Results for 'M. Esterow'

938 found
  1.  42
    The Achievement of Isaac Bashevis SingerThe American Art Journal, I, Spring 1969Antonio Banfi e il pensiero contemporaneoBaertling, Discoverer of Open FormThe Notebooks for a Raw YouthAfter the Hunt: William Harnett and Other American Still Life Painters, 1870-1900ArchitectureThe Music MerchantsProfiles in Literature: James JoyceRobert Henri and His Circle. [REVIEW]Ellen Laing, Marcia Allentuck, L. A. Fleischman, M. Esterow, Antonio Banfi, T. Brunius, F. Dostoevsky, E. Wasiolek, Alfred Frankenstein, S. Gauldie, M. Goldin, A. Goldman, William I. Homer, R. Liddell, Richard Neutra, Gert von der Osten, Horst Vey, N. J. Perella, James B. Pritchard, Theodore Shank, Michael Sullivan & Dominique Darbois - 1970 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 28 (3):407.
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  2. Sovremennai︠a︡ progressivnai︠a︡ ėsteticheskai︠a︡ mysl'. [Sbornik stateĭ. Otv. red. M. F. Ovsi︠a︡nnikov i dr.].M. F. Ovsi︠a︡nnikov (ed.) - 1974 - Moskva,: "Nauka,".
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    A Companion to the History of American Science - by Georgina M. Montgomery and Mark A. Largent.Cyrus C. M. Mody - 2016 - Centaurus 58 (4):313-315.
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  4. Taz̲kirah-yi Ḥaz̤rat Imām Gh̲azālī.Islām ul-Ḥaq - 1962
  5. al-Ẓāhir wa-al-bāṭin fī al-Islām.Muḥammad ʻAlī Ḥallūm - 2002 - al-Lādhiqīyah: Dār ʻImād.
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  6. Kant, La Religión dentro de los límites de la merá Razón, tr. F. M. Marzoa.F. M. Moliner - 1971 - Kant Studien 62 (3):402.
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  7. Ziad swaidan, Scott J. Vitell, Gregory M. rose and Faye W. Gilbert.Paul M. Gurney & M. Humphreys - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 64:421-422.
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  8. Physical and biological modes of thought in the chemistry of Linus Pauling.J. M. - 2000 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 31 (4):475-491.
  9.  39
    Cutting-edge bioethics: a Christian exploration of technologies and trends.M. Peat - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (1):e7-e7.
    In an age where developments in biotechnology offer new possibilities for overcoming disease at a breathtaking rate, there is a certain timeliness in recalling C S Lewis’s farsighted depiction of “the magician’s bargain”, “that process whereby man surrenders object after object, and finally himself, to nature in return for power”.1 Lewis’s reflections on the implications of science’s quest for mastery over nature, outlined in his renowned essay The Abolition of Man, highlight the coercive tendencies of this yearning for control. In (...)
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    Going to the zoo.Gerardine M. Pereira - 2013 - Pragmatics and Cognition 21 (2):380-398.
    This paper reports on an investigation of gaze patterns and other non-verbal behavior in dyadic, problem-solving based interactions. In a planning activity, participants are given an instruction sheet and a physical map of a zoo. Both participants must coordinate their actions to find a common solution to the problem. This paper aims at examining how activity-based interactions vary from other interactions, such as everyday conversation and story-telling. The findings of this paper suggest that participants’ non-verbal behavior, such as smiling, nodding (...)
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  11. The concept of oikia in classic greek philosophy.M. Mraz - 1989 - Filosoficky Casopis 37 (5):716-733.
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  12. The terms sincategorematici and cifra in a passage of the'Summa logicae'by William of Ockham.M. Mugnai - 2004 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 59 (2):515-517.
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    The gospel and the just society: Mickiewicz as a source of'jubilee 2000.'.M. Nowak - 2000 - Dialogue and Universalism 10 (11):29-36.
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  14. Gallium-nitride-based technologies.M. Osinski - forthcoming - A Critical Review.
