Results for 'Marc Petit'

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  1. The professional gestures of field trainers: A multifocal analysis of a feedback interview in visual arts teaching.Marc Boutet, Simon Toulou, Mathias Hofmeister, Benoît Lenzen, Valérie Lussi Borer, Matthieu Petit & François Vandercleyen - 2025 - Revue Phronesis 14 (2):130-148.
    The practice of people mandated by the university to go to school in order to observe and evaluate the activity of trainees in pre-service teachers training remains poorly documented from the point of view of professional gestures (Jorro, 2016). This article focuses on the analysis of a feedback interview, which is a key moment in this practice, aiming at commenting, evaluating the performance of a trainee after the observation of their teaching. The originality of our analysis is that it was (...)
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    Sciences naturelles, biologie, médecine.Claude Blanckaert, Jean-Marc Drouin, Hervé Guénot, Annie Petit, Charles Lenay, Vincent-Pierre Comiti, Mirko D. Grmek & Patrice Pinell - 1990 - Revue de Synthèse 111 (1-2):207-217.
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  3. Historical studies-Wolfgang Doeblin's archives and manuscripts.Therese Charmasson, Stephanie Mechine, Marc Petit & Bernard Bru - 2005 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 58 (1).
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    Questions de Civilisation.Marie-Laure Binzoni, Damien Carraz, Robert Sauzet, Renaud Villard, Annie Petit, Jean-Marc Rohrbasser, Frédéric Moret, Alexis de Saint-Ours, Jean-Claude Bourdin, Serge Latouche, Ghislain Waterlot & Michel Fromaget - 2008 - Revue de Synthèse 129 (1):171-203.
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    Deleuze et la comédie : petite forme et grande santé.Marc Cerisuelo - 2008 - Rue Descartes 59 (1):94.
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    Les sentiers de la Caverne ou Petite musique pour Platon.Marc Chabot - 1999 - Horizons Philosophiques 9 (2):1-19.
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    L'inquiétude dans De la Recherche de la vérité.Marc Parmentier - 2011 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 96 (1):85.
    L’article vise à mettre en évidence, dans De la recherche de la vérité, la juxtaposition d’un concept théologique et d’un concept purement anthropologique de l’inquiétude. Dans les livres III et IV de son ouvrage, Malebranche tente d’inscrire la confrontation entre l’amour des biens finis et l’amour pour le bien en général dans un cadre mécaniste d’inspiration cartésienne. Cette tentative n’aboutit pas à un modèle simple et univoque, on peut toutefois en préserver la cohérence en interprétant l’inquiétude comme la manifestation propre (...)
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    Leibniz et la perception du futur.Marc Parmentier - 2011 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 70 (2):221-233.
    Résumé Dans le cadre de sa théorie des petites perceptions, Leibniz évoque des exemples de perceptions confuses du futur. Par ailleurs, sa théorie métaphysique de la substance individuelle incluant tous ses prédicats implique l’existence dans le sujet de « traces du futur », symétriques des traces du passé. L’objectif de l’article est d’étudier le rapport complexe entre anticipations de l’avenir et traces du futur, et, plus généralement, entre les déterminations psychologiques et métaphysiques des petites perceptions.
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  9. Paul Ricœur et la question du vivant.Marc-Antoine Vallée - 2010 - Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique 6.
    Ce texte vise à explorer la contribution de Paul Ric?ur à une réflexion phénoménologique sur le vivant. Il s?agit notamment, à partir du débat avec Jean-Pierre Changeux, de faire ressortir l?insistance avec laquelle il s?efforce de distinguer l?approche phénoménologique du vécu de l?ap­proche objectivante des sciences du vivant, de façon à soutenir la thèse d?un dualisme sémantique entre les deux ordres de discours. Tout le travail de Ric?ur est alors d?ouvrir le discours philosophique à l?apport des sciences de la vie, (...)
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    (R)évolutions: pour une politique en actes.Lionel Astruc, Jean-Marc Borello, Patrick Viveret, Pierre Rabhi & Philippe Desbrosses (eds.) - 2012 - Arles: Actes Sud.
    L’objectif, éminemment politique, de cet ouvrage est de proposer pour 2012 une alternative aux programmes court-termistes et consensuels qui pourraient être développés par les candidats lors de la campagne officielle pour les élections présidentielles. Il vise à offrir une perspective de long terme de ce à quoi la société pourrait ressembler d’ici trente à cinquante ans si nous prenons un véritable virage écologique et humain et si nous opérons un changement concret de paradigme. Si, ces dernières années, un grand nombre (...)
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    Blondel et les oscillations auto-entretenues.René Lozi & Jean-Marc Ginoux - 2012 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 66 (5):485-530.
