Results for 'A. Zaldivar'

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  1. A Philosopher with a Sense of Humor.Eugenio Zaldivar - 2020 - In Steven Gimbel, Praxis, Poems, and Punchlines: Essays in Honor of Richard C. Richards.
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    The infraspace. (il)legal and a-legal spaces as producers of subjectivity.Marisela López Zaldívar - 2016 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 28 (1):370-385.
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  3. Descartes's Theory of Substance: Why He was Not a Trialist.Eugenio E. Zaldivar - 2011 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 19 (3):395 - 418.
    In this work I argue that Descartes was not a trialist by showing that the main tenets of trialist interpretations of Descartes's theory of substance are either not supported by the text or are not sufficient for establishing the trialist interpretation.
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    Was Descartes a Trialist?Eugenio E. Zaldivar - 2005 - Dissertation, Univ. Of Florida
    An analysis of the claim that Descartes was a substance trialist.
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    Développement, ethnicité et « ethnophagie » dans les Andes septentrionales (Équateur).Víctor Bretón Solo de Zaldívar & Diego Milos - 2014 - Actuel Marx 56 (2):62-73.
    In the last third of the 20th century, the social dynamic in the Ecuadorian Andes was subject to a series of significant changes : the emergence of a powerful Indian movement, on the one hand, and the reconfiguration of the role of the State, as a corollary of the implementation of structural adjustment policies, better known as “Washington Consensus”, on the other. In spite of the strengths of an Indian movement that found its roots in the agrarian reform of the (...)
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    In Defense of the School: A Public Issue.Jon Igelmo Zaldívar - 2016 - Educational Theory 66 (4):567-573.
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    Responsible research with crowds: pay crowdworkers at least minimum wage.M. S. Silberman, B. Tomlinson, R. LaPlante, J. Ross, L. Irani & A. Zaldivar - 2018 - Communications of the Acm 61 (3):39-41.
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    La Venus acuática de Chela Reyes.María Inés Zaldivar Ovalle - 2020 - Alpha: Revista de Artes, Letras y Filosofia 1 (50):113-124.
    Chela Reyes, es una escritora chilena nacida en Santiago el mismo año que Pablo Neruda. Ella tiene una relevante producción poética, casi desconocida, que puede y debería considerarse como parte de la tradición de la vanguardia histórica chilena. Este trabajo pretende evidenciar cómo en Ola nocturna, su tercer poemario publicado en 1945, la autora utiliza personajes y referencias de la mitología griega para dar forma a su imaginario. Su universo figurativo está constituido por poderosas evocaciones de un espacio marítimo en (...)
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    Chela Reyes´ Acuatic Venus.María Inés Zaldívar Ovalle - 2020 - Alpha (Osorno) 50:126-139.
    Resumen: Chela Reyes, es una escritora chilena nacida en Santiago el mismo año que Pablo Neruda. Ella tiene una relevante producción poética, casi desconocida, que puede y debería considerarse como parte de la tradición de la vanguardia histórica chilena. Este trabajo pretende evidenciar cómo en Ola nocturna, su tercer poemario publicado en 1945, la autora utiliza personajes y referencias de la mitología griega para dar forma a su imaginario. Su universo figurativo está constituido por poderosas evocaciones de un espacio marítimo (...)
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  10. Response: “Outside the Inside Humor: Mixed Messages for Medical Spouses”.Eugenio Zaldivar - 2021 - In Michael K. Cundall & Stephanie Kelly, Cases on Applied and Therapeutic Humor. Medical Information Science Reference. pp. 56-65.
    In this case, it is clear that the author feels that she has been treated badly by quite a few doctors throughout her life. At first read, the locus of her concern is perhaps a bit less clear. After all, many of her concerns seem to center around uses of humor in which she was not the butt of the joke. Indeed, she was included in the inner circle, treated as a confidant, by her doctors. From the perspective of someone (...)
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  11. Developmental Dynamic Dysphasia: Are Bilateral Brain Abnormalities a Signature of Inefficient Neural Plasticity?Marcelo L. Berthier, Guadalupe Dávila, María José Torres-Prioris, Ignacio Moreno-Torres, Jordi Clarimón, Oriol Dols-Icardo, María J. Postigo, Victoria Fernández, Lisa Edelkraut, Lorena Moreno-Campos, Diana Molina-Sánchez, Paloma Solo de Zaldivar & Diana López-Barroso - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:478142.
