Results for 'Rebecca Romo'

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    Book Review: Looking for Leroy: Illegible Black Masculinities by Mark Anthony Neal. [REVIEW]Rebecca Romo - 2014 - Gender and Society 28 (2):321-322.
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    With Gratitude.Rebecca A. Martusewicz - 2014 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 50 (4):305-306.
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    Ethics in the Family Firm: Cohesion through Reciprocity and Exchange.Rebecca G. Long & K. Michael Mathews - 2011 - Business Ethics Quarterly 21 (2):287-308.
    ABSTRACT:The ubiquity of family dominated firms in economies worldwide suggests that inquiry into the nature of the ethical frames of these types of firms is increasingly important. In the context of a social exchange approach and the norm of reciprocity, this manuscript addresses social cohesion in a dominant family firm coalition. It is argued that the factors underlying this cohesion, direct versus indirect reciprocity, shape unique attributes of family firms such as intentions for transgenerational sustainability, the pursuit of non-economic goals, (...)
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    Good Deeds and Misdeeds: A Mediated Model of the Effect of Corporate Social Performance on Organizational Attractiveness.Rebecca A. Luce, Alison E. Barber & Amy J. Hillman - 2001 - Business and Society 40 (4):397-415.
    Previous research has suggested that corporate social performance is positively related to firms’ attractiveness as employers. The authors propose and test an alternative model whereby job applicants’ familiarity with employers mediates the relationship between corporate social performance and organizational attractiveness. Applicants’familiarity with firms may serve as a signal of firms’suitability as employers, with more familiar firms considered more attractive. Furthermore, a firm’s overall level of corporate social activity (whether “good deeds” or “ misdeeds”) may contribute directly to firm familiarity and (...)
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    Hegel and resistance: history, politics and dialectics.Bart Zantvoort & Rebecca Comay (eds.) - 2018 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    The concept of resistance has always been central to the reception of Hegel's philosophy. The prevalent image of Hegel's system, which continues to influence the scholarship to this day, is that of an absolutist, monist metaphysics which overcomes all resistance, sublating or assimilating all differences into a single organic 'Whole'. For that reason, the reception of Hegel has always been marked by the question of how to resist Hegel: how to think that which remains outside of or other to the (...)
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    Review essay / making up our minds: Can law survive cognitive science?Rebecca Dresser - 1991 - Criminal Justice Ethics 10 (1):27-40.
    Lynne Rudder Baker, Saving Belief: A Critique of Physicalism Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1987, xii + 177 pp. Daniel C. Dennett, The Intentional Stance Cambridge: MIT Press, 1987, xi + 388 pp. Paul M. Churchland, Matter and Consciousness Cambridge: MIT Press, revised edition, 1988, xii + 184 pp.
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    A further contribution to the tactual perception of form.Michael J. Zigler & Rebecca Barrett - 1927 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 10 (2):184.
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    Distributional learning of speech sound categories is gated by sensitive periods.Rebecca K. Reh, Takao K. Hensch & Janet F. Werker - 2021 - Cognition 213 (C):104653.
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    Public attitudes toward ethical issues in tv programming: Multiple viewer orientations.Rebecca Ann Lind & David L. Rarick - 1992 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 7 (3):133 – 150.
    Telephone survey of 293 TV viewers in Minneapolis-St. Paul investigated how viewers evaluate ethical issues and problematic content in TV news and entertainment programs, and attitudes toward methods of controlling TV content. In rating eight hypothetical news and entertainment scenarios, viewers appeared more willing to accept ethical breaches in entertainment than in news programs. In evaluating the severity of general problems in TV programming, most viewers considered violence, adult themes, and a lack of family values to be big problems. Different (...)
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    How Clinical Trial Data Sharing Platforms Can Advance the Study of Biomarkers.Rebecca Li & Ida Sim - 2019 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 47 (3):369-373.
    Although data sharing platforms host diverse data types the features of these platforms are well-suited to facilitating biomarker research. Given the current state of biomarker discovery, an innovative paradigm to accelerate biomarker discovery is to utilize platforms such as Vivli to leverage researchers' abilities to integrate certain classes of biomarkers.
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    La ética de Kant, la ética kantiana y la ética contemporánea.Vicente de Haro Romo - 2024 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 22 (149):95.
    Entre los elementos básicos de la ética de Immanuel Kant destacan el imperativo categórico como fundamento de determinación de la ética, su apelación a la facultad de juzgar y la posibilidad de considerar a la ética kantiana del deber como un modelo de formación de carácter, y por tanto, como una ética de la virtud. El planteamiento de Kant es fecundo incluso en propuestas éticas que difieren de él, específicamente en lo que podría llamarse su "ética material". Finalmente, se muestra (...)
