Results for 'Mary Butler'

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  1. The discursive construction of risk and trust in patient information leaflets.Antoinette Mary Fage-Butler - 2011 - Hermes: Journal of Language and Communication Studies 46:61-74.
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    When the Music’s Over” then “Dancing with a Partner Will Help You Find the Beat.Grant Gillett & Mary Butler - 2021 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 30 (4):631-636.
    Responses to brain injury sit in the intersection between neuroscience and an ethic of care, and require sensitive and dynamic indicators of how an individual with brain injury can learn how to live in the context of a changing environment and multiple timescales. Therapeutic relationships and rhythms underpinning such a dynamic approach are currently obscured by existing models of brain function. Something older is required and we put forward narrative types articulating outcomes of brain injury over various periods and starting (...)
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    Reflections.W. H. Allen, Mary Parks, Spinoza, Gilbert Highet & Samuel Butler - 1988 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 8 (1):48-48.
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    The Posthumanist Quest for the Universal: butler, badiou, žižek.Mari Ruti - 2015 - Angelaki 20 (4):193-210.
    This essay considers the divergent efforts of Judith Butler, Alain Badiou, and Slavoj Žižek to arrive at a postmetaphysical conception of ethics that would sidestep the pitfalls of traditional Western humanism yet still possess universal applicability. Butler approaches this task through her ethics of precarity, which posits vulnerability as a foundation for a generalizable ethics of relationality in the Levinasian vein. Badiou and Žižek, in turn, work from a more Lacanian perspective, attempting to leap directly from the singular (...)
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  5. Realness as Resistance: Queer Feminism, Neoliberalism, and Early Trans Critiques of Butler.Marie Draz - 2022 - Hypatia 37 (2):364-383.
    In this article, I argue that scholarship on the cultural impact of neoliberalism provides a vital framework with which to revisit early trans critiques of Butlerian queer feminism. Drawing on this scholarship, I reread the appeals to the real and realness in these critiques through the neoliberal transformation of social difference. I link the early argument that some trans figures were problematically used in queer feminism to represent the fluidity of identity with the more recent argument that the flexibility of (...)
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    ‘F***’ the Politics of Disempowerment in the Second Butler.Marie-Hélène Bourcier - 2012 - Paragraph 35 (2):233-253.
    This article takes issue vigorously with what it argues are the disempowering effects of Judith Butler's more recent work, for transgendered people in particular and accordingly for the queer movement in general. In so doing it contests the way in which the reception of Butler's work in France has been mediated by a transphobic psychoanalytic establishment and attacks Butler for playing along with their self-interested political agenda by retelling, in Paris, for their ears, an anecdote of a (...)
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    The Queer Heroics of Butler's Antigone.Marie Draz - 2015 - In Tina Chanter & Sean D. Kirkland, Returns of Antigone. pp. 205-219.
  8. Missing poststructuralism, missing Foucault : Butler and Fraser on capitalism and the regulation of sexuality.Anna Marie Smith - 2008 - In Terrell Carver & Samuel Allen Chambers, Judith Butler's precarious politics: critical encounters. New York: Routledge.
  9.  44
    Words the Matter: Butler's Excitable Speech.Anna Marie Smith - 2001 - Constellations 8 (3):390-399.
  10.  21
    The betrayal of substance: death, literature, and sexual difference in Hegel's "Phenomenology of spirit".Mary C. Rawlinson - 2020 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Few works have had the impact on contemporary philosophy exerted by Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit. Twentieth-century philosophers in France were bound together by a reading of Hyppolite's translation and commentary. Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, Lacan, and Bataille were all shaped by Kojève's lectures on the book. Late twentieth-century philosophers such as Derrida, Lyotard, Deleuze, and Irigaray all operate against a Hegelian horizon. Similarly, in Germany Heidegger, Adorno, and Habermas developed their philosophies in large part through an engagement with Hegel. In the United (...)
