Results for 'Marina Shchepetunina'

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  1.  13
    Sense of emptiness: an interdisciplinary approach.Junichi Toyota, Pernilla Hallonsten & Marina Shchepetunina (eds.) - 2012 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Human perception is often believed to function holistically, especially in the tradition of Gestalt psychology, involving a focused item and its surrounding. This holistic approach can allow us to explain something that is not directly experienced in our perception, meaning that the absence as well as the presence of something can have a significant impact on how we perceive the world. The way we perceive the presence is more or less the same cross-culturally, but the prominence of the absence, or (...)
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    Management and Income Inequality: A Review and Conceptual Framework.Brent D. Beal & Marina Astakhova - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 142 (1):1-23.
    Income inequality in the US has now reached levels not seen since the 1920s. Management, as a field of scholarly inquiry, has the potential to contribute in significant ways to our understanding of recent inequality trends. We review and assess recent research, both in the management literature and in other fields. We then delineate a conceptual framework that highlights the mechanisms through which business practice may be linked to income inequality. We then outline four general areas in which management scholars (...)
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    Space and the Self in Hume's Treatise.Marina Frasca-Spada - 1998 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Hume's discussion of the idea of space in his Treatise on Human Nature is fundamental to an understanding of his treatment of such central issues as the existence of external objects, the unity of the self, the relation between certainty and belief, and abstract ideas. Marina Frasca-Spada's rich and original study examines this difficult part of Hume's philosophical writings and connects it to eighteenth-century works in natural philosophy, mathematics and literature. Focusing on Hume's discussions of the infinite divisibility of (...)
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    The Evolution of A. Durer's Aesthetic views in the Context of Renaissance Philosophy.Nikolai Adrianovich Bagrovnikov & Marina Fedorova - 2022 - Философия И Культура 6:18-46.
    The article investigates the peculiarities of Durer's aesthetic views in the context of Renaissance philosophy and the theory of cognition of Modern times. Its provisions are compared with fragments of texts by L.-B. Alberti, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael. The semantic interrelationships of Durer's positions with mysticism, pantheism, natural philosophy and empiricism of Modern Times are emphasized. The interrelation of the problem of knowledge with the theme of freedom and beauty is considered in detail. The authors analyze various opinions and ways (...)
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  5. Semiosis y derecho.Carlos M. Cárcova, Marina Gorali, José Calvo González, Alicia Ruiz, Victoria Haidar, Jorge Roggero, Miguel Herzenbaum & Federico De Fazio - 2021 - Buenos Aires: Editorial Astrea.
  6. Fear Generalization and Mnemonic Injustice.Katherine Puddifoot & Marina Trakas - 2024 - Episteme:1-27.
    This paper focuses on how experiences of trauma can lead to generalized fear of people, objects and places that are similar or contextually or conceptually related to those that produced the initial fear, causing epistemic, affective, and practical harms to those who are unduly feared and those who are intimates of the victim of trauma. We argue that cases of fear generalization that bring harm to other people constitute examples of injustice closely akin to testimonial injustice, specifically, mnemonic injustice. Mnemonic (...)
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    Structural uncertainty through the lens of model building.Marina Baldissera Pacchetti - 2020 - Synthese 198 (11):10377-10393.
    An important epistemic issue in climate modelling concerns structural uncertainty: uncertainty about whether the mathematical structure of a model accurately represents its target. How does structural uncertainty affect our knowledge and predictions about the climate? How can we identify sources of structural uncertainty? Can we manage the effect of structural uncertainty on our knowledge claims? These are some of the questions that an epistemology of structural uncertainty faces, and these questions are also important for climate scientists and policymakers. I develop (...)
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    Schwerpunkt: Critical Philosophy of Race.Kristina Lepold & Marina Martinez Mateo - 2019 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 67 (4):572-588.
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    A role for spatiotemporal scales in modeling.Marina Baldissera Pacchetti - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 67:14-21.
