Results for 'Rau Fritz'

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  1.  11
    Herbert Schöffler (1888—1946) zum Gedenken.Fritz Rau - 1956 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 8 (3):265-267.
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    (1 other version)Bibliographie der wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen Herbert Schöfflers.Fritz Rau - 1976 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 28 (1-4):147-162.
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    Die Aufklärung im evangelischen Kirchengesangbuch.Fritz Rau - 1984 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 36 (4):335-345.
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    Richard Steele und sein Erbauungsbuch "The Christian Hero".Fritz Rau - 1978 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 30 (3):238-248.
  5. Hypocrisy, Inconsistency, and the Moral Standing of the State.Kyle G. Fritz - 2019 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 13 (2):309-327.
    Several writers have argued that the state lacks the moral standing to hold socially deprived offenders responsible for their crimes because the state would be hypocritical in doing so. Yet the state is not disposed to make an unfair exception of itself for committing the same sorts of crimes as socially deprived offenders, so it is unclear that the state is truly hypocritical. Nevertheless, the state is disposed to inconsistently hold its citizens responsible, blaming or punishing socially deprived offenders more (...)
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    (1 other version)Stammbaum der Philosophie: Tabellarisch-schematischer Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie von den Griechen bis zur Gegenwart.Fritz Schultze - 1892 - Mauke.
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    Schuld und unrecht.Fritz Schreier - 1935 - Leipzig [etc.]: R. M. Rohrer.
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    Physicians at War: The Dual-Loyalties Challenge.Fritz Allhoff - 2008 - Journal of Military Ethics 7 (4):320-322.
    There are a range of ethical issues that confront physicians in times of war, as well as some of the uses of physicians during wars. This book presents a theoretical apparatus which undergirds those debates, namely by casting physicians as being confronted with dual-loyalties during times of war. While this theoretical apparatus has already been developed in other contexts, it has not been specifically brought to bear on the ethical conflicts that attain in wars. Arguably, wars thrust physicians into ethical (...)
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    Proclus Arabus Rides Again.Fritz Zimmermann - 1994 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 4 (1):9.
    Some of the short pieces attributed in various Arabic manuscripts to Alexander of Aphrodisias in fact derive from Proclus's Elements of Theology. Twenty such pieces were published in 1973 by G. Endress, who traced the unnamed translator to the circle of Kindi. Another such piece is here identified, published, and assigned to the same translator. Its beginning and end seem to have been revised by a later transmitter. Section II of the article adduces a parallel case where the original Arabic (...)
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  10. A Defense of Torture.Fritz Allhoff - 2005 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 19 (2):243-264.
    In this paper, I argue for the permissibility of torture in idealized cases by application of separation of cases: if torture is permissible given any of the dominant moral theories (and if one of those is correct), then torture is permissible simpliciter and I can discharge the tricky business of trying to adjudicate among conflicting moral views. To be sure, torture is not permissible on all the dominant moral theories as at least Kantianism will prove especially recalcitrant to granting moral (...)
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    Moderne Geschichtsschreibung; Ausblick auf eine Philosophie der Geschichtswissenschaft.Fritz Wagner - 1960 - Berlin,: Duncker Und Humblot.
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  12. Constructivismo en lugar de Descriptivismo: Crítica a las cosmovisiones metafísicas.Fritz Wallner - 1996 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 1 (1-3):109.
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  13. Feelings and Ethics: Examples for a Philosophy of Psychology.Fritz Wallner, Yuan-wei Teng & Vincent Shen - 2005 - Philosophy and Culture 32 (10):21-33.
    This article points out, descriptive moral psychology of human behavior patterns in the handling, in fact, from the outset exceed the boundaries of philosophy, and Cole tried to resort to ethics Fort formalism in order to avoid this problem in practice, can not be established. • Henry Rachael is further motivation for ethical behavior and the psychological concept of Cole Castle together. Although this is certainly an important contribution to the Fort Cole, but Cole Fort critical reflection on the lack (...)
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    Zu Ammianus Marcellinus.Fritz Walter - 1933 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 88 (1-4).
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    2. Zu den Dialogen Senecas.Fritz Walter - 1922 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 78 (1-2):180-183.
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  16. Causality and the Arrow of Classical Time.Fritz Rohrlich - 2000 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 31 (1):1-13.