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  11. Gender sceptics and feminist politics.Mari Mikkola - 2007 - Res Publica 13 (4):361-380.
    Some feminist gender sceptics hold that the conditions for satisfying the concept woman cannot be discerned. This has been taken to suggest that (i) the efforts to fix feminism’s scope are undermined because of confusion about the extension of the term ‘woman’, and (ii) this confusion suggests that feminism cannot be organised around women because it is unclear who satisfies woman. Further, this supposedly threatens the effectiveness of feminist politics: feminist goals are said to become unachievable, if feminist politics lacks (...)
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    Mary Holbrook, Science Preserved: A Directory of Scientific Instruments in Collections in the United Kingdom and Eire, with additions and revisions by R. G. W. Anderson and D. J. Bryden. London: HMSO, 1992. Pp. 271. ISBN 0-11-290060-7. £35.00. [REVIEW]Stella Butler - 1994 - British Journal for the History of Science 27 (2):242-243.
  13.  8
    Between Levinas and Lacan: self, other, ethics.Mari Ruti - 2015 - New York: Bloomsbury, Bloomsbury Academic, An imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing.
    Levinas and lacan, two giants of contemporary theory, represent schools of thought that seem poles apart. in this major new work, mari ruti charts the ethical terrain between them. even as ruti outlines the major differences between levinas and judith butler on the one hand and lacan, slavoj z̆iz̆ek, and alain badiou on the other, she proposes that underneath these differences one can discern a shared concern with the thorny relationship between the singularity of experience and the universality of (...)
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    Banalität des Geschlechts: eine kritisch philosophische Perspektive zur Gender-Theorie von Judith Butler.Lisa-Marie Lenk - 2019 - Baden-Baden: Academia.
  15.  15
    Konjunktur der Kollektivität in der Gegenwartskunst: Theorien, Faktoren, Kritik.Marie Rosenkranz - 2023 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 32 (2):177-185.
    War Kollektivität einmal eine fast unsichtbare Dimension künstlerischer Produktionsprozesse, ist sie heute zu einem zentralen Wert des Kunstfelds geworden: Großausstellungen und Kunstpreise stellen das Kollektive offen in den Vordergrund. In diesem Beitrag wird diese Entwicklung entlang einiger Theorien des Kollektiven nachvollzogen, darunter Howard Beckers Konzept der Kunstwelten, Grant Kesters Begriff der Kollaboration, Judith Butlers Theorie der performativen Versammlung sowie Kai van Eikels Begriff des Synchronisierens. So wird zunächst aufgezeigt, was sich an einem in Kunstdiskursen verbreiteten Verständnis von Kollektivität geändert hat. (...)
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  16. La identidad como ficción y la subversión como estrategia de agencia : la teoría de Judith Butler.María Nohemí González Martínez - 2014 - In Fernández Cáceres, María Francisca, Miranda Medina & Carlos Federico, Discurso, compromiso e historia: una aproximación sociológica al trabajo intelectual y político. Barranquilla, Cúcuta, Colombia: Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar.
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    Judith Butler fuera de sí: espectros, diálogos y referentes polémicos.Ariel Martínez, María Luisa Femenías & Rolando Casale (eds.) - 2017 - Rosario, Argentina: Prohistoria Ediciones.
  18.  39
    Narratives of the Unsaid.Mary Walsh - 2004 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 11 (1):95-104.
    Debates between Anglo-American and Continental feminist theorists of the body appear to have been largely settled as we move into the new millennium. The result has been that a particular Anglo-American perspective (represented by Butler) has gained authoritative ascendency over the continental perspective (represented by Irigaray and Braidotti). This paper draws upon these theorist’s main works as well as a series of interviews and a reading of Freud to raise some key questions about the often unacknowledged complexities of the (...)
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    The unbecoming subject of sex: Performativity, interpellation, and the politics of queer theory.Mary Bunch - 2013 - Feminist Theory 14 (1):39-55.