    Bogen and Woodward’s distinction between data and phenomena raises the need to understand the structure of the data-to-phenomena and theory-to-phenomena inferences. I suggest that one way to study the structure of these inferences is to analyze the role of the assumptions involved in the inferences: What kind of assumptions are they? How do these assumptions contribute to the practice of identifying phenomena? In this paper, using examples from atmospheric dynamics, I develop an account of the practice of identifying the target (...)
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  10.  22
    Prošireno jastvo i identitet kroz vrijeme.Ana Grgić & Marina Novina - 2022 - Disputatio Philosophica 23 (1):65-76.
    U ovom članku raspravljamo o hipotezi proširenog jastva Andyja Clarka i Davida Chalmersa, a osobito o prigovoru prema kojemu proširenom jastvu nedostaje stabilnost i kontinuitet koji su potrebni da bismo ga smatrali identičnim kroz vrijeme. Pokušavamo pokazati da je taj prigovor neodrživ. Raspravljamo i o gledištu prema kojemu se drugi tip jastva, to jest narativno jastvo, također može shvatiti kao prošireno, i tvrdimo da stabilnost i kontinuitet toga tipa jastva također nisu ugroženi ako ga proširimo izvan granica čovjekova tijela. Stoga, (...)
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  11.  25
    Private Military and Security Companies: Ethics, Policies and Civil-Military Relations.Andrew Alexandra, Deane-Peter Baker & Marina Caparini (eds.) - 2008 - Routledge.
    Over the past twenty years, Private Military and Security Companies (PMSCs) have become significant elements of national security arrangements, assuming many of the functions that have traditionally been undertaken by state armies. Given the centrality of control over the use of coercive force to the functioning and identity of the modern state, and to international order, these developments clearly are of great practical and conceptual interest. This edited volume provides an interdisciplinary overview of PMSCs: what they are, why they have (...)
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  12.  16
    ARROYO, Miguel G. Vidas Ameaçadas: Exigências-respostas éticas da Educação e da Docência.Caroline Birnfeldt & Marina Fagundes Weisheimer - 2020 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 25:020027.
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  13. Il neoplatonismo nell'ontologia chimica di Jan Baptista van Helmont.Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino - 2018 - In Marina P. Banchetti (ed.), Il minimo, l’unità, e l’universo infinito nella cosmologia vitalistica di Giordano Bruno. Limina Mentis.
  14.  25
    Skulls and blossoms: Collecting and the meaning of scientific objects as resources from the 18th to the 20th century.Marianne Klemun, Marina Loskutova & Anastasia Fedotova - 2018 - Centaurus 60 (4):231-237.
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  15. Promoting Self-Regulation in Health Among Vulnerable Brazilian Children: Protocol Study.Luciana B. Mattos, Marina B. Mattos, Ana P. O. Barbosa, Mariana da Silva Bauer, Maina H. Strack, Pedro Rosário, Caroline T. Reppold & Cleidilene R. Magalhães - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Privacy concerns can stress you out: Investigating the reciprocal relationship between mobile social media privacy concerns and perceived stress.Jörg Matthes, Marina F. Thomas, Kathrin Karsay, Melanie Hirsch, Anna Koemets, Desirée Schmuck & Anja Stevic - 2022 - Communications 47 (3):327-349.
    Mobile social media have become a widespread means to participate in everyday social and professional life. These platforms encourage the disclosure and exchange of personal information, which comes with privacy risks. While past scholarship has listed various predictors and consequences of online privacy concerns, there has been to date no empirical investigation of a conceivable relationship with perceived stress. Using a longitudinal panel study, we examined the reciprocal relationship between mobile social media privacy concerns and perceived stress. Results supported the (...)
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    Parallels and potentials in animal and human ethnomedical technique.Constance M. McCorkle & Marina Martin - 1998 - Agriculture and Human Values 15 (2):139-144.