    It is claimed that the `problem of the arrow of time in classical dynamics' has been solved. Since all classical particles have a self-field (gravitational and in some cases also electromagnetic), their dynamics must include self-interaction. This fact and the observation that the domain of validity of classical physics is restricted to distances not less than of the order of a Compton wavelength (thus excluding point particles), leads to the conclusion that the fundamental classical equations of motion are not invariant (...)
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    Physician Involvement in Hostile Interrogations.Fritz Allhoff - 2006 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 15 (4):392-402.
    In this paper, I have two main goals. First, I will argue that traditional medical values mandate, as opposed to forbid, at least minimal physician participation in hostile interrogations. Second, I will argue that traditional medical duties or responsibilities do not apply to medically-trained interrogators. In support of this conclusion, I will argue that medically-trained interrogators could simply choose not to enter into a patient-physician relationship. Recognizing that this argument might not be convincing, I will then propose three further arguments (...)
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    Conflicting demands on a modern healthcare service: Can Rawlsian justice provide a guiding philosophy for the NHS and other socialized health services?Zoë Fritz & Caitríona Cox - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (5):609-616.
    We explore whether a Rawlsian approach might provide a guiding philosophy for the development of a healthcare system, in particular with regard to resolving tensions between different groups within it. We argue that an approach developed from some of Rawls’ principles – using his ‘veil of ignorance’ and both the ‘difference’ and ‘just savings’ principles which it generates – provides a compelling basis for policy making around certain areas of conflict. We ask what policies might be made if those making (...)
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  19. Philosophie der Naturwissenschaft. Eine philosophische Einleitung in das Studium der Natur u. irher Wissenschaften.Fritz Schultze - 1882 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 14:316-324.
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    The influence of negative stimulus features on conflict adaption: evidence from fluency of processing.Julia Fritz, Rico Fischer & Gesine Dreisbach - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Plato and the Elements of Dialogue.John H. Fritz - 2015 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Plato and the Elements of Dialogue focuses on the structural features of Plato’s writings and tries to show how he uses these features in provocative and interesting ways. Instead of focusing merely on why Plato wrote dialogues, this book tries to discover and disclose what the dialogues are, positioning it as a complement to the already large concerns about Plato’s use of the dialogue form.
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    Deference to Opaque Systems and Morally Exemplary Decisions.James Fritz - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-13.
    Many have recently argued that there are weighty reasons against making high-stakes decisions solely on the basis of recommendations from artificially intelligent (AI) systems. Even if deference to a given AI system were known to reliably result in the right action being taken, the argument goes, that deference would lack morally important characteristics: the resulting decisions would not, for instance, be based on an appreciation of right-making reasons. Nor would they be performed from moral virtue; nor would they have moral (...)
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  23. Responsibility for Wrongdoing Without Blameworthiness: How it Makes Sense and How it Doesn't.Kyle G. Fritz - 2014 - Philosophical Quarterly 64 (257):569-589.
    Some writers, such as John Fischer and Michael McKenna, have recently claimed that an agent can be morally responsible for a wrong action and yet not be blameworthy for that action. A careful examination of the claim, however, suggests two readings. On one reading, there are further conditions on blameworthiness beyond freely and wittingly doing wrong. On another innocuous reading, there are no such further conditions. Despite Fischer and McKenna’s attempts to offer further conditions on blameworthiness in addition to responsibility (...)
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    (1 other version)The rhetorical turn to otherness: Otherwise than humanism.Ronald C. Arnett, Janie Harden Fritz & Annette M. Holba - 2007 - Cosmos and History 3 (1):115-133.
    While offering a public welcome of communicative participation, a communicative dark side of the moderate Enlightenment project emerged. Moderate Enlightenmentrsquo;s corollary companion to wresting power from a limited few is the staggering sense of confidence in the universal ground of assurance that is ldquo;bad faithrdquo; mdash;we fib to ourselves that we can stand above history and affect the future. Absolute conviction of universal access to truth propels through methodological confidence, undergirding the era of ldquo;the rationalrdquo; pursuit of truth, transporting the (...)
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  25. Linguistics, Psychology, and the Ontology of Language.Fritz J. McDonald - 2009 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 9 (3):291-301.
    Noam Chomsky’s well-known claim that linguistics is a “branch of cognitive psychology” has generated a great deal of dissent—not from linguists or psychologists, but from philosophers. Jerrold Katz, Scott Soames, Michael Devitt, and Kim Sterelny have presented a number of arguments, intended to show that this Chomskian hypothesis is incorrect. On both sides of this debate, two distinct issues are often conflated: (1) the ontological status of language and (2) the relation between psychology and linguistics. The ontological issue is, I (...)