    This paper elaborates a theory of ‘unbecoming’ to explore how a queering of the subject might transform oppressive social conditions. In this analysis of the subject’s deconstructive relation to the law I take up the interpellation scenario forwarded by Louis Althusser and Judith Butler’s theory of performativity to argue that being ‘unbecoming’ potentially not only alters subjectivity, it also alters the very law that hails the subject into being. First, I deconstruct both subject and law in their relation to (...)
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    Reflections on Object Life in Monique David-Ménard.Judith Butler - 2015 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 5 (1):80-87.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reflections on Object Life in Monique David-MénardJudith ButlerThe three papers published here were originally given as part of a colloquium, “Objects, Phantasms, Life, and Death” on the work of Monique David-Ménard at Columbia University in April 2014. Monique David-Ménard is a psychoanalyst and philosopher who has been teaching at the Université de Paris VII-Diderot and has been engaged in private psychoanalytic practice for many years. Her work is distinguished (...)
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    Notas al Pie de Gaza (Joe Sacco): pensando la identificación como posibilidad ética.Mary Mac-Millan - 2021 - Aisthesis 69.
    Notas al pie de Gaza es una novela gráfica del artista Joe Sacco en la que se retoma el conflicto palestino-israelí ya tratado en Palestina: En la Franja de Gaza. En esta obra se abocará a la investigación de dos matanzas cometidas el año 1956 en territorio palestino.. En este trabajo nos centraremos en el controvertido final de la novela, en la que Sacco, mediante una notable técnica gráfica, obliga al lector a convertirse en una de las víctimas de la (...)
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    Frédéric Regard (textes réunis et présentés par), Florence Marie et Sylvie Regard (coll.), Féminisme et prostitution dans l’Angleterre du XIXe siècl.Lola Gonzalez-Quijano - 2015 - Clio 42:257-260.
    De son vivant, Josephine Butler (1828-1906) fut tout autant vilipendée que couverte d’éloges et, aujourd’hui encore, force est de constater que sa figure et son combat sont loin de faire consensus. Josephine Butler était-elle féministe? Ses convictions religieuses primaient-elles sur ses engagements en faveur de la condition des femmes? Tout en rendant accessible au public francophone les débats historiographiques quant à la sexualité à l’ère victorienne et les thèses débattues parmi les hi...
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    Unthought nature : reply to Penelope Deutscher and Mary Beth Mader.Alison Stone - 2008 - .
    In response to Mader's and Deutscher's questions, the author defends her approach to reading Irigaray and Butler, which entails extending the ideas of these thinkers into areas of thought with which they do not engage directly themselves. This involves relating Irigaray's ideas to the tradition of the philosophy of nature and interpreting Butler as offering, in spite of her focus on the genealogy of claims about sex, also a theory of sex itself, a theory of sex as an (...)
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    Towards a New Philosophical Imaginary.A. W. Moore, Sabina Lovibond & Pamela Sue Anderson - 2020 - Angelaki 25 (1-2):8-22.
    The paper builds on the postulate of “myths we live by,” which shape our imaginative life (and hence our social expectations), but which are also open to reflective study and reinvention. It applies this principle, in particular, to the concepts of love and vulnerability. We are accustomed to think of the condition of vulnerability in an objectifying and distancing way, as something that affects the bearers of specific (disadvantaged) social identities. Against this picture, which can serve as a pretext for (...)
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  25. Reciprocal expressions and the concept of reciprocity.Mary Dalrymple, Makoto Kanazawa, Yookyung Kim, Sam McHombo & Stanley Peters - 1998 - Linguistics and Philosophy 21 (2):159-210.
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    The role of models in the application of scientific theories: epistemological implications.Mary S. Morgan & Margaret Morrison - 1999 - In Mary S. Morgan & Margaret Morrison, Models as Mediators: Perspectives on Natural and Social Science. Cambridge University Press.
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  27. Neurotechnologies, Relational Autonomy, and Authenticity.Mary Jean Walker & Catriona Mackenzie - 2020 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 13 (1):98-119.
