Results for 'Peter Radue'

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  1.  33
    Employing imaginative rationality: using metaphor when discussing death.Rebecca Llewellyn, Chrystal Jaye, Richard Egan, Wayne Cunningham, Jessica Young & Peter Radue - 2017 - Medical Humanities 43 (1):71-72.
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    Michael Polanyi on Freedom of Science.Péter Hartl - 2012 - Synthesis Philosophica 27 (2):307-321.
    U ovome radu istražujem Polanyijeve glavne argumente za akademsku slobodu. Akademska i politička sloboda međusobno su blisko povezane: ako država preuzme kontrolu nad znanošću, to dovodi do kolapsa same slobode u cijelome društvu. Njegovi argumenti protiv totalitarizma oslanjaju se na njegovu anti-pozitivističku filozofiju znanosti. On definira totalitarizam kao poricanje akademske slobode koje se temelji na pragmatičkom poimanju znanosti i instrumentalističkim interpretacijama moralnih vrijednosti. Polanyijeva ideja znanosti je duhovni, idealistički opis zajednice slobodnih intelektualaca koji su strastveno posvećeni potrazi za istinom i (...)
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  3. Alvin Plantinga (Profiles, Vol. 5).James Tomberlin & Peter van Inwagen (eds.) - 1985 - D. Reidel Publishing Company.
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    Social science as the idea: Peter Winch and Wittgenstein’s heritage.Michal Sládecek - 2010 - Filozofija I Društvo 21 (3):145-162.
    U ovom radu izlaze se kratak pregled Vincovog poimanja drustvenih nauka kao neodvojivih od filozofije i Vitgenstajnovog uticaja na ovakvo shvatanje. Autor ukazuje da su brojne primedbe kriticara za subjektivizam i relativizam uzrokovane nedovoljnom razradom i generalizacijama koje nalazimo u ranim Vincovim tekstovima, a koji su bili predmet njegove samokritike u kasnijem periodu. Osim tematizovanja standardno prihvacenog znacaja Vitgenstajnovih pojmova jezickih igara, zivotnih formi i sledjenja pravila po drustvenu teoriju, u tekstu se naglasava znacaj manje tematizovanih koncepata preglednog prikaza i (...)
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    Vitalizing Nature in the Enlightenment.Peter Hanns Reill - 2005 - University of California Press.
    This far-reaching study redraws the intellectual map of the Enlightenment and boldly reassesses the legacy of that highly influential period for us today. Peter Hanns Reill argues that in the middle of the eighteenth century, a major shift occurred in the way Enlightenment thinkers conceived of nature that caused many of them to reject the prevailing doctrine of mechanism and turn to a vitalistic model to account for phenomena in natural history, the life sciences, and chemistry. As he traces (...)
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    How Homo Became Sapiens: On the Evolution of Thinking.Peter Gärdenfors - 2003 - Oxford University Press.
    In this entertaining work, Peter Grdenfors embarks on an evolutionary detective story to try and solve one of the big mysteries surrounding human existence - how has the modern human being's way of thinking come into existence. Immensely readable and full of humorous insights, the book will be valuable for students in psychology and biology, and accessible to readers of popular science.
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  7. Propositional Quantification in Bimodal S5.Peter Fritz - 2020 - Erkenntnis 85 (2):455-465.
    Propositional quantifiers are added to a propositional modal language with two modal operators. The resulting language is interpreted over so-called products of Kripke frames whose accessibility relations are equivalence relations, letting propositional quantifiers range over the powerset of the set of worlds of the frame. It is first shown that full second-order logic can be recursively embedded in the resulting logic, which entails that the two logics are recursively isomorphic. The embedding is then extended to all sublogics containing the logic (...)
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    Ostvarena umjetnička sloboda.Murray Smith - 2024 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 20 (2):259-282.
