    L'analyse que Deleuze fait de l'emploi et de la creation du temps dans le cinema--qui a la possibilite de s'eloigner de la chronologie et du montage simples et qui par là favorise le pouvoir createur du simulacre, de la copie--est tout particulierement suggestive. L'artiste est un falsificateur par definition, dit Deleuze, et l'art n'est point une forme mais plutôt une transformation. Tandis que le dedoublement-multiplication du temps ainsi que le pouvoir createur du message evoqués par Deleuze renvoient à l'autre, il (...)
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  17.  59
    Vladeta Vučković. Rekurzivna aritmetika reči i konačni automati . Serbo-Croatian with English summary. Filozofija , vol. 6 no. 4 , pp. 41–66. [REVIEW]Kajetan Seper - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (3):549-550.
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    A. B. Lord and D. E. Bynum: Serbo-Croatian Heroic Songs. Collected by Milman Parry. Vol. III. Avdo Mededović. The Wedding of Smailagić Meho. Pp. xii + 326; 1 plate. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1974. Cloth, £8·75. [REVIEW]J. B. Hainsworth - 1977 - The Classical Review 27 (2):325-325.
  19. Ruža Ćuk, Srbija i Venecija u XIII i XIV veku [Serbia and Venice in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries]. In Serbo-Croatian, with English and Italian summaries.(Historical Institute Monographs, 23.) Belgrade: Prosveta, 1986. Pp. 172; 10 tables. [REVIEW]Bariša Krekić - 1989 - Speculum 64 (3):691-692.
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  20. Filozofija.Danko Grlić - 1963 - Zagreb,: Privreda.
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  21.  6
    Čovjek - Odgoj- Svijet: mala filozofijskoodgojna razložba.Milan Polić - 1997 - Zagreb: Kruzak.
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  22. Leksikon filozofa.Danko Grlić - 1968 - Zagreb,: "Naprijed,".
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  23. Filozofijski rječnik.Vladimir Filipović - 1965 - Zagreb,: Matica hrvatska.
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    Filozofijski rječnik.Vladimir Filipović & Branko Bošnjak (eds.) - 1984 - Zagreb: Nakladni zavod Matice hrvatske.
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  25.  45
    Diversity of Grammars and Their Diverging Evolutionary and Processing Paths: Evidence From Functional MRI Study of Serbian.Ljiljana Progovac, Natalia Rakhlin, William Angell, Ryan Liddane, Lingfei Tang & Noa Ofen - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:326910.
    We address the puzzle of “unity in diversity” in human languages by advocating the (minimal) common denominator for the diverse expressions of transitivity across human languages, consistent with the view that early in language evolution there was a modest beginning for syntax and that this beginning provided the foundation for the further elaboration of syntactic complexity. This study reports the results of a functional MRI experiment investigating differential patterns of brain activation during processing of sentences with minimal versus fuller syntactic (...)
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  26.  25
    General Bibliography of C.G. Jung's Writings.C. G. Jung - 1979 - Routledge.
    This bibliography records the initial publication of each original work by C.G. Jung, each translation, and significant revisions and expansions of both, up to 1975. In nearly every case, the compilers have examined the publications in German, French and English. Translations are recorded in Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, Greek Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish. It is arranged according to language, with German and English first, publications being listed chronologically in (...)
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  27. Grammatical marking of givenness.Ivona Kučerová - 2012 - Natural Language Semantics 20 (1):1-30.
    Schwarzschild (Nat Lang Semant 7:141–177, 1999)’s account of givenness elaborates a notion of complementarity of givenness and focus in an intricate way: while givenness is semantically interpreted, focus is grammatically marked. It has been noticed, however, that under certain circumstances givenness in English is grammatically marked as well. Movement plays a role in this process. This paper provides further evidence for givenness marking. I present a case study of three Slavic languages (Czech, Russian, and Serbo-Croatian) in which givenness (...)
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    Social Dialogue and Media Ethics.Clifford G. Christians - 2000 - Ethical Perspectives 7 (2):182-193.
    The central question of this conference is whether the media can contribute to high quality social dialogue. The prospects for resolving that question positively in the “sound and fury” depend on recovering the idea of truth. At present the news media are lurching along from one crisis to another with an empty centre. We need to articulate a believable concept of truth as communication's master principle. As the norm of healing is to medicine, justice to politics, critical thinking to education, (...)
