Results for 'Slovak Bulgarian'

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  1. Richard Rorty: Selected Publications.German Chinese, Spanish Italian, French Portuguese, Japanese Serbo-Croat, Russian Polish, Greek Korean, Slovak Bulgarian, Hebrew Turkish, Japanese Italian & French Serbo-Croat - 2000 - In Robert Brandom (ed.), Rorty and His Critics. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 378.
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  2. Dimka Gitcheva.Bulgarian Interpretations Of Ancient - 2001 - Studies in Soviet Thought 53:75-109.
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    The Slovak ethos of plebeian resistance and the First World War.Vasil Gluchman & Marta Gluchmanová - forthcoming - Studies in East European Thought:1-16.
    The authors examine the Slovak ethos of plebeian resistance to the First World War in several of its forms. First, they examine intellectual forms of resistance against war, against its Christian justification. Several Slovak authors emphasized that the First World War was in direct contradiction to Christian ethics, asserting that it served as proof of the failure of all European nations and their elites, who were proud of their humanity and ability to solve problems peacefully. Secular authors who (...)
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  4. Slovak political thought in the 20th century-Essential issues.T. Pichler - 2002 - Filozofia 57 (1):15-20.
    The Slovak political thought of the 19th century mingles with the nation-building efforts. According to the author the nationalists were one of the intellectual elites of Central Europe, which based their nation-building on ethnic ideology. This ideology embodied various elements, such as passive historicism, "prilepenectvo" and the will to become a historical subject. They made use of a non-political concept of nation as a language an cultural community, which gradually became politicized. The ultimate objective was the institutionalization of the (...)
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    Slovak studies in Russia: The current state.Marina Valentsova - 2013 - Human Affairs 23 (2):311-318.
    The article introduces readers to the current state of Slovak studies in Russia. The fate of Slavic studies in Russia is complicated and it has had its ups (late 19th and early 20th century) and downs (1920s and 1930s), but until now there has been a multidisciplinary tradition of studying all Slavic peoples, their languages, literature, history and culture. The article focuses on the study of Slovak language, literature, history and culture at Moscow State University, the Institute for (...)
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    Bulgarian Political Culture: Layers Of Formation.Dimitar Gavev - 2023 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 32 (4):394-411.
    In the article, I outline the main layers that are fundamental to the construction of Bulgarian political culture. At the beginning of the text, I clarify the concept of political culture. The examined layers are four: geographical, Balkan, Orthodox, and national. These layers, in particular, have a determining influence on the character of Bulgarian political culture in the modern history of Bulgaria.
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    Slovak Marxist–Leninist philosophy on work: experience of the second half of the twentieth century.Vasil Gluchman - 2020 - Studies in East European Thought 72 (1):43-58.
    The paper analyzes the concept of work in Slovak Marxist–Leninist philosophy and ethics in the second half of the twentieth century by referencing, in particular, Furnham’s critical assessment of the relationship between left-wing ideology and the values of work ethic. The author comes to the conclusion that, on the one hand, Marxist–Leninist ideology and the practice of building socialism made the notion and phenomenon of work into an ideological fetish; on the other hand, however, the real value of work (...)
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    Slovak folk tradition in ethnolinguistic studies of the Carpathian-Balkan area.Anna Plotnikova - 2013 - Human Affairs 23 (2):295-301.
    The article is devoted to an analysis of Carpathian-Balkan studies conducted by the Russian Academy of Sciences since 2006. The Slovak tradition is an important one, as it displays characteristics which are common to the Carpathian region as a whole. Furthermore, there are a number of Carpathian-South Slavic and Carpathian-Balkan parallels in terminology and related phenomena in folk culture.
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    “On Bulgarian Philosophical Culture”. Atanas Stamatov.Iassen Zahariev - 2023 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 32 (4):440-446.
