Results for 'S. Simi'

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  1.  25
    Hybrid Firefly Model in Routing Heterogeneous Fleet of Vehicles in Logistics Distribution.D. Simi, I. Kova evi, V. Svir evi & S. Simi - 2015 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 23 (3):521-532.
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    ʻIrfān-i Majlisī: pizhūhishī dar aḥvāl va afkār-i faqīh-i rabbānī va ʻārif-i ṣamadānī Mawlānā Muḥammad Taqī Majlisī (M. 1070 Q.).Raḥīm Qāsimī - 2016 - Qum: Intishārāt-i Āyat-i Ishrāq.
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    Just Gaming.Simi Malhotra - 2008 - In Kali Charan Pandey, Perspectives on Wittgenstein's unsayable. New Delhi: Readworthy Publications. pp. 210.
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  4. Celebrity manufacture theory: Revisiting the theorization of celebrity culture.Jonathan Matusitz & Demi Simi - 2021 - Empedocles European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 12 (2):129-144.
    Celebrity Manufacture Theory postulates that both the emergence of celebrities and our fascination with them are shaped by the media. Another premise of the theory is that a person’s fame does not necessarily correlate with the talent or achievements of that person. Rather, it often depends on the way the media manufacture that person as a celebrity. Today’s celebrity culture extols a particular type of fame ‐ one created and sustained by media production. Hence, there is a painstaking method of (...)
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    From the genome's perspective: Bearing somatic retrotransposition to leverage the regulatory potential of L1 RNAs.Damiano Mangoni, Aurora Mazzetti, Federico Ansaloni, Alessandro Simi, Gian Gaetano Tartaglia, Luca Pandolfini, Stefano Gustincich & Remo Sanges - 2025 - Bioessays 47 (2):2400125.
    Transposable elements (TEs) are mobile genomic elements constituting a big fraction of eukaryotic genomes. They ignite an evolutionary arms race with host genomes, which in turn evolve strategies to restrict their activity. Despite being tightly repressed, TEs display precisely regulated expression patterns during specific stages of mammalian development, suggesting potential benefits for the host. Among TEs, the long interspersed nuclear element (LINE‐1 or L1) has been found to be active in neurons. This activity prompted extensive research into its possible role (...)
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  6. Filasofskai︠a︡ dumka ėpokhi adradz︠h︡ėnni︠a︡ ŭ Belarusi: ad Frant︠s︡yska Skaryny da Simi︠a︡ona Polat︠s︡kaga.Semen Aleksandrovich Podokshin - 1990 - Minsk: Navuka i tėkhnika.
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  7. Majmūʻah-i maqālāt-i ʻilmī-i pizhūhishī-i Simīnār-i Kānt: muṭālaʻāt-i intiqādī dar falsafah-i Kānt, 28 tā 30 Az̲ar-i 1383 = Proceedings of the Kant's seminar: critical studies of Kant's philosophy, Tehran, 18-20 December 2004.Z̤iyāʼ Muvaḥḥid (ed.) - 2007 - Tihrān: Muʼassasah-i Pizhūhishī-i Ḥikmat va Falsafah-i Īrān.
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    İmadəddin Nəsimi haqqında İranda tədqiqatlar.Vidadi Mustafayev - 2023 - Metafizika 6 (3):58-98.
    Imadaddin Nasimi (1369-1417), the greatest and bravest militant poet and philosopher of Azerbaijan and the entire Muslim East, who created the first but extremely perfect divan in the Azerbaijani/Turkish language, has been alien and foreign to the Persian-speaking community of Iran for many years, despite having a divan in Persian as well. In the days of the anti-monarchist revolution of 1978-1979 in Iran, Nasimi suddenly became the best-known, most referred to and most published poet, as well as the highest example (...)
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    Whether scientists should try to go it alone: a formal model for the risk of split of a scientific community.Thomas Boyer - unknown
    In this paper, I address a question in social epistemology about the unity of a scientic community to- wards its inner groups (teams, labs...). I investigate the reasons why these groups might want to \go it alone", working among themselves and hiding their discoveries from other groups. I concentrate on the intermediate results of a longer project, where the first steps can help to achieve a more advanced result. I study to what extent the isolation of research groups might be (...)
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    Naozaj Frege plagizoval stoikov?František Gahér - 2021 - Filozofia 76 (7):499-520.
    The similarity between logic and semantics of the Stoics and Frege has long been known, and it can be explained in various ways. In 2021, Susane Bobzien published a work in which she explains this similarity rather surprisingly: she hypothesizes that Frege generously helped himself with the foundations of Stoic logic as it was published in the first volume of History of Logic in the West by Carl Prantl. However, this hypothesis encounters various problems. The key point of the whole (...)
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  11. The Givenness of Other People: On Singularity and Empathy in Husserl.Matt Rosen - 2021 - Human Studies 2021 (3):1-18.
