Results for 'Nico Harhoff'

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    A Field Experiment on Reducing Drinking Straw Consumption by Default.Daria Mundt, Sebastian Carl & Nico Harhoff - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  2. The Emotions.Nico Frijda - 1986 - Cambridge University Press.
    What are 'emotions'? This book offers a balanced survey of facts and theory.
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    The Innocent Eye: Why Vision is Not a Cognitive Process.Nico Orlandi - 2014 - Oxford: Oup Usa.
    Why does the world look to us as it does? As Nico Orlandi argues, it is simply because of how the world is. This answer emerges from understanding vision as situated in a structured environment, and it contrasts with the view that visual perception involves an inference.
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  4. Bayesian Perception Is Ecological Perception.Nico Orlandi - 2016 - Philosophical Topics 44 (2):327-351.
    There is a certain excitement in vision science concerning the idea of applying the tools of bayesian decision theory to explain our perceptual capacities. Bayesian models are thought to be needed to explain how the inverse problem of perception is solved, and to rescue a certain constructivist and Kantian way of understanding the perceptual process. Anticlimactically, I argue both that bayesian outlooks do not constitute good solutions to the inverse problem, and that they are not constructivist in nature. In explaining (...)
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  5. Predictive perceptual systems.Nico Orlandi - 2018 - Synthese 195 (6):2367-2386.
    This article attempts to clarify the commitments of a predictive coding approach to perception. After summarizing predictive coding theory, the article addresses two questions. Is a predictive coding perceptual system also a Bayesian system? Is it a Kantian system? The article shows that the answer to these questions is negative.
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  6. (1 other version)Basic Justification and the Moorean Response to the Skeptic.Nico Silins - 2007 - In Tamar Szabo Gendler & John Hawthorne, Oxford Studies in Epistemology:Volume 2: Volume 2. Oxford University Press.
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    (1 other version)State, power, socialism.Nicos Ar Poulantzas - 1978 - London: NLB.
  8. Child work and education : a global perspective.Nico Brando - 2022 - In Randall R. Curren, Handbook of philosophy of education. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    The interaction order and the micro-macro distinction.Nicos Mouzelis - 1992 - Sociological Theory 10 (1):122-128.
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    Verzoening in bijbelse en huidige crisissituaties.Nico Schreurs - 2007 - Bijdragen 68 (2):123-147.
    This article is about reconciliation, not only in the biblical and classical sense of the term, but also as an answer to tensions in our multicultural society. First the many meanings of the word reconciliation are explored. The core meaning is the restoration of a troubled relationship. In the first part of the article the interaction between God and his people resulting in reconciliation, as described in Holy Scripture, is picted and reviewed in the light of the divine priority in (...)
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    Die Freiheit ist eine Tochter des Wissens.Nico Stehr - 2015 - Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
    Der wechselseitige Einfluss von Wissen und Freiheit (und damit Demokratie) in modernen, hochkomplexen Gesellschaften wie auch der Wandel ihrer Beziehungen im Laufe der Moderne ist eines der faszinierendsten Themen unseres Zeitalters. Es handelt sich dabei wohl kaum um eine einmal festgeschriebene, statische Beziehung, sondern um eine historisch-dynamische Relation, die immer von der Entwicklung der Wissensformen und der jeweils relevanten Definition von Freiheit mitbestimmt wurde und wird. Dieses Buch beleuchtet die neuartigen Probleme und Herausforderungen der Demokratie im Angesicht der rapide anwachsenden (...)
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    Political power and social classes.Nicos Ar Poulantzas - 1973 - London,: NLB; Sheed and Ward.
  13. Emotion Experience and its Varieties.Nico H. Frijda - 2009 - Emotion Review 1 (3):264-271.
    Emotion experience reflects some of the outcomes of the mostly nonconscious processes that compose emotions. In my view, the major processes are appraisal, affect, action readiness, and autonomic arousal. The phenomenology of emotion experience varies according to mode of consciousness (nonreflective or reflective consciousness), and to direction and mode of attention. As a result, emotion experience may be either ineffable or articulate with respect to any or all of the underlying processes. In addition, emotion experience reflects the degree to which (...)
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  14. Feelings and Emotions: The Amsterdam Symposium.Nico Frijda & Agneta Fischer - unknown
    As its title suggests, this anthology is a collection of papers presented at a conference on feelings and emotions held in Amsterdam in 2001. One of the symposium’s main goals was to draw some of the most prominent researchers in emotion research together and provide a multi-disciplinary ‘snap shot’ of the state of the art at the turn of the century. In that respect it is truly a cognitive science success story. There are articles from a wide range of fields, (...)