    In all cultures, ethnomedical practices are largely the same for animals and people, whether in mode of administration of materia medica, in the materials themselves, or in surgical, mechanical, behavioral, medico-religious, and other realms. Below, parallels between veterinary and human ethnomedical techniques are outlined. Taken together, they suggest that a number of benefits could be gained by closer collaboration between veterinary and human medicine in the delivery of basic healthcare information and services.
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    Metaphor and ideology: Conceptual structure and conceptual content in Spanish political discourse.Marina Díaz-Peralta - 2018 - Discourse and Communication 12 (2):128-148.
    This article presents the results of the analysis of a number of linguistic metaphors found in a corpus of opinion articles published in the Spanish newspaper El País. The authors included in the corpus, who tend towards the left of the political spectrum, use metaphor to express moral judgements on the actions and decisions of the conservative, centre-right People’s party, which governs Spain with an overall majority. With the aim of describing this discourse, we have undertaken a qualitative analysis with (...)
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    Reality Without Reification: Philosophy of Chemistry’s Contribution to Philosophy of Mind.Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino & Jean Pierre Noël Llored - 2016 - In Eric R. Scerri & Grant Andrew Fisher (eds.), Essays in Philosophy of Chemistry. Oxford University Press. pp. 83-110.
    In this essay, we argue that there exist obvious parallels between questions that inform philosophy of chemistry and the so-called hard problem of consciousness in philosophy of mind. These include questions regarding the emergence of higher-level phenomena from lower-level physical states, the reduction of higher-level phenomena to lower-level physical states, and 'downward causation'. We, therefore, propose that the 'hard problem' of consciousness should be approached in a manner similar to that used to address parallel problems in philosophy of chemistry. Thus, (...)
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  20. (1 other version)Prevention and education : the path towards better forensic science evidence.Marina Gascón Abellán - 2020 - In Jordi Ferrer Beltrán & Carmen Vázquez (eds.), Evidential Legal Reasoning: Crossing Civil Law and Common Law Traditions. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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  21. Relações de lugar: um tratamento semântico.Vera Marina Monjardim Ayres - 1980 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Editora Rio.
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  22.  44
    Dialogue on Consciousness: Minds, Brains, and Zombies, by John Perry.Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino - 2019 - Teaching Philosophy 42 (2):155-157.
  23.  49
    From Corpuscles to Elements: Chemical Ontologies from Van Helmont to Lavoisier.Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino - 2014 - In Eric Scerri & Lee McIntyre (eds.), Philosophy of Chemistry: Growth of a New Discipline. Springer. pp. 141-154.
  24. Some Suggestions for Developing an Africanist Phenomenological Philosophy of Science.Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino - 2007 - In Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino & Clevis Headley (eds.), Shifting the geography of reason: gender, science and religion. Newcastle, U.K.: Cambridge Scholars Press.
  25.  44
    The function of microstructure in Boyle’s chemical philosophy: ‘chymical atoms' and structural explanation.Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino - 2019 - Foundations of Chemistry 21 (1):51-59.
    One of several important issues that inform contemporary philosophy of chemistry is the issue of structural explanation, precisely because modern chemistry is primarily concerned with microstructure. This paper argues that concern over microstructure, albeit understood differently than it is today, also informs the chemical philosophy of Robert Boyle. According to Boyle, the specific microstructure of ‘chymical atoms’, understood in geometric terms, accounts for the unique essential properties of different chemical substances. Because he considers the microstructure of ‘chymical atoms’ as semi-permanent, (...)
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  26. El idioma inglés como portador de valores morales y espirituales.Luz Marina Barreto - 2015 - Postconvencionales: Ética, Universidad, Democracia 9.
    El propósito de mi artículo es el de explorar el extraño hecho de que siempre que alguien quiere aprender un segundo idioma, por lo general, escoge el inglés. El idioma inglés es el segundo idioma más hablado en el mundo y, casi en el mundo entero, es el segundo idioma preferido. Las razones para esta preferencia son dos: por una parte, los EEUU ganaron la Segunda Guerra Mundial y, por lo tanto, pudo imponer una hemegonía cultural y política en Occidente. (...)
