Results for 'Sakurai Haruo'

84 found
  1.  43
    The symbolism of the shishi performance as a community ritual: The Okashira Shinji in Ise.Haruo Sakurai, 機井 & 治男 - 1988 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 15 (2-3):137-153.
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  2. The Symbolism of the Shishi Performance as a Community Ritual: The Okashira Shinji in Ise.".Sakurai Haruo - 1988 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 15 (2-3):137-53.
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  3.  13
    Kindai no chōkoku: Naniwada Haruo shūi.Haruo Naniwada - 1992 - Tōkyō: Kōjinsha.
  4.  30
    Organization philosophy: a study of organizational goodness in the age of human and artificial intelligence collaboration.Haruo H. Horaguchi - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-13.
    This study challenges the conventional boundaries of philosophy by asserting that organizations can function as legitimate subjects within philosophical discourse. Western philosophy, epitomized by Descartes, has long assumed that individual human beings are the fundamental units of thought and moral agency. However, in a significant oversight, this belief overlooks the idea that organizations can think independently, leading to both virtuous and malevolent results. Epistemology lacks a clear prioritization of morally sound knowledge over potentially harmful knowledge. The advent of artificial intelligence (...)
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    Rethinking political thinkers.Takamichi Sakurai - forthcoming - Contemporary Political Theory:1-4.
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    Can Reflective Inclusiveness Mitigate the Cultural Confrontation Caused by International Migration?Tetsu Sakurai - 2024 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 110 (1):30-44.
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  7. Development of mental health activities in japan.Haruo Akimoto - 1968 - In Peter Koestenbaum, Proceedings. [San Jose? Calif.,: [San Jose? Calif.. pp. 2--1040.
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  8.  36
    An Annotated Catalogue of Ainu Material.Haruo Aoki & Kirsten Yumiko Taguchi - 1978 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 98 (3):300.
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  9.  38
    Bernard Bloch on Japanese.Haruo Aoki & Roy Andrew Miller - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (4):523.
  10.  20
    How Do Young Children Process Beliefs About Beliefs?: Evidence from Response Latency.Peter Mitchell Haruo Kikuno - 2007 - Mind and Language 22 (3):297-316.
    : Are incorrect judgments on false belief tasks better explained within the framework of a conceptual change theory or a bias theory? Conceptual change theory posits a change in the form of reasoning from 3 to 4 years old while bias theory posits that processing factors are responsible for errors among younger children. The results from three experiments showed that children who failed a test of false belief took as long to respond as those who passed, and both groups of (...)
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  11. Searching for a common morality in the global age: the International Conference on Moral Science in 2002.Haruo Kitagawa, Shujiro Mizuno & Peter Luff (eds.) - 2003 - Kashiwa-shi, Chiba-ken, Japan: Institute of Moralogy.
    Contributed articles presented at the Conference in Japanese and other languages, translated into English.
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  12. Die Logik der technischen Welt.Haruo Naniwada - 1970 - Tokyo,:
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  13. Indo roppa tetsugaku gaisetsu.Yoshiaki Sakurai - 1934 - Tōkyō: Bukkyō Nenkansha.
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  14. Nishida Kitarō, sunshin no shisō.Kan Sakurai - 2005 - Ishikawa-ken Kanazawa-shi: Kanazawa-shi Kokusai Bunkaka.
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  15. Yōroppa higōrishugi no keifu.Haruo Saneyoshi - 1967
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  16. Hikari to kaze o kiku.Haruo Shibuya - 1977
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  17. Mori Arimasa, sono keiken to shisō.Haruo Sugimoto - 1978
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  18. Kumazawa Benzan shisō to ryakuden.Haruo Ushio - 1968
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  19.  13
    Meditation gut enlightenment: the way of hara.Haruo Yamaoka - 1976 - South San Francisco: Heian International Pub. Co..
  20. Sekai no kyōiku tetsugaku.Haruo Yamamoto - 1949
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  21.  10
    Gendai ningenron e no shiza: bunka, seikatsu, imi.Haruo Kishimoto - 1993 - Kyōto-shi: Hōritsu Bunkasha. Edited by Masao Tsuda.
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  22.  25
    Agamemnon's Reasons for Yielding.Haruo Konishi - 1989 - American Journal of Philology 110 (2).
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  23. Keihō no kontei ni aru mono.Haruo Nishihara - 1979
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  24.  28
    Aspirational fascism versus postfascism: a conceptual history of a far-right politics.Takamichi Sakurai - 2022 - History of European Ideas 48 (5):650-660.
    ABSTRACT This paper seeks an integral part of the two concepts of the political theorist William E. Connolly's ‘aspirational fascism’ and the intellectual historian Enzo Traverso's ‘postfascism’, thereby revealing the conceptual relevance of each concept. Its primary purpose is to give details of why movements as depicted by these concepts should be categorised as postfascism, rather than as aspirational fascism, and thereby to unravel these movements that have prospered in advanced countries under liberal democracy. Since fascism emerged in the first (...)
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  25. Gandai kagaku to hyūmaniti.Kunitomo Sakurai - 1975
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  26. Kokumin dōtoku to gendai shisō.Kenzō Sakurai - 1925
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  27.  11
    Kyōto gakuha suikoden.Shoichiro Sakurai - 2017 - Kyōto-shi: Kyōto Daigaku Gakujutsu Shuppankai.
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  28. Meiyo to chijoku.Sht̄arō Sakurai - 1971
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  29.  18
    Ronbun netsuzō wa naze okita no ka.Haruo Sugi - 2014 - Tōkyō: Kōbunsha.