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  15. Rodzina Kościołem domowym w nauczaniu Jana Pawła II.M. Ozorowski - 2000 - Episteme 7:159-174.
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    Alicaria in plautus, festus and pompeii.M. Panciera - 2007 - Classical Quarterly 57 (01):303-.
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  17. I Lincei e i problemi del mondo d'oggi.M. Paty - 1972 - Scientia 66:1055.
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  18. Sot︠s︡iologii︠a︡ nauki.M. K. Petrov (ed.) - 1968
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    Zu Corippus.M. Petschenig - 1892 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 51 (1):500-500.
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    Caracterización multicanal no lineal de señales EMG con la transformada Hilbert-Huang.M. Pinzón, Rubén Darío, Alvaro Angel Orozco Gutiérrez & César Germán Castellanos Domínguez - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Gaze behaviour, believability, likability and the iCat.M. Poel, D. Heylen, A. Nijholt, M. Meulemans & A. van Breemen - 2009 - AI and Society 24 (1):61-73.
    The iCat is a user-interface robot with the ability to express a range of emotions through its facial features. This article summarizes our research to see whether we can increase the believability and likability of the iCat for its human partners through the application of gaze behaviour. Gaze behaviour serves several functions during social interaction such as mediating conversation flow, communicating emotional information and avoiding distraction by restricting visual input. There are several types of eye and head movements that are (...)
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  22. Lohika i humanitarni nauky.M. V. Popovich, P. F. Iolon & V. P. Chornovolenko (eds.) - 1971 - Kyïv,: "Naukova dumka,".
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  23. Universality and uniqueness of discourse.M. Popper - 1996 - Filozofia 51 (12):830-834.
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  24.  22
    Mystical tropology in Bernard of clairvaux.M. B. Pranger - 1991 - Bijdragen 52 (4):428-435.
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    The effect of interpolated time intervals upon the contrast effects.M. G. Preston - 1936 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 19 (6):706.
  26. Politisierung und Demokratiekritik.M. Rhonheimer - 1985 - Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte 29:138-146.
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  27. Revista De Libros.M. J. Agra Romero & Telos Staff - 1983 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 13 (1/2):285.
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  28. Sur la possibilité d'un passage des énoncés de constat aux énoncés de devoir dans l'éthique de D. Hume.M. Rutkowski - 1988 - Studia Filozoficzne 268:89-103.
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  29. Jouffroy.M. Salomon - 1902 - Revue de Philosophie 3:548.
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  30. (1 other version)Le Liberalisme et les limites de la justice.M. Sandel - 2001 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 1:133-136.
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  31. The ethical teacher (Elizabeth Campbell).M. Sanger - 2005 - Journal of Moral Education 34 (3):378.
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  32.  10
    Life: Differentiation and Harmony... Vegetal, Animal, Human.M. Kronegger & Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 1998 - Springer Verlag.
    In her Introduction, Tymieniecka states the core theme of the present book sharply: Is culture an excess of nature's prodigious expansiveness - an excess which might turn out to be dangerous for nature itself if it goes too far - or is culture a 'natural', congenial prolongation of nature-life? If the latter, then culture is assimilated into nature and thus would lose its claim to autonomy: its criteria would be superseded by those of nature alone. Of course, nature and culture (...)
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  33.  68
    The Kal'm, an Art of Contradiction-Making or Theological Science? Some Remarks on the QuestionLe Problème des attributs divins dans la doctrine d'al-Aš'arî et de ses premiers grands disciplesThe Kalam, an Art of Contradiction-Making or Theological Science? Some Remarks on the QuestionLe Probleme des attributs divins dans la doctrine d'al-As'ari et de ses premiers grands disciples.Richard M. Frank & Michel Allard - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (2):295.
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    Interpolation and Definability: Modal and Intuitionistic Logics.Dov M. Gabbay & Larisa Maksimova - 2005 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK.
