Results for 'M. S. Hanke'

946 found
  1. Broad Consent for Research With Biological Samples: Workshop Conclusions.Christine Grady, Lisa Eckstein, Ben Berkman, Dan Brock, Robert Cook-Deegan, Stephanie M. Fullerton, Hank Greely, Mats G. Hansson, Sara Hull, Scott Kim, Bernie Lo, Rebecca Pentz, Laura Rodriguez, Carol Weil, Benjamin S. Wilfond & David Wendler - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (9):34-42.
    Different types of consent are used to obtain human biospecimens for future research. This variation has resulted in confusion regarding what research is permitted, inadvertent constraints on future research, and research proceeding without consent. The National Institutes of Health Clinical Center's Department of Bioethics held a workshop to consider the ethical acceptability of addressing these concerns by using broad consent for future research on stored biospecimens. Multiple bioethics scholars, who have written on these issues, discussed the reasons for consent, the (...)
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    IsolaUon and mapping of a polymorphic DNA sequence, DXS312, to Xq27—Xq28.A. Speer, A. Rosenthal, H. Billwitz, R. Hanke, S. M. Forrest, D. Love, K. E. Davies & Ch Choutelle - 2005 - In Alan F. Blackwell & David MacKay, Power. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 6734.
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    Schutz’ Semiotics and the Symbolic Construction of Reality.Michael M. Hanke - 2016 - Schutzian Research 8:103-120.
    Some decades before Umberto Eco refounded semiotics in the sixties, Alfred Schutz had already elaborated a theory on signs and symbols. Moreover, as Schutz himself affirms, neither was he the first to do so. The thoughts of Charles Sanders Peirce had already clearly influenced American pragmatism, and thinkers like George Herbert Mead and Ernst Cassirer had developed a theory of symbols, both referred to by Schutz in his later works. Nonetheless, sign theory was already present in his first book, Der (...)
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    Public support for producer adoption of soil health practices.Dayton M. Lambert, Lixia H. Lambert, Joe Ripberger, Hank Jenkins-Smith & Carol L. Silva - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-17.
    This study investigates the effects of issue framing on public support for programs encouraging farmer adoption of soil health practices. While extensive research exists on farmer adoption of best soil management practices, this study uniquely examines public willingness to support such initiatives. Using data from a survey of Oklahoma residents, we assess the public’s attitudes concerning hypothetical programs supporting farmer adoption of soil health practices to control soil erosion, sequester carbon, and retain moisture. Three implementation methods were considered and framed (...)
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    The “Well-Informed Citizen” as a Theory of Public Space.Michael M. Hanke - 2014 - Schutzian Research 6:93-103.
    Alfred Schutz’ article on the well-informed citizen can, among others, also be read as a treatise on the information flow in democratic society. To be “well-informed” is a challenge the citizen has to keep up with in order to play his role in civil society, and being well-informed is also to be seen as a precondition for a fairly functioning political community. For Jürgen Habermas, it is the free press that guarantees public communication of democratic societies and which is threatened (...)
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  6. "Hinweise auf": D. M. Armstrong, Berkeley's theory of vision; R. Bäumlin, Staat, Recht und Geschichte; G. Bauer, Geschichtlichkeit; D. Baumgardt, Great Western Mystics; W. Bröcker, Formale, transzendentale und spekulative Logik; L. J. Cohen, The diversity of meaning; Einsichten ; J. G. Fichte, Grundlage des Naturrechts; W. Flach, Zur Prinzipienlehre der Anschauung; P. W. Hanke, Kunst und Geist; H. Heimsoeth, Studien zur Philosophiegeschichte; History of political philosophy, ed. Leo Strauss; H. Kantorowicz, Rechtswissenschaft und Soziologie; F. Kümmel, Über den Begriff der Zeit; Logik und Logikkalkül; G. Martin, Gesammelte Abhandlungen I; H. Meyer, Systematische Philosophie; Th. Meyer, Platons Apologie; G. H. Müller, Das philosophische Werk Franz Kröners; J. Passmore, Philosophical Reasoning; H. Rombach, Die Gegenwart der Philosophie; U. Rusker, Nietzsche in der Hispania; W. Schulz, Das Problem der absoluten Reflexion. [REVIEW]Oskar Becker - 1963 - Philosophische Rundschau 11:305-311.
