Results for 'Natali Helberger'

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  1. In AI we trust? Perceptions about automated decision-making by artificial intelligence.Theo Araujo, Natali Helberger, Sanne Kruikemeier & Claes H. de Vreese - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (3):611-623.
    Fueled by ever-growing amounts of (digital) data and advances in artificial intelligence, decision-making in contemporary societies is increasingly delegated to automated processes. Drawing from social science theories and from the emerging body of research about algorithmic appreciation and algorithmic perceptions, the current study explores the extent to which personal characteristics can be linked to perceptions of automated decision-making by AI, and the boundary conditions of these perceptions, namely the extent to which such perceptions differ across media, (public) health, and judicial (...)
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    Insubordinate Plasticity: Judith Butler and Catherine Malabou.Natalie Helberg - 2020 - Hypatia 35 (4):587-606.
    In this article, I explore the relationship betweenperformativity, as it appears in Judith Butler's work, andplasticity, as it appears in the work of Catherine Malabou. I argue that these concepts are isomorphic. Butler and Malabou both hold that resistance to contemporary forms of power, or “insubordination,” is contingent on a subject's ability to become other than what it is; Butler articulates this ability in terms of performativity, and Malabou articulates it in terms of plasticity. I reveal the social-constructivist dimension of (...)
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  3. Thinking through the Body: Yoga, Philosophy, and Physical Education.Cressida J. Heyes, Natalie Helberg & Jaclyn Rohel - 2009 - Teaching Philosophy 32 (3):263-284.
    Philosophers sometimes hope that our discipline will be transformative for students, perhaps especially when we teach so-called philosophy of the body. To that end, this article describes an experimental upper-level undergraduate course cross-listed between Philosophy and Physical Education, entitled “Thinking Through the Body: Philosophy and Yoga.” Drawing on the perspectives of professor and students, we show how a somatic practice (here, hatha yoga) and reading texts (here, primarily contemporary phenomenology) can be integrated in teaching and learning. We suggest that the (...)
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  4. Waking Up to Happiness.Natalie Goldberg - 2013 - In Melvin McLeod, The best Buddhist writing 2013. Boston: Shambhala.
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  5. Macht und Gewalt in der Philosophie Franz von Baaders.Sebastian Helberger-Frobenius - 1969 - Bonn: H, Bouvier.
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    Informierte Einwilligung und relationale Konzepte von Autonomie.Natalie Stoljar - 2021 - In Nikola Biller-Andorno, Settimio Monteverde, Tanja Krones & Tobias Eichinger, Medizinethik. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 175-187.
    Natalie Stoljar ist eine australische Philosophin und Professorin für feministische, politische und Rechtsphilosophie an der McGill University in Montreal, Kanada. Neben der Forschung zur Rechtsphilosophie widmete sich Stoljar den Schnittstellen von Sozialphilosophie, politischer Philosophie und Moralpsychologie. In diesem Kontext verortet sie auch das Konzept der Autonomie.
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    Data Hazards: An open-source vocabulary of ethical hazards for data-intensive projects.Natalie Zelenka, Nina H. Di Cara, Euan Bennet, Phil Clatworthy, Huw Day, Ismael Kherroubi Garcia, Susana Roman Garcia, Vanessa Aisyahsari Hanschke & Emma Siân Kuwertz - 2025 - Journal of Responsible Technology 21 (C):100110.
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    Testing, Guidance and Curriculum: The Impact of Progressive Education in Waltham, Massachusetts, 1918-1968.Natalie K. Camper - 1978 - Educational Studies 9 (2):159-171.
    (1978). Testing, Guidance and Curriculum: The Impact of Progressive Education in Waltham, Massachusetts, 1918-1968. Educational Studies: Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 159-171.
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    The art of community detection.Natali Gulbahce & Sune Lehmann - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (10):934-938.