    Other people figure in our experience of the world; they strike us as unique and gen- uinely other. This paper explores whether a Husserlian account of empathy as the way in which we constitute an intersubjective world can account for the uniqueness and otherness of other people in our experience. I contend that it can’t. I begin by explicating Husserl’s theory of empathy, paying particular attention to the reduction to a purely egoic sphere and the steps that ostensibly permit a (...)
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  12.  38
    Contract or coincidence: George Herbert Mead and Adam Smith on self and society.Timothy M. Costelloe - 1997 - History of the Human Sciences 10 (2):81-109.
    Although a number of commentators have remarked upon the simi larities between aspects of George Herbert Mead's social psychology and Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments, there has been no sys tematic attempt to document the connection. This article attempts to do precisely that. First, the legitimacy of the connection is established by showing the likelihood that Mead knew this particular work by Smith, and by bringing together the various treatments of the matter made by commentators. Since Mead himself (...)
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  13.  61
    Hobbes's religion and political philosophy: A reply to Greg Forster.Aloysius Martinich, S. Vaughan & D. L. Williams - 2008 - History of Political Thought 29 (1):49-64.
    A.P. Martinich's interpretation that in Leviathan Thomas Hobbes believed that the laws of nature are the commands of God and that he did not rely on the Bible to prove this has been criticized by Greg Forster in this journal (2003). Forster uses these criticisms to develop his own view that Hobbes was insincere when he professed religious beliefs. We argue that Forster misrepresents Martinich's view, is mistaken about what evidence is relevant to interpreting whether Hobbes was sincere or not, (...)
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  14.  41
    Metaphysics in Gaston Bachelard's “Reverie”.Caroline Joan & S. Picart - 1997 - Human Studies 20 (1):59-73.
    This paper aims to trace the evolution of Bachelard's thought as he gropes toward a concrete formulation of a philosophy of the imagination. Reverie, the creative daydream, occupies the central position in Bachelard's emerging metaphysic, which becomes increasingly “phenomenological” in a manner reminiscent of Husserl. This means that although Bachelard does not use Husserlian terms, he appropriates the following features of (Husserlian) phenomenology: 1. a desire to “embracket” the initial (rationalistic) impulse; and 2. an aspiration to apprehend in its entirety, (...)
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  15.  6
    Brahmatattvaprakāśikā nāma Brahmasūtravr̥ttiḥ.Sadāśivendra Sarasvatī - 2012 - Hyderabad: Sanskrit Academy, Osmania University. Edited by Ke Vi Sūryaprakāśa, Vuppala Śrīnivāsa Śarmā & Sadāśivendra Sarasvatī.
    Classical commentary on Brahmasūtra of Bādarāyaṇa, aphoristic work on Vedanta.
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    The ‘Ian’ of Euripides, by H. B. L. London, Williams and Norgate. 4 s. 6 d.S. A. - 1889 - The Classical Review 3 (07):309-310.
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    Hē theologikē gnōsiologia tēs Orthodoxēs Anatolēs: gnōsē tou Theou kai gnōsē tou kosmou kata to Geōrgio Pachymerē.Chrēstos Ath Terezēs - 1993 - Athēna: Ekdoseis Grēgorē.
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  18.  30
    Einstein's “metamathematics”.Alexander S. Kohanski - 1973 - Philosophia Mathematica (2):165-181.
  19. Sairu s-Salikin.Abdu S.-Samad Falimbani - 1995 - Jakarta: Proyek Pengkajian dan Pembinaan Nilai-Nilai Budaya Pusat, Direktorat Sejarah dan Nilai Tradisional, Direktorat Jenderal Kebudayaan, Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Edited by Abu Hanifah & Wahyuningsih.
    Criticism of Sairu s-Salikin, an old Indonesian manuscript on ethics in Islam.
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  20. Sefer La-ḥazot be-noʻam H.: "Ḳadosh Elul": ʻavodat ḥodesh Elul ṿe-Yamim Noraʼim, mi-tokh yirʼah, ahavah ṿe-śimḥah.S. Grama - 2020 - Leyḳṿud: [Publisher Not Identified].
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  21. Pozdnie daosy o prirode, obshchestve i iskusstve: Khuaĭnanʹt︠s︡zy--II v. do n.ė.Larisa Evgenʹevna Pomerant︠s︡eva - 1979 - Moskva: Izdatelʹstvo MGU.
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  22.  12
    Sushchestvovanie i dei︠a︡telʹnostʹ v opredelenii t︠s︡ennostnogo otnoshenii︠a︡.S. V. Porosenkov - 2002 - Permʹ: Izd-vo Permskogo universiteta.
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  23. Tibor Machan, The Passion for Liberty Tibor Machan, Putting Humans First: Why We Are Nature's Favorite.S. Yates - 2004 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 18:91-98.
