Results for 'Valeria Marchetti'

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  1.  7
    Ratio et superstitio.Giancarlo Marchetti, Valeria Sorge, Orsola Rignani & Graziella Federici-Vescovini (eds.) - 2003 - Louvain: Brepols Publishers.
    Twenty-four critical essays, including a substantial introduction, written by the most distinguished international scholars, in honour of Graziella Federici Vescovini.
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    Cicero im Rahmen der römischen Bildungskultur.Peter Kuhlmann & Valeria Marchetti (eds.) - 2020 - Tübingen, Germany: Mohr Siebeck.
    Ciceros Philosophie vermittelte im Rom der ausgehenden Republik vielfältige innovative Impulse - insbesondere zu Fragen der Bildung und Religion. Im vorliegenden Band werden besonders Aspekte griechischer und römischer Bildung in Ciceros Werk aus verschiedenen altertumswissenschaftlichen Perspektiven beleuchtet"--Page 4 of cover.
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  3. Ratio et superstitio: essays in honor of Graziella Federici Vescovini: il presente volume è l'esito di una Ricerca a latere del Programma di Ricerca del Cofin 2001/2003 su 'La relazione corpo-anima, sensi interni-intelletto dal secolo XIV ai post-cartesiani e spinoziani' tra l'Università di Napoli, l'Università di Firenze e l'Università di Perugia.Graziella Federici-Vescovini, Giancarlo Marchetti, Orsola Rignani & Valeria Sorge (eds.) - 2003 - Louvain-la-Neuve: Fédération internationale des instituts d'études médiévales.
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    Mind-Reading Ability and Structural Connectivity Changes in Aging.Monia Cabinio, Federica Rossetto, Valeria Blasi, Federica Savazzi, Ilaria Castelli, Davide Massaro, Annalisa Valle, Raffaello Nemni, Mario Clerici, Antonella Marchetti & Francesca Baglio - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  5.  57
    Mindwandering heightens the accessibility of negative relative to positive thought.Igor Marchetti, Ernst Hw Koster & Rudi De Raedt - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (3):1517-1525.
    Mindwandering is associated with both positive and negative outcomes. Among the latter, negative mood and negative cognitions have been reported. However, the underlying mechanisms linking mindwandering to negative mood and cognition are still unclear. We hypothesized that MW could either directly enhance negative thinking or indirectly heighten the accessibility of negative thoughts. In an undergraduate sample we measured emotional thoughts during the Sustained Attention on Response Task which induces MW, and accessibility of negative cognitions by means of the Scrambled Sentences (...)
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  6. Key Concept: Loneliness.Valeria Motta - 2021 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 28 (1):71-81.
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    Temporary migration projects and voting rights.Valeria Ottonelli & Tiziana Torresi - 2014 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 17 (5):580-599.
  8.  20
    The Psychological and Social Impact of Covid-19: New Perspectives of Well-Being.Valeria Saladino, Davide Algeri & Vincenzo Auriemma - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Ethics and Philosophical Critique in William James.Sarin Marchetti - 2014 - London and New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Marchetti offers a revisionist account of James's contribution to moral thought in the light of his pragmatic conception of philosophical activity. He sketches a composite picture of a Jamesian approach to ethics revolving around the key notion and practice of a therapeutic critique of one's ordinary moral convictions and style of moral reasoning.
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  10. Consciousness, Attention and Meaning.Giorgio Marchetti - 2010 - Nova Science Publishers.
    This book presents a comprehensive theoretical framework that explains both human consciousness and meanings through the working of attention. By arguing for a first-person approach to consciousness, this book offers a critical overview of the major theories and empirical findings on consciousness and attention, and exemplifies how one of the most difficult and fundamental conscious experiences to account for, that is, time, can be analyzed by adopting the kind of semantics developed within the presented theoretical framework: Attentional Semantics.
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    Introduction: Normativity.Sarin Marchetti - 2015 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 23 (3):319-322.
  12. Imagination and Meditation in Seneca: The Example of Praemeditatio.Mireille Armisen-Marchetti - 2008 - In John G. Fitch, Seneca. New York: Oxford University Press.
  13.  28
    Karl Valentin Teatro de Cabaret.Valeria Garrote - 2008 - Aisthesis 44.
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  14. Derechos humanos y responsabilidad social de los medios de comunicación. La brecha entre la legalidad formal y la vida cotidiana de las mujeres.Valeria Fernández Hasan - 2009 - Kairos: Revista de Temas Sociales 23:2.
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    Monnaies et trouvailles péloponnésiennes.Patrick Marchetti - 2016 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 139:545-551.