    The ethical debate about neurotechnologies—including both drugs and implanted devices—has been largely framed around the questions of whether and when these technologies could damage or promote authenticity. Patients can experience changes in mood, behavior, emotion, or preferences—seemingly, changes in character or personality. Some describe such changes by saying they feel like different people; that they have become either more or less themselves; or that they feel as though some of their moods, behaviors, emotions or preferences are not their own. These (...)
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    Turning operations: feminism, Arendt, and politics.Mary G. Dietz - 2002 - New York: Routledge.
    How can we critique political theory when all we have to use are its own conceptual tools? As Hannah Arendt observed, it can only be done through leaps, inversions, and the turning of concepts upside-down. But this twisting operation must be done in order to turn those who philosophize back to the hard work of real life change. In Turning Operations, renowned theorist Mary G. Dietz challenges specific contemporary modes of theorizing politics-from feminist theory to Habermasian discourse- -while appropriating (...)
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  29. Phenomenology and mathematical practice.Mary Leng - 2002 - Philosophia Mathematica 10 (1):3-14.
    A phenomenological approach to mathematical practice is sketched out, and some problems with this sort of approach are considered. The approach outlined takes mathematical practices as its data, and seeks to provide an empirically adequate philosophy of mathematics based on observation of these practices. Some observations are presented, based on two case studies of some research into the classification of C*-algebras. It is suggested that an anti-realist account of mathematics could be developed on the basis of these and other studies, (...)
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    Ethical Justifications for Access to Unapproved Medical Interventions: An Argument for (Limited) Patient Obligations.Mary Jean Walker, Wendy A. Rogers & Vikki Entwistle - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics 14 (11):3-15.
    Many health care systems include programs that allow patients in exceptional circumstances to access medical interventions of as yet unproven benefit. In this article we consider the ethical justifications for—and demands on—these special access programs (SAPs). SAPs have a compassionate basis: They give patients with limited options the opportunity to try interventions that are not yet approved by standard regulatory processes. But while they signal that health care systems can and will respond to individual suffering, SAPs have several disadvantages, including (...)
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    Science education for citizenship: teaching socio-scientific issues.Mary Ratcliffe - 2003 - Philadelphia: Open University Press. Edited by Marcus Grace.
    Explores the teaching and learning of issues relating to the impact of science in society. This title offers practical guidance in devising learning goals and suitable learning and assessment strategies. It helps teachers to provide students with the skills and understanding needed to address these multi-faceted issues.
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    What's there to know? A Fictionalist Approach to Mathematical Knowledge.Mary Leng - 2007 - In Mary Leng, Alexander Paseau & Michael D. Potter, Mathematical Knowledge. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    Defends an account of mathematical knowledge in which mathematical knowledge is a kind of modal knowledge. Leng argues that nominalists should take mathematical knowledge to consist in knowledge of the consistency of mathematical axiomatic systems, and knowledge of what necessarily follows from those axioms. She defends this view against objections that modal knowledge requires knowledge of abstract objects, and argues that we should understand possibility and necessity in a primative way.
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    Learning and morphological change.Mary Hare & Jeffrey L. Elman - 1995 - Cognition 56 (1):61-98.
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    Are Audit-related Ethical Decisions Dependent upon Mood?Mary B. Curtis - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 68 (2):191-209.
    This study explores the impact of mood on individuals’ ethical decision-making processes through the Graham [Graham, J. W.: 1986, Research in Organizational Behavior 8, 1–52] model of Principled Organizational Dissent. In particular, the research addresses how an individual’s mood influences his or her willingness to report the unethical actions of a colleague. Participants’ experienced an affectively charged, unrelated event and were then asked to make a decision regarding whistle-blowing intentions in a public accounting context. As expected, negative mood was associated (...)
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    Beyond Dyadic Coordination: Multimodal Behavioral Irregularity in Triads Predicts Facets of Collaborative Problem Solving.Mary Jean Amon, Hana Vrzakova & Sidney K. D'Mello - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (10):e12787.