    En 1893, « physicien-ingénieur » André Blondel invente l’oscillographe bifilaire permettant de visualiser les tensions et courants variables. À l’aide de ce puissant moyen d’investigation, il entreprend tout d’abord l’étude des phénomènes de l’arc électrique alors utilisé pour l’éclairage côtier et urbain puis de l’arc chantant employé comme émetteur d’ondes radioélectriques en T.S.F. En 1905, il met en évidence un nouveau type d’oscillations non-sinusoïdales au sein de l’arc chantant. Vingt ans plus tard, Balthasar Van der Pol reconnaitra qu’il s’agissait en (...)
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  12. (1 other version)Truth as formal catholicism on Alain Badiou, Saint Paul: La fondation de l'universalisme.Marc De Kesel - 2004 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 37 (3-4):167-197.
    Alain Badiou’s philosophy is an attempt to re-establish truth in modern thought. The main – and indeed sole – criterion for truth is universality, he argues in all of his works, including the one on Saint Paul on which this essay focuses. In this book, Badiou argues that most of Saint Paul’s doctrinal topics can be related to the main concerns of his own thought. Thus Paul’s belief in Christ’s resurrection illustrates his own theory of the ‘event’; Paul’s characterization of (...)
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    The Time of Truth.Marc de Kesel - 2009 - Bijdragen 70 (2):207-235.
    Alain Badiou’s philosophy is an attempt to re-establish truth in modern thought. The main – and indeed sole – criterion for truth is universality, he argues in all of his works, including the one on Saint Paul on which this essay focuses. In this book, Badiou argues that most of Saint Paul’s doctrinal topics can be related to the main concerns of his own thought. Thus Paul’s belief in Christ’s resurrection illustrates his own theory of the ‘event’; Paul’s characterization of (...)
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    Marc Sherringham, Introduction à la philosophie esthétique, Paris, Payot, « Petite bibliothèque Payot », no 123, 1992, 311 p.Marc Sherringham, Introduction à la philosophie esthétique, Paris, Payot, « Petite bibliothèque Payot », no 123, 1992, 311 p. [REVIEW]Daniel Dumouchel - 1995 - Philosophiques 22 (2):505-508.
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    Le petit Boutang des philosophes: introduction à la philosophie de Pierre Boutang.Henri Du Buit - 2016 - [Saint-Victor-de-Morestel]: Les Provinciales.
    -Fabrice Luchini, vous lisez l'Evangile de saint Marc? - Pas encore. Avant de plonger dans les Evangiles, je lis Pierre Boutang. C'est du lourd?! Hier soir, je dînais avec François Hollande qui me dit? : "?Vous lisez Boutang?? C'est la passion de mon père?!?" Je lui réponds? : "?Transmettez mon salut admiratif à votre père car un lecteur de Boutang, c'est un costaud.?" Je suis paumé... - Qu'est-ce qui vous attire chez Boutang?? - Le poison de la curiosité. Pourquoi (...)
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  16. A dissociation between moral judgments and justifications.Marc Hauser, Fiery Cushman, Liane Young, J. I. N. Kang-Xing & John Mikhail - 2007 - Mind and Language 22 (1):1–21.
    To what extent do moral judgments depend on conscious reasoning from explicitly understood principles? We address this question by investigating one particular moral principle, the principle of the double effect. Using web-based technology, we collected a large data set on individuals' responses to a series of moral dilemmas, asking when harm to innocent others is permissible. Each moral dilemma presented a choice between action and inaction, both resulting in lives saved and lives lost. Results showed that: (1) patterns of moral (...)
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    Segmentation of the speech stream in a non-human primate: statistical learning in cotton-top tamarins.Marc D. Hauser, Elissa L. Newport & Richard N. Aslin - 2001 - Cognition 78 (3):B53-B64.
  18. Intuitions as evidence : an introduction.Marc A. Moffett - 2023 - In Maria Lasonen-Aarnio & Clayton Littlejohn, The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Evidence. New York, NY: Routledge.
  19. Reviving Rawls's linguistic analogy: Operative principles and the causal structure of moral actions.Marc D. Hauser, Liane Young & Fiery Cushman - 2008 - In W. Sinnott-Armstrong, Moral Psychology Vol. 2. MIT Press.
    The thesis we develop in this essay is that all humans are endowed with a moral faculty. The moral faculty enables us to produce moral judgments on the basis of the causes and consequences of actions. As an empirical research program, we follow the framework of modern linguistics.1 The spirit of the argument dates back at least to the economist Adam Smith (1759/1976) who argued for something akin to a moral grammar, and more recently, to the political philosopher John Rawls (...)
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  20. Evolutionary and developmental foundations of human knowledge.Marc D. Hauser & Elizabeth Spelke - 2004 - In Michael S. Gazzaniga, The Cognitive Neurosciences III. MIT Press.
