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  1.  14
    Towards a critical space theory: The instrumental politics of space exploitation.Sid Simpson, Désirée Weber & John McMahon - forthcoming - European Journal of Political Theory.
    Though a growing number of voices in public discourse are expressing reservations about the new space race and its implications, inherently political questions have remained largely untouched by political theorists: Who is space for and for whose benefit? What are the ideological presumptions and functions of private space exploration? To confront this astro-aporia, we proceed in four parts. First, we develop a typology of two broad positions that predominate in contemporary criticism of space exploration: those who are “space pessimists” and (...)
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    The gaya scienza and the aesthetic ethos: Marcuse's appropriation of Nietzsche in An Essay on Liberation.Sid Simpson - 2017 - Constellations 24 (3):356-371.
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    White Bear and Criminal Punishment.Sid Simpson & Chris Lay - 2020 - In William Irwin & David Kyle Johnson, Black Mirror and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 50–58.
    Every day, Victoria Skillane wakes up bewildered. She has no idea where she is, but nevertheless has to run for her life from masked assailants while zombielike onlookers refuse to intervene. We later learn that she's the centerpiece of ‘White Bear Justice Park.’ The question is, what about this could be called just? In this chapter, we look to different theories of punishment in order to discern whether or not Victoria's punishment is justified. Does she deserve it? Does her sentence (...)
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    Creolizing Marcuse.Jina Fast, Nicole K. Mayberry & Sid Simpson (eds.) - 2024 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
    This book explores the intersections between Herbert Marcuse's critical theory and Africana and Caribbean theory, revealing the potential for a dynamic interplay of ideas to understand and address contemporary social, political, and ecological challenges amid material, historical realities.
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    The Marcusean mind.Eduardo Altheman C. Santos, Jina Fast, Nicole K. Mayberry & Sid Simpson (eds.) - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Herbert Marcuse (1898-1979) was as a leading figure of 1960s counter-culture and hailed as a 'Guru of the New Left'. His ideas and theories, inspired by a rich fusion of Marxian and Freudian thought, exert a strong influence on contemporary thinking about activism, emancipation and political resistance. He was also member of the Frankfurt School and a student of Heidegger in the late 1920s and engaged deeply with philosophy throughout his career. The Marcusean Mind is an outstanding survey and assessment (...)
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    Dancing in the streets: Rousseau, the genealogy of vice, and the practice of freedom.Sid Simpson - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    Only recently has Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s Discourse on Inequality begun to be read as a genealogy rather than a variation on the social contract tradition. This article argues that reading Rousseau as a genealogist not only clarifies his analysis of amour-propre’s inflammation, but also illuminates a conception of freedom achieved through the continuous political practice of shaping of amour-propre. In the first section of this article, I situate this conception of freedom against two separate but relevant bodies of Rousseau scholarship: those (...)
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    Frankenstein, the Frankfurt School, and the Domination of Nature.Sid Simpson - 2021 - Philosophy and Literature 45 (2):416-434.
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    Nietzsche, irrationalism, and the cruel irony of Adorno and Horkheimer’s political quietude.Sid Simpson - 2021 - Contemporary Political Theory 20 (3):481-501.
    Adorno and Horkheimer’s legacy is incomplete without reference to their infamous political quietism. To thinkers such as Habermas, this was the unfortunate consequence of their alleged evacuation of reason. Attending to the treatment of Nietzsche in Dialectic of Enlightenment illuminates the distinct irony of such charges. Here, in their most popular book, Nietzsche is presented as precisely that which they praised him for warning against elsewhere: an advocate of cruelty animated by a reactionary morality. I contend that this exaggeration is (...)
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  9.  13
    The Inners Must Die.Sid Simpson - 2021 - In Jeffery L. Nicholas, The Expanse and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 91–101.
    The story of The Expanse is inseparable from the Inners’ oppression of the Belters. This chapter focuses on the relationship between the Inners and the Belt. It provides insight into the colonial relationship between them. Emphasizing the colonial relationship between the Inners and the Belt gives us insight into why attempts to forge a peaceful alliance between Earth, Mars, and the Belt fail time and time again. If we understand the Belt's attack as transcending mere bloodthirst and demolishing the unquestioned (...)
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    Book review: A Farewell to Truth, Hermeneutic Communism: From Heidegger to Marx. [REVIEW]Sid Simpson - 2018 - Thesis Eleven 148 (1):105-110.
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