    The academic review of the book “On Bulgarian Philosophical Culture” by Atanas Stamatov deals with the main areas and problems explored by the author. The book consists of various articles written by Atanas Stamatov over the past 30 years and the review evaluates their importance and significance. The text examines in detail the methods and main accents in Stamatov's works – the concept of “Bulgarian philosophical culture”, the philosophical concepts in the Old Bulgarian language, the philosophy education, (...)
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    Slovak Slavistics: Past and present. Interdisciplinary discourses of Slovak academic Slavistics.Peter Žeňuch & Katarína Žeňuchová - 2013 - Human Affairs 23 (2):258-275.
    Slovak Slavistics has adopted the interdisciplinary research approach based on examining the processes involved in language, literature, history, culture, ethnics and religion. From a scholarly and investigative point of view, Slovak Slavistics is primarily concerned with researching Slovak and Slavic relations, and Slovak and non-Slavic relations. Although Slavistics at home and abroad has been affected by the recession, it maintains its role of accelerating systematic and comprehensive investigation. The priority of Slovak Slavistics, both in a (...)
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    Slovak Academic Philosophy: Its Origins, Development and Current State.Milan Zigo - 2010 - Human Affairs 20 (1):52-65.
    Slovak Academic Philosophy: Its Origins, Development and Current State The paper introduces the foreign reader to the main factors associated with the emergence of Slovak academic philosophy as well as to the ways in which it has developed, and also to those factors that have complicated or delayed its progress since 1921 when the Faculty of Philosophy, along with its Philosophical Seminars, began functioning at the newly-founded University of Comenius (1919), up to the present day.
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  12. Contemporary Bulgarian philosophy: an anthology.Anastas Cholakov (ed.) - 1983 - [Sofia]: Sofia Press.
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    Bulgarian Studies in the Philosophy of Science.D. Ginev (ed.) - 2003 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer Verlag.
    This volume attempts to provide a new articulation of issues surrounding scientific realism, scientific rationality, the epistemology of non-classical physics, the type of revolutionary changes in the development of science, the naturalization of epistemology within frameworks of cognitive science and structural linguistics, models of the information technology revolution, and reconstructions of early modern logical systems.
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  14. 20th-Century Bulgarian Philosophy of Law: From Critical Acceptance of Kant’s Ideas to the Logic of Legal Reasoning.Vihren Bouzov - 2016 - In Enrico Pattaro & C. Roversi (eds.), A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence. V.12 (1), Legal Philosophy in the Twentieth Century: The Civil Law World. pp. 681-690.
    My analysis here is an attempt to bring out the main through-line in the development of Bulgarian philosophy of law today. A proper account of Bulgarian philosophy of law in the 20th century requires an attempt to find, on the one hand, a solution to epistemological and methodological problems in law and, on the other, a clear-cut influence of the Kantian critical tradition. Bulgarian philosophy of law follows a complicated path, ranging from acceptance and revision of Kantian (...)
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    Slovak Lutheran Social Ethics.Vasil Gluchman - 1997 - Edwin Mellen Press.
    This study investigates the meaning and contribution of the Slovak Lutheran social ethics to the social ethical thinking in Slovakia. The book attempts to examine the subject in the social, political and spiritual context of the development of the Slovak nation, Slovakia and Czechoslovakia, linking the development of the Protestant social ethics in Europe and the rest of the world.
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  16. Slovak philosophical thought at the turn of centuries seen from the perspective of modernization.A. Kopcok - 2001 - Filozofia 56 (3):149-173.
    In the exmanination of the intellectual life, including the history of philosophy, at the turn of the centuries in Slovakia it is illuminating to see this period from the perspective of modernization. Not only it discerns still unknown aspects of the historical events of that time, but it also sheds a new light on those, which were due to ideological reasons neglected or overestimated and even glorified. The modernization in Slovakia, although belated, less cretaive and more imitating, brought about the (...)
