Results for 'Lucia Galovičová'

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  1.  51
    Fraassen, B. C. van: Scientific Representation: Paradoxes of Perspective. [REVIEW]Lucia Galovičová - 2011 - Filozofia 66:386-390.
  2.  16
    Academic Outcomes in Bilingual Children With Developmental Language Disorder: A Longitudinal Study.Eva Aguilar-Mediavilla, Lucía Buil-Legaz, Raül López-Penadés, Victor A. Sanchez-Azanza & Daniel Adrover-Roig - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Why dignity is a troubling concept for AI ethics.Jon Rueda, Txetxu Ausín, Mark Coeckelbergh, Juan Ignacio del Valle, Francisco Lara, Belén Liedo, Joan Llorca Albareda, Heidi Mertes, Robert Ranisch, Vera Lúcia Raposo, Bernd C. Stahl, Murilo Vilaça & Íñigo De Miguel - 2025 - Patterns 6 (3).
    The concept of dignity is proliferating in ethical, legal, and policy discussions of AI, yet dignity is an elusive term with multiple philosophical interpretations. The authors argue that the unspecific and uncritical employment of the notion of dignity can be counterproductive for AI ethics.
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    Constraining Factors to Rural Women's Empowerment: A Perspective from the Specialized Literature.Abd Leidy Viviana Guauque Acero, William Orlando Alvarez Araque & Hilda Lucia Jiménez Orozco - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:86-104.
    This study analyzes the constraining factors of women's empowerment in rural contexts, focusing on socioeconomic and sociocultural factors. It examines the limited access to economic resources, employment opportunities, gender roles, social norms, and access to education as segregating elements, restricting empowerment. From this perspective, the purpose of this research is to review the specialized literature to analyze these factors and determine guidelines to strengthen empowerment in rural communities. With a qualitative approach, the research is also descriptive and reviews studies and (...)
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    Refletindo sobre letramento e responsividade na formação docente.Antônio Carlos Santos de Lima, Lúcia de Fátima Santos & Rita de Cássia Souto Maior - 2014 - Bakhtiniana 9 (2):111-130.
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  6. The Oxford Handbook of Constituent Power.Peter Niesen, Markus Patberg & Lucia Rubinelli (eds.) - forthcoming - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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    A concepção ampliada da mente segundo C. S. Peirce.Lucia Santaella - 2020 - Cognitio 20 (2):392-403.
    Desde meados do século 20, quando as ciências cognitivas desabrocharam e continuaram até hoje o seu caminho de avanços ininterruptos, os temas relativos à noção da consciência, a par das buscas de definição para os conceitos da mente, pensamento, inteligência etc. têm ocupado posição central nessas ciências e mesmo para além delas. Recentemente, a preocupação com esses conceitos cresceu com bastante ênfase a partir da explosão até agora bem-sucedida da inteligência artificial. O que é inteligência? Como a cognição humana se (...)
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    Unpacking the cognitive map: The parallel map theory of hippocampal function.Lucia F. Jacobs & Françoise Schenk - 2003 - Psychological Review 110 (2):285-315.
  9.  10
    Abbattista, Lucía (2019). Justicialismo y cultura en la Guerra Fría : El retorno de Oscar Ivanissevich al Ministerio de Cultura y Educación (Argentina 1974-1975). [REVIEW]María Lucía Abbattista - 2021 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 11 (22):e097.
    Reseña de Abbattista, M. Lucía. (2019). Justicialismo y cultura en la Guerra Fría. El retorno de Oscar Ivanissevich al Ministerio de Cultura y Educación (Argentina 1974-1975).
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  10. Stuff versus individuals.Lucía Lewowicz & Olimpia Lombardi - 2012 - Foundations of Chemistry 15 (1):65-77.
    The general question to be considered in this paper points to the nature of the world described by chemistry: what is macro-chemical ontology like? In particular, we want to identify the ontological categories that underlie chemical discourse and chemical practice. This is not an easy task, because modern Western metaphysics was strongly modeled by theoretical physics. For this reason, we attempt to answer our question by contrasting macro-chemical ontology with the mainstream ontology of physics and of traditional metaphysics. In particular, (...)
