Results for 'Milan Tomáš'

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    Filozofický obraz světa Hermanna Helmholtze.Milan Tomáš - 1996 - Praha: Academia.
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  2. Why the Trans Inclusion Problem cannot be Solved.Tomas Bogardus - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (4):1639-1664.
    What is a woman? The definition of this central concept of feminism has lately become especially controversial and politically charged. “Ameliorative Inquirists” have rolled up their sleeves to reengineer our ordinary concept of womanhood, with a goal of including in the definition all and only those who identify as women, both “cis” and “trans.” This has proven to be a formidable challenge. Every proposal so far has failed to draw the boundaries of womanhood in a way acceptable to the Ameliorative (...)
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  3. The Problem of Contingency for Religious Belief.Tomas Bogardus - 2013 - Faith and Philosophy 30 (4):371-392.
    In this paper, I hope to solve a problem that’s as old as the hills: the problem of contingency for religious belief. Paradigmatic examples of this argument begin with a counterfactual premise: had we been born at a different time or in a difference place, we easily could have held different beliefs on religious topics. Ultimately, and perhaps by additional steps, we’re meant to reach the skeptical conclusion that very many of our religious beliefs do not amount to knowledge. I (...)
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    Geografia de l'absurd.Francesc Torralba Roselló - 1993 - Lleida: Pages.
    Jean Paul Sarte, Franz Kafka i Milan Kundera: tres mirades diferents sobre la realitat, tres percepcions del món que participen d'un mateix rerafons filosòfic, d'una mateixa sensibilitat: l'absurd. Tres obres que neixen, creixen i maduren sota l'eclipsi de Déu, en l'atmosfera de la buidor més penetrant i la negació radical del sentit. L'ésser és estantís, feble, pura representació, i la vida humana una comèdia tragicòmica que comença per casualitat i s'acaba també per pura casualitat. Però l'home ha de viure, (...)
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  5. Undefeated dualism.Tomas Bogardus - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 165 (2):445-466.
    In the standard thought experiments, dualism strikes many philosophers as true, including many non-dualists. This ‘striking’ generates prima facie justification: in the absence of defeaters, we ought to believe that things are as they seem to be, i.e. we ought to be dualists. In this paper, I examine several proposed undercutting defeaters for our dualist intuitions. I argue that each proposal fails, since each rests on a false assumption, or requires empirical evidence that it lacks, or overgenerates defeaters. By the (...)
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  6. Can the Discussion Partners Trust Each Other?Tomás Földesi - 1989 - Dialectics and Humanism 16 (3-4).
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    Women in Early Christianity.Tomas Lopez - 2004 - Semiotics:179-193.
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    Aquello no fue un congreso.Tomás Baviera Puig - 2011 - The Chesterton Review En Español 5 (1):206-209.
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  9. Apical amplification—a cellular mechanism of conscious perception?Tomas Marvan, Michal Polák, Talis Bachmann & William A. Phillips - 2021 - Neuroscience of Consciousness 7 (2):1-17.
    We present a theoretical view of the cellular foundations for network-level processes involved in producing our conscious experience. Inputs to apical synapses in layer 1 of a large subset of neocortical cells are summed at an integration zone near the top of their apical trunk. These inputs come from diverse sources and provide a context within which the transmission of information abstracted from sensory input to their basal and perisomatic synapses can be amplified when relevant. We argue that apical amplification (...)
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  10. The Proverbial Strategy. Free Relatives and Logical Relations.Tomas Barrero - 2025 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy (Online):1-24.
    Sentences that ascribe action are logically related, but it is not always obvious why. According to event semantics, implications and non-implications result from referential relations between unpronounced constituents. Taking as starting point examples including free relative clauses, this paper advances the alternative view that examples as such present logical relations as forms of predicative dependence indicated with pronounced constituents. To this end, I argue that Verbal Phrases and verbal traces follow the pattern of Verbal Phrase Anaphora and, more controversially, that (...)
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    Geografía de l'absurd.Francesc Torralba Roselló - 1993 - Lleida: Pagès editors.
    Jean Paul Sarte, Franz Kafka i Milan Kundera: tres mirades diferents sobre la realitat, tres percepcions del món que participen d'un mateix rerafons filosòfic, d'una mateixa sensibilitat: l'absurd. Tres obres que neixen, creixen i maduren sota l'eclipsi de Déu, en l'atmosfera de la buidor més penetrant i la negació radical del sentit. L'ésser és estantís, feble, pura representació, i la vida humana una comèdia tragicòmica que comença per casualitat i s'acaba també per pura casualitat. Però l'home ha de viure, (...)
