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  1. living info: notes on the Exegesis.Paul Bali - manuscript
  2. an apocalypse of Pop, pt I: Max Martin and the '90s, the Noughts.Paul Bali - manuscript
  3. Reseña de libro: Herrero, Montserrat. Theopolitical Figures. Scripture, Prophecy, Oath, Charisma, Hospitality. Edinburgh University Press, Edimburgo, 2023, 290 pp. [REVIEW]Felipe Muller - forthcoming - Anuario Filosófico:167-170.
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  4. The Existential Prophecy of Fyodor Tyutchev's Historiosophical Thought.Lev Olegovich Mysovskikh - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The article examines the historiosophical reflections of F. I. Tyutchev, presented in his treatises, letters, poems, and substantiates the idea that Tyutchev does not proclaim slogans of either Slavophil or Westernist doctrines, but creates an original imperial ideology. Tyutchev views Russia as an equal and integral part of Europe, linking the existence of the empire with the development of the European spirit in Russia. The main criterion for the existence of the empire is unity. If it does not exist, then (...)
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  5. The failures of political prophecy: Ernst Kantorowicz’s wartime lectures.Bennett Nagtegaal - forthcoming - Intellectual History Review.
    This paper introduces a series of lectures Ernst Kantorowicz offered to the Army Specialized Training Program in 1943 in order to reconsider the development of his intellectual biography. These “wartime lectures” constitute Kantorowicz’s only sustained discussion of modern German history and his only intellectual engagement with Nazism. Introducing these lectures thus presents an opportunity to re-examine the relationship between Kantorowicz’s early and mature works through his assessment of Nazi Germany. For Kantorowicz, Nazism was the violent result of a German commitment (...)
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  6. Tales of the Old Church of Longmeanygate.Brandon Reece Taylorian - 2025 - Preston: Cause for the Beatification of Irene Mary and Derrick Taylor.
    In 1973, the Taylor family of 222 Longmeanygate on the outskirts of Leyland joined the Saint Pius V Association under the Superiorship of Father Peter Morgan and funded by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. Mr Derrick Taylor and Mrs Irene Mary Taylor defied their bishop by hosting priests of the Saint Pius V Association at their home called the Leyland Mass Centre from 1974 to 1978 due to their belief that the Tridentine Rite of the Mass was the true Mass and must (...)
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  7. Origen and Prophecy: Fate, Authority, Allegory, and the Structure of Scripture by Claire Hall (review).Milanna Fritz - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (1):293-295.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Origen and Prophecy: Fate, Authority, Allegory, and the Structure of Scripture by Claire HallMilanna FritzOrigen and Prophecy: Fate, Authority, Allegory, and the Structure of Scripture by Claire Hall (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021), 195 pp.Origen's (AD 185–255) surviving corpus is studied by scholars across the disciplines of theology philosophy and classics. Drawing from each of these fields, in Origen and Prophecy, Clare Hall applies Origen's self-proposed tripartite exegesis (...)
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  8. Old Testament and New Testament Prophecies of Prophet Muhammad.Reza Rezaie Khanghah - 2024 - Qeios.
    In this paper we will discuss about Old Testament and New Testament Prophecies of Prophet Muhammad.
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  9. Book Review: Cosmodeism: A Worldview for the Space-Age: How an Evolutionary Cosmos is Creating God by Tsvi Bisk. [REVIEW]Brandon Reece Taylorian - 2024 - Journal of Astronist Studies 1 (1):203-215.
    A review of Tsvi Bisk's 2024 work Cosmodeism: A Worldview for the Space-Age: How an Evolutionary Cosmos is Creating God featured in the Journal of Astronist Studies and reviewed by Cometan.
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  10. Book Review: Injustice and Prophecy in the Age of Mass Incarceration by Andrew Skotnicki. [REVIEW]Keith Adams - 2023 - Studies in Christian Ethics 36 (4):966-970.
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  11. Modern debates on prophecy and prophethood in Islam: Muhammad Iqbal & Said Nursi.Mahsheed Ansari - 2023 - New York: Routledge ;.
    While prophethood is the backbone of the Islamic tradition and an uncompromised tenet of faith, the impact of modernity with its ambivalent status afforded to the prophet and institution of prophethood shook many Muslim scholars. Through analysis of these modern debates on prophethood in Islam, this book situates Muhammad Iqbal's (1877-1938) and Said Nursi's (1877-1960) discourses within it and assesses their implications on the modern period. This book introduces the 'what, who and how' of the prophets in the Islamic tradition. (...)