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    El transhumanismo o el fin de las esencias: el (bio)conservadurismo y su reminiscencia aristotélica.Lucía Ortiz de Zárate Alcarazo - 2020 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 53:99-118.
    El transhumanismo o el movimiento a favor del mejoramiento humano a través de la tecnología vive, actualmente, un momento álgido. Los avances en Inteligencia Artificial e ingeniería genética permiten que soñemos con seres capaces de vencer a la muerte y poseer capacidades hasta ahora desconocidas. Sin embargo, en este artículo veremos que no todo el mundo está de acuerdo con estas ideas y hay quienes consideran las promesas del transhumanismo más como pesadillas que como sueños. Estos son los conservadores. Los (...)
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  12.  23
    Not Just for Nurses.Lucia Wocial - 2022 - Hastings Center Report 52 (5):46-47.
    Hastings Center Report, Volume 52, Issue 5, Page 46-47, September–October 2022.
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    Mélodie, essence et espèce. Thématisme et variations entre Raymond Ruyer et Maurice Merleau-Ponty.Lucia Zaietta - 2019 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 101 (1):79.
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    An urgent call for ethics education.Lucia D. Wocial - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (4):21 – 23.
    The target article by Grady and colleagues (2008) is a valuable and exciting contribution to the debate about the importance of ethics education for nurses. The findings indicated that ethics educa...
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  15.  82
    From shapes and movements to objects and actions.Lucia Vaina - 1983 - Synthese 54 (January):3-36.
  16.  46
    Species Egalitarianism and Respect for Nature.Lucia Schwarz - 2021 - In Richard Dean & Oliver Sensen, Respect: philosophical essays. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 208-302.
    Lucia Schwarz urges a reconsideration of the implications of species egalitarianism, which is an essential element of the position in environmental ethics that Paul Taylor calls “respect for nature.” Species egalitarianism’s claim that every living thing has equal inherent worth appears to lead to counterintuitive conclusions, such as that killing a human being is no worse than killing a dandelion. Species egalitarians have generally responded by explaining that species egalitarianism is compatible with recognizing moral differences between killing different types (...)
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  17.  22
    Epigenetic regulation of replication origin assembly: A role for histone H1 and chromatin remodeling factors.Lucia Falbo & Vincenzo Costanzo - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (1):2000181.
    During early embryonic development in several metazoans, accurate DNA replication is ensured by high number of replication origins. This guarantees rapid genome duplication coordinated with fast cell divisions. In Xenopus laevis embryos this program switches to one with a lower number of origins at a developmental stage known as mid‐blastula transition (MBT) when cell cycle length increases and gene transcription starts. Consistent with this regulation, somatic nuclei replicate poorly when transferred to eggs, suggesting the existence of an epigenetic memory suppressing (...)
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  18. Economies of wonder : the production of spectacle at the Kumbh mela.Amanda Lucia - 2023 - In Tulasi Srinivas, Wonder in South Asia: histories, aesthetics, ethics. Albany: State University of New York Press.
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  19.  79
    Values, quality, and evaluation in ethics consultation.Lucia D. Wocial, Elizabeth Molnar & Mary A. Ott - 2016 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 7 (4):227-234.
  20.  83
    Pediatric Ethics and Communication Excellence (PEACE) Rounds: Decreasing Moral Distress and Patient Length of Stay in the PICU.Lucia Wocial, Veda Ackerman, Brian Leland, Brian Benneyworth, Vinit Patel, Yan Tong & Mara Nitu - 2017 - HEC Forum 29 (1):75-91.
    This paper describes a practice innovation: the addition of formal weekly discussions of patients with prolonged PICU stay to reduce healthcare providers’ moral distress and decrease length of stay for patients with life-threatening illnesses. We evaluated the innovation using a pre/post intervention design measuring provider moral distress and comparing patient outcomes using retrospective historical controls. Physicians and nurses on staff in our pediatric intensive care unit in a quaternary care children's hospital participated in the evaluation. There were 60 patients in (...)
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  21.  46
    A Defense of Individualism in the Age of Corporate Rights.Lucia M. Rafanelli - 2017 - Journal of Political Philosophy 25 (3):281-302.
