Results for 'Sonia Martin'

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  1.  22
    Integración de la Enseñanza de Habilidades En Los Estudios de Grado.Sonia Martín Gómez, Ángel Bartolomé Muñoz de Luna & María Jesús Lago Ávila - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (4):1-10.
    El presente artículo describe un proyecto de innovación educativa de aprendizaje de competencias, realizado en el Curso Propio de Liderazgo de la Universidad San Pablo CEU, transversal a toda su oferta educativa. Se trata de nuevo proyecto basa- do en una docencia híbrida, donde las masterclass más teóricas se han complemen- tado con un aprendizaje basado en retos vinculados a materias de comunicación y sostenibilidad, aplicando la metodología Design Sprint. De esta forma, se consigue formar al alumno en las llamadas (...)
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    Veyne, Paul. Foucault: Sa pensée, sa personne. Paris: Albin Michel, 2008.Sônia Regina Martins de Oliveira - 2009 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 21 (28):243.
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    Uma introdução sobre a condição humana do enfermeiro docente.Caroline Lemos Martins, Sônia Maria Schio & Maira Buss Thofehrn - 2018 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 9 (18):64-94.
    A condição humana”, de autoria de Hannah Arendt, possui conteúdos teóricos importantes para a compreensão das atividades humanas na atualidade e, entre elas, as exercidas pelos profissionais da área da saúde e neste momento, da Enfermagem. Dessa forma, pode-se analisar o relato dos Docentes de Enfermagem em relação à Vita Activa quando expõem a condição humana experienciada no cotidiano. Em outros termos, o labor está relacionado às atividades que correspondem ao processo biológico do corpo humano para garantir à subsistência: os (...)
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    Obesity Discrimination in the Recruitment Process: “You’re Not Hired!”.Stuart W. Flint, Martin Čadek, Sonia C. Codreanu, Vanja Ivić, Colene Zomer & Amalia Gomoiu - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  5. BioéthiqueOnline: Moving to Peer-Review / BioéthiqueOnline : Passage à l’évaluation par les pairs.Zubin Master, Carolina Martin, Jason Behrmann, Charles Marsan, Lise Levesque, Maude Laliberté, Charles Dupras, Elise Smith, Renaud Boulanger, Jean-Christophe Belisle Pipon, Bryn Williams-Jones, Christopher McDougall, Ali Okhowat & Sonia Paradis - 2012 - BioéthiqueOnline 1 (Ed2).
    BioéthiqueOnline was launched in March 2012 as a non-peer reviewed journal with the aim of providing a platform to facilitate and encourage the development of a bilingual bioethics community in Canada and internationally. In light of discussions amongst the Editorial Committee over the past few months regarding the growth of the journal, we have decided to move to a peer-reviewed process for articles submitted to the journal.
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    Why 4 years when 3 will do? Enhanced knowledge for rural nursing practice.Amanda Kenny, Leah Carter, Sonia Martin & Sari Williams - 2004 - Nursing Inquiry 11 (2):108-116.
    In Australia, debates over the appropriate length of undergraduate nursing programs have a long history. Submissions from both universities and industry to key government reports have consistently argued that the current minimum entry level of practice, a three‐year program, is too short to enable students to gain the knowledge and skills necessary for the contemporary nursing role. Despite these submissions, the established entry level for nursing practice in Australia remains a three‐year undergraduate bachelor degree. However, there is a small group (...)
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  7. Animal Consciousness.Pierre Le Neindre, Emilie Bernard, Alain Boissy, Xavier Boivin, Ludovic Calandreau, Nicolas Delon, Bertrand Deputte, Sonia Desmoulin-Canselier, Muriel Dunier, Nathan Faivre, Martin Giurfa, Jean-Luc Guichet, Léa Lansade, Raphaël Larrère, Pierre Mormède, Patrick Prunet, Benoist Schaal, Jacques Servière & Claudia Terlouw - 2017 - EFSA Supporting Publication 14 (4).