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  29.  23
    Zu slawischen Anleihen im österreichischen Deutsch und deren Lemmatisierung in „Duden. Deutsches Universalwörterbuch” und „Duden. Wie sagt man in Österreich?”.Rafał Marek - 2014 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Germanica 10.
    This article presents Slavic loanwords in the Austrian variant of the German language. Its aim is twofold: it discusses words of Polish, Slovakian, Czech, Serbo­-Croatian, and Slovenian origin in the Austrian variant of German, as well as stressing the multicultural history of Austria and its influence on vocabulary. The analysis will not only deal with the meaning and etymology of particular words, but will also scrutinize their description in the “Duden” dictionaries: “Deutsches Universalwörterbuch” and “Duden. Wie sagt man (...)
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  30. Ciceronov de fato: o helenističkim kondicionalima i slobodi volje.Vladimir Marko - 2023 - Novi Sad: Futura publikacije.
    Cicero's De fato: On Hellenistic Conditionals and Free Will. The Serbo-Croatian translation of Cicero's De fato, with comments and detailed analysis of some arguments and problems of the text. -/- (s/h): Tekst Ciceronovog spisa "de fato", prevod, komentari i u dodacima, detaljnija analiza pojedinih argumenata i problema sadržanih u tekstu.
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    Filozofija.Branko Bošnjak - 1973 - Zagreb,: "Naprijed,".
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    Filozofija: uvod u filozofsko mišljenje i rječnik.Branko Bošnjak - 1977 - Zagreb: Naprijed.
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  33.  17
    Socialist Humanism. [REVIEW]J. J. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (3):556-557.
    Unfortunately, few substantial works by the "new wave" of Eastern European philosophers have yet appeared in widely read languages. Those who are interested in a glimpse into these developments will therefore welcome this international anthology devoted to the topic of socialist humanism. Such authors as Schaff, Bloch, Petrovic, and Korac are represented, as well as Western writers such as Goldmann, Marcuse, Rubel, and Russell, whose "In Praise of Idleness" was apparently thought relevant to this subject. Unfortunately, the brevity of these (...)
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  34.  5
    Intenzifikacija u jeziku: s primjerima iz hrvatskog i talijanskog jezika.Magdalena Nigoević - 2020 - Split: Sveučilište u Splitu, Filozofski fakultet.
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  35. Richard Rorty: Selected Publications.German Chinese, Spanish Italian, French Portuguese, Japanese Serbo-Croat, Russian Polish, Greek Korean, Slovak Bulgarian, Hebrew Turkish, Japanese Italian & French Serbo-Croat - 2000 - In Robert Brandom (ed.), Rorty and His Critics. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 378.
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  36.  84
    A serbo-byzantine betrothal ring.F. M. Heichelheim & H. A. Hickl-Szabo - 1965 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 28 (1):317-319.
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    Croatian medical students see academic dishonesty as an acceptable behaviour: a cross-sectional multicampus study.Sunčana Kukolja Taradi, Milan Taradi & Zoran Đogaš - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (6):376-379.
    Aim To provide insights into the students' attitude towards academic integrity and their perspective of academic honesty at Croatian medical schools. Methods A cross-sectional study using an anonymous questionnaire containing 29 questions on frequency of cheating, perceived seriousness of cheating, perceptions on integrity atmosphere, cheating behaviour of peers and on willingness to report misconduct. Participants were third-year (preclinical) and fifth-year (clinical) students from all four Croatian Schools of Medicine. Outcome measures were descriptive statistical correlates and differences in students' (...)
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  38.  34
    Croatian physicians' and nurses' experience with ethical issues in clinical practice.I. Sorta-Bilajac, K. Bazdaric, B. Brozovic & G. J. Agich - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (6):450-455.
    Aim: To assess ethical issues in everyday clinical practice among physicians and nurses of the University Hospital Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia.Subjects and methods: We surveyed the entire population of internal medicine, oncology and intensive care specialists and associated nurses employed at the University Hospital Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia . An anonymous questionnaire was used to explore the type and frequency of ethical dilemmas, rank of their difficulty, access to and use of ethics support services, training in ethics and confidence about knowledge in (...)
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  39.  9
    (1 other version)Croatian Women Followers of Einstein's Theory of Relativity in the Period until 1950.Ankica Valenta - 2006 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 26 (3):595-605.