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  27.  16
    El lenguaje de la modernidad.Luz Marina Barreto - 1994 - Caracas, Venezuela: Monte Avila Editores Latinoamericana.
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  28. El suicidio asistido como problema moral y de salud pública.Luz Marina Barreto - 2000 - Araucaria 2 (3).
    Tal vez el problema más difícil de esa disciplina llamada bioética es el de la fundamentación o justificación de sus prescripciones y recomendaciones, así como el de la elección de los criterios por los cuales un individuo decide seguir o no seguir adelante con sus accio nes. La misma definición de "dilema de la bioética " depende de la que deci damos que está siendo violado o no por las nuevas tecnologías médicas o cien tíficas. Pero un problema adicional consiste (...)
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  29. Los fundamentos de la moral cristiana y el problema de su especificidad.Luz Marina Barreto - 2010 - Postconvencionales: Ética, Universidad, Democracia 1:49-65.
    El propósito de este ensayo es discutir si existe una tal cosa como una moral cristiana “específica” y cómo hemos de definirla y comprenderla. Sugiero que si existe, ella no debería ser entendida como un sistema moral que sería válido en un sentido realista, “objetivista” o convencional, sino que más bien su especificidad debería basarse en la clase de motivación a la que daría lugar. Esto quiere decir que lo que pudiéramos definir como una moral cristiana genuina es una nueva (...)
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    Los padres capadocios y el concepto de persona / Cappadocian Fathers and the Concept of Person.Luz Marina Barreto - 2013 - Studia Gilsoniana 2:53-64.
    The thought of the Cappadocian fathers is linked to the Trinitarian nature of God. They strive for formulating a definition of divine person. The extent of the Cappadocian notion of person covers two other important ideas which refer to being someone: an ability to be in a fraternal relation with others, and a disposition to enter such a relation voluntarily. The Christian idea of divine person also implicates a concept of infinite dignity. The authoress shows that at the grassroots of (...)
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  31. La reflexión ética y la constitución de una cultura política orientada al entendimiento.Luz Marina Barreto - 2011 - Postconvencionales: Ética, Universidad, Democracia 4:35-52.
    Una cultura política orientada al entendimiento y la paz requiere, sostendré, no sólo que se tengan las disposiciones correctas, sino, ante todo, la convicción de que incluso nuestras disposiciones morales se encuentran enraizadas en la razón y la reflexión. Bajo este punto de vista, el cultivo de una cultura política respetuosa del otro y sensata supone que tanto la sociedad como sus instituciones ya han contribuido a un clima moral deliberativo, uno que no cree simplemente que la moral es sólo (...)
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  32. Motivos y razones.Luz Marina Barreto - 1994 - Apuntes Filosóficos 6.
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    Quantum Analysis of $$k=-1$$ k = - 1 Robertson–Walker Universe.Ciprian Dariescu & Marina-Aura Dariescu - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (11):1495-1513.
    The \\)-Robertson–Walker spacetime is under investigation. With the derived Hamilton operator, we are solving the Wheeler–De Witt Equation and its Schrödinger-like extension, for physically important forms of the effective potential. The closed form solutions, expressed in terms of Heun’s functions, allow us to comment on the occurrence of Universe from highly probable quantum states.
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    What Egalitarianism Requires.John Roemer, Marina Uzunova & Akshath Jitendranath - 2021 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 13 (2).
    This is an interview by the Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics with John E. Roemer. The interview covers Roemer’s intellectual biography; his extensive writings on exploitation, egalitarianism, socialism, bargaining, and justice; his latest work on Kantian optimization, his vision for the future of socialism; and, finally, his methodological commitments and the value of interdisciplinarity.
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    SU(2) ×U(1) Gauge theory of bosonic and fermionic fields inS 3 ×R space-time.Ciprian Dariescu & Marina -Aura Dariescu - 1994 - Foundations of Physics 24 (11):1577-1582.
