Results for 'Mark Snaith'

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  1.  15
    Ethical challenges in argumentation and dialogue in a healthcare context.Mark Snaith, Rasmus Øjvind Nielsen, Sita Ramchandra Kotnis & Alison Pease - 2021 - Argument and Computation 12 (2):249-264.
    As the average age of the population increases, so too do the number of people living with chronic illnesses. With limited resources available, the development of dialogue-based e-health systems that provide justified general health advice offers a cost-effective solution to the management of chronic conditions. It is however imperative that such systems are responsible in their approach. We present in this paper two main challenges for the deployment of e-health systems, that have a particular relevance to dialogue and argumentation: collecting (...)
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    The Argument Web: an Online Ecosystem of Tools, Systems and Services for Argumentation.Mark Snaith, Alison Pease, John Lawrence, Barbara Konat, Mathilde Janier, Rory Duthie, Katarzyna Budzynska & Chris Reed - 2017 - Philosophy and Technology 30 (2):137-160.
    The Argument Web is maturing as both a platform built upon a synthesis of many contemporary theories of argumentation in philosophy and also as an ecosystem in which various applications and application components are contributed by different research groups around the world. It already hosts the largest publicly accessible corpora of argumentation and has the largest number of interoperable and cross compatible tools for the analysis, navigation and evaluation of arguments across a broad range of domains, languages and activity types. (...)
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    Neither Naïve nor Critical Reconstruction: Dispute Mediators, Impasse, and the Design of Argumentation.Mark Aakhus - 2003 - Argumentation 17 (3):265-290.
    This study investigates how dispute-mediators handle impasse in the re-negotiation of divorce decrees by divorced couples. Three sources of impasse and three strategies for handling impasse are identified based on analysis of mediation transcripts. The concern here lies not so much in the disputant's arguments but in the discussion procedures dispute-mediators use to craft the disputant's argumentation into a tool to solve conflict. Their moves are understood here as a practice of reconstructing argumentative discourse that is neither naïve nor critical (...)
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    Structural Challenges of Precision Medicine.Mark A. Rothstein - 2017 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 45 (2):274-279.
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    Science court: A case study in designing discourse to manage policy controversy.Mark Aakhus - 1999 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 12 (2):20-37.
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  6. Character, content, and the ontology of experience.Mark Leon - 1987 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 65 (4):377-399.
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    (1 other version)Activity Concepts and Expertise.Mark Addis - 2017 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 51 (3):574-587.
  8.  45
    Groove: an aesthetic of measured time.Mark Abel - 2014 - Boston: Brill.
    What is the relationship between music and time? How does musical rhythm express our social experience of time? In Groove: An Aesthetic of Measured Time, Mark Abel explains the rise to prominence in Western music of a new way of organising rhythm - groove. He provides a historical account of its emergence around the turn of the twentieth century, and analyses the musical components which make it work. Drawing on materialist interpretations of art and culture, Mark Abel engages (...)
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    Les Staliniens: une experience politique, 1944-1956.Mark Poster - 1975 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1975 (23):183-185.
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  10. The Bible and Modern Criticism: A Critical Assessment and Annotated Bibliography.Mark Allan Powell - 1992
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  11. Two dogmas of consciousness.Mark Rowlands - 2002 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 9 (5-6):158-80.
    Most recent discussions of phenomenal consciousness are predicated on two deeply entrenched assumptions. The first is objectualism, the claim that what it is like to undergo an experience is something of which we are or can be aware in the having of that experience. The second is internalism, the claim that what it is like to undergo an experience is constituted by states, events and processes that are located inside the skins of experiencing subjects. This paper argues that both assumptions (...)
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    Frans H. van Eemeren and Bart Garssen : Topical Themes in Argumentation Theory: Twenty Exploratory Studies.Mark Aakhus - 2014 - Argumentation 28 (4):489-492.
    Every 4 years, for the past three decades, the world of argumentation research has gathered in Amsterdam at the International Society for the Study of Argumentation conferences to explore advances in understanding argumentation and how argumentation advances our understanding of the human condition. While comprehensive proceedings of selected papers are produced to document what has transpired in the world of argumentation over the preceding 4 years, there remains the important matter of taking the intellectual pulse of the world’s argumentation scholars, (...)
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    Scientific Discovery in the Social Sciences.Mark Addis, Fernand Gobet & Peter Sozou (eds.) - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume offers selected papers exploring issues arising from scientific discovery in the social sciences. It features a range of disciplines including behavioural sciences, computer science, finance, and statistics with an emphasis on philosophy. The first of the three parts examines methods of social scientific discovery. Chapters investigate the nature of causal analysis, philosophical issues around scale development in behavioural science research, imagination in social scientific practice, and relationships between paradigms of inquiry and scientific fraud. The next part considers the (...)