    After reviewing the literature on current knowledge about consciousness in humans, we present a state-of-the art discussion on consciousness and related key concepts in animals. Obviously much fewer publications are available on non-human species than on humans, most of them relating to laboratory or wild animal species, and only few to livestock species. Human consciousness is by definition subjective and private. Animal consciousness is usually assessed through behavioural performance. Behaviour involves a wide array of cognitive processes that have to be (...)
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    Revolutionary Hope: Essays in Honor of William L. Mcbride.Matthew Abraham, Matthew C. Ally, Joseph Catalano, Thomas Flynn, Lewis Gordon, Leonard Harris, Sonia Kruks, Martin Beck Matustik, Constance Mui, Julien Murphy, Ronald Santoni, Sally Scholz, Calvin Schrag & Shane Wahl (eds.) - 2013 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Over the course of the last four decades, William Leon McBride has distinguished himself as one of the most esteemed and accomplished philosophers of his generation. This volume—which celebrates the occasion of his seventy-fifth birthday—includes contributions from colleagues, friends, and formers students and pays tribute to McBride’s considerable achievements as a teacher, mentor, and scholar.
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    Narratives, memorable cases and metaphors of night nursing: findings from an interpretative phenomenological study.Lucia Zannini, Maria Grazia Ghitti, Sonia Martin, Alvisa Palese & Luisa Saiani - 2015 - Nursing Inquiry 22 (3):261-272.
    The aim of the study was to explore the experiences of night nurses. An interpretative phenomenological study was undertaken, and 35 nurses working in Italian medical, surgical and intensive care units were purposely recruited. Data were gathered in 2010 by semi‐structured interviews, collecting nurses' narratives, memorable cases and metaphors, aimed at summarising the essence of work as a nurse during the night. The experience of night nursing is based on four interconnected themes: (i) working in a state of alert, (ii) (...)
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    Derecho y religión en las monedas del occidente islámico.Tawfiq Ibrahim, Carolina Domenech Belda, Sonia Gutierrez Lloret, Rafael Frochoso Sanchez, Xavier Ballestin Navarro, Félix Retamero, Mohamed Elhadri, Maribel Fierro, Salvador Pena Martin & Miguel Vega Martin - 2006 - Al-Qantara 27 (2):329-550.
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    Javier San Martín. Antropología Filosófica I. De la Antropología Científica a la Filosófica. Madrid, Uned, 2013, 431 pp. [REVIEW]Sonia E. Rodríguez - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 11:363.
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    Javier San Martín. "Antropología filosófica II. Vida humana, persona Y cultura". Madrid, uned, 2015, 459 pp.Sonia E. Rodríguez García - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 12:299.
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    Missing heritability of complex diseases: Enlightenment by genetic variants from intermediate phenotypes.Adrián Blanco-Gómez, Sonia Castillo-Lluva, María del Mar Sáez-Freire, Lourdes Hontecillas-Prieto, Jian Hua Mao, Andrés Castellanos-Martín & Jesus Pérez-Losada - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (7):664-673.
    Diseases of complex origin have a component of quantitative genetics that contributes to their susceptibility and phenotypic variability. However, after several studies, a major part of the genetic component of complex phenotypes has still not been found, a situation known as “missing heritability.” Although there have been many hypotheses put forward to explain the reasons for the missing heritability, its definitive causes remain unknown. Complex diseases are caused by multiple intermediate phenotypes involved in their pathogenesis and, very often, each one (...)
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    Digital literacy in the university setting: A literature review of empirical studies between 2010 and 2021.Nieves Gutiérrez-Ángel, Jesús-Nicasio Sánchez-García, Isabel Mercader-Rubio, Judit García-Martín & Sonia Brito-Costa - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The impact of digital devices and the Internet has generated various changes at social, political, and economic levels, the repercussion of which is a great challenge characterized by the changing and globalized nature of today's society. This demands the development of new skills and new learning models in relation to information and communication technologies. Universities must respond to these social demands in the training of their future professionals. This paper aims to analyze the empirical evidence provided by international studies in (...)
