Results for 'Peter Sherwood'

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  1.  12
    Fact Sheet for “Consistency of Modeled and Observed Temperature Trends in the Tropical Troposphere”.Ben Santer, Peter Thorne, Leo Haimberger, Karl Taylor, Tom Wigley, John Lanzante, Susan Solomon, Melissa Free, Peter Gleckler, Phil Jones, Tom Karl, Steve Klein, Carl Mears, Doug Nychka, Gavin Schmidt, Steve Sherwood & Frank Wentz - 2018 - In Elisabeth A. Lloyd & Eric Winsberg, Climate Modelling: Philosophical and Conceptual Issues. Springer Verlag. pp. 73-84.
    Using state-of-the-art observational datasets and results from a large archive of computer model simulations, a consortium of scientists from 12 different institutions has resolved a long-standing conundrum in climate science—the apparent discrepancy between simulated and observed temperature trends in the tropics. Research published by this group indicates that there is no fundamental discrepancy between modeled and observed tropical temperature trends when one accounts for: the uncertainties in observations; and the statistical uncertainties in estimating trends from observations. These results refute a (...)
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    Sifting through the Ashes and the Fragments of Bone.György Konrád & Peter Sherwood - 2022 - Common Knowledge 28 (3):331-342.
    In this autobiographical essay, written in 2018 and previously unpublished, the late György Konrád intertwines his memories as a child during World War II with more theoretical reflections (and unanswered questions) on the war, its repercussions, its lessons. Written in Hungarian not long before his death in 2019, Konrád goes back in this essay to the period following the arrest of his parents after the German invasion of Hungary. Aged eleven, he was able to escape the small town where he (...)
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    Possibility and Necessity in the Time of Peter Abelard by Irene Binini.Wolfgang Lenzen - 2023 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 61 (2):327-329.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Possibility and Necessity in the Time of Peter Abelard by Irene BininiWolfgang LenzenIrene Binini. Possibility and Necessity in the Time of Peter Abelard. Investigating Medieval Philosophy Series. Leiden: Brill, 2021. Pp. xii + 326. Hardback, $166.00.This book is an impressive work written by a young Italian scholar who received her PhD only five years ago in Pisa. It is divided into three parts. Part 1 gives (...)
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    What’s in a name? The vervet predator calls and the limits of the Washburnian synthesis.Gregory Radick - 2006 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 37 (2):334-362.
    After the Second World War, a renaissance in field primatology took place in the United States under the aegis of the ‘new physical anthropology’. Its leader, Sherwood Washburn, envisioned a science uniting studies of hominid fossils with Darwinian population genetics, experimental functional anatomy, and field observation of non-human primates and human hunter–gatherers. Thanks to Washburn’s stimulus, his colleague at Berkeley, the bird ethologist Peter Marler, took up the study of the natural communicative behaviour of apes and monkeys. When (...)
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    Assertive and non-Assertive Sentences. Classifications of the ’oratio perfecta’ in the Thirteenth Century.Christoph Kann - 2004 - In Alfonso Maierù & Luisa Valente, Medieval theories on assertive and non-assertive language: acts of the 14th European Symposium on medieval logic and semantics, Rome, June 11-15, 2002. Firenze: L.S. Olschki. pp. 245--257.
    Since logic in the 13th century is focussed on syllogistics as its main subject, textbooks on logic provide us with large and detailed treatments of the proposition as the immediate and constitutive basis of the syllogism. In the present paper I will give a survey of these treatments and pay special attention to a certain side-issue, namely to non-assertive sentences and to some difficulties concerning their classification. I will focus on William of Sherwood's apporach to the subject and compare (...)
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    Logica, or Summa Lamberti. Lambert & Lambert of Auxerre - 2015 - Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press. Edited by Thomas S. Maloney.
