Results for 'Naturbeherrschung Domination of Nature'

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  1.  70
    (1 other version)The domination of nature.William Leiss - 1972 - Boston,: Beacon Press.
    In Part One Leiss traces the idea of the domination of nature from the Renaissance to the nineteenth century.
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  2. Einleitung zu „Was ist Natur? Klassische Texte zur Naturphilosophie“.Gregor Schiemann - 1996 - In Was ist Natur? Klassische Texte zur Naturphilosophie. Deutscher Taschenbuchverlag.
    "Wir mögen an der Natur beobachten, messen, rechnen, wägen und so weiter, wie wir wollen, es ist doch nur unser Maß und Gewicht, wie der Mensch das Maß der Dinge ist." So schrieb Goethe im Jahre 1807. "Die Natur wird uns keine Sonderbehandlung gewähren, nur weil wir uns als 'Krone der Schöpfung' betrachten... Ich fürchte, sie ist nicht eitel genug, um sich an den Menschen als einen Spiegel zu klammern, in dem allein sie ihre eigene Schönheit sehen kann", schreibt der (...)
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  3. „Vom Kopf auf die Füße“: Zur Entwicklung des Verhältnisses von Magie und Naturwissenschaft /“Back on its Feet”: On the Development of the Relationship between Magic and Natural Science.Gregor Schiemann - 2008 - In Jahresbericht der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal.
    Eine weit verbreitete Auffassung über die wissenschaftlichen Naturverständnisse besagt, dass ihre historische Entwicklung von einer zunehmenden Abgrenzung gegenüber der Magie begleitet gewesen sei. Ursprünglich eng mit der Magie verbunden, hätten sich die wissenschaftlichen Naturverständnisse in einem langwierigen Prozess immer weiter von der Magie entfernt, bis sie ihre heutige amagische Gestalt erhalten hätten. Mein Beitrag diskutiert einige Argumente zur Stützung dieser, wie ich meine, plausiblen Auffassung. / A whitespread view of the natural sciences holds that their historical development was accompanied by (...)
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  4. Nanotechnology and Nature: On Two Criteria for Understanding Their Relationship.Gregor Schiemann - 2005 - Hyle 11 (1):77 - 96.
    Two criteria are proposed for characterizing the diverse and not yet perspicuous relations between nanotechnology and nature. They assume a concept of nature as that which is not made by human action. One of the criteria endorses a distinction between natural and artificial objects in nanotechnology; the other allows for a discussion of the potential nanotechnological modification of nature. Insofar as current trends may be taken as indicative of future development, nanotechnology might increasingly use the model of (...)
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    Trotz alledem: Eine Verteidigung der klassischen Unterscheidung von Natur und Technik.Gregor Schiemann - 2022 - Salzburger Jahrbuch für Philosophie 67:131-148.
    Recently, the distinction between nature and technology has been increasingly questioned. We are told that the changes to nature made possible by technology had reached such dimensions that it was no longer possible to clearly differentiate between nature and technology. Against the critical voices, I argue for the possibility and necessity of applying a version of the distinction that I call “classical”. I begin by examining selected historical origins of this distinction and thereby discussing some of its (...)
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  6. Was ist Natur? Klassische Texte zur Naturphilosophie.Gregor Schiemann (ed.) - 1996 - Deutscher Taschenbuchverlag.
    "Wir mögen an der Natur beobachten, messen, rechnen, wägen und so weiter, wie wir wollen, es ist doch nur unser Maß und Gewicht, wie der Mensch das Maß der Dinge ist." So schrieb Goethe im Jahre 1807. "Die Natur wird uns keine Sonderbehandlung gewähren, nur weil wir uns als 'Krone der Schöpfung' betrachten... Ich fürchte, sie ist nicht eitel genug, um sich an den Menschen als einen Spiegel zu klammern, in dem allein sie ihre eigene Schönheit sehen kann", schreibt der (...)
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    Murray Bookchin and the domination of nature.Giorel Curran - 1999 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 2 (2):59-94.