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  12. Ashley on gender identity.Tomas Bogardus & Alex Byrne - 2024 - Journal of Controversial Ideas 4 (1):1-10.
    ‘Gender identity’ was clearly defined sixty years ago, but the dominant conceptions of gender identity today are deeply obscure. Florence Ashley’s 2023 theory of gender identity is one of the latest attempts at demystification. Although Ashley’s paper is not fully coherent, a coherent theory of gender identity can be extracted from it. That theory, we argue, is clearly false. It is psychologically very implausible, and does not support ‘first­person authority over gender’, as Ashley claims. We also discuss other errors and (...)
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    Ethical Flaws in Artworks: An Argument for Contextual Conjunctivism.Tomas Koblizek - 2022 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 80 (4):453-463.
    According to Ted Nannicelli, ethical disputes about art today often concern not the controversial attitudes expressed by the works but the ways in which they have been created, that is, as well as interpretation-oriented ethical criticism of art, we find production-oriented ethical criticism. The main question that I explore in this article is: are the interpretation- and production-oriented approaches to ethical art criticism essentially disconnected or can there be a connection between them? I argue that in the disjunctivist view, the (...)
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  14. Vybrané problémy argumentačných schém v pragma-dialektickom prístupe k argumentácii.Tomáš Kollárik - 2024 - Filosofie Dnes 14 (2):50-90.
    V práci sa zaoberám kritickou expozíciou argumentačných schém v kontexte pragma-dialektického prístupu k argumentácii. Nadväzujem pritom na prácu Hitchcocka a Wagemansa (2011), ktorí sa sústredili najmä na problémy súvisiace s typológiou argumentačných schém v pragma-dialektike. Pozorovania Hitchcocka a Wagemansa sú v priebehu výkladu kriticky hodnotené, prípadne upravené. Časť kritiky, ktorú v práci uvádzam, súvisí s tým, že niektoré dôležité aspekty argumentačných schém sú v rôznych pragma-dialektických publikáciách prezentované odlišne bez toho, aby sa odlišnosť akokoľvek komentovala, alebo zdôvodnila. Existencia takýchto zdôvodnení (...)
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  15. Cellular Mechanisms of Cooperative Context-Sensitive Predictive Inference.Tomas Marvan & William Alfred Phillips - 2024 - Current Research in Neurobiology 6.
    We argue that prediction success maximization is a basic objective of cognition and cortex, that it is compatible with but distinct from prediction error minimization, that neither objective requires subtractive coding, that there is clear neurobiological evidence for the amplification of predicted signals, and that we are unconvinced by evidence proposed in support of subtractive coding. We outline recent discoveries showing that pyramidal cells on which our cognitive capabilities depend usually transmit information about input to their basal dendrites and amplify (...)
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  16. If Naturalism is True, then Scientific Explanation is Impossible.Tomas Bogardus - forthcoming - Religious Studies:1-24.
    I begin by retracing an argument from Aristotle for final causes in science. Then, I advance this ancient thought, and defend an argument for a stronger conclusion: that no scientific explanation can succeed, if Naturalism is true. The argument goes like this: (1) Any scientific explanation can be successful only if it crucially involves a natural regularity. Next, I argue that (2) any explanation can be successful only if it crucially involves no element that calls out for explanation but lacks (...)
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    Completely separable mad families and the modal logic of βω.Tomáš Lávička & Jonathan L. Verner - 2022 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (2):498-507.
    We show in ZFC that the existence of completely separable maximal almost disjoint families of subsets of $\omega $ implies that the modal logic $\mathbf {S4.1.2}$ is complete with respect to the Čech–Stone compactification of the natural numbers, the space $\beta \omega $. In the same fashion we prove that the modal logic $\mathbf {S4}$ is complete with respect to the space $\omega ^*=\beta \omega \setminus \omega $. This improves the results of G. Bezhanishvili and J. Harding in [4], where (...)
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  18. A Defense of Explanationism against Recent Objections.Tomas Bogardus & Will Perrin - forthcoming - Episteme:1-12.
    In the recent literature on the nature of knowledge, a rivalry has emerged between modalism and explanationism. According to modalism, knowledge requires that our beliefs track the truth across some appropriate set of possible worlds. Modalists tend to focus on two modal conditions: sensitivity and safety. According to explanationism, knowledge requires only that beliefs bear the right sort of explanatory relation to the truth. In slogan form: knowledge is believing something because it’s true. In this paper, we aim to vindicate (...)
