Lucia M. Vaina [5]Lucia Vaina [2]
  1.  82
    From shapes and movements to objects and actions.Lucia Vaina - 1983 - Synthese 54 (January):3-36.
  2.  18
    Computational Theories and Their Implementation in the Brain: The Legacy of David Marr.Lucia M. Vaina & Richard E. Passingham (eds.) - 2016 - Oxford University Press UK.
    In the late 1960s and early 1970s David Marr produced three astonishing papers in which he gave a detailed account of how the fine structure and known cell types of the cerebellum, hippocampus and neocortex perform the functions that they do. Marr went on to become one of the main founders of Computational Neuroscience. In his classic work 'Vision' he distinguished between the computational, algorithmic, and implementational levels, and the three early theories concerned implementation. However, they were produced when Neuroscience (...)
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  3. Akinetopsia, achromatopsia and blindsight: Recent studies on perception without awareness.Lucia M. Vaina - 1995 - Synthese 105 (3):253-271.
    The neural substrate of early visual processing in the macaque is used as a framework to discuss recent progress towards a precise anatomical localization and understanding of the functional implications of the syndromes of blindsight, achromatopsia and akinetopsia in humans. This review is mainly concerned with how these syndromes support the principles of organization of the visual system into parallel pathways and the functional hierarchy of visual mechanisms.
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  4.  77
    Two-dimensional symmetric form discrimination: Fast learning, but notthat fast.Ivans Chou & Lucia M. Vaina - 1995 - Synthese 104 (1):33 - 41.
    Several authors have characterized a striking phenomenon of perceptual learning in visual discrimination tasks. This learning process is selective for the stimulus characteristics and location in the visual field. Since the human visual system exploits symmetry for object recognition we were interested in exploring how it learns to use preattentive symmetry cues for discriminating simple, meaningless, forms. In this study, similar to previous studies of perceptual learning, we asked whether the effects of practice acquired in the discrimination of pairs of (...)
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  5. Common functional pathways for texture and form vision: A single case study.Lucia M. Vaina - 1990 - Synthese 83 (1):93-131.
    A single case study of a patient, D.M., with a lesion in the region of the right occipito-temporal gyrus is presented. D.M. had well-preserved language and general cognitive abilities. Colour discrimination, contrast sensitivity, gross depth perception, spatial localization, and motion appreciation were within normal limits.On the evaluation of perceptual abilities, he failed to identify two-dimensional shapes from stereoscopic vision, motion, and texture although in all cases he was able to identify the rough area subtended by the shape. These findings are (...)
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  6.  11
    Fuzzy sets in the semiotic of text.Lucia Vaina - 1980 - Semiotica 31 (3-4).
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  7.  74
    Inference of object use from pantomimed actions by aphasics and patients with right hemisphere lesions.Lucia M. Vaina, Harold Goodglass & Lawren Daltroy - 1995 - Synthese 104 (1):43-57.
    Twenty-four aphasic and fifteen right brain-damaged subjects were compared on their ability to identify the objects whose use was depicted in a series of twenty videotaped pantomimes. Aphasics were inferior to right brain-damaged patients in inferring object use. Success was correlated with Performance IQ, but not with language measures. Analysis of movement features contributing to subjects' choices reveal speed of movement and object weight to be the most robust and hand shape and size to be the most fragile.
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