Results for 'Régis Burnet'

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  1. La chute du Temple en 70 constitue-t-elle un tournant de l'histoire du judaïsme et du christianisme?: Quelques réflexions à partir d'un livre récent.Régis Burnet - 2013 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 44 (2):256-271.
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    Quand l’exégèse des gens de lettres précède celle des exégètes : le cas Judas.Régis Burnet - 2019 - ThéoRèmes 14 (14).
    It is often thought that the literature dealing with religion is nothing more than the expression of a thought elaborated by the theologian, which he struggles to express: the Bible, the primary text, is initially interpreted by theologians, and then writers gather their interpretations. But it is not always so, as the reception of Judas Iscariote testifies: from Klosptock to Kazantzakis through Victor Hugo and Gérard de Nerval, it is the people of letters who preceded the exegetes in the interpretation (...)
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    Régis Burnet, Exegesis and History of Reception. Reading the New Testament Today with the Readers of the Past. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck (coll. « Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament », 455), 2021, xii-244 p. [REVIEW]François Doyon - 2021 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 77 (1):159-161.
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    Régis Burnet, Épîtres et lettres Ier-IIe siècle. De Paul de Tarse à Polycarpe de Smyrne. Paris, Les Éditions du Cerf (coll. « Lectio divina », 192), 2003, 458 p.Régis Burnet, Épîtres et lettres Ier-IIe siècle. De Paul de Tarse à Polycarpe de Smyrne. Paris, Les Éditions du Cerf (coll. « Lectio divina », 192), 2003, 458 p. [REVIEW]Danielle Jodoin - 2006 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 62 (3):589-591.
  5. The Ethics of Aristotle.J. Burnet - 1900 - Methuen.
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  6. Remarks on John Locke by Thomas Burnet with Locke's Replies.Thomas Burnet, John Locke & George Watson - 1989
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    Preferential semantics for the logic of comparative similarity over triangular and metric models.Régis Alenda & Nicola Olivetti - 2012 - In Luis Farinas del Cerro, Andreas Herzig & Jerome Mengin (eds.), Logics in Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 1--13.
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    Plato Opera Vol. Ii.J. Burnet (ed.) - 1899 - Clarendon Press.
    This long awaited new edition contains seven of the dialogues of Plato, and is the first in the five-volume complete edition of Plato's works in the Oxford Classical Texts series. The result of many years of painstaking scholarship, the new volume will replace the now nearly one hundred-year-old original edition, and is destined to become just as long lasting a classic.
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    Approches grammatologiques de la pensée de Heidegger.Régis Luc Ouellette - 2009 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 65 (2):321-347.
    Le sujet phénoménologique ou pas ne quitte jamais l’œuvre écrite de Heidegger. Les figures dudit sujet sont capturées et différées par la pensée derridienne de la différance.
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    Epistemology.Louis Marie Régis - 1959 - New York,: Macmillan.
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  11. (3 other versions)Early Greek Philosophy.John Burnet - 1892 - Mind 1 (4):539-544.
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    The limits of reason and some limitations of Weber's morality.Regis A. Factor & Stephen Turner - 1979 - Human Studies 2 (1):301 - 334.
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    Γενουστησ.John Burnet - 1900 - The Classical Review 14 (08):393-394.
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    Remarks upon an essay concerning human understanding: five tracts.Thomas Burnet - 1697 - New York: Garland. Edited by John Locke & Noah Porter.
  15. Powrót do Kirkegaarda.Regis Boyer - 1996 - Nowa Krytyka 7.
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  16. Religion nord-germanique ancienne. Déesse-mère/déesse-mort.Régis Boyer - 2002 - Iris 23:229-239.
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    Biology and medicine.Macfarlane Burnet - 1957 - The Eugenics Review 49 (3):127.
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    Plato Opera Vol. V.J. Burnet (ed.) - 1963 - Clarendon Press.
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    L'emprise.Régis Debray - 2000 - Paris: Gallimard.
    On peut lire " L'Emprise " de deux manières : comme un texte de rupture ou bien de continuité. Dans le premier cas, assez subalterne, on y verra le " persiste et signe " de l'hérétique après les foudres qui l'ont frappé lors de la guerre du Kosovo. Dans le second, plus intéressant, une mise à jour du " Pouvoir intellectuel " (1979), pour décrire comment l'ordre moral est aujourd'hui passé aux mains d'un nouveau magistère, la presse. Assumant avec les (...)