    We hypothesize that effective collaboration is facilitated when individuals and environmental components form a synergy where they work together and regulate one another to produce stable patterns of behavior, or regularity, as well as adaptively reorganize to form new behaviors, or irregularity. We tested this hypothesis in a study with 32 triads who collaboratively solved a challenging visual computer programming task for 20 min following an introductory warm‐up phase. Multidimensional recurrence quantification analysis was used to examine fine‐grained (i.e., every 10 (...)
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    Developing Mechanisms of Self-Regulation in Early Life.Mary K. Rothbart, Brad E. Sheese, M. Rosario Rueda & Michael I. Posner - 2011 - Emotion Review 3 (2):207-213.
    Children show increasing control of emotions and behavior during their early years. Our studies suggest a shift in control from the brain’s orienting network in infancy to the executive network by the age of 3—4 years. Our longitudinal study indicates that orienting influences both positive and negative affect, as measured by parent report in infancy. At 3—4 years of age, the dominant control of affect rests in a frontal brain network that involves the anterior cingulate gyrus. Connectivity of brain structures (...)
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    Ethical challenges experienced by clinical research nurses:: A qualitative study.Mary E. Larkin, Brian Beardslee, Enrico Cagliero, Catherine A. Griffith, Kerry Milaszewski, Marielle T. Mugford, Joanna M. Myerson, Wen Ni, Donna J. Perry, Sabune Winkler & Elizabeth R. Witte - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (1):172-184.
    Background: Clinical investigation is a growing field employing increasing numbers of nurses. This has created a new specialty practice defined by aspects unique to nursing in a clinical research context: the objectives (to implement research protocols and advance science), setting (research facilities), and nature of the nurse–participant relationship. The clinical research nurse role may give rise to feelings of ethical conflict between aspects of protocol implementation and the duty of patient advocacy, a primary nursing responsibility. Little is known about whether (...)
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    Reasoning Under a Presupposition and the Export Problem: The Case of Applied Mathematics.Mary Leng - 2017 - Australasian Philosophical Review 1 (2):133-142.
    ABSTRACT‘expressionist’ accounts of applied mathematics seek to avoid the apparent Platonistic commitments of our scientific theories by holding that we ought only to believe their mathematics-free nominalistic content. The notion of ‘nominalistic content’ is, however, notoriously slippery. Yablo's account of non-catastrophic presupposition failure offers a way of pinning down this notion. However, I argue, its reliance on possible worlds machinery begs key questions against Platonism. I propose instead that abstract expressionists follow Geoffrey Hellman's lead in taking the assertoric content of (...)
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    (1 other version)Defining disease in the context of overdiagnosis.Mary Jean Walker & Wendy Rogers - 2017 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 20 (2):269-280.
    Recently, concerns have been raised about the phenomenon of ‘overdiagnosis’, the diagnosis of a condition that is not causing harm, and will not come to cause harm. Along with practical, ethical, and scientific questions, overdiagnosis raises questions about our concept of disease. In this paper, we analyse overdiagnosis as an epistemic problem and show how it challenges many existing accounts of disease. In particular, it raises ques- tions about conceptual links drawn between disease and dysfunction, harm, and risk. We argue (...)
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    Walking Our Talk: Business Schools, Legitimacy, and Citizenship.Mary-Ellen Boyle - 2004 - Business and Society 43 (1):37-68.
    Business and society scholars have analyzed the citizenship activities of private firms, but what of their own institutions? This article introduces the concept of business school citizenship (BSC), examining it as a response to the legitimacy pressures created by competing corporate and university interests in the U.S. management-education context. Theories of corporate and of university social responsibility are used to explain BSC, and these theories form the basis of the argument that such activities can be justified and should be increased.
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    Confucian Ritual as Body Language of Self, Society, and Spirit.Mary I. Bockover - 2012 - Sophia 51 (2):177-194.