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    Impulsive action: emotional impulses and their control.Nico H. Frijda, K. Richard Ridderinkhof & Erik Rietveld - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  16.  62
    Military obedience.Nico Keijzer - 1978 - Alphen aan den Rijn: Sijthoff & Noordhoff, [International Publishers].
    PART I PROLEGOMENA ACTING ON ORDERS "First, words are our tools, and, as a minimum, we should use clean tools: we should know what we mean and what we do ...
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  17. A dual-networks architecture of top-down control.Nico U. F. Dosenbach, Damien A. Fair, Alexander L. Cohen, Bradley L. Schlaggar & Steven E. Petersen - 2008 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 12 (3):99-105.
  18. The politics of the aesthetics of theory.Nico Baumbach - 2019 - In Scott Durham, Dilip Parameshwar Gaonkar & Jacques Rancière, Distributions of the sensible: Rancière, between aesthetics and politics. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
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  19. Emotion theory?Nico H. Frijda - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (2):199-200.
  20. The Fatwas of Ahmad Khatib Minangkabau (1860-1916) and Religious Authority in Indonesia.Nico J. G. Kaptein - 2025 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 19 (2):179-195.
    Ahmad Khatib originated from Minangkabau, West Sumatra and after his settlement in the Holy City of Mecca in 1877, he grew into a scholar in Islamic sciences of great repute and eventually died there in 1916. His written work, educational and other activities have played a vital part in the exchange of religious ideas between Mecca and the Malay-Indonesian archipelago and make him an important person in the history of Islam in Southeast Asia. In my paper I will go in (...)
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  21. Preliminares al estudio de la hegemonía del Estado.Nicos Poulantzas - forthcoming - Pensamiento.
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    Transformation in South Africa and the Kingdom of God.Nico Vorster - 2006 - HTS Theological Studies 62 (2).
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  23. Objectivity in Law.Nicos Stavropoulos - 2000 - Mind 109 (435):650-653.
    the question of objectivity in legal interpretation has emerged in recent years as an imprtant topic in contemporary jurisprudence. This book addresses the issue of how and in what sense legal interpretation can be objective. The author supports the possibility of objectivity in law and spells out the content of objectivity involved. He then provides a defence against the classical, as well as less well-known, objections to the possibility of objectivity in legal interpretation. The discussion is thoroughly grounded in metaphysics, (...)
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  24. Knowledge societies.Nico Stehr - 1994 - Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
    Knowledge Societies offers both a critical examination of existing social theory, and a new synthesis of social theory with the actual study of knowledge relations in advanced economies. Some of the elements explored are scientization: the penetration not only of production but of most social action by scientific knowledge; the transformation of access to knowledge through higher education; the growth of experts (managers, accountants, advisors, and counselors) and of corresponding institutions based on the deployment of specialized knowledge; and a shift (...)
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    "Welche unendliche Fülle offenbart sich da...": die Wirkungsgeschichte von Schleiermachers "Reden über die Religion" ; papers read at the symposium of the theological faculty Tilburg, Tilburg, 15 April 1999.Nico Schreurs (ed.) - 2003 - Assen: Brill Academic.
    Series: Studies in Theology and Religion (STAR), Am 15. April 1799 beendete Friedrich Schleiermacher seine "Reden über die Religion". Die rhetorisch und stilistisch sehr geschickt verfasste (und anonym veröffentlichte) Erstlingsschrift des später berühmten Predigers, Universitätsprofessors und Schriftstellers hat bis heute ihre Anziehungkraft behalten. Aus Anlass der Zweihundertjahrfeier hat die Niederländische Forschungsgesellschaft für Theologie und Religionswissenschaften (NOSTER) zusammen mit der Theologischen Fakultät Tilburg einen Studientag veranstaltet. Zwei Ziele wurden dabei verfolgt: erstens die Situierung der "Reden" in ihrer Entstehungszeit und in der (...)
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  26. Kantianism for Animals.Nico Dario Müller - 2022 - New York City, New York, USA: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This open access book revises Kant’s ethical thought in one of its most notorious respects: its exclusion of animals from moral consideration. The book gives readers in animal ethics an accessible introduction to Kant’s views on our duties to others, and his view that we have only ‘indirect’ duties regarding animals. It then investigates how one would have to depart from Kant in order to recognise that animals matter morally for their own sake. Particular attention is paid to Kant’s ‘Formula (...)