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  12. Artificial Consciousness: Misconception(s) of a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy.Dresp-Langley Birgitta - 2023 - Queios.
    The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has produced prophets and prophecies announcing that the age of artificial consciousness is near. Not only does the mere idea that any machine could ever possess the full potential of human consciousness suggest that AI could replace the role of God in the future, it also puts into question the fundamental human right to freedom and dignity. This position paper takes the stand that, in the light of all we currently know about brain evolution (...)
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  13. Nietzsche's Untimely Prophecy: Online Exemplars and Self‐Cultivation.Matthew J. Dennis - 2023 - Educational Theory 73 (5):749-761.
    Digital technologies are changing our understanding of ethical emulation. In this article, Matthew Dennis proposes that some social media technologies have given rise to a strikingly new set of ethical ideals, often concerned with the ideal of self-cultivation. While there is relatively little philosophical discussion of these kinds of ideals, Dennis suggests that scrutiny of Friedrich Nietzsche's ethical philosophy offers a guiding account of why the ideal of self-directed character change is important. He concludes by speculating on how the digital (...)
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  14. Critique of the Power of Prophecy. [REVIEW]Anna Enström - 2023 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 32 (65).
    Review of Federico Campagna, Prophetic Culture: Recreation for Adolescents (London: Bloomsbury, 2021).
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  15. Imagining the future of intelligence in open societies : venturing beyond secrecy and scientific prophecy as totalitarian modes of modernity.Anna Eva Grutza - 2023 - In Christof Royer & Liviu Matei, Open society unresolved: the contemporary relevance of a contested idea. New York: Central European University Press.
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  16. Razian prophecy rationalized.Hüseyin Güngör - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (3):401-425.
    Abū Bakr Muḥammad bin Zakariyya’ al-Rāzī (865–925) is generally known as a freethinker who argued against prophecy and revealed religion based on arguments from fairness of God and rationality. Recently some scholars argued that Razi was not as radical as the general interpretation takes him to be. Both the freethinker and conservative interpretations seem well supported based on difference bodies of evidence. However, the evidence is based on secondhand reports. In this paper I argue there is an interpretation of prophecy (...)
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  17. Theopolitical Figures: Scripture, Prophecy, Oath, Charisma, Hospitality.Montserrat Herrero - 2023 - Edinburgh University Press.
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  18. Review of Jeffrey Bleochl, Levinas on the Primacy of the Ethical: Philosophy as Prophecy. [REVIEW]Sarah Horton - 2023 - Journal for Continental Philosophy of Religion 5 (2):239-240.
    Review of Jeffrey Bleochl, Levinas on the Primacy of the Ethical: Philosophy as Prophecy (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2022).
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  19. Rorty on Feminism, Language, and Prophecy.Marianne Janack - 2023 - In Martin Müller, Handbuch Richard Rorty. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 431-442.
    This chapter focuses on Rorty’s two major published works on feminist theory and practice: his essay “Feminism and Pragmatism” and his essay “Feminism, Ideology, and Deconstruction: A Pragmatist View.” The first essay takes up issues about the ontological integrity of the term “woman” and defends forms of feminist discourse that are based in radical feminist political discourse, arguing that the hopes and visions projected by the prophetic nature of such discourse can be assisted by pragmatism better than by traditional philosophy. (...)
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  20. A Temporal and Timeless God: How Multiple Divine Persons Can Reconcile Libertarian Free Will, Divine Foreknowledge, and Divine Agency.Christopher Morgan - 2023 - Philotheos 23 (1):15-26.
    Libertarian free will and divine foreknowledge at first seem incompatible. Are humans in charge of their own destiny if God knows human agents’ free choices? We also have the related issue of God’s agency concerning foreknowledge of human events. Can God escape divine fatalism and interact with us meaningfully if he knows how humans will act in the future? There are ways to reconcile the three, but one proposal is to utilize the concept of separate divine persons. What if there (...)
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  21. Prisoners of Prophecy.William Peden - 2022-10-17 - In Kevin S. Decker, Dune and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 144–152.
    The deceptive strangeness of prescience in Dune is typical of Herbert's ideas. The ancient Babylonians were able to systematically predict astronomical events, but contemporary astrophysicists can forecast distant events beyond the Babylonians’ wildest dreams. Herbert describes the prescience of characters like Paul as a hyperawareness of possibilities and probabilities given certain choices, rather than being able to examine a fixed future. Common sense suggests that prescience should help us live together better. The Prisoner's Dilemma can be interpreted in different ways, (...)