    Bookchin's social ecology explores the narrative of domination and hierarchy. He argues that today's environmental crisis reflects a link between the human domination of nature and the domination of human by human. Hierarchy, as the pivot of such domination, is viewed as a psychology which permeates and corrodes not only social life (as reflected in class, gender, ethnic and other relations), but nature as well. Bookchin, seeking to replace hierarchy with cooperation by devolving power (...)
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    The Domination of Nature.R. D'Amico - 1973 - Télos 1973 (15):142-147.
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    The domination of nature: A forgotten theme in critical theory?Omar Dahbour - 2024 - Constellations 31 (3):368-381.
  10.  17
    The Domination of Nature Revisited: A Critique of Edward O. Wilson.John Bokina - 1989 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1989 (80):138-148.
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  11. Phänomenologie versus Naturwissenschaft - Zum Verhältnis zweier Erkenntnisarten.Gregor Schiemann - 1997 - In Gregor Schiemann & Gernot Böhme (eds.), Phänomenologie der Natur. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
    Im letzten Viertel dieses Jahrhunderts mehren sich die Anzeichen für einen wissenschaftstheoretischen Wandlungsprozeß von weitreichender Bedeutung. Zu seinen hervorstechenden Merkmalen gehört die Kritik an den vormals dominierenden Abgrenzungen der naturwissenschaftlichen Erkenntnis gegenüber anderen Erkenntnisformen. Beanstandet wird hauptsächlich die traditionell unzureichende Berücksichtigung der praktischen Dimensionen der Forschung und die bisher einseitige Konzentration auf mathematisch-physikalische Disziplinen. Daß die Naturwissenschaften ihre Fähigkeiten zur Naturbeherrschung und -veränderung bis in unsere Gegenwart hinein unablässig erweitert haben, geht vermutlich nur partiell auf die erfolgreiche Anwendung theoretischer (...)
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    Desolation Sound: Social Practices of Natural Beauty.Dominic McIver Lopes - 2020 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 9 (4):266–273.
    Instances of natural beauty are widely regarded as counterexamples to practice-based theories of aesthetic value. They are not. To see that they are not, we require the correct account of natural beauty and the correct account of social practices.
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    Political emancipation and the domination of nature: The rise and fall of soviet prometheanism.David Bakhurst - 1991 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 5 (3):215 – 226.
    Abstract Frolov, I. T. (1990) Man, Science, Humanism: A New Synthesis (Buffalo, NY, Prometheus Books), 342 pp. Graham, L. R. (Ed.) (1990) Science and the Soviet Social Order (Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press), ix + 443 pp. Understanding the place of science in Soviet culture is essential if we are to understand the distinctive character of the Soviet Union, its failings and contradictions, and its prospects for the future. This paper examines Soviet conceptions of the role of science in the (...)
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    Social power and the domination of nature.Nick Smith - 1993 - History of the Human Sciences 6 (3):101-110.
    Axel Honneth, The Critique of Power: Reflective Stages in a Critical Social Theory, translated by Kenneth Baynes. Cambridge, MA and London: MIT Press, 1991. £24.75, xxxii + 340 pp., 0 262 08202 0.
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    Traditions of natural law in Medieval philosophy.Dominic Farrell (ed.) - 2023 - Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press.
    Reflection on natural law reaches a highpoint during the Middle Ages. Not only do Christian thinkers work out the first systematic accounts of natural law and articulate the framework for subsequent reflection, the Jewish and Islamic traditions also develop their own canonical statements on the moral authority of reason vis-à-vis divine law. In the view of some, they thereby articulate their own theories of natural law. These various traditions of medieval reflection on natural law, and their interrelation, merit further study, (...)
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    Resisting the Domination of Nature: Regarding Time as an Ethical Concept.Bryan E. Bannon - 2014 - Environmental Philosophy 11 (2):333-358.
    This essay uses Foucault’s views on time and ethics in order to reconceptualize the domination of nature in terms of the imposition of an inflexible order upon a place rather than in the more conventional sense in environmental studies of reducing nature to a use object for humanity. I then propose a means of resisting that domination by examining how friendship might be employed as an ethical ideal in our relationship to nature.