    What are the brain and cognitive systems that allow humans to play baseball, compute square roots, cook soufflés, or navigate the Tokyo subways? It may seem that studies of human infants and of non-human animals will tell us little about these abilities, because only educated, enculturated human adults engage in organized games, formal mathematics, gourmet cooking, or map-reading. In this chapter, we argue against this seemingly sensible conclusion. When human adults exhibit complex, uniquely human, culture-specific skills, they draw on a (...)
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    Spontaneous number discrimination of multi-format auditory stimuli in cotton-top tamarins.Marc D. Hauser, Stanislas Dehaene, Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz & Andrea L. Patalano - 2002 - Cognition 86 (2):B23-B32.
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    Y a-t-il une « révolution copernicienne » ou « anticopernicienne » en phénoménologie?Alexander Schnell - 2016 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 8 (2):257-279.
    This paper raises the question – based on the works of Marc Richir and Dominique Pradelle – if and how phenomenology deals with an “anti-Copernican” revolution, considering that the motif of a “Copernican” revolution seems to have gone through some modifications that reflect a certain deposition of the constitutive role of the subject. Its fundamental thesis is that a certain dimension “beyond” the Copernican revolution does not reestablish a “Ptolemaic” realism but rather opens a dimension “beneath”: beneath the subject (...)
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    The Ecology of Fear and Climate Change: A Pragmatist Point of View.Jerome Ballet, Damien Bazin & Emmanuel Petit - 2023 - Environmental Values 32 (1):5-24.
    The ecology of fear has become a common rhetoric in efforts to support climate mitigation. The thesis of the collapse is an extreme version, asserting the inevitable collapse of the world. Fear, then, becomes the ultimate emotion for spurring action. In this article, drawing on the work of the pragmatist John Dewey, we show that fear is an ambiguous emotion. Dewey stressed the quality of an emotion. Following his reasoning, this article draws a distinction between intense and moderate fear. Intense (...)
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    The production of the psychiatric subject: power, knowledge and Michel Foucault.Marc Roberts - 2005 - Nursing Philosophy 6 (1):33-42.
    The issue of power has become increasingly important within psychiatry, psychotherapy and mental health nursing generally. This paper will suggest that the work of Michel Foucault, the French philosopher and historian, has much to contribute to the discussion about the nature, existence and exercise of power within contemporary mental health care. As well as examining his original and challenging account of power, Foucault's emphasis on the intimate relationship between power and knowledge will be explored within the context of psychiatry and (...)
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    Virtual Terroir and the Premium Coffee Experience.Francisco Barbosa Escobar, Olivia Petit & Carlos Velasco - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    With its origin-centric value proposition, the specialty coffee industry seeks to educate consumers about the value of the origin of coffee and how the relationship with farmers ensures quality and makes coffee a premium product. While the industry has widely used stories and visual cues to communicate this added value, research studying whether and how these efforts influence consumers' experiences is scarce. Through three experiments, we explored the effect of images that evoke the terroir of coffee on the perception of (...)
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    Physiologie de l'action et phénoménologie.A. Berthoz - 2006 - Paris: O. Jacob. Edited by Jean-Luc Petit.
    Par ses livres, Le Sens du mouvement et La Décision, Alain Berthoz a largement renouvelé notre conception de la physiologie de la perception et de l’action. Il confronte ici ses idées avec celles d’un grand philosophe du xxe siècle, Edmund Husserl, dont Jean-Luc Petit, l’un de nos meilleurs phénoménologues, est spécialiste. Ses expériences et ses analyses du mouvement, de la posture, de la décision, de la perception nous font comprendre l’importance et la pertinence des approches qui sont celles de (...)
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    Précis du livre Sagesse cumulative et idéal démocratique chez Aristote.Jean-Marc Narbonne - 2022 - Philosophiques 49 (1):227-232.
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    Psychological Development of Deaf Children.Marc Marschark - 1993 - Oxford University Press USA.
    This book is the first comprehensive examination of the psychological development of deaf children. Because the majority of young deaf children are reared in language-impoverished environments, their social and cognitive development may differ markedly from hearing children. The author here details those potential differences, giving special attention to how the psychological development of deaf children is affected by their interpersonal communication with parents, peers, and teachers. This careful and balanced consideration of existing evidence and research provides a new psychological perspective (...)
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    RETRACTED: Rule learning by cotton-top tamarins.Marc D. Hauser, Daniel Weiss & Gary Marcus - 2002 - Cognition 86 (1):B15-B22.
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    Daily Bread.Marc Kaminsky & Leon Supraner - 1982 - University of Illinois Press.
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    Slaves, gladiators, and death: Kantian liberalism and the moral limits of consent.Marc Ramsay - 2017 - Legal Theory 23 (2):96-131.