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    Jack Martin, Jeff Sugarman, Janice Thompson, Psychology and the Question of Agency. [REVIEW]Irene Sonia Switankowsky - 2007 - Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions 4:256-258.
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    Le Mage du Nord, critique des Lumières. J. G. Hamann (1730–1788) Isaiah Berlin Traduit de l'anglais par Mariette Martin, présentation par Pierre Pénisson, postface de Henry Hardy Collection «Perspectives critiques» Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1997, 150 p. [REVIEW]Sonia Déragon - 1999 - Dialogue 38 (2):426-.
    Hormis pour quelques spécialistes, la pensée de J. G. Hamann est peu familière encore aujourd’hui. Cette situation regrettable peut s’expliquer de différentes manières. D’une part, les écrits de Hamann ne sont guère connus, peu étudiés et encore moins cités. D’autre part, son œuvre n’est pas proprement philosophique et qui plus est, Hamann, peut-être plus que quiconque, a la réputation d’être un écrivain «ésotérique, confus et obscur, inintelligible, [une] figure excentrique et isolée, consumé par une sorte de christianisme individuel, décrit sous (...)
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    Javier San Martín Y Tomás Domingo moratalla (eds.). Perspectivas sobre la Vida humana: Cuerpo, mente, género, persona. Madrid, biblioteca nueva, 2011, 389 pp. [REVIEW]Sonia E. Rodríguez García - 2012 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 9:535-539.
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  18. Sotomayor's reasoning.Linda Martín Alcoff - 2010 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 48 (1):122-138.
    Justice Sonia Sotomayor was vilified for arguing that one's social identity can contribute positively to judgment or public reason. This paper considers and expands on Sotomayor's arguments, showing that identity is relevant to snap judgments and to sensation transference that affects how speakers are assessed. It further develops a hermeneutic account of identity that can make sense of its epistemic relevance without foreclosing individual variation.
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    Schopenhauer e a filosofia da moral crítica: rumo à ética animal.Luana Chrystina Martins Tosta - 2020 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 18 (1).
    Se uma parte da filosofia ocidental contemporânea passou a considerar os animais não-humanos como dignos de reconhecimento moral, isto se deu em grande parte ao salto no entendimento ético no qual Arthur Schopenhauer contribuiu imensamente. Tal evento se deu da ética racionalista, das aparências, defendida pela filosofia tradicional, para a ética essencialista e extensionista das vivências pensadas pelo filósofo pessimista. Enquanto a ética tradicional baseia-se no ideal de dever – pela abstração, portanto restrito ao “eu”, a prolongar as relações de (...)
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  20. New Forms of Subjectivity: Theorizing the Relational Self with Foucault and Alcoff.Erin C. Tarver - 2011 - Hypatia 26 (4):804-825.
    Taking seriously Linda Martín Alcoff's suggestion that we reevaluate the extent to which poststructuralist articulations of the subject are truly socially constituted, as well as the centrality of Latina identity to her own account of such constitution, I argue that the discussion Alcoff and other Latina feminists offer of the experience of being Latina in North America is illustrative of the extent to which the relational and globally situated constitution of subjects needs further development in many social-constructionist accounts of selfhood. (...)
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    Separably closed fields with Hasse derivations.Martin Ziegler - 2003 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 68 (1):311-318.
    In [6] Messmer and Wood proved quantifier elimination for separably closed fields of finite Ershov invariant e equipped with a (certain) Hasse derivation. We propose a variant of their theory, using a sequence of e commuting Hasse derivations. In contrast to [6] our Hasse derivations are iterative.
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  22.  40
    The Phenomenology of Religious Life.Martin Heidegger - 2004 - Indiana University Press.
    Publisher's description: The Phenomenology of Religious Life presents the text of Heidegger's important 1920621 lectures on religion. First published in 1995 as volume 60 of the Gesamtausgabe, the work reveals a young Heidegger searching for the striking language that eventually formed the mature expression of his thought. The volume consists of the famous lecture course "Introduction to the Phenomenology of Religion," a course on "Augustine and Neoplatonism," and notes for a course on "The Philosophical Foundations of Medieval Mysticism" that was (...)