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  14.  50
    A Palaeographical Corruption in Ovid, Ex Ponto 4.6.Mark Akrigg - 1990 - Classical Quarterly 40 (1):283-284.
    In lines 35–8 Ovid compliments the poem's recipient Brutus on his skill as a forensic orator. The transmitted text is as follows:hostibus eueniat quam sis uiolentus in armissentire et linguae tela subire tuae,quae tibi tam tenui cura limantur ut omnesistius ingenium corporis esse negent.
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  15.  38
    Why China failed to create an endogenous industrial capitalism.Mark Elvin - 1984 - Theory and Society 13 (3):379-391.
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    Transcendental Idealism: What Jerusalem Has To Say to Königsberg.Mark Glouberman - 2010 - Dialogue 49 (1):25-51.
    RÉSUMÉ: La Bible éclaire la distinction kantienne entre les apparences et les choses en soi. Les deux récits bibliques de la création, dans Genèse 1 et 2, offrent différentes analyses ontologiques, et seule la deuxième est, comme les apparences de Kant, relative à la condition humaine. Mais, tandis que l’autre région dont Kant parle est sans caractérisation positive, la Bible décrit amplement le monde tel qu’il est avant l’avènement des hommes et des femmes. La Bible traite de ce domaine du (...)
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  17. Thomas Sutton on univocation, equivocation, and analogy.Mark G. Henninger - 2006 - The Thomist 70 (4):537-575.
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  18. Introduction.Mark Hill - 2020 - In Mark Hill & Norman Doe, Christianity and Criminal Law. New York: Routledge.
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  19. Editing Digital Photos for Dummies.Mark Justice Hinton, Barbara Obermeier & Doug Sahlin - 2010 - For Dummies.
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  20. Why 'Transactional Realism'Won't Work: A Reply to Biesta.Mark Holowchak - unknown
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  21. Galatians and Romans [Book Review].Mark Kenney - 2013 - The Australasian Catholic Record 90 (2):250.
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  22. Why Do We Hope?: Images in the Psalms [Book Review].Mark Kenney - 2009 - The Australasian Catholic Record 86 (3):371.
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  23. On the persistence and difficulties of political community : existential roots and pragmatic outcomes of national awareness.Mark Luccarelli - 2020 - In Mark Luccarelli, Rosario Forlenza & Steven Colatrella, Bringing the nation back in: cosmopolitanism, nationalism, and the struggle to define a new politics. Albany: State University of New York Press.
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  24.  43
    On Unemployment: Volume II: Achieving Economic Justice after the Great Recession.Mark R. Reiff - 2015 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Unemployment has been at historically high rates for an extended period, and while it has recently improved in certain countries, the unemployment that remains may be becoming structural. Aside from inequality, unemployment is accordingly the problem that is most likely to put critical pressure on our political institutions, disrupt the social fabric of our way of life, and even threaten the continuation of liberalism itself. Despite the obvious importance of the problem of unemployment, however, there has been a curious lack (...)
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  25.  95
    Cappelen, Content Relativism, and the “Creative Interpreter”.Mark Criley - 2013 - Southwest Philosophy Review 29 (1):211-219.
    In recent work, Herman Cappelen has defended a position he calls content relativism (CR): the thesis that one and the same utterance may have different content at different contexts of assessment or interpretation. In his most recent treatment of the topic, Cappelen argues for CR using examples involving prescriptive language: instructions, orders, and laws. By pointing out some problems for Cappelen’s argument and suggesting ways they might be fixed, I hope to show how CR might best be developed and defended.
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    Thracymachus Buys a House.Mark Cyzyk - 2008 - Philosophy Now 66:25-27.
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    Brian Matz, Gregory of Nazianzus.Mark DelCogliano - 2018 - Augustinian Studies 49 (2):306-308.
  28. Human suffering and the limits of secular bioethics.Mark Cherry - 2014 - In Ronald Michael Green & Nathan J. Palpant, Suffering and Bioethics. New York, US: Oup Usa.
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  29. Emile Durkheim and Provinces of Ethics.Mark Cladis - 1990 - Interpretation 17 (2):255-273.
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  30. Rousseau and the Redemptive Mountain Village: The Way of Family, Work, Community, and Love.Mark Cladis - 2001 - Interpretation 29 (1):35-54.
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  31. Carrying Capacity.Mark Cohen - 2004 - Free Inquiry 24.
  32. Introduction. The Blessings of Noise Music.Mark Delaere - 2022 - In Noise as a constructive element in music: theoretical and music-analytical perspectives. New York: Routledge.
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  33. The alleged aristotelianism of Thomas Aquinas (1990).Mark D. Jordan - 2008 - In James P. Reilly, The Gilson Lectures on Thomas Aquinas. Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies.
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  34.  88
    Naturalism and the transcendental turn.Mark Sacks - 2006 - Ratio 19 (1):92–106.