    The acquisition and evolution of speech production, discourse and communication can be negatively impacted by brain malformations. We describe, for the first time, a case of developmental dynamic dysphasia (DDD) in a right-handed adolescent boy (subject D) with cortical malformations involving language-eloquent regions (inferior frontal gyrus) in both the left and the right hemispheres. Language evaluation revealed a markedly reduced verbal output affecting phonemic and semantic fluency, phrase and sentence generation and verbal communication in everyday life. Auditory comprehension, repetition, naming, (...)
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  12.  30
    Investigation of Biases and Compensatory Strategies Using a Probabilistic Variant of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test.Alexis B. Craig, Matthew E. Phillips, Andrew Zaldivar, Rajan Bhattacharyya & Jeffrey L. Krichmar - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Emotional Assessment in Spanish Youths With Antisocial Behavior.Juan García-García, María José Gil-Fenoy, María Blasa Sánchez-Barrera, Leticia de la Fuente-Sánchez, Elena Ortega-Campos, Flor Zaldívar-Basurto & Encarna Carmona-Samper - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:671851.
    Impaired emotional capacity in antisocial populations is a well-known reality. Taking the dimensional approach to the study of emotion, emotions are perceived as a disposition to action; they emerge from arousal of the appetitive or aversive system, and result in subjective, behavioral, and physiological responses that are modulated by the dimensions of valence, arousal, and dominance. This study uses the International Affective Picture System (IAPS) to study the interaction between the type of picture presented (pleasant, neutral, or unpleasant) and group (...)
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    Psychological impact of dentomaxillofacial anomalies and orthodontic treatment in children and adolescents.Soledad Y. García Peláez, Mayelín Soler Herrera, Silvia Colunga Santos, Ledia Martín Zaldívar & Soleibys García Peláez - 2016 - Humanidades Médicas 16 (2):246-257.
    En la actualidad se habla de la anomalía dentomaxilofacial como una enfermedad inherente a la civilización, cuya prevalencia varia en las distintas partes del mundo, el alto índice se relaciona a la heterogeneidad genética. Estas anomalías tienen una etiología multifactorial donde intervienen diversos factores internos o externos, que provocan variabilidad en su forma de presentación; cada una tiene características muy particulares y diversos grados de complejidad a la hora de ser tratadas, sin embargo poseen un aspecto común, afectan por lo (...)
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    Just Responsibility: A Human Rights Theory of Global Justice.Brooke A. Ackerly - 2018 - Oup Usa.
    Can we respond to injustices in the world in ways that do more than just address their consequences? In this book, Brooke A. Ackerly argues that what to do about injustice is not just an ethical or moral question, but a political question about assuming responsibility for injustice. Ultimately, Just Responsibility offers a theory of global injustice and political responsibility that can guide action.
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    Alquimia constitucional.Francisco Alejandro Olmos de la Torre - 2022 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 57:129-146.
    Socratitos es un pensador irreverente cuyas preocupaciones en pocas pero abigarradas materias, entre ellas, la insospechable lógica del derecho, simulan todo el tiempo inclinarse más al humor que a la razón. En este diálogo falso, Arturo Zaldívar, Presidente de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación, discute con aquel poco original personaje sobre cuál es la verdad acerca del número de votos emitidos por la invalidez de los artículos 4, fracción VI, y 26 de la Ley de la Industria (...)
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  17. Mit csinál a kommentár a szöveggel?Tamás Ábel - 2017 - In Ernő Kulcsár Szabó & Gábor Tolcsvai Nagy, Megértés és megértetés: a magyarázat a bölcsészettudományokban. Budapest: Gondolat Kiadó.
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    Modal trees: correction to a decision procedure for ${\rm S5}$ (and ${\rm T}$).A. Burrieza & Juan C. León - 1987 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 28 (3):385-391.
  19. Bhāratīya darś́ana tathā ādhunika vijñāna.Sudyumna Ācārya - 1998 - Jilā Satanā, Ma. Pra.: Veda Vāṇī Vitānam, Prakāśana, evaṃ Śikshaṇa Saṃsthāna.