    Što je manje ograničenja s kojima se susrećemo u umjetničkom stvaranju, to je veća naša umjetnička sloboda; kako tehnologija napreduje i pruža nam sve više opcija i sve veću kreativnu fleksibilnost, tako naša umjetnička sloboda cvjeta. Tako glasi narodna mudrost o ovom fenomenu. No je li ta mudrost doista mudra? Mnogi umjetnici i teoretičari umjetnosti smatraju da nije; za Stravinskog, “[š]to više ograničenja namećemo, to se više oslobađamo lanaca koji sputavaju duh”. U radu razmatram ortodoksno gledište i ovu alternativnu perspektivu (...)
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  9. (1 other version)Concepts of evidence.Peter Achinstein - 1978 - Mind 87 (345):22-45.
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  10. How to be an infinitist about doxastic justification.Peter Klein - 2007 - Philosophical Studies 134 (1):25 - 29.
  11.  36
    Multiplicity, Audibility, and Musical Continuity.Peter Alward - 2020 - Dialogue 59 (1):101-121.
    RÉSUMÉLes œuvres musicales sont à la fois multiples et audibles. Dans le domaine de l'ontologie musicale, deux des principaux modèles conçus pour expliquer ces caractéristiques des œuvres musicales sont le modèle type/instanciation et le modèle étape/continuité. Julian Dodd a soutenu que le modèle type/instanciation a un avantage sur le modèle étape/continuité, car il peut offrir une explication directe de l'audibilité des œuvres musicales en termes de catégorie ontologique. Je défends le modèle étape/continuité contre l'argument de Dodd en invoquant une relation (...)
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    Religija, demokracija i solidarni personalizam: na putu ka svjetskoj kulturi i civilizaciji.Bojan Žalec - 2011 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 31 (1):85-100.
    Na početku članka autor se bavi najnovijim radovima Petera Sloterdijka i Ulricha Becka, koji pokušavaju ocrtati kozmopolitsku kulturu i civilizaciju mira i tolerancije, pa i sudjelovanja, koja bi bila primjerena sadašnjoj situaciji. Autor upozorava na određene poteškoće, ograničenja ili manjkavosti njihovih pogleda i prijedloga i okreće se, u traženju odgovora o značaju i vrijednosti vjere za moderan svijet, radu Renéa Girarda. Njegov značaj ilustrira na primjeru problema faktičkog ostvarivanja ljudskih prava. Članak završava zagovorom solidarnog personalizma i obradom značaja vjere i (...)
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    From Greenwashing to Machinewashing: A Model and Future Directions Derived from Reasoning by Analogy.Peter Seele & Mario D. Schultz - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 178 (4):1063-1089.
    This article proposes a conceptual mapping to outline salient properties and relations that allow for a knowledge transfer from the well-established greenwashing phenomenon to the more recent machinewashing. We account for relevant dissimilarities, indicating where conceptual boundaries may be drawn. Guided by a “reasoning by analogy” approach, the article addresses the structural analogy and machinewashing idiosyncrasies leading to a novel and theoretically informed model of machinewashing. Consequently, machinewashing is defined as a strategy that organizations adopt to engage in misleading behavior (...)
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    The human mind.Daniel Meyer-Dinkgräfe - 1998 - The European Legacy 3 (5):110-112.
    Stairway to the Mind. The Controversial New Science of Consciousness. By Alwyn Scott, xii + 229 pp. $ 25.00 cloth. Theories of Theories of Mind. Edited by Peter Carruthers and Peter K. Smith, xv + 390 pp. $ 59.95, £40.00 cloth $19.95, £14.95 paper. Interpreting Minds. The Evolution of a Practice. By Radu J. Bogdan, xii + 304 pp. $35.00.
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  15. Is racial discrimination arbitrary?Peter Singer - 1978 - Philosophia 8 (2-3):185-203.