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  17. William Leiss, "The Domination of Nature". [REVIEW]Robert D'amico - 1973 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 15.
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    Feminism and Ecology: On the Domination of Nature.Patricia Jagentowicz Mills - 1991 - Hypatia 6 (1):162 - 178.
    This paper examines the attempt to bring together feminist and ecological concerns in the work of Isaac Balbus and Ynestra King, two thinkers who place the problem of the domination of nature at the center of contemporary liberation struggles. Through a consideration of the abortion issue (which foregrounds the relation between nature and history, and the problem of their "reconciliation") I argue against what I call their abstract pro-nature stance.
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    Grenzen der Technisierung der Lebenswelt.Gregor Schiemann - 2018 - Technisierte Welt, Technisierter Mensch? Zeitschrift Für Sozialmanagement 2018 (1):25-40.
    Vier Entwicklungtendenzen des Verhältnisses von Natur und Technik betreffen industrielle Gesellschafen als Ganzes: 1. der zunehmende Naturferne Technik, 2. zunehmende Naturnähe der Technik, 3. vermehrte Hybridzustände von Natur und Technik und 4. zunehmende Eindringtiefe der Technik in die Natur. Vor dem Hintergrund dieser teils gegenläufigen Tendenzen kann von Grenzen der Technisierung in industriellen Gesellschaften nicht im Allgemeinen, sondern nur in Bezug auf besondere Kontexte gesprochen werden. Zu ihnen gehört die Lebenswelt als ein nichtprofessioneller der und privater Erfahrungsbereich, es immer noch (...)
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  20. Symbolic and Social Connections of the Oppression of Women and the Domination of Nature.Rosemary R. Ruether - unknown
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  21. An Unnatural Order: Uncovering the Roots of our Domination of Nature and Each Other by Jim Mason.B. Noske - 1997 - Society and Animals 5 (1):86-88.
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    The social myth and human domination of nature in Georg Sorel and Stanisław Brzozowski.Krystof Kasprzak - 2021 - Studies in East European Thought 74 (1):93-110.
    In this article I aim to bring to the fore a problematic trait of Polish philosopher Stanisław Brzozowski’s thinking, which is his insistence on the metaphysical importance of human domination of nature through work, technology, and maximization of production. The focal point of the article is Brzozowski’s interpretation of Georg Sorel, with an emphasis on Reflections on Violence and the concept of the social myth. I argue that Brzozowski considers the primary strength of the social myth to lie (...)
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  23. (1 other version)PART IV. Recorded Sound in Changing Environments. Adorno and Jazz : A Critical Revision from an Audiotactile Perspective / Vincenzo Caporaletti ; 'To become transformed into an insect, man needs that energy which might possibly achieve his transformation into a man' : Adorno, the domination of nature and the becoming-insect of music.Makis Solomos - 2022 - In Gianmario Borio (ed.), Immediacy and the mediations of music: critical approaches after Theodor W. Adorno. New York: Routledge.
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    Book reviews : The domination of nature. William Leiss. New York: George braziller, i972. Pp. XII+242. $6.95. [REVIEW]Richard Bond - 1974 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 4 (3):413-417.
  25.  41
    Matter and Mathematics: An Essentialist Account of the Laws of Nature by Andrew YOUNAN (review).Dominic V. Cassella - 2023 - Review of Metaphysics 77 (1):166-168.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Matter and Mathematics: An Essentialist Account of the Laws of Nature by Andrew YOUNANDominic V. CassellaYOUNAN, Andrew. Matter and Mathematics: An Essentialist Account of the Laws of Nature. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2023. xii + 228 pp. Cloth, $75.00Andrew Younan’s work situates itself between two opposing philosophical accounts of the laws of nature. In one corner, there are the Humeans (or (...)
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    Ecofeminism: Symbolic and Social Connections of the Oppression of Women and the Domination of Nature.Rosemary Radford Ruether - 1995 - Feminist Theology 3 (9):35-50.