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    (1 other version)Prolegomena to a New Metaphysic. By Thomas Whittaker. (London: Cambridge University Press. 1931. Pp. 120. Price 5s.).A. C. Ewing - 1932 - Philosophy 7 (27):360-.
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    in Which a Doctor May.Is There Ever A. Circumstance - 2013 - In Arthur L. Caplan & Robert Arp, Contemporary debates in bioethics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 401.
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    Priorities in care and services for elderly people: a path without guidelines?A. Bergmark - 2000 - Journal of Medical Ethics 26 (5):312-318.
    The growing gap between demands and resources is putting immense pressure on all government spending in Sweden. The gap is especially apparent in care and services for elderly people in light of the rapid aging of the population. The article considers the decisions and priorities concerning resource allocation in the welfare sector in general and in elderly care in particular. The aim is to describe the political and administrative setting and to provide a conceptual structure that outlines the nature of (...)
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    ¿Quién tiene la culpa Y quién puede culpar a quién? Un diálogo sobre la legitimidad Del castigo en contextos de exclusión social.Gustavo A. Beade & Rocío Lorca - 2017 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 47:135-164.
    El artículo expone dos visiones acerca de la legitimidad del castigo en contextos de exclusión social. En la primera parte, uno de los autores defiende la idea de que los Estados que incumplen con obligaciones legales previas no pueden inculpar a quienes cometan delitos vinculados con ese incumplimiento. No pueden hacerlo porque no tienen el estatus moral para hacerlo de acuerdo a dos objeciones: la de complicidad y la de hipocresía. En la segunda parte, la segunda autora critica esta solución (...)
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    The physician charter on medical professionalism: a Jewish ethical perspective.A. B. Jotkowitz - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (7):404-405.
    The physician charter on medical professionalism creates standards of ethical behaviour for physicians and has been endorsed by professional organisations worldwide. It is based on the cardinal principles of the primacy of patient welfare, patient autonomy, and social welfare. There has been little discussion in the bioethics community of the doctrine of the charter and none from a Jewish ethical perspective. In this essay the authors discuss the obligations of the charter from a Jewish ethical viewpoint and call on other (...)
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    Preface to the Publication of "P. A. Florenskii's Review of His Work".A. I. Abramov - 1989 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 28 (3):31-39.
    In recent years attention to the philosophical and literary production of P. A. Florenskii has become commonplace. The thinker's intellectual legacy is very great. In September 1919, Florenskii wrote a prospectus for a collection of his own writings, which would have amounted to nineteen volumes. The collection was not published, for a number of reasons; nonetheless, many of the philosopher's works did come out during his lifetime. Florenskii's writing, published in small editions and scattered among various journals, are still quite (...)
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    The Relation between Mind and Body as a Problem for the Philosopher.A. C. Ewing - 1954 - Philosophy 29 (109):112 - 121.
    This article must open with a Warning. In face of the positive information which the sciences supply, the philosophical contribution to this problem will seem disappointingly negative, or at least mine will do so. For I shall insist, and I think we can only rightly insist, that the philosopher is not yet in a position to produce a satisfactory positive theory of the relation between mind and body. And I shall annoy many of you further by insisting that the old-fashioned (...)
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    In the wake of terror: medicine and morality in a time of crisis.A. Borovecki - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (6):e10-e10.
    After the events of 11 September 2001 and the anthrax letters, terrorism and bioterrorism have become the number one issue and motivation for all sorts of discussions and actions within the USA and in the rest of the world. Therefore, it is no wonder that bioterrorism and the threat of chemical weapons are prevalent issues in bioethical debates throughout the world and especially in the USA.In the Wake of Terror tries to give an American perspective on the most important bioethical (...)
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    Bhāratasya Bauddhikātmanirbharatāyāṃ Saṃskr̥taśāstrāṇāṃ bhūmikā: Rāṣṭriyaparisaṃvāde prastutānāṃ śodhalekhānāṃ saṅgrahaḥ.Jānakīśaraṇa Ācārya, Lalita Paṭela & Kārtika Paṇḍyā (eds.) - 2022 - Gāndhīnagaram: Saṃskr̥ta-Sāhitya-Akādamī.