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  23. El "Teeteto". Acerca de la naturaleza del saber propio de la filosofía primera.Martín Zubiria - 1986-1987 - Philosophica 9:97.
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    Enseñar y aprender filosofia a partir del pensar logotectónico.Martín Zubiria - 2005 - Phainomenon 10 (1):137-152.
    The aim of this essay is to consider what it means to teach and learn philosophy in accordance with logotectonic thinking. The contemporary obsession with critical thinking, incessant questioning, and addressing “current problems” gains its genuine philosophical meaning only in the light of logotectonic building, which is able to differentiate philo-sophical thinking- as thanks-giving and learning·from the sofia and what has been thought – from the modern-”meditation” (Besinnung) and the submodern “anarchic” reflection.
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  25. H. Boeder. Topologie der Metaphysik.Martín Zubiría - 1984 - Philosophia (Misc.) 45:93.
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    La idea boederiana del saber civil y su relación con el idealismo alemán.Martín Zubiria - 2018 - Isegoría 59:651-661.
    Recognize the “philo- sophia ” as such, this side of Postmodernism, means, starting from the surprising studies of Heribert Boeder, see it as a thought epochally built on a Wisdom, that is, on a initial Knowledge about the Destiny of Man. For the philo-sophical thought of the so-called “German Idealism”, that Wisdom is neither that of the Muses, as in the First epoch, neither the “Christian sapientia”, as in the Middle epoch, but the “Civil Consciousness” about Duty and Freedom.
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  27. Scheier, A.: Kierkegaards Aergernis. Die Logik der Faktizitaet in den "Philosophischen Rissen".Martín Zubiría - 1988 - Philosophia:275.
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  28. Sobre el presente de la filosofía.Martín Pedro Zubiria - 2003 - Laguna 13:167-182.
    Tanto la explicación de sentido de la modernidad como el lenguaje de la posmodernidad han rechazado la noción de presente intemporal conocida otrora por la filosofía. Aquí se quiere mostrar en qué sentido y por qué razón el novísimo pensamiento logotectónico permite recuperar aquella noción merced a una nueva distinción del presente.
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  29. Thcmason, Burke C., Making Sense of Reification. Alfred Schutz and Constructionist Theory.Martín Zubiría - 1988 - Philosophia:281.
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    Sums of at most 8 ordinals.Martin M. Zuckerman - 1973 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 19 (26‐29):435-446.
  31.  10
    Being and Truth.Martin Heidegger - 2010 - Indiana University Press.
    "Fried and Polt's translation of Martin Heidegger's Being and Truth is a well-crafted and careful rendering of an important and demanding volume of the Complete Works."-Andrew Mitchell, Emory University In these lectures, delivered in 1933-1934 while he was Rector of the University of Freiburg and an active supporter of the National Socialist regime, Martin Heidegger addresses the history of metaphysics and the notion of truth from Heraclitus to Hegel. First published in German in 2001, these two lecture courses (...)
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    Basic Concepts.Martin Heidegger - 1993 - Indiana University Press.
    . This is thinking that is alive, always green.Ó ÑReview of Metaphysics ÒThis translation . . . enlarges our historical view of the probing advances in Heidegger's thought.Ó ÑInternational Studies in Philosophy This clear translation ...
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  33. Non-pharmacological cognitive enhancement.Martin Dresler, Anders Sandberg, Kathrin Ohla, Chris Bublitz, Carlos Trenado, Aleksandra Mroczko-Wąsowicz, Simone Kühn & Dimitris Repantis - 2013 - Neuropharmacology 64:529-543.
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    What is philosophy?Martin Wolfson - 1958 - Journal of Philosophy 55 (8):322-336.
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    Knowledge and Control.Martin Carrier - 2004 - In Peter K. Machamer & Gereon Wolters (eds.), Science, Values, and Objectivity. University of Pittsburgh Press. pp. 275.