    Networks in nature possess a remarkable amount of structure. Via a series of data‐driven discoveries, the cutting edge of network science has recently progressed from positing that the random graphs of mathematical graph theory might accurately describe real networks to the current viewpoint that networks in nature are highly complex and structured entities. The identification of high order structures in networks unveils insights into their functional organization. Recently, Clauset, Moore, and Newman,1 introduced a new algorithm that identifies such heterogeneities in (...)
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  10. Tasmania's Turnaround? Migration in the Apple Isle'.Natalie Jackson - 2005 - Dialogue: Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia. 24 (2).
  11. In reflecting upon the legacy of Derrida's work, one may well ask what it is to consider the state and purpose oftheory today. What is its relationship to life and the living oflife? What implications and directions does such a question hold for the future of critical thought? In a 2001 round-table discussion at Loughborough University, Derrida observed.Natalie Roberts - 2009 - In Kailash C. Baral & R. Radhakrishnan, Theory after Derrida: essays in critical praxis. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. pp. 236.
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    Beyond Individual Choice: Teams and Frames in Game Theory.Natalie Gold & Robert Sugden (eds.) - 2006 - Princeton University Press.
    Game theory is central to modern understandings of how people deal with problems of coordination and cooperation. Yet, ironically, it cannot give a straightforward explanation of some of the simplest forms of human coordination and cooperation--most famously, that people can use the apparently arbitrary features of "focal points" to solve coordination problems, and that people sometimes cooperate in "prisoner's dilemmas." Addressing a wide readership of economists, sociologists, psychologists, and philosophers, Michael Bacharach here proposes a revision of game theory that resolves (...)
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  13. Collective Intentions And Team Agency.Natalie Gold & Robert Sugden - 2007 - Journal of Philosophy 104 (3):109-137.
    In the literature of collective intentions, the ‘we-intentions’ that lie behind cooperative actions are analysed in terms of individual mental states. The core forms of these analyses imply that all Nash equilibrium behaviour is the result of collective intentions, even though not all Nash equilibria are cooperative actions. Unsatisfactorily, the latter cases have to be excluded either by stipulation or by the addition of further, problematic conditions. We contend that the cooperative aspect of collective intentions is not a property of (...)
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    The Ongoingness of Curation: An Educational Response.Natalie Joy Davey - 2018 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 52 (4):83.
    I have been anxious to improve the nick of time... to stand on the meeting of two eternities, the past and future, which is precisely the present moment; to toe that line.It is never too late to give up our prejudices.Inspired by Thoreau’s Walden and Other Writings, these epigraphs speak to the bridging potential I see in literature and art.1 Literature can link global issues of the day to human struggles that are anything but new, narratively fusing the past and (...)
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    Effects of contextual questions on experimentally induced dysphoria.Natalie Jacoby, Chris R. Brewin & Ed Watkins - 2008 - Cognition and Emotion 22 (4):753-760.
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    Plumed wonders and ornithological passions.Natalie Lawrence - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 47:206-209.
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    Giving Voice to the Voiceless in Environmental Gene Editing.Natalie Kofler & Colleen M. Grogan - 2021 - Hastings Center Report 51 (S2):66-73.
    Participatory deliberation, whereby diverse experts and publics collectively engage in decision‐making, can ensure a more informed and just decision by centering historically marginalized perspectives and engaging a spectrum of value systems. Broad and diverse participation is crucial for the equitable distribution of risks and benefits resulting from complex and uncertain decisions such as environmental gene editing. From an ethical position that gives intrinsic value to the nonhuman and recognizes the interconnectedness of species across generations, we argue that deliberation over environmental (...)
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    VIRT 2 UE: A European train-the-trainer programme for teaching research integrity.Natalie Evans, Armin Schmolmueller, Margreet Stolper, Giulia Inguaggiato, Astrid Hooghiemstra, Ruzica Tokalic, Daniel Pizzolato, Nicole Foeger, Ana Marušić, Marc van Hoof, Dirk Lanzerath, Bert Molewijk, Kris Dierickx & Guy Widdershoven on - 2024 - Research Ethics 20 (2):187-209.
