Results for 'Orly Goldwasser'

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  1.  13
    Where Is Metaphor?: Conceptual Metaphor and Alternative Classification in the Hieroglyphic Script.Orly Goldwasser - 2005 - Metaphor and Symbol 20 (2):95-113.
    The Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic script contains data that shed light on 3 major issues central to current metaphor studies: (a) Where is metaphor, that is, is metaphor linguistic or conceptual? (b) If metaphor is indeed conceptual, does metaphor understanding entail creation of an ad hoc category in which the vehicle is a particularly good exemplar? (c) Is metaphor processing primarily dependent on the identification and activation of the underlying "deep structure" conceptual metaphor? The script includes an elaborate system of classifiers (...)
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    From Icon to Metaphor: Studies in the Semiotics of the Hieroglyphs.Leo Depuydt & Orly Goldwasser - 1998 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 118 (2):289.
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  3. Remembering is an Imaginative Project.Seth Goldwasser - 2024 - Philosophical Studies:1-37.
    This essay defends the claim that episodic remembering is a mental action by arguing that episodic remembering and sensory- or experience-like imagining are of a kind in a way relevant for agency. Episodic remembering is a type of imaginative project that involves the agential construction of imagistic-content and that aims at (veridically) representing particular events of the personal past. Neurally intact adults under normal conditions can token experiential memories of particular events from the personal past (merely) by intending or trying (...)
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  4. Imagining as a Skillful Mental Action.Seth Goldwasser - 2024 - Synthese 204 (38):1-33.
    I provide a novel, non-reductive, action-first skill-based account of active imagining. I call it the Skillful Action Account of Imagining (the skillful action account for short). According to this account, to actively imagine something is to form a representation of that thing, where the agent’s forming that representation and selecting its content together constitute a means to the completion of some imaginative project. Completing imaginative projects stands to the active formation of the relevant representations as an end. The account thus (...)
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  5. Memory as Skill.Seth Goldwasser - 2022 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 14 (3):833-856.
    The temporal structure for motivating, monitoring, and making sense of agency depends on encoding, maintaining, and accessing the right contents at the right times. These functions are facilitated by memory. Moreover, in informing action, memory is itself often active. That remembering is essential to and an expression of agency and is often active suggests that it is a type of action. Despite this, Galen Strawson (Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 103, 227–257, 2003) and Alfred Mele (2009) deny that remembering is (...)
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  6. A Powers Framework for Mental Action.Seth Goldwasser - 2024 - Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh
    Mental actions are things we do with our minds. Consider inferring, deliberating, imagining, remembering, calculating, and so on. I introduce a non-reductive alternative to standard causalist accounts of mental action that understands such action in terms of dispositions for performing mental actions. I call this alternative the powers framework. On the powers framework, habitual and skillful mental actions are themselves infused with practical intelligence by being expressions of the agent’s rational tendencies and capacities, respectively. The intelligence exemplified in the performance (...)
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  7. Standard Aberration: Cancer Biology and the Modeling Account of Normal Function.Seth Goldwasser - 2023 - Biology and Philosophy 38 (1):(4) 1-33.
    Cancer biology features the ascription of normal functions to parts of cancers. At least some ascriptions of function in cancer biology track local normality of parts within the global abnormality of the aberration to which those parts belong. That is, cancer biologists identify as functions activities that, in some sense, parts of cancers are supposed to perform, despite cancers themselves having no purpose. The present paper provides a theory to accommodate these normal function ascriptions—I call it the Modeling Account of (...)
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  8. Finding Normality in Abnormality: On the Ascription of Normal Functions to Cancer.Seth Goldwasser - 2023 - Philosophy of Science 90 (5):1214-1223.
    Cancer biologists ascribe normal functions to parts of cancer. Normal functions are activities that parts of systems are in some minimal sense supposed to perform. Cancer biologists’ finding normality within the abnormality of cancer pose difficulties for two main approaches to normal function. One approach claims that normal functions are activities that parts are selected for. However, some parts of cancers that have normal functions aren’t selected to perform them. The other approach claims that normal functions are part-activities typical for (...)
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    Erythropoietin: a somewhat personal history.Eugene Goldwasser - 1996 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 40 (1):18-32.
  10. Trauma, trust, & competent testimony.Seth Goldwasser & Alison Springle - 2023 - Philosophical Psychology 37 (1):167-195.
    Public discourse implicitly appeals to what we call the “Traumatic Untrustworthiness Argument” (TUA). To motivate, articulate, and assess the TUA, we appeal to Hawley’s (2019) commitment account of trust and trustworthiness. On Hawley’s account, being trustworthy consists in the successful avoidance of unfulfilled commitments and involves three components: the actual avoidance of unfulfilled commitments, sincerity in one’s taking on elective commitments, and competence in fulfilling commitments one has incurred. In contexts of testimony, what’s at issue is the speaker’s competence and (...)
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  11. Trusting Traumatic Memory: Considerations from Memory Science.Alison Springle, Rebecca Dreier & Seth Goldwasser - 2023 - Philosophy of Science 90 (5):1060-1068.