  24. Ṣaḍdarśanam: sūtra aura Hindī-anuvāda.Jagadīśvarānanda Sarasvatī (ed.) - 1979 - Dillī: Govindarāma Hāsānanda.
    Nyāyadarśanam.--Vaiśeṣikadarśanam.--Sāṅkhyadarśanam.--Yogadarśanam.--Mīmāṃsādarśanam.- -Vedāntadarśanam.
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    Pan’s Tree: On a Votive Relief to Pan from the Piraeus.Robert S. Wagman - 2011 - Kernos 24:105-109.
    Cet article propose une brève discussion de la représentation des arbres et des grottes dans l’art grec, en soulignant la tendance de ces deux motifs paysagers à se recouvrir ou à se confondre sur un plan formel.The article offers a brief discussion of tree and cave representations in Greek art, tracing a tendency of these two landscape motifs to overlap or appear in conflated form.
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  26.  24
    Essays on Ayn Rand's "We the Living".Michael S. Berliner, Andrew Bernstein, Jeff Britting, Dina Garmong, Onkar Ghate, John Lewis, Scott McConnell, Shoshana Milgram, Richard E. Ralston, John Ridpath, Tara Smith & Jena Trammell - 2004 - Lexington Books.
    Ayn Rand's first novel, We the Living, offers an early form of the author's nascent philosophy—the philosophy Rand later called Objectivism. Robert Mayhew's collection of entirely new essays brings together pre-eminent scholars of Rand's writing. In part a history of We the Living, from its earliest drafts to the Italian film later based upon it, Mayhew's collection goes on to explore the enduring significance of Rand's first novel as a work both of philosophy and of literature.
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  27. Yudhishthira's Doubt.R. S. Bhatnagar - 2004 - In Kusuma Jaina, Foundations of Indian moral thought. Jaipur: Dept. of Philosophy, University of Rajasthan. pp. 11--1.
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  28.  9
    Bevezetés a tudásszociológiába.András Karácsony - 1995 - Budapest: Osiris-Századvég.
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  29. Teorii︠a︡ Charlza Darvina v svete leninskoĭ kont︠s︡ept︠s︡ii razvitii︠a︡.Iosif Adamovich Rut︠s︡kiĭ - 1977
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  30. The wisdom of unity (manīṣā-pañcakam). Śaṅkarācārya - 1967 - Madras: Ganesh. Edited by Mahadevan, Telliyavaram Mahadevan Ponnabalam & [From Old Catalog].
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  31.  18
    What Led to Formalism?: Flaubert's Account of Sentimentalism.S. K. Wertz - 2013 - Philosophy and Literature 37 (2):524-530.
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  32. Poni︠a︡tie gumanizma: frant︠s︡uzskiĭ i russkiĭ opyt = La notion d'humanisme: expérience russe et française.S. Zenkin (ed.) - 2006 - Moskva: RGGU.
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    A reexamination of Gilligan’s analysis of the female moral system.Nancy S. Coney & Wade C. Mackey - 1997 - Human Nature 8 (3):247-273.
    Gilligan’s (1982) refinement of Kohlberg’s theory on moral development operates on two theses: (1) females, more so than males, reach moral decisions based on the personalities of the relevant individuals; and (2) female behaviors stemming from moral decisions are based upon “care” and “responsibility for others.” This article accepts the first thesis but argues that the second is incorrect. That is, self-interest—i.e., aiding “blood” kin and/or carefully monitoring reciprocity—rather than “altruism” is argued to be the operant dynamic in forging distaff (...)
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  34.  10
    Logos paramythias: mia anaphora ston mythiko, philosophiko kai theologiko logo tēs kath' hēmas anatolēs kai mia synantēsē me ta adiexoda tēs dyseōs.Nikos Orphanidēs - 2002 - Leukōsia: Aktē.
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    Editor's Introduction.Michael S. Brady & Duncan Pritchard - 2003 - Metaphilosophy 34 (3):330-330.
  36. Svobodnoe vremi︠a︡ i nravstvennoe vospitanie: po materialam Vsesoi︠u︡znoĭ nauchno-prakticheskoĭ konferent︠s︡ii v Baku, v aprele 1979 g.S. G. Arutiunian, N. B. Zhukova & I. Vsesoiuznaia Nauchno-Prakticheskaia Konferentsiia "Formirovanie Aktivnoi Zhiznennoi Pozitsii--Opyt (eds.) - 1979 - Moskva: Znanie.
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  37. Diachronikē diastasē stē zōē: eisagōgē stēn plastikē domē tēs vio-iatrikēs anazētēsēs: ereunētikē dokimē.I. N. Augoustēs - 1992 - Athēna: Iatrikes Ekd. LITSAS.
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    Clarity and certainity: an introduction to Quine's semantics.S. W. Bakhle - 1993 - Nagpur: Datsons.