    The tetradic Lorentz-gauge invariant formulation of the SU(2) × U(1) theory in S3 × R space-time is presented and the general gauge covariant Dirac-Klein-Gordon-Maxwell-Yang-Mills equations are derived. A direct comparison of these equations to those of the SU(2) × U(1) gauge theory on Minkowskian background points out major differences effectively induced by the minimally coupling to S3 × R gravity.
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    U(1) gauge theory of the quantum hall effect.C. Dariescu & Marina Dariescu - 1991 - Foundations of Physics 21 (11):1329-1333.
    The solution of the Klein-Gordon equation for a complex scalar field in the presence of an electrostatic field orthogonal to a magnetostatic field is analyzed. Considerations concerning the quantum Hall-type evolution are presented also. Using the Hamiltonian with a self-interaction term, we obtain a critical value for the magnetic field in the case of the spontaneous symmetry breaking.
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  37.  19
    (1 other version)IWB integration in the school subject ScienceStavovi učitelja o korištenju pametne ploče u nastavi Prirode i društva.Ines Kovačić & Marina Čović - 2022 - Metodicki Ogledi 28 (2):151-169.
    This study investigates the integration of the interactive whiteboard into Science teaching during the primary educational cycle and teachers’ perceptions about the use of the information and communication technology in the school subject Science. An online questionnaire was distributed to Croatian schools in 2015/2016. A total of 104 teachers expressed their perceptions, 65 of them were from schools without an IWB, while the remaining 39 responded to our online questionnaire from schools with an implemented IWB. The results indicate the higher (...)
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  38.  11
    The remaking of social contracts: feminists in a fierce new world.Gita Sen & Marina Durano (eds.) - 2014 - London: Zed Books.
    Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN) argues that social contracts must be recreated if they are to fulfil the promise of human rights. In The Remaking of Social Contracts, leading thinkers and activists address a wide range of concerns - global economic governance, militarism, ecological tipping points, the nation state, movement-building, sexuality and reproduction, and religious fundamentalism. These themes are of wide-ranging importance for the survival and well-being of us all, and reflect the many dimensions and inter-connectedness (...)
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    Procjene učitelja i učenika o izvanučioničkoj nastavi u prirodi u osnovnim školama Grada Zagreba.Ivana Sever, Marina Vranić, Krešimir Bošnjak, Ivana Čačić, Martina Protulipac & Mirjana Klepac - 2017 - Metodicki Ogledi 24 (1):95-108.
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  40. Aesthetic-based Arts Integration in Elementary Education.Marina Sotiropoulou-Zormpala & Alexandra Mouriki - 2018 - International Journal of Arts Education 13 (1):33-44.
    The purpose of this paper is to examine how different aspects of aesthetic theory can be utilized in education so as to contribute to a workable, coherent, and multifaceted arts integration approach in elementary education. The authors begin by presenting specific aspects of aesthetic theory as indicative of the basic theoretical and philosophical approaches to the phenomenon of art. They then refer to examples of activities designed on the basis of these different aesthetic aspects, and finally, they present the findings (...)
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  41.  42
    The Finnish national asthma programme: communication in asthma care – quality assessment of asthma referral letters.Leena E. Tuomisto, Erhola Marina, Kaila Minna, Pirkko E. Brander, Kauppinen Ritva, Puolijoki Hannu & Kekki Pertti - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (1):50-54.
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    Mentoring Away the Glass Ceiling in Academia: A Cultured Critique.Lillie Ben, Isaac Abeku Blankson, Venessa A. Brown, Ayse Evrensel, Krystal A. Foxx, Julie Haddock-Millar, Jennifer Michelle Johnson, Tamara Bertrand Jones, Cindy Larson-Casselton, Dian D. McCallum, Allison E. McWilliams, La’Tara Osborne-Lampkin, Jean Ostrom-Blonigen, Emma Previato, Chandana Sanyal, Jeanette Snider, Virginia Cook Tickles, JeffriAnne Wilder & Brenda Marina (eds.) - 2015 - Lexington Books.