  27.  49
    Is child disenfranchisement justified?Nico Brando - 2023 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 26 (5):635-657.
    Children are among the few social groups that are systematically and universally disenfranchised. Although children are citizens worthy of equal moral treatment and rights, their right to vote is restricted in almost all states, and this is seen as legitimate by most democratic theories. What is particular about childhood that justifies the restriction of their right to vote? How can democratic systems legitimise the exclusion of a section of their citizenry? This article provides a critical analysis of the principles that (...)
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  28. Emotion, cognitive structure, and action tendency.Nico H. Frijda - 1987 - Cognition and Emotion 1 (2):115-143.
  29. Film theory as ideology critique (after Trump).Nico Baumbach - 2022 - In Kyle Stevens, The Oxford handbook of film theory. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    Echoes of No Thing: thinking between Heidegger and Dogen.Nico Jenkins - 2018 - [United States]: Punctum books.
    Echoes of No Thing seeks to understand the space between thinking which Martin Heidegger and the 13th-century Zen patriarch Eihei D ogen explore in their writing and teachings. Heidegger most clearly attempts this in Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event) and D ogen in his Sh ob ogenz o, a collection of fascicles which he compiled in his lifetime. Both thinkers draw us towards thinking, instead of merely defining systems of thought. Both Heidegger and D ogen imagine possibilities not apparent (...)
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    Scioperi al ritmo dei tamburi: Black Power nel “1968” americano.Nico Pizzolato - 2018 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 30 (59).
    The end of the Sixties is considered a turning point in the long-term decline of the political project of American liberalism. That historical moment heralded the transition towards a conservative hegemony and, a decade later, to the affirmation of the neoliberal political economy that has characterised the United States for the last thirty years – even among the different political shades of the Administrations. However, analyzing this process from the vantage point of the “1968” in Detroit complicates a linear narrative (...)
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    Der Gerechtigkeitssinn: 1.Nico Scarano - 2006 - In Otfried Höffe, John Rawls: Eine Theorie der Gerechtigkeit. Berlin: Akademie Verlag. pp. 211-228.
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  33. The Morality of Risk Modeling.Nicos A. Scordis - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 103 (S1):7-16.
    This article applies the concept of prudence to develop the characteristics of responsible risk-modeling practices in the insurance industry. A critical evaluation of the risk-modeling process suggests that ethical judgments are emergent rather than static, vague rather than clear, particular rather than universal, and still defensible according to the discipline’s established theory, which will support a range of judgments. Thus, positive moral guides for responsible behavior are of limited practical value. Instead, by being prudent, modelers can improve their ability to (...)
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  34. Transformation tensions in Higher Education: Equity, efficiency, and development.Nico Cloete & Teboho Moja - 2005 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 72 (3):693-722.
  35. The place of appraisal in emotion.Nico H. Frijda - 1993 - Cognition and Emotion 7 (3):357-387.
    The concept of “appraisal” has been used in the literature in a dual way: to refer to the content of emotional experience, as well as to the cognitive antecedents of emotions. I argue that appraisal in the former sense is what is contained in information in self-reports and that this information is of limited use for making inferences on emotion antecedents. This is so because emotional experience may contain appraisals that are part of the emotional response rather than belonging to (...)
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    Physician-assisted suicide: The role of mental health professionals.Nico Peruzzi, Andrew Canapary & Bruce Bongar - 1996 - Ethics and Behavior 6 (4):353 – 366.
    A review of the literature was conducted to better understand the (potential) role of mental health professionals in physician-assisted suicide. Numerous studies indicate that depression is one of the most commonly encountered psychiatric illnesses in primary care settings. Yet, depression consistently goes undetected and undiagnosed by nonpsychiatrically trained primary care physicians. Noting the well-studied link between depression and suicide, it is necessary to question giving sole responsibility of assisting patients in making end-of-life treatment decisions to these physicians. Unfortunately, the use (...)
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    Semantik, Lexikographie und Computeranwendungen.Nico Weber (ed.) - 1996 - Tübingen: Niemeyer.