    On the theory of meaning and reference (semantics) as interpretated by W.V. Quine; a study.
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  39. Rossiĭskoe filosofskoe soobshchestvo i transli︠a︡t︠s︡ii︠a︡ filosofskogo znanii︠a︡ v XX veke.N. G. Baranet︠s︡ - 2008 - Ulʹi︠a︡novsk: Artishok.
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    Razmezhevanii︠a︡ i tendent︠s︡ii sovremennoĭ filosofskoĭ antropologii = Delimitations and tendencies of modern philosophical anthropology.P. S. Gurevich - 2015 - Moskva: If Ran. Edited by Ė. M. Spirova.
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  41. Sovremennai︠a︡ ėnergetika s tochki zrenii︠a︡ ėmpiriosimvolizma. Novye vei︠a︡nii︠a︡.P. S. I︠U︡shkevich - 1995 - In V. V. Lesevich, P. S. I︠U︡shkevich, A. Bogdanov, A. I. Novikov, S. S. Gusev & A. F. Zamaleev, Russkiĭ pozitivizm: Lesevich, I︠U︡shkevich, Bogdanov. Sankt-Peterburg: Nauka.
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  42.  93
    Mill's doctrine of natural kinds.W. H. S. Monck - 1887 - Mind 12 (48):637-640.
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    Sınıf Öğretmeni Adaylarına Göre 4+4+4 Biçimindeki Yapılanmanın Okuma Yazma Öğretimine Etkileri.Ş Dilek Belet Boyaci - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 11):275-275.
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  44.  61
    Consumer’s stated trust in the food industry and meat purchases.Larissa S. Drescher, Janneke de Jonge, Ellen Goddard & Thomas Herzfeld - 2012 - Agriculture and Human Values 29 (4):507-517.
    Research indicates that consumers are particularly concerned about the safety of meat. More highly processed meat is perceived as more unsafe than fresh or natural meats, i.e., consumers trust processed meat less. This paper studies the relationship between perceived trust and day-to-day purchase behavior for meat, giving special attention to the degree of meat processing. Controlling for trust in food chain actors and demographic and socio-economic variables, actual meat purchases of Canadian households are linked to answers from a commissioned food (...)
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  45. Beccaria's Contractarian Criminal Law : jurisdiction, punishments and rewards.R. A. Duff & S. E. Marshall - 2022 - In Antje Du Bois-Pedain & Shaḥar Eldar, Re-reading Beccaria: on the contemporary significance of a penal classic. New York: Hart.
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  46. Eudaimonia, human nature, and normativity : reflections on Aristotle's project in Nicomachean Ethics Book I.Øyvind Rabbås - 2015 - In Øyvind Rabbås, Eyjólfur Kjalar Emilsson, Hallvard Fossheim & Miira Tuominen, The Quest for the Good Life: Ancient Philosophers on Happiness. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
  47.  10
    Three types of jewish existence in Nietzsche's philosophy.S. Ronen - 1999 - Dialogue and Universalism 9:107-121.
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  48. Hegel’s System and the Necessity and Intelligibility of Evil, Part I.S. J. W. L. Lacroix - 1971 - Idealistic Studies 1 (1):47-64.
    Hegel attempts both to give evil its metaphysical due and to give it intelligibility within a processive idealistic system. To accomplish these ends, he consistently employs the contrast between the natural and the free act of the subject and the contrast between the particular and the universal. He places these contrasts within the situation of an original and presupposed unity of spirit that itself is the ground of the mediation required for thinking freedom, for evil, and for ultimate reconciliation. He (...)
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  49.  46
    Keiser's Post-Critical Niebuhr.Charles S. McCoy - 1997 - Tradition and Discovery 24 (1):6-14.
    This review essay on R. Melvin Keiser's Roots of Relational Ethics: Responsibility in Origin and Maturity in H. Richard Niebuhr surveys selected works about Niebuhr, examines the strengths of Keiser's post-critical treatment of Niebuhr and raises questions about Keiser's views and about Niebuhr.
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  50.  25
    Rethinking “Elective” Procedures for Women's Reproduction during Covid‐19.Marielle S. Gross, Bryna J. Harrington, Carolyn B. Sufrin & Ruth R. Faden - 2020 - Hastings Center Report 50 (3):40-43.
    Common hospital and surgical center responses to the Covid‐19 pandemic included curtailing “elective” procedures, which are typically determined based on implications for physical health and survival. However, in the focus solely on physical health and survival, procedures whose main benefits advance components of well‐being beyond health, including self‐determination, personal security, economic stability, equal respect, and creation of meaningful social relationships, have been disproportionately deprioritized. We describe how female reproduction‐related procedures, including abortion, surgical sterilization, reversible contraception devices and in vitro fertilization, (...)
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