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    Critical notices.John Burnet - 1908 - Mind 17 (4):559-563.
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  21. Mystiques et réalistes anglo-saxons, d'Emerson à Bernard Shaw.Régis Michaud - 1922 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 29 (1):3-3.
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    Deux éditions récentes de textes d'astronomie arabe.Régis Morelon - 2001 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 11 (2):297-303.
    Na[sdotu]īr al-Dīn al-[Tdotu]ūsī, Memoir on Astronomy . [Sdotu]adr al-Sharī‘a. An Islamic Response to Greek Astronomy: Kitāb Ta‘dīl Hay’at al-Aflāk of [sdotu]adr al-Sharīa , Edited with Translation and Commentary by Ahmad S. Dallal, X + 461 pp., figs., index. Leiden - New York - Köln, E.J. Brill, 1995.
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  23. (1 other version)J. Roland Pennock and John W. Chapman, eds., Human Rights: Nomos XXIII Reviewed by.Edward Regis Jr - 1982 - Philosophy in Review 2 (5):242-244.
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  24. “Setting” n-Opposition.Régis Pellissier - 2008 - Logica Universalis 2 (2):235-263.
    Our aim is to show that translating the modal graphs of Moretti’s “n-opposition theory” (2004) into set theory by a suited device, through identifying logical modal formulas with appropriate subsets of a characteristic set, one can, in a constructive and exhaustive way, by means of a simple recurring combinatory, exhibit all so-called “logical bi-simplexes of dimension n” (or n-oppositional figures, that is the logical squares, logical hexagons, logical cubes, etc.) contained in the logic produced by any given modal graph (an (...)
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    On searching explanatory argumentation graphs.Régis Riveret - 2020 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 30 (2):123-192.
    Cases or examples can be often explained by the interplay of arguments in favour or against their outcomes. This paper addresses the problem of finding explanations for a collection of cases where an explanation is a labelled argumentation graph consistent with the cases, and a case is represented as a statement labelling. The focus is on semi-abstract argumentation graphs specifying attack and subargument relations between arguments, along with particular complete argument labellings taken from probabilistic argumentation where arguments can be excluded. (...)
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    Ethical Egoism and Moral Responsibility.Edward Regis - 1979 - American Philosophical Quarterly 16 (1):45-52.
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    Le Problème de Mahomet.Régis Blachère & Tanıtan: İsmail Metin - 2015 - Dini Araştırmalar 18 (46):250-256.
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  28. Hellénisme et christianisme.RÉgis Jolivet - 1930 - Revue Thomiste 35 (63):528.
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    La théorie thomiste de l’image de la mémoire.Régis Jolivet - 1960 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 8 (4):41-53.
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    Spatial relation learning for explainable image classification and annotation in critical applications.Régis Pierrard, Jean-Philippe Poli & Céline Hudelot - 2021 - Artificial Intelligence 292 (C):103434.
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  31. Apresentação.Fátima Regis - 2010 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 16 (1):7-8.
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  32. St. Thomas and epistemology.Louis Marie Régis - 1946 - Milwaukee: Marquette University Press.
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    Le paradoxe humain: essai d'anthropologie humaine.Régis Viguier - 2004 - Paris: Harmattan.
    Cinq mille ans d'Histoire consignée nous montrent à la fois une humanité créatrice d'indéniables progrès et, simultanément, prisonnière de schémas qui la paralysent ou l'affolent. C'est comme si l'humanité cherchait son bonheur en suivant obstinément des stratégies qui lui assurent rarement une satisfaction durable. Assurément, il doit exister de sérieuses raisons à ces choix de comportements inefficaces, alors même que personne ne dispose d'une seconde vie pour rattraper les échecs de la première. Dans Le paradoxe humain, l'auteur resitue le psychisme (...)
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    The Socratic doctrine of the soul.John Burnet - 1916 - London,: Pub. for the British Academy by H. Milford, Oxford University Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be (...)