    Court cases involving sexual assault and police violence rely heavily on victim testimony. We consider what we call the “Traumatic Untrustworthiness Argument (TUA)” according to which we should be skeptical about victim testimony because people are particularly liable to misremember traumatic events. The TUA is not obviously based in mere distrust of women, people of color, disabled people, poor people, etc. Rather, it seeks to justify skepticism on epistemic and empirical grounds. We consider how the TUA might appeal to the (...)
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    Substitution.Marjorie Goldwasser Wyler - 1938 - Mind 47 (188):499-504.
  13. La angelología de Eugenio d'Ors: Hacia una teoría de lo biográfico.Pablo Juan D' Ors - 2002 - Diálogo Filosófico 52:95-115.
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    University of Azores, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal June 30–July 4, 2010.Eric Allender, José L. Balcázar, Shafi Goldwasser, Denis Hirschfeldt, Sara Negri, Toniann Pitassi & Ronald de Wolf - 2011 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 17 (3).
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    Words to live by: sacred sources of interreligious engagement.Or N. Rose (ed.) - 2018 - Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books.
    From sacred texts of the world's religions, scholars find resources for interreligious dialogue. In this book a diverse group of religious scholars representing many faith traditions propose a text that they have found valuable in their work as interreligious bridge-builders and share reflections about its context, its message, and how it inspires or informs their own work in the field.
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    Do we treat individuals as patients or as potential donors? A phenomenological study of healthcare professionals’ experiences.Aud Orøy, Kjell Erik Strømskag & Eva Gjengedal - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (2):163-175.
    Background: Organ donation and transplantation have made it possible to both save life and to improve the quality of life for a large number of patients. In the last years there has been an increasing gap between the number of patients who need organs and organs available for transplantation, and the focus worldwide has been on how to meet the organ shortage. This also rises some ethical challenges. Objective: The objective of this study was to explore healthcare professionals' experience of (...)
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    Interventionism in statistical mechanics: Some philosophical remarks.Orly R. Shenker - unknown
    Interventionism is an approach to the foundations of statistical mechanics which says that to explain and predict some of the thermodynamic phenomena we need to take into account the inescapable effect of environmental perturbations on the system of interest, in addition to the system's internal dynamics. The literature on interventionism suffers from a curious dual attitude: the approach is often mentioned as a possible framework for understanding statistical mechanics, only to be quickly and decidedly dismissed. The present paper is an (...)
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    Logic and entropy.Orly R. Shenker - unknown
    A remarkable thesis prevails in the physics of information, saying that the logical properties of operations that are carried out by computers determine their physical properties. More specifically, it says that logically irreversible operations are dissipative by klog2 per bit of lost information. (A function is logically irreversible if its input cannot be recovered from its output. An operation is dissipative if it turns useful forms of energy into useless ones, such as heat energy.) This is Landauer's dissipation thesis, hereafter (...)
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  19. Curente estetice contemporane.Marcel Petrișor - 1972 - București,: "Univers,".
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    Vitralii: eseuri.Marcel Petrișor - 1978 - [București]: Editura Eminescu.
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  21. La experiencia espiritual.Pablo Juan D' Ors - 1998 - Diálogo Filosófico 41:185-200.
    A partir de la constatación de la inflación lingüística del vocablo "experiencia" y de la imposibilidad-necesidad de una experiencia extrasensigle, estas páginas se aproximan a la realidad de la experiencia desde el tipo de conocimiento que procura -la intuición- y desde la metamorfosis del ego que suscita -construcción de una biografía-. Se muestra, de igual modo, cómo libertad y destino coinciden en la experiencia de sí mismo, y cómo las nupcias entre experiencia y lenguaje son indisolubles. Por último, teniendo en (...)
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  22.  46
    A reductive physicalist account of the autonomy of psychology.Orly R. Shenker, Orly Shenker & Meir Hemmo - manuscript
    The appearance of multiple realization of the special sciences kinds by physical kinds can be fully explained within a type-identity reductive physicalist framework, based on recent findings in the foundations of statistical mechanics. This has been shown in Hemmo and Shenker. However, while this account is available for special sciences like biology and thermodynamics, it is unavailable for psychology. Therefore the only coherent physicalist account of psychology is a type-type identity account. The so-called “non reductive” physicalism turns out to be (...)
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    Mivneh ha-nefesh ben Niṭsheh le-Froid.Anat Rimon-Or - 2009 - Ḥefah: Pardes hotsaʼah la-or.
    Mifgash rishon. ʻAl ha-nefesh ṿe-ʻal ha-ʻarakhim -- Mifgash sheni. Pitui, akhzariyut ṿe-nashiyut -- Mifgash shelishi. Shomre ha-ḥayim, shomre ha-maṿet ṿe-shomre ha-seder, torat ha-yetsarim shel Zigmond Froid.
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    Slova crvena.Đorđe D. Sibinović - 2010 - Novi Sad: Prometej.