    Frontmatter -- Inhalt -- Formen und Inhalte der Bedeutungsbeschreibung: Definition, Explikation, Repräsentation, Simulation / Weber, Nico -- Zeichen, Bedeutung, Objekt aus kommunikationssemantischer Sicht / Juchem, Johann G. -- Was ist philosophische Logik der Zeit? / Stuhlmann-Laeisz, Rainer -- Zum Kompositionalitätsprinzip in der Semantik / Schröder, Bernhard -- Kognitiv orientierte Lexikographie / Figge, Udo L. -- Wortbedeutungen in Wörterbüchern, Wortbedeutungen in Texten / Seewald, Uta -- Lexikon und Universalgrammatik / Bierwisch, Manfred -- Enzyklopädische Informationen in Wörterbüchern / Bergenholtz, Henning / (...)
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    In Between Communication Theories through One Hundred Questions, Tomas Kačerauskas and Algis Mickūnas (2020).Nico Carpentier - 2022 - Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 13 (2):167-170.
    Review of: In Between Communication Theories through One Hundred Questions, Tomas Kačerauskas and Algis Mickūnas (2020) Cham: Springer, 278 pp., ISBN 978-3-03041-105-3, h/bk, EUR 98.09 ISBN 978-3-03041-108-4, p/bk, EUR 98.09 ISBN 978-3-03041-106-0, e-book, EUR 74.89.
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    Is Unified theories of cognition good strategy?Nico H. Frijda & Jan Elshout - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (3):445-446.
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    What is pain facial expression for?Nico H. Frijda - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (4):460-460.
    A functional interpretation of facial expressions of pain is welcome. Facial expressions of pain may be useful not only for communication, such as inviting help. They may also be of direct use, as parts of writhing pain behavior patterns, serving to get rid of pain stimuli and/or to suppress pain sensations by something akin to hyperstimulation analgesia.
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  41. (1 other version)Note di Lettura a Globalizare la responsabilità e la speranza di C. Quarta.Nico Lucia - 2006 - Idee: Rivista di Filosofia 61:147-158.
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    5 Nationalism: restructuring Gellner's theory.Nicos Mouzelis - 2007 - In Siniša Malešević & Mark Haugaard, Ernest Gellner and contemporary social thought. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 125.
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    Naturteleologie bei Aristoteles, Leibniz, Kant und Hegel: eine historisch-systematische Untersuchung.Nico Naeve - 2013 - Freiburg: Alber.
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    Are freedom and equality natural enemies? A Christian-theological perspective.Nico Vorster - 2010 - Heythrop Journal 51 (4):594-609.
    It is often difficult to balance the conflicting interests of freedom and equality in the public domain. This article attempts to provide a Christian perspective on freedom and equality that might help to reconcile some of the conflicts between freedom and equality that are likely to arise. The first section discusses the significance of religious ethics for social justice, the second section attempts to provide a conceptual framework for freedom and equality from a theological perspective. The third section offers a (...)
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    Nature Loves to Hide.Sam Nico - 2001 - Philosophy Now 33:49-49.
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    Pouvoir politique et classes sociales de l'Etat capitaliste.Nicos Ar Poulantzas - 1968 - Paris: F. Maspero.
    Cette édition numérique a été réalisée à partir d'un support physique, parfois ancien, conservé au sein du dépôt légal de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, conformément à la loi n° 2012-287 du 1er mars 2012 relative à l'exploitation des Livres indisponibles du XXe siècle. Pages de début Introduction I - Questions générales 1 - Sur le concept de politique 2 - Politique et classes sociales 3 - Sur le concept de pouvoir II - L'État capitaliste 1 - Le problème 2 (...)
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    Gibt es moralisches Beobachtungswissen?Nico Scarano - 2010 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 64 (4):584-589.
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  48. Towards a History and Evaluation of Statistical and Information-Theoretical Analysis of Melodic Incipits.Nico Schiiler - 2006 - Theoria 13:113.
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  49. Hart's Semantics.Nicos Stavropoulos - 2000 - In Jules L. Coleman, Hart's Postscript: Essays on the Postscript to `the Concept of Law'. New York: Oxford University Press UK.
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    The Price of Knowledge.Nico Stehr & Marian T. Adolf - 2016 - Social Epistemology 30 (5-6):483-512.
    Our article addresses the question how to assess and measure the value or price of knowledge, and probes the issue from a variety of social scientific and practical perspectives. Against the background of a sociological concept of knowledge, economic, political, social, and juridical perspectives that may lead to a price of knowledge are discussed. We observe that knowledge is seen to play an ever greater role within as well as across economies and politics; that its embodiment makes it difficult to (...)
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