    Contributed research papers presented at National Seminar jointly organized by Somanth Sanskrit University, Veraval and Sanskrit Sahitya Akadami at Gandhinagar on February 21-22, 2022.
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    Caesar, B. G. IV. Edited by Clement Bryans, M.A. 1 s. 6 d.S. A. - 1887 - The Classical Review 1 (08):233-234.
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    Differential Emotions Theory as a Theory of Personality Development.J. A. A. Abe - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (2):126-130.
    In The Face of Emotions, which was Carroll Izard’s first major attempt at elaborating his differential emotions theory (DET), he stated that the book “presents a theoretical framework for the study of emotions and their role in personality and interpersonal processes.” Yet, over the years, his contribution to personality theory has generally been overshadowed by the attention focused on his views on facial expressions and the structure of emotions. This article will begin with a brief overview of the DET perspective (...)
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    Struggling with the Fragility of Life: a relational-narrative approach to ethics in palliative nursing.Tineke A. Abma - 2005 - Nursing Ethics 12 (4):337-348.
    In nursing ethics the role of narratives and dialogue has become more prominent in recent years. The purpose of this article is to illuminate a relational-narrative approach to ethics in the context of palliative nursing. The case study presented concerns a difficult relationship between oncology nurses and a husband whose wife was hospitalized with cancer. The husband’s narrative is an expression of depression, social isolation and the loss of hope. He found no meaning in the process of dying and death. (...)
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  32. Āpadeva.Vāsudevaśāstrī Abhyaṅkara (ed.) - 1937 - [n.p.]: copies can be had from the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute.
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  33. Shotlandskai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ Veka Prosveshchenii︠a︡.M. A. Abramov - 2000 - Moskva: Rossiĭskai︠a︡ akademii︠a︡ nauk, Institut filosofii..
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    From Non-symbolic to Symbolic Proportions and Back: A Cuisenaire Rod Proportional Reasoning Intervention Enhances Continuous Proportional Reasoning Skills.Roberto A. Abreu-Mendoza, Linsah Coulanges, Kendell Ali, Arthur B. Powell & Miriam Rosenberg-Lee - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The persistent educational challenges that fractions pose call for developing novel instructional methods to better prepare students for fraction learning. Here, we examined the effects of a 24-session, Cuisenaire rod intervention on a building block for symbolic fraction knowledge, continuous and discrete non-symbolic proportional reasoning, in children who have yet to receive fraction instruction. Participants were 34 second-graders who attended the intervention (intervention group) and 15 children who did not participate in any sessions (control group). As attendance at the intervention (...)
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    Deliberative Democratic Theory for Building Global Civil Society: Designing a Virtual Community of Activists.Brooke A. Ackerly - 2006 - Contemporary Political Theory 5 (2):113-141.
    The questions of this article are: what can we learn from deliberative democratic theory, its critics, the practices of local deliberative communities, the needs of potential participants, and the experiences of virtual communities that would be useful in designing a technology-facilitated institution for global civil society that is deliberative and democratic in its values? And what is the appropriate design of such an online institution so that it will be attentive to the undemocratic forces enabled by power inequalities that can (...)
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    Advaitāmoda: a study of Advaita and Viśiṣṭadvaita.Vāsudevaśāstrī Abhyaṅkara - 1988 - Delhi, India: Satguru Publications. Edited by Michael Comans.
    Exposition of Advaita based on selections from the Vedāntaparibhāsā by Dharmarājādhvarindra, 17th cent., Yatīndramatadīpikā by Śrīnivāsadāsa, 17th cent., and Śrībhāsya by Rāmānuja, 1017-1137; with profuse quotations.
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    A self-regulatory approach to understanding boredom proneness.A. A. Struk, A. A. Scholer & J. Danckert - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (8).
  38.  9
    Kategorii myshlenii︠a︡ i individualʹnoe razvitie.K. A. Abishev (ed.) - 1991 - Alma-Ata: "Gylym".
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  39. O svobode: Antologii︠a︡ zapadno-evropeĭskoĭ klassicheskoĭ liberalʹnoĭ mysli.M. A. Abramov (ed.) - 1995 - Moskva: Nauka.
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    Book Review:Browning as a Philosophical and Religious Teacher. Henry Jones. [REVIEW]A. C. Bradley - 1892 - International Journal of Ethics 2 (2):264-.