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    Reconsidering cameraless photography.Tomáš Dvořák - 2022 - Philosophy of Photography 13 (1):3-15.
    This article introduces the Special Issue on cameraless photography and the translation of Georg Christoph Lichtenberg’s treatise on electrical figures. It summarizes previous discussions on cameraless photography, namely those by Geoffrey Batchen and suggests relating the photogram to current post-lenticular technologies such as radiography, digital scanning or machine vision. It outlines the emergence of cameraless imaging in late eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century scientific research, taking Lichtenberg’s figures as an emblem of automatically generated images situated between duration and instantaneity, between image (...)
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    Didaktiska strövtåg: didaktiska idéer från Comenius till fenomenografisk didaktik.Tomas Kroksmark - 1989 - Göteborg: Daidalos.
  21. Escepticismo y naturalismo (sobre un libro de Strawson).Juan Tomás Pastor García - 1991 - Anuario Filosófico 24 (2):333-348.
    In this book Strawson is again considering topics as the existence of the exterior world, the moral attitudes, the universal... The novelty is not so in his original ideas as in the fact that these are useful to keep on completing the doctrine of a "descriptive" and "naturalist" metaphy-sick against "revisionism" such as the scepticism in its different modalities.
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    La rencontre du cogito et du marxisme.Milan Průcha - 1965 - Nancy,: impr. V. Idoux.
  23. El estado de naturaleza en Rousseau.Antonio Pintor Ramos & Tomás González Rolán - 1998 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 25:101-163.
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  24. St. Thomas on the Transcendent Esse of God: Is it Platonic?Tomas G. Rosario Jr - 2009 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 13 (1-3).
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  25. Los monstruos kaplanianos y la lógica de los demostrativos.Tomas Barrero - 2023 - Ideas y Valores. Revista Colombiana de Filosofía 72 (181):221-244.
    ¿Cómo puede la lógica representar expresiones indéxicas como “yo”, “aquí” y “ahora”? ¿Cómo no debe representarlas? Examino estas dos preguntas a partir de la Lógica de los Demostrativos (LD) de Kaplan y su impopular prohibición de operadores monstruosos. A pesar de algunos defectos de formulación, sostengo que dicha prohibición está guiada por una poderosa visión de las relaciones lógicas de validez entre oraciones con indéxicos que desafía la concepción tradicional de consecuencia lógica como preservación de la verdad y resalta el (...)
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  26. Je nedorozumenie medzi kompatibilistami a inkompatibilistami Len verbálne?Tomáš Kollárik - 2019 - Filozofia 74 (9):768-784.
    The aim of this paper is to show that the disagreement between compatibilists and incompatibilists about the compatibility of free will with determinism is merely verbal, since although one side of the dispute claims that free will is compatible with determinism while the other denies it, they actually ascribe a different meaning to the term "free will". One can therefore accept both the compatibilist thesis and the incompatibilist thesis, since the two are not contradictory. My method is to analyse the (...)
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    Defending internalism about unconscious phenomenal character.Tomáš Marvan & Sam Coleman - 2024 - Synthese 203 (5):1-18.
    Two important questions arise concerning the properties that constitute the phenomenal characters of our experiences: first, where these properties exist, and, second, whether they are tied to our consciousness of them. Such properties can either exist externally to the perceiving subject, or internally to her. This article argues that phenomenal characters, and specifically the phenomenal characters of colours, may exist independently of consciousness and that they are internal to the subject. We defend this combination of claims against a recent criticism (...)
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    Resistance as desubjectivation in Foucault.Adriana Zaharijević & Milan Urošević - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    The article scrutinizes Foucault’s articulations of resistance, arguing against the entrenched understanding that resistance in Foucault is necessarily negative, or impossible. We concentrate on a specific period of his work, situated between the disciplinary phase and the beginning of the 1980s when Foucault began to develop the idea of the aesthetic of existence. We argue that in this period Foucault developed the notion of resistance as agentic, lived and possible, through three interrelated concepts. These are reverse discourse, counter-conduct and the (...)
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  29. \"Mythos\" Versus \"Logos\".Tatiana Podolinska & Milan Kovas - 2002 - Dialogue and Universalism 12 (8-10):85-100.
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  30. Is Argument From Cause to Effect Really Defeasible?Tomáš Kollárik - 2023 - Filosofie Dnes 15 (1):23-51.