  16. Models, analogies, and theories.Peter Achinstein - 1964 - Philosophy of Science 31 (4):328-350.
    Recent accounts of scientific method suggest that a model, or analogy, for an axiomatized theory is another theory, or postulate set, with an identical calculus. The present paper examines five central theses underlying this position. In the light of examples from physical science it seems necessary to distinguish between models and analogies and to recognize the need for important revisions in the position under study, especially in claims involving an emphasis on logical structure and similarity in form between theory and (...)
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    Knowing the Past: Philosophical Issues of History and Archaeology.Peter Kosso - 2001 - Humanity Books.
    How can we know what really happened in the distant past in places like ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Palestine, Greece, and Rome, especially since the evidence is fragmentary and ancient cultures are so different from our own frame of reference? Scholars may examine historical documents and archaeological artifacts, and then make reasonable inferences. But in the final analysis there can be no absolute certainty about events far removed from present reality, and the past must be reconstructed by means of hypotheses that (...)
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  18. The role of awareness in Pavlovian conditioning: Empirical evidence and theoretical implications.Peter F. Lovibond & David R. Shanks - 2002 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 28 (1):3-26.
  19.  30
    Emotional AI and the future of wellbeing in the post-pandemic workplace.Peter Mantello & Manh-Tung Ho - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-7.
    This paper interrogates the growing pervasiveness of affect recognition tools as an emerging layer human-centric automated management in the global workplace. While vendors tout the neoliberal incentives of emotion-recognition technology as a pre-eminent tool of workplace wellness, we argue that emotional AI recalibrates the horizons of capital not by expanding outward into the consumer realm (like surveillance capitalism). Rather, as a new genus of digital Taylorism, it turns inward, passing through the corporeal exterior to extract greater surplus value and managerial (...)
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  20. Neither magic nor mereology: A reply to Lewis.Peter Forrest - 1986 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 64 (1):89 – 91.
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  21. The Identity of Properties.Peter Achinstein - 1974 - American Philosophical Quarterly 11 (4):257 - 275.
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  22. Theoretical models.Peter Achinstein - 1965 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 16 (62):102-120.
  23.  9
    Ética práctica.Peter Singer - 2009 - Ediciones AKAL.
    Ética práctica se ha convertido en una introducción clásica a la ética aplicada. Peter Singer plantea la aplicación de la ética a cuestiones sociales polémicas y difíciles: la igualdad y la discriminación por motivo de raza, sexo, capacidad o especie. el aborto, la eutanasia y la experimentación con embriones. el estatus moral de los animales. la violencia política y la desobediencia civil. la ayuda exterior y la obligación de ayudar a los demás. la responsabilidad para con el medio ambiente. (...)
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  24. Environmental Justice.Peter S. Wenz - 1989 - Ethics 100 (1):197-198.
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  25. Nontransitive measurable utility.Peter C. Fishburn - 1982 - Journal of Mathematical Psychology 26:31–67.
  26. The Many Altars of Modernity: Toward a Paradigm for Religion in a Pluralist Age.Peter L. Berger - 2014
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  27.  14
    Holistic Darwinism: Synergy, Cybernetics, and the Bioeconomics of Evolution.Peter Corning - 2005 - University of Chicago Press.
    In recent years, evolutionary theorists have come to recognize that the reductionist, individualist, gene-centered approach to evolution cannot sufficiently account for the emergence of complex biological systems over time. Peter A. Corning has been at the forefront of a new generation of complexity theorists who have been working to reshape the foundations of evolutionary theory. Well known for his Synergism Hypothesis—a theory of complexity in evolution that assigns a key causal role to various forms of functional synergy—Corning puts this (...)
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  28.  45
    The Enduring Influence of a Dangerous Narrative: How Scientists Can Mitigate the Frankenstein Myth.Peter Nagy, Ruth Wylie, Joey Eschrich & Ed Finn - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (2):279-292.