    This article explains how li 禮 or ‘ritual propriety’ is the ‘body language’ of ren 仁 or the authentic expression of our humanity. Li and ren are interdependent aspects of a larger creative human way (rendao 仁道) that can be conceptually distinguished as follows: li refers to the ritualized social form of appropriate conduct and ren to the more general, authentically human spirit this expresses. Li is the social instrument for self-cultivation and the vehicle of harmonious human interaction. More, li (...)
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  42. Confucianism and ethics in the western philosophical tradition I: Foundational concepts.Mary I. Bockover - 2010 - Philosophy Compass 5 (4):307-316.
    Confucianism conceives of persons as being necessarily interdependent, defining personhood in terms of the various roles one embodies and that are established by the relationships basic to one's life. By way of contrast, the Western philosophical tradition has predominantly defined persons in terms of intrinsic characteristics not thought to depend on others. This more strictly and explicitly individualistic concept of personhood contrasts with the Confucian idea that one becomes a person because of others; where one is never a person independently (...)
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    Helping friends and harming enemies: a study in Sophocles and Greek ethics.Mary Blondell - 1989 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by David Konstan.
    This book is the first detailed study of the plays of Sophocles through examination of a single ethical principle--the traditional Greek popular moral code of "helping friends and harming enemies." Five of the extant plays are discussed in detail from both a dramatic and an ethical standpoint, and the author concludes that ethical themes are not only integral to each drama, but are subjected to an implicit critique through the tragic consequences to which they give rise. Greek scholars and students (...)
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    Darwin and domestication: Studies on inheritance.Mary M. Bartley - 1992 - Journal of the History of Biology 25 (2):307-333.
    While Wallace disagreed with Darwin that domesticates provided a great deal of useful information on wild populations,71 Darwin continued to draw on his domesticated animals and plants to inform him on the workings of his theory. Unlike Wallace, his exposure to natural populations was extremely limited after his return from the Beagle voyage. By the 1850s, he had settled into a life at Down House and was becoming more and more withdrawn from London scientific circles. He turned to his network (...)
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    Women Qua Women?Mary Margaret McCabe - 2024 - Analysis 84 (3):657-671.
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    The Nineteenth-Century Atomic Debates and the Dilemma of an 'Indifferent Hypothesis'.Mary Jo Nye - 1976 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 7 (3):245.
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    Evidence for personalised medicine: mechanisms, correlation, and new kinds of black box.Mary Jean Walker, Justin Bourke & Katrina Hutchison - 2019 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 40 (2):103-121.
    Personalised medicine has been discussed as a medical paradigm shift that will improve health while reducing inefficiency and waste. At the same time, it raises new practical, regulatory, and ethical challenges. In this paper, we examine PM strategies epistemologically in order to develop capacities to address these challenges, focusing on a recently proposed strategy for developing patient-specific models from induced pluripotent stem cells so as to make individualised treatment predictions. We compare this strategy to two main PM strategies—stratified medicine and (...)
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    The Boutroux Circle and Poincare's Conventionalism.Mary Jo Nye - 1979 - Journal of the History of Ideas 40 (1):107.
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    Looking through the Glass Ceiling: A Qualitative Study of STEM Women’s Career Narratives.Mary J. Amon - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Rules, Rituals, and Responsibility: Essays Dedicated to Herbert Fingarette.Mary I. Bockover & Herbert Fingarette - 1991
    Herbert Fingarett's achievements range from his assault upon the misconceived 'disease theory' of alchoholism, through social philosophy, philosophy of law, and philosophical psychology, to Chinese studies and Confucian thought. Fingarette's major works include 'The Self in Transformation' (1963), 'Self-Deception' (1969), 'Confucius---The Secular as Sacred' (1972), and 'The Meaning of Criminal Insanity' (1972). His Book, 'Heavy Drinking: The Myth of Alchoholism as a Disease' (1988), transformed the public debate on alchohol treatment and made Fingarette the target of an intense barrage of (...)
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