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  22. Levinas on the primacy of the ethical: philosophy as prophecy.Jeffrey Bloechl - 2022 - Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
    Jeffrey Bloechl traces the evolution of Levinas's thought to argue that his conception of God is dependent on his existential phenomenology.
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  23. Astronism: the religion of the stars. Cometan - 2022 - Preston, UK: Astronist Institution.
    Astronism: the religion of the stars is a technical summary of the Astronist religion and philosophy that uses terminology unique to the Astronists and specialised knowledge of Astronist beliefs. It is the perfect brief introduction to Astronism for those with prior understanding of the academic disciplines of eschatology, soteriology, theology and philosophy as the Astronist view on all of these subject areas and more is provided. Astronism: the religion of the stars attempts to explain the narrative that underlies Astronist beliefs (...)
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  24. The Astronist Statement. Cometan - 2022 - Preston, UK: Astral Publishing.
    The Astronist Statement on the Situation of the Human Species, often simply referred to as The Astronist Statement, is a non-technical manifesto of the Astronist philosophy and religion, altogether referenced as the Astronist belief system. It provides a summary of the Astronist perspective on the human condition as this pertains to and is influenced by the ultimate goals of Astronism and the purposes it prescribes to human life through its doctrines on transcension, cosmocentrism, suronality and astrosis. The Astronist Statement is (...)
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  25. Aristotle. On Prophecy in Sleep. Introductory note and translation.Beatriz de Paoli - 2022 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 32:e03202.
    Portuguese translation of Aristotle’s _Prophecy in Sleep_, preceded by a short presentation of the text and accompanied by explanatory notes.
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  26. Alessandro Palazzo and Anna Rodolfi, eds., Prophecy and Prophets in the Middle Ages. (Micrologus Library 103.) Florence: SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2020. Pp. xiv, 298. €54. ISBN: 978-8-8929-0041-7. Table of contents available online at [REVIEW]Brian FitzGerald - 2022 - Speculum 97 (4):1242-1243.
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  27. God of War as Philosophy: Prophecy, Fate, and Freedom.Charles Joshua Horn - 2022 - In David Kyle Johnson, The Palgrave Handbook of Popular Culture as Philosophy. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 1929-1945.
    Prophecies and fate are heavily thematized throughout the God of War video game series. In the original trilogy, prophecies are given to Kratos, Zeus, Kronos, and others by a range of beings with purported foreknowledge including the Fates and Oracles In the Norse duology, the Norns, Giants, and others also provide prophecies. In line with the common trope of Greek tragedies, Kratos, Zeus, and Kronos’ actions, in trying to avoid their fates, created the very conditions by which those fates came (...)
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  28. The Metaphysics of Creation: Secondary Causality, Modern Science.James Dominic Rooney - 2022 - In Eleonore Stump & Thomas Joseph White, The New Cambridge Companion to Aquinas. [New York]: Cambridge University Press. pp. 107-125.
    This chapter moves from the most fundamental parts of Aquinas’s metaphysics to Aquinas’s thought about the created world, and especially the way in which things in the created world are able to act as beings in their own right, without altering their dependence on the creator. The result is an account of the causality of creatures that does not impugn their connection to the more basic causality of the Deity and that allows this part of Aquinas’s account to be compatible (...)
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  29. Dostoevsky’s Prophecy of Soviet and Post-Soviet Being.Grigorii L. Tulchinksii - 2022 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 60 (1):23-39.
    Analyzing the content of the parable of the Grand Inquisitor from Fyodor M. Dostoevsky’s novel The Brothers Karamazov allows us to identify the root ideas and consequences of a program for reorgani...
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  30. Prophecy and Some Catholic Writers: Understanding the Catholic Novelist’s Quasi-Prophetic Function.Thomas P. Harmon - 2021 - Heythrop Journal 62 (5):876-890.
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  31. The Empire at the End of Time: Identity and Reform in Late Medieval German Prophecy. By Frances Courtney Kneupper. Pp. xii, 259. Oxford University Press, 2016. $78.00, £47.38. [REVIEW]Terrance Klein - 2021 - Heythrop Journal 62 (6):1138-1138.
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  32. Of Prophecy and Piety: Spinoza’s Tractatus Theologico-Politicus between al-Farabî and Erasmus.Michiel Leezenberg - 2021 - Philosophies 6 (2):51.