    世界を騒がせた、理化学研究所のSTAP細胞事件。この背後には、日本の歪んだ科学行政があった。外圧によってもたらされた、分子生物学・再生医療分野の盛況と、潤沢すぎる研究資金。大学の独立行政法人化により伝 統と研究の自由を蹂躙され、政府・産業界の使用人と化した大学研究者たち。学術雑誌の正体と商業主義など、研究者を論文捏造に走らせる原因の数々を、筆者ならではの視点から、科学史を交えつつ鋭く指摘する。研究者 の自由を取り戻し、論文捏造を根絶するための提言も行なう。.
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  30. Hōritsu o manabu hito no tame ni.Haruo Takikawa (ed.) - 1967 - Kyōto-shi: Sekai Shisōsha.
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  31. Zasetsu to shi.Haruo Yamada - 1979
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  32.  67
    Geopolitical Mission Strategy: The Case of the Unification Church in Japan and Korea.Sakurai Yoshihide - 2010 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 37 (2):317-334.
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  33.  27
    The authoritarian orientation in liberal democracies: Labor market and workplace authoritarianism.Takamichi Sakurai - 2025 - Constellations 32 (1):59-68.
  34.  80
    How do young children process beliefs about beliefs?: Evidence from response latency.Haruo Kikuno, Peter Mitchell & Fenja Ziegler - 2007 - Mind and Language 22 (3):297–316.
    Are incorrect judgments on false belief tasks better explained within the framework of a conceptual change theory or a bias theory? Conceptual change theory posits a change in the form of reasoning from 3 to 4 years old while bias theory posits that processing factors are responsible for errors among younger children. The results from three experiments showed that children who failed a test of false belief took as long to respond as those who passed, and both groups of children (...)
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  35.  30
    The Socio-Theoretical Relevance of Erich Fromm’s Psychoanalytic Conception of Narcissism.Takamichi Sakurai - 2021 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 68 (166):1-30.
    This article methodologically explores Erich Fromm’s theory of narcissism in socio-theoretical terms while referring to his theory of alienation. It thereby portrays the foundations of an analytical method of far-right politics in the context of capitalism and demonstrates that malignant narcissism touches off fascism without regard to authoritarianism. Essentially, the Freudian psychoanalytic concept of narcissism lies in Fromm’s social theory. However, it is possible to discern the theoretical essence of his social theory characteristically in his conception of alienation. By focusing (...)
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  36. Areas of learning basic to lifelong education.Haruo Kitagawa - 1981 - Paideia 9:83.
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    Science and technology in human resources development: experience in the ESCAP Region.Haruo Nagamine - 1989 - Nagoya, Japan: Economic Research Center, Faculty of Economics, Nagoya University.
  38. Hēgeru no honshitsu ronri.Haruo Omura - 1976
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  39. Hōgaku yōron.Setsuo Sakurai - 1982 - Tokyo: Ashi Shobō.
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    Nō no jōhō hyōgen o miru.Yoshio Sakurai - 2008 - Kyōto-shi: Kyōto Daigaku Gakujutsu Shuppankai.
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    Shōmonki: The Story of Masakado's RebellionShomonki: The Story of Masakado's Rebellion.Haruo Shirane & Judith N. Rabinovitch - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (2):343.
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    Han "kindai" no shisō: Ogyū Sorai to gendai.Haruo Funabashi - 2020 - Tōkyō: Chūō Kōron Shinsha.
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  43.  18
    On the Beauty of Intelligible Cosmos: The Influence of Plotin to the Philosophy of K. Nishida (in Japanese).Haruo Okuma - 1997 - Bigaku 48:1-12.
  44.  13
    Seitan 250-nen Tsusaka Tōyō no shōgai.Haruo Tsusaka - 2007 - Ōsaka-shi: Chikurinkan.
  45.  96
    Defining end-of-life care from perspectives of nursing ethics.Shigeko Izumi, Hiroko Nagae, Chihoko Sakurai & Emiko Imamura - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (5):608-618.
    Despite increasing interests and urgent needs for quality end-of-life care, there is no exact definition of what is the interval referred to as end of life or what end-of-life care is. The purpose of this article is to report our examination of terms related to end-of-life care and define end-of-life care from nursing ethics perspectives. Current terms related to end-of-life care, such as terminal care, hospice care, and palliative care, are based on a medical model and are restrictive in terms (...)
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  46.  26
    Robust combinatorial auction protocol against false-name bids.Makoto Yokoo, Yuko Sakurai & Shigeo Matsubara - 2001 - Artificial Intelligence 130 (2):167-181.
  47. Kindai jiyū shisō no genryū: 16-seiki jiyū ishi gakusetsu no kenkyū.Haruo Kaneko - 1987 - Tōkyō: Sōbunsha.
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  48.  10
    Rutā to sono jidai.Haruo Kaneko - 1985 - Tōkyō: Tamagawa Daigaku Shuppanbu.
  49.  7
    Jitsuzon tetsugaku.Haruo Kawabata - 1981 - Kyoto: Keibunsha.
  50. 西田幾多郎:世界のなかの私.Kan Sakurai - 2007 - Tokyo: Chōbunsha.
    世界に日本文化として「禅の思想」を広めた鈴木大拙。彼の無二の親友であり近代日本が生み出した最大の哲学者といわれている、西田幾多郎。その、難解といわれる西田の思想を「普段の生活の中から掴み出し現実化し、 具体的な経験と結びつけて解き明かした」画期的入門書。.
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