    Une série particulière de communications présentées, sous forme d’exposés ou de posters, dans le cadre du Colloque qui s’est tenu à Argos en 2011 (La Monnaie dans le Péloponnèse) complète ici la publication des Actes proprement dits (sous le double label BCH Suppléments 57 et Obolos 10). L’essentiel, en cela homogène, porte sur des trouvailles monétaires sporadiques réalisées en fouilles, à l’exception du signalement de deux collections particulières, l’une conservée au Musée de Nauplie, l’autre constituant la partie péloponnésienne d’une riche (...)
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    The Bodies “at the Forefront”: Mentalization, Memory, and Construction of the Self during Adolescence.Antonella Marchetti, Davide Massaro & Cinzia Di Dio - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Evidence against theory or evidence without theory? The case of Dr Hahnemann's homeopathic medicine.Valeria Mosini - unknown
  18.  17
    Humano, más humano, un ensayo sobre la condición humana.Valèria Sivera - 2021 - Isegoría 65:16-16.
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    Comentário a “O revisionismo e os perigos da mentira deliberada na perspectiva de Hannah Arendt”.Valéria Cristina Lopes Wilke - 2021 - Trans/Form/Ação 44 (3):147-150.
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    Seeing in Mirrors, Without Seeing-in.Luca Marchetti - 2025 - Philosophia:1-10.
    Alberto Voltolini (2021) has recently claimed that mirrors are bona fide pictures, for they are grasped via what he identifies as the defining characteristic of a picture: a certain seeing-in experience. Voltolini refines the somewhat elusive concept of seeing-in, originally described by Wollheim, and then demonstrates its applicability to mirror experience. However, in this paper, I contend that Voltolini's improved version of seeing-in does not aptly describe the experience of viewing mirrors. In fact, according to the first aspect of Voltolini’s (...)
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    Seeing in VR, without Seeing-in.Luca Marchetti - 2025 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 62 (1):71-81.
    In The Aesthetics of Virtual Reality (2022), Grant Tavinor claims that VR is a technologically fancy kind of picturing and, more specifically, that VR headsets elicit proper seeing-in experiences. According to Tavinor, seeing a virtual environment through a stereoscopic headset elicits the same twofold experience as ordinary pictures: users simultaneously perceive the three-dimensional depicted scene – the virtual environment – and the bidimensional surface responsible for displaying such a scene. In this critical note, I argue that this is a wrong (...)
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  22. Inclusivist Egalitarian Liberalism and Temporary Migration: A Dilemma.Valeria Ottonelli & Tiziana Torresi - 2010 - Journal of Political Philosophy 20 (2):202-224.
  23. William James on Truth and Invention in Morality.Sarin Marchetti - 2010 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 2 (2):127-161.
    In what follows I shall investigate how the notions of truth and invention inform our moral life. In particular, I will show how this idea has been explored by William James in his seminal essay The Moral Philosopher and the Moral Life (MPML), by far his most clear-cut piece of moral philosophy. I will claim that the dialectics of the essay cannot be apprehended independently from the understanding of the moral psychology and epistemology James elaborates in his writings on pragmatism (...)
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  24.  21
    Injured Self: Autobiographical Memory, Self-Concept, and Mental Health Risk in Breast Cancer Survivors.Valeria Sebri, Stefano Triberti & Gabriella Pravettoni - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Facts and Values: The Ethics and Metaphysics of Normativity.Giancarlo Marchetti & Sarin Marchetti (eds.) - 2016 - London and New York: Routledge.
    This collection offers a synoptic view of current philosophical debates concerning the relationship between facts and values, bringing together a wide spectrum of contributors committed to testing the validity of this dichotomy, exploring alternatives, and assessing their implications. The assumption that facts and values inhabit distinct, unbridgeable conceptual and experiential domains has long dominated scientific and philosophical discourse, but this separation has been seriously called into question from a number of corners. The original essays here collected offer a diversity of (...)
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  26. How to Train Your Health: Sports as a Resource to Improve Cognitive Abilities in Cancer Patients.Valeria Sebri, Lucrezia Savioni, Stefano Triberti, Ketti Mazzocco & Gabriella Pravettoni - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:471358.
    From a cognitive-psychological perspective, physical exercise (PE) and sports are an interesting tool for improving people’s cognitive abilities. One field of application for such a tool is decision making (DM) support in chronic patients, cancer patients, and survivors in particular. On the one hand, cancer patients and survivors have to continually take important decisions about their own care (e.g., treatment choice; changes in lifestyle), in collaboration with caregivers and health providers; on the other hand, side effects of treatment may be (...)
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  27. Intuition and visualization in mathematical problem solving.Valeria Giardino - 2010 - Topoi 29 (1):29-39.