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  26. What Is Modesty?Fritz Allhoff - 2009 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 23 (2):165-187.
    This paper examines the virtue of modesty and provides an account of what it means to be modest. A good account should not only delimit the proper application of the concept, but should also capture why it is that we think that modesty is a virtue. Recent work has yielded several interesting, but flawed, accounts of modesty. Julia Driver has argued that it consists in underestimating one’s self-worth, while Owen Flanagan has argued that modesty must entail an accurate—as opposed to (...)
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  27. The War on Terror and the Ethics of Exceptionalism.Fritz Allhoff - 2009 - Journal of Military Ethics 8 (4):265-288.
    The war on terror is commonly characterized as a fundamentally different kind of war from more traditional armed conflict. Furthermore, it has been argued that, in this new kind of war, different rules, both moral and legal, must apply. In the first part of this paper, three practices endemic to the war on terror -- torture, assassination, and enemy combatancy status -- are identified as exceptions to traditional norms. The second part of the paper uses these examples to motivate a (...)
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    Máscaras de la mentira: el nuevo desorden de la posverdad.Raúl Rodríguez Ferrándiz - 2018 - Valencia: Ajuntament de València.
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    Das Leben.Fritz Schindler - 1945 - Zürich,: Rascher.
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  30. Der Mensch in der Begegnung.Fritz Schulze - 1956 - Nürnberg,: Glock und Lutz.
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  31. Philosophie der Wissenschaften.Fritz Schultze - 1881
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    Goethe's Phenomenological Method.Fritz Heinemann - 1934 - Philosophy 9 (33):67 - 81.
    Nothing makes the occupation with the great minds of the past more attractive than the fact that with the change in the whole situation of the present time, with the maturing of one’s own personality, they appear in a new light and present themselves in rejuvenated shape. I had a curious experience of this kind, when it occurred to me during the investigation of some phenomenological problems, that Goethe, though ignorant of the name, had employed a definitely phenomenological method. In (...)
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    Origen and Prophecy: Fate, Authority, Allegory, and the Structure of Scripture by Claire Hall (review).Milanna Fritz - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (1):293-295.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Origen and Prophecy: Fate, Authority, Allegory, and the Structure of Scripture by Claire HallMilanna FritzOrigen and Prophecy: Fate, Authority, Allegory, and the Structure of Scripture by Claire Hall (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021), 195 pp.Origen's (AD 185–255) surviving corpus is studied by scholars across the disciplines of theology philosophy and classics. Drawing from each of these fields, in Origen and Prophecy, Clare Hall applies Origen's self-proposed tripartite exegesis (...)
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    F(r)ictions d’accès.Lucas Fritz - 2024 - Multitudes 94 (1):91-96.
    Sans perdre de vue la centralité des luttes handies dans l’élaboration d’une pensée anti-validiste l’article détaille les mutations sociotechniques qui affectent les corps humains et en fixent la validité et la disponibilité : il explore les tensions politiques et épistémiques s’éveillant au contact des expériences d’indisposition, d’indisponibilité, et d’indisposabilité. Mais ces corps indociles produisent plus qu’une usure de ce système de mise à disposition : ils développent un autre imaginaire du corps, et de son usage, que nous qualifions de passage (...)
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    Grundprobleme der Geschichte der antiken Wissenschaft.Kurt von Fritz - 1971 - De Gruyter.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Grundprobleme der Geschichte der antiken Wissenschaft" verfügbar.
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    Kontextualität und Transkontextualität.Hans Rudi Fischer & Fritz B. Simon - 1988 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 31 (1):59-83.
    Wittgenstein übernimmt im Tractatus das Zusammenhangsprinzip von Frege und formuliert die Doktrin von der Priorität des Satzes vor seinen Teilen, den Wörtern. Dies ist die frühste Formulierung kontextualistischen Denkens bei Wittgenstein. In der Spätphilosophie wird das "Sprachspiel" zur sinnkonstituierenden Einheit sprachlicher Kommunikation und damit zum Inbegriff kontextualistischen Denkens beim späten Wittgenstein. Eine Untersuchung der zentralen Begriffe von Wittgensteins Spätphilosophie offenbart starke Verwandtschaft zu Schapps Begriff der "Geschichten". G. Bateson führt den Terminus "Geschichte" in jenem Schappschen Sinne als Prinzip des geistigen (...)