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  7. (2000).M. S. Gazzaniga - 1995 - In Michael S. Gazzaniga, The Cognitive Neurosciences. MIT Press.
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    Responsible research with crowds: pay crowdworkers at least minimum wage.M. S. Silberman, B. Tomlinson, R. LaPlante, J. Ross, L. Irani & A. Zaldivar - 2018 - Communications of the Acm 61 (3):39-41.
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  9. Ateizm frant︠s︡uzskikh materialistov XVIII veka.M. D. T︠S︡ebenko - 1955
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    A másként-gondolkodó: Tamás Gáspár Miklós 60.G. M. Tamás, Péter György & Sándor Radnóti (eds.) - 2008 - Budapest: Élet és Irodalom.
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  11. An Introduction to the Study of Philosophy, a Series of Lectures in Alexandra College, Dublin [Ed. By S.M.].Alice Oldham & M. S. - 1909
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    Glerii︠u︡ Shirokovu: i︠a︡ khotel by s toboĭ pogovoritʹ.S. V. Soplenkov & A. M. Petrov (eds.) - 2006 - Moskva: Akademii︠a︡ gumanitarnykh issledovaniĭ.
  13. Lekt︠s︡ii po istorii ėstetiki.M. S. Kagan (ed.) - 1973 - Leningrad,: Izd-vo Leningr. un-ta.
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  14. Novai︠a︡ filosofskai︠a︡ ėnt︠s︡iklopedii︠a︡.M. S. Kovaleva (ed.) - 2000 - Moskva: "Myslʹ".
    t. 1. A-D -- t. 2. E-M -- t. 3. N-S -- t.4. T-I︠A︡.
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    Shigabutdin Mardzhani: nasledie i sovremennostʹ materialy mezhdunarodnoĭ nauchnoĭ konferent︠s︡ii = Shiḣabetdin Mărjani mirasy ḣăm khăzerge zaman khalykara fănni konferentsiia materiallary.R. M. Mukhametshin, F. M. Sultanov & R. S. Khakimov (eds.) - 2008 - Kazanʹ: In-t istorii im. Sh. Mardzhani.
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    The role of faith-based organizations in the ethical aspects of pandemic flu planning—lessons learned from the toronto Sars experience.S. Faust Halley, M. Bensimon Cécile & E. G. Upshur Ross - 2009 - Public Health Ethics 2 (1).
    Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto and University of Toronto Ross E. G. Upshur * Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Joint Centre for Bioethics University of Toronto, Toronto * Corresponding author: Ross E. G. Upshur, Primary Care Research Unit, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, 2075 Bayview Avenue, #E-349, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4N 3M5. Tel.: 416-480-4753; Fax: 416-480-4536; Email: ross.upshur{at} ' + u + '@' + d + ' '//--> Abstract Are restrictive measures and duties to care ethically reasonably acceptable to faith-based organizations? This (...)
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    Vernacular architecture as an idiom for promoting cultural continuity in South Asia with a special reference to Buddhist monasteries.S. Ghosh, A. Goenka, M. Deo & D. Mandal - 2019 - AI and Society 34 (3):573-588.
    Architectural style is a medium for the promotion of cultural identities and cohesion. South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation nations provide a prism through which all forms of vernacular architecture can be viewed. This study is presented through the lens of the soul of the eye coupled with the power of technological probing. This synthesis affords a most appealing and lyrical exploration of the course of the development of cities within the SAARC nations. It showcases research results combining the above (...)
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  18. Tsilimbaris M. k., A corneal flap technique for LASIK.I. G. Pallikaris, M. E. Papatzanaki & D. S. Siganos - 1991 - Human Studies. Arch Ophthalmol 109:227-243.
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    The Sophoclean Orestes.S. M. Adams - 1933 - The Classical Review 47 (06):209-210.
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    The dialectic of knowledge and reality in Indain [i.e. Indian] philosophy: Kundakunda, Nāgārjuna, Gauḍapāda, and Śaṅkara.S. M. Shaha - 1987 - Delhi, India: Eastern Book Linkers.