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    Goats Follow Human Pointing Gestures in an Object Choice Task.Christian Nawroth, Zoe M. Martin & Alan G. McElligott - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Myth and ?science? in Aristotle's theology.Martin D. Yaffe - 1979 - Man and World 12 (1):70-88.
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    The Awakening of the Greek Historical Spirit.Martin Ostwald & Chester G. Starr - 1970 - American Journal of Philology 91 (3):357.
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    The Completeness of Scientific Theories: On the Derivation of Empirical Indicators within a Theoretical Framework: The Case of Physical Geometry.Martin Carrier - 2012 - Springer.
    Earlier in this century, many philosophers of science (for example, Rudolf Carnap) drew a fairly sharp distinction between theory and observation, between theoretical terms like 'mass' and 'electron', and observation terms like 'measures three meters in length' and 'is _2° Celsius'. By simply looking at our instruments we can ascertain what numbers our measurements yield. Creatures like mass are different: we determine mass by calculation; we never directly observe a mass. Nor an electron: this term is introduced in order to (...)
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  40. Kant et le problème de la métaphysique.Martin Heidegger, Alphonse de Waehlens & Walter Biemel - 1953 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 8 (2):189-191.
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  41. Rationality.Martin Hollis & B. Wilson - 1982 - In Martin Hollis & Steven Lukes (eds.), Rationality and relativism. Cambridge: MIT Press. pp. 99--100.
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  42. Evolutionary change and lawlikeness : Beatty on biological generalizations.Martin Carrier - unknown
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    Cultural safety and the socioethical nurse.Martin Woods - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (6):715-725.
    This article explores the social and ethical elements of cultural safety and combines them in a model of culturally safe practice that should be of interest and relevance for nurses, nurse educators and nurse ethicists in other cultures. To achieve this, the article briefly reviews and critiques the main underpinnings of the concept from its origins and development in New Zealand, describes its sociocultural and sociopolitical elements, and provides an in-depth exploration of the key socioethical elements. Finally, a model is (...)
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  44.  56
    Exploring the relevance of social justice within a relational nursing ethic.Martin Woods - 2012 - Nursing Philosophy 13 (1):56-65.
    Abstract In the last few decades, a growing number of commentators have questioned the appropriateness of the 'justice view' of ethics as a suitable approach in health care ethics, and most certainly in nursing. Essentially, in their ethical deliberations, it is argued that nurses do not readily adopt the high degree of impartiality and objectivity that is associated with a justice view; instead their moral practices are more accurately reflected through the use of alternative approaches such as relational or care-based (...)
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  45. The Shifts and the Shocks; What we’ve learned – and have still to learn – from the financial crisis.Martin Wolf - 2014
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    Finding categories through words: More nameable features improve category learning.Martin Zettersten & Gary Lupyan - 2020 - Cognition 196 (C):104135.
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  47. The sharing of personal science and the narrative element in science education.Brian E. Martin & Wytze Brouwer - 1991 - Science Education 75 (6):707-722.
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    ‘When morals and markets collide’: Challenges to an Ethic of Care in Aged Residential Care.Martin Woods, Suzanne Phibbs & Chrissy Severinsen - 2017 - Ethics and Social Welfare 11 (4):365-381.
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    Being otherwise: On the possibility of a non-dualistic approach in feminist phenomenology.Marzena Adamiak - 2022 - Technoetic Arts 20 (1):11-25.
    This article reflects on the current philosophical tendency to construct non-dualistic subjectivity models in response to the criticism of the traditional authoritarian human subject. Following thinkers such as Emmanuel Lévinas, Michel Foucault or Jacques Derrida, the literature has largely identified traditional metaphysics based on dualistic hierarchies as the major source of violence. Perceiving phenomenology as a method that focuses on the concepts of the lived experience and situatedness, I combine this approach with the feminist calls for dismantling the hierarchical relationship (...)
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    Changing laws and shifting concepts.Martin Carrier - 2001 - In Paul Hoyningen-Huene & Howard Sankey (eds.), Incommensurability and Related Matters. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 65--90.
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