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  37. 100% money again [with rejoinder].Irving Fisher & Fritz Lehmann - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  38. Crisis de valores, reflexión interdisciplinar desde América Latina: un homenaje filosófico a Fritz-Joachim von Rintelen.Fritz Joachim von Rintelen, Jesús González López & Fritz-Joachim von Rintelen (eds.) - 1982 - Quito: Ediciones de la Universidad Católica.
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  39. Agency and responsibility.Fritz J. McDonald - 2010 - Journal of Value Inquiry 44 (2):199-207.
    According to Christine Korsgaard, Kantian hypothetical and categorical imperative principles are constitutive principles of agency. By acting in a way that is guided by these imperatives, an individual makes herself into an agent. There is hence, on her theory, an inextricable link between the nature of agency and the practical issue of why we should be rational and moral. The benefits of such an account would be great: in Korsgaard’s view, an account that bases morality on the nature of agency (...)
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  40. Filosofía, complejidad y educación en la era planetaria: ensayos.Raúl Domingo Motta - 2008 - San Nicolás de los Garza, Nuevo León: Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León.
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  41. Tocqueville and Europe: what can we learn from him about the past, the present, and the future of the old continent?Mark Tracz-Tryniecki & Zbigniew Rau - 2014 - In Zbigniew Rau & Marek Tracz-Tryniecki (eds.), Tocquevillian Ideas: Contemporary European Perspectives. Lanham, Maryland: Upa.
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    Apuntes sobre el pensamiento penal en el tiempo.Eugenio Raúl Zaffaroni - 2007 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: Hammurabi.
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    Untersuchungen über den Freiheitsbegriff Hegels in seinen Jugendarbeiten.Fritz Ephraim - 1928 - Berlin,: J. Springer.
    Philosophische Untersuchungen der mensch1ichen Freiheit hielten sich in den letzten J ahrzehnten zumeist in einem Rahmen, der durch die, sei es nachahmende sei es ablehnende, Orientierung an der empi rischen Naturwissenschaft festgelegt war. Innerhalb seiner bewegte sich das Nachdenken iiber die Freiheit in mehreren Richtungen, deren Ausgangspunkte kurz iiberblickt seien: Die allgemeine Psychologie hatte ihren Gegenstand an der Willens freiheit; sie analysierte deskriptiv und experimentell insbesondere das in Wahl, Entsch1uB, Zwecksetzung Erfahrene. Daneben standen die Bemiihungen um den Begriff der ethischen (...)
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    Autorität und Freiheit.Fritz Erler - 1959 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 3 (1):331-339.
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    15. Über den „Stoiker" Zenon von Sidon.K. V. Fritz - 1929 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 85 (1-4).
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    Corporate Reputation.Michael J. Fritz & William B. Lamb - 2005 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 16:253-258.
    Corporate Reputation (CR) has become an increasingly important topic in the social responsibility literature. In this exploratory study we relate reputation to crisis management by implementing an experimental survey in which respondents indicate how strongly they feel about a potential crisis. Findings reported here indicate that respondents’ reactions to the potential crisis varied according to the industry in which the firm operated.
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    Der vermeintliche Augenarzt Lynkeus in Piatons siebtem Brief.Kurt von Fritz - 1971 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 53 (3):231.
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    Haimons Liebe zu Antigone.Kurt ν Fritz - 1934 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 89 (1-4):19-34.
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    I.Die Ideenlehre des Eudoxos von Knidos und ihr Verhältnis zur platonischen Ideenlehre.K. V. Fritz - 1927 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 82 (1-4):1-26.
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    Letzte Sorge, letzte Zuversicht: Religionstheoretische Grundlagen und religionssoziologische Implikationen von Tillichs „Der Mut zum Sein“.Martin Fritz - 2018 - International Yearbook for Tillich Research 13 (1):133-178.
    The bestseller The Courage to Be presents Tillich’s “concrete existential” notion of religion that is based on the key terms ‘anxiety’ and ‘courage’. This essay traces this idea’s long history in Tillichian thinking that reaches back to the mid-twenties lectures on dogmatics in Marburg and Dresden, and outlines its core elements, pointing out its contrast to Tillich’s earlier notion of religion as the mind’s intention on absolute meaning. Subsequently, the discussion moves to Tillich’s theorem of the double principle of ‘individualization (...)
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