    The thirteenth-century logician Lambert of Auxerre was well known for his Summa Lamberti, or simply Logica, written in the mid-1250s, which became an authoritative textbook on logic in the Western tradition. Our knowledge of medieval logic comes in great part from Lambert's Logica and three other texts: William of Sherwood's Introductiones in logicam, Peter of Spain's Tractatus, and Roger Bacon's Summulae dialectics. Of the four, Lambert's work is the best example of question-summas that proceed principally by asking and (...)
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    Consequence and ‘Cause’: Thirteenth-Century Reflections on the Nature of Consequences.Joke Spruyt - 2018 - Vivarium 56 (3-4):320-339.
    _ Source: _Volume 56, Issue 3-4, pp 320 - 339 Thirteenth-century views on consequences have not yet received much attention. Authors of this period deserve closer scrutiny, because of their profound interest in the nature of consequence. The fundamental feature of a consequence was captured in the claim that its antecedent is the cause of its consequent. At the same time authors systematically discussed consequences in terms of truth-preservation. This paper considers the requirements of syllogistic argument and consequences in general, (...)
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    The Myth of Religious Neutrality: An Essay on the Hidden Role of Religious Belief in Theories.Peter Byrne - 1991 - Religious Studies 31 (1):142-143.
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    Polanyi's “From-To” Knowing and His Contribution to the Phenomenology of Skilled Motor Behavior.Peter Hopsicker - 2009 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 36 (1):76-87.
  10. The operator theory of instantiation.Peter Forrest - 2006 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 84 (2):213 – 228.
    Armstrong holds the Supervenience Theory of instantiation, namely that the instantiation of universals by particulars supervenes upon what particulars and what universals there are, where supervenience is stipulated to be explanatory or dependent supervenience. I begin by rejecting the Supervenience Theory of instantiation. Having done so it is then tempting to take instantiation as primitive. This has, however, an awkward consequence, undermining one of the main advantages universals have over tropes. So I examine another account hinted at by Armstrong. This (...)
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  11.  7
    Educating China: Knowledge, Society and Textbooks in a Modernizing World, 1902–1937.Peter Zarrow - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this major study, Peter Zarrow examines how textbooks published for the Chinese school system played a major role in shaping new social, cultural, and political trends, the ways in which schools conveyed traditional and 'new style' knowledge and how they sought to socialize students in a rapidly changing society in the first decades of the twentieth century. Focusing on language, morality and civics, history, and geography, Zarrow shows that textbooks were quick to reflect the changing views of Chinese (...)
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    Introducing Persons: Theories and Arguments in the Philosophy of Mind.Peter Carruthers - 1986 - Mind 97 (386):310-312.
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    On concept and object.Peter Carruthers - 1983 - Theoria 49 (2):49-86.
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    The geographer's art.Peter Haggett - 1990 - Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell.
    In The Geographer′s Art, Peter Haggett expounds his view of the nature and purpose, philosophy and methodology of the discipline and practice of geography. Ranging over every aspect of the subject, he considers the attractions, opportunities and responsibilities of life as a geographer and tries to answer some of the basic questions facing the discipline. The result is a highly individual look at geography and geographers, illustrated throughout from his own research and experience. Geography is immemorial and universal: it (...)
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  15.  26
    Bertrand Russell and the Dimensions of Edwardian Liberalism.Peter Clarke - 1984 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 4 (1):207.
  16.  10
    Riding the wind: a new philosophy for a new era.Peter H. Marshall - 1998 - New York: Cassell.
    In this account of his mature thinking, Peter Marshall develops a dynamic and organic philosophy for the coming millennium which he calls liberation ecology. Liberation ecology is holistic in viewing the world as a harmonious whole and all beings and things as interwoven threads in nature's web. It is intuitive in recognizing intuition as the main source of knowledge and the imagination as the great organ of morality. It is ecological in seeing human beings as fellow voyagers with other (...)
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    Brave New Mind: A Thoughtful Inquiry Into the Nature and Meaning of Mental Life.Peter Dodwell - 2000 - Oxford University Press.
    This book looks at how scientists investigate the nature of the mind and the brain, providing answers to these important questions.
