Results for 'Lucia Pacchiarotti'

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  1.  6
    L'"amoralismo" di La Mettrie: un profilo storico e filosofico.Lucia Pacchiarotti - 2016 - [Rome]: Stamen.
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    L'antropologia naturale in Cabanis e Destutt de Tracy: la nuova visione dell' uomo dopo l'Illuminismo.Lucia Pacchiarotti - 2016 - [Rome]: Stamen.
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    Parents’ Perceptions of Student Academic Motivation During the COVID-19 Lockdown: A Cross-Country Comparison.Sonia Zaccoletti, Ana Camacho, Nadine Correia, Cecília Aguiar, Lucia Mason, Rui A. Alves & João R. Daniel - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The COVID-19 outbreak has ravaged all societal domains, including education. Home confinement, school closures, and distance learning impacted students, teachers, and parents’ lives worldwide. In this study, we aimed to examine the impact of COVID-19-related restrictions on Italian and Portuguese students’ academic motivation as well as investigate the possible buffering role of extracurricular activities. Following a retrospective pretest–posttest design, 567 parents reported on their children’s academic motivation and participation in extracurricular activities. We used a multi-group latent change score model to (...)
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    Chained Activation of the Motor System during Language Understanding.Barbara F. Marino, Anna M. Borghi, Giovanni Buccino & Lucia Riggio - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Terapias avanzadas en enfermedades raras.Cristina Fillat, Marcela Del Río, Lucía Martínez-Santamaría & Juan A. Bueren - 2018 - Arbor 194 (789):467.
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    You Can’t Always Get What You Want… We Will Help You Get What You Need.Lucia D. Wocial - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (1):65-67.
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    NAFTA Students’ Whistle-Blowing Perceptions: A Case of Sexual Harassment.Lucia Peek, Maria Roxas, George Peek, Yves Robichaud, Blanca Covarrubias Salazar & Jose Barragan Codina - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 74 (3):219-231.
    Business students from the three NAFTA countries were shown a possible Sexual Harassment scenario from Arthur Andersen’s Business Ethics Program. They were asked to respond to a pre-questionnaire concerning the three characters’ behaviors and possible actions and a post-questionnaire after writing a report from the points of view of the three characters in the scenario. The students were asked to consider whether the characters should report the possible harasser to their supervisor, and thus engage in whistle-blowing behavior, as well as (...)
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    Ethik und Ästhetik bei Fichte und Sartre: eine vergleichende Studie über den Zusammenhang von Ethik und Ästhetik in der Transzendentalphilosophie Fichtes und dem Existenzialismus Sartres.Lucia Theresia Heumann (ed.) - 2009 - Rodopi.
    Fichte wie auch später Sartre gewinnen vergleichbare Resultate auf der theoretischen Ebene hinsichtlich der ethischen Fundierung der Intersubjektivität im Selbstbewusstsein. Die Rolle der Ästhetik wird von beiden Denkern aufgrund ethischer Implikationen so bestimmt, dass sie die durch sie bestimmte Intersubjektivität auf praktischer Ebene zum Vorschein bringt. Die Ästhetik stellt bei beiden Autoren nicht einen Selbstzweck dar, sondern spielt eine herausragende Rolle für die Bildung der Menschen. Sartre wie auch Fichte brauchen die Ästhetik, um die Ethik zu fundieren. Während Sartre ein (...)
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  9. An Organic System Open to an Intelligible Reality: The Concept of Method in Antonio Rosmini.Lucia Bissoli - 2024 - Religions 15 (5):535.
    Oftentimes, reality seems to us a chaos that we try to control with our theories. This article starts from the antithetic standpoint, inspired by Antonio Rosmini’s works: reality is intelligible, and originates our thinking. From this perspective, any research that tries to reach the truth is determined by the real, not the contrary. Moreover, interdisciplinarity, far from being a solipsistic enterprise, aims at achieving truth and guaranteeing scientific advancement. Here, we analyze the distinctive character of Rosminian encyclopedism and his principles (...)
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    From shapes and movements to objects and actions.Lucia Vaina - 1983 - Synthese 54 (January):3-36.
  11.  30
    Unpacking the cognitive map: The parallel map theory of hippocampal function.Lucia F. Jacobs & Françoise Schenk - 2003 - Psychological Review 110 (2):285-315.
  12.  83
    Pediatric Ethics and Communication Excellence (PEACE) Rounds: Decreasing Moral Distress and Patient Length of Stay in the PICU.Lucia Wocial, Veda Ackerman, Brian Leland, Brian Benneyworth, Vinit Patel, Yan Tong & Mara Nitu - 2017 - HEC Forum 29 (1):75-91.