    Views that say corporations can be agents in their own right, metaphysically distinct from their individual members, are increasingly popular. Given the moral significance usually attributed to agency, this raises the question of whether corporate agents have moral rights comparable with those of individual agents. In this article, I argue that, even if we accept corporations can be agents, we must conclude that their moral rights are more limited than, because they are derivative of, the rights of their individual members. (...)
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    L'emploi de portante (donc) dans des textes écrits en portugais du Brésil Ana Lûcia Tinoco Cabrai (Sâo Paulo).Ana Lûcia Tinoco Cabrai - forthcoming - Argumentation.
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    Phlogiston, Lavoisier and the purloined referent.Lucía Lewowicz - 2011 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 42 (3):436-444.
  24.  43
    Narratives, memorable cases and metaphors of night nursing: findings from an interpretative phenomenological study.Lucia Zannini, Maria Grazia Ghitti, Sonia Martin, Alvisa Palese & Luisa Saiani - 2015 - Nursing Inquiry 22 (3):261-272.
    The aim of the study was to explore the experiences of night nurses. An interpretative phenomenological study was undertaken, and 35 nurses working in Italian medical, surgical and intensive care units were purposely recruited. Data were gathered in 2010 by semi‐structured interviews, collecting nurses' narratives, memorable cases and metaphors, aimed at summarising the essence of work as a nurse during the night. The experience of night nursing is based on four interconnected themes: (i) working in a state of alert, (ii) (...)
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    Are We Moving Beyond Voluntary CSR? Exploring Theoretical and Managerial Implications of Mandatory CSR Resulting from the New Indian Companies Act.Lucia Gatti, Babitha Vishwanath, Peter Seele & Bertil Cottier - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (4):961-972.
    Although the literature on corporate social responsibility has discussed the scope and meaning of CSR extensively, confusion still exists regarding how to define the concept. One controversial issue deals with the changing legal status of CSR. Based on a review of CSR definitions and meta-studies on CSR definitions, we find that the majority of definitions leans toward voluntary CSR. However, some recent regulatory amendments toward mandatory CSR have called into question the established idea of CSR as merely a managerial tool (...)
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  26.  18
    Low or High-Level Motor Coding? The Role of Stimulus Complexity.Lucia Amoruso & Alessandra Finisguerra - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    A.A. Cáceres – L.J. Reyes Marzo, La fe bahaí ¿una nueva religión mundial?Lucía Carbonell - 2011 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 16:318-321.
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    De la geologie a son histoire: Ouvrage edite en hommage a Francois Ellenberger. Gabriel Gohau.Lucia Ciancio - 1999 - Isis 90 (3):576-577.
  29. Ariel, lo spirito del 'fool' da Shakespeare a Karen Blixen.Lucia Giovani - 1995 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 16:99-122.
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    Este banco en el parque.Lucía Guerra - 2004 - Alpha (Osorno) 20.
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  31. The purloined referent: Lavoisier and the disappearance of phlogiston.Lucía Lewowicz - unknown
    In this paper, I challenge the long-established view that the term phlogiston fails to refer. After a close examination of the reference of phlogiston during Lavoisier’s Chemical Revolution, I show that it referred throughout to a natural substance, fire matter. I state that Lavoisier eliminated the term but not its referent, which he renamed caloric, and I claim that it is in the historical and cultural context of the Chemical Revolution that the Lavoisier’s intentions can be understood.
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    Beijing between Smith and Marx.Lucia Pradella - 2010 - Historical Materialism 18 (1):88-109.
    In Adam Smith in Beijing, Giovanni Arrighi attempts to outline the possible consequences of the growth of China through a rereading of the work of Adam Smith and a critique of Marx. This article analyses and sheds light on the limits of this reading, upon which Arrighi bases his prediction of a possible peaceful growth in collaboration amongst the various nations within the world-market. It also seeks to identify what makes Marx’s work so timely for the understanding of the contemporary (...)
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  33.  15
    She-Coronavirus: How cartoonists reflected women health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.Lucía Sapiña & Martí Domínguez - 2022 - European Journal of Women's Studies 29 (2):282-297.