    According to informal logic, the possibilities of deductive logic as a tool for analysing and evaluating ordinary arguments are very limited. While I agree with this claim in general, I question it in the case of the argument from cause to effect. In this paper I first show, on the basis of carefully chosen examples, that we usually react differently to falsification of the conclusion of the argument from cause to effect than we do to the falsification of the conclusion (...)
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    Notas para comprender las imágenes de la Lira Popular.Tomás Cornejo - 2016 - Aisthesis 59:179-202.
    Study about the images of the Chilean broadside literature, known as Lira Popular. The article discusses the relationship between the narrative character of most of the texts and the images, made o n purpose to illustrate or comment on these texts –aimed at a mostly illiterate public–, that lead to conceive the images as eminently referential. Paying attentionto the iconographic models of the woodcuts, however, they become related to images from official culture, setting the mode in which most representative Lira (...)
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    Civil defence education: (Non)specific dangers and destabilisation of actorship in education.Tomáš Barták & Jitka Wirthová - 2022 - Human Affairs 32 (2):180-198.
    This paper focuses on the push to stabilise society through civil defence education (CDE) in the changing context of nationalism and populism. We analysed the way in which justifications and criticism of civil defence education (CDE) have evolved as an ordering project intended to solve the problems with dangers that were variously defined. We identified two locations of the danger to be tackled by the new CDE – external and specific; and internal and general – which partly correspond to key (...)
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    O slabej a silnej empirickej nevyhnutnosti.Tomáš Károly - 2022 - Pro-Fil 23 (1):28-42.
    ABOUT WEAK AND STRONG EMPIRICAL NECCESSITY. CATEGORICAL, DISPOSITIONAL PROPERTIES AND LAWS OF NATURE Pohľady na empirickú nevyhnutnosť možno rozdeliť do dvoch skupín: teórie slabej nevyhnutnosti a teórie silnej nevyhnutnosti. Do prvej teórie patria koncepcie, ktoré uvažujú svet zložený z pasívnych vlastností, akými sú kategorické vlastnosti. Za zmeny vo svete sú zodpovedné zákony prírody, ktoré sa od možného sveta k svetu líšia, a preto aj prejavy týchto vlastností sú odlišné. Druhú teóriu, teóriu silnej nevyhnutnosti, zastávajú filozofi, ktorí predpokladajú existenciu silovo aktívnych (...)
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    Problém emoční manipulace.Tomáš Sobek - 2014 - Pro-Fil 15 (1):2.
    Cílem této studie je analyzovat emoční manipulaci jako etický problém. Nejprve budu mluvit o emotivismu, což je metaetická teorie, která je oblíbeným terčem kritiky, protože v pojmech emotivismu se těžko rozlišuje morální argumentace od propagandy. Potom proberu samotný pojem manipulace a ukážu nějaké příklady. Manipulace je eticky problematický způsob ovlivňování chování druhého člověka, a to zejména proto, že nerespektuje jeho osobní autonomii. Emoční manipulace je ale docela spletitá záležitost, protože emoční angažovanost nemusí podkopávat osobní autonomii jednotlivce.
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    Analogía en las Atribuciones Divinas.José Tomás Alvarado, Juan Luis Gubbins & Diego Morales - 2014 - Signos Filosóficos 16 (32):72-102.
    Se ha sostenido tradicionalmente que los predicados atribuidos a Dios y a las criaturas son análogos. Pero, ¿qué es la analogía? Varios filósofos han pensado que la analogía debe ser considerada como una forma de ambigüedad. Argumentamos aquí que los predicados atribuidos a Dios y a las criaturas no son ambiguos o vagos. Siguiendo algunas sugerencias de McDaniel, proponemos una concepción de la analogía donde el fenómeno semántico está asociado con el carácter más o menos natural de la propiedad o (...)
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  36. Sophisticated linguistic modal theories.Jose Tomas Alvarado Marambio - 2008 - Pensamiento 64 (240):315-343.
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    Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten: Ästhetik.Tomáš Hlobil - 2020 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 46 (1):105.
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    Predicación y referencia.Tomas Barrero - 2021 - In Angel Rivera-Novoa & Andres Buriticá (eds.), Imágenes de la mente y el conocimiento. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. pp. 73-100.
    A partir de una discusión de la gramática lógica de Davidson para oraciones de acción, propongo una caracterización funcional de la predicación y la referencia como estructuras semánticas. En contradicción con Davidson y apoyado por sugerencias de Strawson, Evans y Chomsky sostendré que la distinción entre oraciones de acción y otras oraciones no reside en la introducción de un nuevo tipo de objetos de referencia que permitan la aplicación de predicados especiales. Dichas oraciones, sostendré, son casos paradigmáticos de una nueva (...)