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    The ethics of natural immunity exemptions to vaccine mandates: the Supreme Court petition.Jonathan Pugh, Julian Savulescu, Rebecca C. H. Brown & Dominic Wilkinson - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    The Supreme Court of the United States has recently been petitioned to revisit legal issues pertaining to the lawfulness of imposing a vaccine mandate on individuals with proof of natural immunity during the COVID-19 pandemic. While the petition accepts that the protection of public health during COVID-19 was an important governmental interest, the petitioners maintain that the imposition of a vaccine mandate on individuals with natural immunity was not ‘substantially related’ to accomplishing that purpose. In this short report, we outline (...)
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    Merleau-Ponty on the Expression of Nature in Art.Dominic Willsdon - 1998 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 29 (2):207-214.
  29.  41
    Darwin, Malthus, Süssmilch, and Euler: The Ultimate Origin of the Motivation for the Theory of Natural Selection. [REVIEW]Dominic Klyve - 2014 - Journal of the History of Biology 47 (2):1-24.
    It is fairly well known that Darwin was inspired to formulate his theory of natural selection by reading Thomas Malthus’s Essay on the Principle of Population. In fact, by reading Darwin’s notebooks, we can even locate one particular sentence which started Darwin thinking about population and selection. What has not been done before is to explain exactly where this sentence – essentially Malthus’s ideas about geometric population growth – came from. In this essay we show that eighteenth century mathematician Leonhard (...)
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    The Nature of the Political Reconsidered.Dominic Holland - 2017 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 47 (1):32-57.
    I present an immanent, and explanatory, critique of reflections on the nature of politics and of power within political science. I argue that these reflections are problematic, to the extent that they presuppose an actualist conception of the political, and that this is generated by an empiricist way of thinking on the one hand and a constructivist way of thinking on the other. I show how re-defining politics, power, and the political on the basis of a dialectical critical realist (...)
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    An Enquiry into the Nature of Liberation : Bhaṭṭa Rāmakaṇṭha’s Paramokṣanirāsakārikāvṛtti, a commentary on Sadyojyotiḥ’s refutation of twenty conceptions of the liberated state (mokṣa).Dominic Goodall, Alex Watson & S. L. P. Anjaneya Sarma - unknown
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    The nature, causes and types of ecstasy.M. Dominic Beer - 2000 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 7 (4):311-315.
  33. Marx and Heidegger on the Technological Domination of Nature.Michael Zimmerman - 1979 - Philosophy Today 23 (2):99-112.
    Marx and heidegger agree that capitalism turns everything into a commodity for economic exploitation. Unlike marx, However, Heidegger regards both capitalism and communism as instances of human subjectivism: the attitude that man is the measure of all things, And that everything is an object to be dominated by the human subject. Capitalist man dominates nature (including man) individually; communist man does so collectively. Marx, Unfortunately, Was taken in by hegel's anthropocentric view of history, And had an unwavering faith in (...)
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    The foundations of nature: metaphysics of gift for an integral ecological ethic.Michael Dominic Taylor - 2020 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books. Edited by Larry S. Chapp.
    Will the ecological crises of our time be resolved using the same form of thought that has brought them about? Are technological prowess and political power the proper tools to address them? Is there not a deeper connection between our ecological crises and our human, social, political, economic, and ethical crises? This book argues that the popular approaches to ecological, bioethical, and other human crises are not working because they fail to examine the problem in its full depth. This depth (...)
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  35.  25
    Le concept de nature chez Adorno.Dominic Roulx - 2023 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 79 (3):435-449.
    Dominic Roulx Plusieurs commentateurs de l’oeuvre de Theodor W. Adorno ont à raison, dans les vingt dernières années, relevé la pertinence de sa critique de la domination de la nature (Naturbeherrschung) pour penser les tenants et aboutissants de la crise environnementale. Toutefois, ils se fondent sur un usage parfois bancal du concept adornien de « nature », ce qui appelle une clarification conceptuelle. Prenant le contre-pied de certains commentateurs qui perçoivent dans ce concept la fétichisation romantique (...)