    Reflecting the dangers of irresponsible science and technology, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein quickly became a mythic story that still feels fresh and relevant in the twenty-first century. The unique framework of the Frankenstein myth has permeated the public discourse about science and knowledge, creating various misconceptions around and negative expectations for scientists and for scientific enterprises more generally. Using the Frankenstein myth as an imaginative tool, we interviewed twelve scientists to explore how this science narrative shapes their views and perceptions of (...)
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  29. Class and concept.Peter Geach - 1955 - Philosophical Review 64 (4):561-570.
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  30. A unified account of causal relata.Peter Menzies - 1989 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 67 (1):59 – 83.
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    The Fictional Road Not Taken: A Weak Anti-realist Theory of Fiction.Peter Alward - 2022 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 80 (3):333-344.
    Nathan Salmon has defended what might be called “weak modal anti-realism”—the view that possible-object names can refer to possible objects that neither exist nor are otherwise real. But rather than adopting a similar view in the fictional case, he instead defends fictional creationism—the view that fictional characters are existent but abstract entities created by authors of fiction. In this paper, I first argue that if weak modal antirealism is defensible then weak fictional antirealism is defensible as well. Second, I argue (...)
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  32.  21
    The nature of evolutionary theory: The semantic challenge.Peter B. Sloep & Wim J. van der Steen - 1987 - Biology and Philosophy 2 (1):1-15.
  33.  17
    Does Postmodernism Really Entail a Disregard for the Truth? Similarities and Differences in Postmodern and Critical Rationalist Conceptualizations of Truth, Progress, and Empirical Research Methods.Peter Holtz - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The philosopher as engaged citizen: Habermas on the role of the public intellectual in the modern democratic public sphere.Peter J. Verovšek - 2021 - European Journal of Social Theory 24 (4):526-544.
    Realists and supporters of ‘democratic underlabouring’ have recently challenged the traditional separation between political theory and practice. Although both attack Jürgen Habermas for being an idealist whose philosophy is too removed from politics, I argue that this interpretation is inaccurate. While Habermas’s social and political theory is indeed oriented to truth and understanding, he has sought realize his communicative conception of democracy by increasing the quality of political debate as a public intellectual. Building on his approach, I argue that giving (...)
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    The Road of Inquiry.Peter Skagestad - 1981 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Scientist, mathematician, thinker, the father of pragmatism, the inspiration for William James and John Dewey, Charles Peirce has remained until recently a philosopher's philosopher. Peirce trod a fine line between the extremes of nominalism and realism, tough-minded pragmatism and metaphysical speculation. As Peter Skagestad makes clear, Peirce's system of thought was fragmented, incomplete, and sometimes inconsistent. But one overriding concern gives unity to the whole: the road of inquiry must never be blocked.
  36. Social externalism and memory: A problem?Peter Ludlow - 1995 - Acta Analytica 10 (14):69-76.
  37.  60
    The problem of theoretical terms.Peter Achinstein - 1965 - American Philosophical Quarterly 2 (3):235-249.
  38.  45
    Face transplantation: When and for whom?Peter E. M. Butler, Alex Clarke & Richard E. Ashcroft - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (3):16 – 17.
  39.  19
    Interpreting Avicenna: Critical Essays.Peter Adamson (ed.) - 2013 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Avicenna is the greatest philosopher of the Islamic world. His immense impact on Christian and Jewish medieval thought, as well as on the subsequent Islamic tradition, is charted in this volume alongside studies which provide a comprehensive introduction to and analysis of his philosophy. Contributions from leading scholars address a wide range of topics including Avicenna's life and works, conception of philosophy and achievement in logic and medicine. His ideas in the main areas of philosophy, such as epistemology, philosophy of (...)
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    Descartes and the Enlightenment.Peter A. Schouls - 1989 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Peter Schouls examines the role played by the concepts of freedom, mastery, and progress in Descartes' writings, arguing that these ideas express a vital and ...