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  21. 100 best corporate citizens for 2004: Companies that serve a variety of stakeholders well.S. P. Graves, S. A. Waddock & M. Kelly - 2004 - In Patrick E. Murphy, Business ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. pp. 18--1.
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  22. Promoting Experimental Learning: Experiment and the Royal Society.M. B. Hall & D. S. Lux - 1994 - Annals of Science 51 (6):660-660.
  23. From Biosphere to Society: emergy perspectives on environmental services and natural capital.M. T. Brown & S. Ulgiati - 1998 - In H. Greppin, R. Degli Agosti & C. Penel, The Co-Action Between Living Systems and the Planet. University of Geneva.
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  24. Thought on history in late Bourgeois philosophy (ideology).M. Buhr, S. Dietzsch & J. Schreiter - 1983 - Filosoficky Casopis 31 (3):357-375.
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    Secure Fingerprint Authentication Using Deep Learning and Minutiae Verification.S. Vadivel, Saad Bayezeed & V. M. Praseetha - 2019 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 29 (1):1379-1387.
    Nowadays, there has been an increase in security concerns regarding fingerprint biometrics. This problem arises due to technological advancements in bypassing and hacking methodologies. This has sparked the need for a more secure platform for identification. In this paper, we have used a deep Convolutional Neural Network as a pre-verification filter to filter out bad or malicious fingerprints. As deep learning allows the system to be more accurate at detecting and reducing false identification by training itself again and again with (...)
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  26. Nauka i t︠s︡ennosti: problemy integrat︠s︡ii estestvennonauchnogo i sot︠s︡iogumanitarnogo znachenii︠a︡.M. S. Kagan & B. V. Markov (eds.) - 1990 - Leningrad: Izd-vo Leningradskogo universiteta.
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    Tekstualʹnoe muzykalʹnoe myshlenie: sintaksicheskiĭ integrirui︠u︡shchiĭ aspekt: issledovanie.S. M. Petrikov - 1993 - Biĭsk: Nauchno-izdatelʹskiĭ t︠s︡entr Biĭskogo pedin-ta.
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    Existential monadic second order logic of undirected graphs: The Le Bars conjecture is false.S. N. Popova & M. E. Zhukovskii - 2019 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 170 (4):505-514.
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  29. Distinguishing conscious from nonconscious discrimination: Exploring functional analogs of blindsight in normals using visuo-motor responses to masked targets.M. C. Price, E. Norman & S. C. Duff - 2000 - Consciousness and Cognition 9 (2):S48 - S48.
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  30. Economía.Lluís M. Pugès - 1970 - Barcelona,: Editorial Hispano Europea.
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  31. The Tuskegee Syphilis Study-Reply.S. M. Reverby - 2002 - Hastings Center Report 32 (6):5-5.
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  32. Vospitanie i samovospitanie.S. M. Kovalev - 1986 - Moskva: "Myslʹ".
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  33. Problemy komponentnogo analiza v leksike: nauchno-analiticheskiĭ obzor.A. M. Kuznet︠s︡ov - 1980 - Moskva: Akademii︠a︡ nauk SSSR, In-t nauch. informat︠s︡ii po obshchestvennym naukam. Edited by F. M. Berezin.
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  34. Kritika idealizma i religii v trudakh G.V. Plekhanova.G. M. Livshit︠s︡ - 1981 - Minsk: "Vyshėĭshai︠a︡ shkola".
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  35. Perspektivy metafiziki: klassicheskai︠a︡ i neklassicheskai︠a︡ metafizika na rubezhe vekov: materialy mezhdunarodnoĭ konferent︠s︡ii, Sankt-Peterburg, 28-29 okti︠a︡bri︠a︡ 1997 g.M. S. Uvarov (ed.) - 1997 - Sankt-Peterburg: In-t cheloveka RAN.
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  36. Ėstetika kak filosofskai︠a︡ nauka: universitetskiĭ kurs lekt︠s︡iĭ.M. S. Kagan - 1997 - Sankt-Peterburg: Petropolis.
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    Probability in logic, mathematics and science.M. S. Bartlett - 1949 - Dialectica 3 (1‐2):104-113.