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    Slovak Republic.Frank Dornseifer - 2005 - In Corporate Business Forms in Europe: A Compendium of Public and Private Limited Companies in Europe. Sellier de Gruyter.
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    Bulgarian State And The Turks.KÖSE Osman - 2006 - Journal of Turkish Studies 1:259-302.
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    English-Slovak, Slovak-English dictionary of philosophy.Pavol Štekauer - 1997 - Prešov: ManaCon. Edited by L̓ Štekauerová.
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  20. The Roots of Slovak Critical Environmentalism.Richard Sťahel - 2021 - Pragmatism Today 12 (1):73-89.
    This study focuses on the foundations of Slovak critical environmentalism laid by work of Juraj Kučírek, who is also the author of the first ever monograph focused on the philosophical reflection of the causes and possible consequences of the global environmental crisis in Slovakia. Kučírek pointed out the need to combine reflection on subsequent solution of the global environmental crisis with the problems of social inequality and oppression. This unconventional approach in the context of the Slovak public and (...)
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  21. Slovak philosophical generations: From the middle of the 19 th to the middle of the 20 th century.Rudolf Dupkala - 2024 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 14 (3-4):163-175.
    The leitmotif of the article is an analysis and interpretation of disputes about the nature of Slovak philosophy in the contexts of the formation of individual philosophical generations from the middle of the 19th to the middle of the 20th century. In the content core of the article, the dispute is about the nature of Slovak philosophy in the first generation of its representatives, which was represented by the followers of the so-called “Štúr School”. As a follow-up to (...)
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    Slovak Republic.Zuzana Čmelíková, Katarína Reisenbuchlerová & Martina Minárová - 2024 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 43 (3):283-293.
    This article examines the key conditions for the development of business ethics in the Slovak Republic, drawing on insights from the Global Survey of Business Ethics 2022–2024. By analyzing the survey's findings, we highlight the critical factors shaping the ethical landscape of Slovak businesses, including corporate governance, regulatory frameworks, and cultural influences. The study reveals a growing awareness of the importance of ethical practices among Slovak companies, with an emphasis on compliance, transparency, and corporate social responsibility. However, (...)
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    Celebrating Slovak Cinema. A Report from the 20th Czech-Slovak Cinema Conference, 21 - 24 October 2021, Krpáčovo.Michaela Malíčková - 2021 - Espes 11 (2):228-236.
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    How Prone are Bulgarians to Heuristics and Biases? Implications for Studying Rationality across Cultures.Nikolay R. Rachev & Miglena Petkova - 2019 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 19 (3-4):322-342.
    Dual-processes theories of cognition implicitly assume universality of the human mind. However, research has shown that large-scale differences exist in thinking styles across cultures. Thereby, the universality of the effects found in Western samples remains an open empirical question. Here, we explored whether effects predicted by prospect theory, such as the framing effect, would be observed in a sample of 312 Bulgarian students. Overall, the size of the framing effect was smaller than in the original studies. Most notably, we (...)
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    Slovaks in Hungarian Statistics before and after 1918.Ladislav Deák - 1993 - Human Affairs 3 (2):142-154.
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    The Slovak Republic Regional Development through Cluster Iniciative.V. Littvova - 2014 - Creative and Knowledge Society 4 (2).
    The current market environment is defined by constant financial and global changes. For companies operating in market business activities it has been increasingly difficult to adapt and remain competitive in such environment. In accordance with the exclusive survey among young entrepreneurs, one in four of them starts their business without training and about a one third has no idea how to get to the customers. Constant financial and global changes cause that existing organizations realizing business activity adapt and remain competitive (...)
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    Slovak Towns in the Twentieth Century.Peter Salner - 1991 - Human Affairs 1 (2):187-194.
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    Bulgarian Drama Directing as an Ethical Codex.Chairperson Elizabeth Sotirova & Kam Elia Nikolova - 1997 - The European Legacy 2 (1):8-11.