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    Right and Wrong. By A. SPIR. Translated by A. F. Falconer. (Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd. 1954. St. Andrew's University Publications. Pp. viii + 86. Price 10s. 6d.). [REVIEW]A. C. Ewing - 1955 - Philosophy 30 (113):184-.
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  42. Reed, E. A. -Hindu Literature. [REVIEW]A. C. H. A. C. H. - 1907 - Mind 16:289.
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    Education of ethics committee members: experiences from Croatia.A. Borovecki - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (3):138-142.
    Objectives: To study knowledge and attitudes of hospital ethics committee members at the first workshop for ethics committees in Croatia.Design: Before/after cross-sectional study using a self administered questionnaire.Setting: Educational workshop for members of hospital ethics committees, Zagreb, 2003.Main outcome measurements: Knowledge and attitudes of participants before and after the workshop; everyday functioning of hospital ethics committees.Results: The majority of the respondents came from committees with at least five members. The majority of ethics committees were appointed by the governing bodies of (...)
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  44. Listening to the Silent Voices: A Feminist Political Philosophy of Social Criticism.Brooke A. Ackerly - 1997 - Dissertation, Stanford University
    In the real world, many people suffer as a function of their subordinate position in social hierarchy. Deliberative, relativist, and essentialist political theorists have sketched philosophies of social criticism that alone are inadequate for criticizing some harmful social values, practices, and norms. Certainly, theirs are critical theories in the sense that they are actionable, coherent, and self-reflective. But they are not adequate theories of social criticism. They do not specify satisfactorily the roles, qualifications, and methodology of social critics worried about (...)
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  45. Two challenges to the double effect doctrine: euthanasia and abortion.A. B. Shaw - 2002 - Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (2):102-104.
    The validity of the double effect doctrine is examined in euthanasia and abortion. In these two situations killing is a method of treatment. It is argued that the doctrine cannot apply to the care of the dying. Firstly, doctors are obliged to harm patients in order to do good to them. Secondly, patients should make their own value judgments about being mutilated or killed. Thirdly, there is little intuitive moral difference between direct and indirect killing. Nor can the doctrine apply (...)
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    What Would Happen If Everybody Acted like Me?A. C. Ewing - 1953 - Philosophy 28 (104):16 - 29.
    In this paper I shall use terms such as “intrinsically good” which may be deemed old fashioned by many readers and which certainly to my own mind presuppose an objective non-naturalistic theory of ethics. I still hold such a theory and I have not mastered the new jargon by which a sort of higher synthesis between that and other theories is supposed to have been effected, but I do not think that such a view as mine of ethics in general (...)
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  47. BOCHENSKI J. M.- BLAKELEY T.- KUENG G.- LOBKOWICZ N.- DAHM H.- FLEISCHER H.- MUELLER S.- JORDAN Z.- VRTACIC L.- BUCHHOLZ A., "Studies in Soviet Thought". [REVIEW]B. A. B. A. - 1962 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 54:514.
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    Descartes. By S. V. Keeling, M.A., D.-ès-L., Officer d'Académie (London: Ernest Benn Ltd. 1934. Pp. xi + 282. Price 12s. 6d. net.). [REVIEW]A. Boyce Gibson - 1934 - Philosophy 9 (35):360-.
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    New Light on Fundamental Problems, including the Nature and Function of Art: being a Critical and Constructive Study of the Problems of Philosophy from the New Point of View of Henri Bergson. By T. V. Seshagiri Row, M.A., Ph.D. (University of Madras. 1932. Pp. xv + 273. Price 12s. 6d.). [REVIEW]A. Boyce Gibson - 1933 - Philosophy 8 (32):504-.
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    Philosophy in the Mid-Century: a Survey. Ed. Klibansky Raymond. 4 vols. Florence, La Nuova Italia, 1958. P. XI+336, 218, 232, 330. Published under the auspices of the International Council of Philosophy and Humanistic Studies and of the International Federation of Philosophical Societies with the support of Unesco. Price: for the 4 vols. in paper 11,000, in cloth 15,000 lire, single vol. I 4000–5000, vol. II 2500–3500, vol. III 3000–4000, vol. IV 3500–4500. [REVIEW]A. C. Ewing - 1962 - Philosophy 37 (139):75.
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