    In this article, I will discuss the relationship between mathematical intuition and mathematical visualization. I will argue that in order to investigate this relationship, it is necessary to consider mathematical activity as a complex phenomenon, which involves many different cognitive resources. I will focus on two kinds of danger in recurring to visualization and I will show that they are not a good reason to conclude that visualization is not reliable, if we consider its use in mathematical practice. Then, I (...)
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  28.  17
    Experiencias vividas en la gestión educativa de las políticas de inclusión digital.Braian Marchetti - 2022 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 7 (2):1-16.
    El estudio de políticas educativas y en particular de aquellas abocadas a la inclusión digital como el Programa Conectar Igualdad (PCI) reviste de una gran complejidad por la multiplicidad de actores intervinientes y las perspectivas de análisis posibles. Nos posicionamos desde un abordaje de las políticas educativas que se centra en la indagación de la experiencia vivida por los propios sujetos que, en este caso, protagonizaron la puesta en acto del PCI en el Ministerio de Educación de la Nación y (...)
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    Sapientiae facies: étude sur les images de Sénèque.Mireille Armisen-Marchetti - 1989 - Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
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  30. ""Controversias en torno a la construcción de un" nosotros" y el sentido de lugar.Valeria Belmonte - 2008 - Kairos: Revista de Temas Sociales 22:4.
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    A mind theory for the human-centredness paradigm.Giorgio Marchetti - 1994 - AI and Society 8 (4):363-376.
    Global development, diffusion and implementation of the human-centredness paradigm can be performed at best when supported by a study of our mental activity. By analysing our mental operations, we can understand how human needs, interests, values and creativity take form, what each consists of, how it is possible to expand, modify and generate them. The proposed model of mental activity is based on attentional movement. The new opportunities, both ethical and social, offered by such a study are presented.
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    Ideologia come funzione. Lukács e l'Ontologia dell'essere sociale.Valeria Gualdi - 2014 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 26 (51).
    A partire dagli anni '60, György Lukács intraprende una ricerca volta a recuperare e sviluppare l'ontologia sociale racchiusa negli scritti di Marx nel tentativo di rinnovare la riflessione marxista dopo l'effetto inibitorio provocato dallo Stalinismo. Lo scopo di questo articolo è di indagare la concezione lukácsiana dell'ideologia come funzione sociale, mettendola in relazione con il regime di complessità descritto da Lukács nella sua ultima opera, Ontologia dell'essere sociale. Recuperando il riferimento goethiano implicito nell'idea di lavoro come “fenomeno originario” dell'azione sociale, (...)
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    School structure, bullying by teachers, moral disengagement, and students’ aggression: A mediation model.Valeria Ivaniushina & Daniel Alexandrov - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:883750.
    AimUnderstanding interrelations between the factors predicting students’ aggressive behavior is a priority for bullying-prevention programs. Our study explores two possible mechanisms linking school disciplinary structure and students’ aggression. We test students’ moral disengagement and bullying by teachers as mediational pathways from school authoritative discipline to students’ aggressive behavior.MethodsWe used a regionally representative sample of 213 schools that participated in a school climate survey in Kaluga Oblast (a federal subject of Russia) in 2019. The analytical sample contained the anonymous responses of (...)
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    L’epistola del Patriarca Fozio al Papa Niccolò I.Valeria Leserri - 2005 - Augustinianum 45 (1):259-263.
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    An Interview with Hilary Putnam.Giancarlo Marchetti - 1997 - Cogito 11 (3):149-157.
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    Ethanol-induced compaction of DNA: a viscosimetry and dynamic light scattering study.S. Marchetti, G. Onori & C. Cametti - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (3-5):525-534.
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    Lo Stato come possibilità di giustizia: un percorso di rilettura della filosofia di Emmanuel Lévinas.Valeria Marzocco - 2005 - Napoli: Massa.
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    Notes on the limits to knowledge explored with Darwinian logic.Cesare Marchetti - 1998 - Complexity 3 (3):22-35.
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    Peter Singer, one world: The ethics of globalization (new Haven and London: Yale university press, 2002), pp. 256.Raffaele Marchetti - 2004 - Utilitas 16 (3):332-334.
  40. review of Gavin, William James in Focus.Sarin Marchetti - 2013 - Notre Dame Philosophical Review 1 (10).
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  41. The Quest for Moral Progress: Lessons from Diamond and Rorty.Sarin Marchetti - 2016 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 27 (78):347-59.
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  42. Le trappole di Newcomb.Valeria Ottonelli - 1993 - Rivista di Filosofia 84 (1):49.
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    La obliteración de la trascendencia política de la maternidad en la teoría erótica de Simposio.Valeria Sonna - 2023 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 78 (4):1741-1764.