    This paper describes a practice innovation: the addition of formal weekly discussions of patients with prolonged PICU stay to reduce healthcare providers’ moral distress and decrease length of stay for patients with life-threatening illnesses. We evaluated the innovation using a pre/post intervention design measuring provider moral distress and comparing patient outcomes using retrospective historical controls. Physicians and nurses on staff in our pediatric intensive care unit in a quaternary care children's hospital participated in the evaluation. There were 60 patients in (...)
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    Abbattista, Lucía (2019). Justicialismo y cultura en la Guerra Fría : El retorno de Oscar Ivanissevich al Ministerio de Cultura y Educación (Argentina 1974-1975). [REVIEW]María Lucía Abbattista - 2021 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 11 (22):e097.
    Reseña de Abbattista, M. Lucía. (2019). Justicialismo y cultura en la Guerra Fría. El retorno de Oscar Ivanissevich al Ministerio de Cultura y Educación (Argentina 1974-1975).
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  14. Stuff versus individuals.Lucía Lewowicz & Olimpia Lombardi - 2012 - Foundations of Chemistry 15 (1):65-77.
    The general question to be considered in this paper points to the nature of the world described by chemistry: what is macro-chemical ontology like? In particular, we want to identify the ontological categories that underlie chemical discourse and chemical practice. This is not an easy task, because modern Western metaphysics was strongly modeled by theoretical physics. For this reason, we attempt to answer our question by contrasting macro-chemical ontology with the mainstream ontology of physics and of traditional metaphysics. In particular, (...)
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  15. Influence of stress assignment in reading Italian words.Lucia Colombo - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (6):504-504.
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    Rousseau E Nietzsche: De como a ideia de natureza estabelece O devir.Lucia Schneider Hardt - 2012 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 21:207-218.
    O texto estabelece um diálogo entre o pensamento de Jean-Jacques Rousseau e de Nietzsche no que diz respeito ao conceito de natureza e sua relação com o devir.
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  17. Leon Battista Alberti, Philodoxeos fabula: edizione critica.Lucia Cesarini Martinelli - 1977 - Rinascimento 17:111-234.
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  18. Justicia para ciudadanos y extranjeros (10th edition).Lucia Bissoli - 2023 - Rosmini Studies 10:53-64.
    Considering Rosmini’s political works in comparison with his metaphysical and anthropological essays, and starting from Rosmini's project of a code of law that, in the author’s opinion, can guarantee fundamental human rights, this article discusses the concept of justice between citizens and outsiders. Its first part is an analysis of Rosmini’s juridical fundaments, which takes into account also some objections historically moved against it. Its second part examines some specific cases of conflicts between outsiders and the members of civil society, (...)
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    El transhumanismo o el fin de las esencias: el (bio)conservadurismo y su reminiscencia aristotélica.Lucía Ortiz de Zárate Alcarazo - 2020 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 53:99-118.
    El transhumanismo o el movimiento a favor del mejoramiento humano a través de la tecnología vive, actualmente, un momento álgido. Los avances en Inteligencia Artificial e ingeniería genética permiten que soñemos con seres capaces de vencer a la muerte y poseer capacidades hasta ahora desconocidas. Sin embargo, en este artículo veremos que no todo el mundo está de acuerdo con estas ideas y hay quienes consideran las promesas del transhumanismo más como pesadillas que como sueños. Estos son los conservadores. Los (...)
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    Fra giocondo da verona and his edition of vitruvius.Lucia A. Ciapponi - 1984 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 47 (1):72-90.
  21.  37
    Compact spaces, elementary submodels, and the countable chain condition.Lúcia R. Junqueira, Paul Larson & Franklin D. Tall - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 144 (1-3):107-116.
    Given a space in an elementary submodel M of H, define XM to be X∩M with the topology generated by . It is established, using anti-large-cardinals assumptions, that if XM is compact and its regular open algebra is isomorphic to that of a continuous image of some power of the two-point discrete space, then X=XM. Assuming in addition, the result holds for any compact XM satisfying the countable chain condition.
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  22. The purloined referent: Lavoisier and the disappearance of phlogiston.Lucía Lewowicz - unknown
    In this paper, I challenge the long-established view that the term phlogiston fails to refer. After a close examination of the reference of phlogiston during Lavoisier’s Chemical Revolution, I show that it referred throughout to a natural substance, fire matter. I state that Lavoisier eliminated the term but not its referent, which he renamed caloric, and I claim that it is in the historical and cultural context of the Chemical Revolution that the Lavoisier’s intentions can be understood.
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    Music, Imagination, History: Some Lessons from Tim Tyson’s Blood Done Sign My Name.Joe Lucia - 2006 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 16 (1):18-26.