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    Denis Dutton, The Art Instinct: Beauty, Pleasure, and Human Evolution.Tomáš Hříbek - 2020 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 48 (2):248.
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    Razão social, memória E comunidade em Gadamer.Tomás Jobin - 2021 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 12 (24):46-52.
    O presente trabalho busca discutir três conceitos gadamerianos relacionados com a temática concernente à memória em comunidade. Tentaremos desenvolver uma aproximação dos conceitos de Bildung, de clássico e de razão social com problemas contemporâneos envolvendo a instrumentalização técnico-científica dos processos de comunicação social e de alienação da humanidade em relação aos sentidos historicamente compartilhados.
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    On Translating Ser Mais in Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed.Tomas Rocha - 2018 - Philosophy of Education 74:385-390.
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    “They Don't Understand Us, but We Have to Understand Them”: Interrogating the Making of Interdisciplinary Research in Chilean Climate Science.Tomas Undurraga, Sasha Mudd, Dusan Cotoras, Gonzalo Aguirre & Tamara Orellana - 2023 - Minerva 61 (4):581-606.
    In this article, we examine the ways in which the notion of interdisciplinarity was understood, implemented and experienced by researchers at a government-funded Chilean climate research centre. Our multi-site ethnography, consisting of interviews, participant observations, and document analysis, was motivated by three key aims. First, to generate an inductive, multi-faceted picture of the lived meaning of “interdisciplina” at the Centre; second, to explore whether and to what extent the “peripheral” features of the research context would exacerbate the challenges associated with (...)
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    V čem je kouzlo neurčenosti.Tomáš Edl - 2022 - Studia Neoaristotelica 19 (3):1-31.
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    Franz Rosenzweig.Tomáš Jeníček - 1996 - Praha: Ježek.
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    Fenomenografisk didaktik.Tomas Kroksmark - 1987 - Göteborg, Sweden: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis.
    Udvalgte ideer indenfor didaktikkens historie fra det 17.årh. til idag. Teori for didaktisk forskning, baseret på filosofi og fænomenografi. Anvendelsen af fænomenografisk didaktik.
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    Heideggerio technikos filosofijos formavimosi kontekstas: Cassireris, Jüngeris, Spengleris.Tomas Nemunas Mickevičius - 2019 - Problemos 95:33-41.
    [straipsnis ir santrauka lietuvių kalba; santrauka anglų kalba] Straipsnyje pristatomas svarbių M. Heideggerio technikos filosofijos elementų formavimosi kontekstas tarpukario Vokietijos autorių tekstuose. Aptariamos paralelės tarp Heideggerio ir E. Cassirerio, E. Jüngerio bei O. Spenglerio industrializacijos proceso filosofinių apmąstymų. Nagrinėjant šių mąstytojų moderniosios technikos koncepcijų ryšius išryškėja, kaip vystėsi Heideggerio tekstams būdinga industrializacijos proceso artikuliacija bei jo technikos filosofijai svarbi problematika, liečianti planetarinį moderniosios technikos išplitimą ir poveikį bei technikos, kaip Vakarų ir šiuolaikinės žmonijos apskritai lemties, sampratą.
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    Kartezinio dualizmo recepcija Richardo Rorty kūrinyje „Filosofija ir gamtos veidrodis“.Tomas Saulius - 2018 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 97:6-16.
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    Expresivistické pojetí tolerance.Tomáš Sobek - 2022 - Filosoficky Casopis 70 (3):445-466.
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    Srovnávat nesrovnatelné.Tomáš Sobek - 2017 - Filosofie Dnes 9 (1):3-23.
    Tento článek se zabývá problémem těžké volby při srovnávání dvou velmi odlišných alternativ. Takové srovnání můžeme akceptovat jako skutečné dilema, nebo odmítnout jako chybné posouzení, protože se srovnává něco nesrovnatelného. Ale co přesně namítáme, když někoho kritizujeme, že srovnává nesrovnatelné? Co vlastně znamená, když o někom řekneme, že srovnává jablka s hruškami? Ukážeme si, že hlavním zdrojem problému není skutečnost, že se srovnávají položky různého druhu, ale spíše potřeba zohledňovat relevantní kontexty. Náročnost porovnání je úzce svázána s náročností jeho zdůvodnění. (...)
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    Žmogus jo techninio reprodukuojamumo epochoje: ar Dievas dar gali mus išgelbėti?Tomas Sodeika - 2021 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 109.
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