    In this contribution, I discuss some less well-known premodern and early modern antecedents of Spinoza’s concepts and claims in the _Tractatus Theologico-Politicus_. On the one hand, I will argue, Spinoza’s notion of prophecy owes more to Moses Maimonides than to any Christian author; and through Maimonides, Spinoza may be linked to the discussion of prophecy in _The Virtuous City_ by the tenth-century Islamic philosopher al-Farabî. Spinoza’s concern with prophecy as a popular formulation of the Divine Law may be fruitfully seen (...)
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  33. Can we learn from hidden mistakes? Self-fulfilling prophecy and responsible neuroprognostic innovation.Mayli Mertens, Owen C. King, Michel J. A. M. van Putten & Marianne Boenink - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (11):922-928.
    A self-fulfilling prophecy in neuroprognostication occurs when a patient in coma is predicted to have a poor outcome, and life-sustaining treatment is withdrawn on the basis of that prediction, thus directly bringing about a poor outcome for that patient. In contrast to the predominant emphasis in the bioethics literature, we look beyond the moral issues raised by the possibility that an erroneous prediction might lead to the death of a patient who otherwise would have lived. Instead, we focus on the (...)
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  34. Prophets "Speak Under": Dionysius' ὑποφητεύω as Key to the Medieval Concept of Prophecy.O. P. Sr Maria Veritas Marks - 2021 - Franciscan Studies 79 (1):39-56.
    Where should one look to find a medieval theology of Biblical inspiration? Some scholars believe it does not exist. Denis Farkasfalvy takes to task neo-scholastics primarily of the period between Vatican Councils I and II for falsifying the theology: “Thomists and neo-Thomists like to use Thomas’s thought on prophecy for developing a scholastic theology of biblical inspiration,” but although “theological textbooks of the early twentieth century often pretended to be articulating St. Thomas’s actual teaching … Aquinas never asked the question (...)
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  35. Review of David Kloos, Becoming Better Muslims: Religious Authority and Ethical Improvement in Aceh, Indonesia: Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2018, ISBN: 1049780691176642, pb, 240 pp. [REVIEW]Quinn A. Clark - 2020 - Sophia 59 (3):613-615.
  36. Dante's Self-Angelizing: A Prophecy of Egalitarian Transhumanism.Joshua Hall - 2020 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 22 (2):139-155.
    In this article, I argue that Dante's philosophical goal is what I term "self-angelizing," an ennobling philosophical education granting one the knowledge and power of an angel, which the medieval scholastics conceived as celestial intelligences. Dante's own path to self-angelizing begins in his early New Life, which approaches a living Beatrice as exemplar of terrestrial angels. Next, Dante's middle-period Banquet discusses following Beatrice into self-angelizing through an education in philosophical virtue. Finally, in his climactic Paradise, Dante performs his own self-angelizing. (...)
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  37. Prophecy and prophets in the Middle Ages.Alessandro Palazzo & Anna Rodolfi (eds.) - 2020 - Firenze: SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo.
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  38. Predicting the Present: Gershom Scholem on Prophecy.Willem Styfhals - 2020 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 28 (2):259-286.
    This article presents an analysis of the conception of prophecy that Gershom Scholem developed in his early essay “On Jonah and the Concept of Justice”. I argue that Scholem did not so much develop a theological interpretation of the nature of prophecy but was rather concerned with the philosophical issues of time and justice. These concerns are demonstrably related to his friend Walter Benjamin’s interests in the late 1910s and early 1920s. Scholem’s philosophical reflections on prophecy, therefore, offer a unique (...)
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  39. Il Dio che rischia e che “cambia”: introduzione all’Open Theism.Damiano Migliorini - 2019 - Nuovo Giornale di Filosofia Della Religione 8 (2).
    In the following essay I will describe the cultural and disciplinary areas in which Open Theism has been developing and deal with the main authors, who has defended this new doctrine, and their main works. In the second section I will analyse their main theses about divine attributes, some theological questions, several objections to this new non-standard theism and their rebuttals. In the conclusion I will highlight the problems still open and evaluate the overall Open Theism’s theoretical work. At the (...)
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  40. Teleologia ed escatologia nei Beiträge zur Philosophie di Heidegger.Andrea Osti - 2019 - Annali di Ca’ Foscari. Serie Occidentale 53:309-318.