    Mentoring Away the Glass Ceiling in Academia: A Cultured Critique describes how women of diverse backgrounds perceive their mentoring experiences or the lack of mentoring experiences in the academy. This book provides a space for envisioning strategies and practices to improve mentoring practices and the collegiate environment.
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    Risquons-tout: contemporary artists venture into risk, unpredictability and transgression.Dirk Snauwaert, Emanuele Coccia, Marina Vishmidt & Vivian Ziherl (eds.) - 2020 - Brussels: Mercatorfonds.
    'Risquons-Tout' is an ambitious, thematic group exhibition that explores the potential of transgression and unpredictability. It examines how art challenges the homogenisation of thought in the now infamous echo chambers of our overcrowded info-sphere. 'Risquons-Tout' presents some of the most innovative and influential artists and authors from the Eurocore region, which extends between Amsterdam, Paris, Cologne, Düsseldorf and London, with Brussels at its centre. The title is borrowed from a place located on the Belgian-French border, a real yet liminal space (...)
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    Examination of cognitive functions in patients with Parkinsons disease.Jelena Stamenović, S. Đurić, Marina Jolić, Biljana Živadinović & Vanja Đurić - 2005 - Facta Universitatis, Series: Linguistics and Literature 11:104-113.
  45. The Chemical Philosophy of Robert Boyle: Mechanicism, Chymical Atoms, and Emergence.Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino - 2020 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    This book examines the way in which Robert Boyle seeks to accommodate his complex chemical philosophy within the framework of a mechanistic theory of matter. More specifically, the book proposes that Boyle regards chemical qualities as properties that emerged from the mechanistic structure of chymical atoms. Within Boyle’s chemical ontology, chymical atoms are structured concretions of particles that Boyle regards as chemically elementary entities, that is, as chemical wholes that resist experimental analysis. Although this interpretation of Boyle’s chemical philosophy has (...)
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    Sophistry and Philosophy in Plato’s Republic.Marina Berzins McCoy - 2005 - Polis 22 (2):265-286.
    The Republic presents the sophist in three ways: through an example, an abstract description in Book Six, and an image. Thrasymachus presents a coherent understanding of justice and is not inconsistent, as some commentators have argued. Both the philosopher and the sophist are intellectuals who value wisdom, but on Socrates’ account, the sophist equates the necessary with the good. The philosopher separates the necessary and the good, and orients himself to a truth outside of himself. However, the Republic suggests that (...)
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  47. Refinement: Measuring informativeness of ratings in the absence of a gold standard.Sheridan Grant, Marina Meilă, Elena Erosheva & Carole Lee - 2022 - British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 75 (3):593-615.
    We propose a new metric for evaluating the informativeness of a set of ratings from a single rater on a given scale. Such evaluations are of interest when raters rate numerous comparable items on the same scale, as occurs in hiring, college admissions, and peer review. Our exposition takes the context of peer review, which involves univariate and multivariate cardinal ratings. We draw on this context to motivate an information-theoretic measure of the refinement of a set of ratings – entropic (...)
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    What the Dynamic Systems Approach Can Offer for Understanding Development: An Example of Mid-childhood Reaching.Laura Golenia, Marina M. Schoemaker, Egbert Otten, Leonora J. Mouton & Raoul M. Bongers - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  49. Rudolf Groner Marina T. Groner.Marina T. Groner - 2000 - In Walter J. Perrig & Alexander Grob (eds.), Control of Human Behavior, Mental Processes, and Consciousness: Essays in Honor of the 60th Birthday of August Flammer. Erlbaum. pp. 114.
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  50. Kung Fu Panda, Liu Xiabu o el triunfo de la persona [Reseña]. [REVIEW]Luz Marina Barreto - 2011 - Postconvencionales: Ética, Universidad, Democracia 4:122-126.
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