    Women account for 70% of healthcare workers, so their role has been – and still is – fundamental in addressing and managing the current pandemic event caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Far from being an opportunity to highlight the importance of women in the field, the healthcare crisis, together with lockdown policies and care responsibilities, have contributed to increase the gender gap. To study the depiction of women healthcare professionals, this paper analyses 401 cartoons on the COVID-19 pandemic that depict (...)
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  34.  13
    L’« Accordanse » mère-bébé dans un bain sensoriel et émotionnel en dépression.Lucia Stella - 2022 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 238 (4):141-158.
    La dépression hante notre contemporanéité. « Mal du siècle », elle envahit notamment les lieux de consultation et services hospitaliers accueillant les bébés et leurs parents. Les recherches montrent les impacts de la dépression maternelle sur le développement de l’enfant et la nécessité d’accompagner le processus de parentalité dans ce cas de figure. Après quelques repères théoriques autour de la dépression maternelle et/ou conjointe, l’article propose une thérapeutique qui s’est révélée efficace. Il s’agit d’Accordanse : un dispositif de soin et (...)
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    Adorno.Lucia Sziborsky - 2010 - In Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, Oliver Furbeth & Susan H. Gillespie, Music in German Philosophy: An Introduction. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    This chapter investigates the biography of Theodor W. Adorno and assesses his particular thoughts on musical philosophy. Adorno was born in Frankfurt am Main on September 11, 1903. While on vacation in Visp, Switzerland, he died of a heart attack on August 6, 1969. Aesthetic Theory, with Philosophy of New Music at its heart, subsumed the legacy of Adorno's entire philosophy; along with his Negative Dialectics and a planned work on moral philosophy that his early death prevented. Art and philosophy (...)
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    Inference of object use from pantomimed actions by aphasics and patients with right hemisphere lesions.Lucia M. Vaina, Harold Goodglass & Lawren Daltroy - 1995 - Synthese 104 (1):43-57.
    Twenty-four aphasic and fifteen right brain-damaged subjects were compared on their ability to identify the objects whose use was depicted in a series of twenty videotaped pantomimes. Aphasics were inferior to right brain-damaged patients in inferring object use. Success was correlated with Performance IQ, but not with language measures. Analysis of movement features contributing to subjects' choices reveal speed of movement and object weight to be the most robust and hand shape and size to be the most fragile.
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  37. Promoting Justice Across Borders.Lucia M. Rafanelli - 2021 - Political Studies 69 (2):237-56.
    Political theorists have written a great deal about the ethics of “intervention,” defined as states using coercion or force to interfere in foreign societies’ politics. But this work leaves much of global politics un-analyzed—both because non-state actors play an increasingly significant role in it and because its practitioners use many tactics besides force and coercion.We need an ethics of foreign influence to help us navigate the global political arena in all its complexity. Here, I begin to develop a unified theory (...)
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    Non-Cinema, or The Location of Politics in Film.Lúcia Nagib - 2016 - Film-Philosophy 20 (1):131-148.
    Philosophy has repeatedly denied cinema in order to grant it artistic status. Adorno, for example, defined an ‘uncinematic’ element in the negation of movement in modern cinema, ‘which constitutes its artistic character’. Similarly, Lyotard defended an ‘acinema’, which rather than selecting and excluding movements through editing, accepts what is ‘fortuitous, dirty, confused, unclear, poorly framed, overexposed’. In his Handbook of Inaesthetics, Badiou embraces a similar idea, by describing cinema as an ‘impure circulation’ that incorporates the other arts. Resonating with Bazin (...)
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    Política, ciudadanía y subjetividad. Reflexiones sobre la emancipación y la democracia a partir de Étienne Balibar y Jacques Rancière.Lucía Vinuesa - 2021 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 35:404-434.
    Resumen Este artículo intentará contribuir a la discusión teórica y filosófica política sobre la emancipación y la democracia en base a la producción intelectual reciente de Étienne Balibar y Jacques Rancière. Las nociones con las que ambos autores acompañan la idea de emancipación, por una parte, iluminan sobre otros modos posibles de pensar la política, las luchas y la transformación, y, por otra parte, permiten re-significar la filosofía y la política, así como la inclusión de la igualdad radical entre los (...)
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    Interaction Promotes the Adaptation of Referential Conventions to the Communicative Context.Lucía Castillo, Kenny Smith & Holly P. Branigan - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (8):e12780.