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    Surgeons' quest for life: the history and the future of xenotransplantation.Rebecca Malouin - 1993 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 37 (3):416-428.
  13.  30
    Letter to the Editor: The Function of Animal Ethics Committee.David G. Allen & Rebecca Halligan - 2013 - Between the Species 16 (1):1.
  14.  1
    Personalized Learning with AI Tutors: Assessing and Advancing Epistemic Trustworthiness.Nicolas J. Tanchuk & Rebecca M. Taylor - forthcoming - Educational Theory.
    AI tutors are promised to expand access to personalized learning, improving student achievement and addressing disparities in resources available to students across socioeconomic contexts. The rapid development and introduction of AI tutors raises fundamental questions of epistemic trust in education. What criteria should guide students' critical assessments of the epistemic trustworthiness of these new technologies? And furthermore, how should these technologies and the environments in which they are situated be designed to improve their epistemic trustworthiness? In this article, Nicolas Tanchuk (...)
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    Employing imaginative rationality: using metaphor when discussing death.Rebecca Llewellyn, Chrystal Jaye, Richard Egan, Wayne Cunningham, Jessica Young & Peter Radue - 2017 - Medical Humanities 43 (1):71-72.
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    9 Play and being in Jean~ Paul Sartre's Being and Nothingness1.Rebecca Pitt - 2013 - In Emily Ryall, The philosophy of play. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. pp. 109.
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    Infertility and non-traditional families.Rebecca Roache - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (9):557-558.
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    Incorporating ethical principles into clinical research protocols: a tool for protocol writers and ethics committees.Rebecca H. Li, Mary C. Wacholtz, Mark Barnes, Liam Boggs, Susan Callery-D'Amico, Amy Davis, Alla Digilova, David Forster, Kate Heffernan, Maeve Luthin, Holly Fernandez Lynch, Lindsay McNair, Jennifer E. Miller, Jacquelyn Murphy, Luann Van Campen, Mark Wilenzick, Delia Wolf, Cris Woolston, Carmen Aldinger & Barbara E. Bierer - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (4):229-234.
    A novel Protocol Ethics Tool Kit (‘Ethics Tool Kit’) has been developed by a multi-stakeholder group of the Multi-Regional Clinical Trials Center of Brigham and Women9s Hospital and Harvard. The purpose of the Ethics Tool Kit is to facilitate effective recognition, consideration and deliberation of critical ethical issues in clinical trial protocols. The Ethics Tool Kit may be used by investigators and sponsors to develop a dedicated Ethics Section within a protocol to improve the consistency and transparency between clinical trial (...)
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    MAOA Influences the Trajectory of Attentional Development.Rebecca A. Lundwall & Claudia G. Rasmussen - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:210182.
    Attention is vital to success in all aspects of life (Erickson, Thiessen, Godwin, Dickerson, & Fisher, 2015; Meck & Benson, 2002), hence it is important to identify biomarkers of later attentional problems early enough to intervene. Our objective was to determine if any of 11 genes (APOE, BDNF, HTR4, CHRNA4, COMT, DRD4, IGF2, MAOA, SLC5A7, SLC6A3, and SNAP25) predicted the trajectory of attentional development within the same group of children between infancy and childhood. We recruited followup participants from children who (...)
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    Vaiṣṇava Poet in Early Modern Bengal: Kavikarṇapūra’s Splendour of Speech. By Rembert Lutjeharms.Rebecca Manring - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 141 (1).
    A Vaiṣṇava Poet in Early Modern Bengal: Kavikarṇapūra’s Splendour of Speech. By Rembert Lutjeharms. Oxford Theology and Religion Monographs. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. Pp. 360. $99.
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    Affirming and Rethinking our Visions and Responsibilities as Social Foundations Scholars and Educators.Rebecca A. Martusewicz - 2013 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 49 (2):101-103.
    (2013). Affirming and Rethinking our Visions and Responsibilities as Social Foundations Scholars and Educators. Educational Studies: Vol. 49, Critical, Interpretive, and Normative Perspectives of Educational Foundations: Contributions for the 21st Century, pp. 101-103.
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    A new company descriptor takes us into a new era.Rebecca Marsh - 2011 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 9 (1).
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    (41 other versions)Editor's Corner.Rebecca Martusewicz - 1999 - Educational Studies 30 (2):113-114.
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    Eros, Education, and Eco-Ethical Consciousness: Re-Membering the “Room of Love” in Wendell Berry's Hannah Coulter.Rebecca Martusewicz - 2013 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 49 (5):443-450.
    (2013). Eros, Education, and Eco-Ethical Consciousness: Re-Membering the “Room of Love” in Wendell Berry's Hannah Coulter. Educational Studies: Vol. 49, Eco-Democratic Reforms in Education, pp. 443-450.