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    Arnaldo da Villanova e l’alchimia.Lucia Miccoli - 2005 - Quaestio 5 (1):637-640.
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    Da Nola a Parigi: la formazione letteraria e filosofica di Giordano Bruno.Lucia Pietrafesa - 2017 - Canterano (RM): Aracne editrice.
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    Juno's wrath again: Some Virgilian echoes in ovid, met. 3. 253–315.Lucia Prauscello - 2008 - Classical Quarterly 58 (2):565-.
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  27.  12
    A concepção ampliada da mente segundo C. S. Peirce.Lucia Santaella - 2020 - Cognitio 20 (2):392-403.
    Desde meados do século 20, quando as ciências cognitivas desabrocharam e continuaram até hoje o seu caminho de avanços ininterruptos, os temas relativos à noção da consciência, a par das buscas de definição para os conceitos da mente, pensamento, inteligência etc. têm ocupado posição central nessas ciências e mesmo para além delas. Recentemente, a preocupação com esses conceitos cresceu com bastante ênfase a partir da explosão até agora bem-sucedida da inteligência artificial. O que é inteligência? Como a cognição humana se (...)
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    She-Coronavirus: How cartoonists reflected women health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.Lucía Sapiña & Martí Domínguez - 2022 - European Journal of Women's Studies 29 (2):282-297.
    Women account for 70% of healthcare workers, so their role has been – and still is – fundamental in addressing and managing the current pandemic event caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Far from being an opportunity to highlight the importance of women in the field, the healthcare crisis, together with lockdown policies and care responsibilities, have contributed to increase the gender gap. To study the depiction of women healthcare professionals, this paper analyses 401 cartoons on the COVID-19 pandemic that depict (...)
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  29. Systemic work seminars and privatissimum.Lucia Urbani Ulivi - 2012 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 104 (4):755-775.
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    La premiere personne en biologie : passion et révolution: Repenser la subjectivité animale a la lumiere de la dimension pathique.Lucia Zaietta - 2017 - Studia Phaenomenologica 17:151-176.
    Animality is a central issue in phenomenology. If the core of the phenomenological approach is the investigation into the correlation between subject and object, what are we talking about when we talk about animal subjectivity? Is it possible to include the notion of animal being in the category of subject? What kind of intentionality does it possess? Our article will analyse the pathic dimension in order to track down some indications about animal subjectivity. Particular emphasis shall be placed on Weizsacker (...)
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    A Defense of Individualism in the Age of Corporate Rights.Lucia M. Rafanelli - 2017 - Journal of Political Philosophy 25 (3):281-302.
    Views that say corporations can be agents in their own right, metaphysically distinct from their individual members, are increasingly popular. Given the moral significance usually attributed to agency, this raises the question of whether corporate agents have moral rights comparable with those of individual agents. In this article, I argue that, even if we accept corporations can be agents, we must conclude that their moral rights are more limited than, because they are derivative of, the rights of their individual members. (...)
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  32. Agustín interpretado por Romano Guardini.Lucia Bissoli - 2023 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 56 (2):287-307.
    En varios momentos de su desarrollo intelectual, Romano Guardini se interesó en el pensamiento de Agustín, impulsado tanto por inquietudes personales como por las provocaciones que le ofrecían los pensadores de su época. El pensador alemán, de hecho, presenta en sus textos un Agustín existencial que busca la respuesta para la realización de la propia vida y plantea esta cuestión a Dios. El texto está dividido en tres partes. En la primera parte se explica el enfoque de Guardini y su (...)
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    A Misunderstanding of Moral Distress.Lucia D. Wocial - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (12):21-23.
    Campbell, Ulrich, and Grady (2016) should be commended for attempting to contribute to the discussion of what many believe is currently a messy concept. They propose that a broader definition of mo...
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    A new causality for the understanding of the living.Lucia Santaella Braga - 1999 - Semiotica 127 (1-4):497-520.
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    Correction to: A frame of analysis for collective free improvisation on the bridge between Husserl’s phenomenology of time and some recent readings of the predictive coding model.Lucia Angelino - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 19 (2):371-371.
    The original version of this article unfortunately contains incorrect data. Page 4, first paragraph, line 1: the term "All" has been corrected. Page 12, fifth paragraph, line 31: the location “there are:” has been deleted and placed in the third paragraph, line 13.
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    Caroline Arni, Pränatale Zeiten. Das Ungeborene und die Humanwissenschaften (1800-1950).Lucia Aschauer - 2020 - Clio 52.