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  36. Murray's Balancing Act: The Harmony of Nature and Grace.O. P. James Dominic Rooney - 2016 - Journal of Church and State 58 (4):666-689.
    John Courtney Murray is openly acknowledged as one of the greatest public political thinkers that American Catholicism has produced. His work significantly influenced the Catholic Church's public understanding of the role of religion in a pluralistic society through his contributions to the Declaration on Religious Liberty (Dignitatis Humanae) of the Second Vatican Council. He was even acclaimed in the secular world, appearing on the cover of Time on December 12, 1960. His legacy in the area of church–state relations, however, ran (...)
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    Frankenstein, the Frankfurt School, and the Domination of Nature.Sid Simpson - 2021 - Philosophy and Literature 45 (2):416-434.
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  38. (1 other version)PART IV. Recorded Sound in Changing Environments. Adorno and Jazz : A Critical Revision from an Audiotactile Perspective / Vincenzo Caporaletti ; 'To become transformed into an insect, man needs that energy which might possibly achieve his transformation into a man' : Adorno, the domination of nature and the becoming-insect of music.Makis Solomos - 2022 - In Gianmario Borio (ed.), Immediacy and the mediations of music: critical approaches after Theodor W. Adorno. New York: Routledge.
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    Behavioral Repertoire Influences the Rate and Nature of Learning in Climbing: Implications for Individualized Learning Design in Preparation for Extreme Sports Participation.Dominic Orth, Keith Davids, Jia-Yi Chow, Eric Brymer & Ludovic Seifert - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  40.  45
    The Dying Planet Index: Life, Death and Man's Domination of Nature.Clive L. Spash - 2015 - Environmental Values 24 (1):1-7.
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    Natural Teleology and Human Dignity: Reading the Second Vatican Council in the Light of Aquinas.Dominic Farrell - 2014 - Alpha Omega 17 (3):543-567.
    In Gaudium et Spes and Dignitatis Humanae the Second Vatican Council not only presents the dignity of the human person as the parting point for its moral teaching but also grounds human dignity in natural teleology. Natural teleology is the view that the good of any thing corresponds to, and so can be discerned from, the ends to which it is directed by its nature, both that end which is proper to it and those ends that it has as (...)
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    Love in the Time of Tamagotchi.Dominic Pettman - 2009 - Theory, Culture and Society 26 (2-3):189-208.
    There is a popular conception among many Zeitgeist watchers, especially in places like the US, Western Europe and Australia, of the urbanized East as existing somehow further into the future. As William Gibson once stated: `The future is here; it just isn't equally distributed yet.' This kind of cultural fetishism extends to not only technolust, but the practices that new gadgets and electronics encourage. The specific phenomenon explored in this article is that of virtual girlfriends and boyfriends: whether in the (...)
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  43.  12
    The Soul of Doubt: The Religious Roots of Unbelief From Luther to Marx.Dominic Erdozain - 2015 - Oxford: Oxford University Press USA.
    It is widely assumed that science is the enemy of religious faith. The idea is so pervasive that entire industries of religious apologetics converge around the challenge of Darwin, evolution, and the "secular worldview." This book challenges such assumptions by proposing a different cause of unbelief in the West: the Christian conscience. Tracing a history of doubt and unbelief from the Reformation to the age of Darwin and Karl Marx, Dominic Erdozain argues that the most powerful solvents of religious orthodoxy (...)
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  44. Conceptual analysis versus scientific understanding: An assessment of Wakefield's folk psychiatry.Dominic Murphy & Robert L. Woolfolk - 2000 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 7 (4):271-293.
    Wakefield's (2000) responses to our paper herein (Murphy and Woolfolk 2000) are not only unsuccessful, they force him into a position that leaves him unable to preserve any distinction between disorders and other problems. They also conflate distinct scientific concepts of function. Further, Wakefield fails to show that ascriptions of human dysfunction do not ineliminably involve values. -/- We suggest Wakefield is analyzing a concept that plays a role in commonsense thought and arguing that the task of science is to (...)