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    Vier Studien zu Kants Kritik der Urteilskraft.Konrad Marc-Wogau - 1938 - [etc., etc.,: A.-b. Lundequistska bokhandeln;.
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    The meaning of Republic 606a3–b5.Marc Mastrangelo & John Harris - 1997 - Classical Quarterly 47 (01):301-.
    If you would reflect that the part of the soul that in the former case, in our own misfortunes, was forcibly restrained, and that has hungered for tears and a good cry and satisfaction, because it is its nature to desire these things, is the element in us that the poets satisfy and delight, and that the best element in our nature, since it has never been properly educated by reason or even by habit, then relaxes its guard over the (...)
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    Constructing Attitudes.Marc A. Moffett - 2005 - ProtoSociology 21:105-128.
    The singular term theory maintains that that-clauses are complex singular terms which designate propositions. Though extremely well-supported, the theory is endangered by the existence of oblique that-clauses; that is, that-clauses occurring in what appear to be nonargument positions (e.g., ‘Lola was upset that Slick Willy had all the fun’). In this paper I argue that the best solution to the problem consistent with the singular term theory, invokes a construction-based grammatical theory. Such an approach challenges traditional views of semantic compositionality (...)
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    Le problème de l'erreur dans la philosophie française: d'Auguste Comte à Gaston Bachelard.Laurent Fedi, Bertrand Nouailles & Alain Petit (eds.) - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand: Presses universitaires Blaise Pascal.
    On connaît cette thèse de Bachelard : "Il n'y a pas de vérités premières, il n'y a que des erreurs premières." Cet intérêt très vif pour l'erreur remonte en fait au me siècle, lorsque les théories génétiques de l'esprit, d'une part, la méthodologie expérimentale et les approches probabilistes, d'autre part. lui confèrent un statut dont elle était auparavant privée. L'erreur funeste qui nous fait trébucher et nous détourne du vrai est remplacée par l'erreur instructive, censée nous renseigner sur les lois (...)
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  36. Thomas More.Germain Marc'hadour - 1971 - [Paris]: Seghers.
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    Un Maitre: Le père Auguste valensin.André Marc - 1955 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 10 (2):211 - 217.
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    Untersuchungen zur raumlehre Kants..Konrad Marc-Wogau - 1931 - Lund,: H. Ohlssons buchdruckerei.
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  39. Zum Begriff des subjektiven Rechts.Konrad Marc-Wogau - 1941 - Theoria 7 (2):141.
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  40. Zum Vortrag Schlicks.Konrad Marc-Wogau - 1936 - Erkenntnis 6 (1):344-344.
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    Entity regulation, litigation rights and the changing meaning of professionalism at the Bar of England and Wales.Marc Mason - 2020 - Legal Ethics 23 (1-2):48-64.
    The Legal Services Act 2007 provided a framework for a liberalised marketplace for legal services. The most significant responses to this by the Bar appear in the Bar Standards Board Handbook, whic...
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    Abraham Trembley’s Strategy of Generosity and the Scope of Celebrity in the Mid‐Eighteenth Century.Marc J. Ratcliff - 2004 - Isis 95 (4):555-575.
    Historians of science have long believed that Abraham Trembley’s celebrity and impact were attributable chiefly to the incredible regenerative phenomena demonstrated by the polyp, which he discovered in 1744, and to the new experimental method he devised to investigate them. This essay shows that experimental method alone cannot account for Trembley’s success and influence; nor are the marvels of the polyp sufficient to explain its scientific and cultural impact. Experimental method was but one element in a new conception of the (...)
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  43. Wittgenstein, Finitism, and the Foundations of Mathematics.Marc A. Joseph - 2001 - Mind 110 (438):501-504.
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    The case of the apple turnover: An experiment in multichannel communication analysis.Marc Rosenberg - 1976 - Semiotica 16 (2).
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    A Man Who Loved the Stars: The Autobiography of John A. Brashear. John A. Brashear.Marc Rothenberg - 1989 - Isis 80 (2):341-341.
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    History of the IAU: The Birth and First Half-Century of the International Astronomical Union. Adriaan Blaauw.Marc Rothenberg - 2000 - Isis 91 (4):809-809.
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    Journal of a Voyage with Bering, 1741-1742. Georg Wilhelm Steller, O. W. Frost, Margritt A. Engel.Marc Rothenberg - 1990 - Isis 81 (3):576-576.
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    Museums of Modern Science. Svante Lindqvist, Marika Hedin, Ulf Larsson.Marc Rothenberg - 2001 - Isis 92 (3):576-576.
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    New Lands, New Men: America and the Second Great Age of DiscoveryWilliam H. Goetzmann.Marc Rothenberg - 1988 - Isis 79 (2):327-329.
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    Another hippocampal theory.Marc N. Branch - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (3):497-498.
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