    This paper examines Heidegger’s Beiträge zur Philosophie with the aim of shedding light on its messianic-eschatological approach. Firstly, I take into account the formal structure of history through a reference to Aristotle’s grasp of κίνησις and its principles. I then try to connect this structure to the complex epochal movement of Universal History, as it emerges from Heidegger’s works in the ‘30s. Lastly, I deal with the concept of the last-God’s realm in order to stress the messianic dimension of Heidegger’s (...)
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  41. Madness as Prophecy in Dystopia.Beverley Catlett - 2018 - Janus Head 16 (1):173-225.
    Madness has long been an object of fascination in the Western cultural, literary, medical, and philosophical consciousness, and rightfully so; the human mind is the incredibly powerful, profoundly dynamic lens through which we inevitably perceive reality, and when that lens is corrupted by a defect of health or experience, the results are astounding. Illnesses such as schizophrenia continue to confound scientists to this day, whereas the cause-and-effect designs of other disorders such as PTSD are easily understood.
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  42. The metaphysical world of Isaac Newton: alchemy, prophecy, and the search for lost knowledge.John Chambers - 2018 - Rochester, VT: Destiny Books.
    Newton's heretical yet equation-incisive writings on theology, spirituality, alchemy, and prophecy, written in secret alongside his Principia Mathematica.
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  43. Post Avicennian philosophy in the Muslim West : Ibn Bājja, Ibn Rushd and Ibn Khaldūn on veridical dreams and prophecy.Luis Xavier López-Farjeat - 2018 - In Abdelkader Al Ghouz, Islamic philosophy from the 12th to the 14th century. Bonn: Bonn University Press.
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  44. (1 other version)The Veracity of Prophecy and Christ's Knowledge.Simon Francis Gaine Op - 2017 - New Blackfriars 98 (1073):44-62.
    It is widely assumed by scholars that Christ was in error on such matters as an expectation that the final judgement and its accompanying events would occur within the timeframe of a generation. While accepting that Christ did indeed prophesy his return within this timeframe, a recent co-authored work When the Son of Man Didn't Come aims to defend the veracity of his prophecy by drawing on the same historical-critical method that has given rise to doubts about it. The authors (...)
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  45. Turning Memory into Prophecy: Roberto Unger and Paul Ricoeur on the Human Condition between Past and Future.Ronald A. Kuipers - 2017 - Heythrop Journal 58 (5):806-815.
  46. (1 other version)The Veracity of Prophecy and Christ's Knowledge.Simon Francis Gaine Op - 2016 - New Blackfriars 97 (1072).
    It is widely assumed by scholars that Christ was in error on such matters as an expectation that the final judgement and its accompanying events would occur within the timeframe of a generation. While accepting that Christ did indeed prophesy his return within this timeframe, a recent co-authored work When the Son of Man Didn't Come aims to defend the veracity of his prophecy by drawing on the same historical-critical method that has given rise to doubts about it. The authors (...)
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  47. La soluzione di Boezio nel dibattito contemporaneo sull’onniscienza divina: un bilancio.Damiano Migliorini - 2016 - Rassegna di Teologia 57:19-53.
    The author analyzes the interpretation of Boethius’ “timelessness solution” developed in contemporary Analytic Philosophy of Religion, and the main objections that have been moved to it, trying to draw some conclusions about its effectiveness (a) in solving the antinomy between omniscience and human freedom; (b) in weakening the argument of Open Theism. La nuova prospettiva teoretica proposta dall’Open Theism impone un approfondimento e una rivalutazione delle soluzioni “classiche” all’antinomia tra onniscienza divina e libertà umana. Tra queste “soluzioni” vi è, com’è (...)
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  48. Leibniz on God and Religion.Lloyd Strickland - 2016 - London: Bloomsbury.
    Bringing together Leibniz's writings on God and religion for the very first time, Leibniz on God and Religion: A Reader reflects the growing importance now placed on Leibniz's philosophical theology. This reader features a wealth of material, from journal articles and book reviews published in Leibniz's lifetime to private notes and essays, as well as items from his correspondence. Organised thematically into the following sections, this reader captures the changes in Leibniz's thinking over the course of his career: 1. The (...)
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  49. A prophecy come true? Danto and Hegel on the end of art.Henning Tegtmeyer - 2016 - In Elizabeth Millán, After the Avant-Gardes: Reflections on the Future of the Fine Arts. Chicago, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Company.
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  50. Divine Teaching and the Way of the World: A Defense of Revealed Religion.Yitzhak Y. Melamed - 2016 - Philosophical Review 125 (1):151-154.
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