    Diotima’s speech in the Symposium, which defines the erotic function as an act of procreation in the beautiful, is generally regarded as the most faithful account of the philosopher’s views on the nature of love. While this definition has received much attention from commentators, few studies pay attention to the literal aspect that is veiled behind the rhetorical effect Plato seeks to install. This neglect is even more striking given that the theory of reproduction that underlies the metaphor contains several (...)
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    Explaining Symptoms in Systemic Therapy. Does Triadic Thinking Come Into Play?Valeria Ugazio, Roberto Pennacchio, Lisa Fellin, Stella Guarnieri & Pasquale Anselmi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The main aim of this study is to explore the breadth of the inference field and the type of etiopathogenetic contents of symptom explanations provided by the client and therapist in the first two psychotherapy sessions conducted using a systemic approach. Does the therapist use triadic explanations of psychopathology as suggested by her approach? And do clients resort almost exclusively to monadic and dyadic explanations as did the university students in our previous study? What kind of explanations do they propose? (...)
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  45. Apresentação do Dossiê Ensino de Filosofia sob o Impacto das Tecnologias Digitais.Valéria Cristina Lopes Wilke & Antonio Julio Garcia Freire - 2024 - Revista Digital de Ensino de Filosofia - REFilo 10 (1):22-1.
    Testemunhamos hoje diferentes consequências decorrentes do modelo de negócios das Big Techs e, por conseguinte, do modo como o trânsito informacional pelas infovias é realizado. Esse último fenômeno é basicamente marcado pelos algoritmos e pelo formato mercadológico, que abrem espaço para a disseminação de conteúdos desinformativos, ou com alto teor da toxicidade das informações circulantes, que têm, por um lado, impactado o campo do ensino de Filosofia e, por outro, provocado o questionamento e também o desenvolvimento de estratégias e recursos (...)
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  46. On the elusive notion of meta-agreement.Valeria Ottonelli & Daniele Porello - 2013 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 12 (1):68-92.
    Public deliberation has been defended as a rational and noncoercive way to overcome paradoxical results from democratic voting, by promoting consensus on the available alternatives on the political agenda. Some critics have argued that full consensus is too demanding and inimical to pluralism and have pointed out that single-peakedness, a much less stringent condition, is sufficient to overcome voting paradoxes. According to these accounts, deliberation can induce single-peakedness through the creation of a ‘meta-agreement’, that is, agreement on the dimension according (...)
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  47.  47
    Voluntariness and Migration: A Restatement.Valeria Ottonelli & Tiziana Torresi - 2023 - Ethics and International Affairs 37 (4):406-426.
    A key question in the theory of migration and in public debates on immigration policies is when migration can be said to be voluntary and when, conversely, it should be seen as nonvoluntary. In a previous article, we tried to answer this crucial question by providing a list of conditions we view as sufficient for migration to be considered nonvoluntary. According to our account, one condition that makes migration nonvoluntary is when people migrate because they lack acceptable alternatives to doing (...)
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  48. The structure of the soul, intellectual virtues, and the ethical ideal of masters of arts in early commentaries on the Nichomachean ethics.Valeria A. Buffon - 2008 - In István Pieter Bejczy, Virtue ethics in the Middle Ages: commentaries on Aristotle's Nicomachean ethics, 1200 -1500. Boston: Brill.
  49.  34
    Ambivalent Identification as a Moderator of the Link Between Organizational Identification and Counterproductive Work Behaviors.Valeria Ciampa, Moritz Sirowatka, Sebastian C. Schuh, Franco Fraccaroli & Rolf van Dick - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 169 (1):119-134.
    Although counterproductive work behaviors can be extremely damaging to organizations and society as a whole, we do not yet fully understand the link between employees’ organizational attachment and their intention to engage in such behaviors. Based on social identity theory, we predicted a negative relationship between organizational identification and counterproductive work behaviors. We also predicted that this relationship would be moderated by ambivalent identification. We explored counterproductive work behaviors toward the organization and other individuals. Study 1, a survey of 198 (...)
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    Recommendations for the Use of Serious Games in Neurodegenerative Disorders: 2016 Delphi Panel.Manera Valeria, Ben-Sadoun Grégory, Aalbers Teun, Agopyan Hovannes, Askenazy Florence, Benoit Michel, Bensamoun David, Bourgeois Jérémy, Bredin Jonathan, Bremond Francois, Crispim-Junior Carlos, David Renaud, De Schutter Bob, Ettore Eric, Fairchild Jennifer, Foulon Pierre, Gazzaley Adam, Gros Auriane, Hun Stéphanie, Knoefel Frank, Olde Rikkert Marcel, K. Phan Tran Minh, Politis Antonios, S. Rigaud Anne, Sacco Guillaume, Serret Sylvie, Thümmler Susanne, L. Welter Marie & Robert Philippe - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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