    This book is a specialized monograph on interpolation and definability, a notion central in pure logic and with significant meaning and applicability in all areas where logic is applied, especially computer science, artificial intelligence, logic programming, philosophy of science and natural language. Suitable for researchers and graduate students in mathematics, computer science and philosophy, this is the latest in the prestigous world-renowned Oxford Logic Guides, which contains Michael Dummet's Elements of intuitionism, J. M. Dunn and G. Hardegree's Algebraic Methods in (...)
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  35. Concepto humanista de la historia.M. H. Alberti & Juan B. Justo (eds.) - 1966 - Buenos Aires,: Ediciones Líbera.
    Juan B. Justo en la historia y el pensamiento argentinos, por A. Solari.--Teoría y práctica de la historia, por M. H. Alberti.--La base biológica de la historia, por F. Escardó.--La técnica, por A. Justo.--La economía, por R. Bogliolo.--La guerra, por A. G. Rodríguez.--La política, por A. Ghioldi.--La lucha de ciases, por R. Mondolfo.--El salariado, por M. Palacín.--Las formas típicas del privilegio, por J. L. Pena.--El gremialismo proletario, por E. Frugoni.--La cooperación libre, por N. Repetto.--La democracia obrera, por L. Pan.--La religión, (...)
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    Commentaries by Jeffrey M. Prottas, Olga Jonasson, and John I. Kleinig.Jeffrey M. Prottas - 2002 - In Ruth F. Chadwick & Doris Schroeder, Applied ethics: critical concepts in philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 3--140.
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    Hastīʹshināsī-i falsafī: sharḥ-i Tuḥfat al-ḥakīm-i āyat allāh Shaykh Muḥammad Ḥusayn Gharavī Iṣfahānī.Ghulām Riz̤ā Raḥmānī - 2009 - Qum: Muʼassasah-i Būstān-i Kitāb. Edited by Muḥammad Ḥusayn Gharavī.
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    T. Gabrielson, C. Hall, J.M. Meyer and D. Schlosberg (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Environmental Political Theory.Guy M. Robinson - 2017 - Environmental Values 26 (4):532-534.
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    Quaestiones ineditae de Assumptione B. V. Mariae by Gualteri Cancellarii and Bartholomaei de Bononia O. F. M.Eligius M. Buytaert - 1953 - Franciscan Studies 13 (4):132-133.
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  40. Vicious Pleasures [Articles Tr. From the Fr. By W.M.T.].Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoi & M. T. W. - 1896
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    St. Francis of the Seven Seas By Albert J. Nevins, M. M.Edward M. Wilson - 1955 - Franciscan Studies 15 (3):417-418.
  42. (1 other version)Logic and Philosophy for Linguists a Book of Readings; Edited by J.M.E. Moravcsik. --.J. M. E. Moravcsik - 1974 - Humanities Press.
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  43. Manhīyāt va "maʼmūrāt" dar Islām.Niẓām al-Dīn Nāfiʻ - 2010 - Kābul: Intishārāt-i Risālat.
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    ʻIrfān-i Majlisī: pizhūhishī dar aḥvāl va afkār-i faqīh-i rabbānī va ʻārif-i ṣamadānī Mawlānā Muḥammad Taqī Majlisī (M. 1070 Q.).Raḥīm Qāsimī - 2016 - Qum: Intishārāt-i Āyat-i Ishrāq.
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  45. The Tragic Vision.M. KRIEGER - 1960
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  46. Conflict in the north of Ireland.M. Cushnan - 1992 - Journal of Dharma 17 (4):343-350.
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    Rethinking cold war cartography: destabilising the ontology of Soviet military city plans.M. Davis - unknown
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    The Cult of Pharmacology: How America Became the World's Most Troubled Drug Culture (review).M. R. C. David - 2007 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 50 (3):467-471.
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  49. The Ideology of Landscape and the Theater of State.M. David - 1997 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 24:3-4.
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  50. Bodies without organs: deconstruction and schizoanalysis.M. A. Doel - 1995 - In Steve Pile & N. J. Thrift, Mapping the subject: geographies of cultural transformation. New York: Routledge. pp. 226--240.
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