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  29. Slovaks in Warsaw Uprising: 535 Platoon \"Slovaks\" of the Polish Home Army.Jerzy Antoni Starostecki - 2002 - Dialogue and Universalism 12 (8-10):199-206.
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  30. Slovak (Philosophical) thought between tradition and modernity (Remaks oil the history of Slovak philosophy).V. Bako - 2004 - Filozofia 59 (10):727-739.
    The author points to the power of traditionalism in Slovak cultural – spiritual milieu and to the rise of the intellectual modernity in the Slovak thought in 17th – 20th centuries . There is a continuity of alternating between tradition and modernity. The problem of this philosophy remains “idolatrism”. Regarding the problem of receptivness, the author points to the theoretical and methodological standpoints of structuralism with its principle of immanence. In conclusion the author examines the problem of the (...)
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    The “Bulgarian Mohammedans” (Pomaks) in the East and Central Rhodopes: the problem of identity.Bogdana Todorova - 2012 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 4 (2):227-238.
    Speculations about Islam, Islamization and Fundamentalism proceed from the deficit of a serious historic study on the origin and activity of the Bulgarian Muslims (the Pomaks), which is due to both the politicization and ideologization of this theme through many centuries, and various national and chauvinistic interests. From the beginning of the 1890's and especially in the 1920’s and 1930's, the continuous campaign in the press encourages public opinion to differentiate religious affiliation from ethnic affiliation and to accept the (...)
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    Bulgarian interpretations of ancient and medieval philosophy.Dimka Gitcheva - 2001 - Studies in East European Thought 53 (1-2):75-109.
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    Bulgarian Women and Discourses about Work.Chris Griffin & Bianca Petkova - 1998 - European Journal of Women's Studies 5 (3-4):437-452.
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  34. A Slovak Neocartesian Juraj Ciger (vol 61, pg 157, 2006).J. Sivak - 2006 - Filozofia 61 (4):344-344.
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    The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in Transition from Learned Society to Totalitarian Academy (1944–1949).Alexander Vavrek - 1998 - Science & Education 7 (3):301-306.
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    Turks in Eighteenth‐century Bulgarian literature: Historical roots of present‐day attitudes in Bulgaria.Rossitsa Gradeva - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (2):421-426.
    (1996). Turks in Eighteenth‐century Bulgarian literature: Historical roots of present‐day attitudes in Bulgaria. The European Legacy: Vol. 1, Fourth International Conference of the International Society for the study of European Ideas, pp. 421-426.
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    Experiences of Slovak University students with on campus alcohol policy.Ferdinand Salonna, Natália Vendelová, Jozef Benka & Mária Bačíková - 2012 - Human Affairs 22 (4):579-590.
    The vast majority of studies focusing on alcohol consumption among university students are based on US and Canadian samples and employ a quantitative approach. Universities from the US and Canada also have a longer tradition in implementing alcohol policies. The alcohol policies at universities in Slovakia are mostly non-systematic and often not implemented in practice. The objective of this study was to explore Slovak university students’ experiences towards alcohol policy on their campuses using a qualitative approach. Eight focus group (...)
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  38. Milos Stefanovic: Modern Slovak Political Thinking before Hlasists.Tibor Pichler - 2009 - Filozofia 64 (10):939-948.
    The paper examines the fundamental concepts of the political publicist Miloš Štefanovi?, which in the 1980ies and 1990ies suggested the transformation of Slovak political thinking as well as abandoning the voluntarily adopted passive attitude. Štefanovi? developed a consistent conception of national politics based on self-respon- sible, independent, bottom up political work grounded in patriotic self-criticism. He was also one of the prime movers of the cooperation between nationalities in Hungary as well as a critique of the distorted political culture (...)
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  39. Eleven centuries of Bulgarian philosophical thought.Mikhail Dimitrov Bŭchvarov (ed.) - 1973 - Sofia,: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
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    The Bulgarian university: Development, trends, and Challenges.Kalina Ivanova Popova - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (3):891-893.