    Universities and other research institutions are increasingly providing additional training in research integrity to improve the quality and reliability of research. Various training courses have been developed, with diverse learning goals and content. Despite the importance of training that focuses on moral character and professional virtues, there remains a lack of training that adopts a virtue ethics approach. To address this, we, a European Commission-funded consortium, have designed a train-the-trainer programme for research integrity. The programme is based on (1) virtue (...)
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    Aristotle: His Life and School.CarloHG Natali - 2013 - Princeton University Press.
    The definitive account of Aristotle's life and school This definitive biography shows that Aristotle's philosophy is best understood on the basis of a firm knowledge of his life and of the school he founded. First published in Italian, and now translated, updated, and expanded for English readers, this concise chronological narrative is the most authoritative account of Aristotle's life and his Lyceum available in any language. Gathering, distilling, and analyzing all the evidence and previous scholarship, Carlo Natali, one of (...)
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    Gefährlich Leben - Gefährlich Denken: Eine Untersuchung von Nietzsches Philosophie.Natalie Schulte - 2023 - Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
    Nietzsche gilt als faszinierender Philosoph, der das Denken zu einer gefährlichen Sache, zu einem Abenteuer erklärt und der den/die Leser*in verlockt, sich auf das Wagnis seines Denkens einzulassen. Philosophie erscheint nicht als abstrakte Angelegenheit, sondern als eine zutiefst persönliche Auseinandersetzung, die das Leben des/der Einzelnen verwandeln soll, selbst um den Preis seiner möglichen Zerstörung. Welche Bedeutung aber hat das gefährliche Moment innerhalb von Nietzsches Philosophie für den/die Einzelne*n - und welche für die Gesellschaft? Und wie weit darf man in Selbst- (...)
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    Data-Driven Decision Making and Dewey's Science of Education.Natalie Schelling & Lance E. Mason - 2021 - Education and Culture 37 (1):41-59.
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    A mixed-methods examination of autonomous sensory meridian response: Comparison to frisson.Natalie Roberts, Alissa Beath & Simon Boag - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 86:103046.
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    Aristotle: his life and school.Carlo Natali - 2013 - Princeton: Princeton University Press. Edited by D. S. Hutchinson.
    The definitive account of Aristotle's life and school This definitive biography shows that Aristotle's philosophy is best understood on the basis of a firm knowledge of his life and of the school he founded. First published in Italian, and now translated, updated, and expanded for English readers, this concise chronological narrative is the most authoritative account of Aristotle's life and his Lyceum available in any language. Gathering, distilling, and analyzing all the evidence and previous scholarship, Carlo Natali, one of (...)
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  24. Social learning: from imitation to joint action.Natalie Sebanz, Harold Bekkering & Günther Knoblich - 2006 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 10 (2):70-76.
  25. Evidence, relativism and feminist standpoint theory.Natalie Ashton - 2023 - In Maria Lasonen-Aarnio & Clayton Littlejohn, The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Evidence. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    The 'Bournewood Gap' and the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards in the Mental Capacity Act 2005.Natalie F. Banner - 2011 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 18 (2):123-126.
    The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS) were recently introduced into the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) via an amendment to mental health legislation in England and Wales. As Shah (2011) discusses, the rationale behind creating these protocols was to close what is commonly referred to as the ‘Bournewood gap’; a legislative loophole that allowed a severely autistic man (H.L.) who did not initially dissent to admission to be detained in a hospital and deprived of his liberty in his ‘best interests’ as (...)
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    The Head That Remains.Natalie L. Belisle - 2021 - Diacritics 49 (1):73-81.
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  28. Wissensgeschichte und Poetik des Gewebes 1700-1800.Natalie Binczek & Barbara Thums - 2004 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 49 (2):171-172.