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    Educational Imagination in a Period of “Reconfiguration”.Rebecca Martusewicz - 2013 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 49 (4):299-302.
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    Inside/out: Contemporary Critical Perspectives in Education.Rebecca A. Martusewicz & William M. Reynolds - 1994 - Psychology Press.
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    My Friend PK.Rebecca A. Martusewicz - 2014 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 50 (1):1-2.
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    Moses Maimonides: rabbi, philosopher, and physician.Rebecca B. Marcus - 1969 - New York,: F. Watts.
    A biography of the Spanish-born Jewish philosopher, rabbi, and physician of the Middle Ages who spent a good deal of his life in Egypt and whose works influenced the thinking of Jews, Christians, and Moslems.
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  29. Mapping the Terrain of the Post-Modern Subject : Post-Structuralism and the Educated Woman.Rebecca A. Martusewicz - 2016 - In William F. Pinar & William M. Reynolds, Understanding curriculum as phenomenological and deconstructed text. Kingston, NY: Educators International Press.
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    One Last Hurrah!Rebecca A. Martusewicz - 2014 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 50 (6):533-536.
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    Professor's Reflection: The Course, the Pedagogy, the Student.Rebecca A. Martusewicz - 1999 - Educational Studies 30 (3-4):293-294.
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    Reflections on Leadership: Responsibility and Power in Democratic Organizations.Rebecca Martusewicz - 2010 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 46 (4):371-375.
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    Short and Sweet.Rebecca A. Martusewicz - 2014 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 50 (3):207-208.
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    Special Issue: The Legacy of Chet Bowers for EcoJustice Education.Rebecca Martusewicz & Jeff Edmundson - 2018 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 54 (3):352-353.
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    Warrior in an Educational Nightmare.Rebecca A. Martusewicz - 2014 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 50 (2):99-102.
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    Descartes' Temporal Dualism.Rebecca Lloyd Waller - 2014 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Rebecca Lloyd Waller defends a temporal dualist interpretation of Descartes’ account of time to directly engage and address common interpretive puzzles. Descartes' Temporal Dualism offers a significant contribution to the understanding of an important, but frequently neglected component of Descartes’ ontology.
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    Weight Bias Internalization Among Adolescents Seeking Weight Loss: Implications for Eating Behaviors and Parental Communication.Rebecca M. Puhl & Mary S. Himmelstein - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Awakening Movement Consciousness in the Physical Landscapes of Literacy: Leaving, Reading and Being Moved by One’s Trace.Rebecca J. Lloyd - 2011 - Phenomenology and Practice 5 (2):73-92.
    Physical literacy, a concept introduced by Britain’s physical education and phenomenological scholar, Margaret Whitehead, who aligned the term with her monist view of the human condition and emphasis that we are essentially embodied beings in-the-world, is a foundational hub of recent physical education curricular revision. The adoption of the term serves a political purpose as it helps stakeholders advocate for the educational, specifically literacy, rights of the whole child. Yet, one might wonder what impact conceptual shifts of becoming “physically literate” (...)
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    Methodological Reflections on Normative Case Studies: What They are and Why We Need Better Quality Criteria to Inform Their Use.Rebecca M. Taylor - 2024 - Educational Theory 74 (3):301-311.
    Normative case studies represent empirically grounded phenomena that raise normative philosophical questions. Growth in the popularity of case-based inquiry in philosophy reflects a recent trend in the field not to shy away from engaging with empirical realities, but instead to advance philosophical projects that recognize and speak directly to these realities, including social inequities endemic to our societies. Yet, as the use of case studies and other empirically engaged philosophical approaches has grown, concerns have been raised about whether these methods (...)
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    Please Help Me.Rebecca L. Volpe - 2013 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 3 (2):122-124.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:“Please Help Me”Rebecca L. VolpeTwo–year–old Jay was born prematurely at 26 weeks gestation, addicted to opiates. After several months in the Neonatal ICU, he was sent home, ventilator–dependent but with a high likelihood of survival and a low chance of severe, lasting disability. When Jay was 1½, he had a cardiopulmonary arrest at home. The parents of children who are on ventilators at home receive extensive education and (...)
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    Designing an Ethical Policy for Bone Marrow Donation by Minors and Others Lacking Capacity.Rebecca D. Pentz, Ka Wah Chan, Joyce L. Neumann, Richard E. Champlin & Martin Korbling - 2004 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 13 (2):149-155.
    The child was 2 years, 8 months old and weighed 25 pounds, one-fifth the weight of her mother, for whom she was to be the bone marrow donor. The mother had suffered a relapse of acute myelogenous leukemia; her physicians recommended a bone marrow transplant. The child was the closest human leukocyte antigen match and thus the best donor candidate for her mother's transplant.