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    Institutionalisation of Slovak Slavistics.Ján Doruľa - 2013 - Human Affairs 23 (2):276-288.
    The following contribution is an overview of the gradual and systematic establishment of the institutional foundations of Slovak Slavistics. It looks at how the research focus and programme were developed and its coordination centre set up, beginning in 1988.Following that, the Slovak Committee of Slavists was established and its were statutes drawn up. Preparations then began for the 11th International Congress of Slavists in 1993. The Department of Slavistics at the Slovak Academy of Sciences was also established, (...)
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    Slovak Historians in Exile in North America, 1945-1992.M. Mark Stolarik - 1996 - Human Affairs 6 (1):34-44.
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    Perspectives in philosophy: Indo-Bulgarian philosophical studies.Rasik Vihari Joshi (ed.) - 1993 - Delhi: Ajanta Books International.
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  44. The Slovak translation of I. Kant's' Von den Traumen der Vernunft'.I. Kant - 1999 - Filozofia 54 (1):48-53.
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    Crushing the Imperial(ist) Eagles: Nationalism, Ideological Instruction, and Adventure in the Bulgarian Comics about Spartacus – the 1980s and Beyond.Miryana Dimitrova - 2022 - Clotho 4 (2):101-124.
    Daga (the Bulgarian word for “rainbow”) was a Bulgarian comic magazine launched in 1979 and regularly published until 1992. Its remarkably westernized aesthetic greatly impacted an entire generation of readers. Included in its variety of stories (history, sci-fi, literary classics) is an action-packed account of Spartacus’ exploits. For ten consecutive issues (1979–1983), the story spanned the hero’s life from a more fanciful narrative of his early years in Thrace to the better-documented events in Italy and his death. The (...)
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    “Sacred and Beautiful”: The Lived Experience of Slovak Women who had a Planned Homebirth.Branislav Uhrecký, Radomíra Rajnohová & Martina Baránková - 2024 - Human Affairs 34 (1):15-37.
    While many Western countries do legally permit homebirths under certain conditions, in the Slovak Republic they exist in a legal vacuum – they are neither permitted nor prohibited. In the present study, we aimed to explore how Slovak women who deliberately delivered at home perceive the reason for this decision and the subsequent homebirth itself. We interviewed eight women aged 21 to 36 and analysed the transcripts using the interpretative phenomenological analysis framework. The analysis revealed four major themes (...)
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    Unethical practices in the Slovak business environment: Entrepreneurs vs. the State?Anna Lašáková & Anna Remišová - 2020 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 10 (1-2):78-95.
    This paper critically analyses one of the unexpected results of qualitative research aimed at detecting the presence of unethical business practices in Slovakia. The authors seek to find out why entrepreneurs participating in this research do not take responsibility for the development of business ethics and why, in their primary reflections on unethical practices in the Slovak business environment, have they shifted it almost completely to the State level (1), and whether their attitude is morally justified (2). The main (...)
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    Slovaks in the Conditions of the Hungarian State at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century.Milan Podrimavsky - 1999 - Human Affairs 9 (1):44-52.
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    The Slovak National Party as a Political Representative of the Slovaks (1871-1914).Milan Podrimavský - 1997 - Human Affairs 7 (2):159-166.
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    Mediaeval Bulgarian and Serbian theological literature: an essential Vademecum.Francis J. Thomson - 2005 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 98 (2):503-549.
    The name of Gerhard PODSKALSKY is well known to all Byzantinists and his works on Russian Christianity and theology (988–1237) and Greek theology (1453–1821) published by Beck in 1982 and 1988 respectively have become classic works of reference. Since both Bulgaria and Serbia were the Empire's immediate neighbours and at various times integral parts of the Byzantine Empire this book is of greater importance for the Byzantinist than the previous two and without any doubt it will find a place in (...)
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