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    Saving Honor: The Ideology of Equal Esteem and the Good of Honor, Friendship, and Glory according to St. Thomas.O. P. Dominic Verner - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (1):335-351.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Saving Honor:The Ideology of Equal Esteem and the Good of Honor, Friendship, and Glory according to St. ThomasDominic Verner O.P.In his book Natural Law and Human Rights, Pierre Manent assesses and critiques a practical ideology that he finds pervasive within the European academy and sees increasingly informing the practical sensibilities of much of the Western world. "Our governing doctrine," as Manent calls it, is chiefly characterized by the primacy (...)
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    The Prospects of a Paraconsistent Response to Vagueness.Dominic Hyde - 2010 - In Richard Dietz & Sebastiano Moruzzi (eds.), Cuts and clouds: vagueness, its nature, and its logic. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Paraconsistent responses to vagueness are often thought to represent a revision of logical theory that is too radical to be defensible. The paracomplete logic of supervaluationism, SpV, is not only taken to be more conservative but is also commonly said to 'preserve classical logic'. This chapter argues that this is wrong on both counts. The paraconsistent logic SbV, or subvaluationism, is no less conservative than SpV nor more so. In the end both logics offer equally compelling theoretical approaches to vagueness. (...)
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    Current controversies and irresolvable disagreement: the case of Vincent Lambert and the role of ‘dissensus’.Dominic Wilkinson & Julian Savulescu - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (10):631-635.
    Controversial cases in medical ethics are, by their very nature, divisive. There are disagreements that revolve around questions of fact or of value. Ethical debate may help in resolving those disagreements. However, sometimes in such cases, there are opposing reasonable views arising from deep-seated differences in ethical values. It is unclear that agreement and consensus will ever be possible. In this paper, we discuss the recent controversial case of Vincent Lambert, a French man, diagnosed with a vegetative state, for (...)
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    In Favour of Medical Dissensus: Why We Should Agree to Disagree About End‐of‐Life Decisions.Dominic Wilkinson, Robert Truog & Julian Savulescu - 2015 - Bioethics 30 (2):109-118.
    End-of-life decision-making is controversial. There are different views about when it is appropriate to limit life-sustaining treatment, and about what palliative options are permissible. One approach to decisions of this nature sees consensus as crucial. Decisions to limit treatment are made only if all or a majority of caregivers agree. We argue, however, that it is a mistake to require professional consensus in end-of-life decisions. In the first part of the article we explore practical, ethical, and legal factors that (...)
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    Hume is the Enemy of Pyrrho.Dominic K. Dimech - 2021 - Philosophy 96 (4):651-674.
    I offer reasons against reading Hume as a Pyrrhonian sceptic. I argue that Hume's scepticism is motivated differently, that his sceptical strategies are not analogous to Pyrrhonism's, and that it is profitable to read Hume as a critic of Pyrrhonism. I hold that the most informative point of comparison between Hume and Sextus Empiricus is a point of difference, namely, their stands on the connection between suspension of judgement (epochê) and tranquillity (ataraxia). For Sextus, tranquillity flows naturally from suspending judgement (...)
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  50. The call of the wild: The struggle against domination and the technological fix of nature.Eric Katz - 1992 - Environmental Ethics 14 (3):265-273.
    In this essay, I use encounters with the white-tailed deer of Fire Island to explore the “call of the wild”—the attraction to value that exists in a natural world outside of human control. Value exists in nature to the extent that it avoids modification by human technology. Technology “fixes” the natural world by improving it for human use or by restoring degraded ecosystems. Technology creates a “new world,” an artifactual reality that is far removed from the “wildness” of (...). The technological “fix” of nature thus raises a moral issue: how is an artifact morally different from a natural and wild entity? Artifacts are human instruments; their value lies in their ability to meet human needs. Natural entities have no intrinsic functions; they were not created for any instrumental purpose. To attempt to manage natural entities is to deny their inherent autonomy: a form of domination. The moral claim of the wilderness is thus a claim against human technological domination. We have an obligation to struggle against this domination by preserving as much of the natural world as possible. (shrink)
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