    Coordination between speakers in dialogue requires balancing repetition and change, the old and the new. Interlocutors tend to reuse established forms, relying on communicative precedents. Yet linguistic interaction also necessitates adaptation to changing contexts or dynamic tasks, which might favor abandoning existing precedents in favor of better communicative alternatives. We explored this tension using a maze game task in which individual participants and interacting pairs had to describe figures and their positions in one of two possible maze types: a regular (...)
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    NAFTA Students’ Whistle-Blowing Perceptions: A Case of Sexual Harassment.Lucia Peek, Maria Roxas, George Peek, Yves Robichaud, Blanca Covarrubias Salazar & Jose Barragan Codina - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 74 (3):219-231.
    Business students from the three NAFTA countries were shown a possible Sexual Harassment scenario from Arthur Andersen’s Business Ethics Program. They were asked to respond to a pre-questionnaire concerning the three characters’ behaviors and possible actions and a post-questionnaire after writing a report from the points of view of the three characters in the scenario. The students were asked to consider whether the characters should report the possible harasser to their supervisor, and thus engage in whistle-blowing behavior, as well as (...)
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  42.  18
    Estallido social: Espacios y monumentos insurrectos de octubre.Lucía Durán & Edu León - 2021 - Corpus.
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    Can a few non‐coding mutations make a human brain?Lucía F. Franchini & Katherine S. Pollard - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (10):1054-1061.
    The recent finding that the human version of a neurodevelopmental enhancer of the Wnt receptor Frizzled 8 (FZD8) gene alters neural progenitor cell cycle timing and brain size is a step forward to understanding human brain evolution. The human brain is distinctive in terms of its cognitive abilities as well as its susceptibility to neurological disease. Identifying which of the millions of genomic changes that occurred during human evolution led to these and other uniquely human traits is extremely challenging. Recent (...)
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  44. (1 other version)Note di Lettura a Globalizare la responsabilità e la speranza di C. Quarta.Nico Lucia - 2006 - Idee: Rivista di Filosofia 61:147-158.
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    Individual risk and collective fears:.Lucia Mitello & Fabrizio Rufo - 2004 - Topoi 23 (2):221-227.
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    World Cinema and the Ethics of Realism.Lúcia Nagib - 2011 - Continuum.
    Introduction -- Physical cinema. The end of the other -- The immaterial difference : Werner Herzog revisited -- The reality of the medium. Conceptual realism in Land in trance and I am Cuba -- The work of art in progress : an analysis of delicate crime -- The ethics of desire. The realm of the senses, the ethical imperative and the politics of pleasure -- Hara and Kobayashi's "private documentaries" -- The self-performing auteur : ethics in João César Monteiro.
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    Una voce che veniva da lontano: saggi e ricerche su María Zambrano.Lucia Parente - 2018 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Integrating Catholic Social Thought in Elder Law and Estate Planning Courses.Lucia A. Silecchia - 2010 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 7 (2):353-405.
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    La premiere personne en biologie : passion et révolution: Repenser la subjectivité animale a la lumiere de la dimension pathique.Lucia Zaietta - 2017 - Studia Phaenomenologica 17:151-176.
    Animality is a central issue in phenomenology. If the core of the phenomenological approach is the investigation into the correlation between subject and object, what are we talking about when we talk about animal subjectivity? Is it possible to include the notion of animal being in the category of subject? What kind of intentionality does it possess? Our article will analyse the pathic dimension in order to track down some indications about animal subjectivity. Particular emphasis shall be placed on Weizsacker (...)
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    Risk Perception and Protective Behaviors During the Rise of the COVID-19 Outbreak in Italy.Lucia Savadori & Marco Lauriola - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Risk perception is important in determining health-protective behavior. During the rise of the COVID-19 epidemic, we tested a comprehensive structural equation model of risk perception to explain adherence to protective behaviors in a crisis context using a survey of 572 Italian citizens. We identified two categories of protective behaviors, labeled promoting hygiene and cleaning, and avoiding social closeness. Social norms and risk perceptions were the more proximal antecedents of both categories. Cultural worldviews, affect, and experience of COVID-19 were the more (...)
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