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    Failure through Success: Co-construction Processes of Imaginaries (of Participation) and Group Development.Natalie Mevissen & Anna Froese - 2020 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 45 (3):455-487.
    Participation is an important but little understood concept in science and innovation. While participation promises the production of new knowledge, social justice, and economic growth, little research has been done on its contribution to innovation processes at the group level. The concept of imaginaries can provide a window into these processes. Adopting a micro-sociological perspective, we examined the interplay between imaginaries of participation and group development within a long-term ethnographic observation study of an initiative, Energy Avant-garde, as it pursued the (...)
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    Philosophische Kehrseiten: eine andere Einleitung in die Philosophie.Natalie Pieper & Benno Wirz (eds.) - 2014 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
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    Reordering the material of the past: gender and the morality of things in early postwar GermanyGenre et éthique des objets dans le cinéma de l’Allemagne d’après-guerre.Natalie Scholz - 2015 - Clio 40.
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    Representing others' actions: just like one's own?Natalie Sebanz, Günther Knoblich & Wolfgang Prinz - 2003 - Cognition 88 (3):B11-B21.
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    (1 other version)La causa de la acción humana según Alejandro de Afrodisia, " Mantissa 23" y "De Fato 15".Carlos Natali - 2009 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 40:159-181.
    Carlo Natali se ocupa de examinar las bases y detalles del debate de Alejandro con los deterministas, así como sus razones para mostrar el papel decisivo de la deliberación en la explicación de la acción. El punto de partida de Alejandro es el capítulo 9 del De interpretatione, texto que indica de una manera bastante clara que Aristóteles visualizó las consecuencias, absurdas en su opinión, del determinismo. En su discusión Natali examina la influencia de los argumentos de Alejandro (...)
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  34. Answerability : a condition of autonomy or moral responsibility (or both)?Natalie Stoljar - 2018 - In Marina Oshana, Katrina Hutchison & Catriona Mackenzie, Social Dimensions of Moral Responsibility. New York: Oup Usa.
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    Transcendance et incarnation: le statut de l'intersubjectivité comme altérité à soi chez Husserl.Natalie Depraz - 1995 - Paris: Vrin.
    le statut de l'intersubjectivité comme altérité à soi chez Husserl Natalie Depraz. REMERCIEMENTS À Jean-François Courtine tout d'abord, je tiens à exprimer ma très vive gratitude pour la confiance qu'il m'a témoignée en me donnant ...
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  36. (1 other version)Prediction in Joint Action: What, When, and Where.Natalie Sebanz & Guenther Knoblich - 2009 - Topics in Cognitive Science 1 (2):353-367.
    Drawing on recent findings in the cognitive and neurosciences, this article discusses how people manage to predict each other’s actions, which is fundamental for joint action. We explore how a common coding of perceived and performed actions may allow actors to predict the what, when, and where of others’ actions. The “what” aspect refers to predictions about the kind of action the other will perform and to the intention that drives the action. The “when” aspect is critical for all joint (...)
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  37. Essence, Identity, and the Concept of Woman.Natalie Stoljar - 1995 - Philosophical Topics 23 (2):261-293.
  38. Feminist Perspectives on Autonomy.Natalie Stoljar - forthcoming - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Justice in fetal experimentation.Natalie Abrams - 1979 - Journal of Value Inquiry 13 (2):103-113.
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    Fighting to Be Somebody: Resisting Erasure and the Discursive Practices of Female Adolescent.Natalie G. Adams - 1999 - Educational Studies 30 (2):115-139.
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    Making, Breaking, Loving, and Hating Images.Natalie Carnes - 2013 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 16 (2):17-34.
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    On Becoming Metaphysical: A Relevant Challenge for Neurophenomenology?Natalie Depraz - 2021 - Constructivist Foundations 16 (2):159-161.