    Historically the emergence of a precise technical meaning for probability, as distinct from its vague popular useage, has taken time; and confusion still arises from the concept of probability having different meanings in different flelds of discourse. Its technical meaning and appropriate rules are surveyed in the flelds of logic , mathematics , and science , and the relation between these three aspects of probability theory discussed. ‐. M. S. B.
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    Business Ethics in Turkey: An Empirical Investigation with Special Emphasis on Gender. [REVIEW]M. G. Serap & S. Hande Tezölmez - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 18 (1):17-34.
    In today's complex business world, the question of business ethics is increasingly gaining importance as managers and employees face numerous ethical dilemmas in their jobs. The ethical climate in the Turkish business environment is also at a critical stage, and the business community as a whole is troubled by ethical problems. This study attempts to determine the effect of individual, managerial and organizational factors on the ethical judgments of Turkish managers, and to evaluate the ethical perceptions of these managers. The (...)
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  39. (1 other version)Das' individuelle Gesetz'. Simmel's criticism of Kantian moral philosophy as being alienated from life.M. S. Lotter - 2000 - Kant Studien 91 (2):178-203.
  40. Kant's Arguments Against Material Principles.M. S. Gram - 1974 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 55 (1):30.
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    Alors: An algorithm recommender system.Mustafa Mısır & Michèle Sebag - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence 244:291-314.
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    Apontamento.M. S. Lourenço - 1998 - Disputatio 1 (4):64-66.
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    Idealization and modelling.M. S. Morgan - 1996 - Journal of Economic Methodology 3 (1):131-138.
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    * Génese e Vocabulário da Filosofia da Cultura de Wittgenstein.M. S. Lourenço - 1998 - Disputatio (s1):34-49.
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  45. Izbrannye trudy v trekh tomakh.M. S. Strogovich - 1990 - Moskva: Nauka. Edited by V. M. Savit︠s︡kiĭ, S. N. Bratusʹ & A. M. Larin.
    t. 1. Problemy obshcheĭ teorii prava -- t. 2. Garantii prav lichnosti v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve -- t. 3. Teorii︠a︡ sudebnykh dokazatelʹstv.
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    Humanização dos Cuidados Paliativos em Contexto Domiciliário. Interpretação Clínica e Conclusões Principais de um Inquérito com o Questionário SERVQVAL.M. S. Marques, H. Bacelar-Nicolau, V. Tomé, A. Oliveira, P. Maio, J. G. Ferreira, A. Sousa Ferreira, O. Dias, J. Fonseca & P. Frade - 2010 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 66 (2):427-459.
    Apresentam-se os resultados clínicos principais de uma primeira investigação efectuada a familiares de doentes sob tratamento paliativo no domicílio da área de Lisboa, com o instrumento de medida da satisfação SERVQUAL Modificado. Dos 58 familiares/doentes que responderam ao questionário apenas uma minona estava insatisfeita (uma classe de 5 indivíduos mostra-se francamente insatisfeita), uma classe de 15 estava moderadamente satisfeita, havendo 38 individuos fortemente satisfeitos com a qualidade e prontidäo dos serviços prestados. Porém urna percentagem elevada de doentes, segundo a opinião (...)
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  47. Humanizaçao dos cuidados paliativos em conexto domiciliário. Interpretaçao clínica e conclusoes principais de um inquérito com o questionario SERQVAL.M. S. Marques, H. Bacelar Nicolau, V. Tomé, A. Oliveira, P. Maio, J. G. Ferreira, A. Sousa Pereira, Otília Dias, J. Fonseca & P. Frade - 2010 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 66 (2):427-442.
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    Anagram solution times: A function of word transition probabilities.M. S. Mayzner & M. E. Tresselt - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 63 (5):510.
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    Buddizm v russkoĭ kulʹture kont︠s︡a XIX-pervoĭ poloviny XX veka.M. S. Ulanov - 2006 - Ėlista: Kalmyt︠s︡kiĭ gos. universitet.
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  50. Archetypes oratoires et matrices culturelles : le cas de Menelas (Cic., Brut. 50).M. S. Celentano - 2014 - In David Carr, Experience and History: Phenomenological Perspectives on the Historical World. New York, NY: Oup Usa.
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