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  42. Unjust enrichment and european community law.Williams Rebecca - 2001 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 21 (3).
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    Can Brain Scans Prove Criminals Unaccountable?Rebecca Roache - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 5 (2):35-37.
    Leonard Berlin (2014) reports that neuroscientific data have been presented in court by lawyers wishing to argue that their clients have reduced or absent moral responsibility for their behaviour b...
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    What sort of death matters?Rebecca Roache - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (11):727-728.
    Michael Nair-Collins and Franklin G. Miller argue in an extended essay that the dominant view in medical ethics of patients who are brain dead but sustained on mechanical ventilation is false. According to this view, these unfortunate patients are biologically dead, yet appear to be alive as a result of the fact that mechanical ventilation ensures that their heart continues to beat, that their skin remains warm, that their wounds continue to heal, that their body does not decay, and that (...)
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    Dianne Lawrence, Genteel Women: Empire and Domestic Material Culture, 1840-1910.Rebecca Rogers - 2014 - Clio 40:287-290.
    Publié dans la série « Studies in Imperialism », le livre de Dianne Lawrence place la culture matérielle au cœur du questionnement qu’elle poursuit sur la vie des femmes britanniques dans des colonies aussi différentes que l’Australie, la Nouvelle-Zélande, le Cap, l’Inde ou l’Afrique de l’Ouest. Elle s’intéresse au rôle que jouent les vêtements, les espaces de réception, le jardin et la nourriture dans la fabrication des « genteel women » – des femmes « comme il faut ». L’expérience de (...)
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    Frank Estelmann, Sarga Moussa & Friedrich Wolfzettel.Rebecca Rogers - 2013 - Clio 38.
    Quatre ans après le numéro « Voyageuses » de Clio HFS (n° 38, 2008), un collectif d’historien-ne-s de la littérature livre dans cet ouvrage une réflexion sur les spécificités du récit de voyage féminin. Sans rechercher l’existence d’une écriture féminine, et loin de tout « dogmatisme théorique », écrit la quatrième de couverture, les auteur-e-s analysent les écrits de voyageuses qui font dorénavant partie d’un canon féminin d’écritures viatiques en langues anglaise, française et allemande. Du...
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    Nicole Pellegrin (études réunies et présentées par), Histoires d’historiennes.Rebecca Rogers - 2008 - Clio 27:252-253.
    Dans ce recueil ambitieux, Nicole Pellegrin questionne « l’invisibilité des praticiennes de l’histoire ». En faisant apparaître des « types d’oubliées d’écriture », les dix-neuf contributions d’auteures littéraires et historiennes révèlent une multitude de manières de faire de l’histoire depuis le xve siècle et ouvrent des pistes pour mieux comprendre leur effacement d’une historiographie très masculine. Le résultat a certes un caractère « kaléidoscopique », comme l’annonce Nicole Pellegrin d...
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    Odile Goerg (dir.), « Perspectives Historiques sur le Genre en Afrique ».Rebecca Rogers - 2009 - Clio 29.
    Saluons cette collection d’articles qui illustre bien le déplacement des interrogations depuis la publication Les Africaines par Catherine Coquery-Vidrovitch en 1994. Odile Goerg nous invite ici à passer de l’histoire des femmes à celle du genre en ouvrant les Cahiers Afrique aux jeunes chercheurs, dont les orientations de recherche se nourrissent des travaux récents sur les pays colonisés ou anciennement colonisés. Le résultat est un ensemble stimulant de textes qui partage avec d’autres col...
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    Pauline Mortas, Une rose épineuse. La défloration au xixe siècle en France.Rebecca Rogers - 2020 - Clio 51.
    Lauréate du prix Mnémosyne en 2016, Pauline Mortas démontre dans ce livre issu de son mémoire de master 2 une belle capacité à traquer la multiplicité des représentations entourant « la première fois » au xixe siècle. Puisant dans des sources issues du milieu ecclésial comme du milieu médical, du roman de mœurs comme de la pornographie, sans oublier les traités d’éducation ou les jugements rendus dans les tribunaux, l’historienne confirme par cette multiplicité de regards ce que Michel Foucau...
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    X-Men and Philosophy: Astonishing Insight and Uncanny Argument in the Mutant X-Verse.William Irwin, Rebecca Housel & J. Jeremy Wisnewski (eds.) - 2009 - Wiley.
    _ X-Men_ is one of the most popular comic book franchises ever, with successful spin-offs that include several feature films, cartoon series, bestselling video games, and merchandise. This is the first look at the deeper issues of the X-Men universe and the choices facing its powerful "mutants," such as identity, human ethics versus mutant morality, and self-sacrifice. J. Jeremy Wisnewski is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Hartwick College and the editor of Family Guy and Philosophy and The Office and Philosophy. (...)
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