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    I*—The Presidential Address: “Eine Einstellung zur Seele”.Peter Winch - 1981 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 81 (1):1-16.
    Peter Winch; I*—The Presidential Address: “Eine Einstellung zur Seele”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 81, Issue 1, 1 June 1981, Pages 1–16, ht.
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    Musical Types and Musical Flexibility.Peter Alward - 2023 - Acta Analytica 38 (2):355-369.
    A central motivation for the type-token model of music works is its ability to explain musical multiplicity—the fact that musical works are capable of having multiple performances through which they can be experienced and which cannot be individually identified with the works themselves. The type-token model explains multiplicity by identifying musical works with structural types and taking performances to be tokens of those types. In this paper, I argue that musical works are flexible in ways which permit performances which are (...)
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    Theory and Meaning.Peter Achinstein - 1982 - Philosophical Review 91 (3):493.
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    The Heavens.Peter Adamson - 2007 - In Al-Kindī. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter shows how al-Kindī interweaves ideas from Greek cosmology to give a theory that can explain the efficacy of astrology and how God’s providence is dispersed by means of heavenly influence. A concrete example is found in al-Kindī’s works on meteorology, since he thinks that weather is produced by celestial causation. The mechanics of this causation are explained differently in different works, which leads to a consideration of the authenticity of On Rays, which is ascribed to al-Kindī, and its (...)
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    How do managers think about market economies and morality? Empirical enquiries into business-ethical thinking patterns.Peter Ulrich & Ulrich Thielemann - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (11):879 - 898.
    How do managers think about the relationship between the pursuit of economic success and ethical demands? This paper presents the main results of a qualitative-empirical study (Ulrich and Thielemann, 1992). The range of thinking patterns displayed by Swiss managers in this field of tension is elucidated and typologized. The results are then compared with those yielded by other studies on managerial ethics. Although the comparisons reveal essential parallels, the findings of previous investigations are interpreted in a considerably different manner. In (...)
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    The Ethics of Writing: Derrida, Deconstruction, and Pedagogy.Peter Pericles Trifonas - 2000 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In this compelling and timely treatise, cultural theorist and educator Peter Trifonas puts forth the first book-length study of Jacques Derrida's 'educational texts:' that is, those writings most explicitly concerned with the ethics and politics of the historico-philosophical structures constituting the scene of teaching. The text examines how deconstruction allows us to re-think the socio-historical and ethico-philosophical aspects of pedagogical practices and policies, including pedagogical theories that have had direct bearing on the ethical and cultural ideals forming the reason (...)
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    What Makes a Business Ethicist? A Reflection on the Transition from Applied Philosophy to Critical Thinking.Peter Seele - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (3):647-656.
    This article discusses the transition that business ethics has undergone since its start essentially as a philosophical sub-discipline of applied ethics. Today, business ethics—as demonstrated by four examples of gatekeepers—is a well-established field in general management, and increasingly business scholars without a “formal” background in philosophy are entering the scene. I take this transition to examine an updated positioning of business ethics and offer a proposal to redefine what makes a business ethicist. I suggest taking critical thinking as the common (...)
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  48.  13
    Aquinas on Simplicity: An Investigation Into the Foundations of His Philosophical Theology.Peter Weigel - 2008 - Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften.
    Aquinas’s teaching that God is entirely simple is central to his philosophy of God. Much of his thought cannot be properly understood without an adequate grasp of what simplicity involves and why he argues for it. The depth and rigor of Aquinas’s account of divine simplicity mark a significant contribution to the development of this crucial position in traditional philosophical theology. Commentators usually focus on limited aspects of Aquinas’s position, and contemporary philosophical assessments often reflect an incomplete understanding of the (...)
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    On evidence: A reply to bar-Hillel and Margalit.Peter Achinstein - 1981 - Mind 90 (357):108-112.
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    (1 other version)Ethics and sociobiology.Peter Singer - 1982 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 11 (1):40-64.
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