    Hrvatski su isusovci bili blizu vrha svjetske znanosti i imali važnu ulogu u hrvatskoj kulturi, a tako i u znanosti. Mnogi hrvatski isusovci zaslužni su za razvoj prirodnih znanosti. No uz one koji su sada poznati sigurno je da ima još mnogo onih kojima rad nije dosad izašao na vidjelo. Upravo zato bit će potrebno provesti još mnoga nova istraživanja kojima će biti upotpunjena naša znanja o prinosu hrvatskih isusovacaprirodnim znanostima. Pogledom u povijest možemo reći da su Hrvati nadograđivali svojim (...)
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  40.  19
    The Croatian Philosophical Society Celebrating its 50th Anniversary.Ivan Jelović, Anita Lunić, Damir Markov, Željka Metesi & Hrvoje Jurić - 2007 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 27 (4):959-969.
    Članak predstavlja prikaz obilježavanja 50. obljetnice Hrvatskog filozofskog društva, koje se održalo u Zagrebu od 6. do 8. prosinca 2007., a uključivalo je simpozij Suvremena hrvatska filozofija, predstavljanje novih knjiga u izdanju Hrvatskog filozofskog društva, godišnju skupštinu Hrvatskog filozofskog društva, svečanu akademiju u povodu 50. obljetnice Hrvatskog filozofskog društva, te okrugli stol o Vladimiru Filipoviću, prvom predsjedniku Hrvatskog filozofskog društva.The paper outlines the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Croatian Philosophical Society that took place in Zagreb 6–8 December, (...)
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  41. Croatian.M. A. Y. KruZak - 2001 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 1 (1-3):83.
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    Research Misconduct in the Croatian Scientific Community: A Survey Assessing the Forms and Characteristics of Research Misconduct.Vanja Pupovac, Snježana Prijić-Samaržija & Mladen Petrovečki - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (1):165-181.
    The prevalence and characteristics of research misconduct have mainly been studied in highly developed countries. In moderately or poorly developed countries such as Croatia, data on research misconduct are scarce. The primary aim of this study was to determine the rates at which scientists report committing or observing the most serious forms of research misconduct, such as falsification, fabrication, plagiarism, and violation of authorship rules in the Croatian scientific community. Additionally, we sought to determine the degree of development and (...)
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    Croatian Conference.G. K. Chesterton - 1994 - The Chesterton Review 20 (2/3):352-353.
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    Šatrovački : la construction et l’exploitation d’un corpus de verlan serbo-croate.Olivier Rizzolo - 2004 - Corpus 3.
    Le but de cet article est double. Il s’agit d'abord d'introduire des données inédites concernant un jeu de langage du serbo-croate : le šatrovački qui, à l'image du verlan connu en France, inverse les syllabes. Je présenterai aussi le chemin qui a été parcouru lors de la confection du corpus. Dans un deuxième temps, un aspect particulier du corpus, l'épenthèse de schwa, fera l'objet d'une exploitation théorique.Le premier objectif sera l’occasion de développer quelques points intéressants parmi lesquels la question (...)
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    Croatian Conference.Robert P. George - 1994 - The Chesterton Review 20 (2/3).
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    Croatian scientists’ awareness of predatory journals.Mihaela Guskić & Ivana Hebrang Grgić - 2019 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 15 (1).
    So-called predatory journals threaten to diminish the quality of papers and of scientific research. This paper defines what constitutes a predatory journal, and provides a short literature overview. The aim of the research is to explore researchers’ and librarians’ awareness of predatory journals, using the example of Croatia, an EU country. Several institutions control the quality of Croatian scientific journals, so there are no predatory journals in Croatia. However, Croatian scientists publish their papers in foreign journals and thus (...)
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    Croatian Conference.Owen Dudley Edwards - 1994 - The Chesterton Review 20 (2/3).
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    Croatian Conference.Leo A. Hetzler - 1994 - The Chesterton Review 20 (2/3).
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    Croatian Philosophers II: Juraj Dragišiæ–Georgius Benignus de Salviatis (ca. 1445–1520).Erna Baniæ-Pajniæ - 2004 - Prolegomena 3:2.
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    Croatian musical criticism between the two world wars: A component part of European intellectual and spiritual confederation.Sanja Majer-Bobetko - 1995 - History of European Ideas 20 (1-3):491-496.
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