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  18.  4
    (1 other version)Theorie der Avantgarde.Peter Bürger - 1974 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    The Expressive Power of Medieval Logic.Terry Parsons - 2013 - Vivarium 51 (1-4):511-521.
    This paper is about the development of logic in the Aristotelian tradition, from Aristotle to the mid-fourteenth century. I will compare four systems of logic with regard to their expressive power. 1. Aristotle’s own logic, based mostly on chapters 1-2 and 4-7 of his Prior Analytics 2. An expanded version of Aristotle’s logic that one finds, e.g., in Sherwood’s Introduction to Logic and Peter of Spain’s Tractatus 3-5. Versions of the logic of later supposition theorists such as William (...)
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  20. Brugerindflydelse: en retfærdiggørelse for omstruktureringer.Peter Elsass - forthcoming - Philosophia.
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    By Loving our Own: George Grant and the Legacy of Lament For a Nation.Peter C. Emberley - 1990 - MQUP.
    This first retrospective following Grant's death examines the significance of his major work, Lament For a Nation. The essays by philosophers, artists, theologians, political scientists and Canadian nationalists assess the impact of this important Canadian's work, and the intellectual legacy he has left behind.
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    Information contra Materialismus?: zum Missbrauch d. Informationswiss. in d. gegenwärtigen bürgerl. Ideologie.Peter Franz - 1977 - Frankfurt/Main: Verlag Marxistische Blätter. Edited by Mitri︠u︡ I︠A︡nkov.
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  23.  8
    Rousseau: Confessions.Peter France - 1987 - Cambridge University Press.
    An introduction to Rousseau's Confessions.
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  24.  12
    Philosophy of Emotions.Peter A. French & Howard K. Wettstein - 1998 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    Although generally philosophers have put a high valuation on reason, increasingly the role of emotions in motivating action is being recognized. The essays in this volume explore the emotions from a variety of perspectives, ranging from Aristotelian views of the passions to the new findings of cognitive science, and from such diverse starting points as medieval literature and psychological studies.
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    Wisdom and the well-rounded life: what is a university?Peter Milward - 2006 - Golden, Colo.: Fulcrum.
    Reflecting on the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom in higher education, this insightful treatise considers the roots and philosophical underpinnings of the university education as the path to mindful living. Peter Milward shares his sage thoughts on a wide range of subjects, including philosophy, science, nature, art, religion, and finding one's place in the world. Thought-provoking and uplifting, Wisdom and the Well-Rounded Life is an excellent foundation for anyone seeking a well-rounded education and an enriching life.
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  26.  38
    Instituting the Hobbesian Commonwealth.Peter Vanderschraaf - 2001 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 82 (3-4):383-405.
  27. (1 other version)Quine's Naturalism Revisited.Peter Hylton - 2013 - In Gilbert Harman & Ernest LePore, A Companion to W. V. O. Quine. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    The Special Theory of Relativity-A Classical Approach.Peter G. Bass & Watford England - 2003 - Apeiron 10 (4):29-76.
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  29.  60
    Citizens of Cities.Peter Beilharz - 1996 - Thesis Eleven 46 (1):89-95.
  30.  24
    Beware of Truth!Peter Benson - 2009 - Philosophy Now 72:26-29.
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    Remark.Peter Benson - 1994 - Political Theory 22 (3):508-508.
  32.  8
    The United States, National Traditions, and Human Rights.Peter Berkowitz - 2020 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2020 (192):153-157.
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  33. Bildung und kulturelle Identität.Peter Bieri - 2011 - In Bernd Lederer, "Bildung": was sie war, ist, sein sollte: zur Bestimmung eines strittigen Begriffs. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren.
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  34. Putting zombies to rest: The role of dynamics in reduction.Peter Bokulich - manuscript
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    [CHAPTER 4.] Part III: Reconciling Positions and Drawing up Implications.Peter Bornedal - 2010 - In The Surface and the Abyss: Nietzsche as Philosopher of Mind and Knowledge. Walter de Gruyter.