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    Milan Subotić: The interpretators of the Russian idea.Radomir Đorđević - 2001 - Theoria 44 (1-4):111-114.
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    On standard interpretations of Goodman's theory of counterfactuals.Vladan Đorđević - 2006 - Theoria 49 (3):85-96.
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    The five years predictive value of QTc interval and QTc interval dispersion in hypertensive patients with left ventricular hypertrophy.D. Đorđević, Branko Lović, Stevan Ilić, Marina Deljanin Ilić & Ivan Tasić - 2005 - Facta Universitatis, Series: Linguistics and Literature 12 (3):135-9.
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    Three paradoxes.Vladan Đorđević - 2009 - Theoria: Beograd 52 (3):5-16.
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    Empirismo y sociedad: apuntes sobre la lectura gellneriana de Hume.Carmen Ors - 2005 - In Gerardo López Sastre (ed.), David Hume: nuevas perspectivas sobre su obra. Cuenca: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. pp. 147--165.
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    L'home que treballa i juga.Eugenio D' Ors & Octavio Fullat Genâis - 1988 - Vic, Osona: Eumo. Edited by Octavio Fullat Genís.
  31. ? Muerte de las artes plasticas o apogeo de las artes visuales?(Analisis de la problematica de la crisis del arte contemporaneo).C. D' Ors Fuhrer - 1988 - Diálogo Filosófico 4 (11):183-186.
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    Psychiatry and Philosophy in Turkey: Godotian Expectations?Yaman Ors - 1998 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 5 (3):267-271.
  33. Mišljenja: Razno.Đorđe Lazić - forthcoming - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society.
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  34. The So-Called Postmodern Philosophy in the Eyes of two Physicists: Mental Anarchy, Conceptual Deceipt and Philosophical Decay.Y. Ors - 2002 - Synthesis Philosophica 17 (2):327-338.
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    Ethics of discourse.Đorđe M. Pavićević - 1995 - Filozofija I Društvo 1995 (7):129-157.
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    A counterexample to Lewis's theory of counterfactuals.Vladan Đorđević - 2006 - Theoria 49 (4):39-50.
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    Una introducción al estudio del derecho.Álvaro D' Ors - 1963 - Madrid: Ediciones Rialp.
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    Karl-Otto Apel: Diskurs und Verantwortung das Problem des Ubergangs zur postkonventionellen Moral, Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 1988.Đorđe M. Pavićević - 1991 - Theoria 34 (3-4):131-136.
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  39. ha-Teḥiyah ha-ruḥanit-musarit.Yom-tov L. Hel-Or - 1971
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  40. The Irresistible Rise of Scientific Philosophy–Philosophism and the Ethics of Philosophizing.Yaman Örs - 1996 - Synthesis Philosophica 11.
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  41. Jean Paul Van Bendegem.or How Do Mathematicians Talk - 1982 - Philosophica 29 (1):97-118.
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  42. Talmud shanui be-maḥloḳet: keriʼot filosofiyot be-sugyot maḳbilot ba-Talmud ha-Yerushalmi uva-Talmud ha-Bavli = Controversial Talmud: philosophical readings in the Jerusalem Talmud and the Babylonian Talmud.Elyasaf Tel-Or - 2019 - Tel Aviv: Resling.
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  43. Maḥol la-tsadiḳim: maḥloḳet Ramḥal ṿe-Rabi Ayziḳ me-Homel be-davar takhlit ha-beriʼah.Betsalʼel Naʼor - 2015 - Monsi: Orot.
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    Diskurs as emancipation-Miroslav Milović: Etika i diskurs, FDS, Beograd, 1992.Đorđe Vukadinović - 1992 - Theoria 35 (4):145-147.
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    Kuda ide srpska filozofija.Đorđe Vukadinović - 1994 - Theoria 37 (4):125-130.
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  46. A behavioural law and economics perspective : between methodolgy and ideology when behavioural sciences meet law.Orly Lobel - 2017 - In Rob van Gestel, Hans-W. Micklitz & Edward L. Rubin (eds.), Rethinking legal scholarship: a transatlantic dialogue. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
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  47. El sistema filosófico de Vasconcelos.Sánchez Villaseñor & José[From Old Catalog] - 1939 - México,: Editorial Polis, s.a..
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  48. Resistance to the emergent norm to advance progress towards the complete elimination of nuclear weapons.Orli Zahava - 2017 - In Alan Bloomfield & Shirley V. Scott (eds.), Norm antipreneurs and the politics of resistance to global normative change. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Orly Lewis. Praxagoras of Cos on Arteries, Pulse, and Pneuma. xv + 375 pp., tables, bibl., indexes. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2017. €138. [REVIEW]Vivian Nutton - 2018 - Isis 109 (2):378-379.
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  50. Petrus hispanus O.p., Auctor summularum (III). "Petrus alfonsi" or "Petrus ferrandi"?Angel D'Ors - 2003 - Vivarium 41 (2):249-303.
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