    This paper is to a large extent an exercise in philosophical geography. It traces the way in which a resilient naturalist orientation has derived support, specifically in the analytic tradition, from a central structuring tenet of transcendental idealism. It attempts to bring out the philosophical reasons that drive this Kantian alliance. Attention then turns to the identification of two salient problems that confront this alliance in its most acceptable form. To the extent that a resilient naturalism is desirable, these problems (...)
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  35.  7
    Trajectories of Chinese Religious Ethics.Mark Berkson - 2005 - In William Schweiker, The Blackwell companion to religious ethics. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 305--405.
  36.  13
    Beyond “Kaput”: Horace Kallen and Kallenism at The New School for Social Research.Mark Larrimore - 2019 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 40 (2):427-441.
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  37. Writing Critiques Close Readings, Good Responses.Mark Long - forthcoming - Techne.
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  38. Decision modeling techniques.Mark S. Roberts & F. A. Sonnenberg - 2000 - In Gretchen B. Chapman & Frank A. Sonnenberg, Decision making in health care: theory, psychology, and applications. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 20--65.
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  39. The nonabsent absence of the holy.Mark C. Taylor - 1988 - In Angela Ales Bello & Richard Rojcewicz, Phenomenology and the Numinous: The Fifth Annual Symposium of the Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center. Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center, Duquesne University.
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    Public Rights, Private Relations.Mark Tushnet - 2016 - Jurisprudence 7 (2):355-364.
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    Cancer: Towards a general theory of the target.Mark D. Vincent - 2017 - Bioessays 39 (9):1700059.
    General theories are reductionist explications of apparently independent facts. Here, in reviewing the literature, I develop a GT to simplify the cluttered landscape of cancer therapy targets by revealing they cluster parsimoniously according to only a few underlying principles. The first principle is that targets can be only exploited by either or both of two fundamentally different approaches: causality-inhibition, and ‘acausal’ recognition of some marker or signature. Nonetheless, each approach must achieve both of two separate goals, efficacy and selectivity ; (...)
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  42.  85
    A funny thing happened on the way to the formalism.Mark Wilson - unknown
    Attempts to arrange all of classical mechanics upon a self-contained basis encounter difficulties due to "the lousy encyclopedia phenomenon": hard cases involving, e.g., billiard balls, often require that the standard treatments be abandoned in favor of conceptually different accounts. Worse yet, these chains of interdependence often travel in circular loops, where the practitioner is returned to formalisms that she had previously abandoned. However, behaviors of this sort are to be expected if classical doctrine is instead viewed as a "reduced variable" (...)
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    Raz, Practical Inferences, Promising, Legal Reasoning.Mark McBride - 2015 - Ratio Juris 28 (2):286-92.
  44. From Evidence to total commitment : two ways faith goes beyond reason.Mark J. Boone - 2021 - In Mark J. Boone, Rose M. Cothren, Kevin C. Neece & Jaclyn S. Parrish, The Good, the True, the Beautiful: A Multidisciplinary Tribute to Dr. David K. Naugle. Eugene, OR: Pickwick.
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  45. Model Part of a Scientific Theory.Mark Burgin & Vladimir Kuznetsov - 1992 - Epistemologia 15 (1):98-125.
    Representative models are considered parts of real scientific theories.
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    Aids And The Psycho-social Diciplines: The Social Control of "Dangerous" Behavior.Mark Kaplan - 1990 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 11 (3-4):337-352.
    AIDS provides society an opportunity to expand and rationliza control over a broad range of psychological phenomena. Social control today is panoptical, involving dispersed centers and agents of surveillance and discipline throughout the whole community . The control of persons perceived as "dangerous" is effected partly through public psycho-social discourse on AIDS. This reproduces earlier encounters with frightening diseases, most notably the nineteenth-century cholera epidemic, and reveals a morally-laden ideology behind modern efforts at public hygiene.
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    Locke, Religious Toleration, and the Limits of Social Contract Theory.Mark Michael - 2003 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 20 (1):21 - 40.
  48. Locke's Second Treatise and the Literature of Colonization.Mark Michael - 1998 - Interpretation 25 (3):407-427.
  49. Categorical Principles of Law: A Counterpoint to Modernity.Mark Migotti (ed.) - 2002 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    In Germany, Otfried Höffe has been a leading contributor to debates in moral, legal, political, and social philosophy for close to three decades. Höffe's work, brings into relief the relevance of these German discussions to their counterparts in English-language circles. In this book, originally published in Germany in 1990 and expanded since, Höffe proposes an extended and original interpretation of Kant‚ philosophy of law, and social morality. Höffe articulates his reading of Kant in the context of an account of modernity (...)
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  50. Artificial Intelligence Scheduling for NASA's Hubble Space Telescope.Mark D. Johnston Glenn Miller - forthcoming - Annual Ai Systems in Government Conference: Proceedings.
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