    Dans son dernier livre intitulé Pränatale Zeiten (Les temps prénataux), Caroline Arni s’attèle à défaire toutes les évidences sur les prémices de l’existence humaine. Comment, s’interroge l’historienne, les médecins, physiologues et psychologues du xixe siècle ont-ils appréhendé cette phase aux aurores de la vie, qu’ils qualifient de « prénatale » et qui semble façonner la destinée de tout individu? À l’aide du terme « das Ungeborene » (le « non-né » ou « à naître »), une notion volontaireme...
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    Attachment Networks in Committed Couples.Lucia L. Carli, Elena Anzelmo, Stefania Pozzi, Judith A. Feeney, Marcello Gallucci, Alessandra Santona & Angela Tagini - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:441190.
    This study explored attachment networks in long-term couples who differed in parenting choice and relationship status. Attachment networks were defined in terms of attachment functions, attachment strength, the presence of a primary figure, and full-blown attachments. Participants were 198 couples, married or cohabiting, either expecting their first child or childless-by-choice. Results indicated that partners were the most significant figures on all indicators. However, expectant women reported more proximity seeking and stronger attachments to mothers, while expectant men relied more on fathers (...)
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    Friedrich Nietzsche și cultura rom'nă interbelică.Lucia Gorgoi - 2000 - Cluj: Casa Cărții de Știință.
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    Este banco en el parque.Lucía Guerra - 2004 - Alpha (Osorno) 20.
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  40. As várias faces estéticas na formação humana: o fecundo universo da Filosofia da Educação.Lúcia Schneider Hardt & Moura - 2014 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 19 (1):89-108.
    Resumo : O texto deseja investigar a categoria “estética” no campo da filosofia da educação. Formar-se significa dar a si mesmo o direito de escolher trajetórias diante do fecundo universo interpretativo à disposição no meio acadêmico. A força do educador na relação com o estudante implica ensinar a ruminar sobre suas escolhas estéticas para bem argumentar na relação com outras abordagens filosóficas. Cabe aos educadores no ensino superior e especialmente aqueles do campo da Filosofia e das Teorias da Educação provocar (...)
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    Count Rumford, a Youthful Meteorologist.Lucia Lowry, C. Lowry & John Miner - 1937 - Isis 27 (2):264-267.
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    The Graveyard Fort; A Disputed Incident in the Life of Count Rumford.Lucia Lowry, C. Lowry & John Miner - 1937 - Isis 27 (2):268-285.
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    Recorriendo los caminos del arte: un acercamiento histórico a su actualidad.Lucía Mancilla - 2019 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 17:178-188.
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    Stylistic and Argumentative Function of Rhetorical "Amplificatio".Lucia Montefusco - 2004 - Hermes 132 (1):69-81.
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    Choosing a Side: Clinician Perspective Taking in Ethics Consultations.Lucia Wocial, Jane Hartsock & Aishat Audu - 2023 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 34 (1):40-50.
    Ethics consultation is a service provided to patients, families, and clinicians to support decisions during ethical dilemmas. This study is a secondary qualitative analysis of 48 interviews from clinicians involved in an ethics consultation at a large academic health center. An inductive secondary analysis of this data set led to the emergence of one key theme, the apparent perspective the clinicians adopted as they recalled a specific ethics case. This article presents a qualitative analysis of the propensity of clinicians involved (...)
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    Social cues to joint actions: the role of shared goals.Lucia M. Sacheli, Salvatore M. Aglioti & Matteo Candidi - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Narratives, memorable cases and metaphors of night nursing: findings from an interpretative phenomenological study.Lucia Zannini, Maria Grazia Ghitti, Sonia Martin, Alvisa Palese & Luisa Saiani - 2015 - Nursing Inquiry 22 (3):261-272.
    The aim of the study was to explore the experiences of night nurses. An interpretative phenomenological study was undertaken, and 35 nurses working in Italian medical, surgical and intensive care units were purposely recruited. Data were gathered in 2010 by semi‐structured interviews, collecting nurses' narratives, memorable cases and metaphors, aimed at summarising the essence of work as a nurse during the night. The experience of night nursing is based on four interconnected themes: (i) working in a state of alert, (ii) (...)
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    Phlogiston, Lavoisier and the purloined referent.Lucía Lewowicz - 2011 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 42 (3):436-444.
  49. “e Come Può Un Corpo Avere Un’anima?” Wittgenstein E Il Gioco Linguistico Del Mind-body Problem.Lucia Bacci - 2010 - Humana Mente 4 (14).
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    Cultural identity and the ideologies of translation in sixteenth-century Europe: Italian prologues to Spanish chronicles of the new world.Lucia Binotti - 1992 - History of European Ideas 14 (6):769-788.
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