    I question Bitbol’s challenge about proposing a metaphysical counterpart to neurophenomenology. For this I rely on Varela’s unambiguous critique of metaphysics and question the author’s own ….
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  43. Putting the epoche into practice: Schizophrenic experience as illustrating the phenomenological exploration of consciousness.Natalie Depraz - 2003 - In Bill Fulford, Katherine Morris, John Z. Sadler & Giovanni Stanghellini, Nature and Narrative: An Introduction to the New Philosophy of Psychiatry. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 187-198.
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    Ethics briefing.Natalie Michaux & Allison Milbrath - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (11):797-798.
    Following the well-publicised case of Dr Sarah Benn, the former General Practioner (GP) who was suspended from the UK medical register earlier this year for breaching injunctions in order to peacefully protest climate change,1 uncertainty and wider discourse has persisted about the extent to which doctors can be involved in protests without risking regulatory action. In response to this uncertainty, in July the General Medical Council (GMC) published an explanation of how it manages concerns about doctors’ actions as part of (...)
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    Demokratisierung im inneren Widerspruch: Französische und saarländische Printmedienpolitik 1945-1955.Natalie Pohl - 2010 - In Michael Kuderna, Rainer Hudemann & Clemens Zimmermann, Medienlandschaft Saar: Von 1945 Bis in Die Gegenwart. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag. pp. 61-100.
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  46. Напрями формування системи моніторингу інвестиційної політики в україні.Nataliіa Оrlova - 2014 - Схід 6 (132):56-59.
    In this article it is proved the necessity of forming and monitoring the investment policy. The main task of investment policy's monitoring are the organization of continuous observation of the object of study, formation of informative indicators; assessment and analysis of the information received, forecasting development and providing recommendations to avoid or reduce adverse effects on the object of study. It is proved that a monitoring system should include investment and provide flexibility and adaptability tools. There is studied foreign experience (...)
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    Tangled pasts, healthier futures: Nursing strategies to improve American Indian/Alaska Native health equity.Natalie M. Pool & Leah S. Stauber - 2020 - Nursing Inquiry 27 (4):e12367.
    American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) populations in the United States continue to experience overall health inequity, despite significant improvement in health status for nearly all other racial‐ethnic groups over the past 30 years. Nurses comprise the bulk of healthcare providers in the U.S. and are in an optimal position to improve AI/AN health by transforming both nursing education and practice. This potential is dependent, however, on nurses’ ability to recognize the distinct historical and political conditions through which AI/AN health inequities have (...)
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  48. Cultural differences in responses to real-life and hypothetical trolley problems.Natalie Gold, Andrew Colman & Briony Pulford - 2015 - Judgment and Decision Making 9 (1):65-76.
    Trolley problems have been used in the development of moral theory and the psychological study of moral judgments and behavior. Most of this research has focused on people from the West, with implicit assumptions that moral intuitions should generalize and that moral psychology is universal. However, cultural differences may be associated with differences in moral judgments and behavior. We operationalized a trolley problem in the laboratory, with economic incentives and real-life consequences, and compared British and Chinese samples on moral behavior (...)
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  49. Autonomy and the feminist intuition.Natalie Stoljar - 2000 - In Catriona Mackenzie & Natalie Stoljar, Relational Autonomy: Feminist Perspectives on Autonomy, Agency, and the Social Self. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    The story circle as a practice of democratic, critical inquiry.Natalie M. Fletcher, Maughn Rollins Gregory, Peter Shea & Ariel Sykes - 2021 - Childhood and Philosophy 17:01-42.
    The authors of this essay have been committed practitioners and teachers of Philosophy for Children in a variety of educational settings, from pre-schools through university doctoral programs and in adult community and religious education programs. The promotion of critical thinking has always been a primary goal of this movement. But communal practices of critical thinking need to include other kinds of democratic conversation that prompt us to see others as full-fledged persons and to be curious about how our being in (...)
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