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    [CHAPTER 5.] Part I: The Incredible Profundity of the Truly Superficia.Peter Bornedal - 2010 - In The Surface and the Abyss: Nietzsche as Philosopher of Mind and Knowledge. Walter de Gruyter.
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    [CHAPTER 3.] Part I: Thinking the ‘I’ in Descartes, Kant, and Benveniste.Peter Bornedal - 2010 - In The Surface and the Abyss: Nietzsche as Philosopher of Mind and Knowledge. Walter de Gruyter.
  38.  21
    Empiricism, Moral Philosophy, and Ethical Behavior.Peter Bowden - 2013 - Philosophy Study 3 (4).
    I argue in this paper that moral philosophers need to incorporate into their teaching and writing a number of empirical findings on ethical practices. Principal among these is clearer guidelines on speaking out against wrongdoing, as well as the development of codes of ethics that have been proven to work. The adoption of the critical thinking and the analytical methodology of other disciplines is also suggested. Several benefits will result. The most noticeable will be a strengthening of ethical practices and (...)
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  39.  10
    Schwierigkeiten mit einem gescheiten Buch.Peter Bürger - 2003 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 51 (1).
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    (1 other version)De la rhétorique au « rhetoric » : petite histoire d'une grande ambivalence.Peter Brown - 2010 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 58 (3):, [ p.].
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  41. Afterward: Revolutions and their geographies.Peter Burke - 2005 - In David N. Livingstone & Charles W. J. Withers, Geography and revolution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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  42. The history and theory of reception.Peter Burke - 2013 - In Howell A. Lloyd, The Reception of Bodin. Boston: Brill.
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  43.  21
    The definition of religion.Peter Byrne - 1999 - In Jan G. Platvoet & Arie Leendert Molendijk, The Pragmatics of Defining Religion: Contexts, Concepts & Contests. Boston: Brill. pp. 84--379.
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  44.  25
    The anatomy of private law theory: A 25th anniversary essay.Peter Cane - 2005 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 25 (2):203-217.
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  45. Fundamentaltheologie im Koran?Peter Knauer - 2008 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 55 (1):142-165.
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    The use of a staff satisfaction survey at the University of Central England in Birmingham.Peter Knight & Lee Harvey - 1999 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 3 (2):56-62.
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    What’s in a Name? How “Deep Brain Stimulation” May Influence Patients’ Perceptions.Peter M. Koch - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 9 (4):241-243.
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    Rawls' differenzprinzip und seine deutungen.Peter Koller - 1983 - Erkenntnis 20 (1):1 - 25.
    Rawls's difference principle, according to which social and economic inequalities are justified only if they achieve the greatest benefit of the least advantaged, has been often interpreted as a maximin-principle, in order to make it fit into the frame of welfare economics. Under this interpretation, however, the difference principle is subject to such grave objections, that it can hardly serve as a principle of justice. In order to avoid these difficulties, modifications of the difference principle have been proposed by Sen (...)
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  49.  13
    Conversation between the Representatives of the World Religions after the Conclusion of the Public Discourse.Peter Koslowski - 2003 - In Philosophy bridging the world religions. Boston: Kluwer Academic. pp. 220--223.
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    If Einstein had been a surfer: a surfer, a scientist, and a philosopher discuss a "universal wave theory" or "theory of everything".Peter Kreeft - 2009 - South Bend, Ind.: St. Augustine's Press.
    Preface: What this strange book is about -- Conversation 1: where's the formula? -- Conversation 2: brain and mind -- Conversation 3: logic and intuition -- Conversation 4: how to open the 'third eye' -- Conversation 5: matter and spirit -- Conversation 6: the data -- Conversation 7: synchronicity -- Conversation 8: waves -- Conversation 9: holism -- Conversation 10: the music of the spheres -- Conversation 11: cultural consequences -- Conversation 12: water magic.
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