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    Probabilistic rule-based argumentation for norm-governed learning agents.Régis Riveret, Antonino Rotolo & Giovanni Sartor - 2012 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 20 (4):383-420.
    This paper proposes an approach to investigate norm-governed learning agents which combines a logic-based formalism with an equation-based counterpart. This dual formalism enables us to describe the reasoning of such agents and their interactions using argumentation, and, at the same time, to capture systemic features using equations. The approach is applied to norm emergence and internalisation in systems of learning agents. The logical formalism is rooted into a probabilistic defeasible logic instantiating Dung’s argumentation framework. Rules of this logic are attached (...)
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    Aristotle on education, being extracts from the Ethics and Politics.John Burnet & Aristotle Aristotle - 1903 - Cambridge,: At the University press. Edited by John Burnet.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be (...)
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    Into God: Itinerarium mentis in Deum of Saint Bonaventure: an annotated translation.Regis J. Armstrong (ed.) - 2020 - Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press.
    The Itinerarium provides a concise introduction to Bonaventure's theological understanding. This new translation presents Latin and English on facing pages, followed by an extensive and detailed commentary on the historical, scriptural, and linguistic contexts of the text and its translation.
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    Interpretazione di Socrate.John Burnet - 1994 - Milano: Vita e pensiero. Edited by Francesco Sarri.
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  39. Plato's Phædo, adited with introduction and notes.John Burnet - 1912 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 73:219-220.
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    The Metaphysical Basis of Plato's Ethics.Arthur Bernard Cook.John Burnet - 1896 - International Journal of Ethics 7 (1):131-131.
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    L'anti-masoch.Régis Michel - 2006 - Multitudes 2 (2):69-85.
    Masochism brings Freud up against the accursed share of analysis, which was always the female. Masoch undermines the epistemological apparatus of the Freudian unconscious, which could reinvent sex, but not the world : it gives way to the old demons of metaphysics, where the death drive triumphs. The return of the repressed.
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    (1 other version)Brigitte Studer, 1968 und die Formung des feministischen Subjekts.Régis Schlagdenhauffen - 2012 - Clio 36.
    Quelles relations entretiennent les mouvements sociaux de 1968 et les mouvements féministes en Europe et en Amérique du Nord? Telle est la question posée dans cet essai par Brigitte Studer, professeure d’histoire suisse et d’histoire moderne à l’Université de Berne. Cependant, ce ne sont pas tant les aspects théoriques – bien qu’il soit difficile d’en faire l’économie – qui sont au cœur de son propos mais bien la constitution d’une puissance agissante qui est au centre du questionnement de l...
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  43. Mathématisation indirecte et monde de la vie un commentaire de la section 9 C de la Krisis.Régis Tomas - 2003 - Kairos (Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail. Faculté de philosophie) 22:213-234.
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    How to Avoid Mistaking the Map for the Territory.Régis Martineau - 2019 - Philosophy of Management 18 (1):107-112.
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    Die Anfänge der griechischen Philosophie.John Burnet & Else Schenkl - 1913 - Leipzig [etc.]: B. G. Teubner.
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    Ingénierie de la formation et développement professionnel des enseignants. Ressorts et conditions d’un renouveau au prisme du comparatisme.Régis Malet & Alice Le Coz - 2023 - Revue Phronesis 12 (4):92-116.
    The concept of continuing professional development (CPD) for teachers combines issues of training, recognition, and professional effectiveness. In this article, we examine the conditions and effects of the implementation of CPD policies at the international and national levels, before looking comparatively at concrete CPD training provision in two “academies” in France. We seek to identify certain conditions for the renewal of in-service teacher training engineering devices and, more broadly, to document major contemporary issues for the teaching profession: attractiveness, recognition, renewal, (...)
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    On the inducibility of cytochrome P-450.F. Burnet, N. Darby & A. Lodola - 1986 - Bioessays: News and Reviews in Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology 4 (5):231.
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  48. The Lord Reigneth.Adam W. Burnet - 1947
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    Zeller's Aristotle.B. F. C. Costelloe, J. H. Muirhead.John Burnet - 1897 - International Journal of Ethics 8 (1):126-127.
  50. The Layman And The Abdication Of Philosophers.Edward Regis Jr - 1975 - Metaphilosophy 6 (January):117-126.
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